Design Guide For Roadways
Design Guide For Roadways
Design Guide For Roadways
2nd Edition,
January 2006
This document has been developed so as to aid in the proper design, construction, and maintenance of
asphalt pavements in Colorado. It is not intended to replace any standards or requirements that may be
We would like to thank each of the representatives that reviewed a draft copy of the report and had input into
its final product. Like any document of this nature, changes, updates, and corrections will be needed. We envision an
updated version made every two to three years. Please let us know of any discrepancies that you come
across or insights that you have to strengthen the document in the next edition.
The document was originally developed based on one produced by the Missouri Asphalt Pavement
Association. Western Colorado Testing, Inc. of Grand Junction was retained by CAPA to coordinate its
development. We thank both of these organizations.
The second edition is based on the information contained in the first edition with update and additional
information from other Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association documents.
Through the development and use of this guide, we can further our mission of developing, improving, and
advancing the quality of asphalt pavements in Colorado. Hopefully, you will find it to be an effective
This guideline was developed in cooperation with a number of organizations and associations. The following
have endorsed this Guideline as a reference for the design and use of HMA pavements in Colorado:
APPENDIX A ..........................................................................................................................ASPHALT BINDER GRADE SELECTION
APPENDIX B .................................................................................................................................................................MGPEC Form #9
APPENDIX C ........................................................................................................................................................ WEB SITE ADDRESS
Hot Mix Asphalt is a combination of two primary ingredients - aggregates and an asphalt binder. The
aggregates total ninety to ninety five percent of the total mixture by weight. They are mixed with
approximately four to eight percent asphalt binder to form HMA.
The aggregates and asphalt are combined in an efficient manufacturing plant capable of producing Hot Mix
Asphalt paving materials. Plant equipment includes: cold feed bins for storage of graded aggregate; a dryer
for drying and heating aggregates to the required mixing temperature; a pug mill for combining the graded
and heated aggregate with a liquid asphalt cement according to specified mix formulas; and tanks for storing
the liquid asphalt binder. CDOT requires one percent hydrated lime to be added to mixes to help insure the
coating of the aggregate by the asphalt binder.
HMA is transported by truck to the paving site where it is spread to a uniform thickness with a mechanical
paving or finishing machine. After being placed to the desired thickness as specified for each individual lift,
the HMA is compacted to the required density by heavy, self-propelled rollers, producing a smooth, well-
compacted pavement course.
The paving or finishing machine places the HMA at temperatures above 285° F. Generally, the material is
compacted before the mix temperature falls below 180° F to achieve required density.
There are approximately 12 million tons of HMA placed in Colorado each year. A majority of this amount is
placed on city, county, commercial and residential type projects.
The black cementing agent known as asphalt binder has been used in road construction for centuries.
Although there are natural deposits of asphalt, or rock asphalt, most of the asphalt used today is produced
by the oil refining industry. Asphalt, a constituent of most petroleum products, is isolated through the refining
process of distillation. The distillation process for obtaining asphalt from heavy crude oil is shown in Figure
Asphalt is called a bituminous material because it contains bitumen, a hydrocarbon material soluble in
carbon disulfide. The tar obtained from the destructive distillation of soft coal also contains bitumen. Both
petroleum asphalt and coal tar are referred to as bituminous materials. However, because their properties
differ greatly, petroleum asphalt should not be confused with coal tar. Petroleum asphalt is composed
almost entirely of bitumen. The bitumen content in coal tar is relatively low. Therefore, the two materials
should be treated as separate entities.
One of the characteristics and advantages of asphalt as an engineering construction and maintenance
material is its great versatility. Although a semi-solid
at ordinary atmospheric temperatures, asphalt can be
liquefied by applying heat, dissolving it in solvents, or
emulsifying it. Asphalt is a strong type of cement that
is readily adhesive, highly waterproof and durable,
making it particularly useful in road building. It is also
highly resistive to the actions of most acids, alkalis,
and salts.
Cutback Asphalt
Cutback asphalts are liquid asphalts which are manufactured by adding (cutting back) petroleum solvents
(also called cutter stock or diluents) to asphalt cements. They are made to reduce the asphalt viscosity for
lower application temperatures. Application to aggregate or pavement causes the solvent to escape by
evaporation, thus leaving the asphalt cement residue on the surface. Based on the relative rate of
evaporation, cutback asphalts are classified into three types: Rapid Cure (RC), Medium Cure (MC) and
Slow Cure (SC).
The type of distillate (solvent) used in their production determines the grade of the cutback asphalt. Rapid
Cure grades are typically blended with light, highly volatile diluents, such as naphtha, that will evaporate
quickly and leave a hard, viscous-base asphalt to function with the aggregate on the road. Medium Cure
grades are “cutback” with a less volatile kerosene-type of solvent which evaporates more slowly leaving a
base asphalt of medium hardness or viscosity. Slow-Curing blends contain a low-volatility fuel-oil type
solvent and thus require the longest curing period. They leave a soft, low-viscosity asphalt on the aggregate.
Slow Cure grades are not used as much as the Rapid Cure and Medium Cure grades as it typically takes
many months for these heavy diluents to evaporate and cure. The various sub-grades within a grade of
cutback asphalts are determined by the amount of solvent used in their production.
Some of the types and characteristics of cutback asphalts are also noted in Table 1-1. The table also lists
some of the available grades of cutbacks.
The use of cutback asphalt and its availability has been greatly reduced due to environmental restrictions
(solvents evaporating into the atmosphere, causing air pollution).
Emulsified Asphalt
An asphalt emulsion is produced by combining asphalt cement, water and an emulsifying agent through a
high-shear device called a colloid mill. Hot AC is pumped into the colloid mill where it is sheared into very
small droplets, typically within the range of one to ten microns in diameter. Simultaneously, an emulsifying
agent, dispersed in water, is pumped into the colloid mill. The emulsifying agent is both hydrophilic (likes
water) and lipophilic (likes oil/asphalt). The lipophilic part attaches itself to the asphalt particle and the
hydrophilic side suspends these particles in the water medium. From the colloid mill, the asphalt emulsion is
then directed to its respective storage tank. The asphalt cement makes up from 55 to 70 percent of the
emulsion. Most emulsions are made with asphalt in the 100-250 penetration range.
As usage and grade dictate, asphalt emulsions may contain additional stabilizers, coating enhancers, anti-
stripping agents, solvents and break control agents that can be either co-milled during production or post-
added into the emulsion.
There are three categories of emulsified asphalt, Anionic, Cationic and Nonionic. The emulsifying agents
impart minute electrical charges on the emulsion droplets. If the droplet charge is negative, the emulsion is
Anionic. A positively charged emulsion is a Cationic emulsion. Nonionic emulsions are neutral, and their
droplets have no electrical charge. Most asphalt emulsions used in the paving industry are either Anionic or
Cationic. Nonionic emulsions are seldom used.
Emulsions are graded based on how quickly the asphalt droplets coalesce, that is, recombine into asphalt
cement. Rapid Setting (RS) grades of emulsion tend to coalesce very quickly after coming in contact with
aggregate and hence have little or no ability to mix with aggregate. RS grades are typically used for chip
and/or sand seals. Medium Setting (MS) grades are expected to mix with coarse aggregates but not fine
aggregates. Slow Setting (SS) and Quick Setting (QS) emulsions are formulated to mix with fine
aggregates. A Quick Setting emulsion will break (start coalescing) sooner than a Slow Setting emulsion.
The QS grades are typically used for Slurry Seal. Some of the types and characteristics of emulsified
asphalts are also noted in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1
Asphalt Types, Characteristics and General Uses
Flash Point2
Percent Asphalt Type - Percent Penetration (Min) Application
Type/Grade Min. Cutback (Min-Max) Temperature General Uses
MC-70 55 Kerosene 45 70-140 100°F 145-165 Bit. Seal Coat, Tack, Cold Mix,
Patch Mix
MC-250 67 Kerosene 33 250-500 150°F 165-200 Bit. Seal Coat, Tack, Cold Mix,
Patch Mix
MC-800 75 Kerosene 25 800-1600 150°F 175-255 Bit. Seal Coat, Tack, Cold Mix,
Patch Mix
MC-3000 80 Kerosene 20 3000-6000 150°F 215-290 Bituminous Seal Coat
AASHTO M-226, Table 2 see Specification 4137
Note: Flash-point does not necessarily indicate burning or explosive point. However, care should be exercised when heating RC and MC asphalts
because the cutback used reacts the same as gasoline. Material used as cold patch should be mixed at the lowest temperature possible to prevent
loss of cutback causing the mixture to harden before use.
*Boils Over at 180°F.
Further, the numbers ”-1” (for lower viscosity - thinner) and ”-2 “ (for higher viscosity - thicker) designates the
viscosity of an emulsion. A small ”h” or ”s“ is used to designate that harder or softer based asphalt was used
in its production. If the emulsion is manufactured with polymer-modified asphalt then its designation will
contain a “p”. The “HF” preceding some of the Anionic grades indicates High-Float, as measured by the
viscosity float test. High-float emulsions have a quality that permits a thicker asphalt film on the aggregate
particles with minimum probability of drainage.
Examples of emulsion designation are as follows:
$ CMS-2s is a Cationic, Medium Setting grade of emulsion with a high viscosity, made from soft
asphalt cement.
$ CSS-1h is a Cationic, Slow Setting emulsion with a low viscosity made from hard asphalt.
$ CRS-2p is a Cationic Rapid Setting emulsion with a high viscosity, manufactured from polymer-
modified asphalt.
$ HFMS-2s is an Anionic, High-Float, Medium Setting grade of emulsion with a high viscosity and
made with soft asphalt cement.
$ SS-1h is an Anionic, Slow Setting, low viscosity asphalt emulsion made with hard asphalt.
$ HFRS-2p is an Anionic, High-Float Rapid Setting grade of high viscosity manufactured from
polymer-modified asphalt.
The designations, RS, MS, SS and the viscosity designations “-1” and “-2” are relative only to each other.
Because emulsified asphalt contains water, certain precautions must be observed when storing them:
$ Store as you would fluid water, between 50°F (10°C) and 185°F (85°C), depending on use and
$ Use hot water as the heating medium for storage tanks with heating coils.
$ Do not let the heating surface exceed 212°F. (100°C) for it will break the emulsion on the heating
Emulsified asphalt is a versatile and environmentally friendly product that has been used successfully in
Colorado since 1960. A list of general uses of emulsified asphalt is shown in Table 1-2. For more
information on the use of emulsified asphalt, consult MS-19, “A Basic Asphalt Emulsion Manual”, a
publication of The Asphalt Institute. This manual is also available on-line at Also
consult your local emulsion supplier for more specific information.
Table 1-2
General Uses of Emulsified Asphalt in Colorado
ASTM D 2397 ASTM D 2397
MS -1 HFMS -2h
MS -1 HFMS -2
MS-1 HFMS -1
Type of Construction
HFMS -2h
CMS- 2h
CMS – 2
CSS- 1h
CRS -1
CRS- 2
CSS -1
SS -Ih
SS -1
Asphalt – aggregate mixtures
For pavement bases and surfaces:
Plant mix (hot) X
Plant mix (cold)
Open graded aggregate X X X X
Dense-graded aggregate X X X X X
Sand X X X
Open-graded aggregate X X X X
Dense-graded aggregate X X X X X
Sand X X X X X
Sandy soil X X X X X
Slurry seal X X X X X
Asphalt-aggregate applications:
Treatments and seals:
Single surface treatment (Chip seal) X X
Multiple surface treatment X X
Sand seal X X
Asphalt applications: C C C C
Fog seals X X X X X
Prime coat-penetrable surface X X X X
Tack coat X X X X X
Dust binder X X X X X
Mulch treatment X X X X X
Crack filler X X X X
Maintenance mix:
Immediate use X X X X X
A- Grade of emulsion other than HFRMS – 2hmay be used where experience has shown that they give satisfactory performance
B- May be diluted with water by the manufacturer
C- Diluted with water
D- Mixed – in prime only
Performance Graded (PG) binders have two numbers in their designation such as PG 58-34. Both numbers
describe the pavement temperatures in Celsius degrees at which the pavement must perform. The first
number (58 [136E F] in the example) is the high temperature standard grade for the pavement, and the
second number (Minus 34 [29E F] in the example) is the low temperature standard grade. This pavement
service temperature range (58E C to minus 34E C) is the range the pavement is expected to perform. The
high pavement temperature is measured 20 mm below the pavement surface while the low temperature is
that of the pavement surface.
A comparison of viscosity graded binders to approximate PG graded binders is shown in Table 1-3. For
severe temperature variation it is necessary to modify the PG graded binders. Typical modifiers are
polymers and latex. For example, a soft base AC binder is used for the cold properties of the binders and a
modifier is added to control the hot properties of the binder's performance. A general rule of thumb is that if
the sum of the two numbers in the designation of the binder is greater than 90 (know as the rule of 90's), the
asphalt binder in more likely to be a modified binder. For example, PG 58-22, the sum of the two numbers is
80, therefore, PG 58-22 is a non-modified asphalt binder. A PG 76-28, the sum of the two numbers is 104,
therefore, PG 76-28 is a modified asphalt binder. The cost of the asphalt binder increases as the extent of
the modification increases.
Table 1-3
Comparison of Viscosity Graded Binder to Approximate PG Graded Binders
Most geographic regions in Colorado utilize two primary PG grades of asphalt binder. Typically, one non-
modified grade and one modified grade. For example, CDOT Region 4 typically uses a PG 58-22 and a PG
64-28. Table 1-4 lists the PG graded binders that are utilized in each CDOT region.
Table 1-4
PG Grades of Binders Specified by CDOT for Different Geographic Areas in Colorado
Region PG Grades
Region 1 (Eastern Plains) 76-28, 64-22, 64-28 , 58-28
Region 2 (Pueblo) 76-28, 64-22, 64-28 , 58-28
* *
Region 3 (Grand Junction) 76-28 , 64-28 , 58-28, 58-34
* *
Region 4 (Greeley) 76-28 , 64-22, 64-28
Region 5 (Durango) 76-28, 64-22, 58-28, 58-34
Region 6 (Metro Denver) 76-28 , 64-22
Denotes grades that are most likely modified.
Table 1-4 list the PG Grade Binder specifications for binders used in Colorado.
Appendix A provides a theoretical guide for the selection of Superpave binders and the Superpave mix
design process. Also contained in Appendix A is CDOT’s procedure for selecting Superpave binders. The
most helpful resource to local agencies for determining the best binder for their locale is CDOT’s Regional
Materials Engineers or asphalt suppliers. They are knowledgeable regarding which PG graded binders work
best with the aggregates and temperatures in their regions.
Table 1-5
Performance Graded Asphalt Binder Specifications
Performance Grade PG 58 PG 64 PG 76
Average 7-day Pavement Design Temperature, EC -22 -28 -34 -22 -28 - 28
Minimum Pavement Design Temperature, EC <58 <64 <76
Original Binder
Flash Point Temp, T 48, Minimum °C 230
Viscosity, ASTM D 4402:
Maximum, 3 Pa-s (3000 cP), 135
Test Temp @ 10 rad/sec, EC
Dynamic Shear, TP5:
G*/sin *, Minimum, 1.00 kPa 58 64 76
Test temp @ 10 rad/sec, EC
Rolling Thin Film Oven (T 240) or Thin Film Oven (T 179) Residue
Maximum Loss, Maximum, % 1.00
Dynamic Shear, TP5:
G*/sin *, Minimum, 2.20 kPa 58 64 76
Test temp @ 10 rad/sec, EC
Pressure Aging Vessel Residue (PPI)
PAV Aging temperature, EC 100 100 100 (110)
Dynamic Shear, TP5:
G*/sin *, Minimum, 5000 kPa 22 19 18 25 22 28
Test temp @ 10 rad/sec, EC
Physical Harding Report
Creep Stiffness, TP1:
S, Maximum, 300 MPa
-12 -18 -24 -12 -18 -18
m-value, Minimum, 0.300
Test Temp, @ 60 Sec, EC
Direct Tension, TP3:
Failure Strain, Minimum, 1.0% -12 -18 -24 -12 -18 -18
Test Temp @ 1.0 mm/min, EC
Aggregates (or mineral aggregates) are hard, inert materials such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag, or
rock dust. Properly selected and graded, aggregates are mixed with the cementing medium asphalt to form
pavements. Aggregates are the principal load-supporting components of HMA pavement. Typically they
total ninety to ninety five percent of the mixture by weight and 75 to 85 percent by volume.
The rich supply of natural resources in the Rocky Mountains provides the majority of Colorado with high
quality paving materials. In Colorado, aggregates come from river deposits, talus gravel, either from river or
glacial deposits, and quarried bedrock deposits. The aggregates that are produced in Colorado are very
highly resistant to abrasion and low in permeability, which is essential to quality asphalt pavements.
Geologically, the aggregates are mostly granites, limestone, andesite, and basalt.
HMA paving aggregates are classified according to source or means of preparation. A brief description of
the classifications follows:
Pit or Bank-Run Aggregates. Both gravel and sand are typically pit or bank-run natural aggregates. They
usually are screened to proper size and washed to remove dirt before being used for HMA paving purposes.
Processed Aggregates. When natural pit or bank-run aggregate has been crushed and screened to
make it suitable for HMA pavements, it is considered a processed aggregate. Crushing typically
improves the particle shape by making the rounded
particles more angular. Crushing also improves the size
distribution and range.
1. Size and grading - The maximum size of an aggregate is the smallest sieve through which 100
percent of the material will pass. With Superpave, the use of the “nominal maximum aggregate size”
is referenced. Nominal maximum aggregate size is the one sieve size larger than the first sieve in
which at least 10% of the material is retained. How the HMA is to be used determines not only the
maximum aggregate size, but also the desired gradation (distribution of sizes smaller than the
2. Cleanliness - Foreign or deleterious/organic substances make some materials unsuitable for paving
mixtures. Plastic fines are also unsuitable in paving aggregates.
3. Toughness - Toughness or hardness is the ability of the aggregate to resist crushing or disintegration
during mixing, placing and compacting; or under traffic loading.
5. Particle shape - The shapes of aggregate particles influence the asphalt mixture's overall strength
and workability as well as the density achieved during compaction. When compacted, irregular
angular shaped particles such as crushed stone tend to "lock" together and resist displacement. Flat
and elongated aggregate particles should be avoided because during placement and compaction they
tend to align themselves horizontally and do not "lock" together resulting in loss of stability and
strength in the mix.
6. Surface texture - Workability and pavement strength are influenced by surface texture. A rough,
sandpaper-like surface texture results in a higher strength than a smooth texture. Although smooth-
faced aggregates are easy to coat with an asphalt film, they are generally not as good as rough
surfaces. It is harder for the asphalt to "grip" the smooth surface.
7. Absorption - The porosity of an aggregate permits it to absorb asphalt and form a bond between the
aggregate particle and the asphalt. Some degree of porosity is desired, but aggregates that are highly
absorbent are generally not desirable.
8. Stripping - When the asphalt film separates from the aggregate because of the action of water, it is
called stripping. Stripping usually starts at the bottom of the HMA layer and progresses upward.
When stripping starts at the surface and progresses downward it results in raveling. Aggregates
coated with too much dust also can cause poor bonding between the aggregate and the asphalt
binder, which results in stripping. Some aggregates are more compatible with asphalt than others.
Aggregates readily susceptible to stripping action usually are not suitable for HMA paving mixes unless
an anti-stripping agent or lime is used. High-silica-content-aggregates (silica) are not as compatible with
asphalt as are aggregates that have high magnesium and iron (mafic).
In the early years of HMA design, there were several methods used to determine the asphalt content of HMA
mixtures. The methods ranged from the simple “Pat Test”, which was a visual determination of the amount
of asphalt residual stain left on a piece of brown manila paper after being press against the HMA sample, to
the more sophisticated methods of the last several decades like the Marshall and Hveem methods. The
Marshall method was used by approximately 75% of the state highway departments. Most recently, the
outcome from the SHRP program was the development of a newer, more accurate method that can more
closely replicate the actual experience that the HMA pavement will experience in the field. This new method
is the Superpave method. Today, nearly all states have implemented the Superpave Mixture Design
Figure 2-1 Full-depth Asphalt Pavement Section
In general, the design of a new HMA pavement structure involves two
basic pavement types: (1) full-depth pavements (Figure 2-1), and (2)
pavements with an untreated aggregate base course (Figure 2-2).
! Resistance to Permanent Deformation (Rutting) - The mix should not distort or displace when
subjected to traffic especially when temperatures are elevated.
! Fatigue Resistance - The mix should not crack when subjected to repeated loads over a period of time.
! Resistance to Low Temperature Cracking - The mix should not crack during low or freezing
temperature period of time.
! Durability - The HMA mixture must contain sufficient content of asphalt binder to ensure film coverage of
the aggregate particles.
! Resistance to Moisture Induced Damage - The HMA mixture should be resistant to water causing the
loss of adhesion between the aggregate surface and the asphalt binder. This is a property of the
aggregate even thought some asphalt binders are more susceptible to water than others. This
phenomenon is called stripping.
! Skid Resistance - A mixture designed to provide sufficient resistance to skidding to permit normal
turning and braking movement to occur.
! Workability - The HMA mixture must be capable of being placed and compacted with reasonable effort.
HMA is composed of aggregates with an asphalt binder and when required, certain anti-stripping additives.
As the result of the recently completed Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), now commonly
referred to as “Superpave”, asphalt binders are classified based on their performance at both hot and cold
temperatures. By carefully selecting quality aggregates and the correct Superpave Performance Graded
(PG) asphalt binder, it is possible to produce high quality hot mix asphalt for a wide variety of climatic
conditions in Colorado.
PG graded asphalt binders available in Colorado can be compared to previous viscosity graded binders.
The comparisons were discussed in Chapter 1 and shown in Table 1-3.
When developing a HMA mix design for a project, a good reference to follow is the Colorado Department
of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2005 Edition or the Metropolitan Pavement Engineers
Council’s Pavement Design Standards and Construction Specifications for the particular class and
mixture size required. This will result in uniformity and economy because most Colorado contractors will
have job mixes on several mixtures already prepared for state or local agency use. In the absence of a
previously prepared job mix, the contractor or private testing laboratory should develop a job mix formula for
the desired project, and intended use. The job mix formula should include the following information:
! Project information
! Name of Contractor
! Mix design method and compaction level
! Pit identification
! Bin combination percentages
! Physical properties of the aggregates (Quality properties - L.A. Abrasion, Fractured Faces, Sand
Equivalent, Fine Aggregate Angularity...etc.)
! Aggregate specific gravity's - for each aggregate and composite material
! Asphalt binder grade and binder specific gravity
! Mixing and compaction temperatures
! Individual stockpile and composite gradations and 0.45 power curve
! Percent asphalt based on total weight
! Graphical plot of voids, VMA, VFA, unit weight (bulk) and unit weight (maximum theoretical)
The asphalt mix design or job mix formula should be based on Superpave technology. The compaction
effort or number of gyrations of compaction at Design (Ndesign) for the Superpave compactor is varied to allow
for different levels of compaction for different traffic loading (Equivalent Single Axle Loads - ESAL's). The
various design gyrations used for Superpave are similar to different blow counts for the Marshall Method of
Mix Designs. The new recommended Ndesign requirements (Table 2-1) for Superpave show the number of
gyrations for different traffic loads (ESAL's).
Table 2-1
Traffic Loading vs. Design Compaction Gyrations
TRAFFIC LOAD Compaction Gyrations
ESAL's (millions) Ndesign
< 0.3
Paths and Non-vehicular Use
0.3 – 3 75
3 – 30 100
> 30 125
The HMA mixture gradations shown in Table 2-2, from Table 703-3 "Master Range Table for Hot
Bituminous Pavement" Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications are
suggested guidelines for the type and mixture size specified.
Table 2-2
Master Range Table for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement
Percent by Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieves
Sieve Size 1
Grading SX Grading S Grading SG
37.5 mm (1 1/2") 100
25.0 mm (1") 100 90-100
19.0 mm (3/4") 100 90-100
12.5 mm (1/2") 90-100 * *
9.5 mm (3/8") * * *
4.75 mm (#4) * * *
2.36 mm (#8) 25-58 23-49 19-45
1.18 mm (#16)
600:m (#30) * * *
300:m (#50)
150:m (#100)
75:m (#200) 2-10 2-8 1-7
*These additional Form 43 screens will be established for the Contractor's Quality Control Testing using values
from the As Used Gradation shown on the Design Mix.
For definitions of mix aggregate size see definitions below
Superpave uses the following definitions for designating the aggregate mixture size for the various gradings
shown in Table 2-2:
· Maximum Size - One sieve size larger than the nominal maximum size.
· Nominal maximum Size - One sieve size larger that the first sieve to retain more than 10
One very critical element of the Superpave system is the use of high quality aggregates. Quality
requirements of aggregates (according to factors such as freeze and thaw, abrasion, plasticity index, etc.)
for the various mixes should comply with the Colorado DOT Standard Specifications Section 703.04
"Master Range Table for Hot Mix Asphalt". These aggregate requirements have been implemented as
part of the Superpave mixture design system.
The fine and coarse aggregate angularity requirements are a part of insuring a high quality. The fine
aggregate angularity requirement insures high quality sand (manufactured sand) in HMA mixtures. It is a
critical requirement of the Superpave system. These aggregate quality requirements are summarized in the
following table.
Table 2-3
Aggregate Properties for HMA Mixes
Coarse Fine
Aggregate Test Property Retained on #4 Passing #4
Flat & Elongated Pieces (Ratio 3:1) AASHTO M283 10% maximum -
Sodium Sulfate Soundness AASHTO T104 12% maximum - Combined Coarse / Fine
The volumetric properties of the mix design are shown in Tables 2-4 and 2-5. Design air voids of the HMA
should range from three percent to five percent with a target of four percent.
d" 14 15 16
The Nominal Maximum size is defined as one size larger than the first sieve to retain more than 10%.
Interpolate specified VMA values for design air voids between those listed.
Voids Filled with Asphalt (VFA) are based on traffic levels (ESALs) and at 4% air voids. The VFA
requirements are shown in Table 2-5.
Table 2-5
Voids Filled with Asphalt Binder Requirements
VFA Criteria
ESAL's (millions) Design VFA, %
< 0.3 70 – 80
0.3 – 3 65 – 78
3 – 30 65 – 75
> 30 65 – 75
In addition to a new and improved specification system for asphalt binders
(Performance Grade - PG binders) and enhanced aggregate requirements, the
Superpave mixtures design system is based on volumetric properties and utilizes
a gyratory compactor (Superpave Gyratory Compactor - SGC) as the method of
compaction. In contrast to the Marshall hammer, the Superpave Gyratory
Compactor uses a kneading-type action to compact specimens in a way that is
more consistent with in-place roadway compaction.
The number of gyrations (i.e. 68, 76, 86, 96, and 109 - Asphalt Institute’s mix
design procedure) is used to specify mixtures similar to the Marshall method of
50 Blow or 75 Blow design. The number of design gyrations (Ndesign or gyration
level) is dependent on the traffic volume of the roadway. The higher the traffic
volume, the higher the mix design gyration level (Ndesign). Table 2-6 identifies the
Ndesign level vs. traffic levels that have been established by MGPEC in the Denver area for Superpave design
Table 2-6
MGPEC Superpave Mix Design Guidelines
Lift Thickness - in. Aggregate Gradation Designation
<2 SX
2 to 3 S
4 to 4 SG
Traffic Level Traffic Loadings - ESALs Gyration Level - Ndesign Asphalt Binder Grade - PG
1 < 0.3 x 10 68 58-28
6 6
2 0.3 x 10 to < 1.0 x 10 76 58-28
6 6
3 1.0 x 10 to < 3.0 x 10 86 58-28, 64-22, 76-28
6 7
4 3.0 x 10 to < 1.0 x 10 96 64-22, 76-28
7 7
5 1.0 x 10 to < 3.0 x 10 109 64-22, 76-28
Table 2-6 differs from the number of gyrations (Ndesign) shown in Table 2-1. The Metropolitan Government
Pavement Engineers Council (MGPEC) specifications for 2001 are following the Asphalt Institute’s mix
design procedures. In 2002 they are adopting the gyration levels shown in Table 2-1. Agencies can use the
gyration levels shown in Table 2-1 prior to 2002 and are encouraged to do so. The gyration levels shown in
Table 2-1 are a result of a comparison of HMA mix properties at the various gyration levels to see the
difference between each level mixture. The results of the comparison shown very little difference for the
gyration ranges in mixture properties. The reduced number of gyration levels will result in lower cost mix
designs in the future.
Table 2-6 provides general guidance on specifying a Superpave mixture design. The guidance is consistent
with the MGPEC design guidance.
For example, a 2-inch lift on a low volume roadway the following mix may be used:
· Aggregate gradation - SX
· Ndesign - 75 gyrations
· Asphalt binder grade - PG 58-28
Each element is an important variable in the structural design process. The performance life of the HMA
pavement depends on the close attention given to detail when analyzing traffic loading, soil-support
capability, and material specifications.
The degree of detail needed in a specific design situation is related to the type of use intended for the
pavement and the sensitivity of each variable. For example, a freeway design with large traffic volumes and
heavily-loaded trucks requires a careful estimate of traffic; however, the number of bicycles and the loading
on a bicycle path would not be significant factors in the path's structural design.
Colorado has an infinite variety of geology and soil conditions. As moisture and void contents vary within a
given soil type, its strength characteristics will also change. Because drainage and soil-support capability
are major factors in pavement life, it is important to know the quality of the supporting soil. This is especially
true for a facility that will require a large construction investment. There should usually be a soil analysis
during the thickness design process for almost all types of pavement.
On the other hand, a specific traffic study or soil analysis for a residential street or parking lot may not be
deemed necessary in a certain location. For example, a location having uniform subgrade soils of known
quality and a long and successful record of HMA pavements constructed for a specific use (e.g., driveways
and residential streets), provides the designer with a background for selecting acceptable values.
In this Design Guide, pavement section thickness is determined using the following information:
In Chapter Three, strength coefficients are provided for various types of materials available for use in the
pavement section. Chapter Three also provides thickness design procedures for determining alternate
pavement sections.
Because the primary function of a pavement is to transmit and distribute wheel loads of vehicles to the
supporting subgrade, information about the traffic stream is required. Pavement should be designed to
serve traffic needs over a period of years. The volume of traffic and the various types of vehicles using the
facility should be estimated for the pavement's anticipated performance period.
A traffic assessment for an existing roadway, that is going to be improved, should be based on a detailed
traffic count of the existing traffic. The existing traffic should be determined for the following three
Since pavements are usually designed for periods ranging up to 20 years on the average or more, it is
necessary to predict the ESAL’s for this period of time, i.e., the performance period. The performance
period, often referred to as the design period, is defined as the period of time that an initial pavement
structure will last before reaching its terminal serviceability. Any performance period may be used with this
Guide since design is based on the total number of equivalent single axle loads (ESAL’s). However,
experience may indicate a practical upper limit based on considerations other than traffic. The ESAL’s for
the performance period represent the cumulative number from the time the roadway is opened to traffic to
the time when the serviceability is reduced to a terminal value (e.g., pt equal to 2.5 or 2.0). If the traffic is
underestimated, the actual time to pt will probably be less than the predicted performance period, thereby
resulting in increased maintenance and rehabilitation costs.
The maximum performance period to be used in designing for a particular pavement type should reflect
agency experience. The performance period and corresponding design traffic should reflect real-life
experience. The performance period should not be confused with the pavement life. The pavement life may
be extended by periodic rehabilitation of the surface or pavement structure.
The equivalent loads derived from the many traffic prediction procedures represent the totals for all lanes for
both directions of travel. This traffic must be distributed by direction and by lanes for design purposes.
Directional distribution is usually made by assigning 50 percent of the traffic to each direction, unless
available measured traffic data warrant some other distribution. In regard to lane distribution, 100 percent of
the traffic in one direction is often assigned to each of the lanes in that direction for purposes of structural
design if measured distributions are not available.
For purposes of pavement structure design, it is necessary to estimate the cumulative number of 18-kip
equivalent single axle loads (ESAL’s) for the design (performance) period. The number of ESAL’s may or
may not be proportional to the average daily traffic. Truck traffic is the essential information required to
calculate ESAL’s; it is therefore very important to correctly estimate future truck traffic for the facility during
the design period. The effects of truck traffic on a pavement can be dramatic. Tests have shown that a
single-unit, fully loaded, 80,000 pound truck can cause pavement damage equivalent to that caused by
6,000 automobiles. This illustrates why carefully made estimates of expected traffic are critical to proper
pavement design.
The accepted traffic analysis procedure currently used by CDOT is under review by both Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) and the Department. Some changes may result, but for this edition of the Design
Guide the parameters used to determine the traffic volume for design purposes is based on current methods.
Based on these current methods, several important parameters need to be determined:
! Design Traffic - is determined based on the traffic volume on comparable types of pavement and types
and numbers of trucks expected to operate on the roadway over the performance period of the facility
(usually twenty but sometimes ten years).
CDOT uses a five step procedure to predict the design total ESAL’s used in pavement section design. The
five steps are discussed below.
Step 1. Determine the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) for the first year and the last year of the design
period. Use the appropriate growth factor for the last year of the design period. Calculate the ADT
for the midpoint of the design period by adding the ADT of the first year and the ADT of the last year
and divide by two.
Step 2. Separate the ADT of the midpoint by classification of vehicle. The ADT is separated in to the
following three classifications:
Step 3. Multiply the number of vehicles in each classification by the appropriate 18k equivalency
factor. Table 2-7 show the equivalency factors determined by a study of Colorado traffic in 1987.
The damaging effect of an axle is different for a flexible pavement and a rigid pavement; therefore
there are different equivalency numbers for the two pavements.
Table 2-7
18 Kip Equivalency Factor for Pavement Types
Vehicle Classification Flexible Pavement Rigid Pavement
Passenger cars & pickup trucks 0.003 0.003
Single unit trucks 0.249 0.285
Add the product of each equivalency factor and number of vehicles to yield a single number of ESALs
for each pavement type.
Step 4. Multiply this number by 365 (days in a year) and the number of years in the design period.
Step 5. Multiply the 18k ESAL’s for the roadway by the lane factor in Table 2-8. This will be the 18k
ESAL for the design lane over the design period. Table 2-8 shows the lane factor that correlates to
the number of lanes per direction. Lane Factors from Total 18k ESAL to Design Lane 18k ESAL
Where: 18K ESAL20 is the number of 18 kip equivalent single axle loads for the design period
(20 years).
R is the number of residential density units served by the roadway.
For new commercial areas where the roadways provide access to retail stores, businesses, office and other
commercial areas, the following formula (2-2) can be used to estimate traffic volumes. These types of
roadways receive a large mix of residential traffic along with trash trucks and delivery trucks. The formula
(2) can be used for roadways with both commercial and residential traffic, but should not be used for
commercial areas greater than ten acres. If the area is greater than ten acres, a traffic study should be
In industrial areas roadways provide access to property zoned for industrial use, such as, manufacturing,
distribution and warehousing. Industrial roadways are typically subjected to some heavy truck loads, will
also serve commercial areas and may serve some residential areas. Formula (2-3) should be not be used
for an area with commercial and industrial uses larger than ten acres. Larger areas than ten acres, a traffic
study should be done.
Since pavements are designed to handle the number of ESAL’s it will experience for its performance period,
when estimating traffic, detail should be given to estimating intersection traffic volumes. Intersections not
only have to handle the traffic loadings of the roadway under design but also have to handle the traffic
volume of the cross roadway. The cross traffic needs to be accounted for as part of the traffic volume of the
project for that intersection. An in-depth discussion of intersection pavement design is included in Chapter 7.
In The Asphalt Institute's "HMA Pavement Thickness Design Guideline (IS-181)", traffic is separated into
classes. This Design Guide follows the Institute's traffic class style by breaking traffic into six classes, I
through VI. Each class is defined by an average daily traffic range, the average number of heavy trucks
expected on the pavement during the design period, the assigned ESAL’s, and the appropriate type of street
or highway.
CLASS I - (Very Light) Less than 50 autos per day, less than 7,000 heavy trucks expected during design
period. Total ESAL’s: < 0.3 million. Typical use areas are as follows:
CLASS III - (Medium) Up to 700 autos per day, 70,000 to 150,000 trucks expected during design period.
Total ESAL’s: 0.5 to 1.0 million. Typical use areas are as follows:
CLASS IV - (Medium) Up to 4,500 autos per day, 700,000 to 1,500,000 trucks expected during design
period. Total ESAL’s: 0.5 to 1.0 Million. Typical use areas are as follows:
CLASS V - (Heavy) Up to 9,500 autos per day, 2,000,000 to 4,500,000 trucks expected during design
period. ESAL’s 1.0 - 10 Million. Typical use areas are as follows:
CLASS VI - (Very Heavy) Unlimited autos, 7,000,000 to 15,000,000 trucks expected during design period.
ESAL’s > 10 Million. Typical use areas are as follows:
For more information on this subject refer to the Asphalt Institute's publications "Thickness Design - HMA
pavements for Highways and Streets (MS-1)” and “HMA Pavement Thickness Design (IS-181)". This
publication may be obtained by contacting the Asphalt Institute at
The ability of the subgrade to support loads transmitted from the pavement is one of the most important
factors in determining pavement thickness. The subgrade
should serve as a working platform to support construction
equipment and as a foundation for the pavement structure that
supports and distributes traffic loads. It is essential to evaluate
the strength of the subgrade before beginning the structural
design of the pavement. Figure 2-3 shows the spread of a
wheel load through the pavement structure and on to the
Figure 2-3 Wheel load Distribution through Pavement Structure
Soil is classified for road and street construction in order to predict subgrade performance on the basis of a
few simple tests. The American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
classification system for soils is commonly used as an indicator for subgrade-support value.
According to the AASHTO system, soils that have approximately the same general load-carrying capabilities
are grouped in classifications of A-1 through A-7 as shown in Table 2-9. In general, the best highway
subgrade soils are A-1, and the worst are A-7. The classification is based on a sieve analysis, plasticity
index, and liquid limit of the soil being tested.
Table 2-9 Classification of Soil-Aggregate Mixtures with Suggested Subgroups
General Granular Materials Silt-Clay Materials
Classification (35% or less passing No. 200) (More than 35% passing No. 200)
A-1 A-3 A-2 A–4 A-5 A-6 A-7
Group Classification A-7-5;
A-1-a A-1-b A-2-4 A-2-5 A-2-6 A-2-7
Sieve Analysis:
Percent Passing:
No. 10 50 Max
No. 40 30 Max 50 Max 51 Min
No. 200 15 Max 25 Max 10 Max 35 Max 35 Max 35 Max 35 Max 36 Min 36 Min 36 Min 36 Min
Characteristics of
fraction passing
No. 40:
Liquid Limit 40 Max 41 Min 40 Max 41 Min 40 Max 41 Min 40 Max 41 Min
Plasticity Index 6 Max N.P. 10 Max 10 Max 11 Min 11 Min 10 Max 10 Max 11 Min 11 Min
Usual types of Significant Stone Fragments, Fine
Silty or Clayey Gravel and Sand Silty Soils Clayey Soils
Constituent Materials Gravel & Sand Sand
General Rating
Excellent to Good Fair to Poor Poor
as Subgrade
Within a given soil group the strength properties of the soil are a function of the density, void ratio, and
moisture content. Fine grained soils are much more influenced by changes in these properties than are
coarse grained soils. Because thickness calculations depend on the strength of the finished subgrade, the
soil should be tested for this information. Tests are based on bearing capacity related to the moisture and
density of the soil. The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is one of the most widely used methods of measuring
the strength of the subgrade. The CBR value can be measured directly on the in-situ soils in the field or on
remolded samples in the laboratory. Determining an R-Value (Hveem method) is another method of
measuring the subgrade strength, but can only be performed on a laboratory prepared sample.
The lower the CBR or R-Value of a particular soil, the less strength it has to support the pavement. This
means that a thicker pavement structure is needed on a soil with a low CBR or R-Value than on a soil with a
high CBR or R-Value. Generally, clays have a CBR classification of six or less. Silty loam and sandy loam
soils are next with CBR values of six to eight. The best soils for road building purposes are the sands and
gravels whose CBR ratings normally exceed ten. Corresponding R-Values are ten or less for clays, ten to
thirty for silty loam and sandy loam soils, and thirty or higher for sands and gravels.
The change in pavement thickness needed to carry a given traffic load is not directly proportional to the
change in CBR or R-value of the subgrade soil. For example, a one-unit change in CBR from five to four
requires a greater increase in pavement thickness than does a one-unit CBR change from ten to nine.
For the design method presented in this Guide, CBR and R-Values are converted to a Resilient Modulus
(MR) so the CDOT design procedure, which parallels the AASHTO design procedure, can be used. MR is a
measure of the elastic property of soil recognizing certain nonlinear characteristics. MR can be used directly
for the design of flexible pavements. Direct measurement of subgrade reaction can be made if such
procedures are considered preferable to the designer.
The resilient modulus was selected to replace a soil support value for the following reasons:
· It indicates a basic material property which can be used in mechanistic analysis of
multilayered systems for predicting roughness, cracking, rutting, faulting, etc.
· Techniques are available for estimating the MR properties of various materials in-place
from nondestructive tests.
It is recognized that many agencies do not have equipment for performing the resilient modulus test.
Therefore, suitable factors are reported which can be used to estimate MR from standard CBR, R-value and
soil index test results or values. The equations for converting CBR or R-values are presented in Chapter
A qualified laboratory should conduct tests to provide soil classification and subgrade strength information
(such as the CBR or R-Values). Such testing is necessary to ensure a proper structural design and should
be a part of all projects.
For discussion in this guide, the soils have been divided into three classes: good (G), moderate (M), and
poor (P). Typical CBR and R-Values are provided for these different subgrade classes.
Good (G) - Good subgrade soils retain a substantial amount of their load-supporting
capacity when wet. Included in this subgrade class are the clean sands,
sand-gravels, and those free of detrimental amounts of plastic materials.
Excellent subgrade soils are relatively unaffected by moisture or frost and
contain less than 15 percent passing a No. 200 mesh sieve. A soil classified
as good will have a CBR value of 9 or greater or an R-Value of 30 or higher.
Moderate (M) - Moderate subgrade soils are those that retain a moderate degree of firmness
under adverse moisture conditions. Included in this subgrade class are such
soils as loams, silty sands, and sand gravels containing moderate amounts of
clays and fine silts. When this soil becomes a cohesive material, it should
have a minimum proctor density of 110 pounds per cubic foot. A soil
classified as moderate will have a CBR value of six to eight or an R-Value in
the range from ten to thirty.
Poor (P) - Poor subgrade soils are those that become quite soft and plastic when wet.
Included in this subgrade class are those soils having appreciable amounts of
clay and fine silt (50 percent or more passing a No. 200 sieve). The coarse
silts and sandy loams may also exhibit poor bearing properties in areas where
deep frost penetration into the subgrade is encountered for any appreciable
periods of time. This also is true where the water table rises close to the
surface during certain periods of the year. A soil classified as poor will have a
CBR value of five or less or an R-Value of less than ten.
When fine grained soils are very moist or saturated it is recommended that the field CBR test method be
used because it allows one to measure the actual in-situ strength of the soil.
Very poor soils (those with a CBR of 3 or lower or R-Values of 5 or less) often perform poorly as pavement
subgrade. The performance of very poor soils can be stabilized with the addition of granular material. Lime,
fly-ash, asphalt cement, Portland cement, and combinations of cement stabilizers also can be added to
improve the subgrade support value. The selection of a stabilizing agent, the amount to use, and the
application procedure depend on the soil classification and the subgrade-support value desired. These
should be determined through appropriate laboratory testing and engineering evaluation. Chapter 4
provides a detailed discussion of subgrade modification.
The very poor soils can also be bridged using various types of geotextiles. The tensile strength of the
geotextile provides the bridging action. Geosynthetics are discussed in Chapter 6.
RAP is typically generated through two reclamation procedures: milling and full-depth removal.
Milling is frequently used in a rehabilitation program where an upper layer of existing pavement is removed
and replaced with new pavement to lengthen the pavement’s service life. Milled RAP has the additional
benefit of being ready to recycle immediately without additional processing. RAP from a single layer
typically has uniform properties (RAP gradation, aggregate gradation, asphalt content and asphalt
characteristics). For this reason, millings are frequently segregated and identified in separate stockpiles at a
storage location.
Pavement can also be removed completely in total reconstruction. Here, heavy construction equipment
breaks the entire pavement structure into manageable slabs and loads them into trucks for transportation to
a processing site. The slabs are then crushed to a usable size for recycling.
RAP can be used in Superpave mixes. Virgin material and RAP should meet applicable aggregated
properties, gradation and volumetric properties. RAP gradations should be included in your calculations of
mix gradation. RAP should be treated as a stockpiled aggregate. And when determining your trial asphalt
content in the mixture, the asphalt content of the RAP needs to be taken into account. Some general
requirements for using RAP are:
! 100 percent of the material has to pass the 50 mm (2 in.) Sieve;
! Deleterious materials are held to a maximum of two percent or as specified by the DOT;
! No particle in a RAP mix should exceed maximum aggregate size when it reaches a transport vehicle;
! Maximum RAP aggregate size should be half the layer thickness.
The final product, whether it has RAP or not should have the same properties as a virgin mix.
RAP can be used in the production of HMA as well as in the base, binder, and surface courses. It can also
be used as an enhanced base course by itself or in some cases as a surface treatment for very light traffic
uses. When used by itself, it sometimes needs to be rejuvenated with an additive. Chapter 12 in this Guide
is devoted to recycled materials.
Drainage of water from pavements has always been an important consideration in road design. However,
current methods of design have often resulted in base courses that do not drain well. This excess water
combined with increased traffic volumes and loads often leads to early pavement distress in the pavement
Water enters the pavement structure in many ways, such as through cracks, joints, or pavement infiltration,
or as ground water from an interrupted aquifer, high water table, localized springs or median or roadside
irrigation systems.
Pavement engineers recognize the importance of good drainage in the design, construction, and
maintenance of any pavement. Probably no other single factor plays such an important role in determining
the ability of a pavement to provide trouble-free service throughout long periods of time. A detailed drainage
study by a qualified drainage engineer should be part of the pavement design.
The accumulation of water in the subgrade, or in an untreated aggregate base course creates problems.
When the soil is saturated, application of dynamic wheel loads induces pore pressures and lowers the
resistance to shear forces. Some soils have a high volume change when water is added which causes
differential heaving. The subsequent weakening of the pavement structure causes it to lose stability and its
capability to support traffic loads.
Water in a pavement's asphalt layers combined with dynamic and repeated traffic loading can strip or
separate the asphalt film from the aggregate. This reduces the load-carrying capacity of the mixture.
When developing the features of a highway drainage system, it is important to consider the system's
principal purposes:
· To collect and drain away both surface water and subsurface water,
· To lower the groundwater table, if necessary,
· To intercept water from surrounding areas and carry it away from the roadway and
· To prevent or retard erosion.
There are two basic categories of drainage - surface and subsurface. Surface drainage includes the
disposal of water present on the pavement surface, shoulder surface, and the adjacent ground when sloped
toward the pavement. Subsurface drainage deals with water in the surrounding soil, the subbase, base,
and in the several pavement courses. Inadequate attention to either of these two drainage conditions can
lead to premature pavement failure.
In surface drainage conditions, the pavement and shoulders should be crowned or cross-sloped to facilitate
the flow of water off of the roadway. Normally, the cross-slope moves the water to a curbed or inverted-
shaped gutter and then off of the pavement into a storm sewer or flume to an open ditch.
On parking areas or playgrounds, the cross-slope or crown may be inverted to form a center swale whose
flow maybe intercepted by a grated inlet to a storm sewer system.
Shoulders can best be drained if the entire shoulder width has an asphalt paved surface. If the shoulder is
not asphalt, its cross-slope should be greater than the pavement slope in order to minimize seepage through
the aggregate or grass shoulder.
Surface drainage from the pavement as well as from the adjacent land areas should be intercepted and
disposed of properly. If a curbed section is provided, drainage is accumulated in the gutter area and
periodically discharged into either a pavement inlet or an open ditch through a flume. The determination of
inlet locations requires technical calculations and studies by a qualified drainage engineer to avoid an
intolerable spread of water on the pavement.
Drainage ditches are constructed along the edges of non-curbed roadway sections. Water flowing from the
pavement and shoulder surfaces moves down the roadway foreslope into the ditch flowline. A back slope
leads from the flow line of the ditch up to intercept the adjacent land. The adjacent land is frequently sloped
toward the ditch and can contribute to a sizable portion of the drainage volume and flow.
Good design practices will provide cross-slopes both on the surface and in the underlying pavement courses
and subgrade (See Figure 2-6). In this way, water will not accumulate but will flow laterally to the sides.
Subsurface water is free water that percolates through, or is contained in, the soil beneath the surface.
When it emerges or escapes from the soil, it is referred to as seepage water. The point of emergence is
called a seepage area or a spring.
Pavement subsurface water usually is present as free water that flows under the force of gravity or as
capillary water that moves under capillary action in the soil.
Water could rise from the underlying soil through the subgrade and into an untreated aggregate base course.
This free water could move readily through an untreated aggregate base to a low point on the profile. If
steep grades are present, and the subsurface water flowing in an untreated aggregate base to the low spot
is not intercepted, a hydrostatic head may result. This lifting force will cause a failure of the pavement
structure. Water in the pavement courses also may contribute to the stripping of asphalt films from the
aggregate particles.
Aggregate base provides a drainable base for the pavement, providing a method to remove water is also
provided. This concept is shown in Figure 2-6. The decision to use an aggregate base type pavement
structure (Figure 2-2) or a full depth type pavement structure (Figure 2-1) should be evaluated by a qualified
When the potential exists for water collecting in the structural elements of the pavement, subdrains are
required. Identification of these areas and determination of drain locations require the technical expertise
and insight of a drainage engineer and/or qualified technician. The type of drain, choice of drain filter
material and the design of the drainage system should be given careful attention. Perforated and/or slotted
pipe usually serve to move the free water from the trouble spot to a drainage system.
Regardless of the care used in the preliminary investigation, in the soil survey, and in the pavement
structure's design, it is usually not possible to determine from borings the exact elevation of water-bearing
strata or the rate of flow that may develop. Spring runoff and summer irrigation can cause water tables to
fluctuate substantially. For these reasons, it is essential that the engineer reevaluate the conditions and
check the need for, and the adequacy of, any subsurface drainage indicated on the plans.
Soil conditions should be observed during the grading and subgrade preparation work. Any wet, soft, or
spongy areas encountered at grade should be investigated and provisions made for their proper drainage.
Even a minor rate of seepage may build up to a large quantity of water over a period of time if a means of
escape is not provided. Such a soft spot usually forewarns of a structural failure at a later date - even
shortly after traffic has used the new facility. After the pavement is in place, corrective measures are costly,
create traffic problems, and can cause poor public relations.
Several procedures can be used to calculate the thickness of the proposed asphalt pavement. Most are
based on the volume and weight of the traffic that will use the facility and on the load-supporting capability of
the underlying soil.
The AASHTO Road Test and other studies have indicated that heavy vehicle wheel loads cause greater
damage to roads than do light loads. Thus, where large volumes of traffic with heavily loaded trucks are
anticipated, an in-depth analysis of the pavement thickness is important. Because of the potential for heavy
loadings, a traffic analysis is an important part of the preparation for thickness design. Similarly, knowledge
of the load bearing capability of the soil is an important aspect of the structural design process. The lack of
a soil study with appropriate corrective action could
significantly shorten the life of a poorly designed
For this guide, the AASHTO Interim Guide method for determining pavement thickness has been chosen.
This method uses nomographs (design charts) to determine the pavement thickness as well as the other
components of the pavement structure. The nomographs were developed from AASHTO road test which
encompassed five areas that are discussed in the following section.
For this guide, a simple to use nomograph method has been chosen for pavement thickness design.
There are five important values that need to be determined or known to use the nomograph method, they
Each of the above factors is discussed in the following sections followed by an example of how each is used
to determine the pavement structural thickness.
If the laboratory method is to be used, the soil classifications are used to group the soils into soil groups.
The poorer quality soil groups should be chosen for further testing to determine their CBR or R-Value. If it
appears to be necessary, the field method for CBR can be measured on select locations during the initial
The design nomograph used in this Guide uses the Resilient Modulus (MR) for subgrade strength (discussed
in Chapter 2). Since most soil strength test conducted in Colorado use either the CBR method or the Hveem
method, the CBR value or the R-Value will need to be converted to Resilient Modulus (MR) value.
It is recognized that most agencies or qualified consultants do not have equipment for performing the
resilient modulus test. Therefore, suitable factors have been reported (AASHTO and CDOT design
methods) which can be used to estimate MR from CBR and R-Values.
CBR value correlation to an MR is shown by the following relationship (3-1). This relationship was reported
by Keukelom and Klomp between the Corps of Engineers CBR value, using dynamic compaction and the in
situ modulus for soil.
The data from which this correlation was developed ranged from 750 to 3,000 times CBR. This relationship
has been used extensively by design agencies and researchers and is considered reasonable for fine-
grained soil with a soaked CBR of 10 or less.
The relationship used by the Colorado Department of Transportation for correlating the approximate value of
MR to an R-Value is given by the following relationship (3-2).
Designers should note that although the Hveem equipment is used for purposes of performing pavement
design, the result of the Hveem test is not the Resilient Modulus. It is recommended that documentation of
the pavement design show that when the Hveem test is used, the R-Value is measured and the Resilient
Modulus is an approximation from the above correlation formula.
The destructive effect of repeated wheel loads is the major factor that contributes to the failure of roadway
pavement structure. Since both the magnitude of the load and the number of repetitions are important,
provision is made in the design procedure to allow for the effects of the number and weight of axle loads
expected during the design period.
The traffic data figures to be incorporated into the design procedure are in the form of 18 kip equivalent
single axle load applications (18k ESAL). All vehicular traffic on the design roadway is projected for the
design period in the categories of passenger cars, single unit trucks and combination trucks. The actual
projected traffic volumes for each category are weighted by the appropriate load equivalence factors and
converted to a cumulative total 18k ESAL. Adjustments to this value will be made for directional and lane
distribution and then entered in the pavement design equation.
As discussed in Chapter Two, the design procedure separates traffic into six classes (I through VI). Each
class is defined by the number of autos per day, the average daily number of heavy trucks expected on the
facility during the design period, and the type of street or highway. Each traffic class has been assigned a
total ESAL value range. A comprehensive traffic study should be performed to determine the class of
roadway or highway that will be needed for the design. The total ESAL value for a required class of roadway
or highway is used for the design.
Caution should be used when measuring current traffic volumes. Normal growth, new development and any
other special impacts that might change the roadway usage and future traffic volumes needs to be
considered. Oftentimes, it is not possible to accurately predict some unknown future development that could
result in traffic in excess of an existing roadway design. There could be special provisions that exist in
planning and zoning regulations that allow a city or county to circulate a proposed new developments' impact
on existing roadways. Intersecting roadway volumes should be taken into account when designing
intersections. Not taking the cross traffic volumes into the design, premature failure of the
intersection pavement could result.
Drainage factors in flexible pavement design are taken into account through the use of modified structural
layer coefficients. A higher effective structural layer coefficient would be used for improved drainage
conditions. The factor for modifying the structural layer coefficient is called a mi value. This drainage
coefficient (m2, m3) has been integrated into the structural number (SN) equation (3-3), shown below, used
to calculate the thickness of the various layers of the pavement structure.
Drainage coefficients for different quality of drainage and the percent of time during the year the pavement
structure would be normally exposed to moisture levels approaching saturation are shown in Table 3-1.
Obviously, the latter is dependent on the average yearly rainfall and the prevailing drainage conditions. It is
important to note that these values apply only to the effects of drainage on untreated base and subbase
layers. Although improved drainage is certainly beneficial to stabilized or treated materials, the effects on
performance of flexible pavement are not as profound as those quantified in the Table 3-1.
Table 3-1
mi Values1 for Modifying Structural Layer Coefficients
Of Untreated Base and Subbase Materials in Flexible Pavements
Percent of Time Pavement Structure is Exposed to Moisture
Quality of Levels Approaching Saturation
Less than 1% 1% - 5% 5% - 25% Greater than 25%
Excellent 1.40 - 1.35 1.35 - 1.30 1.30 - 1.20 1.20
Good 1.35 - 1.25 1.25 - 1.15 1.15 - 1.00 1.00
Fair 1.25 - 1.15 1.15 - 1.05 1.00 - 0.80 0.80
Poor 1.15 - 1.05 1.05 - 0.80 0.80 - 0.60 0.60
Very Poor 1.05 - 0.95 0.95 - 0.75 0.75 - 0.40 0.40
Designers should use a value of mi = 1.0 unless specific drainage information indicates otherwise.
It is important to understand the roadway geometry, particularly the drainage gradients on the roadway prism
when selecting base type. As long as the base will be able to carry drainage away from the pavement
structure, a gravel base will perform adequately. Although improved drainage is certainly beneficial to
stabilized or treated materials, the effects on performance of the flexible pavements are not as profound as
those quantified in the above table.
General definitions for “Quality of Drainage”, shown in the above table corresponding to different drainage
levels within the pavement structure, are shown in Table 3-2. For comparison purposes, the drainage
condition at the AASHTO Road Test are considered to be fair, i.e., free water was removed within one week.
Table 3-2
Drainage Quality
Quality of Drainage Water Removed Within
Excellent 2 hours
Good 1 day
Fair 1 week
Poor 1 month
Very Poor water will not drain
The concept of pavement reliability can be described in several ways and in terms of the components
considered in the pavements design. Reliability can be defined as:
! The probability that the pavement system will perform its intended function over its design period or
time and under the conditions or environment encountered during operation.
! The probability that serviceability will be maintained at adequate levels from a user’s point of view,
throughout the design period of the facility.
! The probability that the load applications a pavement can withstand in reaching a specified minimum
serviceability level are not exceeded by the number of load applications that are actually
applied to the pavement.
Pavement design procedures prior to 1986 had essentially contained an inherent 50% reliability factor. The
new design procedures presented herein, paralleling the 1993 AASHTO Design Guide, allows the designer
to select a risk factor (reliability) that the assumptions and data he uses in the design process will provide a
pavement system that will meet expectations. Table 3-3 presents a range of Reliability factors that a
designer can choose corresponding to the type of facility being designed.
Table 3-3
Reliability (Risk)
Functional Classification Urban Rural
Interstate Freeway 85 - 95 80 - 95
Principal Arterials 80 - 95 70 - 95
Minor Arterials 70 - 95 60 - 90
Collectors 50 - 90 50 - 85
Local 50 - 80 50 - 75
The reliability component gives the designer the option of incorporating a risk reduction factor into the
pavement design process. The reliability factor is determined based on the functional classification of the
roadway and whether it is in an urban or rural location. Reliability is not dependent on type of pavement or
type of project. Reliability is most closely related to the traffic conditions and 18k ESALs. The selection of a
Reliability factor should be consistent throughout the design and analysis of the project. Once the Reliability
factor is selected, it should be used for the pavement type selection and design calculations.
For a given reliability level, the reliability factor is a function of the overall standard deviation (So) that
accounts for both chance variation in the traffic prediction and normal variation in pavements performance
predication. It is important to note that by treating design uncertainty as a separate factor, the designer
should no longer use “conservative” estimates for the other design input requirements. Rather than
conservative values, the designer should use his best estimate of mean or average value for each input
value. The selected level of reliability and overall standard deviation will account for the combined effect of
the variation of the design variables.
A standard deviation (So) should be selected that representative of local conditions. Values of So developed
at the AASHTO Road Test did not include traffic error. However, the performance prediction error
developed at the Road Test was 0.35 for flexible pavement. This corresponds to a total standard deviation
for traffic of 0.45. CDOT uses a value for So of 0.44.
The serviceability of a pavement is defined as its ability to serve the type of traffic (automobiles and trucks)
which use the facility at any specific time. The primary measure of serviceability is the Present Serviceability
Index (PSI), which ranges from 0 (impossible road) to 5 (perfect road). The basic design philosophy of this
Guide is the serviceability-performance concept, which provides a means of designing a pavement based on
a specific total traffic volume and a minimum level of serviceability desired at the end of the performance
period. Serviceability indexes for the various pavement conditions are shown in Table 3-4.
Table 3-4
Pavement Serviceability Index
Condition Index
Very Poor 0-1
Poor 1-2
Fair 2-3
Good 3-4
Very Good 4-5
Selection of the lowest allowable PSI or terminal serviceability index (pt) is based on the lowest index that
will be tolerated before rehabilitation, resurfacing, or reconstruction becomes necessary. An index of 2.5 or
higher is suggested for design of high volume roadways and 2.0 for low volume roadways. One criterion for
identifying a minimum level of serviceability may be established on the basis of public acceptance. Shown in
Table 3-5 are a general guideline for minimum levels of pt obtained from studies in connection with an
AASHTO Road Test. The results shown in Table 3-5 indicate that a pt of less than 2.5 is not acceptable to
the general public. A little over 50% of people survey said that a serviceability index of less than 2.5 is also
Table 3-5
Serviceability Level Acceptance
Terminal Percent of People
Serviceability Index Stating Unacceptable
3.0 12
2.5 55
2.0 85
The serviceability Index at initial construction will normally fall in the range of 4.2 to 4.6 and generally can be
assumed to be 4.5. The serviceability index at the end of the design period is the worst case allowable
condition that the pavement may reach. The objective is to build a pavement that has a high Serviceability
Index at initial construction and an Index at the end of the design period of not less than 2.0 for low volume
and 2.5 for high volume. A low volume being a road with a current ADT of less than 750; and a high volume
being a road with a current ADT of 750 or greater. For relatively minor highways where economics dictate
that the initial capital outlay be kept at a minimum, it is suggested that this be accomplished by reducing the
design period or the total traffic volume, rather than by designing for a terminal serviceability less than 2.0.
Design Serviceability loss may be affected by components other than traffic; the roadbed soils may influence
the loss if problems are anticipated such as frost heaving or moisture swelling. It is recommended to
remove and replace any subgrade soils that are susceptible to the detrimental effects of frost or swelling. If
removal is not practical, in-place treatment such as a lime-treated subgrade is recommended.
Flexible pavement design is based on identifying a flexible pavements structural number (SN) to withstand
the projected level of axle load traffic over the design period of the facility. The SN is obtained from a
nomograph that relates the component of the pavement structure that can withstand the project ESALs. The
nomograph use in the AASHTO and CDOT procedures for determining the structural number of a pavement
structure is shown in Figure 3-1.
The SN obtained from Figure 3-1 is then used in equation 3-3 along with the various strength coefficients
and drainage coefficient to determine the thickness of the various layer of the pavement structure.
Table 3-6 lists the strength coefficients (a1, a2, a3, . . . an) for various potential components of the pavement
section. The Strength Coefficients shown in the table are use in the Structural Number equation (3-3) to
determine the thickness of the various layers of the pavement structure. How these coefficients are used is
shown in the section on PAVEMENT DESIGN PROCEDURES, starting on page 3-10.
The minimum strength coefficient for the Base Course on highways having a current ADT volume of 750
or greater shall be 0.12
Used only to determine a value of strength for layers of soil and/or borrow materials which are located
above the soil layer which the soil support value of the subgrade is determined.
Even thought it is possible to design pavement structures with thin layers when the supporting soils data
indicate it has the supporting strength coefficients, good prudent engineering practices dictate that minimum
thicknesses of each component should be used. The following table is minimum thickness values for the
various components of a pavement structure.
Table 3-7
Recommended Minimum Pavement Structure Component Thickness
2. Determine the Resilient Modulus value (MR) from either the subgrade CBR value or
R-Value using equation 3-1 or 3-2 respectively.
3. Using the design nomograph, draw a straight line from the Reliability factor thru its
standard deviate point to the 1st turning line TL.
4. From the point of intersection of the 1st TL line, draw a straight line thru the ESAL
value and intersect the 2nd TL line.
5. From the intersection of the 2nd TL line, draw a straight line thru the MR value to its
intersection point with the Serviceability graph y-axes.
6. Draw a horizontal line to the SI line chosen for the design period.
7. From the point of intersection with the SI line, draw a vertical line down to the x-axes.
The point of intersection will be the SN value for the pavement structure.
8. The SN value is then used to determine the various thickness of the layer of the
pavement structure using equation 3-3.
Strength Coefficients for the various components of the pavement structure are given in Table 3-6.
The component thickness selected cannot be less than the minimum specified in Table 3-7. However, the
thickness of each layer can be varied.
Design Example
Problem: A roadway pavement structure needs to be determined from the site specific data which follows.
The HMA pavement thickness as well as the base course and subbase course (if required)
thicknesses has to be determined. The pavement section should have a 4 inch minimum Class 6
aggregate base course. If the Class 6 base course is over 6 inches, determine how much
subbase course material would be required if the HMA mat is 4 inches and the Class 6 base
course is 6 inches.
1. Determine the roadway classification, Reliability Factor, Serviceability Index and corresponding
Vehicle Type Midpoint ADT 18K Equivalency Factor EDLA
From Table 2-7
Step 4 - Adjust 18K EDLA for 4 lanes~adjustment factor 0.45 is from Table 2-8 for two
lanes in one direction.
3. Using the Flexible Pavement Design Nomograph (Figure 3-1) and steps 3 thru 8 in the
pavement design procedure, determine SN.
The required HMA and Class 6 ABC would be four inches of HMA plus thirteen inches of
Class 6 ABC for a total pavement thickness of seventeen inches.
Since the required Class 6 thickness was greater than six inches, you need to determine an
alternate section with four inches of HMA and six inches of Class 6 ABC and an unknown
thickness of subbase. Substituting those values into equation 33:
The required HMA, Class 6 ABC and subbase would be four inches of HMA plus six inches of class 6 ABC
and ten inches of subbase for a total pavement thickness of twenty inches.
Notes: C Since the subgrade was a finegrain clay, a separation fabric between the
subgrade and subbase should be recommended.
C The binder for S Grading HMA should be PG 5834.
C Superpave S or SX would be chosen by the contractor.
C Based on 4.402 million ESALs, the design gyrations for the job mix formula
would be NDesign= 100 gyrations (from Table 21).
The decision as to what alternate Hot Mix Asphalt pavement section to use should be made based on
several factors:
$ Available material resources.
$ Available contractor capabilities in place.
$ Cost of each component material including excavation and earthwork
$ Life cycle cost analysis which should include future maintenance costs.
AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structure is another valuable resource on the subject. These
publications are available from the respective organizations.
Common methods of stabilizing soils and the aggregate base course within the pavement section are as
$ Lime Stabilization
$ Cement and Fly ash Stabilization
$ Asphalt Emulsion Stabilization
$ Chemical Stabilization
$ Geotextiles
A lime and fly ash combination has proven to be very effective in treating soils that have variable
characteristics such as pockets of clay, pockets of sand, and pockets of sandy clay.
Geosynthetic stabilization or strengthening of the subgrade through the use of geotextiles is a separate
chapter in this Guide. Additional information concerning the use of geosynthetics can be obtained from
Tensar Earth Technologies, Inc. (TET). They have available a software program for designing flexible
pavements using geotextiles for subgrade strengthening and stabilization. The software is available by
contacting TET.
Special chemical stabilization, other than the chemical benefits of cement, lime, and lime/fly ash is not
covered in the design guide.
For subgrade soils, which exhibit plasticity indexes of ten, or above, lime stabilization is an option. Lime is
used only in plastic soils where expansion potential combined with a lack of stability is a problem.
Sulfate Limits
Unless special procedures are used to address the sulfate growth potential in subgrade soils, lime
stabilization should not be used where measurable sulfates are greater than 0.8 percent (0.8%). With
sulfate levels up to 3,000 parts per million (ppm) (0.3%) there is little reason to be concerned about sulfates.
At this level of sulfate concentrations normal lime stabilization procedures can be followed.
With sulfate levels between 3,000 and 8,000 ppm, soils can often be successfully stabilized using lime. The
practice most commonly used is to mix about half of the required lime into the soil in one application and
allow it to react with the sulfates for seven to fourteen days. During this time it is important that the soil be
kept wet to insure sufficient components for the formation of ettringite crystals. At the end of the conditioning
period, the remaining lime can be added and incorporated into the modified subgrade, mixed and compacted
using common construction procedures for finishing the subgrade. Whenever sulfates are present, it is
particularly important that the work be supervised by a qualified geotechnical engineer.
The benefits of lime include an increase in unconfined strength, a reduction of plasticity, a reduction in swell
potential, and a reduction in soil permeability (water migration).
Soil Makeup
Lime stabilization is generally applied to soil materials that do not contain boulders, cobbles or high amounts
of large size gravel that prevents the dispersion of the lime using conventional mixing equipment.
Lime stabilization requires some degree of stable substrate to obtain compaction following the lime mixing.
Accordingly, severely unstable subgrade material will require stabilization through the use of pit-run or other
materials below the lime stabilized subgrade. Lime stabilization requires the use of heavy equipment during
the lime mixing operation which will also require the subgrade below the lime stabilization layer not be fluid
or highly unstable. It is sometimes possible to bridge unstable subgrade by increasing the depth of
treatment by an additional six to twelve inches. In areas where the subgrade is severely unstable, geogrids,
geotextiles, lime injection, or other means of stabilization should be considered.
If lime stabilization is chosen to be the option, a qualified laboratory should perform a lime/soil mix design,
which establishes the unconfined compressive strength of soil/lime mixtures. The design should include
several composite points, which evaluate the unconfined compressive strength of the lime mixture at various
lime contents (based upon percent of dry soil weight). The composite points should be performed until the
pH value of the soil reaches 12.4, which is the target minimum pH value. When possible, the subcontractor
should be consulted to determine the method of lime stabilization (dry or slurry application). The mix design
should include any necessary mellowing periods, usually forty eight hours; the number of required mixing
periods, and the density of the compacted specimens. The mix design specimens should be prepared in
accordance with the following test procedures:
$ ASTM C 977-95 Standard Specifications for Quicklime and Hydrated Lime for Soil
$ ASTM D 558 Moisture Density Relations of Soil-Cement Mixtures
$ ASTM D 1632 Making and Curing Soil Cement Compression and Flexure Test Specimens
in the Laboratory
$ ASTM D 1633 Compressive Strength of Molded Soil-Cement Cylinders
Lime stabilization will provide a structural coefficient, which will reduce the amount of materials proposed for
the pavement section without lime stabilization. The structural coefficients which can be applied for lime
stabilization are variable based upon compressive strength. The structural coefficients for various
compressive strengths of the modified subgrade soils are shown in Table 4-1. The structural coefficients
shown in Table 4-1 can be used in the Structural Number (SN) equation (3-3) when determining the
thickness of the various layers of the pavement structure.
Table 4-1
Structural Coefficients for Lime Stabilized Soils, ai
Compressive Strength Coefficient
160 psi .11
200 psi .12
300 psi .13
400 psi .14
500 psi .15
If Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is not to be placed immediately after lime stabilization, the final construction
specifications should include the requirement to maintain a moist layer for at least seven days after
compaction through the use of frequent watering, or an applied moisture barrier.
For subgrade soils, which exhibit plasticity indexes of 10 or less, cement stabilization is an option. Cement
is used in low plasticity or non-plastic soils where stability due to soil characteristics or water migration is a
problem or when a cement stabilization layer will provide a more cost effective pavement layer. Stabilization
of aggregate base course as a pavement layer is commonly referred to as Cement Treated Base Course
In effect, soil cement stabilization is very similar to lime stabilization. Cement is susceptible to measured
sulfates and alkalis, but a combination of cement and fly ash will, in most cases, provide the ability to
stabilize the soil with no detrimental effects from sulfates and alkali.
Due to permanent hydration and cementation, soil cement and CTB have more severe time constraints with
which to work the material. Subgrade and bases stabilized with cement can also cause transverse cracking
resulting in reflective cracking at the pavement surface.
Soil cement stabilization can be performed in-place with the use of a pulverizer or recycler machine, but is
also commonly mixed with a pug-mill and less commonly with a drum mixing plant. The use of pug-mill and
drum mixing plants is an option due to the lower plasticity of cement stabilized soils and the ability to mix the
soil more efficiently with lower efforts.
Soil cement and CTB, like lime, require a compactive effort to construct the layer. Accordingly, like lime, the
severity of subgrade stability will directly relate to the ability to construct the layer. Some stabilization
beneath the layer may be necessary to construct soil cement or CTB. The stabilization of the soil beneath
the subgrade layer may not necessarily be a permanent application, but one that provides stability for the
construction of the soil cement or CTB only.
The benefits of cement-stabilized soil and CTB include an almost unlimited compressive strength up to
approximately 800 pounds per square inch.
If soil cement stabilization or CTB is chosen to be the option, a qualified laboratory should perform a mix
design, which establishes the unconfined compressive strength of soil cement or CTB mixtures. The design
should include several composite points, which evaluate the unconfined compressive strength of the cement
mixture at various cement contents (based upon percent of dry soil weight). The mix design specimens
should be prepared in accordance with the same test procedures as for lime stabilization (i.e. ASTM D 558,
D 1632, D 1633). The report should include the as-tested density of the test specimens.
Cement stabilization and CTB will provide a structural coefficient that will reduce the amount of materials
previously required for the pavement structural section without stabilization. The structural coefficients
which can be applied for cement stabilization and CTB are based upon compressive strength of the modified
layer. The structural coefficients for various compressive strengths of the modified subgrade soils for soil
cement and cement treated base are shown in Table 4-2. Similarly, the structural coefficients shown in
Table 4-2 can be used in the Structural Number equation (3-3).
Table 4-2
Structural Coefficients for Cement Stabilized Soils or CTB, ai
Soil Cement CTB
Compressive Strength Coefficient Compressive Strength Coefficient
psi psi
200 .17 200 .22
300 .18 300 .23
400 .19 400 .24
500 .20 500 .25
600 .21 600 .26
700 .22 700 .27
800 .23 800 .28
Soil stabilization with an asphalt emulsion is a viable alternative when the soils to be stabilized are sandy
and do not have an excessive amount of material finer than the #200 sieve. The asphalt emulsion works
well on sandy soils in that it will increase load bearing capacity, firmness, and resistance to displacement. A
Basic Asphalt Emulsions Manual (MS-19) compiled by the Asphalt Institute provides guidelines for
blending and some general specifications for sand emulsion mixes. The following Table 4-3, Gradations for
Sand-Emulsion Mixes, is from the MS-19 manual.
Table 4-3 Gradations for Sand-Emulsion Mixes
Total Percent Passing
Sieve Size
Poorly-Graded Well-Graded Silty Sands
½" 100 100 100
#4 75-100 75-100 75-100
#50 - 15-30 -
#100 - - 15-65
#200 0-12 5-12 12-20
Sand Equivalent, percent 30 min. 30 min. 30 min.
Plasticity Index NP NP NP
The emulsified asphalt content of the mixes shown in Table 4-3 normally varies between 6% and 15%.
Emulsified asphalt Types SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1 or CSS-1h may be used along with a laboratory-determined
amount of mixing water added to the sand.
The stabilization operation can be a simple process where the asphalt emulsion is mixed with the sandy soil
in-place by a traveling mixer or with a blade. When appropriate, imported aggregate and/or milled asphalt
can be added to strengthen the stabilized material.
Proper mixing and coating for stabilization depends on the proper amount of pre-wetting of the sandy
material before applying the emulsion. The amount of water, type, and amount of emulsion, whether or not
to add aggregate, and if so how much should be determined by a qualified laboratory.
If it rains before the mixture is compacted and cured, traffic should be kept off until it cures and necessary
compaction or re-compaction can be accomplished. Use only as much mixing water as is necessary to
disperse the asphalt emulsion. Over mixing may cause the emulsion to strip from the sand particles or
break prematurely. For faster curing, place the emulsion sand mixture in several thin layers rather than a
single thick layer. For best results placement should be at or above seventy degrees Fahrenheit (70EF). Do
not seal emulsion sand mix surfaces too soon. Entrapped mixing water and distillates may create problems.
After mixing the emulsion into the sand no delay should take place before final shaping to grade. After the
breaking of the emulsion has occurred and curing has begun, the mixture may become very difficult to
spread without tearing. In order to obtain a smooth finished surface, the emulsion sand mixture must remain
workable throughout the spreading operation. In some cases, the addition of about one to two percent
Portland cement may accelerate development of initial strengths.
Just as for hot mix asphalt, the importance of good compaction in emulsion-sand mix stabilization is very
important. Emulsion-sand mixes respond to conventional compaction procedures. Pneumatic tired and
static steel wheel rollers are desirable for thickness of up to three inches (3"). Whereas vibratory rollers
produce better results for thicker lifts. A minimum field compaction of ninety five percent (95%) of the
laboratory density is usually specified.
Expansive soils should be treated to reduce their expansive properties with some type of stabilization or they
can be removed altogether. Over-excavating and removing the expansive soil (dry dense unweathered
shales and dry dense clays) and backfilling with an impermeable soil at ninety five percent of maximum dry
density at or above optimum moisture, in accordance ASTM D 698 or D 1557, can be cost effective.
The over excavation should carry through the cut area and transitions from cut to fill area until the depth of
fill is approximately equal to the depth of treatment. Table 4-4 can be used as a guide to determine the
depth of over excavation for expansive soils. Projects on Interstate and National Highway System roadways
will require treatment of expansive soils.
Table 4-4
Suggest Depth of Over-Excavation for Expansive Soils
Depth of Over-Excavation
Plasticity Index Below Normal Subgrade
10-20 2 feet
20-30 3 feet
30-40 4 feet
40-50 5 feet
More than 50 6 feet
Soils with a plasticity index of more than fifty should be placed in the bottom of fills of less than fifty feet in
height, or wasted. The backfill soil should be uniform and lenses or pockets of very high swelling soil should
be removed and replaced with the predominant type of soil that has a plasticity index of less than fifty.
Drainage ditches must be below the subgrade level in cut areas and must have enough grade to allow rapid
runoff of surface water.
The Colorado Department of Transportation’s Pavement Design Manual and the Metropolitan Government
Pavement Engineers Council’s Pavement Design Standards and Construction Specifications have
criteria and specifications that cover the stabilization of expansive soils and subgrade. Their criteria has
been very successful in dealing with expansive soil problems in pavement structures.
Each year, billions of dollars are spent on hot mix asphalt (HMA) construction projects in the United States.
Achieving good performance of these pavements does not just happen, but is the result of many hours of
effort and project management by pavement design and construction professionals. Each phase of a project,
from the drawing board to the laboratory to the field, contains important steps and procedures that must be
followed to ensure a long lasting, well performing pavement. Successful projects are achieved thru good
project management.
The primary purpose of HMA construction project management is to foresee and predict as many of the
dangers and problems as possible and to plan and control activities so the project may be completed
successfully in spite of the risks. This process starts before any resources are committed, and must
continue until the work is finished. The objective is for the final result to satisfy the project owner within the
promised time period and without using more dollars and other resources than those originally established
by a contract agreement.
Planning and control must be exercised over the activities and resources involved in the HMA construction
project. This can only be accomplished through effective communication. The communication process
requires an understanding of the project documents by both the owner’s representatives and the contractor’s
personnel. They should have a knowledge and a thorough understanding of construction methods and
techniques and a knowledge of the equipment from the HMA production facilities to the compaction of the
HMA pavement. With knowledge and understanding of these areas the two most important characteristics
in the HMA placement process, smoothness and air voids (related to density) can be achieved. Smoothness
of the pavement is the most important characteristic for the driving public or agency satisfaction. The driving
public is happy as long as the pavement remains smooth and has good traction.
This chapter discusses the processes involved in the construction of HMA pavements and the equipment
used in the process.
It is the responsibility of the contractor to provide equipment that will produce results in compliance with the
plans and specifications of the contract. The equipment should be in repair and top operating condition in
order to achieve the results the owner has specified. This section contains information on the basic
equipment, shown in the list below, used to produce and construct HMA
Plant Types
Common to all HMA facilities is the importance of uniformity and balance of plant operations and materials.
Uniformity ensures that the HMA is consistently produced to meet job specifications. It encompasses
uniformity of materials, uniformity of material proportioning, and
continuous, uniform operation of plant components. Changes in
material characteristics or proportions and intermittent stops and
starts in plant operations make it extremely difficult to produce
quality HMA.
The HMA production plant should have the means to obtain the required percentage of asphalt in the mix
within the tolerance specified. The correct percentage of asphalt binder contained in the mix can be
measured and evaluated by weighing, metering, or measuring the asphalt volumetrically.
The heating and drying system in the plant should be capable of heating the aggregate to the proper mixing
temperature. The asphalt binder is heated in the storage units and if not at the same temperature of the
aggregate will heat to the same temperature as the aggregate as soon as it comes in contact with it in the
mixer. Table 5-1 shows the typical temperature range of the asphalt binder for storage and mixing for the
various grades of PG graded binders. Also shown is the minimum temperature that the mixture should be
delivered to the job site for ease of placement and proper compaction to take place.
Table 5-1 Typical Binder Storage, HMA Mixing and Delivery Temperatures
Binder Grade Storage Mixing Temperature Minimum Mix 2
Temperature (EF) (EF) Delivery Temperature (EF)
PG 58-22 280 - 305 260 - 310 235 EF
PG 58-28 280 - 305 260 - 310 235 EF
PG 58-34 280 - 305 260 - 310 235 EF
PG 64-22 285 - 315 265 - 320 280 EF
PG 64-28 285 - 315 265 - 320 280 EF
PG 70-28 295 - 320 275 - 325 280 EF
PG 76-28 310 - 325 280 - 330 280 EF
The maximum mix discharge temperature shall not exceed the minimum discharge temperature by more
than 17 EC (30 EF) 2Delivered mix temperature shall be measured behind the paver screed.
Source: Asphalt Pavement Environmental Council Best Practices
Asphalt storage tanks store the various grades of liquid asphalt that will be used at the plant for different mix
designs. There should be a tank for each of the different grades of asphalt with sufficient capacity to
maintain a uniform operation. They should be calibrated so that the amount of material remaining in the tank
can be determined at any time. The storage tanks should have a device for the controlled heating of the
liquid asphalt to the temperature requirements as specified for the grade of asphalt being stored. Heating
should be accomplished so that no flame will come in contact with the tank. The most common heating
system is a hot oil system that circulates heat transfer oil through an enclosed coil circulating system within
the storage tank. The circulating system should be large enough to ensure the temperature of the asphalt is
maintained within the specified range during the entire operating period. Some storage tanks have internal
circulating system for modified asphalt to keep the material from separating. Any storage tank with an
internal circulating system for the asphalt should not have a free discharge end of the circulating system.
The circulating system discharge should be kept below the surface of the asphalt in the tank to prevent
foaming. Either a hot oil, steam jacketing or an insulation system should maintain the specified temperature
of asphalt in pipelines, meters, buckets, spray bars, flow lines, and other containers that is required in the
mixing process.
As stated earlier, it is imperative to keep the liquid asphalt at the proper temperature. The same asphalt at
different temperatures has different specific gravities. In a drum mix plant the asphalt feed is determine by a
volumetric pump controlled by the plant computer that calculates its’ rate based on the specific gravity of the
liquid asphalt input by the operator.
Any material (especially modified asphalt) remaining in a storage tank should be purged before
adding a different grade of asphalt.
The heating system for the asphalt storage also provides heating for the surge silos and the asphalt piping
system in the plant. It is imperative to keep the asphalt and the HMA at the proper temperatures in order
that the pumping system operates properly and no stoppage occurs. A thermometer ranging from 200E F to
400E F should be placed in the asphalt feed line or tank to monitor the actual temperature of the asphalt.
The aggregate cold feed system is the first major component of the HMA plant. It receives cold (unheated)
aggregate from storage and moves it to the dryer. It is again worth noting that none of the plants equipment
or control automation can detect or correct inconsistencies in gradation or aggregate quality. Cold feeds can
only meter and proportion the supplied aggregate to a given accuracy and consistency. Therefore, quality
control of the aggregate production is required to ensure delivery of a uniform, consistent aggregate quality
and gradation.
The aggregate cold feed system generally consists of a series of cold feed bins that are filled, or charged, by
front end loaders which obtain the aggregates from stockpiles. In some cases, large stockpiles separated by
bulkheads are built over tunnels, or where belts transport the material, or large storage bunkers or bins are
Aggregate from each stockpile should be placed into an individual cold bin. The bins should be kept full
enough to ensure a uniform flow through the feeder. Uniform cold feeding is vital to ensure continuous,
uniform operations throughout the plant. When cold bins are charged, care should be exercised to minimize
segregation and degradation of the aggregate. Cold feed bins should not be overcharged (heaped) to the
point where materials can overflow from one bin to another.
Gates located at the bottom of the bins feed controlled amounts of the different aggregates onto the
conveyor carrying them to the dryer. Feeder controls regulate the amount of aggregate flowing from each
bin, providing a continuous, uniform flow of a properly graded aggregate blend to the plant.
Because a uniform flow of properly sized aggregates is so important to consistent HMA production, a check
should be made before and during production to be certain that the feeder system is functioning properly.
The following conditions are important for maintaining uniform flow and consistency:
Proper aggregate temperature is essential to mix temperature control. The asphalt added to the aggregate
during mixing assumes the aggregates temperature almost immediately. Excessively heated aggregate
during mixing can cause accelerated hardening of the asphalt during its life. Under-heated aggregate is
difficult to coat thoroughly and the resulting mix is difficult to place on the roadway.
Additive System
The additive storage system is used for storing and injection of mineral filler and or anti-stripping agents into
the HMA mixture. Mineral filler is a finely divided mineral product at least 70 percent of which will pass a
0.075mm (No.200) sieve. Pulverized limestone is the most commonly manufactured filler, although other
stone dust, hydrated lime, Portland cement, and certain natural deposits of finely divided mineral matter are
also used.
Storage and Handling of mineral filler is subject to tight control. Mineral filler is
subject to caking or hardening when exposed to moisture. Therefore, separate
storage should be provided to protect from dampness. In plant operations
where mineral filler usage is high, a bulk storage silo is often used. Such a
system can have either a pneumatic or mechanical device for feeding filler into
the plant. In pneumatic systems, mineral filler is entrained in an air stream and
is handled as a fluid, offering accurate control and eliminating plugging.
In both bulk and bag systems, final metering of the filler into the mix is
accomplished through a variable speed vane or screw feeder, or belt feeder
depending on the material to be handled and the capacity required. In each
case, the mineral filler feed mechanism is interlocked with the aggregate and
asphalt feed mechanisms to ensure uniform proportioning.
Mineral filler handling also involves a plant's dust collection system. Dust collectors are designed to capture
fines escaping from the aggregate mixture and return them to the plant for incorporation into the mix.
Hydrated lime is also used as an anti-stripping agent, for insuring the adhesion of the asphalt binder to the
aggregate, as well as a mineral filler. A pneumatic handling system is generally used when it is incorporated
dry into the mix. When used as an anti-stripping agent, hydrated lime can be added to the moist aggregate
or made into a slurry and then thoroughly mixed in an approved pugmill. Generally the additive-aggregate
mixture is fed directly into the plant after mixing. However, a lime slurry mixture may be stockpiled before
introduction into the plant for mixing.
When the mineral filler is added to the mix, its proportioning must be exact. Consequently, the flow of filler
into the plant must be carefully controlled and frequently checked. The percentage of filler entering the
mixture can be calculated by simply measuring the amount of filler consumed by the plant during production
of a given amount of HMA.
The production plant will have an emission control system consisting of a scrubber, dust collector, a mixer
cover, and whatever additional housing necessary to ensure proper dust control. The air flowing through the
dryer carries with it exhaust gases and a small amount of the aggregate dust particles. Because some fine
material becomes airborne, emission control equipment must be present to capture this dust before it is
discharged into the atmosphere. These emissions must not exceed the various state and federal air
pollution limits.
The emission control system in most HMA facilities generally consists of primary and secondary dust
collectors. The primary collector is a cyclone type collector while the secondary collector is usually a bag
house or wet scrubber. The dust collectors are situated at the end of the dryer and filter the air that enters at
the burner and exits at the exhaust fan. The primary collector is to collect and remove the larger dust
particles contained in the exhaust gas stream. The secondary collector is to filter out the finest dust particles.
When the plant stack is emitting a brownish cloud, the emission system should be checked. The only visual
emissions from the plant stack should be a stream of white steam from the drying of the aggregate.
HMA Storage
To prevent plant shutdowns due to temporary interruptions of paving operations or shortages of haul trucks,
most asphalt plants are equipped with storage silos or surge bins for temporary storage of HMA. Newly
made HMA is deposited by conveyor or hot elevator into the top of the silo or bin and is discharged into
trucks from the bottom. Insulated storage silos can store HMA up to 24 hours with no significant loss of heat
or quality. Non-insulated storage structures, generally called surge bins, are usually smaller and can store
hot mix only for short periods of time.
Storage silos work well if certain precautions are followed, but they can cause segregation of the mix if not
used properly. A batcher or gob hopper should be used in conjunction with the silo to keep segregation to a
minimum. The mix is conveyed into a batcher or gob hopper at the top of the silo. Once a predetermined
amount of HMA is deposited in the batcher, it releases the mix in to the silo in a single mass.
Plant Safety
Adequate and safe access should be provided to the various component of the production facilities.
Stairways to the mixer platform and guarded ladders to other units of the facility should be provided. Gears,
pulleys, chains, sprockets, and other dangerous moving parts should be well guarded and protected. A
platform for sampling and inspection of the mix should be located near the facility.
HMA is hauled to the paving sites in various types of trucks. Hauling trucks vary by size and type, but
uniformity of equipment is very desirable in any asphalt paving operation. The trucks should be inspected
carefully before use. For accurate material control, truckloads of HMA must be weighed at the plant.
The quantity of HMA delivered from plant to paving site can be determined by either of two methods: (1)
weighing loaded trucks on scales, or (2) using a plant's automatic recording system (in the case of fully
automated plants). When truck scales are used, they must be of the type that directly indicates the total
weight of the truck. They must be horizontal and of sufficient size to weigh all of a truck's axles at one time.
The accuracy of truck scales must be checked periodically. During a normal day’s operation, the scale
should be checked frequently to make sure that it is in balance. Mud or other foreign matter left on the
platform by the trucks can throw the scale out of balance.
In addition to periodic checks of the scale and platform, each truck must be randomly tarred (weighed when
empty). A permanent record of the tare weight must be maintained in the scale house and, when required,
in the truck. Electronic automated printout weigh tickets are now accepted by a number of states and other
agencies. These tickets usually will contain the gross, tare and net weights of the HMA being delivered to
the job site.
Haul trucks used in hauling the HMA to the job site should be clean and smooth to prevent excessive
sticking and also have tight bodies to prevent material loss. A satisfactory and environmentally safe release
agent should be used to ensure the easy discharge of the HMA material at the paver. Diesel should not be
used as a release agent for it breaks down the HMA and has a negative effect on the environment. A listing
of release agents can be found on the CDOT web site
The haul truck beds should be equipped with suitable covers to protect the mixture in transit during
unfavorable weather conditions and to help maintain the mix temperature for the proper placement of the
HMA. There is an indication that some coarse-graded Superpave designed mixtures tend to cool more
quickly than conventional HMA. Simply increasing the mix temperature to allow for the extra cooling is more
expensive, results in more hardening of the asphalt binder , and results in more emissions from the plant.
Using insulated trucks and placing a tarp in good condition over the loaded HMA will minimize temperature
loss. Taking steps to ensure that the aggregate is thoroughly dried will also help reduce the temperature loss.
Most haul trucks are either a tandem dump truck or a semi-trailer end dump. They either dump their load of
HMA directly into the paver or into a shuttle buggy that re-mixes the HMA to minimize segregation. Some
shuttle buggies are capable of picking up the HMA mixture directly from the prepared road bed. In that case,
the hauling equipment can be a belly dump type trailer that dumps the HMA in a windrow directly in line with
the paving operation.
During the paving operation, an adequate number of haul trucks should be available to keep a steady supply
of HMA to the paver to provide for a continuous paving operation, which ensures a smoother mat with little to
no segregation problems. Larger capacity hauling equipment such as the semi-trailers will give a better
finished mat because of less stoppage during the placement operation. Truck drivers need to be capable of
backing up to the paver as well a driving a straight line while emptying their load of HMA into the paver
Preventing Segregation
Figure 5-4 Multiple Drop Loading Sequence
Superpave designed mixtures containing some types
of modified binders will have a greater tendency to
stick to the beds and be more difficult to remove from
the trucks. Segregation of Superpave designed
mixtures can be a problem, but is somewhat less likely
to occur than with conventional HMA. Trucks should
be properly loaded to minimize segregation.
If the HMA is placed in the haul vehicle in one drop from the silo, segregation of the larger aggregate
particles can occur. If the HMA is deposited into the center of the truck bed, the material will build up into a
conical-shaped pile, as illustrated in Figure 5-3. Because the growth of the pile will be restricted by the sides
of the truck, the bigger aggregate particles will roll toward the front and the tailgate of the truck bed. These
pieces accumulate at both ends of the load and are then delivered into the hopper on the paver from the
truck bed. The pockets of coarse material then appear in the mat behind the paver at the end of the
truckload of mix. In reality, some of the large aggregate pieces come from the end of one truckload and also
from the beginning of the next truckload of mix. This is called truck end segregation.
Figure 5-3 Single Drop Loading Sequence
Truck end segregation problems can be minimized by
dividing the delivery of the asphalt mix from the silo into
multiple drops, each delivered to a different section of
thea tandem
If bed axle dump
of truck
the is being
used, about
percent of the total weight of the mix to be hauled should
be loaded into the center of the front half of the truck.
The truck should then be pulled forward so that the next
40 percent or so of the total load can be deposited into
the center of the back half of the bed, near the tailgate.
The vehicle should then be moved backwards again so
that the remaining 20 percent of the mix can be dropped
into the center of the bed, between the first two piles.
This loading sequence is shown in Figure 5-4.
Placement Equipment
Placement equipment is used to place the HMA as pavement. Where feasible, the HMA should be placed
and spread by a self propelled mechanical spreader or paver. Mechanical, self-propelled pavers should be
capable of spreading the mix within the specified tolerances specified and true to the line, grade, and crown
indicated on the plans.
Pavers should be equipped with efficient steering devices and should be capable of traveling both forward
and in reverse. They should be equipped with hoppers, feeding equipment and distributing screws that
place the mix in front of the screed. The paver screed unit should be capable of adjusting its height above
the roadbed and provide for the proper cross slope and/or crown. It should be equipped with a controlled
heating device for preventing the HMA mixture from sticking to the screed at the initial start of paving and at
any other time when needed to prevent the HMA mixture from sticking to the screed. The screed should
strike off the mix to the depth and cross-slope specified without the aid of guide adjustment during
operations. Pavers should be capable of spreading mixes without segregation or tearing and producing a
finished surface of even and uniform texture.
Modern pavers are supported on crawler treads or pneumatic-tired wheels. These machines can place a
layer of less than 25 mm (1 in.) to approximately 250 mm (10 in.) in thickness over a width of 1.8 to
9.8 m(6 to 32ft). Working speeds generally range from 3 to 20 m (10 to 70 ft) per minute. The paver
operator should keep an even height of HMA on the augurs so the mix is uniformly spread by the screed. A
non-uniform height of material will produce an uneven finished product when compacted. Emptying the
receiving hopper of the paver and lifting the wings after each truck load of HMA tends to produce
segregation in the pavement mat.
Compaction Equipment
Compaction equipment is used to compact the HMA to attain the required density of the HMA mat after
placement. The compaction equipment should be of the type or types that will produce the required density
and pavement smoothness. A quality HMA mat is obtained by the proper compaction of the HMA. It should
not show any unevenness or any roller marks when completed.
Typical compaction equipment used today is usually tandem smooth steel-wheeled rollers; with a weight of
eight to fifteen tons with hydrostatic drives on both the front and rear drum. When compacting the mat the
forward roller should be pulled not pushed onto the hot mat. Most rollers are capable of a vibratory
operation for the initial break down of the HMA mat. Rollers should be in good working condition and
equipped with a reversing clutch for both forward and reverse operation at a constant speed. Rollers should
have adjustable scrapers to keep the smooth drum surfaces clean and an efficient means of keeping them
wet to prevent HMA mix from sticking. These surfaces should have no flat areas, openings, or projections
that will mar the surface of the pavement. Steel wheel rollers can be used for the completed compaction
and finished rolling of the mat. The final pass of the roller should remove the roller marks and leave the
surface flat and blemish free.
Pneumatic-tired rollers are also used to compact the HMA mat. Pneumatic-tired rollers should be self-
propelled. The rollers should be equipped with pneumatic tires of equal size and diameter that are capable
of exerting uniform contact pressure. Pneumatic rollers can be used for the initial breakdown of the mat as
well as the intermediate compaction.
The rubber tires of the roller exert a kneading action as well as varying amounts of contact pressure. The
wheels should be spaced so that one pass will accomplish a complete coverage equal to the rolling width of
the machine. There should be a minimum of one
quarter of an inch-overlap of the tracking
wheels. The roller should be constructed so that
the contact pressure will be uniform for all
wheels and the tire pressure of the tires will not
vary more than five pounds per square inch.
Reducing tire pressure will reduce the
contact pressure, thus increasing the tire
pressure will increase the contact pressure. The
rollers should be constructed with enough
ballast space to provide uniform wheel
loading as may be required. The operating
weight and tire pressure of the roller may be
varied to obtain contact pressures that will
result in being able to obtain the specified
Cold Milling
Cold milling is the most common pavement scarification method of salvaging material and for adjusting the
grade of existing pavement prior to an overlay. This method uses a self-propelled milling machine with a
rotating drum type head containing special teeth that cut the pavement to a predetermined depth and reduce
the size of the salvaged material. Single-pass cutting widths of up to twelve feet and depths of four inches
have been attained with this type of machine. The cutting heads are hydraulically controlled and are
capable of maintaining road profile and depth of cut to one eighth of an inch. Milled material is usually
suitable for hot or cold recycling with little additional reduction.
The performance of a HMA pavement under traffic is directly related to the condition of the surface on which
the pavement layers are placed. For a full-depth asphalt pavement, if the condition of the subgrade soil is
poor (particularly if it is wet and rutted under the haul trucks) the ultimate durability of the roadway may be
reduced. For HMA layers placed on top of a new, untreated granular base course, that base material should
be stable and the surface should be dry and should not be distorted by the trucks carrying mix to the paver.
Preparation of the subgrade, the foundation area that will support the pavement structure, consists of
removing the large rock, vegetation, debris, and topsoil from the area that will form the foundation of the
roadway. To prevent future growth of vegetation, the subgrade should be treated with an approved
The subgrade should be properly shaped to meet the grade and slope shown on the plans. It should be
compacted with moisture control to not less than ninety five percent of maximum laboratory density as per
ASTM D 698 or D 1557. The surface of the compacted subgrade should not vary more than three-quarters
of an inch (¾”) from the established grades.
Areas showing pronounced deflection under construction traffic indicate instability in the subgrade. If the
situation is not corrected by reworking and additional rolling, the areas could be removed and replaced with
suitable material and compacted or other options could be considered such as chemical stabilization, fabric
bridging etc. If the area is removed HMA millings or coarse granular material is recommended for the
replacement material. Very poor subgrade soils can possibly be bridged using geosynthetic fabrics. When
this situation is encountered, a qualified materials consultant should be consulted to determine the best
method for remedy.
When pavement sections are to be constructed over fine-grained subgrade it is recommended that a
separation fabric be used to keep the fine-grained subgrade from migrating up into and contaminating the
more open graded base and drainage materials of the pavement section.
Drainage and utility facilities should be installed and their trenches properly backfill and compacted to meet
the requirements of the subgrade.
A base course can be either a layer of granular material (aggregate) placed on the subgrade and compacted
or, in the case of Full-Depth asphalt pavement, a layer of HMA. In either case, the base must be uniform in
strength and within grade tolerances as required by the specifications. In addition, the surface should be free
of debris and accumulations of dust. If the base course is an unbound material and has been primed with a
cutback asphalt, the prime coat should be cured and swept with a power broom to remove loose particles
from the surface prior to placement of the HMA course. If the base course is an HMA base it should be
swept with a power broom for removal of loose particles and dust. A tack coat is applied just prior to placing
subsequent pavement layers.
The crushed aggregate base course may consist of one or more layers placed directly on the prepared
subgrade. The material should be spread and compacted to the required depth, grade and slope, density,
and dimensions indicated in the plans or as specified. The minimum compacted thickness of each lift should
be no less than two times the size of the largest aggregate particle, or four inches, whichever is greater. The
maximum compacted lift thickness should be six inches.
HMA Base
A HMA base may consist of one or more courses of HMA placed on a prepared subgrade. It should have a
total compacted thickness as indicated on the plans
or as specified. In general, a base with total
thickness of four inches or less should be placed in
one lift. A base with a total thickness of more than
four inches may be placed in two or more lifts with
the bottom lift having a minimum thickness of three
inches. HMA bases are generally coarse graded
mixes with low percentage of asphalt binder
compared to the surface course.
Prime coats and tack coats are applications of liquid asphalt applied to base material or lower layers of the
pavement to ensure a bond between the base course and the pavement.
Prime Coat
Prime Coats: A prime coat is a sprayed application of a medium curing cutback asphalt or emulsified
asphalt applied to a base course of untreated material. Any time there is a chance of slippage of the HMA,
or if there is going to be a delay before paving, a prime coat should be used.
When a medium curing cutback asphalt is used, it is applied heavily enough to penetrate into the base
material. When an emulsion is used, it penetrates more slowly and is applied at a lesser rate. A mixing
grade asphalt emulsion can also be used, but it must be mixed into the base material by a motor grader, or
rotary mixer type equipment. This can be done at the time of final grading and rolling of the base material.
Prime applications are done under the same general weather conditions as paving; however, for cutbacks to
properly cure, 24 to 72 hours of favorable weather are required.
If the HMA pavement is less than 100 mm (4 in.) thick, a prime coat is recommended prior to placement of
the mixture unless prevailing circumstances prohibit it. Circumstances of this nature are when foot traffic is
present, there is a strong possibility of moisture getting on the base course, or the project cannot be closed
for proper curing time.
1. It fills the surface voids and protects the base from weather.
2. It stabilizes the fines and preserves the base material.
Application rates for prime coats vary with the type of asphalt used. For a medium-curing cutback asphalt,
MC-30, 70 or 250, the application rate ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 gal/yd2. When an emulsified asphalt coat of
CSS-1, CSS-1h, SS-1, SS-1h, MC-70, or an approved alternate is used, application rates vary from 0.1 to 03
gal/yd2/in. depth. Emulsified asphalt prime can be applied at the same rate as emulsified asphalt. Exact
application rates are determined by the project engineer under the prevailing conditions at the time the work
is done. Application of the MC-250 as a prime should be reserved for open textured bases.
When cutback asphalt is used, the ideal prime rate is the amount of material that the aggregate base will
absorb in a 24-hour period. Occasionally, too much cutback asphalt is applied. Even after a normal curing
time (24 to 72 hours), some of the asphalt still has not been absorbed into the base. To prevent bleeding of
the prime coat up through the asphalt pavement, or creating a slip plane, the excess cutback should be
blotted with clean sand or screenings. Blotting involves spreading material over the primed surface and
allowing the asphalt prime to be absorbed into the cover material. Paving should be delayed until the
excess prime has been properly handled. The area may require a second blotting prior to placement of the
HMA. Before the HMA is placed, the prime coated base should be swept lightly with a power broom. Excess
sand left in place will prevent a good bond between base course and asphalt layers. Prior to paving, the
primed base should be inspected to make sure it has properly cured.
The undiluted application rate should vary between 0.10 and 0.50 gallons per square yard depending on the
grade being used. Before paving, any excess prime coat should be blotted with sand, swept and allowed to
cure a minimum of 24 hours.
Tack Coat
Tack coats are applications of asphalt (usually diluted emulsified asphalt) sprayed on the surface of an
existing pavement prior to an overlay. The purpose of a tack coat is to promote the bond between the old
and new pavement layers. Tack coats are also used where the HMA comes in contact with the vertical face
of curbs, gutters, cold pavement joints and structures.
A tack can be either CSS-1, CSS1-h, SS-1, SS-1h, MC-70 or an approved alternate at an undiluted rate of
0.02 to 0.10 gal/yd2. Two essential properties of a tack coat are: (1) it must be very thin, and (2) it must
uniformly cover the entire surface of the area to be resurfaced. To accomplish these requirements and for
the distributor to uniformly apply light quantities, the tack asphalt is usually diluted 50:50 with water, and the
rate should be adjusted for an undiluted application rate.
The upper limit of the application range is recommended for old oxidized, cracked, pocked, or milled asphalt
pavements and concrete pavement surfaces. Too little tack coat will not provide a bond, resulting in
slippage cracks, and too much can cause slippage between the old and new pavement layers. In addition,
too much tack could cause bleeding into the overlay mix compromising mixture stability . The exact
application rate should be determined by the project engineer at the time of application.
Although asphalt cements or cutbacks can also be used for tack coats, a diluted, emulsified asphalt (one
part water to one part emulsified asphalt) gives the best results.
Tack coat applications are made under the same general weather conditions as HMA paving operations.
The roadway surface should be dry and free from dusty material. A power broom is used to sweep the
surface prior to tack application. Tack coats are applied just prior to placement of the HMA. If the tack is
applied too far out in front, it could lose its tacky characteristic and the surface would require additional tack.
The element of time for this to occur is a function of the temperature, wind, surface condition and traffic. If
an area is tacked and placement of HMA is not done the same day, the surface should be re-tacked lightly at
the beginning of the next paving day.
Before the emulsion breaks (the water in the
emulsified asphalt begins to evaporate and the
asphalt begins to bond with the old pavement
surface), a tack-coated surface is slick. Traffic
should be kept off the tack coat until no hazardous
condition exists, and should be warned of the
probability of the emulsion spattering when traffic is
permitted on it. The overlay should not be placed
until the tack coat has cured to the point where it is
tacky to the touch.
Uniformity of operations is essential in asphalt hot-mix paving. A uniform, continuous operation of the paver
produces the highest quality pavement. There is no advantage in the paver traveling at a speed that
requires the mix to be supplied faster than the plant can produce it or that it can be trucked to the job site.
Trying to pave too quickly can result in the paver having to stop frequently to wait for trucks to bring more
mix. If the wait is too long (more than a few minutes on a cool day) the smoothness of the pavement will
suffer when the paver starts up again as the mix in the paver that has cooled off is used up.
Obviously, then, it is essential that plant production and paving operations be coordinated. The paver must
be continuously supplied with enough mix. In addition, the trucks should not have to wait a long time to
discharge their loads into the paver hopper.
Lift Thickness
In the past, the most common rule of thumb for lift thickness was 2 to 1. The lift thickness was
recommended to be twice as thick as the maximum aggregate size. At that time, the maximum aggregate
size was generally referred to as the first sieve that had 100 percent of the material passing.
Now with Superpave, the nominal maximum aggregate
size is specified and usually 100 percent of the material
does not pass this sieve size. So a mixture that used to
be ¾” (19 mm) maximum size is likely now to be referred
to as ½” (12.5 mm) nominal size.
Successive lifts of mix should not be constructed directly over each other, but offset not less than 6 in. (150
mm) on alternate sides of the centerline on succeeding lifts. For example, on a 24-ft (7.3 m) pavement, the
first course (lane) is 12½ ft (3.8 m) wide and the next lane 11½ ft (3.5 m) wide. This prevents a continuous
vertical seam through the completed pavement along the longitudinal joint. On narrow roads, 20 ft (6.1 m) in
width or less, the course which requires the use of a cut-off shoe should be laid first, with the other side
being laid full width of the screed. On the final (top) course, a cut-off shoe should be used on both passes
so that the joint is located on the centerline.
Alignment of the mat is dependent on the accuracy of the guideline provided for the pavement operator and
his alertness in following it. Attention to this detail is vital to the construction of a satisfactory longitudinal
joint, since only a straight edge can be properly matched to make the joint.
On a wide roadway, where multiple lanes are being placed, it is generally best to place the lane adjacent to
the crown first, and then match the adjoining lane to it.
There are places on many jobs where spreading with a paver is either impractical or impossible. In these
cases, hand spreading may be permitted. Placing and spreading by hand should be done very carefully and
the material distributed uniformly so there will be no segregation of the coarse aggregate and the asphalt.
When the asphalt mix is dumped in piles, it should be placed far enough ahead of the laborer to necessitate
moving the entire pile. Also, sufficient space should be provided for the workmen to stand on the base and
not on the mixed material. If the asphalt mix is broadcast with shovels, almost complete segregation of the
coarse and fine portions of the mix will result. A mixture placed by hand will have a different surface
appearance than the same mixture placed by machine.
The material should be deposited from the shovels into small piles and spread with lutes. In the spreading
process, the material should be thoroughly loosened and evenly distributed. Any part of the mix that has
formed into lumps and does not break down easily should be discarded. After the material has been placed
and before rolling starts, the surface should be checked with templates and straightedges and irregularities
Joint Construction
Pavement joints are seams between adjacent mats. Construction of durable joints is a critical element in the
longevity of HMA pavements. Conventional equipment and techniques can be successfully used to
construct both transverse and longitudinal joints. However, due to loss of experienced personnel and a
variety of pressures placed on the construction process, it has been suggested that improvements in
construction equipment to assist the operator in building high performance joint, especially longitudinal joints,
would be extremely beneficial.
Transverse Joints
A transverse joint occurs at any point where the paver ends work and then resumes work at a subsequent
time. A poorly constructed transverse joint is noticeable as a pronounced bump in the pavement.
Consequently, the inspector must be on hand whenever a transverse joint is made in order to ensure it is
done properly. Discovering hours after construction that a transverse joint is unsatisfactory does no good,
because joint construction can only be
corrected while the mix is still hot and
workable. Once the mix cools, corrections can
be made only by cutting out and replacing the
Longitudinal Joints
In a cold joint, one lane is placed and compacted; the companion lane is placed against it and compacted.
Special precautions must be followed to ensure a joint of good quality. The base on which the companion
lane is to be placed should be swept if necessary. The edge to be joined should be tack coated. The paver
screed should be set to overlap the first mat by 1 or 2 inches (25 to 50 mm). The elevation of the screed
above the surface of the first mat should be equal to the amount of roll-down expected during compaction of
the new mat.
The coarse aggregate in the material overlapping the cold joint should be carefully removed and wasted.
This leaves behind only the finest portion of the mixture, which will be tightly pressed into the compacted
lane at the time the joint is rolled.
The placement of a Superpave mix is very similar to a conventional mix, however, compaction is the area
where Superpave has made its biggest impact. Compaction of Superpave mixes is covered in the section
on compaction.
The CAPA/CDOT Longitudinal Task Force has developed a BEST PRACTICES FOR LONGITUDINAL
JOINT CONSTRUCTION guideline and has been working on the development of a performance based
( end result) specification for longitudinal joints. The guideline of best practices for longitudinal joint
construction is as follows:
Decide on a plan and stick with it.
Minimum Grade
It is recommended that the minimum horizontal pavement grade (cross slope) be not less than two percent
(approximately one quarter inch per foot) for roadways. For parking lots and playgrounds, to ensure proper
surface drainage, a one percent (1%) slope is recommended as a minimum. Slopes usually less than 1%
are hard to construct without the formation of "bird baths" which will lead to the deterioration of the pavement
Compaction is the process of compressing a given volume of HMA into a smaller volume. It is accomplished
by pressing together the asphalt coated aggregate particles, thereby eliminating most of the air voids
(spaces) in the mix and increasing the density (weight to volume ratio) of the mixture. Compaction is
considered successful when the finished mat reaches optimum void content and density.
The need for a pavement to be compacted to its optimum density is better understood when the effect of air,
water, and traffic on an under-compacted pavement is realized. The voids in an under-compacted mix tend
to be interconnected and permit the intrusion of air and water throughout the pavement. Air and water carry
oxygen which oxidizes the asphalt binder in the mix causing it to become brittle. Consequently, the
pavement itself will ultimately fail as it can no longer withstand the repeated deflections of traffic loads. The
internal presence of water at freezing temperatures can also cause an early failure in the pavement from
expansion of the freezing water .
A pavement which has not been adequately compacted during construction will rut or groove from the traffic
that is channelized over it. However, unless some voids are left in the compacted mix, the pavement will
flush and tend to become unstable due to the reduction of voids content under traffic and thermal expansion
of the asphalt. If the air void content is too high, the pavement will tend towards raveling and disintegration.
When there is a low air voids content, there is a danger of the pavement flushing and becoming unstable.
By pressing the aggregate particles close together into a position in which the asphalt binder can hold them,
compaction accomplishes two important goals. It develops the strength and stability of the mix. Additionally,
it closes gaps through which water and air would otherwise penetrate and cause faster aging, freeze-thaw
damage, and stripping.
The temperature at which an asphalt mixture is produced affects both the ease of compaction and the time it
takes for the mix to cool to 185 °F (85 °C), the minimum temperature at which densification can take place.
Up to a certain point the hotter the mix, the more fluid the asphalt and the less resistant the mix is to
compaction. The upper limit for mix temperature is approximately 325 °F (163 °C). Higher temperatures
may result in damage to the asphalt. Within these limiting values 185 °F to 325 °F (85 °C to 163 °C), the
best temperature to begin rolling (compaction) is the maximum temperature at which the mix will support the
roller without moving horizontally.
At the time of placement, the mix temperature is uniform throughout the thickness of the mat. However, the
top and bottom surfaces cool more rapidly than the interior because they are in contact with the cooler air
and subgrade.
Heat checking is a rather common occurrence during compaction of HMA mixes, particularly when the mix is
placed in thin lifts. Heat checking happens most frequently when the tiller wheel of the roller is in front in the
direction of travel during the breakdown pass.
For paving projects, a test strip should be constructed to determine the optimum number of roller passes
needed to achieve proper density levels. A number of different combinations of rollers and rolling patterns
should be tried to determine the optimum combination of compactive effort to achieve the required density
smoothness. Setting up a test strip can be one of the most important steps in determining the way to get the
desired density and smoothness while also getting the best production.
It is important to establish a test strip under conditions which will closely approximate the job conditions. To
provide a minimum strip of at least 500 ft (150 m), it is important to ensure that the mix design is proper, and
that the proper mat temperature, thickness and texture are known before rolling begins.
Using a predetermined number of rollers (static or vibratory) and a predetermined roller pattern, roller
passes are begun. Density is checked with a nuclear gauge after each roller pass. As a rule of thumb, the
roller passes should be completed before the mix cools below 175°F (80°C). Below this temperature,
increased compaction becomes more difficult to achieve. Different mixes will have different minimum
temperature requirements, some higher, some lower than the "rule of thumb." The specific mix and asphalt
properties", will control compaction.
After completing the tests, record the data necessary to duplicate the results on the job (i.e., numbers of
rollers, size, type, speed and in the case of
vibratory rollers, the frequency and amplitude
settings). This being completed, the number of
rollers necessary to keep up with the plant and
paver production can be selected. The roller
pattern should be maintained as was determined on
the test strip. Spend as much time with the roller
operators as with the paving crew to insure that
established procedures are being maintained.
The cracks that develop during the tender zone do not cause a significant problem themselves; however,
they could allow moisture to penetrate the mix reducing durability. In addition the cracks could grow and
cause premature failure of the pavement. If a tender mix is successfully compacted to the desired density
level it may not experience significant loss of life; however, smoothness could be affected.
There are many causes attributed to tender mixes and identifying the specific cause on a given project may
be difficult. Some of the potential causes of the tender zone are listed below:
Moisture could be from improperly dried aggregates, moisture on the surface prior to paving or from
excessive moisture applied during the initial compaction process. The process of converting the water to
steam, which increases the volume of the water, tends to push the aggregates apart.
Excessive asphalt content is a relative term and is a function of the mixture. When the mix is designed
properly, this should not be a problem.
Rounded aggregates have been associated with tender mixes for some time. Rounded particles tend to
roll past other aggregates, resulting in lateral movement.
The gradation of the mixture could be a problem. For example, if the filler content is too low, there is not
enough fine material to mix with the binder to produce adequate stiffness. Generally well-graded aggregate
mixes do not exhibit tenderness.
The bond to the underlying surface could lead to some tenderness. When overlaying a smooth oxidized
surface or one where some loose materials exist, it may be difficult to establish an adequate bond, allowing
lateral movement of the overlay. When a mix is placed too hot, the rollers may have to wait for the mix to
cool enough to begin compaction. At this point the mix at the surface may be at a lower temperature than
the center of the mix, causing a stiffer upper layer to slide over the hotter less stiff center mixture. Mixes
should be placed at a temperature at which compaction can begin immediately.
Some asphalts have light ends that may be driven from the mix in the range of 300E - 350E F. There have
been occasions when a change in the source of asphalt cement has solved the problem.
Rolling equipment and operator technique can have a significant effect on how the mix handles during
compaction. Mixes that appear tender under steel wheel rollers will not typically act tender under rubber
tired rollers. Sudden starts and stops and sharp turns of the rollers are likely to shove the mix laterally.
Typically the drive drum of the roller should be run toward the paver.
Binder stiffness may be too low at very high temperatures, which will make the mix appear tender.
Polymers, which stiffen the mix, are less likely to exhibit tenderness when being compacted if the breakdown
rolling is completed before the mix cools below 275E F.
Contamination with diesel fuel or other petroleum solvents can cause tender mix problems. Contamination
can come from storage tanks, release agents in trucks, spills on the existing surface or many other sources.
Colorado is not unique in that tenderness is an issue here as well. Numerous contractors have been
consulted and most agree that compacting the mixture as much as possible prior to the temperature falling
into the tender zone seems to work the best. Some have been able to achieve the specified density prior to
the mix temperature falling into the tender zone. They then wait until the mix has cooled sufficiently and take
out the roller marks as usual.
Others contractors experimented with using the rubber tired roller to roll in the breakdown mode and were
successful. Some adjusted the frequency and amplitude of the breakdown roller to assist in more rapid
compaction. Most agree that the tender zone is more of a temperature problem than a grading issue.
Generally speaking, it is easier to achieve target density in thicker layer (lifts) of HMA than in thinner ones.
This is because the thicker the mat the longer it retains its heat and the longer the time during which
compaction can be achieved. This can be used to advantage when rolling lifts of highly stable mixes that
are difficult to compact, or when paving in weather that can cause rapid cooling of thin mats. Alternatively,
increased course thickness can permit lower mix temperatures to be used because of the reduced rate of
It is very important to recognize that operating techniques are governed by the mix behavior during the
rolling process. It will vary from job-to-job and from lift-to-lift. Rules are, therefore, not absolute, but only
considered as guidelines.
Superpave mix compaction is the area where Superpave has made its biggest impact. Meeting compaction
requirements has been challenging on some Superpave projects. Due to higher amounts of angular
materials in Superpave mixes, it can be a little more difficult to compact. Coarse graded Superpave mixes
are where most of the compaction problems have been. Coarse graded mixes often cool faster, allowing
less time for compaction. The contractor may need to employ the use of additional rollers, to compensate
for less time available to achieve compaction.
With a Superpave mix, it is very important to start rolling the mat while it is really hot (280-300 F). For a stiff
mix breakdown rolling should be done right up close to the paving machine, it is crucial to get compaction
before it cools down. The roller size may need to be increased from a 12-ton to a 17-ton roller to get the
necessary compaction.
Evaluation of frost potential in soils is a critical aspect of the design of pavements and embankments. To
ensure satisfactory design, it is necessary that the potential effect of frost action on the structure under
consideration be assessed.
As previously mentioned, frost action has two components: 1) the heaving of the ground caused by the
formation of ice lenses near the ground surface, and 2) the weakening condition of the soil when the ice
lenses melt, melting from the top down and producing ponding or saturated condition in the near-surface soil.
Three elements are required for frost action: a frost susceptible soil, freezing temperatures, and the
presence of water. If any one of the aforementioned elements are missing, frost action will not be a problem.
Frost susceptible soil may be recognized on the basis of the particle size distribution, in the manner
previously cited, or actual tests can be conducted in the laboratory to ascertain the degree of frost
Criteria have been established for determining the frost susceptibility of soils based on particle grain size
distribution. Such a classification has been published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is shown in
Table 5-2.
Table 5-2 Frost Susceptible Soils
Group Description
Gravelly soils containing between 3 and 20 percent finer than 0.02 mm by weight.
F1 Sands containing between 3 and 15 percent finer than 0.02 mm by weight.
F2 A)Gravelly soils containing more than 20 percent finer than 0.02 mm by weight, and sands, except fine silty sands,
containing more than 15 percent finer than 0.02 mm by weight.
F3 B)Clays with plasticity indices of more than 12, except
C)Varied clays existing with uniform conditions.
A) Silts including sandy silts.
B) Fine silty sands containing more than 15 percent finer than 0.02 mm by weight.
F4 C) Lean clays with plasticity indices of less than 12.
D) Varied clays with non-uniform subgrade.
This criteria is based on the quantity of material finer than 0.02 mm with soils being graded from F1 to F4, in
order of increasing frost susceptibility. In general, this table indicates that soils containing more than 3 per
cent by weight of particles finer than 0.02 mm are considered frost susceptible. This classification has been
found by the Corps of Engineers to be satisfactory and accurate.
Capillarity permits the creep of free water through the pores and fine channels of the soil. In coarse-grained
materials such as sand and gravel, the behavior of free water is governed almost entirely by gravity, and the
water will tend to seek a level as if in an open channel. As grain sizes become smaller and channel
diameters decrease, soil- water interactions influence the behavior of the water. For example, if the pores of
a soil are not full of water and if free water is available, capillary forces will tend to pull free water through the
soil until the voids are full. Such movement can take place in any direction, but upward movement usually
creates the most serious problems. Capillary action is most pronounced in soils composed mainly of fine
sands, silts, or silty clays, as they are fairly permeable and have channels through which moisture can pass.
Yet the diameters of the openings are small enough so that the capillary forces are high. Clays and colloidal
soils are practically impermeable and are little subject to capillarity.
There is evidence that large amounts of water can be raised considerable distances by soils subject to
capillarity. If the surface of the soil is open and this moisture evaporates as fast as it rises, no damage may
result. But, if evaporation is slow or the surface is sealed by pavement or some other impervious blanket,
this capillary water accumulates and saturates the subsurface layers. Many surface failures have resulted.
Failures variously described as frost heaving, frost boils, and spring breakup often are the result of the
combination of capillary action with the freezing and thawing of the ground. A simplified explanation of this
phenomenon is as follows:
1. When the soil temperature decreases below the freezing point, water in the larger voids freezes,
but that in the capillary tubes does not, because its freezing point is lower (see Figure. 5-5) .
2. This capillary water is drawn to the frozen particles with, tremendous force. Tensions as high as
8000 cm of water have been reported.
3. When this water comes in contact with the ice particles, it freezes and increases the thickness of the ice
layer, thus raising the overlying material. Pressures of about 200 lb per sq in. can be developed, which
far exceed the usual superimposed load.
4. Water drawn from the soil pores is replaced with moisture supplied by capillary action from the
groundwater below, and that in turn is added to the growing ice lens.
5. Growth of a lens is halted and another below it begins to form when the temperature between them
becomes low enough to freeze the capillary moisture. The rate at which cooling takes place governs the
number and thickness of lenses.
In the northern United States, even where the ground seldom freezes more than 2 to 3 ft below the surface,
heaving or raising of the road surface by 6 in. or more is not uncommon. In one case heaving of 2 ft has
been reported. Very often heaving is not uniform but occurs only in stratified layers or pockets of fine sand,
Figure 5-5 Mechanics of Frost Heave
silts, or silty clays which so often occur in regions that have been subject to glacial action. Thus a small
section of the road surface will rise and create a serious accident hazard. Unfortunately many subgrade soils
whose characteristics vary abruptly occur within the frost areas of this country.
With Spring thaws, the ground and ice lenses melt, and free water under the surface escapes through
cracks to form "frost boils." Harmful settlement of the road surface follows. When water remains under the
surface until vehicles break through, the action is described as "Spring breakup." Frost action also brings
bank slides and slope instability.
Several remedies for frost heave have been used. Among them are:
1. Remove the soil that is subject to capillary action for a considerable depth and replace it with a granular non-
capillary material. The practice varies: some agencies remove susceptible materials to the full depth of frost
penetration; others stop at one-half this depth.
2. Install sub-drains to lower the groundwater below the reach of extensive capillary action.
3. Excavate the soil to the frost line and place an impervious seal such as an asphaltic membrane or a layer of
granular, non-capillary material at this level to cut off the flow of capillary water. Then replace the original
Even where freezing does not bring frost heaving, a marked strength loss results when a frozen
subgrade and base thaw. Repeated tests have demonstrated that frozen soils match the supporting power
found during the late summer and fall. However, as thawing from the surface downward progresses,
strength falls rapidly and may decrease as much as 50% by the time the frost is out of the ground.
Thus resulting in a pavement structure not capable of supporting the traffic loadings and the
eventual deterioration of the pavement.
Environmental Condition
The construction of quality pavement structures is highly dependent on the conditions under which the
pavement is placed. Ambient air temperature, wind, humidity and the temperature of the surface upon which
the HMA is being placed can seriously affect the cooling rate of the mixture. The placement and compaction
of HMA is basically a race against time. Cool air temperatures, high humidity, strong winds and cool
surfaces can shorten the time in which compaction must take place. Increasing plant mix temperature,
covering hauling units, minimizing haul length and shortening windrows in front of pick up machines can
minimize the effects of the environment.
Layer Thickness
Asphalt mixtures cool with time. The greater the surface area of the mixture, the faster the environment can
cool the mixture. Thick layers, or lifts, have less material exposed to the air and subsurface in relation to
their volume, and therefore cool slower. Generally, it is easier to achieve required density in thicker lifts of
HMA than in thinner ones. This is because the thicker the mat, the longer it retains heat, thus increasing the
time during which compaction can take place. This principle can be used to advantage when rolling lifts of
highly stable mixtures that are difficult to compact, or when paving in weather that can cause rapid cooling of
thin mats. The most effective way to slow the rate of cooling is to keep the mixture in as large a mass as
possible. Thicker layers can permit mixtures to be placed at lower temperatures because of the
reduced rate of cooling.
The subgrade or base must be firm and non-yielding under the haul trucks and other construction equipment.
Subgrade or bases that show movement under trucks or construction equipment will need additional
compaction work or some type of remedial work to overcome the softness. The remedial work could be lime
or Portland cement stabilization, or in certain circumstances, removal and replacement with a more suitable
material. A yielding subgrade or base would require a thicker HMA pavement in order to support the traffic
loading. Haul trucks may also be limited in size and weight to prevent pumping action of basement materials.
As previously discussed, maintaining heat in the mix is critical in achieving density and constructing a quality
asphalt pavement. In many areas however, it is necessary to pave when conditions are not exactly
favorable. Many times in the early spring or late fall and winter, temperatures can severely hamper or halt
the construction process. When paving in cold weather conditions, construction procedures usually need to
be altered in order to achieve the specified density. A few things that can be done to achieve density are:
C Work the breakdown and intermediate rollers as close to the paver as possible
C Cover loads during hauling (warm and cold weather paving)
C Insulate the truck beds
C Increase the plant temperature
C Decrease plant production rate
C Minimize or eliminate windrows and pickup machines
C Reduce paving speed
C Increase the number of rollers
C Increase the layer thickness
The basic strategy is to maintain as much heat as possible in the mixture long enough to facilitate attainment
of the required density . However, even by observing the above recommendations and achieving the
specified level of compaction, detrimental effects can occur when paving during cold weather. As the HMA
cools, it cools at different rates. The exposed surface and the surface contacting the cold subsurface will
cool at a much faster rate. The top and bottom of the layer will rapidly cool to the surrounding temperature,
while the middle portion of the layer (which is often where the temperature is measured) remains much
warmer. It is theorized that, when the lift is compacted, the top surface can develop micro cracks as the mat
compresses. These micro cracks allow moisture to enter the pavement surface, and moisture damage can
be expected. As a result, surface raveling could occur. Raveling is the process where surface fines and
binder are lost and "flake" away. The resulting surface will appear porous and rocky as the large aggregate
remains in place. This phenomenon is more severe when using marginal or "poor" aggregates and when
paving in the fall. Early season paving problems tend to be less prevalent since traffic during the summer
seems to "knead" the surface back together.
Perhaps the most common consequence of cold weather paving is inadequate densification of the pavement
layer, especially thin surface courses. The lack of adequate density in late paving season often results in
raveling, and sometimes disintegration, of the surface course within a few months after paving.
A note of caution, if there is any potential for subgrade swelling due to freezing actions, then the
HMA pavement should not be placed based on the previous mentioned subgrade strength loss.
Pavement markings have an important function in traffic control. They convey certain regulations and
warnings in a clearly understandable manner without diverting the driver's attention from the roadway. An
HMA pavement clearly has an advantage in providing highly visible, attention-attracting markings - even
under adverse weather conditions. White and yellow painted markings stand out on the black background.
Pavement markings on public highways should comply with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD). Standards for color, materials, width, shape, and concept are set forth in the MUTCD.
The most frequently used pavement markings are longitudinal center stripe and edge stripe markings. The
basic concept is to use yellow lines to delineate the separation of traffic flow in opposing directions or to
mark the left edge of pavement of divided highways and one-way roads. Solid yellow lines are also used to
mark no passing zones. White lines are used to separate traffic lanes flowing in the same direction or to
mark the outside edge (right) of pavements.
The patterns and width of longitudinal lines vary with use. A broken line formed by segments and gaps,
usually at a ratio of one to three. On rural highways, a recommended standard is ten-foot segments and
thirty-foot gaps. A normal line is four to six inches wide.
It is beyond the scope of this Design Guide to present these standards in more detail. The user should refer
to more detailed standards when placing pavement markings. City and County engineering offices and most
other transportation engineering organizations have a copy of the MUTCD.
The control of traffic through work areas in a safe and expeditious manner, while maintaining good public
relations, is an essential part of highway construction and maintenance operations. A traffic control plan
should be required for construction projects. When a road or a site normally used by traffic is closed, it
should be barricaded and signed in accordance with the MUTCD. In today's litigious society, efficient traffic
control may mean the difference between no liability and a large financial award should an accident occur.
No agency, owner, or company is immune from alleged responsibility for an accident.
Because of the multitude of construction and maintenance applications, it is impossible to list the standards
for signs, barricades, and markings in this publication. For more detailed information on a specific
application, refer to Part VI of the MUTCD and to the Colorado Department of Transportation.
Inspection and testing of the production and placement of HMA - or of any material - is necessary to ensure
a quality product. Plant produced HMA will have different properties than those measured in the laboratory
during development of the job mix formula. Accordingly, it is necessary to re-evaluate and adjust the mix
during field production. Plant and field inspections including the following:
Testing consists of performing different physical and analytical tests on the various materials and products
that are used on the project. Testing is not an exact science and is subject to some variability and statistical
error. There is also a certain amount of bias in testing. Accordingly, acceptance and control of quality for
the various parts of the construction process should be based on a statistical mean and deviation from that
mean value. Pass/Fail of individual tests should not be used for measuring acceptance or rejection of any
part of the construction process.
Testing should generally be performed at three levels:
1. Quality Control (QC) testing is performed by the contractor to help control the
overall quality of the product being produced. The QC testing is performed at the
highest frequency.
2. Quality Assurance (QA) testing is performed to access the level of acceptance and
how the contractor is to be paid for their materials and work. QA testing is usually
performed at less frequency than QC testing. Either the owner or an independent
consultant usually performs the QA testing.
Whenever there is an indication that the three testing programs are too far apart in their results the problem
needs to be resolved.
It is beyond the scope of this Design Guide to do more than emphasize the importance of a quality testing
and inspection program. Project Specials and General Specifications usually state testing frequency,
location of sampling, and procedures to be used. The Asphalt Institute and National Asphalt Pavement
Association (NAPA) both publish guides on asphalt plant inspection and field-testing which are available for
reference. Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association (CAPA) and other organizations offer training courses
on these subjects. It is recommended that technicians be certified through the an appropriate certification
program such as the Laboratory for Certified Asphalt Technicians (LabCAT).
Geosynthetic materials are used for many different applications throughout a roadway or highway design.
Not only are they used in asphalt paving installations, they are used for slope stability, drainage
enhancement, and as strengthening layers below and within the pavement section.
Barrier The use of a geosynthetic material to prevent the migration of liquids or gases.
Drainage (a.k.a. transmission) The use of a geosynthetic material to collect and transport fluids as in an underdrain
Filtration The use of a geosynthetic material to allow passage of fluids from a soil while
preventing the uncontrolled passage of soil particles.
Protection The use of a geosynthetic material as a localized stress reduction layer to prevent or
reduce damage to a given surface or layer. The materials will break any bond
between layers of the pavement structure.
Reinforcement The use of the tensile properties of a geosynthetic material to resist stresses or
contain deformations in geotechnical structures.
Separation The use of a geosynthetic material between two dissimilar geotechnical materials to
prevent intermixing.
Surface erosion control The use of a geosynthetic material to prevent the surface erosion of soil particles due
to surface water run-off and/or wind forces.
Terminology and reference to geosynthetics and their application is confusing and often incorrectly stated.
According to the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) the correct terminology for the geosynthetic
materials used in the asphalt paving industry are as follows:
Geogrid - A planar, polymeric structure consisting of a regular open network of integrally connected
tensile elements, which may be linked by extrusion, bonding or interlacing, whose openings are larger
than the constituents, used in contact with soil/rock and/or any other geotechnical material in civil
engineering applications.
Geomat - A three-dimensional, permeable, polymeric (synthetic or natural) structure, made of
bonded filaments, used for soil protection and to bind roots and small plants for erosion control
Geosynthetic - A planar, polymeric (synthetic or natural) material used in contact with soil/rock
and/or any other geotechnical material in civil engineering applications.
Geotextile - A planar, permeable, polymeric (synthetic or natural) textile material, which may
be nonwoven, knitted or woven, used in contact with soil/rock and/or any other geotechnical
material in civil engineering applications.
Except for some basic applications of geosynthetic fabrics in a pavement section, it is beyond the scope of
this design guide to go into further detail regarding the above listed geosynthetic materials. A qualified
consultant should be retained for the correct use and application of the geosynthetics and their applications.
Filtration fabrics - used for filtration to allow water to pass from one part of the pavement
section to another while preventing the uncontrolled passage of soil particles.
Separation fabric - used to prevent two dissimilar materials such as subgrade and bases from
Reinforcement fabrics - used to resist stresses within the pavement section and or between
the subgrade and the rest of the pavement section. Also used to prevent or retard the
propagation of cracks in an old pavement from reflecting up through a new pavement overlay.
Barrier fabrics - used as a waterproofing membrane to prevent the migration of water within
the pavement section.
When used, a paving fabric acts as an interlayer in Hot Mix
Asphalt (HMA) paving in an effort to:
• Prevent or delay cracks in the old pavement from "reflecting" through as cracks in the new
$ Provide an impermeable barrier to keep surface water from entering the lower layers of the
pavement section and subgrade.
In order that the reinforcement fabric performs as intended, the fabric must become saturated with asphalt
and bond sufficiently to both the old pavement and new HMA overlay.
The Fabric
Paving geotextiles are usually constructed of non-woven synthetic fibers; resistant to chemical attack,
mildew and rot. They should conform to the physical requirements shown in Table 5-2.
Table 6-2
Physical Requirements of Paving Geotextiles
Property Requirements Test Method
Tensile Strength lbs, min 80 ASTM D 4632
Paving fabric is usually shipped to the job site in 300 foot rolls, twelve and one half feet (12.5 ft.) wide.
During shipment and storage, the fabric should be protected from direct sunlight and water. For those
fabrics not pre-qualified, fabric samples should be obtained as early as possible and sent to a qualified lab
for testing. It usually is sufficient to take the first eighteen inches (18") (full width) from one roll in every thirty
rolls as a standard sample.
Paving fabrics come in various colors depending on the supplier. Normally they are either black or gray.
The most popular used fabric is black, but the gray fabric offers some advantage over the black fabrics in
that it is easier to tell if the fabric is saturated and if it has been laid smooth without wrinkles.
Field Quality Control
Prior to the installation of any paving fabric in a paving project, it should be inspected. Described below are
field quality control measures that should help the paving fabric to perform as intended. A quick reference
inspection checklist is provided at the end of this chapter to help with the inspection of the fabric.
Prior to placement of the fabric, cracks wider than one quarter of an inch should be sealed. Potholes should
be filled to provide a flat, uniform surface for the fabric and to keep the liquid asphalt tack coat from
"puddling" or "leaking" away. If the old pavement exhibits extensive rutting, faulting and step-off joints or
cracks, a thin leveling course should be placed prior to placing the fabric.
To ensure a successful overlay project, the above procedures should be followed even if a contract
change order is required.
$ Provide enough excess on the topside of the fabric to bond the HMA overlay to the fabric.
Too light an application rate could preclude any of the above. Too heavy an application rate could result
in slippage problems or bleeding at higher temperatures. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the
proper amount of asphalt cement be applied. Although a nominal application rate of 0.25 gal/yd2 is
usually specified, very thick or very thin fabrics will usually require more or less than that amount.
Most fabric manufacturers have determined acceptable application rate "ranges" for their brand of fabric.
The field application rate can be checked by dividing gallons used by the area covered.
As mentioned above, the liquid asphalt cement must saturate the fabric. This means it must stay liquid
long enough for saturation to occur. This can occur in either of two ways:
1. Where the liquid asphalt is applied to a cool pavement, it will assume the temperature of
the pavement and stiffen within seconds. In this case, the liquid asphalt usually will only
remain tacky enough to hold the fabric in place, but saturation will occur when the HMA
overlay is placed and its heat (250 °F to 300 °F) re-melts the tack asphalt, allowing it to
infiltrate the fabric. With normal rolling pressures, the fabric should become saturated
(assuming the application rate was adequate).
2. Where the liquid asphalt cement is applied to a sun-heated (say 100 °F or above)
pavement, it often stays liquid enough to saturate the fabric, at least partially, prior to
placement of the HMA overlay. In this case, full saturation usually will occur in the wheel
tracks of vehicles that drive on the fabric. This is where problems can arise. The tires of
the HMA haul trucks can become coated with the liquid asphalt and will often pick up the
fabric as they roll on it. The first reaction is to cut back the amount of liquid asphalt being
applied in an effort to dry up the operation and eliminate this problem. The cutting back of
the liquid asphalt should not be permitted as the long-term performance of the fabric
could be sacrificed. The rationale here is that a given brand of fabric requires a fixed
amount of asphalt for saturation and bonding. This amount does not change simply
because the asphalt stays liquid enough to saturate the fabric before placement of the
HMA overlay (i.e., where the liquid asphalt does not depend on being re-melted by the heat
from the overlay). Reducing the amount of liquid asphalt applied could result in poor
bond between the fabric and the HMA and/or failure to create a waterproof membrane.
If fabric placement problems arise due to general "soupiness" of the fabric/liquid asphalt combination, they
can be remedied by measures less detrimental than reducing the amount of AC applied. Some of these
measurements are:
$ Hand spreading a small amount of the HMA mix on top of the fabric in the wheel paths of
the vehicles,
$ Keeping the fabric's placement as close as possible to the paving machine, thereby
reducing the time that the fabric is on the tack coat prior to overlay's placement,
$ Prohibiting vehicles (other than HMA haul trucks) from traveling on the fabric.
Another problem, related to liquid asphalt application, arises when the operator of the distributor truck
follows the practice of spraying an area not more than about 100 feet ahead of the fabric laydown, then
stopping and waiting for the fabric to catch up. Upon restarting, they will often overlap their previous spray,
resulting in a double application. These locations of double application can lead to construction problems,
such as sticking to haul truck tires which tend to pick up the fabric, or long-term pavement problems such as
bleeding or slippage. Liquid asphalt applications overlaps should therefore be minimized.
Once the tack coat is placed on the pavement in preparation of receiving the bare fabric, traffic must be kept
to a minimum. Vehicle tires will “pick up” tack coat if allowed to travel over it and rob the fabric of
sufficient binder. Limited traffic after placement of fabric is not harmful unless wheel turning or other
damaging wheel movements occur.
Fabric Placement
Paving fabric usually is placed by a crew of three using a small tractor or front-end loader rigged for handling
rolls of fabric. The fabric can be placed manually (i.e., without the use of a tractor), but this is usually slower,
cumbersome, and creates more wrinkles.
Because of tire sticking and pick up problems, only a minimal amount of construction equipment should be
allowed on the fabric, especially in warmer weather (say above 80 EF). If tire pick up should occur, a small
quantity of HMA distributed on the fabric will usually correct the situation.
Rolling equipment may be used to "seat" the fabric in cooler weather where the liquid asphalt coat tends to
stiffen and winds tend to displace the fabric.
Overlay Paving
When the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) overlay is placed on the fabric, two paving variables are usually the key to
proper installation of fabric:
$ The temperature of the HMA overlay mix at the time of rolling, and
Samples of the HMA overlay mix should be obtained from the mat behind the paver in the normal manner.
Knowledge of a few simple rules, combined with common sense, can mean the difference between a trouble
free fabric installation and a project that becomes either a construction "nightmare" or a premature pavement
Preliminary Work
The following chapter is intended to help the design engineer with designing high performance, high
traffic volume asphalt intersections. The guide is a compilation of the most recent state-of-the-art
technology related to Superpave and asphalt pavement design for high volume intersections.
Hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement is the paving material of choice for a majority of Colorado roadways.
The advantages of reduced cost and less construction delay combined with improved smoothness and
ease of maintenance make asphalt pavement a viable solution for most types of roadways. However, in
some cases, good performance of asphalt pavement at high traffic volume intersections has not been
Some mixes that have a history of good performance may not perform well in intersections, climbing
lanes, truck weigh stations and other slow-speed areas. Special attention should be focused on high
traffic volume intersections to ensure the same outstanding performance.
The key to achieving this desired performance is recognizing that these pavements may need to be
treated differently than conventional roadways. Specifically, the pavement must be designed and
constructed to withstand more severe conditions. Well-designed, properly constructed HMA
intersections provide an economical, long-lasting pavement with minimal disruption.
This chapter provides design and project scope information so as to improve the performance of asphalt
pavement for high traffic volume intersections. Included is guidance on assessing problems with
existing intersections, ensuring structural adequacy, selecting and controlling materials, and tips on
proper construction practices.
To avoid performance problems at high traffic volume intersections, the following key strategies should
be followed:
$ When twenty-year traffic loading is $ three million ESALs or traffic loadings are between 1 and
3 million ESALs and are from heavy trucks and buses within an intersection, a high
performance intersection design should be used.
$ If high traffic volume intersections are within one-quarter mile of each other, the entire
roadway should be designed using the high performance intersection design.
$ Acceleration and deceleration lanes should be included as part of the intersection design.
$ Sharp turns with slow moving traffic should be included as part of the intersection design.
If there are not enough high performance intersections within a project to warrant a high traffic volume
intersection design throughout, but the intersections that are within the project are potentially subject to
the high performance intersection criteria for high volume intersections, they should be blocked out and
a high traffic volume intersection design used. This being the case, when there is two-way traffic, the
transition should extend at least 300 linear feet on either side of the intersection. If one-way traffic, the
transition should be at least 300 linear feet on the deceleration side and 100 linear feet on the
acceleration side of the intersection.
A successful intersection rehabilitation project is dependent on proper project scope. The keys to proper
scope are the following:
3. Designing and reconstructing with a high performance hot mix asphalt mix design especially
formulated for high traffic volume intersections.
The AASHTO Joint Task Force on Rutting (1987) identified four types of rutting:
1. Mechanical Deformation (or rutting) is the result of insufficient structural capacity. "Alligator
Cracking" usually accompanies it. (Figure 7-1)
< Insufficient compaction effort within the lower base layers of the pavement
< Too few roller passes during paving
< Hot Mix Asphalt Material cooling prior to achieving target density
< High fluid content (asphalt moisture, dust)
< Too low of an asphalt content - lack of cohesion in the mix
< Tender Mix - A gradation problem with the mix can make it hard to compact
4. Surface wear is the result of chains and studded tires wearing away the road
surface in winter. Moisture damage or raveling will occur if drainage is not
To ensure long life performance, the pavement
section for intersections must have adequate
thickness to support the slow moving or stopped
traffic induced loads. Whether new or existing,
the thickness of each component of the section
must provide structural integrity and be sufficient
so that, as a combined unit or pavement section,
it will carry the anticipated loads and higher
stresses resulting from slower moving traffic.
For HMA pavement in Colorado the subgrade strength is measured by one of the following
$ ASTM D 1883 – 94 ~ Standard Test Method For CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of
Laboratory Compacted Soils
$ ASTM D 4429 – 93 ~ Standard Test Method For CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of
Soils in Place
Subgrade strength is a function of soil type, density and moisture content. A given soil type
with varying density and/or moisture content will perform quite differently in its ability to support
the intended pavement section and traffic loads. Laboratory prepared CBR and R-Values are,
by standard test procedure, performed at or near optimum moisture contents and compacted
densities that reflect man-made fills placed under controlled, closely monitored conditions.
In-place, or in-situ, soils are often much less dense and more saturated. The "true" in-place
strength values of the subgrade are often much lower than laboratory measured strength
values. Accordingly, ASTM D 4429-93 Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing
Ratio) of Soils in Place is recommended as the appropriate method to measure the strength
of the in-place subgrade soils.
Thickness of subbase and base should be determined based on assigned strength coefficients
for each material. Actual thickness determination should be calculated as shown in Chapter
Three, Thickness Design. Minimum thickness of an individual base layer should be at least
four inches but not less than two times the nominal maximum particle size of the aggregate.
If the underlying subgrade soils are clays and have swell potential, consideration should be
given to removing at least two feet of the subgrade and placing a pavement section of subbase,
base and HMA. See Chapter Four, Subgrade and Aggregate Base Course Stabilization.
The asphalt thickness should also be determined based on assigned strength coefficients as
per the example in Chapter Three. The minimum asphalt thickness of an individual lift of HMA
should be at least three times (3x) the maximum nominal particle size of the aggregate in the
mix but never less than two inches. The only exception to a two-inch minimum lift thickness
would be for surface treatments such as various seal coats, which can vary based on the
individual application.
As discussed in Chapter Two and Chapter Three, up to date, accurate traffic counts of existing
traffic and/or realistic traffic projections for future growth and new construction are necessary to
ensure that the pavement section is designed properly. Cross traffic at applicable
intersections, needs to be accounted for as part of the traffic count projection. The
percentage of 18,000 pound single axle trucks also needs to be determined.
The impact of construction equipment during early phases of a new subdivision or construction
project should be considered. Truck traffic hauling building materials during the development
of a subdivision or construction project can have a greater impact on design than past
construction or the “built out” condition.
To accommodate the higher stresses on the pavement section in intersections caused by slow
moving and stopped traffic, the structural number (SN; Eq. 3-3) determined from the
Nomograph in Chapter Three (Figure 3-1) should be increased by a safety factor of 1.25.
Thickness of alternate pavement section components should be determined as discussed in
Chapter Three.
Adequate subsurface and surface drainage is necessary to assure the structural integrity of
HMA pavement sections. At intersections, surface drainage is often compromised, leading to
ponding of water, which results in early surface deterioration and eventual loss of strength
within the pavement section.
In Colorado snow removal can be a problem, especially near intersections. If snow is left piled
at the edge of a roadway or street side drainage, curb flow lines, culverts, and cross pans
become obstructed, forcing runoff to pond on the paved surface, or worse yet, at the pavement
interface with the curb and gutter edge. When this happens, water infiltrates downward
saturating the pavement section causing it to lose strength. Maintaining flow lines in ditches,
and into drop inlets and culverts is necessary so that water doesn't become concentrated at
Irrigation of planters and landscape areas often contribute to saturation of the pavement
section and subgrade. Such areas should not be irrigated or they should be specially designed
with subdrains and edge drains to keep water out of the pavement section.
The key elements of a properly designed intersection include various combinations of quality
materials. Those components are as follows and are discussed in the following sections.
$ Modified subgrade
$ Geosynthetic fabrics and mats
$ Aggregate subbase
$ Aggregate base
$ Drainage systems
$ Recycled construction materials
$ Hot Mix Asphalt
Modified Subgrade
Subgrade modification (Chapter Four) techniques to improve the strength of the subgrade are
often beneficial and recommended in special cases. Depending on the subgrade soil type;
lime, fly ash, and cement are types of materials used to modify and stabilize subgrade soils. A
qualified geotechnical consultant should be retained to help with a potential subgrade
modification design.
Geosynthetic fabrics and mats (Chapter Six) can be used as reinforcement in a variety of ways
within and below the pavement section. Any time poor or marginally acceptable in-situ soils
are encountered, geosynthetic fabrics and mats should be considered. Technical
representatives for individual brand materials are available to help in the selection of the most
appropriate product.
Separation fabrics used to separate fine grain silts and clays from open-graded drainage mats
and subbase/base materials are an especially valuable and are a cost effective application.
Without them, a soft subgrade could inundate the more open void spaces of drainage mats and
base courses thereby decreasing their strength and ability to drain.
Aggregate Subbase
Aggregate Subbase courses should conform to Section 304 "Aggregate Base Course" and
section 703.03 "Aggregate for Bases" Class 1 or 2 of the Colorado Department of
Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2005 Edition.
Aggregate Base
Aggregate Base Course should conform to section 304 "Aggregate Base Course" and Section
703.03 "Aggregate for Bases" Class 6 of the Colorado Department of Transportation
Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2005 Edition.
Drainage Systems
A well drained pavement section is required to maintain the strength coefficients assigned to
individual components of a hot mix asphalt pavement section. Edge drains, cross drains, and
drainage layers should tie into a collection system or some of means to carry collected water
away from intersections and the pavement section. Installing drainage systems that collect and
impound water rather than diverting it away from the pavement section should never be
The design of the HMA pavement should follow the above discussion and the procedures in
Chapters Two and Three. The design consideration and pavement structure design is the
same for a high performance intersection as the roadway leading to the intersection with the
exception that cross traffic volumes need to be taken into account when determining the traffic
ESALs. Intersections should be designed using Superpave mix design procedures and
performance grade asphalt binders.
A final and very important strategy to consider
when rehabilitating or constructing a high
performance intersection is following proper
construction practices. The quality of a
completed project is not only dependent on
proper design and good quality materials, but also
on using quality workmanship. Here are several
issues to address to ensure quality workmanship.
Materials to be used in the intersection construction project should be sampled and tested
before placement to make sure they are of high quality and in compliance with project
specifications. Additional sampling and testing should be performed again during placement
and upon completion of each phase to ensure that they are still in compliance and have been
placed or installed properly. Special attention should be given to controlling grade and slope
for each portion of the pavement section. Target densities should be met for the various
materials provided.
At the start of paving, the volumetric properties of the plant produced material should be re-
evaluated. Adjustments should be made to the plant produced material as necessary, so that
the volumetric criteria remain within the specification limits required for the Job Mix Formula
(Mix Design). If "fine tuning" of the plant produced mix does not allow for the required
volumetric properties, a new Job Mix Formula should be required.
During Hot Mix Asphalt paving, it is vital that the contractor practice, at a minimum, the
following proper construction techniques and pay attention to details:
Even with ever increasing truck traffic and traffic levels, tools now exist to gain top performance
from HMA intersections. Well-designed, properly constructed HMA intersections provide an
economical, long lasting pavement with minimal disruption. Implementation of an intersection
strategy as outlined in this chapter will result in a dramatic increase in the performance life of
the pavement, reducing life cycle costs.
CAPA Has developed a separate document “A Guideline for the Designing High
Performance Asphalt Intersections for Colorado Roadways”.
This document is available as part of the Asphalt Technical Resources CD, 2006.
Developers want their new facilities to be attractive, well designed, and functional. Though
many hours are spent on producing aesthetically pleasing building designs, the same design
consideration for the parking area is often overlooked. Pavements in parking areas that are
initially under-designed can experience excessive maintenance problems and a shortened
service life.
When properly designed and constructed, parking areas can be an attractive part of the facility
that is also safe, and most important, usable to the maximum degree. In addition, parking
areas should be designed for low maintenance costs and easy modification for changes in use
The information in this chapter will provide a general guide to proper parking area design,
construction, and facility layout.
In developing the parking area plan, several
important details should be considered. First and
foremost in the mind of the developer may be
providing the maximum parking capacity in the
available space while ensuring convenience and
safety. On the other hand, the user will be concerned
about sidewalk traffic flow, pedestrian visibility,
obstructions and signs. Consideration must also be
given to handicap parking. Areas need to be set
aside, also, for bicycle and motorcycle parking.
Parking lot markings are a very important element of a good parking lot. The parking area
should be clearly marked to designate parking spaces and to direct traffic flow. As specified in
the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), parking on public streets should
be marked out by using white traffic paint, except for dangerous areas, which should be
marked in yellow. However, yellow lines are commonly used in off-street parking lots.
Pavement striping should be four inches in width.
New asphalt surfaces can be marked with either traffic paint or cold-applied marking tape. For
best results with paint application, allow the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) to cure for several days.
$ Drainage Provisions ~ Drainage problems are frequently a major cause of parking
area pavement failures. This is especially the case with irrigation sprinkler systems located in
parking lot islands and medians. It is critical to keep water away from the subgrade soil. If the
subgrade becomes saturated, it will lose strength and stability, making the overlying pavement
structure susceptible to breakup under imposed loads.
Drainage provisions should be carefully designed and should be installed early in the
construction process. Parking area surfaces should have a minimum slope of 2 percent
(2%) or 1/4 inch per foot. Pavement cross slopes of less than 2 percent are hard to construct
without the formation of “bird bath”, slight depressions that pond water. They should be
constructed so water does not accumulate at the pavement edge. Areas of high natural
permeability may require an underdrain system to carry water away from the pavement
substructure. Any soft or spongy area encountered during construction should be immediately
evaluated for underdrain installation or for removal and replacement with suitable materials.
The use of HMA base (compared to use of untreated aggregate base) will greatly reduce the
potential for problems related to water strength and stability.
The area to be paved should have the rock, debris, and vegetation removed. The area should
be treated with a soil sterilant to inhibit future vegetative growth. Grading and compaction of
the area should be completed so as to eliminate yielding or pumping of the soil.
The subgrade should be compacted to a uniform density of 95 percent of the maximum density.
This should be determined in accordance with Standard or Modified Proctor density (ASTM
D698 or ASTM D 1557) as appropriate to the soil type. When finished, the graded subgrade
should not deviate from the required grade and cross section by more than one half inch in ten
feet. If the subgrade is a fine-grained silt or clay, a separation fabric should be considered for
use to prevent the finer material in the subgrade from inundating the mere open-graded layers
to be placed as a part of the pavement section.
It should be noted that an untreated aggregate base might be sensitive to water in the
subgrade. Pavement failures associated with water in the subgrade are accelerated if an
untreated base allows water to enter the pavement structure. Grading should be done to
promote natural drainage or other types of under drain systems should be included in the
$ Prime Coat ~ An application of low viscosity liquid asphalt may be required over
untreated aggregate base before placing the HMA surface course. A prime coat and its benefits
differ with each application, and its use often can be eliminated. Discuss requirements with the
paving contractor.
$ Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Base Construction ~ The asphalt base course material
should be placed directly on the prepared subgrade in one or more lifts. It should be spread and
compacted to the thickness indicated on the plans. Compaction of this asphalt base is one of the
most important construction operations contributing to the proper performance of the completed
pavement. This is why it is so important to have a properly prepared and unyielding subgrade
against which to compact. The HMA base material should meet the specifications for the mix
type specified.
$ Tack Coat ~ Before placing successive pavement layers, the previous course
should be cleaned and a tack coat of diluted emulsified asphalt should be applied if needed. The
tack coat may be eliminated if the previous coat is freshly placed and thoroughly clean.
$ Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Surface Course ~ Material for the surface course should be
an HMA mix placed in one or more lifts to the finished lines and grade as shown on the plans.
The plant mix material should conform to specifications for hot mix asphalt.
The HMA surface should not vary from established grade by more than one-quarter inch in ten
feet when measured in any direction. Any irregularities in the surface of the pavement course
should be corrected directly behind the paver. As soon as the material can be compacted
without displacement, rolling and compaction should start and should continue until the
surface is thoroughly compacted and roller marks disappear.
The thickness of the asphalt pavement section for parking lots should be determined using the
information already presented in Chapters Two and Three of this design guide. Table 8-1
shows suggested thicknesses for HMA pavement, full depth HMA design and also with
aggregate base course, for various subgrade CBR values and traffic levels. It is recommended
that a qualified design consultant be used to design the pavement structure and layout of the
parking lot. The design consultant can design the pavement structure using the methods
discussed in Chapters Two and Three which would provide for the most economical pavement
structural section.
Table 8-1
Suggested Thickness Design - Parking Lots
Subgrade Class
Traffic ESALs
Level Poor Fair Good Excellent
CBR < 5 CBR 6-9 CBR 10-19 CBR > 20
R ≤ 28 R 33- 41 R 43-52 R ≥53
Hot Mix Asphalt over Aggregate Base Course, Inches
Light Up to 10,000 ESALs 2.5/13.0 2.5/8.5 2.5/6.0 2.5/4.0
(Passenger Cars)
10-50,000 ESALs 3.5/16.0 3.5/11.0 3.5/6.0 3.5/6.0
Moderate 50-100,000 ESALs 4.0/17.0 4.0/12.0 4.0/6.0 4.0/6.0
( Passenger Car
and Light Trucks) 100-250,000 ESALs 5.0/18.0 4.5/13.0 4.5/6.0 4.5/6.0
Heavy 250-500,000 ESALs 5.5/12.0 5.5/9.5 5.5/6.5 5.5/6.0
(Heavy Industrial)
500-1,000,000 ESALs 6.0/23.0 6.0/15.5 6.0/7.0 6.0/6.0
Full Depth Hot Mix Asphalt, Inches
Light Up to 10,000 ESALs 6.0 5.0 4.0 4.0
10-50,000 ESALs 7.5 5.5 4.5 4.0
Moderate 50-100,000 ESALs 8.0 7.0 5.5 4.5
100-250,000 ESALs 9.0 7.5 6.0 5.5
Heavy 250-500,000 ESALs 10.5 8.5 7.0 6.0
2. Excellent subgrade conditions are ideal for full depth asphalt; however, a minimum of 100 mm (4 inches)of HMA is
recommended. In some cases, aggregate is needed to provide material to fine grade and to provide a smooth surface to
pave on. If needed, 100 mm (4 inches) of aggregate is recommended as a minimum thickness for this purpose.
3. Full depth asphalt can be built on poor and fair soils only in dry conditions and when the subgrade soils may be
brought up to optimum moisture conditions and compacted to specification density.
Special truck lanes are sometimes required to expedite traffic to loading areas, trash dumpster
sites, and equipment areas. Design thicknesses for these lanes or pavement areas should be
increased to accommodate the expected ESALs (heavy trucks). If a parking lots is small and
has low traffic volume but has the weekly or bi-weekly trash truck, it would be more economical
to construct the entire parking lot to handle the truck traffic than it would be to construct a
heavy traffic lane just for trucks. A lot not constructed to handle heavy trucks will cost more in
the long run because of continuing repairs to the pavement being destroyed by heavy trucks .
Planned stage construction is a means of providing fully adequate pavements with the effective
use of funds, materials, and energy. As defined, it is the construction of an HMA parking lot or
roadway in two or more stages, separated by a predetermined interval of time. In many
situations, building pavements by stages makes good economical sense. It is a technique long
used by city and highway engineers.
Staged construction has the advantage of providing a thoroughly adequate, all weather
pavement for the initial development of an area. Any damage to the Stage 1 pavement caused
by traffic, settlements, or utility tear-ups can be repaired prior to placement of the final surface.
With a proper asphalt tack coat where needed, the Stage 2 pavement bonds to the old surface
and becomes an integral part of the entire pavement structure.
Another items of caution is if stage is planned and there are curb and gutter sections, drainage
will become a problem. Not all the water from the lower paved area will be able to get into the
drainage system. A means for the water to get into the drainage system will have to
constructed. Also, if asphalt curbs are used they are usually constructed on the paved
surfaced. Careful planning is a must if stage construction is going to be used.
Asphalt curbs have become increasingly popular as accessories to paving because they are:
The bitumen content and gradation should be modified as necessary to produce a suitable
mixture for HMA curb construction. Curb mixes that are proportioned using aggregate
mixture sizes of three eighths (d”) or one half inch (½”) have proven to be most satisfactory
and are recommended for curb construction in Colorado.
Before curb construction begins, the placement area should be cleaned thoroughly. A tack
coat should be applied to the pavement surface at a
Figure 8-1 HMA Curb Section
maximum rate of 0.10 gallons per square yard.
Site paving is the recommended first step in many types of building construction projects. It
offers several advantages as a working mat or platform before building construction begins for
shopping centers, schools, manufacturing concerns, warehouses, and similar facilities.
In this technique, an HMA base course is constructed on a prepared subgrade over the entire
area that will become the parking areas, service roadways, and buildings. When building
construction is completed, a final HMA surface course is placed on the asphalt base.
Paving a building site before construction is completed has several benefits. These include
the following:
1. It ensures constant accessibility and provides a firm platform upon which people and
machines can operate efficiently, speeding construction.
2. It provides a dry, mud-free area for construction offices, materials storage, and worker
parking, eliminating dust-control expenditures.
3. It eliminates the need for costly select material - the asphalt subfloor ensures a floor
slab that is dry and waterproof.
5. The engineer can set nails in the asphalt pavement as vertical and horizontal control
points, effectively avoiding the risk of loss or disturbance of this necessary survey
6. Excavation for footings and foundations and trenching for grade beams can be
accomplished without regard for the asphalt base.
The construction of an asphalt mat-platform for building construction and site paving would be
the same as for a parking lot. Therefore you are referred to the section under Construction
Practices beginning on page 8 - 2.
CAPA Has developed a separate document “A Guideline for the Design and Construction of
Asphalt Parking Lots in Colorado”.
This document is available as part of the Asphalt Technical Resources CD, 2006.
In addition to highways, streets, and parking lots that carry autos and trucks, many other
applications for asphalt pavements exist. Sidewalks, bicycle and golf cart paths, playground
areas, tennis courts, and site paving are some common applications. In many cases, the
primary design consideration is a pavement structure capable of supporting occasional
maintenance and emergency vehicles and resisting freeze-thaw cycles. Therefore, a
minimum thickness to accommodate these loads is a basis for the thickness design.
A good reference for trails and paths in the "Guideline for the Design and Construction of
Asphalt Pavements for Colorado Trails and Paths". This guide provides guidelines for
designing and constructing asphalt paths and trails in Colorado. It covers cost comparisons
for path constructed of various materials, pavement thickness, mix design, and construction
and maintenance criteria. The guide can be obtained from the Colorado Asphalt Pavement
It is very important to keep water away from the subgrade soil. If the soil becomes saturated,
it will lose strength and stability, making the overlying pavement structure susceptible to
breakup under imposed loads. Both surface and subsurface drainage should be considered.
Drainage should be carefully designed and should be installed as early in the construction
process as practical.
Because the subgrade must serve both as the working platform to support construction
equipment and as the foundation for the pavement structure, it is vital to ensure that the
subgrade is properly graded to the lines and grades shown on the plans and compacted to
the specified density. If the subgrade soils are susceptible to swelling, this should be
remedied prior to the placing of any base material or surface paving material. Swelling soils
will produce cracking of the asphalt surface within a short period of time. Utilities should be
protected or relocated before grading. Drainage structures should be completed with the
grading. Top soil, debris, vegetation, and rocks should be removed prior to subgrade
preparation. After the subgrade has been prepared a soil sterilant should be applied to inhibit
future vegetative growth. The sterilant should be applied in accordance with the
manufacturers’ recommendation. Inappropriate application of the sterilant can destroy the
adjacent environment to the pathway.
Before placing successive layers, the previous course should be clean. If necessary, a tack
coat of diluted emulsified asphalt may be applied.
Pavement markings for bicycle paths are covered in the MUTCD under Part XI. Markings are
especially important when the designated bicycle lane is to be accommodated on a roadway
shared with motorists.
The pavement thickness of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) for bikeways, golf cart paths, recreational
trails, and walkways should be in accordance with the values shown in Table 9-1.
Table 9-1
Thickness Chart: Bikeways, Paths, Trails, and Walkways
Subgrade Type
If the designer has more accurate data than presented in the above table, knowing
equivalent ESALs and soil strengths (CBR or R-value), the pavement structure can be design
using the procedure outlined in Chapter Three.
The following information and design guidance cover the basic components of building
durable, economical asphalt playgrounds.
A common section of the playground or recreational area is the basketball court. The
following information and design guidance cover the basic components of building basketball
courts. General guidelines for court layout and dimensions are included. Because individual
designs are based on intended uses and available funds, dimensions and suggested layouts
are not included here.
Court Layout
An unobstructed space of at least three feet outside the end lines and sidelines is required.
This space would preferably be ten feet wide. End lines, sidelines, and other court line
markings, except neutral zone markers, should be a minimum of two inches wide.
These pavements usually are not designed to withstand repeated loads from heavy
maintenance or emergency vehicles, but an occasional load application can be made
without damage.
Construction practices used for building a basketball court are the same as they would be
for constructing a recreational trail, walkways, bikeways and golf cart paths. Therefore, you
are referred to the section on Construction Practices for Bikeways, Golf Cart Paths,
Recreational Trails and Walkways in this chapter.
Subgrade Type
The HMA thickness for playgrounds and courts should be in accordance with the values
shown in Table 9-2. However, if the designer has more accurate data than presented in the
above table, knowing equivalent ESALs and soil strengths (CBR or R-value), the pavement
structure can be design using the procedure outlined in Chapter Three.
The following information and design guidance cover the basic components of building
durable, economical asphalt pavements for tennis courts. General guidelines for the layout
and dimensions are included. These pavements usually are not designed to withstand
repeated loads from heavy maintenance or emergency vehicles, but an occasional load
application can be made without damage.
There are many reasons for overlaying an existing tennis court. For example, it may have
a badly oxidized or aged surface, poor drainage, or a poorly constructed base. Each of
these conditions and their severity should be considered in determining the required
overlay pavement thickness.
Many items should be considered when determining the most sound and economical
procedures to follow in resurfacing a tennis court. Therefore, it is strongly recommended
that a qualified asphalt paving contractor, one experienced in tennis court construction, be
The pavement thickness for tennis courts should be the same as for playgrounds and
basketball courts as shown in Table 9-2 or determined by using the procedures in Chapter
High schools and colleges are increasing the demand for outdoor and indoor asphalt-
rubber running tracks and runways for long jump, high jump, and pole vault. For
information on track size, number of lanes, and other features, refer to the Amateur
Athletic Union, NCAA or other official specifications.
Construction practices for running tracks would be the same for as for other recreational
use facilities. Please refer to Construction Practices for Bikeways, Golf Cart Paths,
Recreational Trails and Walkways in this chapter.Asphalt-Rubber Surface Construction
Several manufacturers supply rubber material for use in asphalt-rubber surface mixes.
Obtaining advice from these companies is suggested.
The surface course material should be placed on the previously constructed base, HMA
spread, and compacted to the required thickness and density as specified and in the
grades and dimensions shown on the plans. A minimum thickness of one inch is
The finished surface should not deviate more than 1/4 inch when measured with a 10-foot
straight edge.
Tack Coat
A tack or bond coat of CSS-1, SS-1, SS-1h, or an approved alternative should be applied
at the rate of 0.02 to 0.05 gallons per square yard between each course. The surface
should be cleaned of dust, dirt, or other loose material before the bond coat is applied. If
emulsion is used, it should be diluted with equal parts of water or as specified in the
CAPA Has developed a separate document “A Guideline for the Design and Construction
of Asphalt Pavements for Colorado Trails and Paths”.
This document is available as part of the Asphalt Technical Resources CD, 2006.
Not all investments are equal; and because road and airfield pavements are usually
constructed and maintained from public funds (raised by taxes or by borrowing), it seems
sensible that the economics of alternative pavement materials should be examined carefully
and should be part of the pavement design process.
Presently, many state highway agencies conduct pavement life cycle costing analyses using
alternative materials. Unfortunately, the procedures are not uniform. In some instances the
agencies refuse to divulge the input parameters making it very difficult to check whether or
not public funds are being expended wisely in selecting construction materials. One of the
reasons highway agencies may be reluctant to provide details of their life cycle costing
analyses is that they may lack confidence in their maintenance data. Strange as it may
seem in this computer age, reliable maintenance cost data are the exception rather than the
rule. Another reason that highway agencies are reluctant to define maintenance service
levels is the fear that written guides may be
used against them in tort liability cases.
Design Options
The Life Cycle Cost ANALYSIS (LCCA) should be conducted as early in the project
development cycle as possible. For pavement design, the appropriate time for conducting the
LCCA is during the project design stage. The LCCA level of detail should be consistent with
the level of investment. Typical LCCA models based on primary pavement management
strategies can be used to reduce unnecessarily repetitive analyses.
LCCA need only consider differential cost among alternatives. Costs common to the
alternatives cancel out and are not included in LCCA calculations. Inclusion of the potential
LCCA factors in every analysis is counterproductive; however, LCCA factors and assumptions
should be addressed, even if only limited to an explanation of the rationale for not including
eliminated factors in detail. Sunk costs, which are irrelevant to the decision at hand, should
not be included.
There are many design options open to the pavement design engineer. The choices of
structural materials include: flexible, rigid, or composite, i.e. asphalt (either full depth or with
unbound granular layers in the structure below the asphalt layer/layers), pcc (Portland cement
concrete), or a combination of flexible and pcc (typically an asphalt surface with a cement
bound base). Designers can plan for a stage construction approach in which the structural
strength of the pavement is increased from time to time according to growth in traffic. The
designer can also plan for a high initial cost pavement which, it is assumed, will require little
maintenance for a lengthy period.
While such choices may be structurally equivalent over the analysis period considered, the
choices are unlikely to be equivalent from the
economic standpoint. Because the costs of
constructing and maintaining pavements occur at
different times over the analysis period, the cost
streams in these different years must be adjusted
to the same base before total costs can be
assessed. This can be accomplished by using
the Present Worth of Costs or Net Present Value
Net Present Value (NPV) is the economic efficiency indicator of choice. The Uniform
Equivalent Annual Cost (UEAC) indicator is also acceptable, but should be derived from NPV.
Computation of Benefit/Cost (B/C) ratios is generally not recommended because of the
difficulty in sorting out cost and benefits for use in the B/C ratios.
Future cost and benefit streams should be estimated in constant dollars and discounted to the
present using a real discount rate. Although nominal dollars can be used with nominal
discount rates, use of real/constant dollars and real discount rates eliminates the need to
estimate and include an inflation premium. In any given LCCA, real/constant or nominal
dollars must not be mixed (i.e., costs must be in real dollars or costs must be in nominal
dollars). Further, the discount rate selected must be consistent with the dollar type used (i.e.,
use real cost and real discount rates or nominal cost and nominal discount rates) .
The discount rates employed in LCCA should reflect historical trends over long periods of
time. Although long-term trends for real discount rates hover around 4 percent, 3 to 5 percent
is an acceptable range and is consistent with values historically reported.
Performance periods for individual pavement designs and rehabilitation strategies have a
significant impact on analysis results. Longer performance periods for individual pavement
designs require fewer rehabilitation projects and associated agency and work zones user
While most analyses include traditional agency costs, some do not fully account for the
agency’s engineering and construction management overhead, especially on future
rehabilitations. This can be a serious oversight on short-lived rehabilitations as agency
design processes lengthen in an era of downsizing.
The analysis period is the length of time (usually in years) that is selected for
consideration of the life cycle costs. It is customary to designate the final year of
new construction (on multi-year projects) as "year 0," and subsequent years as "year
1," "year 2," etc. This is a convenient way to structure the cost streams throughout
the period considered. The particular period selected is usually based on the policy
of the agency concerned. However, the NPV method allows the discounted costs of
alternative strategies to be compared with each other for any period. The method
can be applied to short-term as well as long-term facilities.
4. Selection of the analysis period should not be biased in favor of any particular design or
maintenance strategy.
5. The analysis period should not extend beyond the period of reliable forecasting.
Routine, reactive type annual maintenance costs have only a marginal effect on NPV. They
are hard to obtain, generally very small in comparison to initial construction and
rehabilitation costs, and differentials between competing pavement strategies are usually
very small, particularly when discounted over 30- to 40-year analysis periods.
Salvage value should be based on the remaining life of an alternative at the end of the
analysis period as a prorated share of the last rehabilitation cost.
User costs are the delay, vehicle operating, and crash costs incurred by the users of a
facility and should be included in the LCCA. Vehicle delay and crash costs are unlikely to
vary among alternative pavement designs between periods of construction, maintenance,
and rehabilitation operations. Although vehicle operating costs are likely to vary during
periods of normal operations for different pavement design strategies, there is little research
on quantifying such Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) differentials under the pavement
condition levels prevailing in the U .S.A.
User costs are heavily influenced by current and future roadway operating characteristics.
They are directly related to the current and future traffic demand, facility capacity, and the
timing, duration, and frequency of work zone-induced capacity restrictions, as well as any
circuitous mileage caused by detours. Directional hourly traffic demand forecasts for the
analysis year in question are essential for determining work zone user costs.
As long as work zone capacity exceeds vehicle demand on the facility, user costs are
normally manageable and represent more of an inconvenience than a serious cost to the
traveling public. When vehicle demand on the facility exceeds work zone capacity, the
facility operates under forced-flow
conditions and user costs can be
immense. Queuing costs can account for
more than 95 percent of work zone user
costs with the lion's share of the cost
being the delay time of crawling through
long, slow-moving queues.
User delay cost rates are probably the most contentious of the user cost inputs. While
there are several different sources for the dollar value of time delay, it is important to note
that commercial vehicles support higher values of travel time delay rates and that
passenger vehicles, particularly pickup trucks, represent both commercial and
noncommercial use.
Work zone crash cost differentials between alternatives are very difficult to determine
because of the lack of hard statistically significant data on work zone crash rates and the
difficulty in determining vehicle work zone exposure. However, default dollar value ranges
associated with fatal and nonfatal injury highway crashes are included.
CDOT’s method incorporates user cost. At present they are doing a review of their cost
and are updating to provide a more timely analysis.
LEVEL OF DETAIL The relative influence of individual life-cycle cost factors on analysis
results may varied from major to minor to insignificant. The analyst should ensure that the
level of detail incorporated in an LCCA is consistent with the level of investment decision
under consideration. There comes a point of diminishing returns as more and more cost
factors are incorporated in an LCCA. For example, slight differences in future costs have a
marginal effect on discounted present value. Including such factors as this unnecessarily
complicates the analysis without providing tangible improvement in analysis results.
Including the factors in every analysis is frequently not productive. The difficulty in capturing
some costs makes omitting them the more prudent choice, particularly when the effect on
the LCCA results is marginal at best.
In conducting an LCCA, analysts should evaluate the factors for inclusion and explain the
rationale for eliminating factors. Such explanations make analysis results more supportable
when they are scrutinized by critics who are not pleased with the analysis outcome.
A good reference relating to life cycle cost analysis is the Federal Highway Administration
publication no. FHWA-SA-98-079. This publication can be obtained from FHWA.
The Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association has developed for distribution a Life Cycle Cost
(LCCA) computer program, with estimated cost, which should provide an agency with a way to
quickly analysis life cycle cost for various pavement designs and maintenance strategies. The
LCCA software and a User Guide can be obtained from CAPA. Also available is another LCCA
program developed by the Asphalt Pavement Alliance. A copy of the APA software can be
obtained from them (see Appendix E).
When using any software program, care should be taken in developing input costs data,
especially those cost associated with user cost and maintenance
Historically, small agencies have developed an informal process for managing pavement
systems. Pavements are examined periodically and the worst ones are repaired, rehabilitated,
or reconstructed. At times, the public may bring pressure to bear to repair a particular street or
road. Through the years, this informal process has worked because the knowledge,
experience, and common sense of those in decision-making positions led to logical street and
highway programs.
Over the years, however, as traffic volumes and vehicle loadings increasingly burden
pavements, local governments' maintenance budgets have not kept pace with the rising costs
of labor, materials, and equipment. Because local agencies today are faced with increasing
economic demands, a more systematic process is needed to justify and account for pavement
maintenance expenditures and make optimal use of limited funds.
The decision to repair or rehabilitate is complicated because of the variety of types of pavement
distress - some serious and others relatively minor. If pavements with some serious levels of
distress are not rehabilitated in an expedient manner, their ultimate repair may be significantly
more costly. An overlay made at the proper time in the life of a pavement, for example, may
extend its life for many years. If not overlayed, the same pavement may require complete
reconstruction. Figure 11-1 shows the relationship over time the cumulative traffic has on the
life of an HMA pavement. The Pavement Serviceability Index decreases with time and with an
Figure 11-1 Typical Relationship between Pavement Quality and Time
increase in the number of ESALs (traffic). The proper maintenance applied at the proper time
will extend the life the of the pavement.
A pavement management system is a systematic approach to inventorying your pavement
system components, evaluating their condition, developing strategies for maintenance and then
prioritizing according to needs and funding. Figure 11-2 is a flow chart of steps involved in
developing a pavement management system and setting up a maintenance improvement
Implementing a pavement management program involves
the development of a record-keeping strategy with the Figure 11-2 Flow Chart for Developing a PMS
1. Pavement inventory ~ Delineate the various section of pavement in order to identify the
various areas of pavement with different makeup, capabilities and use (i.e. local, collector or
arterial roadways, different pavement thickness, age in the system, etc) which may need different
strategies for maintenance.
2. Pavement condition survey ~ Survey the pavement condition and document the required
maintenance for each pavement section.
3. Project ranking ~ Rank projects in order to assure that the most severe and the most cost-
effective projects are considered first.
4. Programming ~ Programming and scheduling taking into account the level of funding
available to do the work.
5. Implementation and Record Keeping ~ Implementation of the program and represent the
feedback between maintenance needs and fiscal resources. This step also relates the program to
the realized outcome (work completed) and the increase in the pavement condition.
Using subdivision or city street maps to identify and record paved areas to be included in the
pavement condition survey. It may be appropriate to divide some longer roadways into shorter
segments. For large parking lots or aprons it may also be beneficial to separate the parking
lots and aprons into smaller areas such as "north parking lot", "south parking apron" etc.
The form shown in Figure 11-3 can be used to conduct a pavement condition survey for the
various sections delineated in step 1. The inspector should take advantage of the space
provided for comments to record any observation that might affect the work to be
recommended. For instance, if the pavement condition is fair and appears to have deteriorated
faster than would be expected due to a drainage problem, then this should be noted. In this
case a plan for treating the drainage problem would be an essential part of maintaining the
pavement area.
Pavement Section:
Estimated Cost:
Action Completed (reference I, II, or III above) ~ describe action taken, by whom, expenditures, areas treated and
When the pavement survey is complete and maintenance needs have been determined, the
next step is to rank the recommended maintenance actions. Pavements in the poorest
conditions may have the highest priority; these sections cause unnecessary wear and tear to
automobiles and trucks, are expensive to maintain, and may be hazardous. Yet, the best
pavement areas, those which are well built and in good condition, represent an investment,
which should be protected against normal deterioration. The following formula can be used to
help determine which pavement area has priority:
P = PC × ( TV + TT ) × D
Notice this formulation requires that descriptive information from the survey form be translated
into numeric values. The numeric value for the descriptive Information for the Pavement
Condition, Traffic Volumes, Truck Traffic and Drainage Condition Is Shown in Table 11-1.
Table 11-1
Numeric Values for Descriptive Condition Rating
Condition Descriptive Rating Numeric Value
Pavement Condition
Excellent 1
Good 2
Fair 3
Poor 4
Very Poor 5
Failure 6
Traffic Volume
Low 1
Medium 2
High 3
Truck Traffic
Low 1
Medium 2
High 3
Table 11-2 shows an example of the priority rating using the above formula.
Pavement Pavement Traffic
Year Truck Traffic Drainage Condition Priority Score
Areas Condition Volume
1 Main 4 3 2 1 20
1 Grand 4 2 2 1 16
2 Church 3 2 2 1 12
Programming ~ Step 4
Having listed maintenance needs and their relative priorities within each type of maintenance
project, the time has come to decide where to spend the limited funds available and whether
additional funds should be appropriated. First the cost of each project must be estimated.
The entity should make a short list of unit costs for treatments used recently. It may be
convenient to specify average unit costs for specific procedures, such as crack sealing, 1½"
overlays, etc.
The Asphalt Institute has also developed a pavement rating system for low-volume asphalt
pavement areas. Information about its system is contained in Information Series No. 169
(IS-169). The subject also is covered in some detail in The Asphalt Handbook guide series
No. 4 (MS-4). A brief description of the Asphalts Institute’s procedures follows in the next
Keeping good records is an essential part of this process. Accurate records will show how
the yearly strategies are working and if in the future any changes to these strategies are
needed if the desired results are not being met.
The Asphalt Institute's publications, Information Series No. 169 (IS-169) and The Asphalt
Handbook guide series No. 4 (MS-4) provide a system for any individual or agency to
inspect a road, rate it, and interpret the results. What is needed is an individual or individuals
with maintenance knowledge - such as a superintendent or foreman - to walk the road and
assign a numerical value to each type of pavement defect. The type of distress, the extent of
the distress, and its relative seriousness should be recorded.
In the procedure used in this guideline, lower values are assigned to less serious problems
and higher values to the more serious ones. A rating of zero indicates that the pavement is
relatively free of defects. A rating of five or ten would indicate a particular type of serious
distress. After each defect has been rated, the individual ratings are added. The sum is then
subtracted from 100 and the result is a condition rating for that particular section of roadway.
Figure 11-4 shows a form for the rating of asphalt pavements developed by the Asphalt
Institute. The form shown has been modified to include specific information relating to
weather a the time of inspection.
It is important that pavements are evaluated in a consistent manner. Personnel conducting a
condition rating survey should have knowledge of the various types of defects, their cause,
and the remedial action required. A procedure for troubleshooting and identifying pavement
failures is included in Chapter Fourteen of this Design Guide. Additional detailed information
on this subject is available in The Asphalt Institute's publications (MS-16), (MS-17), (MS-4),
and from the "Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term Pavement Performance
Project", a Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) publication, SHRP-P-338. This
manual can be used as a guide to help the raters in their evaluation. Color photographs and
drawings illustrate the distresses found in pavement. Drawings of the distress types provide a
reference to assess their severity. Methods for measuring the size of distresses and for
assigning severity levels are given. The manual also describes how to conduct the distress
survey, from obtaining traffic control to measuring the cracks in the pavement. Sample forms
for recording and reporting the data are also included. The manual also tells how to calibrate
and operate profile and fault measurement devices. This manual (SHRP-P-338) can be
obtained through the Federal Highway Administration.
Figure 11-5 shows the suggested zone for maintenance and rehabilitation strategies.
Another valuable use for the condition rating is to provide a rational method for ranking roads
and streets according to their condition. A priority ranking should be the basis for programming
and budgeting maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.
Pavement maintenance is the work performed to keep a pavement, which is exposed to normal
conditions of traffic and nature, as near to its original condition as possible. Because destructive
environmental and traffic forces are constantly at work, pavements require maintenance.
Cracks, holes, depressions, and other types of distress are the visible evidence of pavement
wear. Pavement cuts for utility access and repairs are major contributors to the need for
pavement maintenance.
Taking care of pavement deterioration at the proper time and in the proper manner can
significantly increase the useful life of a pavement. Early detection and repair of minor defects
are among the most important activities of road
maintenance crews. In their first stages, cracks
and other surface breaks are almost
unnoticeable, but they may develop into serious
defects if not soon repaired. Open joints and
cracks allow water to enter the subgrade and
lead to pumping and faulting with resultant
structural failure. It has been estimated that on
rural pavements in Colorado, seventy percent of
the subgrade moisture originates at the edge of
the pavements. This problem can be greatly
helped by an aggressive ditch maintenance
Pavement maintenance also involves the identification of pavement distress types and the
determination of appropriate maintenance activities. The following sections provide information
on full-depth patching, thin overlays, and overlays greater the 1.5 inches.
Deferred Action ~ The road sections which fall into this category receive minimum funds for the
current budget year. These sections are beyond the point where preventive maintenance will be
effective but have not yet deteriorated to the point of needing rehabilitation. Selecting this
strategy is deferring action, so an agency must be prepared to fund rehabilitation or
reconstruction when it becomes necessary.
Table 11-4 provides asphalt pavement maintenance alternatives along with comments about
Table 11-4
Maintenance Alternatives
Treatment Comments of Performance
Fog Seal Diluted emulsion Renews and enriches oxidized surface; seals minor cracks; prevents raveling;
provides shoulder delineation. The emulsions use for fog seals can be Gilsonite
and Polymer modified. Reclaiming and rejuvenating emulsions can also be
used. Coal Tar sealers should only be used on refueling areas.
Sand Seal Generally this is the lowest initial cost type of sealing coating application, it seals
About 3/16" thick only and does not add structural strength, does not level, smooth or correct
crown significantly unless pre-leveling is done first. The average service life is
3-6 years. The main advantage is that it can be done with local labor and
sometimes aggregate. Castings are not generally adjusted. Application is not
appropriate for grooved runways or heavy aircraft traffic areas.
Slurry Seal Coat Moderate to higher initial cost application due to full contract required. Main
Single 1/8" thick = advantage quicker, neater application. Castings generally do not need
25 lb./sq. yd. adjusting; should be applied in good, low humidity weather. Average life, single
(A specialty contractor must apply it.) application 3-5 years, double application 5-8 years. Provides smooth, tight
surface similar to hot mix. Good for low and moderate volume pavements. Not
recommended for grooved runways.
Aggregate or Chip Seals Low to moderate initial cost depending on local labor and aggregate sources.
3/8" thick Castings generally are not adjusted. A good chip seal provides excellent skid
3/8" - 1/2" Chips resistance and provides attractive color by choice of stone. The average life is 5
33 to 45 lb./sy. yd. to 8 years.
Plant Mix Seal Coats - Thin Hot Mix Overlay The higher cost thin hot mix overlays (less than 1" thick) are also considered as
high quality, thoroughly controlled hot mixture sealing treatments primarily and not structural improvements. They also smooth
of asphalt cement and well-graded, high quality the surface quite a bit. Very rough surfaces need to be pre-leveled or mix will
aggregate, thoroughly compacted into a apply poorly and mat will have to be thickened. Thinner treatments used on
uniform dense mass. lower volume pavement areas in better shape, thicker treatments on higher
volume pavement areas and rougher surfaces. Multiple treatments if applied in
timely stages can add strength. Care must be taken; these relatively stiff
treatments are not put on pavement areas that need of significant structural
upgrading as large deflections will cause the surface to crack. The average life
is 6-12 years.
Structural Overlay - Thick Hot Mix 1-1/2" - 2" 1-1/2" to 2" overlay not only seal but adds significant structural capacity
thick = Structural overlay and also seals. (depending on existing thickness). It seals, smoothes the ride and corrects
Probably the most common Rehabilitation crown and drainage features substantially. Extra rough pavement areas may
treatment. (Recommended minimum two inch require pre-leveling prior to overlay. This treatment is the highest form of
overlay). maintenance and upgrading treatment for low volume pavement areas and is
the most expensive of treatments listed here. Average life is 15-20 years on
high volume pavement areas, longer on lower volume pavement areas.
The ability to produce a material that will not be soft and track in the summer and still be
flexible in freezing temperatures requires research. To ensure a minimum standard for
sealant performance, the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), the American
Associations of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and federal agencies
have developed test specifications for polymer-modified and asphalt rubber sealants. Today's
sealants are highly engineered products formulated to perform in some of the most difficult
climatic conditions.
Surface Preparation
Using the right equipment is an important part of any crack sealing program. There are two
major areas of consideration: 1) crack preparation and sealant application, and 2) cracks
must be free of dirt, dust and debris. The sealant must have a clean, dry bonding surface.
Surface preparation can be accomplished with compressed air and a simple blow pipe. This
technique works well when the dirt is dry and not packed hard. If the cracks are filled with wet
dirt, the dirt needs to be removed and the crack must be completely dried. In this case an a
hot air lance generating temperatures in excess of 2,000E F is the best tool. In simple terms,
a heat lance uses hot, compressed air to blow cracks clean while drying them out. Also the
use of a router to enlarge small cracks so a consistent, uniform reservoir for sealant is
obtained. Results from A SHRP study showed there is almost a forty percent greater chance
of sealant success if cracks are routed prior to sealing. (Note: Older-aged asphalt
pavements and thin asphalt pavements may not be suitable for routing.)
Although roofing tar pots are still used for applying mineral-filled materials, they will burn or
destroy crack and joint sealants that utilize polymers or rubber. Melters eliminate this
problem by using a high-temperature heat-transfer medium, such as oil. These types of
melters are known as "oil jacketed" melters or "double boilers". Hot pour sealants are
effectively applied through a delivery hose and wand. These materials are commonly applied
at 375E F. To prevent sealant cooling, set up and clogging, the hose is placed under constant
pressure and the sealant constantly circulates back into the main tank. Crew members
therefore must be trained not only in proper safety procedures but also in proper operation of
the melter.
Sealant Application
Pavement selection is often the forgotten element in determining the success or failure of a
sealant program. If the pavement section has alligator cracking, high-density multiple
cracking, poor sub-base drainage or structural damage, crack sealing will not solve the
problem. In these cases the damage is too severe. If you try to save a pavement with too
much cracking, you will be disappointed with your efforts. The best candidates for crack
sealing are newer pavements that are beginning to form cracks. You certainly can extend the
life of these pavement areas. More sealant is not always better. The new sealants are not
designed to be "road glue". They are very sticky and have tremendous bonding power, but
they are not made to "hold the road together". Crack sealing has one objective: to prevent
water flowing into and under the pavement layer to prevent further damage to pavement
areas. Sealing buys time and saves money by delaying the expense of major reconstructive
pavement work.
1. With a pavement saw or pneumatic hammer, cut the outline of the patch, extending at least
one foot outside of the distressed area. The outline should be square or rectangular with
two of the sides at right angles to the direction of traffic.
4. Apply a tack coat to the vertical faces of the excavation. Emulsified asphalts or liquid
asphalt are suitable.
5. Backfill with the asphalt mixture.
Shovel the mixture directly from the truck
into the prepared excavation. Place the
mixture against the edges of the hole first
(rather than in the center and then raking to
the edges). The maximum lift thickness
largely depends upon the type of asphalt
mixture and the available compaction
equipment. Hot mix asphalt can and should
be placed in deep lifts, because the greater
heat retention of the thicker layers facilitates
compaction. From a compaction standpoint,
patches using hot mix asphalt can be
backfilled in one lift. However, when placing
a patch that is deeper than 5 inches, it is often useful to leave the first lift 1 to 2 inches below
the finished grade, making it easier to judge the total quantity of mixture required for the patch.
6. Spread carefully to avoid segregation of the mixture. Avoid pulling the material from the
center of the patch to the edges. If more material is needed at the edge, it should be
deposited there and the excess raked away. The amount of mixture used should be sufficient
to ensure that after compaction, the patch surface will not be below that of the adjacent
pavement. On the other hand, if too much material is used, a hump will result.
7. Compact each lift of the patch thoroughly. Use equipment that is suited for the size of
the job. A vibratory plate compactor is excellent for small jobs, while a vibratory roller is likely
to be more effective for larger areas.
8. When compacting the final lift (which may be the only lift), overlap the first pass with the
second pass about six inches with the vibratory roller or plate compactor. Then move to the
opposite side and repeat the process. Once this is accomplished, proceed at right angles to
the compacted edges with each pass and return, overlapping a few inches on the
uncompacted mix. If there is a grade or slope, compaction should proceed from the low side
to the high side to minimize possible shoving of the mix.
9. When adequate compaction equipment is used, the surface of the finished patch should
be at the same elevation as the surrounding pavement. However, if hand tamping or other
light compaction methods are used, the surface of the completed patch should be left slightly
higher than the adjacent pavement as the patch is likely to be further compressed with traffic.
10. Check the vertical alignment and smoothness of the patch with a straight edge or string
Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is an excellent resurfacing material that is equally effective for
overlaying asphalt/aggregate surfaces, HMA pavements, or Portland cement pavements.
HMA overlays add strength to an old pavement structure, extend service life, and provide a
smooth, skid-resistant pavement. They improve riding quality, cross section, and they
increase a pavement's resistance to water intrusion and de-icing chemicals. The result is a
better riding surface and a stronger pavement than the original.
Local Repairs ~ Weak areas should be repaired. Structural patches should be designed and
constructed with full-depth HMA to ensure strength equal to or exceeding that of the
surrounding pavement. Carefully placed and adequately compacted patches will produce
uniform support for the overlay and ensure good performance
Structural Deficiencies ~ Pavement deficiencies that do not affect structural adequacy are
usually corrected by thin resurfacing using thicknesses selected from experience. Weakened
pavement structures call for overlays of designed thicknesses that will sufficiently strengthen
the pavement structure to accommodate the traffic expected to use it.
Drainage ~ Older pavements may show signs of fatigue because of intrusion of groundwater
from below or from surface water entering along the edge between the pavement and the
shoulder. This water should be removed by under drains or by other means several weeks
before constructing the HMA overlay.
Leveling ~ When the surface is distorted, the construction of a leveling courses or wedges is
required to restore proper line and cross section.
Overlay Thickness ~ HMA overlays may be used to correct both surface and structural
deficiencies. Present pavement condition and estimates of future traffic influence appropriate
thickness of these overlays. If a pavement has failed by plastic deformation, evidenced by
rutting and shoving, the depth of the failed area should be identified and removed by milling
prior to placement of an overlay. A two-inch average depth of HMA surface should be the
minimum thickness. As a standard rule, the lift thickness should be at least twice the
maximum aggregate size in the mixture. This standard rule has been increased to three
times the nominal maximum aggregate size due to the PG graded asphalt binders’ superpave
aggregate specifications. Mixes using PG binders require hotter temperatures for mixing and
a larger compaction effort to obtain the proper densities. Overlay thickness can be calculated
using the procedures discussed in Chapter Three.
Publications referenced in this chapter can be obtain from the respective organizations. A list
of their web sites is included in Appendix C.
Generally maintenance activities are divided into two categories, preventive and corrective
maintenance. Preventive maintenance is that group
of activities performed to protect the pavement and
decrease the rate of deterioration of the pavement
quality. Corrective maintenance is that group of
activities or strategies performed to correct a
specific pavement failure or area of distress. This
chapter deals with the more common strategies that
correct pavement failure or area of distress that
rehabilitate the existing roadway surface.
Monitoring of pavement condition is done on a "network level" to define the status of an entire
pavement network as part of a pavement management system. Typically, an agency will
periodically measure ride quality and surface friction, and perform cursory distress surveys on
sample units of pavement sections in their network. This type of network evaluation is useful
for establishing data that can be analyzed to discern trends in pavement performance.
Condition versus time relationships can be identified for different pavement types, uses, etc.
These relationships can be used to identify when preventive maintenance practices should be
applied or to estimate when rehabilitation or reconstruction will be necessary. This type of
network monitoring as part of a pavement management system can be used to help prioritize
and select projects.
Collecting data at the network level alone is not sufficient for developing proper rehabilitation
alternatives for a specific project. Rather, more detailed "project level" pavement evaluation
data is needed to provide the information required for properly selecting a rehabilitation
alternative and designing the project. Some pavement evaluation considerations for
rehabilitation design include ride quality and surface friction measurements, distress surveys,
deflection measurements and testing of in-situ materials. In this chapter, tools and techniques
commonly used for pavement evaluation at both the network and project levels are briefly
described. These tools and techniques are categorized into three major activities:
In addition to collecting data that falls into these three major categories, the engineer must also
define the limits and objectives of the project. This will focus the engineer to the project at hand,
as well as identify any physical constraints that affect which alternatives are available. Perhaps
the most common example of a physical constraint is where there is a limit to the thickness that
an overlay can be placed. The amount of work required to adjust intersections, driveways,
inlets and other structures to meet grade may limit the overlay thickness regardless of the
existing pavement condition. Knowing these limitations ahead of time allows the designer to
focus the data collection effort toward obtaining information that will be of practical use.
In some cases, physical constraints may require the designer to reconstruct rather than
rehabilitate the existing pavement. In such a case, the most important types of data to collect
are sub grade strength (CBR or resilient modulus, MR) and traffic counts, from which a traffic
design level can be determined.
Another important design consideration is the ability to maintain traffic during construction. If
user costs are applied, the associated cost will sometimes add significantly to the project cost.
When user delay costs are considered in the life cycle cost analysis, HMA will be the favorite
design. This is because traffic can be returned to HMA as soon as the mix is compacted and
When pavements become structurally deficient they need additional strength to carry the
loading that they are experiencing. HMA overlays can be used for the structural rehabilitation
of the roadway. HMA overlays improve service to the user in many ways. They strengthen
existing pavements, reduce maintenance costs and increase pavement life, provide superior
ride quality, and reduce safety hazards by improving surface skid resistance. In addition, HMA
overlays in conjunction with FULL-DEPTH @ widening and other geometric improvements can
be used to increase roadway capacity and further improve safety.
HMA overlays provide major economic advantages to both user and agency. Agencies can
provide more road miles of quality pavement because deteriorated roads can be improved and
placed back into service in a shorter time and for less cost than new roads can be built. For
users, both automobiles and commercial vehicles are more fuel-efficient and have less wear
and tear when operated on smooth pavements. Also, roads can remain in use while being
The economics of HMA overlays can be improved by reusing reclaimed (milled) HMA from the
existing pavements and incorporating it into the overlay HMA. CDOT allows up to 25% RAP in
the new mix.
Structural overlays add strength to the old pavement and last longer than maintenance
overlays. They range in thickness from 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 in.). This type of overlay can also
be based on traffic forecasting and nondestructive testing, but not necessarily accompanied by
detailed plans.
The purpose a functional overlays (maintenance) is to restore ride quality, pavement section,
add structural value and restore uniform surface texture. A functional overlay is normally a
dense graded asphalt mixture in the range of 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 in.). Functional overlays should
be considered stop gaps and used to prevent further pavement deterioration until a more
substantial overlay is needed.
The Ultra thin Bonded Wearing Course is another type of HMA overlay. Its function is to
provide a smooth riding surface while sealing the existing surface. The ultra thin bonded
wearing course is approximately ½” in thickness. Therefore, it doesn’t offer much in
strengthening the existing structure. The ultra thin bonded wearing course is constructed by
applying a warm Polymer Modified Emulsion Membrane followed immediately with an ultra thin
overlay of HMA. The Polymer Modified Emulsion Membrane is spray applied immediately prior
to the application of HMA overlay so as to produce a homogeneous wearing surface that can
be opened to traffic immediately upon sufficient cooling. CDOT specification for this type of
overlay is a good guide for the ultra thin bonded wearing course type of HMA overlay.
Recycled HMA pavements can be accomplished through: removal and transport to another
location for crushing and reprocessing with transport to the new site for laydown and rolling; or
through cold milling the surface; and/or conventional removal, with crushing, reprocessing,
laydown, and rolling accomplished on the site.
Reprocessing the salvaged materials, plus the addition of virgin asphalt and new aggregates,
can be accomplished through three different processes, Hot in-place Recycling, Cold mix
recycling and Hot in-place repaving.
RAP Used at Plant In a Hot In-Place Recycling process, a special drum for mixing is used to
comply with environmental pollution requirements and, since you can't use direct flame to heat
the reclaimed pavement to allow for heat transfer to heat the RAP. The mixture produced is a
fully recycled product containing fifteen to fifty percent RAP and virgin materials (binder +
aggregate). The newly revised CDOT
specifications allow up to 25% RAP in HMA
mixes. Using twenty percent RAP and eighty
percent new HMA allows for the most efficient
heat transfer required for heating the total
mixture and allows for the most economical
production as measured by tonnage per hour
A more detailed discussion on using RAP in asphalt mixes is provided in the NAPA publication;
Information Series 123 "Recycling HMA Asphalt Pavements"
A cold in-place recycling process involves processing a two inch to an eight inch depth of
existing pavement followed by an HMA overlay. When cold in-place recycling, ambient
temperatures should be at least 55 EF and rising, and the mat temperature should also be at
least 65 EF and rising. The most common method of cold in-place recycling consists of using a
"train" of several pieces of equipment. The equipment, tied together, moves down the
pavement milling up the existing pavement, reprocessing it while adding new virgin materials
and then relaying the combined material. Compaction equipment follows the train to compact
the new material. Virgin materials added to the mix consist of aggregates to enhance overall
gradation, additional binder in the form of emulsified asphalt to adjust binder content and
improve viscosity and, in some cases, rejuvenating agents and additives to improve the overall
performance of the mix. The recycled pavement is covered by a HMA overlay or some other
type of surface treatment.
! Can correct many types of pavement distress that involve both surface and base courses.
! Can improve gradation and the physical properties of the old pavement.
! Allows for 100% re-use of the old pavement thus reducing the need for new materials and
overall cost.
! Hauling costs may be decreased if in-place
methods are used.
A third process, termed Hot In-place Recycling or surface recycling, involves heater
scarification of the top 1" of pavement followed by an HMA overlay. A "train" of equipment is
used consisting of a heater scarifier, a mixer for adding new material (optional) and a laydown
machine for placement. Compaction equipment follows the "train" and compacts the new
material. When adding new material it is added as a hot aggregate with a minimal amount of
binder. The recycled material is covered by an overlay or surface treatment.
! By adding new materials, mixture properties of the old mix can be improved.
! Surface distortion, removed and leveled, drainage and crowns are re-established.
This process involves the heater scarification of the top ¾” to 1" of the existing pavement,
addition of a rejuvenating agent if required, the relaying of the heater scarified material and
then the placement of virgin HMA mat on top of the heater scarified recycled material prior to
compaction. The recycled material and the virgin mat are compacted at the same time thus,
forming a hot bond between the layers. This process involves the use of a train of equipment
usually consisting of a pre-heater, heater scarifier re-paver and compaction equipment. In this
process the existing HMA surface is usually heated to a temperature of between 200 EF and
250 EF. When compacted with the virgin HMA provides a heat bond which is hard to
distinguish between the recycled pavement layer and the virgin pavement. Joints in this
process are hot joints, thus longitudinal joints are nearly non-existent. Another advantage to
this process is that any rutting or uneven surface of the existing pavement less than the depth
of the scarification is removed and the recycled and new mat is placed evenly on the new
scarified surface. The finished mat can be opened to traffic as soon as the mat cools.
The Hot In-Place Repaving process has the same advantages as Hot In-Place Recycling, with
the added advantage of the virgin material placed by the re-paver and both the recycled
material and virgin mix being compacted at the same time forming a hot bond between layers.
Another advantage of this process is that thinner layer of virgin material can be laid. The
minimum virgin layer could be as thin a 1" since it is hot bonded to the recycled layer and
compacted together. This type of rehabilitation process does not add a lot of additional height
to the pavement.
The first rubblization plus HMA overlay in Colorado was I-76 Sterling east, placed in 1999.
CDOT has published a preliminary test and evaluation report about the project. This report
identified that the project was successful and future use of this type of rehabilitation strategy will
be considered in the future for the rehabilitation of PCCP pavements.
This method of recycling has been used for more than thirty years in many states.
Caution should be exercised if contemplating use of this method of rehabilitation on city streets.
Some eastern cities using the rubblization method to rehabilitate city streets have found that
the jarring caused by breaking and cracking of the existing PCCP pavements broke old water
mains and cracked windows and walls in home adjacent to the roadway. Some of the newer
non-symmetrical drum breaking equipment used to crack the pavement has less impact on
adjacent property.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Colorado Department of Aeronautics typically
like to address the following items in their Pavement Maintenance Management Program:
$ Pavement Inventory - Including location of the runways, taxiways and aprons, dimensions,
types of pavement, and year of construction or most recent major rehabilitation.
$ Inspection Schedule - Detailed inspections should be performed once a year (to update
Pavement Condition Indexes, PCI) and drive-by inspections to detect changes in pavement
conditions when necessary. A detailed PCI inspection is not done every year.
$ Record Keeping - Include inspection date, location, distress types and maintenance to be
scheduled, maintenance/rehabilitation performed and new construction.
$ Information Retrieval - Make sure pavement management records are accessible.
$ Reference - Refer to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5380-6/7 Pavement Management Systems.
The above items are typically included in an Airport Pavement Maintenance Program as well as
historical pavement data and pavement maintenance cost estimates/budgets.
There is also a procedure conducted by the Colorado Aeronautical Division (part of CDOT) that
establishes Pavement Condition Indexing (PCI) for most general aviation airports. This
procedure is not included in this design guide.
Design of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement sections for new construction on airports is not
included in this chapter. Design of new construction should be done according to FAA Advisory
Circular 150/5320-6C Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation.
Just like for roadways and highways, pavement management can be defined as “an orderly
process for providing, operating, maintaining, repairing, and restoring a network of
pavements”. It is the process of overseeing the maintenance and repair of a network of
airfield pavements. In effect, every airport manager does pavement management. Pavement
management offers the potential for improved airfield pavement conditions and reduced
pavement maintenance costs.
The decision to repair or rehabilitate is complicated because of the variety of types of pavement
distress - some serious and others relatively minor. If pavements with some serious levels of
distress are not rehabilitated in an expedient manner, their ultimate repair may be significantly
more expensive. An overlay made at the proper time in the life of a pavement, for example,
may extend its life for many years. If not overlayed, the same pavement may require complete
Similar to Chapter Eleven, the objective of this chapter is to offer a no-frills, five step method for
developing a pavement maintenance program. This method may be used by airport managers
and engineers who cannot devote a lot of time to planning, but who recognize that maintenance
needs must now be documented in order to procure adequate funds. The five steps to a
pavement management system for the maintenance of pavements are as follows:
1. Pavement inventory ~ Delineate the various section of pavement in order to identify the
various areas of pavement with different capabilities and use (i.e. runways, taxiways, aprons, etc.)
which may need different strategies for maintenance.
2. Pavement condition survey ~ Survey the pavement condition and document the required
maintenance for each pavement area.
3. Project ranking ~ Rank projects in order to assure that the most severe and the most cost-
effective projects are considered first.
4. Programming ~ Programming and scheduling taking into account the level of funding available
to do the work.
5. Implementation and Record Keeping ~ Implementation of the program and represents the
feedback between maintenance needs and fiscal resources. This step also relates the program
to the realized outcome (work completed) and the increase in the pavement condition.
Keeping good records is an essential part of this process. Accurate records will show how the
yearly strategies are working and if in the future any changes to these strategies are needed if
the desired results are not being met.
Each step of the five steps is explained in detail in the following sections.
Pavement Inventory
Using an airport layout plan map (ALP), identify and record paved areas to be included in the
pavement condition survey. It may be appropriate to divide some longer airfield pavements into
smaller segments with common characteristics. For large parking lots or aprons it may also be
beneficial to separate the parking lots and aprons into smaller areas such as "north parking lot",
"south parking apron" etc.
The form shown in Figure 13-1 can be used to conduct a pavement condition survey for the
various areas delineated in step 1. The inspector should take advantage of the space provided
for comments to record any observation that might affect the work to be recommended. For
instance, if the pavement condition is fair and appears to have deteriorated faster than would
be expected due to a drainage problem, then this should be noted. In this case a plan for
treating the drainage problem would be an essential part of maintaining the pavement area.
The year specified for proposed maintenance or improvements is important. The inspector
should estimate the best time to perform the work and, if possible, include a comment about the
alternatives. For instance, the recommendations might be to resurface in year two, with the
comment that if the overlay is not in place within three years, reconstruction of the pavement
and base will be required.
Figure 13-1 Airport Pavement Condition Survey Form
Project Ranking
When the pavement survey is complete and maintenance needs have been determined, the
next step is to rank the recommended maintenance actions. Pavements in the poorest
conditions may have the highest priority; these sections cause unnecessary wear and tear to
aircraft, are expensive to maintain, and may be hazardous. Yet, the best pavement areas,
those which are well built and in good condition, represent an investment, which should be
protected against normal deterioration. The following formula can be used to help determine
which pavement area has priority:
P = PC × ( TV + HT + O ) × D
Where: P =
priority HT = heavy aircraft traffic
PC = pavement condition D = drainage condition
TV = traffic volume O = oxidation condition
Notice this formulation requires that descriptive information from the survey form be translated
into numeric values. The numeric value for the descriptive Information for the Pavement
Condition , Traffic Volumes, Drainage Condition and Oxidation Condition Is Shown in Table 13-
Table 13-2 shows an example of the priority rating using the above formula.
Having listed maintenance needs and their relative priorities within each type of maintenance
project, the engineer and/or airport manager must decide where to spend the limited funds
available and whether additional funds should be appropriated. First the cost of each project
must be estimated. The airport manager or engineer should make a short list of unit costs for
treatments used recently on similar size airports. It may be convenient to specify average unit
costs for specific procedures, such as crack sealing, 1-½" overlays, paint markings, etc.
The Asphalt Institute has also developed a pavement rating system for low-volume asphalt
pavement areas. Information about its system is contained in Information Series No. 169 (IS-
169). The subject also is covered in some detail in The Asphalt Handbook guide series No.
4 (MS-4).
Colorado Division of Aeronautics conducts Airport PCI (Pavement Condition Index) surveys
regularly and maintains computer records of the distresses and numeric PCI ratings of
pavement areas. To insure the accuracy of the process, they need to input information on
maintenance and rehabilitation. Access to airport pavement management records will assist
their efforts.
Airport PCI information as compiled by the Division of Aeronautics is available to airports for
use in pavement management. Assistance in interpretation of PCI data is available from the
Division or from consulting engineers.
The absolute value assigned by the condition rating provides an indicator of the type and
degree of repair work necessary. As a general rule, if the condition rating is between 80 and
100, normal maintenance operations (crack-filling, pothole repair, or seal coat) are required. If
the condition falls below eighty, it is likely that an overlay will be necessary. If the condition
rating is below thirty, major reconstruction may be necessary as shown in Figure 13-3.
Another valuable use for the condition rating is to provide a rational method for ranking
pavement areas according to their condition. A priority ranking should be the basis for
programming and budgeting maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction. It should be
noted that the FAA typically ranks runway pavements as having the highest priority followed by
taxiway pavements and aircraft parking aprons.
Figure 13-3 Suggested Zones for Maintenance and Rehabilitation Strategies
Pavement maintenance is the work performed to keep a pavement, which is exposed to normal
conditions of traffic and nature, as near to its original condition as possible. Because
destructive environmental and traffic forces are constantly at work, pavements require
maintenance. Cracks, holes, depressions, and other types of distress are the visible evidence
of pavement wear.
Because of a limited amounts of traffic (aircraft) on airport runways, taxiways, and parking
aprons, load related distresses are minimal. Oxidation (drying due to the sun’s ultraviolet rays)
of the HMA pavement surface is much more severe than for highways. Accordingly, the airport
HMA pavement surface needs to be fog sealed more often than roadways, highways or parking
lots for automobiles.
Taking care of pavement deterioration at the proper time and in the proper manner can
significantly increase the life of the pavement. Early detection and repair of minor defects are
among the most important activities of a pavement maintenance crew. In their first stages,
cracks and other surface breaks are almost unnoticeable, but they may develop into serious
defects if not soon repaired. Open joints and cracks allow water to enter the subgrade and can
lead to pumping and faulting which results in structural failure. Drainage is a major concern
because of the relatively large flat surface areas of airport pavement.
Pavement maintenance involves the identification of pavement distress types and the
determination of appropriate maintenance activities.
Routine Corrective Maintenance - For pavement areas in reasonably good condition, routine
maintenance is generally the most cost-effective use of funds. If at all possible, routine
maintenance needs should be funded each year. Routine maintenance usually includes local
patching, crack sealing and other relatively low-cost actions. Distresses with negative impact
on the performance of a section are usually corrected first; i.e. pot holes.
Deferred Action - The pavement areas which fall into this category receive minimum funds for
the current budget year. These sections are beyond the point where preventive maintenance
will be effective but have not yet deteriorated to the point of needing rehabilitation. Selecting
this strategy is deferring action, so an agency must be prepared to fund rehabilitation or
reconstruction when it becomes necessary. This strategy is normally not appropriate for higher
speed pavement areas.
Table 13-3 provides asphalt pavement maintenance alternatives along with comments about
Table 13-3 Maintenance Alternatives
Treatment Comments of Performance
Fog Seal Diluted emulsion Renews and enriches oxidized surface; seals minor cracks; prevents raveling;
provides shoulder delineation. The emulsions use for fog seals can be
Gilsonite and Polymer modified. Reclaiming and rejuvenating emulsions can
also be used. Coal Tar sealers should only be used on refueling areas.
Sand Seal Generally this is the lowest initial cost type of sealing coating application, it
About 3/16" thick seals only and does not add structural strength, does not level, smooth or
correct crown significantly unless pre-leveling is done first. The average
service life is 3-6 years. The main advantage is that it can be done with local
labor and sometimes aggregate. Castings are not generally adjusted.
Application is not appropriate for grooved runways or heavy aircraft traffic
Slurry Seal Coat Moderate to higher initial cost application due to full contract required. Main
Single 1/8" thick = advantage quicker, neater application. Castings generally do not need
25 lb./sq. yd. adjusting; should be applied in good, low humidity weather. Average life,
(A specialty contractor must apply it.) single application 3-5 years, double application 5-8 years. Provides smooth,
tight surface similar to hot mix. Good for low and moderate volume
pavements. Not recommended for grooved runways.
Aggregate or Chip Seals Usually appropriate for small aircraft facilities only. If used on heavier traffic
3/8" thick airport with jets, should be covered with a heavy fog seal so loose chips can
3/8" - 1/2" Chips not be sucked into engines. Low to moderate initial cost depending on local
33 to 45 lb./sy. yd. labor and aggregate sources. Castings generally are not adjusted. A good
chip seal provides excellent skid resistance and provides attractive color by
choice of stone. The average life is 5 to 8 years.
Plant Mix Seal Coats - Thin Hot Mix Overlay The higher cost thin hot mix overlays (less than 1" thick) are also considered
high quality, thoroughly controlled hot as sealing treatments primarily and not structural improvements. They also
mixture of asphalt cement and well-graded, smooth the surface quite a bit. Very rough surfaces need to be pre-leveled or
high quality aggregate, thoroughly mix will apply poorly and mat will have to be thickened. Thinner treatments
compacted into a uniform dense mass. used on lower volume pavement areas in better shape, thicker treatments on
higher volume pavement areas and rougher surfaces. Multiple treatments if
applied in timely stages can add strength. Care must be taken; these
relatively stiff treatments are not put on pavement areas that need of
significant structural upgrading as large deflections will cause the surface to
crack. The average life is 6-12 years.
Structural Overlay - Thick Hot Mix 1-1/2" to 2" overlay not only seal but adds significant structural capacity
1-1/2" - 2" thick = (depending on existing thickness). It seals, smoothes the ride and corrects
Structural overlay and also seals. crown and drainage features substantially. Extra rough pavement areas may
Probably the most common Rehabilitation require pre-leveling prior to overlay. This treatment is the highest form of
treatment. (Recommended minimum two maintenance and upgrading treatment for low volume pavement areas and is
inch overlay). the most expensive of treatments listed here. Average life is 15-20 years on
high volume pavement areas, longer on lower volume pavement areas.
WATER IS THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE element to pavement. Asphalt pavements expand and
contact with seasonal temperature changes. Consequently, cracks and joints are expanding
and contracting when the pavements move. Sealing the cracks with a flexible rubberized
asphalt that bonds to the crack walls and moves with the pavement will prevent water intrusion.
Simply stated, sealing cracks and joints in pavements extends the service life of the surface
treatment and the pavement. In fact, pavement areas that have been crack sealed have better
rideability five years later than those receiving only surface treatments, such as chip seals,
micro-paving, thin overlays and slurry seals. In five years these other treatments have come to
the end of their life cycle. Crack sealing treatments enhance the surface treatment and further
extend the pavement life. Crack sealing provides the most cost-effective use of dollars over
time compared to other pavement maintenance techniques.
To ensure a minimum standard for sealant performance, the American Society of Testing and
Materials (ASTM), the American Associations of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) and federal airport authorities have developed test specifications for polymer-
modified and asphalt rubber sealants. Today's sealants are highly engineered products
formulated to perform in some of the most difficult climatic conditions. The ability to produce a
material that will not be soft and track in the summer and still be flexible in freezing
temperatures requires research.
Using the right equipment is an important part of any crack sealing program. There are two
major areas of consideration: 1) crack preparation and sealant application, and 2) cracks must
be free of dirt, dust and debris. The sealant must have a clean, dry bonding surface.
Surface Preparation
Surface preparation can be accomplished with compressed air and a simple blow pipe. This
technique works well when the dirt is dry and not packed hard. If the cracks are filled with wet
dirt, the dirt needs to be removed and the crack must be completely dried. In this case an a hot
air lance generating temperatures in excess of 2,000 EF is the best tool. In simple terms, a
heat lance uses hot, compressed air to blow cracks clean while drying them out. Also the use
of a router to enlarge small cracks so a consistent, uniform reservoir for sealant is obtained.
Results from A SHRP study showed there is almost a forty percent greater chance of sealant
success if cracks are routed prior to sealing. (Note: Older-aged asphalt pavements and thin
asphalt pavements may not be suitable for routing.)
Although roofing tar pots are still used for applying mineral-filled materials, they will burn or
destroy crack and joint sealants that utilize polymers or rubber. Melters eliminate this problem
by using a high-temperature heat-transfer medium, such as oil. These types of melters are
known as "oil jacketed" melters or "double boilers". Hot pour sealants are effectively applied
through a delivery hose and wand. These materials are commonly applied at 375 EF. To
prevent sealant cooling, set up and clogging, the hose is placed under constant pressure and
the sealant constantly circulates back into the main tank. Crew members therefore must be
trained not only in proper safety procedures but also in proper operation of the melter.
Sealant Application
The sealant can be placed flush with the pavement, slightly below the surface of the pavement
or slightly above the Surface. In an overband configuration, the sealant is placed onto and over
an un-routed crack. The Sealant can be shaped into a band over the crack using a rubber
blade squeegee or a sealing shoe that flattens the sealant over the crack. When a pavement is
to be overlayed shortly after crack sealing, an overband configuration is not recommended
because the extra crack filler will cause problems with the overlay. When an overlay is to follow
crack filling, the crack sealant should be struck off flush with the pavement surface. A leveling
or scratch coat of HMA should be planned for, or the overlay should be postponed for 6-12
month for the crack filler material to cure and stabilize.
Pavement selection is often the forgotten element in determining the success of failure of a
sealant program. If the pavement section has alligator cracking, high-density multiple cracking,
poor sub-base drainage or structural damage, crack sealing will not solve the problem. In
these cases the damage is too severe. If you try to save a pavement with too much cracking,
you will be disappointed with your efforts. The best candidates for crack sealing are newer
pavements that are beginning to form cracks. You certainly can extend the life of these
pavement areas. More sealant is not always better. The new sealants are not designed to be
"road glue". They are very sticky and have tremendous bonding power, but they are not made
to "hold the road together". Crack sealing has one objective: to prevent water flowing into and
under the pavement layer to prevent further damage to pavement areas. Sealing buys time
and saves money by delaying the expense of major reconstructive pavement work.
The procedure is intended to remove the failed area and replace it with fresh HMA mix.
Although the operation is not difficult, some of the necessary fine points are frequently not
given sufficient attention. Yet these details often determine whether the completed patch will
be a temporary expedient or an integral part of a functional pavement system.
The following ten steps outline the correct procedure for constructing a full-depth patch:
1. Cut the outline of the patch, extending at least one foot outside of the deteriorated area.
The outline should be square or rectangular with two of the sides at right angles to the direction
of traffic.
4. Apply a tack coat to the vertical faces of the excavation. Emulsified asphalts or liquid
asphalt are suitable.
5. Backfill with the asphalt mixture. Shovel the mixture directly from the truck into the prepared
excavation. Place the mixture against the edges of the hole first (rather than in the center and
then raking to the edges). The maximum lift thickness largely depends upon the type of asphalt
mixture and the available compaction equipment. Hot mix asphalt can and should be placed in
deep lifts, because the greater heat retention of the thicker layers facilitates compaction. From
a compaction standpoint, patches using hot mix asphalt can be backfilled in one lift. However,
when placing a patch that is deeper than 5 inches, it is often useful to leave the first lift 1 to 2
inches below the finished grade, making it easier to judge the total quantity of mixture required
for the patch.
6. Spread carefully to avoid segregation of the mixture. Avoid pulling the material from the
center of the patch to the edges. If more material is needed at the edge, it should be deposited
there and the excess raked away. The amount of mixture used should be sufficient to ensure
that after compaction, the patch surface will not be below that of the adjacent pavement. On
the other hand, if too much material is used, a hump will result.
7. Compact each lift of the patch thoroughly. Use equipment that is suited for the size of the
job. A vibratory plate compactor is excellent for small jobs, while a vibratory roller is likely to be
more effective for larger areas.
8. When compacting the final lift (which may be the only lift), overlap the first pass with the
second pass about six inches with the vibratory roller or plate compactor. Then move to the
opposite side and repeat the process. Once this is accomplished, proceed at right angles to the
compacted edges with each pass and return, overlapping a few inches on the uncompacted mix.
If there is a grade or slope, compaction should proceed from the low side to the high side to
minimize possible shoving of the mix.
9. When adequate compaction equipment is used, the surface of the finished patch should be
at the same elevation as the surrounding pavement. However, if hand tamping or other light
compaction methods are used, the surface of the completed patch should be left slightly higher
than the adjacent pavement as the patch is likely to be further compressed with traffic.
10. Check the vertical alignment and smoothness of the patch with a straight edge or string line.
Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is an excellent resurfacing material that is equally effective for
overlaying asphalt/aggregate surfaces, HMA pavements, or Portland cement pavements.
HMA overlays add strength to an old pavement structure, extend service life, and provide a
smooth, skid-resistant pavement. They improve riding quality, cross section, and they increase
a pavement's resistance to water intrusion and de-icing chemicals. The result is a better riding
surface and a stronger pavement than the original.
2. Economy. An old pavement frequently may be improved and returned to service more
quickly and for less cost than a new road can be constructed.
3. Durability. Well-designed, well-constructed improvements provide a pavement that is
stronger than new, which reduces maintenance requirements.
Local Repairs ~ Weak areas should be repaired. Structural patches should be designed and
constructed with full-depth HMA to ensure strength equal to or exceeding that of the
surrounding pavement. Carefully placed and adequately compacted patches will produce
uniform support for the overlay and ensure good performance
Structural Deficiencies ~ Pavement deficiencies that do not affect structural adequacy are
usually corrected by thin resurfacing using thicknesses selected from experience. Weakened
pavement structures call for overlays of designed thicknesses that will sufficiently strengthen
the pavement structure to accommodate the traffic expected to use it.
Drainage ~ Older pavements may show signs of fatigue because of intrusion of groundwater
from below or from surface water entering along the edge between the pavement and the
shoulder. This water should be removed by under drains or by other means several weeks
before constructing the HMA overlay.
Leveling ~ When the surface is distorted, the construction of leveling courses or wedges is
required to restore proper line and cross section.
Overlay Thickness ~ HMA overlays may be used to correct both surface and structural
deficiencies. Present pavement condition and estimates of future traffic influence appropriate
thickness of these overlays. If a pavement has failed by plastic deformation, evidenced by
rutting and shoving, the depth of the failed area should be identified and removed by milling
prior to placement of an overlay. A two-inch average depth of HMA surface should be the
minimum thickness. As a standard rule, the lift thickness should be at least twice the maximum
aggregate size in the mixture.
Potential problems, if left uncorrected, will lead to premature asphalt pavement failure. Most of these
problems are identifiable and correctable during construction and/or just before the start of paving. To
accurately identify asphalt pavement failures after placement is completed requires a systematic
approach that includes informal visual procedures in conjunction with more formal forensic procedures.
Before the start of paving most potential problems can be identified and addressed. These problems
should be reviewed during design and at the pre-bid meeting. The remainder of the potential problems
should be addressed at a pre-paving meeting. It takes a combined team effort to address the
problems that could go wrong and result in premature failure of an asphalt pavement. Some key
issues to consider are as follows:
$ Asphalt pavement section - Is it based on a design that reflects the actual field conditions and
loading requirements? During the initial stages of construction the designed pavement section should
be reviewed to verify that actual site conditions have been correctly anticipated. Such things as
unknown subgrade problems, higher than anticipated water tables, drainage problems, and utility
conflicts are just a few of the things that may require design modifications. Care should be taken to
make sure that construction traffic does not exceed the design traffic ESALs.
$ Job mix formula - Has the job mix formula for the HMA for the project been submitted for
approval and is it in compliance with the project specifications? Are the HMA specifications correctly
chosen for the class of roadway, traffic and climatic conditions? The use of "Canned" specifications
can lead to premature pavement failures because they are sometimes not appropriate. Everyone
should agree that the mix chosen and specified for the project is the correct mix. It is not too late to
suggest a different binder or mix design.
$ Compaction test - A review of compaction test results for utility trenches, backfill, subgrade
reconditioning, subbase and base course will identify deficiencies that may need to be corrected prior
to paving.
$ Final grade verification - Final grade of the surface to be paved on, manhole rings and valve
boxes need to be verified. Also is there adequate compaction at or adjacent to manholes, risers, curb
faces, etc.
$ Final proof rolling - A final proof rolling check of the subgrade and base course should be
performed shortly before paving.
At the start of paving, a test section should be placed so that job mix properties can be verified and fine
tuning of the mix and construction procedures (equipment, rolling techniques, and patterns etc.) can be
made. The test section should be of sufficient quantity so that the hot plant can "level out" and
produce consistent material. It is recommended that a test section should be at least 300 ton of mix
placed on similar surfaces and conditions as will be experienced on the project. Testing of the mix
should consist of at least three and preferable five random samples. The following properties should
be measured during the test section:
1. Asphalt content
2. Gradation
3. Volumetric Properties
A. Air Voids
C. Voids filled with asphalt
After testing, (based on construct-ability properties of the mix placed during the test section)
modifications and fine tuning of the mix should be made. If it is necessary to make major changes a
new test section may be required. In extreme cases it may be necessary to re-do the job mix formula
and start over.
In residential and commercial paving the test section can be eliminated for small projects provided
there is already available information from prior projects to verify the mix properties and performance
Hot Mix Asphalt is a mixture of graded aggregate and asphalt cement designed to provide both
strength and durability. It is unique in that it is also flexible, making it adaptable over a wide range of
climatic conditions.
Considerable effort has been exerted over the last decade to improve the performance of HMA through
better combinations of grading, the addition of polymers, fibers, and various other products. These
products are intended to reduce rutting, add to durability, and lead to a longer life of the pavement. In
order to ensure pavement performance, the HMA must be mixed, stored, transported, and placed
uniformly and with the same gradation the lab designed. At each point during the manufacturing
process from stockpiling, aggregate blending, mixing, conveying, storing, truck loading, and placement
at the paver, the mix has an opportunity to segregate, creating non-uniform mixes. A segregated spot
may be "the birth of a pothole."
When segregation is present in a mixture, there is a concentration of coarse materials in some areas of
the paved mat, while other areas contain a concentration of finer materials. Segregation creates non-
uniform mixes that do not conform to the original job mix formula in gradation or asphalt content. The
resulting pavement exhibits poor structural and textural characteristics, provides poor performance and
durability, and has a shorter life expectancy and higher maintenance costs.
Problems associated with segregation are serious. Their elimination is essential to the production of
high quality paving mixtures. Elimination of segregation is the responsibility of those who produce and
place HMA, organizations who design the mix, owners who inspect the final product, and
manufacturers who design and market paving equipment.
There are five basic types of mix segregation that occur on the road. The five types of segregation are:
The different types of HMA segregation can be identified and prevented. The “Segregation Diagnostic
Chart” in the appendix will aid in the determination and correction of the segregation problem.
Unfortunately, occasionally after completion of paving (and sometimes a year or two later) pavement
distress occurs. When this happens, a systematic method of sampling and testing should be followed
to identify the cause of the HMA pavement failures. Based on the type and degree of the failure, the
appropriate investigation should be performed based on the following procedures:
This method covers the step-by-step procedure for evaluating a HMA pavement failure. The procedure
calls for reviewing the types of plant mix failures and a method for rating the distressed areas. It is
recommended that a review team be appointed consisting of:
After determining the type and extent of the failure, further investigational requirements may include
reviewing plant mix production records, visual analysis, deflection analysis, sampling analysis of plant
mix, base and subgrade materials and surfacing design analysis. Based upon the information and
data gathered through this procedure, the causes, potential solutions and recommendations to correct
the plant mix surfacing failures can be determined.
The evaluation and analysis of the failure may cease at any time in the process when both parties
agree to the source of the causes and a suitable remedy and the cost basis of responsibility has been
The first step in investigating a pavement failure is to perform a complete and comprehensive visual
analysis of the entire project emphasizing the distressed areas in question. The approximate milepost
and/or stationing and length of each of the distressed areas should be determined.
The following table is a list of pavement distress types and a rating system which can be used for the
evaluating the pavement failure.
Table 14-1 Pavement Failure Rating System Rating
Failure Type Severity of Failure
Rutting Light Moderate Severe
Rut depth 0 to ½” ½ to ¾" > ¾”
Rate of Rutting 0 to c”/year c to d"/year > d”/year
Lateral Movement of Rut None Visible Visible bulge
(Humping or shoving)
Cracking Longitudinal cracks in Alligator or block cracking Alligator or black cracking
wheel paths - tight edges spaced - pieces loose or
(Load associated) missing
Stripping2 Some asphalt Cores3 Cores3
material stripped
Raveling Fines removed from 1st layer coarse aggregate Pavement removed through
surface removed one or more lifts
If single or dual wheel ruts exist, they should be noted. Measurements should always be taken in each
wheel-paths with a string-line stretched from centerline to the shoulder or from high point to the next if
centerline to shoulder is not possible to obtain the measurements.
Any stripping should be noted.
If the investigation requires plant mix cores, advanced stages of stripping will be determined at that time.
A summary of the visual analysis should be written immediately after the investigation. It is suggested
the consultant prepare the written report of the investigation and evaluation, for he should not have any
direct ties to the project.
The report should include date, reviewer, project limits, and detailed information concerning each
distressed area. This information should include but not be limited to approximate milepost or station,
length, width, relationship to centerline, lane and type of distress. Also, photographs of the typical
distress on the project should be included. In addition to recording the types of pavement distress
referenced above, record any other problems that are visible (drainage, terrain, frost problems, dips or
swells, etc.). Based upon this visual analysis, the course of action and investigational requirements
can be determined. Copies of the report shall be sent to the review team for review and analysis.
Determine the investigational requirements depending on the type and extent of the plant mix failure.
Table 14-2 is a list of the distress types with the corresponding investigation requirements that should
be included in the determination of the pavement failure. Table 14-3 shows what type of data and test
are required for the different distress types.
Samples shall be taken so that the following tests and procedures can be run to evaluate the problem
areas. The samples should be submitted to an agreed upon AASHTO accredited laboratory.
Samples shall be taken of each plant mix layer with at least 5 - four inch diameter cores from a bad
area, a shoulder next to bad area, and a good area. A suggested coring scheme is shown in figure 14-
1. If more than five distressed areas exist on a project, the minimum number of sample locations will
be three, if the distressed areas appear to be visually identical. If the lifts are still intact and hard to
separate they should be separated using a wet diamond blade saw. Each lift of plant mix shall be
evaluated for:
$ Rice Gravity
$ Density
$ Thickness - Each core should be measured
$ Extracted Gradation
$ Extracted Percent Asphalt
$ Abson Extraction - Asphalt Penetration & Viscosity
$ Petrographic-Analysis (geology)
(X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
Failure X
SHOULDER * * * * *
Base and Subgrade ~ When obtaining samples of the base and subgrade materials, a minimum three
by three foot area of plant mix shall be taken in the wheel path at each location. This should allow for
adequate testing and sampling of each lift of material. The following test and procedures should be run
on the samples taken:
$ In-place densities and moisture shall be obtained for each lift using a nuclear gauge.
$ In-place moisture samples shall be taken of each lift and immediately placed in a sealable
plastic sack. The sample size shall be a minimum of one pound (450 grams). These
samples shall then be oven dried to obtain a moisture content.
$ A minimum of two R-Values or CBR samples shall be taken from both the base and
subgrade for a given problem area. In addition, one sample per mile shall be taken for the
remainder of the project. The sample size will be appropriate for the tests to be performed.
$ Samples and thickness of each subgrade or base lift shall be taken immediately and placed
in a sealable plastic bag for soils classification, plastic index and liquid limit in accordance
with CDOT, AASHTO, or ASTM procedures.
$ Samples of the base and subgrade shall be taken for a proctor test to establish the optimum
moisture and density. The sample size shall be determined appropriately for the tests to be
Traffic Data ~ Traffic data will be requested from the design engineer or owner. This data will
be used to determine if any structural deficiencies exist. If the traffic data appears to be in error,
a site-specific investigation should be conducted.
Structural Analysis ~ Pavement Section Design. Either the civil engineer or materials consultant will
check the design of the problem area based on the new "R" or CBR Values and the condition of the
pavement structure in-place.
Report ~ A summary of the sample tests and other investigational requirements will be submitted upon
completion of testing and analysis. Recommendations for repair of the failed area and estimated costs
thereof will also be made.
The National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) has published a troubleshooting guide that
lists various HMA problems and their possible causes along with possible solutions for correcting the
problem. A copy of the NAPA guide “Construction Quality Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements” is included
in the appendix. An other aspect of the guide is that when discussing problems with the people
involved in the construction and rehabilitation of the pavement, can be speaking on the same terms.
Asphalt Binder
Grade Selection
A1 Chapter 5 ~ Asphalt Institute’s Performance Graded Asphalt Binder Specification and
Testing, SP1
Contrary to the previous grading systems, the Superpave binder specification is theoretically based directly on
performance rather than on empirical relationships between basic physical properties and observed performance.
Performance graded binders are selected based on the climate in which the pavement will serve. Unlike other
systems, the physical property requirements are constant among the performance grades. The distinction among
the various binder grades is the specified minimum and maximum temperatures at which the requirements must be
met. For example, a binder classified as a PG 5834 means that the binder will meet the high temperature physical
property requirements up to a temperature of 58EC and the low temperature physical property requirements down
to 34EC. Table 5.1 lists the current binder grades in AASHTO MP1:
Table 51 Superpave Binder Grades
High Temperature Grades Low Temperature Grades
(Degrees C) (Degrees C)
PG 46 34, 40, 46
PG 52 10, 16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46
PG 58 16, 22, 28, 34, 40
PG 64 10, 16, 22, 28, 34, 40
PG 70 10, 16, 22, 28, 34, 40
PG 76 10, 16, 22, 28, 34
PG 82 10, 16, 22, 28, 34
Even with binder grades classified according to high and low temperature categories; more information is needed to
select a binder for a particular location. A module within the Superpave computer program assists users in
selecting binder grades. The Superpave software contains three methods by which the user can select an asphalt
binder grade:
Geographic Area: An agency would develop a map showing binder grade to be used based on weather and/
or policy decisions.
Pavement Temperature: The designer determines design pavement temperature.
Air Temperature: The designer determines design air temperatures, which are converted to design
pavement temperatures.
The Superpave software assists in the third method by providing a database of weather information for 6092
reporting weather stations in the US and Canada that allows users to select binder grades for the climate at the
project location. For each year that these weather stations have been in operation, the hottest sevenday period
was identified and the average maximum air temperature for this sevenday period was calculated. SHRP
researchers selected this sevenday average value as the optimum method to characterize the high temperature
design condition. For the years of operation, the mean and standard deviation of the sevenday average maximum
air temperature have been computed. Similarly, the oneday minimum air temperature of each year was identified
and the mean and standard deviation of all the years of record was calculated. Weather stations with less than 20
years of operations were not used.
However, the design temperatures to be used for selecting asphalt binder grade are the pavement temperatures,
not the air temperatures. For surface layers, Superpave defines the high pavement design temperature at a depth
20 mm below the pavement surface, and the low pavement design temperature at the pavement surface.
Using theoretical analyses of actual conditions performed with models for net heat flow and energy balance, and
assuming typical values for solar absorption (0.90), radiation transmission through air (0.81), atmospheric radiation
(0.70), and wind speed (4.5 m/sec), this equation was developed for the high pavement design temperature:
The low pavement design temperature at the pavement surface is calculated as a function of the low air
temperature using the equation:
The Superpave system allows the designers to use reliability measurements to assign a degree of design risk to the
high and low pavement temperatures used in selecting the binder grade. As defined in Superpave, reliability is the
percent probability in a single year that the actual temperature (one-day low or seven-day average high) will not
exceed the design temperatures. A higher reliability means lower risk. For example, consider summer air
Continuing the example, assume that an asphalt mixture is to be designed for Cleveland. Figure 5.2 graphically
represents the statistical variation of the two design air temperatures. In a normal summer, the average seven-day
maximum air temperature is 32EC and in a "very hot" summer, this average may reach 36EC. Using a similar
approach for winter conditions, Cleveland has an average minimum air temperature of -21EC with a standard
deviation of 4EC. Consequently, in an average winter, the coldest temperature is -21EC. For a "very cold" winter,
the air temperature may reach -29EC. The standard deviations show there is more variation in the one- day low
temperatures than the seven-day average high temperatures.
Pavement Temperature Selection
Continuing the example, for a surface course in Cleveland (latitude = 41.42 degrees) the design pavement
temperatures are calculated to be about 52EC and -16EC for 50 percent reliability and about 56EC and -23EC for 98
percent reliability (mean plus two standard deviations). Figure 5.3 graphically represents the statistical variation of the
two pavement temperatures.
To achieve a reliability of at least 50 percent and provide for an average maximum pavement temperature of at
least 52EC, the high temperature grade happens to match the design temperature, PG 52. Using the same
reasoning, the low temperature grade is a PG -16 to attain 50 percent reliability. Coincidentally, the low
temperature grade again happens to match the design temperature, -16. As shown in Figure 5.4, to obtain at least
98 percent reliability , it is necessary to select a high temperature grade of PG 58 to protect above 56EC and a low
temperature grade of PG -28 to protect below - 23EC. In both the high and low temperature cases of the PG 58-28
binder grade, the actual reliability exceeds 99 percent because of the "rounding up" caused by the six degree
difference between standard grades.
This "rounding up" introduces conservatism into the binder selection process. Another possible source of
conservatism occurs when considering the same steps encountered during asphalt binder test classification.
Although a specific binder may pass the criteria when tested at lower or higher temperatures, it will nevertheless be
classified by "rounding down" to the next "six-degree" step of the grading system. The net result is that a significant
factor of safety is included in the binder selection scheme. For example, it is possible that the PG 52-16 binder,
selected previously for a minimum of 50 percent reliability for Cleveland may actually have been graded as a PG
56-20, had such a grade existed. Users of this temperature-based stepped grading system for binder selection
should recognize that considerable safeguards are already included in the process. Because of these factors, it
may not be necessary or cost-effective to require indiscriminately high values of reliability or abnormally
conservative high or low temperature grades.
The Superpave computer program performs these calculations based on minimal user input. For any site, the user
can enter a minimum reliability and the software will calculate the required asphalt binder grade. Alternatively, the
user can specify a desired asphalt binder grade and Superpave will calculate the reliability obtained for the climate
at the site. Consequently, agencies are faced with engineering management decisions. They will have to decide
the level of reliability to be used. Depending on the policy established by each individual agency, the selected
reliability may be a function of road classification, traffic level, Cost, and other factors.
It should be emphasized that proper or conservative binder selection does not guarantee total pavement
performance. Fatigue cracking performance is greatly affected by the pavement structure and traffic. Permanent
deformation or rutting is directly a function of the shear strength of the mix, which is greatly influenced by aggregate
properties. Pavement low temperature cracking correlates most significantly to the binder properties. Engineers
should try to achieve a balance among the many factors when selecting binders.
Selected contents of the complete weather station database contained in Superpave are available in Report SHRP-
A-648, "Weather Database for the SuperpaveTM Mix Design System." The report includes tables of site location
and calculated temperatures and binder selection for 50 and 98 percent reliability.
Pavement Temperature Adjusting Binder Grade Selection for Traffic Speed and
The asphalt binder selection procedure described is the basic procedure for typical highway loading conditions.
Under these conditions, it is assumed that the pavement is subjected to a design number of fast, transient loads.
For the high temperature design situation, controlled by specified properties relating to permanent deformation, the
speed of loading has an additional effect on performance. A proposed modification to the AASHTO MP1
specification includes an additional shift in the selected high temperature binder grade to account for slow transient
and standing load applications. Similar to the time-temperature shift described with the test temperature for the
BBR (testing at 10EC higher temperature reduced the test duration from 2 hours to 60 seconds), higher maximum
temperature grades are used to offset the effect of the slower loading speed. For slow moving design loads, the
binder should be selected one high temperature grade to the right (one grade "warmer"), such as a PG 64 instead
of a PG 58. For standing design loads, the binder should be selected two high temperature grades to the right or
two grades "warmer", such as a PG 70 instead of a PG 58.
Also, an additional shift is proposed for extraordinarily high numbers of heavy traffic loads. These are locations
where the design lane traffic is expected to exceed 10,000,000 equivalent single axle loads (ESAL). An ESAL is
defined as one 18,000-pound (8Q-kN) four-tired dual axle and is the unit used by most pavement thickness design
procedures to quantify the various types of axle loadings into a single design traffic number. If the design traffic is
expected to be between 10,000,000 and 30,000,000 ESAL, then the engineer may consider selecting one high
temperature binder grade higher than the selection based on climate. If the design traffic is expected to exceed
30,000,000 ESAL, then the binder should be selected one high temperature grade higher.
Additional, more detailed information regarding the SHRP research and the Superpave binder and mixture
specifications can be found in current and future SHRP publications. These publications include:
"The Superpave Mix:. Design Manual for New Construction and Overlays," Report SHRP-A-407.
"The Super Mix Design System - Manual of Specifications, Test Methods, and Practices," Report
A.2.1 Asphalt Cement Selection for the Superpave System as Implemented by CDOT. The Superpave System
specifies asphalt cement properties to address pavement performance for the climate and traffic found in the
specific area of the project. The high and low temperature properties required are then specified according to a
percent reliability against rutting (high temperature properties) and cracking (low temperature properties) found for a
given pavement. The design temperatures used to select asphalt cement grades are pavement temperatures. The
Superpave System defines the high pavement design temperature at a depth of 20 mm below the pavement
surface, and the low pavement design temperature at the pavement surface.
The physical properties that the asphalt cement are required to meet stay the same. What changes is the
temperature at which the asphalt cement properties must be met. For example, a PG 64-22 means that the asphalt
cement must meet the required physical properties up to at least 64EC and the low temperature properties must be
met down to a temperature of -22EC.
Because of the many climate conditions, specifying asphalt cements based on climate conditions results in a very
large number of asphalt cements on a nationwide basis, as seen in Table A-5, taken from Table 3-1 of Asphalt
Institute Publication, SP-2 (AI SP2) , and repeated here.
Only a limited number of the above grades would be needed for Colorado, and additionally, our local suppliers only
have the capacity to supply a limited number of asphalt cement grades, because of a limited number of tanks.
Table A-6 shows the grades that will be used for CDOT projects in order to obtain acceptable performing
Superpave asphalt cements.
The following steps should be followed to determine the proper Superpave asphalt cement grade for a given
Step 1: The first decision is to determine what type of project is being designed. For new construction or
reconstruction, asphalt cement with 98% reliability for both low and high temperature properties is recommended.
For overlays, asphalt cement with a 98% reliability for high temperature properties (rutting resistance) and 50%
reliability for low temperature properties (cracking resistance) is recommended. Asphalt cements with lower than
98% reliability against rut resistance should not be specified. In the Sup
erpave system, anything between 50 and 98% reliability is considered 50% reliability for the purpose of binder
selection. The low temperatures are specified at a lower reliability for overlays because of reflection cracking .
Step 2: Obtain the Superpave recommended asphalt cement grade, based on weather data and traffic in the
project area. These recommendations are found in figures A-l and A-2, neither of which accounts for grade
bumping, and from the computer program LTTPBind, which can be downloaded free from the following internet
address: LTPPBind is a computer program written by the Long Tenn Pavement Performance
(LTPP) Group of the FHWA and contains historical weather information from most of the weather stations in North
America. The program also calculates the reliability of various asphalt cements for a given location. Each Region
Materials Engineer has a copy of this program. Either of these sources will yield the 98% and 50% reliability
asphalt cement for a project area for a free flowing traffic condition, which is described in Step 3. For example,
Table A-7 shows how "actual reliability" is used to find "Superpave reliability" and PG grades for Denver- Free
Flowing Traffic.
Step 3: Decide on grade bumping because of traffic speed or loading. Grade bumping means selecting an asphalt
cement grade that is one high temperature grade higher than is recommended for the free flowing traffic condition.
Traffic types are identified in AASHTO MP2. Free flowing traffic is traffic at speeds greater than 45 mph. Slow
moving traffic is traffic moving between 12 and 45 mph. Standing traffic is traffic moving less than 12 mph. Table
A-8 shows Superpave recommendations for grade bumping. Total 18k ESAL is determined in Step 1 of section A.1.
Tables A-9 and A-I0 are guides for high temperature grade bumping to be used for CDOT projects. No adjustment
is recommended for the low temperature property requirements, i.e., low temperature grade, because of traffic
speed or volume.
Slow Moving 58 64 70 76
Stop and Go 64 70 76 82
Table A-10 Traffic Flow Grade Bumping Recommendation
Traffic High Temperature Grade From Superpave Tables
Characteristic Superpave Tables Assume Free Flowing Conditions
< 107 52 58 64 70
107 to 3x107 58 64 70 76
>3x107 64 70 76 82
Step 4: Once these decisions are made, in order to limit the need for an infinite number of asphalt cements, a
choice must be made from the asphalt cements shown in Table A-6. For example, when the recommendations call
for a PG 64-34 for given project, a PG 70-34 would be specified. This selection provides for rut resistance while
preserving the same level of resistance to cracking. Because of the danger of rutting, in no case should the
recommended high temperature requirements be lowered based on availability.
A.2.2 Asphalt Cement Selection for Lower Lifts. Superpave high temperature reliability factors are based on
historical weather data and algorithms to predict pavement temperature.
At a depth to surface layer of 2 inches or more, both the high and low temperature recommendations are changed
because of their depth and the temperatures at that pavement depth. This information is available from the weather
data program LTPPBind. See the example in Table A-ll.
As can be seen below, the high temperature requirement for the Denver area was lowered by one grade, from 58 to
52, by specifying a depth of 2 inches. The low temperature grade is only slightly lowered, but now the PG-22 has a
98% reliability instead of an 94% reliability against rutting as predicted for the top lift. The starting grade may
change for lower lifts.
For pavements with multiple layers, a lesser grade may be specified for lower layers based on the amount of
material needed and other economical design decisions. In many cases, the requirements for lower layers might
be obtained with an unmodified or more economical grade of asphalt cement. It is recommended that at least
10,000 tons of mix in the lower lift is needed before a separate asphalt cement is specified for the lower lift. Table
A-12 shows grade bumping recommendations for lower lifts.
MGPEC Form #9
MGPEC • Mixture Design Requirements for
Form # 9 (1-14-2005) Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements (HMAP)
• Project Special Provision Sheet for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements (HMAP)
This MGPEC Form #9 is a mandatory part of the bid documents, and * shall be filled out by the AGENCY for each mix specified. The Contractor shall include a copy
of this form with each Mix Design submittal after the contract is awarded.
N design=50 ♦ new category ( new 2001 Traffic Category Level 0: Paths & non-Vehicular)
* Asphalt Binder: PG 58-28 (For Traffic Levels 1, 2 or 3)⇒ help reduce low temperature cracks
PG 76-28 (For Traffic Levels 3, 4 or 5) ⇒ for high priority roads, high axle loads, slow moving
or stop & go traffic flow conditions)
• Target Job Mix Optimum Asphalt Content Selection (see November 19, 2003 Technical Advisory):
Standard => Choose Target %AC at close to 4.0% ( 3.5 % to 4.5 % Air Voids per MGPEC 2001
Also, all mix design VMA requirements of Table are reduced by
version & CDOT 2001~2002).
0.3%. Bid prices will be $ per ton of mix.
CDOT mix production shift to increase %AC => Choose Target %AC at Air Voids of
no more than 1.0% below that established in Standard Method above. Reduced VMA spec
as above. Do not violate VFA spec. Field Air Voids to be MINIMUM 3.0%. Bid Price to
include all Asphalt Cement, assume maximum increase of 0.3% %AC from ‘Standard
Target %AC’, unless Agency has separate contract bid item.
A completed MGPEC Form #9 shall supplement the MGPEC Construction Specifications defining the contract specific requirements of Item 9: Hot
Mix Asphalt Pavement (HMAP). Refer to the Specifications for details.
Appendix C