Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints: Ajouloncompany
Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints: Ajouloncompany
Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints: Ajouloncompany
Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel
Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and
Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions
and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer
Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints
Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel
Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and
Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions
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Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints
Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel
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Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints
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Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints
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Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints
Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel
S ar a S a e
Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and
Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions
and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer
Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints
Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel
Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and
Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions
and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer
Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints Hammer Unions and Swivel Joints
S ar a S a e
50 500 750 NA NA
All Sara union components of the same size and figure number are Weco interchangeable.
All Sara union nuts have three hammer lugs.
Sara unions are supplied with full traceability documentation for each component.
FIG 200 UNION Recommended for air, water, oil, or FIG 206 UNION Recommended for air, water, oil or
gas service to 2000 PSI NSCWP. A gas service to 2,000 PSI NSCWP. A
2,000 PSI CWP 2,000 PSI CWP
union of great utility meeting most Buna-N 'O' ring is mounted on the
requirements in the medium plain sub to provide an additional
pressure ranges. Precision seating seal. Subs and nuts of the Fig. 206
surfaces assure dependable union are interchangeable with
pressure seal. Standard subs are the Fig. 200 union. Standard subs
threaded for API line pipe and are are threaded for API line pipe.
Weco interchangeable. Sizes of 2" Sizes of 2" and above also available
and above also available with butt with butt weld ends. connections.
weld end connections.
(Kg.) (Kg.)
1" 219/32" 2" 1.00
1a" 219/32" 2" 1.00 1/4" 25/32" 5/32"
11/4" 225/32" 25/32" 1.60 1 2 2 1.07
11/2" 229/32 213/32" 1.60 11/2" 229/32" 213/32" 1.07
2" 31/4" 229/32" 2.40 2" 31/4" 229/32" 2.40
21/2" 41/4" 35/8" 4.50 2 1/2"
4 1/4”
35/8" 5.02
3" 417/32" 41/4" 6.60 17/32" 1/4"
3" 4 4 6.60
4" 415/16" 5" 9.60
4" 415/16" 5" 9.10
5" 73/64 523/32 19.00
25/32" 1/2"
6" 625/32" 61/2" 22.00 6" 6 6 19.30
8" 75/16" 713/16" 29.10 8" 75/16" 713/16" 29.10
10" 93/32" 91/16" 41.36 10" 9 3/32"
9 1/16"
* All weights are approximate . NSCWP - Non Shock Cold Working Pressure
Products Catalog
FIG 400 UNION Recommended for air, FIG 600 UNION Recommended for air, oil, gas
4,000 PSI CWP water, oil, or gas service to 6,000 PSI CWP or steam service to 6,000 PSI
4,000 PSI NSCWP. Utilizes
NSCWP. Rugged and fast 2
precision ball and cone
pitch acme thread makes this
seating surfaces for easy
the quickest union to make-
alignment and dependable
up or break out (only two
pressure seal. Sizes over 4"
turns). The threaded sub is
are rated to 2,500 PSI
fitted with a bronze seat insert
NSCWP. Also available
for added effectiveness in
with a lip-type seal in 2"
pressure sealing.
size only as Fig 402.
* All weights are approximate . NSCWP - Non Shock Cold Working Pressure
FIG 602 UNION Recommended for air, water, oil, FIG 1002 UNION Recommended for air, water, oil, gas
6,000 PSI CWP gas or mud service to 6,000 PSI 10,000 PSI CWP and mud service to 10,000 PSI
N S C W P. T h i s u n i o n h a s a NSCWP. This union has a replaceable
replaceable lip-type seal ring of lip-type seal ring of Buna-N
Buna-N specifically designed to specifically designed to minimize
minimize fluid flow turbulence. fluid flow turbulence. The lip-type
Lip-type ring provides a pressure ring works similarly as in the Fig. 602
seal and protection for metal-to- union. These unions are for use on
metal seating surfaces. Smaller and high pressure systems and trucks.
lighter than Fig. 600 unions and are
recommended for manifold and WEIGHT
truck mounting where size and SIZE NUT RADIUS BUTT. WELD
weight are critical. SCH. 80 XX HVY
1" 317/32" 1/4" 25/32" 1.59 317/32" -
1/4" 7/8" 7/32"
1 4 1/4" 3 4.54 - -
BUTT. WELD 11/2" 47/8" 1/4" 37/32" 4.10 411/16" -
SCH. 80 2" 51/4" 1/4" 33/4" 6.00 51/32" -
17/32" 5/32" 17/32” 1/2" 1/8" 1/4"
1" 3 1/4" 2 1.59 3 2 6 3/8" 4 7.95 51/8" -
11/4" 429/32" 1/4" 37/32" 4.54 411/16" 21/2"EUE 515/16" 3/8" 41/4" 7.95 - -
1/2" 29/32" 7/32" 11/16" 1/4"
1 4 1/4" 3 4.10 4 3" 6 3/8" 41/2" 10.00 53/8" 53/8”
2" 51/4" 1/4" 33/4" 5.90 51/32" 4" 81/4" 3/8" 57/32" 17.95 511/16" -
1/4" 1/2" 7/16" 1/4”
3" 6 3/8" 4 10.45 5 5" - - 6 25.90 515/16" 61/8”
4" 81/4" 3/8" 57/32" 15.00 61/16”
5" size rated at 7,500 PSI CWP and 12,000 PSI test,
5" unions for sour gas rated at 5,000 PSI CWP and 7,500 PSI test.
* All weights are approximate . NSCWP - Non Shock Cold Working Pressure
Products Catalog
20,000 PSI CWP 15,000 PSI CWP 500 - 6,000 PSI CWP
Recommended for use in flow
Recommended for standard lines to isolate for cathodic
service to 20,000 PSI protection. The sealing action is
NSCWP. Available in butt provided by 'O' Rings fitted into
weld end connections only. a machined groove between the
two metal mating parts. The
Available as Fig 2202 for metal parts are separated by non-
sour service (15,000 PSI conductor gaskets that avoid
WP). penetration to flow. seepage and
resistant to acids, chemicals and
temperatures encountered in
normal service. Maximum
temperature is 250º F.
2" 73/8" 323/32" 10.45 2" - 3" 500 750 Maroon Maroon
1" - 4" 1,000 1,500 Maroon White
3" 85/8" 65/32" 21.80
1/4" - 4" 2,500 3,750 Orange Orange
4" 81/2" 6" 34.50 1" - 3" 4,000 6,000 Brown Brown
1/4" - 1/2" 6,000 9,000 Blue Blue
2" - 6" 1,000 1,500 Yellow Gray 1/4" - 6" 4,000 6000 Pearl Gray Red
2" - 4" 2,500 3,750 Pearl Gray Green 1" - 4" 6,000 9000 Pearl Gray Blue
2" - 3" 4,000 6,000 Pearl Gray Red 1" - 2" 10,000 15000 Pearl Gray Orange
2" 6,000 9,000 Pearl Gray Blue 1/4" - 1" 12,500 18750 Silver Silver
* All weights are approximate . NSCWP - Non Shock Cold Working Pressure
Recommended for
8" 8-Inch (8 5/8" O.D.) 10-Inch 20.00 0.48
Mud tanks, mud tank connecting lines, and pump suction
flanges 24.00 0.60
10" 10-Inch (10 3/4" O.D.) 12-Inch
! Nitrile seal provides a compression seal. 12" 12-Inch (12 3/4" O.D.) 14-Inch 27.50 0.72
! Elongated cross-section of seal ring ensures greater sealing
surface when in contact with the pipe. 13" 13-Inch (13 3/8" O.D.) 13-Inch (Casing) 25.50 0.77
! Accepts up to 7º pipe misalignment.
! 6, 8, and 10-inch sizes require butt-weld. 14" 14-Inch (14" O.D.) 16-Inch 24.50 0.84
* All weights are approximate . NSCWP - Non Shock Cold Working Pressure
Products Catalog
Suction-Hose Unions
500 PSI (34 bar) Maximum Line Pressure, 4, 5, and 6" sizes
Sara manufactures a range of Suction-hose and Frac Tank Unions in 4", 6" and 8" sizes in pressures ranging from 500 to 1,000 PSI CWP.
Swivel Joints
Available in sizes 3/4" through 3" up to 15,000 PSI non-shock cold working pressure,
Sara Swivel Joints offer the following features...
! Minimum flow restriction.
! Superior hardened ball races ensure uniform surface hardness and depth for longer life
Standard Swivel Joints are provided with API line pipe threads.
Other end connections are available on request.
Available for standard and sour service.
All sizes are available in 8 styles, for 360 rotation in 1, 2 or 3 planes.
Swivel Joints
Short Radius Swivel Joints
5/8 23/32 7/32 11/32 7/16 3/4 1/4 7/16 3/4 7/32 5/8 3/16 15/16 7/32 27/32 15/16 5/8 7/8 7/32
3/4",1" 4 2 4 7 5 1 9 2 1 4 4 5 6 4 8 6 4 1 4
1/4" 1/2" 23/32 3/16 9/32 29/32 3/8 1/2 7/16 7/8 3/8 9/32 23/32 15/32 15/32 9/16 9/16 15/32 23/32 1/8 27/32
1" ,1" 4 3 4 7 6 2 9 2 2 4 4 5 7 4 9 7 4 2 4
27/32 1/32 7/8 7/8 1/16 1/8 5/16 1/8 5/16 7/8 15/32 21/32 1/32 11/32 29/32 27/32 21/32 1/2
2" 5 4 5 9 8 3 12 4 3 5 6 6 10 6 12 9 5 2 6
1/2" 1/8 7/8 11/16 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 11/16 1/8 1/4 9/16 11/16 13/16 9/16 1/8 15/16 11/16
2 7 4 7 12 9 4 14 4 3 7 7 8 12 7 14 12 7 2 7
Swivel Joints
Pup Joints
! One wing union and one each style 50 and style 10 swivel joints with integral wing union ends.
! Four wing unions and two style 50 or style 10 swivel joints with integral wing union ends.
! Four wing unions and two style 50 or style 10 swivel joints.
Style No. 10 Style No. 50 Style No. 10 Style No. 10 Style No. 50
M x M Union Ends M x F Union Ends M x F Union Ends Threaded Ends Threaded Ends
Other Products
Sara also manufactures Flange to Wing Adapters, Wing to Wing Adapters, Flanged Tees and Crosses and an assortment of other products
having usage in varied oilfield applications.
CWP (PSI) 15,000 15,000 6,000 15,000 20,000 6,000 15,000 20,000 6,000 10,000 15,000
Longsweep FxM
- - 10 12.6 - 24.5 22.9 - 40.4 40.4 -
Elbow Wt. (Kg.)
- - 12.4 14.7 - 45.6 46.3 100 - - -
Wt. (Kg.)
Elbows - - 16.3 18.5 - 52.2 54.9 - - - -
Wt. (Kg.)
- - 8.2 10.9 - 38.1 39.5 - - - -
Wt. (Kg.)
13.2 15.4 12 13.2 14.5 50.8 51.7 99.8 44.9 45.8 90.7
Wt. (Kg.)
14.4 18 14.2 17 19 56.2 58 115 51.7 52.6 106
Wt. (Kg.)
14.4 18 14.2 17 19 56.2 58 115 51.7 52.6 106
Wt. (Kg.)
15.9 21.1 16.3 20.9 23.6 61.7 64.4 129 57.6 59 122
Wt. (Kg.)
S ar a S a e
Figure No. 1502 1502 602 1502 2002 602 1502 2002 602 1002 1502
CWP (PSI) 15,000 15,000 6,000 15,000 20,000 6,000 15,000 20,000 6,000 10,000 15,000
15.9 21.1 16.3 20.9 23.6 61.7 64.4 129 57.6 59 122
Wt. (Kg.)
17.2 23.6 18.6 24.7 28.1 67.1 70.8 144 64 64.9 137
Wt. (Kg.)
Longsweep MXM
- - 12.2 34 15.4 - 30 29.5 - 46.3 46.3 -
Elbow Wt. (Kg.)
- 31.8 26.3 26.8 - 71.2 61.7 - 65.3 65.5 -
Wt. (Kg.)
- 35 28.1 30 - 76.2 80.7 - 71.2 71.2 -
Wt. (Kg.)
- 37.6 30.4 33.1 - 81.6 83 - 77.1 77.1 -
Wt. (Kg.)
- 37.6 30.4 33.1 - 81.6 83 - 77.1 77.1 -
Wt. (Kg.)
- 40.4 32.7 36.3 - 87.1 89.4 - 83 83 -
Wt. (Kg.)
- 142.6 35 39.5 - 92.1 95.7 - 89.4 89.4 -
Wt. (Kg.)
26.3 27.9 21.5 24.3 - - 40.1 - 53.1 78.9 141
Wt. (Kg.)
25.4 - - - - - 40.9 - - - -
Wt. (Kg.)
Wyes - 20 12.7 12.2 12.7 - - - - - -
Wt. (Kg.)
Products Catalog
S ar a S a e