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Job Portal SRS Final New

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Software Requirements


Job Portal Recommendation


Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by <author>

BSCS Department of CS and IT

<date created>

Copyright © 1999 by Karl E. Wiegers. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................ii
Revision History.............................................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Document Conventions..................................................................................................................1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions.................................................................................1
1.4 Product Scope.................................................................................................................................1
1.5 References.......................................................................................................................................1
2. Overall Description..................................................................................................................2
2.1 Product Perspective........................................................................................................................2
2.2 Product Functions...........................................................................................................................2
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics.....................................................................................................2
2.4 Operating Environment...................................................................................................................2
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints.........................................................................................2
2.6 User Documentation.......................................................................................................................2
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies......................................................................................................3
3. External Interface Requirements...........................................................................................3
3.1 User Interfaces................................................................................................................................3
3.2 Hardware Interfaces........................................................................................................................3
3.3 Software Interfaces.........................................................................................................................3
3.4 Communications Interfaces............................................................................................................3
4. System Features.......................................................................................................................4
4.1 System Feature 1............................................................................................................................4
4.2 System Feature 2 (and so on)..........................................................................................................4
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements.......................................................................................4
5.1 Performance Requirements.............................................................................................................4
5.2 Safety Requirements.......................................................................................................................5
5.3 Security Requirements....................................................................................................................5
5.4 Software Quality Attributes............................................................................................................5
5.5 Business Rules................................................................................................................................5
6. Other Requirements................................................................................................................5
Appendix A: Glossary...................................................................................................................5
Appendix B: Analysis Models.......................................................................................................5
Appendix C: To Be Determined List...........................................................................................6

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

Online Job Portal is a web-based Recommendation system for efficient job search. It will provide
specific job-related post to the users. The Job recommendation engine will recommend related jobs
to select keywords which are preference of our users.

1.2 Document Conventions

Entire document should be justified.

● Convention for main title
o Font face: Time New Roman
o Font Style: Bold
o Font Size: 18pt
● Convention for sub title
o Font face: Time New Roman
o Font Style: Bold
o Font Size: 14
● Convention for body
o Font face: Time New Roman
o Font Size: 12

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This SRS is for reference user, project manager, project in-charge and project designer. The
sequence of this document is as following. This SRS contains section in a sequence disordering
product scope, overall design of product, system features of the proposed system/product. Non-
functional requirements of the system.
This document is intended to user and customer to make them ensure that this document is
well meeting the need of the users.
Project Manager:
This SRS document is also very important for the project manager to ensure that can
estimate the cost easily by referring to the SRS document and that it contains all the information
require planning the project.
Project In-Charge:
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 2

The project In-Charge will refer to the SRS document to make sure that they developed
exactly what the customer requires.
Project Designer:
The project designer will read this SRS document and he will ensure that the requirements are
understandable from functionality point of view so that he can test the software and validate it’s
 Suggestions
1. The user can read the whole SRS document but for him Introduction, Overall description
and system features is much required the software performance.
2. For the project manager the system features are very important.
3. A project designer design the document and make a design for project coder to code the
document easily and designer will read the section 4.
SRS as a whole is the prescribed sequence.

1.4 Product Scope

This system can be implemented and may be access over the Glob but it may be specific company
to any shop/company or any other big organization in the locality or to multinational company
branded having retail outlet chains. The system recommends a facility hire and recruit in concerned
company as employees. If company are providing an online portal where the employ can enjoy easy
from anywhere, the organization won’t be losing more time to hire more employees.

1.5 References

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The existing system are manual and hance require manual job search for job seekers. This system
will provide recommendations to job seekers about their relevant jobs and hence reduce their

2.2 Product Functions

Job Seekers (user)

 The User can register to system
 The User can log in to system
 The User can search for the jobs
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 3

 User can see the available jobs

 User can get recommendations from the job portal
 The recruiters can post a job
 The recruiters can get job response and shortlist the candidates
 Add or update job details.
 Admin has a unique User name and password.
 The admin can add or update post or jobs.
 The admin can manage and implement new features in the portal.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

Users: The users can access the system through internet. The users of the product are the Job
seekers(users), recruiters(users) and admin. The users should have a desktop computer, laptop or
any smart phone and should have the basic skills to deal with it.
Technical Expertise: Should be comfortable in using general-purpose applications on a computer.

2.4 Operating Environment

Database Server: MySQL

Programming Language: Python/Django, HTML, CSS, Java Script, Bootstrap
Operating System: Windows 7 or above.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

 Operating environment temperature and humidity: The system shall be functional in both
indoor and outdoor environments, even though the system will mostly be used in interior
rooms under optimum temperatures (20~25°C) and humidity (30~40%).
 Programming languages: The system is web based therefore this whole system will be
written in Python/Django, HTML, CSS, Java Script and Bootstrap.
 Database: MySQL.

2.6 User Documentation

This system will give a help option to know about any problem in this system. You can also search
any specific job; it will give you relevant jobs about your search. A complete user guide file in PDF
file format will be provided to help you in using this system
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 4

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

The system cannot perform its task when one of the following is occurred:
 If there is no internet or intranet connection.
 If the system is corrupted.
 If the power has gone.
 All necessary hardware and software are available for implementing and use of the tool.
 End users should have basic knowledge of computer
 The code should be free with compilation errors/syntax errors

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

Software is user friendly and has GUI, user can select the types of jobs he wants and signup on the
website. After that whenever a job is posted on the website the recommendation engine will match
the jobs to profile and if matches then suggest the job to the person.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

A visual display, a keyboard, and a mouse will be utilized within this product

3.3 Software Interfaces

 Html
 Python, Django
 JavaScript.
 MySQL:
 XAMPP or WAMP Server.
 Bootstrap.

3.4 Communications Interfaces

Communication function required Python web framework Django which is used for communication
and also used WAMPP or XAMP which is used to run the application database and continue the
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 5

4. System Features

4.1 System Feature 1

4.1.1 Description and Priority

The software system must provide a function to manage user accounts and data-structure templates
(e.g., schemas, ontologies). The minimum user account types must be:
 Admin
 Job seekers
 Recruiters.
1. The admin can manage all the account type check the number of users and their roles, add the
users and check the daily report and add additional functions to the website.
2. The job seekers should be able to register and take the initial quiz about their job search to
recommend jobs to them in future.
3. The recruiters can post jobs and short list the candidates without leaving the website. They can
also edit or remove the job post.

4.2 System Feature 2 (and so on)

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

 System Portability run on the multiple platforms like window, Linux and mobiles.
 In secure and trustworthy system from any damage of database etc.
 Website have performed optimization accommodate hundreds of users.
User friendly
 User friendly for both job seekers and the recruiters.
 The system must be simple in the way it displays all relevant data.
Quickly Accessible
 The system must be quickly accessible by both administrator and user.
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 6

Delivered and Retrieve

 The order must successfully be delivered and retrieve by both admin and the customer
Authenticated Login
 The system must provide a password enabled login to the user.
 The system must complete any actions done by the users.

5.2 Safety Requirements

Provide full authentication and authorization using the 2FA (2 factor Authentication) system to end
users by using password hashing system for our web application and OTP codes for user
confirmation for more accurate data and to ensure the users the password which is set or enter by
the user is the end-to-end encrypted.

5.3 Security Requirements

 Only Admin will have password to access the control of system.

 When security requirements are considered at all during the system life cycle, they tend to
be general lists of security features such as password protection, firewalls, virus detection
tools, and the like.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

Some are to consider are: adaptability, availability, correctness, flexibility, interoperability,
maintainability, portability, reliability, reusability, robustness, testability, and usability.

5.5 Business Rules

A business rule is anything that captures and implements business policies. This includes the rules
and regulations that the System users should abide by. The project should be used according to pre-
defined rules. The users should avoid illegal rules. Neither admin nor member should cross the
rules and regulations.

6. Other Requirements

Appendix A: Glossary

Html: (Hypertext Markup Language) The standard markup language for creating web pages and
web applications.
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 7

CSS: (Cascading Style Sheets) is a computer language for laying out or styling and structuring
web pages HTML
Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables rapid development of secure and
maintainable websites. Built by experienced developers, Django takes care of much of the hassle of
web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel
JavaScript: Adding interactive behavior to web pages. JavaScript allows users to interact with web
MySQL: MySQL is a relational database management system based on SQL – Structured Query
XAMPP or WAMP Server: XAMPP is an abbreviation for cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP
and Perl, and it allows you to build web applications and websites.
Bootstrap: For Frontend Responsive structures and styles.

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