Lesson Development: LESSON 3: Regarding The Methods Leading To Wisdom and Truth
Lesson Development: LESSON 3: Regarding The Methods Leading To Wisdom and Truth
Lesson Development: LESSON 3: Regarding The Methods Leading To Wisdom and Truth
LESSON 3: Regarding the Methods Leading
to Wisdom and Truth
By the end this chapter, the learners are expected to:
a. Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth
b. Evaluate opinions
Instructional Materials:
Module with Activity Sheets
Web Links
Lesson Development
In this lesson we will know how the methods discussed
previously affect one’s transcendence in the follwoign
Activity 5
Rewrite on the table provided below the opinions you have written
in Activity 3. By applying at least one of the methods of philosophizing,
evaluate your opinions.
Let us examine, for example the ‘opinion’, for all statements begin as opinions, “there is no God”.
Zedar: There is no God!
Garion:What makes you think so?
Zedar: If there is no God and He is as what people believe He is, i.e. all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present,
then there should have been no wars, calamities and all other scourges of mankind!
Garion: Are you saying that God causes these things to happen?
Zedar: At the very least, he allowed it to happen when He should not have.
Garion: “Allowed” suggests that someone else has caused something to happen, right? And, in this case, it
is man.
Zedar: But why would He allow man to destroy himself when He professes love for His creation?
Garion: Would you rather have it the other way around? Would you rather live like a robot programmed
to do what He commands? Is giving freedom to man not a sing of His love?
Zedar: Well, at least He could have prompted us against doing things that may destroy us.
Garion: How long has it been since the last time you paused and ponder on these things? When was the
last time you read the Scripture? God has been prompting man all this time, but did we care to listen?
The above discussion is an example of purifying an opinion. As to what will the end of the discussion will
be of secondary importance. The more important thing is that the opinion of both are under scrutiny and
Descartes method is also about purification of opinion, in this case knowledge from experience
based on authority or of mathematics, in order to see how much truth is in it before it is used as
foundation of one’s life and action. It is very much akin to the Socratic elenchus with the process itself as
the difference. The Socratic elenchus is other-initiated, while Cartesian “Methodic doubt” is done by itself.
‘Experience’, as oftentimes said, ‘is the best teacher’. However it is only for those who have ability
to properly learn the lesson therein taught. One must do the asking himself in order to save him from the
tedious and painful process of being dragged in the real world. Is my ‘knowledge’ about things around me
real knowledge?’ A conviction must be made by doubting or questioning with the intention of making
‘opinion’, be it from experience, authority or ‘objective’ source, a knowledge that is pure and
unadulterated as possible, as Decartes said, “based on a reason so strong that it can never be shaken by
any stronger reason.” If, at the end of the day, the opinion in question has been proven false, then so be it.
It is much better to have it debunked than build one’s life in such a weak foundation.
Activity 6
On the space provided before each number, write (T) if the statement is true and (F) if the
statement is false.
Name:_______________________________________________________ Rating: _____________________________
Grade Level/Section:______________________________________ Date: _______________________________
II. Grid Puzzle. Find the concepts and persons listed below. Encircle each concept or person as they
appear on the grid puzzle.
IV. Reflection and Discussion. Refer to your opinion in Activity 3 on improper waste segregation. Apply
any of the methods of philosophizing to evaluate whether each opinion holds some truth. Write your
evaluation in the box provided below.