Industrial Handbook
Industrial Handbook
Industrial Handbook
Making the Difference
Second Edition
July 2016
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 5
Background of UTB .................................................................................................................... 5
Vision........................................................................................................................................... 5
Mission Statement ....................................................................................................................... 5
OBJECTIVES OF INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT ................................................................ 5
INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT FORMAT............................................................................... 6
Requirements for Industrial Attachment ..................................................................................... 6
Industrial Attachment Handbook ............................................................................................. 6
Industrial Attachment Seminar................................................................................................. 6
PLACEMENT PROCESS............................................................................................................ 8
Role of the Career Advisory Center ............................................................................................ 8
The role of the student ................................................................................................................. 8
SUPERVISION AND ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................ 9
Criteria used in supervisor allocation .......................................................................................... 9
The role of the institution .......................................................................................................... 10
The role of the industry supervisor ............................................................................................ 10
The role of the institution supervisor ..................................................................................... 10
The criteria include................................................................................................................. 10
Benefits for the organization .................................................................................................. 11
INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT REPORTING ...................................................................... 11
Assessment criteria .................................................................................................................... 11
INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT LOGBOOK ......................................................................... 11
FORMAT FOR THE INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT LOGBOOK .................................... 12
INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT ABROAD ............................................................................. 12
SPECIFIC DEPARTMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................... 13
Hotel and Restaurant Management Degree Program ................................................................ 13
Key areas to be covered ............................................................................................................. 13
Vocational Training programs within the Hotel and Restaurant Management department ...... 13
Food Production ..................................................................................................................... 14
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Background of UTB
UTB was founded in 2006 as an institution of higher learning in Rwanda. This was as a result of
the increasing demand and need to provide professional training in the fields of tourism,
hospitality management and business management. It has since expanded to different parts of
the country to address the needs of the market. The philosophy of UTB is driven by its vision
and mission statement as pointed out below;
UTB is committed to spearhead the advancement of education through quality teaching, learning,
research, consultancy and service to the community by preparing graduates to meet the needs of
Rwanda, the sub region and the global community professional growth in a conducive
environment that values cultural diversity and cultivates awareness of ethical issues, gender,
fairness, competitiveness and social responsibility.
Mission Statement
To become a centre of excellence in the region for the quality of academic programs, and to be a
solution provider for the training of professionals in the areas of Hospitality, Tourism and
Business Information Technology.
It is against this background that students are required to undertake Industrial Attachment
placement in the respective industry in order to equip them with practical skills, knowledge and
proper work attitude. The Industrial Attachment placement enables the student to have an all
round training in order to meet the industry expectations such as problem solving skills,
analytical ability, and responsibility for tasks, teamwork, and professionalism.
To enable students to apply the theory learnt in class to the real work environment. The
students will carry out practical activities to enable them attain the level of competency as
per the industry expectations.
To enable the students realize their strengths and weaknesses before joining the job
To instill a sense of responsibility and right attitude required for effective service delivery
in the industry.
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Industrial Attachment will be carried out in two phases. All undergraduate students shall
proceed for their first phase of Industrial Attachment during the third trimester of the second year
for a minimum duration of three months on a full time basis. The second phase of Industrial
Attachment will be carried out during the second trimester of the third year for a minimum
duration of three months on a full time basis.
All VTP/IATA students shall proceed for their industrial attachment after trimester three for a
minimum duration of three months.
The Industrial Attachment is geared towards the actual operations within their area of
specialization. Thus every department should consider the key sections within their field of
specialization. Currently the university has 3 departments: Hotel and Restaurant Management,
Travel and Tourism Management, and Business Information Technology.
All students must obtain a copy of the Industrial Attachment handbook from CAC
All students must attend the Industrial Attachment seminar. The Industrial Attachment
orientation seminar is part of the Industrial Attachment program and accounts for the
student’s assessment.
The Industrial Attachment seminar shall be conducted at the end of second trimester
second year, and the subject matter includes objectives, student conduct, placement
process, key work areas, requirements, assessment and supervision criteria and
communication with the university during the Industrial Attachment.
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For a student to qualify for Industrial Attachment the or she must have registered with the
registrar academic affairs and Career Advisory Center for the trimester and should get a
clearance before getting an introduction letter to the respective organization where he or
she is to be attached.
The Industrial Attachment period is a normal trimester like any other. As such students
are advised to register with the university and pay fees for the trimester.
The student should also have cleared with his/her respective departments and other
departments like library and finance.
The respective departments should verify that the areas of attachment of the students are
in line with the specifications on the Industrial Attachment handbook and the students
have attained the required number of credits.
Medical requirements
Students in the Hotel and Restaurant Management program are advised to seek and
acquire food handler’s certificate from government accredited hospitals before the
Industrial Attachment period.
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before the period of the attachment, for instance 3 months before the attachment or earlier.
On securing the Industrial Attachment places, the student must notify or inform the Career
Advisory Center immediately.
It is the duty of the student to ensure that he or she is registered with the relevant university
authorities such as the Career Advisory Center, department and the registrar academic affairs
before such a student is considered for Industrial Attachment Each attached student must keep in
touch with the assigned supervisor or Head of Department for planning visitation and
supervision during Industrial Attachment
Each student must obtain, read and comprehend the Industrial Attachment handbook before
commencement of the Industrial Attachment period. Students must write their Industrial
Attachment report based on the guidelines from their respective departments. Students must
demonstrate the highest standards of ethical behaviour, positive attitude and a sense of
professionalism while at their places of attachment.
For instance students must abide by the rules and regulations of the organizations they are
attached to including obeying the lawful instructions of their supervisors and managers. The
student should not demand for any payments or benefits unless it is the policy of the
Any change by the student on the organization where they are attached should be agreed with the
Career Advisory Center. No change is allowed one month after Industrial Attachment begins.
Students are expected to report for duty at all times without abandoning or absconding duty
without informing their supervisors. Students are expected to take up and occupy places the
Career Advisory Center has given them. Students who will violate this will be subject to
disciplinary action.
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The industry supervisor should be at least in a supervisory level in the department where the
student is training. The supervisor shall use the assessment form provided by the university to
indicate the extent to which the student differs from an experienced professional in their
performance of tasks and activities and their behavior or attitude. He or she shall ensure that the
student is exposed to the key areas in their field and sign the student’s Logbook at the end of
every week. In the case of any unusual circumstance on the part of the student the industry
supervisor shall report to the university.
At the end of the Industrial Attachment training, the student is required to submit a final
Industrial Attachment report to Head of department, Head of department to lecturer for marking.
When Lecturer will finish marking the industrial attachment report he will submit it to the Head
of department, head of department to Career Advisory Center and Career Advisory Center to the
examination office.
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Organizations where students do their Industrial Attachment will immensely benefit from the
fresh knowledge our students are bringing on board. Although young in their field of
specialization, our students are well equipped to excel in the field and firms can incorporate their
ideas and insight to turnaround their operations.
At the end of every month, each student shall send a detailed account of daily activities as
recorded in the logbook, to the institution supervisor’s official e-mail. The institutions supervisor
should also complete the assessment forms after every visitation. The industry supervisor will
continually assess the student and complete the provided form, which are to be submitted at the
end of the student Industrial Attachment period to the university.
At the end of the Industrial Attachment training, the student is required to submit a final Industrial
Attachment report to the respective university supervisor. This should be prepared in accordance
to the guidelines provided by the respective department. The university supervisor will compile
the total marks and submit them to the respective department. Provided in the appendices are the
detailed formats for the Industrial Attachment report for the students.
The students in Vocational Training Programs (VTP) should follow the guidelines given by the
mother departments but only concentrate on their field of specialization.
Assessment criteria
Student’s logbook 40%
Industry supervisor’s report 10%
UTB supervisor’s report 20%
Student’s Industrial Attachment report 30%
100 %
During an Industrial Attachment, one may have different learning experiences. These
experiences tend to get mixed up, and therefore, fade away with time. The personal log book will
help the student benefit as much as possible from the Industrial Attachment. The student must
record in the note book his or her daily experiences in the department or section where he or she
is attached for the whole Industrial Attachment period.
The student must maintain the logbook of daily operations. Before reporting to work, the student
must formulate the objectives of the day depending on the area they are working, a summary of
daily activities and challenges encountered at the end of the day, which must then be recorded in
the Logbook every day.
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The Industrial Attachment Logbook is valid only if it is signed by the industry supervisor at the
end of every week. If the signature of the industry supervisor at the department where the student
was attached is missing, the university shall reject the student’s logbook. The UTB supervisors
must read the logbook and sign on it during the supervision visit.
The logbook should start with the overall Industrial Attachment objectives. These objectives
should be individually generated as per the student’s expectations. The objectives must be
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Measurable)
Daily to do List
Ascertain whether your objectives were achieved at the end of the shift/day. Have different
objectives for each day for the 3 months. Record any major incidences for every day in your Log
book and how they were addressed /resolved: what you think was done well and what was not.
(e.g. Angry guest protesting against poor service-didn’t see the lion in the game drive) this will
form a basis for your report at the end of the Industrial Attachment period. Gather as much data
as possible, every day in your note book. Thank the staff you worked with before you relocate to
other department. Record your observations and experiences carefully in your diary or notebook
on a daily basis, as the UTB Lecturer will have to assess your progress & notebook when he or
she visits you in your place of attachment.
Students have freedom to seek and undertake Industrial Attachment abroad. However they will
be responsible for their own upkeep (Insurance, food, accommodation, and transport) and
documentary requirements (passport, work permit, yellow fever vaccination and medical
certificate—The Food Handlers’ Certificate—to be obtained at the recommended laboratories in
the countries/localities as required by the tutoring companies).
Students will also be responsible for the expenses (Transport, food, accommodation,
communication) of the supervisor who shall visit them abroad.
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Students should provide a copy of the acceptance letter to the Career Advisory Center before
leaving for Industrial Attachment abroad. (These conditions only apply for self-sponsored
students. For sponsored students by UTB or other organizations where the CAC does the
coordination, the students should proceed to the CAC for information). However, UTB shall
provide recommendation to enable such students to process their documents.
A higher level of language proficiency, especially English is mandatory for students seeking
Industrial Attachment abroad. If a student secures Industrial Attachment abroad himself or
herself, and obtains an acceptance letter, it is up to the organization to assess the language
proficiency of the student. But if the university secures Industrial Attachment places abroad, then
students have to be vetted by their respective department. Local insurance is not applicable
abroad. The concerned department in conjunction with the university administration will
determine the best way to supervise the student undertaking Industrial Attachment abroad. The
university will work to create a good rapport with stakeholders abroad.
The key areas to be considered for instance in hotel and restaurant management are:
Students who are already engaged in work are allowed to spread out the Industrial Attachment
program throughout their free time to cover the required period, subject to written approval from
their respective department within the university.
Vocational Training programs within the Hotel and Restaurant Management department
The following are the sections to be visited by short courses students during their Industrial
Attachment period, the sections have been selected based on their areas of specialization:
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Food Production
Garde-manger section
Entrementier section
Saucier section
Pâtissier section
Butcher section
Students will be attached in food and beverage department in the hotel or a three star restaurant
or catering establishment and the areas to be covered include: Food and beverage service (table
setting, napkin folding, cashiering, and customer care and menu translation), Conference and
banqueting (hall arrangement e.g. theatre, T- style etc)
House Keeping
Room attendant
Public area
Linen section
Front Office
Port rage
The key companies or organizations to be considered for instance in travel and tourism
management are:
Tour operations
Travel agency operations
Airline or airport operations
Historical or cultural sites such as museums
Protected areas such as national parks and wildlife reserves
Recreation centres
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The key sections, within these companies or organizations mentioned above, to be covered
throughout the Industrial Attachment period are:
Finance and accounting
Marketing and public relations
Human resource
Product development
The undergraduate student is expected to be attached to at least one of the above areas of the
tourism industry for the entire 3 months period. Students who are already engaged in work are
allowed to spread out the Industrial Attachment program throughout their free time to cover the
required period, subject to written approval from their respective department within the
Students are free to be attached in 3 different areas of the tourism industry as indicated above
within the 3 months duration but must spend one month in each organization, subject to written
approval from their respective department within the university.
Students in vocational training programs in travel and tourism management should be attached in
their specific areas of specialization/departments only for a period of 5 months. Trainees will be
expected to submit their Industrial Attachment reports and industrial attachment logbook one
month after their Industrial Attachment to the Head of department.
Vocational Training Programs within the Travel and Tourism Management Department
Cabin Crew
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Airport Operations
Students to be attached at the airport or in civil aviation authorities and their main duties during
the Industrial Attachment is ground work services
Students to be attached in tour companies, airline and the area to be covered include:
Tour files handling procedures
Client handling procedures, airport and Hotel procedures
Handling payment
Reservation procedure
Relationship with Global Distribution System
Transit formalities
Pricing of travel product and commission
Tour Guiding
Students to be attached in tour company or in protected areas, duties during the Industrial
Attachment include:
Escorting clients on tours
Writing tour reports
Procedure for vehicle allocation
Scheduling transport services
Students who are already engaged in work are allowed to spread out the Industrial Attachment
program throughout their free time to cover the required period, subject to written approval from
their respective department within the university.
Cover Page
Table of Content
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Body
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Departmental Structure
Purchasing and inventory control systems (ordering, receiving, storing and issuing)
Food & Beverage control office and F & B cost reports
Requirements of F & B control personnel
Other departments visited such as marketing, security, guest relations etc
Chapter 3
Critical analysis of the observations in above departments in light of the class lectures
Critique the university academic program in the light of the Industrial Attachment
Challenges experienced during the Industrial Attachment
Discuss critical events or incidences that may have happened during the Industrial
Attachment period
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Students may attach such things organizational chart, menus, departmental reports, room layouts,
guest survey form and other relevant materials.
The Industrial Attachment report should be thoroughly edited for any grammatical errors and
have 1.5 line spacing, font size 12 in times new roman and each student must make three copies
of the Industrial Attachment report:-the first copy to be sent to the university supervisor, the
second copy to be sent to the organization where the student was attached, and the third copy to
remain with the student for future reference
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Name of student.__________________________________________________________
Registration Number____________________________________ Date______________
Name of Establishment_____________________________________________________
INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT period__________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Name: ________________________________________ Supervisor signature;________
NB: this form is valid only if it bears official stamp of the organization where the student was attached, the University Logo and Stamp
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Max Marks Comments
Score awarded
Social behavior Co-operation, team work (being able to work together in formal and informal 5
and performance contacts)
Marketing abilities & Good customer relations (having worked special qualities for 5
influencing more clients to company )
Punctuality 5
Self discipline 5
Handling restaurant reservations 5
Room service 5
Name: ________________________________________ Supervisor signature;________
NB: this form is valid only if it bears official stamp of the organization where the student was attached, the University Logo and
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Max Marks
Name: ________________________________________ Supervisor signature;________
NB: this form is valid only if it bears official stamp of the organization where the student was attached, the University Logo and
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Punctuality 10
Self discipline 5
House Keeping Bed making 5
Section Cleaning the room and public areas 10
Safety & security 5
Care & Maintenance (of equipment & 5
Laundry Laundering 10
Valeting 5
Linen area 5
TOTAL /100 /100
Name: ________________________________________ Supervisor signature; ________
NB: this form is valid only if it bears official stamp of the organization where the student was attached, the University Logo and
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Self discipline 5
NB: this form is valid only if it bears official stamp of the organization where the student was attached, the University Logo and
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Operations department
Tour files handling.
Client handling procedures/ reception airport and hotel procedures, tour briefing,
challenges and complaints.
Escorting/ guiding clients on tours.
Handling tour challenges.
Writing a tour report.
Transport department
Number of vehicles available or car hire.
Procedures for vehicle allocation and drivers to tours.
Scheduling transport services.
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Learning experience
Departments covered / duties performed.
Application of RTUC curriculum to Industrial Attachment experience.
Industrial Attachment challenges
Marketing department
Major source markets.
Distribution channels and marketing strategies used.
Accounts Department
Relationship with the banking settlement plan.
Handling all payments
Client handling
Arrival formalities.
Transit formalities.
Departure formalities.
In-flight services
Long hour operations.
Short hour operations.
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Fleet operations
Domestic, regional and international flights.
Learning experience
Departments covered and duties performed.
Application of RTUC curriculum to training experience.
Industrial Attachment challenges
Marketing department
Major market segments.
Marketing techniques used.
Operations department
Reservations handling.
Allocation of vehicles and drivers.
Learning experiences
Departments Covered during Industrial Attachment and duties performed.
Application of UTB curriculum to training experience.
Challenges during Industrial Attachment.
Any other information or activity experienced during the training.
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Major source markets.
Types of clients.
Marketing techniques
Guest relations procedures.
Airstrip transfers
Guiding the clients during city tours.
Information dissimilation to guests about attractions, entertainment etc.
Guiding clients in protected areas e.g. game duties and nature walks.
Selling excursions and other activities.
Transport Department
Procedure for vehicle allocation.
Allocation of drivers to tours.
Scheduling of game drivers / city tours.
Allocation of drivers to tours.
Learning experience
Departments covered and duties performed.
Application of UTB curriculum to training experience.
Industrial Attachment challenges faced.
Any other useful information about the training activities.
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Major source markets.
Types of clients.
Operations / management
Major activities e.g. guiding clients on game duties, cruises, nature walks.
Major attractions and fair management.
Major facilities and equipments.
Operations challenges.
Conservation Department
Duties and responsibilities.
Relationship with local community.
Tourism Department
Duties and responsibilities.
Handling / guiding tour groups.
Briefing tour groups about the park rules and regulations.
Activity scheduling and management.
Learning experiences
Departments covered during Industrial Attachment and duties performed.
Application of UTB curriculum to training.
Challenges encountered
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Clientele / Marketing
Major source markets.
Types of clients.
Marketing techniques / channels.
Relationship between travel agents and tour operations
Facilities available.
Attractions at the site.
Activities at the site / centre.
Guiding services at the site / centre.
Operations challenges
Operations Department
Handling arrivals/ departures.
Control tower services.
Baggage handling services – check in.
Sorting and packing.
Cargo/ freight services.
Public relations.
Government Agencies
Immigration services
Customer services.
Health regulation services.
Agriculture services.
Learning Experiences
Departments covered and duties performed
Relevance to UTB curriculum.
Industrial Attachment challenges.
Organization structure
Organization structure of the ministry, institution.
Management of the organization.
Duties and responsibilities of staff.
Tourism department
Tourism product development.
Marketing of tourism product.
Conservation of tourism product.
Tourism research.
Learning experiences
Sections / departments covered and duties performed.
Relevance to RTUC curriculum.
Industrial Attachment challenges
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Punctuality 10
Self presentation and grooming 10
Reliability 10
Adaptability/ Judgment 10
Innovativeness 10
Self discipline 5
Interest in work 5
Would you consider this student for another Industrial Attachment? Yes______ No ________
Would you consider this student for full-time permanent employment if you had an open position?
Yes______ No ________
Would you consider another intern from UTB? Yes______ No ________
Additional comments
Manager of the company or representative:
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Signature: _____________________Date: __________________________________
NB: this form is valid only if it bears official stamp of the organization where the student was attached, the University Logo and
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The following format guideline outlines the specific requirements of the Industrial Attachment
report in terms of the overall structure and necessary sections which are appropriate in most
circumstances. There is no strict rule on the length and specific formatting of text. You should be
able to format your report in the style most appropriate for your studies. However, a typical
Industrial Attachment report consists of three main sections: the preliminaries, the main text and
the reference material, all of which are outlined on the following pages.
The Title Page introduces your reader to your report by listing the following information: report
title; employer’s name and location; date of report; your names, student number, email address,
and Industrial Attachment course number and year; the university name; and the ``partial
fulfillment'' phrase. (See the sample title page, Appendix A.)
The Acknowledgement and Endorsement on the second page should contain any
acknowledgement of assistance and a statement of endorsement, which states that you wrote the
report yourself and that it has not already received academic credit from another institution. (See
the example page, Appendix B.)
4. Table of Contents
The Executive Summary is the most important part of your report. It summarizes the body of
the report, outlining its scope, purpose and major findings, highlighting the key conclusions and
recommendations. The Executive Summary allows a busy manager to understand the report's
significant information without reading the whole text.
Write your Executive Summary after you have written the report. It is not enough to state what
you are `going to discuss’ in the report. The executive summary has to be self-contained and
must state all the major points of the study. You are not required to discuss in detail how you
derived the conclusions or argue about it; this is part of the main body of the text. However, you
have to indicate enough details about your study so that a specialist reader has a good
understanding of your contributions detailed in the report.
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The Table of Contents lists all sections and sub-sections and uses the same numbering system
as the main body of the report. The preliminaries are not listed. Remember -- ease of use is
Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations
The Introduction defines the subject of the report so that the reader is prepared for the text that
follows. Here you can outline the company and/or department for which you worked, and you
can summarize the work you performed at the company. Setting the background is important
because the department member evaluating the report may not be familiar with the detailed
operations of your employer. Of course, there is no need to give a highly detailed account. The
information on the site layout and number of employees would only be given if it relates to later
parts of the report.
The second part of the background should outline the history or objectives leading up to the
project or study detailed in the report. The purpose of this part is to argue why the specific
project or the study outlined in the report is of interest. From this second part of the background,
the reader can now anticipate the objectives of the study. The objective or goal of the study
outlined in the report should be crisply stated and conceptually separated from the background
and the method used.
An introduction answers the question, ``Why was the specific work or study done?''. Keep your
introduction brief, but remember to outline the background and scope of the report and give a
clear statement of objectives of the study. Ask a question that you will try to answer in this
study. After reading the introduction, your reader should be prepared for the report that follows,
and remember that a reader will be looking for sections dealing with the issues addressed in the
The Body is the longest part of your report. It is here that you develop your theme by examining
the problem, your findings and their meaning. This body of the report should be formatted
appropriately with sections and headings to guide the reader through the report.
Although every report will have different section headings, there are certain themes which run
through all reports - a description of the methods used to acquire data, a summary of the data
obtained and finally a discussion of the interpretation of the data. In this context the word
``data" can have such different meanings as actual scientific measurements, textbook
information, manufacturer's literature, plant logbooks, financial statements, opinions of experts
or employees and so on.
Conclusions and recommendations are often confused but they are not the same thing.
Conclusions are derived from research outlined in the main body and do not introduce new
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material. They may be presented in a sequence of two or three sentence paragraphs. The
conclusions should specifically answer the questions raised in the introduction or conclude how
the goals or objectives stated in the introduction have been met.
Recommendations are proposed plans of action for the future. They are suggestions following
logically from the conclusions. Remember that conclusions deal with the present,
recommendations with the future. Each should be presented on a separate page.
Appendix (or appendices) provides your reader with supporting information that elaborates on,
but is not essential to, the development of your theme, or any information that is necessary to
justify your statements and which are too lengthy to include in the main text without interrupting
the line of thought developed there. The appendices are identified by numbers or letters. Do not
include appendices that have not been cited in the text.
Reference Material
1. References
2. Glossary
3. Nomenclature
4. Appendices
References: lists all those books and journals, and if necessary web pages, to which you
specifically refer in your report. Materials from other authors and diagrams that you have not
drawn should be acknowledged explicitly when they are first used in your report. The references
should follow a well-established and consistent style.
It is very unlikely that no references are needed in your report. References have to include links
to any information that is coming from external sources. This includes data or any other material
on which your analysis is based. Any statement has to be justified. For example, statements like
“The internet is expanding exponentially” need to be justified. How do you know that? You have
to refer to the source of this information or back-up your statement on your own account if this is
a novel observation.
In the former case you have to make sure that you agree with the statement, or state otherwise (in
which case you would have to justify your opinion.) If asked about any detail of the report you
must be able to answer all the questions or be able to point to the right references.
The Glossary is only needed when you have used specialized terms, mathematical symbols or
professional jargon in an extensive way. If you have used specialized terms only occasionally, it
is acceptable to define it within your text. This same rule applies for the Nomenclature. It is
only required if a large number of symbols are used throughout the report
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The Industrial Attachment report should be thoroughly edited for any grammatical errors and
have 1.5 line spacing, font size 12 in times new roman and each student must make three copies
of the Industrial Attachment report:-the first copy to be sent to the university supervisor, the
second copy to be sent to the organization where the student was attached, and the third copy to
remain with the student for future reference
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Punctuality 10
Self presentation and grooming 10
Reliability 10
Adaptability/ Judgment 10
Innovativeness 10
Self discipline 5
Interest in work 5
Would you consider this student for another INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT? Yes______ No ________
Would you consider this student for full-time permanent employment if you had an open position? Yes______ No ________
Would you consider another intern from UTB? Yes______ No ________
Additional comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Manager of the company or representative:
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Signature: _____________________Date: __________________________________
NB: this form is valid only if it bears official stamp of the organization where the student was attached, the University Logo and Stamp
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Attendance 10
Punctuality 10
Self presentation and grooming 10
Reliability 10
Adaptability/ Judgment 5
Attitude at work 10
Meeting deadlines 5
Innovativeness 10
Interpersonal skills 5
Additional comments…………………………………………………………………………………………..
UTB supervisor
Name: _____________________________ Company Supervisor
Signature: __________________________ Name:_____________________________
Date: _______________________________ Signature: _________________________
Date: _____________________________
NB. This form should be signed by the UTB supervisor and is only valid if it bears the University Logo and Stamp
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Contact Person
of and Email
Visit Company Designation Telephone Nº Address Remarks
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Number of cummulative
(Recommended 266 Hours)
and others )
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DEPARTMENT (HRM/TTM/BIT/VTP/IATA)……………………………………………………….
Name of the student trainee………………………………………………………………………..
Registration Number……………………………………………………………………………...
Domestic address:
P.O. Box…………………………………………………………………………………………...
Telephone number: ………………………………………………………...……………………...
Department of training/Position held………………………………………………........................
Date of starting industrial training: From ………………………..…To ……...………………….
Duration of training………………… ………..Months
I, ………………………………………... declare that I have started work/training with:
Hotel/Institution/Company’s Name ………………………………….............................................
Postal Address ……………………………………………………………………………………..
I will commit and abide by the organization regulations and all the rules pertaining to my training till the end.
Signature of the student trainee………………….…….……… Date…………..................
NB. This form should be signed by the field supervisor and sent back within two weeks after the commencement of the
training. This form is only valid if it bears the University Logo and Stamp.
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Module Title: Industrial Attachment
Names of student:....................................................................................................
Registration Number: ............................................................................................
Year of Study: ........................................................ Trimester:..............................
Number of Credits accumulated by the student: ................................................
Session: Evening Morning:
Gender: Male Female
Telephone number:.................................................................................................
E- mail: ....................................................................................................................
Student Signature:..................................................................................................
All students illegible for the industrial attachment MUST register for it by filling this form 3 months before they
start their industrial attachment. All students who will start the Industrial Attachment without being registered
will not be recognized by UTB. This form is found in Career Advisory Center office.
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Second Edition
July 2016
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