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Unit - 5 Legislative Acts: Marks - 12

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MARKS – 12

1. means a person who has completed 18 years of age.

a) minor b) adolescent c) adult d) none

2. A worker in a factory works as skilled employee for half day and semi skilled employee for
rest of the day as per the requirement of work place. Which of the following wage can be
correct for the worker?
a) Wage of semi skilled worker for the whole day
b) Wage of skilled worker for the whole day
c) Wage of skilled worker for half day & Wage of semi skilled worker for the remaining day
d) Both b & c

3. Confined space is a .
a) Small & enclosed area b) open space c) auditorium d) all of above

4. Which of the following schedules if Industrial Dispute Act 1947 indicates “The matters within
the jurisdiction of labour courts”.
a) The first schedule b) second schedule c) fifth schedule d) third schedule

5. authority enforces the Factory Act 1948.

a) The heavy industries dept of central govt. b) Human resource dept
c) labour dept of state govt. d) All the above

6. According to the definition of „week‟ under the minimum wage act, it is period of 7
days beginning at midnight of .
a) Sunday b) Monday c) Friday d) Saturday

7. Ensuring the safety, health & welfare of the employees is the primary purpose of .
a) Factories At, 1948 b) Industrial Dispute Act
c) Workman compensation act d) Minimum wages act

8. How many classes of employment are there in Maharashtra?

a) Three b) Two c) Four d) none

9. The employment of young person on dangerous machines shall be prohibited by act.

a) Industrial dispute b) workmen compensation c) factory d) none

10. A factory undertakes manufacturing process classified under the hazardous. Identify the
condition under provision of Factory Act is applicable to the factory.
a) Site appraisal committee appointment b) compulsory disclosure of information by the
occupier c) both a & b d) none of a & b

11. Select the correct fact from the following in relation to the relevant factor used for calculating
amount of compensation using the monthly wages.
a) The relevant factor increases with age of dead / injured worker
b) The relevant factor decreases with age of dead / injured worker
c) The relevant factor remains same with age of dead / injured worker
d) Decreases with the monthly wage of the worker

12. According to Factory Act, all inside walls and partitions, all ceiling tops of rooms, passages
and staircase to be repainted once in years.
a) 7 b) 3 c) 5 d) 10

MAN - Unit 5 Prepared by – Mr. Viren Bhirdi (BSIET, Kolhapur) Page 1 of 4

13. Can banking be treated as an industry?
a) Yes as a public utility service
b) No as there is no production activity in banking
c) No as banking comes under finance ministry
d) No as finance sector has different regulator

14. Section deals with the provisions relating to arrangements for drinking water in
a) 18 b) 12 c) 9 d) 7

15. The rate of minimum wage is fixed with respect to .

a) Consumer price index b) cost of living allowance c) none d) both a & b

16. For contravention of provisions of factories act, the occupier shall liable for punishment upto

a) Fine of Rs 10000 b) fine of rs 100000 c) fone of rs 200000 d) none

17. includes any court constituted under any law relating to investigation and settlement
of industrial disputes in force in any state.
a) Labour court b) district court c) supreme court d) none

18. In order to calculate the compensation amount of a worker injured permanently with total
disablement, select the correct methodology from the following -
a) 40% of monthly wage of worker multiplied by relevant factor
b) Complete monthly wage of worker multiplied by relevant factor
c) 50% of monthly wage of worker multiplied by relevant factor
d) None

19. According to factory act, which of the following part should be securely fenced by
a) Parts of electrical generator, motor etc b) Parts of transmission machinery
c) dangerous parts of any other machinery d) All the above

20. The appropriate section of industrial disputes act applicable to matters related to strike and
lockout is .
a) Section 22 & 23 b) section 7 c) section 25 d) none

21. is not a essential element of factory.

a) There must be a premise
b) There must be a manufacturing process being carried on at a premises
c) There must be 10 or more workers where the manufacturing process is being carried on
with the aid of power.
d) There must be an electronic data processing unit are installed

22. is the maximum wage period for the payment of wages.

a) 15 days b) 21 days c) 1 day d) 1 month

23. Under which of the following cases, appointment of safety officer becomes compulsory
according to safety provisions of factory act:
a) Operations involve risk of bodily injury
b) Operations involve hazard of poisoning or disease
c) Number of workers ordinarily employed exceeds thousand
d) All the above

24. A worker will get overtime wages at the rate of twice his rate of ordinary rate of wage, if he
works more than hours in any week.
a) 48 b) 50 c) 45 d) none
25. The manufacturing process in a factory involves large number of risky operations. The
number of workers in the factory is 646. Decide whether there is necessity for the
appointment of a safety officer in the factory.
a) Not necessary as the number of employees is less than 1000
b) Absolutely necessary as the process involves risky procedures
c) Not necessary as individual process have safety measures
d) Can not decide as data is insufficient

26. The power of inspector is discussed under section of the Factories Act, 1948.
a) 9 b) 10 c) 11 d) 12

27. „Dependent‟ means relatives of a deceased workman.

a) Widow b) minor legitimate son c) unmarried legitimate daughter d) all

28. Select correct form of light at work place as per health provisions of factory act from the
following options –
a) Fluorescent light b) light without eye straining shadows
c) lighting free from glare d) both b & c

29. The condition of disqualification of the presiding officer of labour court / industrial tribunal /
national tribunal despite fulfilling judicial eligibility criteria is
a) Age above 65 years b) not an independent person c) none of a & b d) both a & b

30. Most usual and common form of direct compensation paid in organisation is
a) Base pay & benefits b) variable pay & benefits c) base & variable pay d) all

31. Calculate the available leave with wage as balance of worker from the following data. He has
worked for 240 days per year for 4 consecutive years. He has availed 14 days of leave with
wage during the 4 years of his service.
a) 48 b) 24 c) 34 d) 40

32. Correct option among the following arranging the injuries in the descending order of the
percentage of loss of earning capacity is
a) Loss of thumb – loss of 4 fingers in one hand – loss of all toes in one leg – loss of 1 eye
b) Loss of 1 eye - loss of thumb – loss of 4 fingers in one hand – loss of all toes in one leg
c) Loss of all toes in one leg - loss of 4 fingers in one hand - loss of 1 eye - loss of thumb
d) Loss of 4 fingers in one hand - loss of 1 eye - loss of thumb - loss of all toes in one leg

33. An employee retired from a factory has a dispute with the management regarding his gratuity
amount. Which authority he has to approach for settlement of the issue.
a) Industrial tribunal b) labour court c) both a & b d) none

34. A day according to factory act is .

a) Duration from sun rise to sun set b) duration of shift
c) period of 24 hours starting at mid night d) none

35. Select the correct chapter of factory act from the following for penalizing the factory.
a) Chapter 9 b) chapter 7 c) chapter 10 d) chapter 4-A

36. If workmen have permanent total disablement, he/she will get compensation amount
percentage of monthly wages.
a) 50 b) 25 c) 100 d) none

37. legislation there is a provision called “protected workman”.

a) Trade Union‟s Act, 1626 b) Industrial Employment (standing orders) Act, 1946
c) Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 d) Factories Act, 1948
38. includes any court constituted under any law relating to investigation and settlement
of industrial disputes in force in any state.
a) Labour court b) supreme court c) district court d) none

39. Suggest the factor which controls the compensation amount for a worker in case of
permanent disablement which is not total.
a) Loss of limbs b) percentage loss of earning capacity c) loss of fingers d) none

40. The award by commissioner appointed as per the provision of Workmen Compensation Act
has divided the compensation among number of dependents. Some of the dependents are
not satisfied with the division. Suggest the authority for appeal against the compensation
a) Industrial tribunal b) labour court c) high court d) any of a,b,c

41. Which act provides for health safety welfare of workers?

a) Apprenticeship act, 1961 b) factories act, 1948
c) Employee compensation act, 1923 d) All of these

42. Which is not included in „wage‟ under „minimum wage act‟?

a) Gratuity b) travelling allowance c) P.F. d) All

43. The word „labour‟ means .

a) Workman b) any productive activity
c) person working for salary d) efficiency & productivity of labour

44. Irregular salary to the employees comes under which act?

a) Minimum wage act b) Indian factory act
c) Workmen‟s compensation act d) all

45. is a person employed directly or through any agency, whether for wages or not, in
any manufacturing process or in cleaning any part of the machinery or premises used for
manufacturing process or in any other kind of work incidental, to or connected with, the
manufacturing process
a) Worker b) factory c) occupier d) none

46. As per factory act, 1947 a child is a person whose age is less than years.
a) 15 b) 10 c) 18 d) 21

47. A person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory under Factories Act, 1948
is called
a) Occupier b) manager c) chairman d) managing director

48. Who is an adult as per Factories Act, 1948?

a) Who has completed 18 years b) who is less than 18 years
c) who is more than 14 years d) who is more than 16 years

49. A labour welfare officer is appointed in the factory as per factory act when there are
minimum workers.
a) 100 b) 300 c) 500 d) 1000

50. Daily working hours of an adult worker should not exceed hours.
a) 6 b) 8 c) 10 d) 9

51. Minimum compensation payable in case of permanent total disablement is Rs .

a) 1,80,000 b) 1,40,000 c) 1,20,000 d) 1,60,000

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