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It is a storage that currently holds the address of the instruction currently being executed.

- Program Counter

A network engineer needs to perform formatting on a brand new hard drive to assign
_________________________ on the disk prior to Operating Systems installation.
- File System

A collection of processes that do not share memory or a clock

- Distributed System

In computer organization, the read or write operations of the computer systems traverses via
- Address Lines

er as
It pertains to an address of the application inside the operating system which can be used to
connect to any other application on any platform.

eH w
- Virtual Address

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If a quantum is made too long in a Round Robin Schedule
ou urc
- The system becomes like FCFS

Is the separation of user logical memory from physical memory


- Virtual memory
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Which of the following is true?


- Processes A, B, C, D, E are all safe

This takes place when two or more processes are waiting indefinitely for an event that can be
caused by only one of the waiting processes.

- Deadlock

Which of the following is not a solution of External Fragmentation?

- Encapsulation

This study source was downloaded by 100000770129539 from CourseHero.com on 08-01-2021 23:48:24 GMT -05:00

The sense behind ______________ is that pages for a parent job do not have to be actually
duplicated for the child until one or the other jobs changes the page.
- Copy-on-write fork

What is the average waiting time if FCFS scheduling algorithm is used?

- 5.5 ms

Analogy: Windows OS : Interrupt | Unix : __________

- Kill

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What is the average turnaround time if Non-preemptive Shortest Job First algorithm is used?
aC s

- 8.25
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In computer orgranization, all intergrated devices and low speed devices are placed in a single
chip called_______
- I/O Controller Hub
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It is a memory management in which, the memory is divided into variable size parts.
- Segmentation

It pertains to a request for operating system services.

- System calls

Data fetched from the memory and moved into the CPU traverses via ________.
- Data Bus

It serves as a raceway allowing two running programs to communicate with each other.
- Shared Memory

This study source was downloaded by 100000770129539 from CourseHero.com on 08-01-2021 23:48:24 GMT -05:00

A memory management where all jobs are migrated to the end of the RAM.
- Compaction

What is the second process that will complete if a Round-Robin algorithm using a time quantum
equal to 2 milliseconds is used?
- P2

It refers to a signal coming from an input/output devices to temporarily halt CPU execution.

- Interrupt

er as
In a certain system of processes, process A arrived at time 0, process B at time 1, and process C

eH w
at time 2. Process A needs 5 seconds in the CPU, process B needs 3 seconds and process C

needs 1 second. All processes are totally CPU bound and pro…priority scheduling
- 9
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A network engineer purchases a brand new hard disk drive for his computer. It was attached to
his system as part of the local storage and are accessed through

- Switch
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Network Attached Storage (NAS) connects different storage devices to different computer
systems using ___________________________.
- remote procedure call
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Analogy: Windows OS : Interrupt | Unix : __________

- Kill

- Compaction

Provides the lowest average waiting time

- Shortest job first

This study source was downloaded by 100000770129539 from CourseHero.com on 08-01-2021 23:48:24 GMT -05:00

It pertains to operating system implementation that can allow an OS to execute on a non-native
Answer: Emulation

Little pieces
- External fragmentation

Segment code in threads

- Critical section

It is a number assigned to every peripheral that is being used to communicate with the CPU.
- Port Number

A file allocation methods that solves, first and last blocks

- Linked allocation

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The term used interchangeably with process

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- Work

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Mainly deals with conversion from logical to physical
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- Paging

A compromise between the access list and capability


- Lock-key scheme
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Equivalent to bourne shell.

- Powershell / DOS Shell

In computer organization, when an code is being executed, it is being fetched from the memory
ed d

and loaded into _______________.

ar stu

- Main Memory

- Hold and Wait


In computer architecture, this is where the results of the operations are being stored.
- Main Memory

This study source was downloaded by 100000770129539 from CourseHero.com on 08-01-2021 23:48:24 GMT -05:00

Device drivers are usually made up of __________________ file type.

A virtualization model where the virtual machine is running on top of the host operating sytem.
- Type 2 hypervisor

Least Recently Used is said to be a better page replacement algorithm and are mostly used. In
reality, this is implemented using
- stack implementation

A situation where in a waiting process may never change its state.

- Deadlock

Kernel or system mode

- Monitor mode

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A collection of access rights, of which is an ordered pair.

eH w
- Permissions

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- 12
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Data structure common for data access that is distributed sparsely on a broad array of likely
values is with ____________________
- hash tables
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Except FIFO, Least Recently Used (LRU) and Optimal Page replacement are types of
- stack algorithms

This study source was downloaded by 100000770129539 from CourseHero.com on 08-01-2021 23:48:24 GMT -05:00

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