Cause and Effect: 1. Aturan Menyusun Kalimat Sebab Akibat
Cause and Effect: 1. Aturan Menyusun Kalimat Sebab Akibat
Cause and Effect: 1. Aturan Menyusun Kalimat Sebab Akibat
Cause effect adalah kalimat sebab akibat. Kalimat seperti ini biasanya mengandaikan dua
kejadian yang saling berkaitan.
Dalam Bahasa Inggris, untuk menghubungkan situasi yang memiliki hubungan sebab
akibat, diperlukan connectors (penghubung) tertentu, yaitu: conjunctions: because, as, so, for,
since, as a result, because of, due to, owing to, as a result of, as a consequence of adverbial
conjunctions: thus, therefore (for that reason), thereby (by that means, as a result of that),
hence, consequently
1. Because I will take her postgraduate study in Australia, I decided to move there next year.
2.As the government has announced the new petrol price, some gas stations follow this
3. For I cannot do all the test items on time, I fail to get a perfect score.
4. My friend is invited to follow English Camp in Singapore since he is one of the experts.
5. May father has got a flat tire, so he cannot reach the office on time.
Anda biasanya dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi kalimat yang mengandung hubungan
sebab-akibat bila dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat kata atau frasa seperti:
Untuk mengekspresikan cause dan effect dalam bahasa inggris, signal word atau kata hubung
diatas biasanya diikuti oleh frasa atau kalimat.
2. Diikuti Frasa
Kata sebab akibat yang diikuti dengan subjek + verb atau verb phrase biasanya menggunakan
kata atau frasa (signal word/phase) seperti :
1. Due to Bella’s nervousness, she did not pass the driving test.
2. He’s always late because of his gaming habits
3. Because of the rain, we canceled the outing.
4. Dennis could not sing owing to his sore throat
3. Diikuti oleh Kalimat
Kata sebab akibat yang diikuti dengan subjek + verb atau kalimat biasanya menggunakan
kata hubung :
1. Because Bella was nervous, she did not pass the driving test.
2. He’s always late because he always stay up at night.
3. The outing was canceled since it’s raining