A Project Report ON: "Deparmental Storage Management System "
A Project Report ON: "Deparmental Storage Management System "
A Project Report ON: "Deparmental Storage Management System "
SESSION 2021-22
SUBMITTED BY Rohan kumar Yadav
Gmail id :- rohanpampi1997@gmail.com
1. Introduction
Stores are required for the following purposes :-
1. Capital works
2. Operation and Maintenances Works
3. Other Commercial activities like hiring equipment etc..,
The ‘Stores Management System’ is targeted to automate the almost all of the processes
mentioned above to reduce the clerical labor of the staff working in Stores both technical and
as well as Accounts departments using the software Industry’s latest technologies and cost
effective tools there by providing the better control to the management by avoiding manual
errors etc..,
In this project modules under study are Material Issues module, Reports module.
Material Issues module deals with the Issues functionality of the application. It mainly contains
two operations namely Material issues i.e. Issues issued to works based on field requisitions and
Inter stores issues i.e. material issues to other stores based on inter store requisitions. For
these two operations, we have to issue the gate passes for both types of operations.
Reports module deals with the Reports provided by the application. This module contains
various reports namely Monthly SRB Report, Monthly SIB Report, Monthly Section Wise Issues
Reports, Priced Ledger, Monthly Stores Abstract, Monthly Work Order wise Details and Monthly
Stock Report.
The system creates a web based manufacturing system that enables a manufacturing industry
to schedule its manufacturing operations based on the daily update of sales from its dealers.
Once the sales figures of items for the past week are entered by the dealers over the internet
along with the orders for the next delivery, the schedule for the next week’s production will
be drawn up. A report of the required raw materials or parts will be drawn up with the product
requirements over the internet & asked to quote their rates.
Once the rates are quoted, the order will be placed with the required delivery schedules. Once
the parts the parts are supplied the stocks will be updated. Then a production plan will be
drawn up taking the bill of materials into consideration. Once the production plan is approved,
the stock will be updated when the material is issued. Once the finished products are available
the delivery schedules will be drawn up based on the orders placed by the Dealers. The stocks
with the dealers will also be maintained.
Company Profile:
What is SRS?
Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is the starting point of the software developing
activity. As system grew more complex, it became evident that the goal of the entire system
cannot be easily comprehended. Hence the need for the requirement phase arose. The
software project us initiated by the client needs. The SRS is the means of translating the ideas
of the minds of clients (the input) into a formal document (the output of the requirement
1) Problem/Requirement Analysis:
The process is order and more nebuious of the two, deals with understand the problem, the
goal and constraints.
2) Requirement Specification:
Here, the focus is on specifying what has been found giving analysis such as representation,
specification languages and tools, and checking the specifications are addressed during this
The requirement phase terminates with the production of the validate SRS
document. Producing the SRS document is the basic goal of this phase.
Role of SRS
The purpose of the Software Requirement Specification is to reduce the communication gap
between the clients and the developers. Software Requirement Specification is the medium
through which the client and user needs are accurately specified. It forms the basis of software
development. A good SRS should satisfy all the parties involved in the system.
The purpose of this document is to describe all external requirements for mobile task manager.
It also describes the interfaces for the system.
The existing system for Stores Management System activities uses open source standard &
technologies. It had been developed on WINDOWS 2000 PROFESSIONAL platform with
‘POSTGRESQL’ database. All the stores of the power distribution company limited are made
through the open source standards & technologies. The user interaction is in GUI (Graphical
User Interface) mode.
1. Capital works
2. Operation and Maintenances Works
3. Other Commercial activities like hiring equipment etc.
The ‘Stores Management System package’ is targeted to automate the almost all of the
processes mentioned above to reduce the clerical labour of the staff working in Stores both
technical and as well as Accounts departments using the software Industry’s latest technologies
and cost effective tools there by providing the better control to the management by avoiding
manual errors etc..,
2.3. Hardware And Software Requirements
Processor Pentium IV
Speed 1.7 GHz
Memory Capacity 1 GB
Hard Disk Capacity 80 GB
Monitor Make HP
Processor Pentium IV
Speed 1.7 GHz
Memory Capacity 256 MB
Hard Disk Capacity 20 GB
Monitor Make HP
The existing system is clearly understood the next step is to conduct the feasibility study,
which is a high level capsule version of the entire System Analysis and Design process. The
objective is to determine whether the proposed system is feasible. The three tests of
feasibility have been carried out:
Java is Portable:
One of the biggest advantages Java offers is that it is portable. An application written in Java
will run on all the major platforms. Any computer with a Java based browser can run the
applications or applets written in the Java programming language. A Programmer no longer has
to write one program to run on a Macintosh, another program to run on a windows machine,
still another to run on a UNIX machine, and so on. In other words, with Java, developers write
programs only once. Rather than being compiled in to machine language, which is different for
each operating systems and computer architecture, Java code is compiled in to byte codes.
With other languages, the program code is compiled in to a language that the computer can
understand; the problem is that other computers with different machine instructions set
cannot understand that language. Java code, on the other hand is compiled in to byte codes
rather than a machine language. These byte codes go to the Java virtual machine, which
executes them directly or translates them in to the language that is understood by the machine
running it.
In the summary, these means that with the JDBC API extending Java, a programmer writing
Java code can access all the major relational databases on any platform that supports the Java
virtual machine.
Java Is Object-Oriented:
Java programming language is object oriented, which makes program design focus on what you
are dealing with rather than on how you are going to do something. This makes it more useful
for programming in sophisticated projects because one can break the things down into
understandable components. A big benefit is that these components can than be reused.
Object Oriented languages use the paradigm of classes. In simplest terms, a class includes both
the data and the functions to operate on the data, all the data members and functionality of
its class. Because of this, you can think of a class as being like template, with each object
being a specific instance of a particular type of a class.
The class paradigm allows one to encapsulate data so that specific data values are those using
the data cannot see function implementation. Encapsulation makes is possible to make the
changes in code without breaking other programs that use that code. If for example the
implementation of a function is changed, the change is invisible to the programmer who
invokes that function, and it does not affect his/her program, except hopefully to improve it.
Java includes inheritance, or the ability to derive new classes from existing classes. The
derived class, referred to as the parent class. A subclass can add new data members to those
inherited from the parent class. As far as methods are concerned, the subclass can reuse the
inherited methods as it is, change them, and/or add its own new methods.
In addition to being portable and object oriented, java facilitates writing correct code.
Programmers spend less time writing java code and a lot less time debugging it. In fact,
development time reduces by as much as two thirds.
Data flow diagram should be the first tool used by the system analyst to model system
components. There are three kinds of system components.
1. Process
2. Entity
3. Data flow
1. Process:
Processes show what system does. Each process has one more data inputs or more data
outputs. Circles in a DFD represent processes. Each process has a unique name and number.
This name and number appear inside the circle that represents the process in a
2. External Entities:
External entities are outside the system they either supply input data into the system or use
the system output. They are entities over which the designer has no control. They may be
organizational customers or other bodies with which the system interact. External entities
may be represented by a square or rectangle. External entities that supply data into a system
are sometimes called sources. External entities that use the system data are sometimes called
sources. External entities that use the system data are sometimes calls sinks.
Field Data type Constraint
Designation Number (10) Primary key
Short_name Varchar2(20)
Full_name Varchar2(50)
Field Data type Constraint
Organisationid Varchar2 (10) Primary key
Org_short_name Varchar2 (50)
Org_full_name Varchar2 (200)
Address Varchar2 (100)
Street Varchar2 (100)
City Varchar2 (100)
Phone Varchar2 (50)
url Varchar2 (50)
Log table
Field Data type Constraint
Userid Varchar2(50) Foreign key
Appname Varchar2(50)
Operation Varchar2(100)
Date Date
Field Data type Constraint
Sib_slno Varchar2 (20) Primary key
Sib_number Varchar2 (20)
Date Date
Receiving_section Number (10)
Receivers_name Varchar2 (150)
Receivers_designation Varchar2 (50)
Tda Varchar2 (20)
Work_order_number Varchar2(100)
Remarks Varchar2 (100)
Store_id Varchar2(20)
Userid Varchar2(50) Foreign key
Timestamp Timestamp
Macadderess Varchar2(50)
Reqno Varchar2(100)
Reqdate Date
Work_order_date Date
Scheme Number(10)
Field Data type Constraint
Sib_slno Varchar2 (20) Primary key
Item_id Varchar2 (20)
Quantity Number (10)
Price Number (10)
Userid Varchar2 (20) Foreign key
Timestamp Timestamp
Macadress Varchar2 (20)
Reqno Varchar2(20)
Reqdate Date
Flag Varchar2(20)
Field Data type Constraint
Sib_slno Varchar2 (20) Primary key
Sib_number Varchar2 (20)
Date Date
Receiving_section Number (10)
Recievies_name Varchar2 (150)
Receivers_designation Varchar2(50)
Tda Varchar2 (20)
Work_order_number Varchar2(100)
Remarks Varchar2 (1000)
Store_id Varchar2(20)
Userid Varchar2 (50) Foreign key
Timestamp Timestamp
Macaddress Varchar2 (50)
Reqno Varchar2(100)
Reqdate Date
Work_order_date Date
Scheme Number (10)
E_userid Varchar2(50)
E_timestamp Timestamp
E_macadress Varchar2(50)
Field Data type Constraint
Gpslno Varchar2 (20) Primary key
Sib_slno Varchar2 (20)
Reqno Varchar2 (100)
Reqdate Date
Item_id Varchar2 (50)
Pqty Double
Vehicle_no Varchar2 (50)
Remarks Varchar2(500)
Userid Varchar2(50) Foreign key
Timestamp Varchar2(50)
Macadress Varhcar2(50)
Field Data type Constraint
Gpslno Varchar2 (20) Primary key
Sib_slno Varchar2 (20)
Reqno Varchar2 (100)
Reqdate Date
Item_id Varchar2 (50)
Pqty Double
Vehicle_no Varchar2 (50)
Remarks Varchar2(500)
Userid Varchar2(50) Foreign key
Timestamp Varchar2(50)
Macadress Varhcar2(50)
Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate
review of specification, design and code generation.
The increasing visibility of software as a system element and the costs associated with
software failure are motivating forces for well planned, thorough testing.
Testing Techniques:
During the implementation for the system each module of the system is tested separately to
uncover errors within its boundaries. User interface is used as a guide in this process. The
validations have been done for all the inputs using Java Script.
For example to check whether the work allotted among the database correctly without
exceeding the schemes which are not validated thoroughly and the internal database has to
check the reflections in the database.
Integration Test:
The objective of Integration Test is to take the until tested modules and build a program
structure that has been defined in the design. We have done top down integration, which is
constructing and testing small segments where errors are easier to isolate, and correct. The
integration process was performed in three steps:
The above testing was successfully carried out for the developed system.
Validation Testing:
At the culmination of integration testing, software is completely assembled as a package,
interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected, and a final series of software tests
namely validation tests are performed. Validation succeeds when the software functions in the
manner that can be easily accepted by the customer.
After validation test has been conducted, one of the possible condition is satisfied. The
functions or performance characteristics confirmed to specifications are acceptable. The
deviation form specifications are uncovered and a note of what is lacking is made. The
developed system has been tested satisfactorily to ensure its performance is satisfactory and
it is working efficiently.
Testing Analysis:
Expected Simulated
S.No Testing object Explanation Remarks
value value
Equal of
User name & AEIND AEIND expected and
1 Pass
Password GUEST GUEST simulated
Unequal of
User name & AEIND AEIND expected and
2 Fail
Password GUEST GUEST simulated
Change Equal of these
3 GUESS (Old Pass
password two passwords
Start time and Equal of these
4 11:03:05 11:03:05 Pass
end time times
1. Capital works
2. Operation and Maintenances Works
3. Other Commercial activities like hiring equipment etc..,
The ‘Stores Management System package’ is targeted to automate the almost all of the
processes mentioned above to reduce the clerical labour of the staff working in Stores both
technical and as well as Accounts departments using the software industry’s latest technologies
and cost effective tools there by providing the better control to the management by avoiding
manual errors etc..,
This application discusses the initial screens like login, logout and main menu of the
application. The application can be accessed by typing the URL in the address bar of the web
browser like Internet Explorer. The URL is of the format http://localhost:8080/contextname on
which it will invoke login screen.
The stores operations as per the stores manual have been described as two different processors
owing to the complexity and tediousness of the operations by effective division of labour as
physical receipts and issue has been the responsibility of Accounts section.
To solve the problem using computer systems for which the complexity and tediousness is not
an issue, the pricing is calculated at the time of receiving the materials itself and stock price
will be fixed then and there and fetching that price while issuing the material.
The software package is described in detailed below. The package provides three basic
1. Material Issues
2. Inter Stores Issues
3. Gate Pass Generation
1. Material Issues:
Material Issues to works based on field requisitions.
In this New Material Issues, it has two parts. The top portion is called Header area and bottom
portion is called detailed area. Enter the data in all fields including detail area that is item
details. After entering the data, press Submit button. If we try to submit with out filling any
field, appropriate error message indicating the same will be thrown. Facilities are there to
enter multiple items for a requisition by pressing the ‘Add_Item’ button in the detail area.
Provision is also there to enter multiple requisitions in an Issue by pressing the ‘Another
Requisition’ button in the bottom of the screen. On pressing the Submit button a screen will be
displayed which gives a message ‘Is Given Information Correct’. If you press ‘Yes’ button a
Print screen is shown & if you press ‘No’ button then again it will enter into material issues
After printing this page, these transactions will be received by another user.
By checking the required material you want, send in a particular vehicle by selecting the check
boxes against those materials and by providing the vehicle no in the text field provided and
submitting the page by pressing the ‘Submit’ button.
If you press the Issue button then gate pass process will be generated & printable gate pass will
be displayed. If you press the cancel button the gate pass generation will be canceled.
There are
1. Monthly SRB Report
2. Monthly SIB Report
3. Single Work Order Wise Report
4. Section Wise Stores Issues
5. Monthly Stores Abstract
6. Stock Report
This report will also provide the same details of the items as that of Monthly Pricing Ledger
except abstract values of quantities and values of all receipts and all issues for each material
with in the specified dates and opening balances and closing balances.
6. Stock Report:
This Report will display the stock balances i.e., closing balances of all materials at the end of
the selected month or present day’s closing balance if the selected month is current month.