BC Towbrosec BR Au 0915 LR
BC Towbrosec BR Au 0915 LR
BC Towbrosec BR Au 0915 LR
Design Computer sized and spaced orifices
The Unitube header is a rectangular-shaped arm of The peaked top prevents the sludge from collecting on
6 mm (1/4 inch) plate steel for structural stability the header and becoming anaerobic. As the header
which is hot dipped galvanized after fabrication for revolves it cuts into the lower part of the sludge
corrosion resistance. The header is of tapered design blanket, directing the sludge through the orifices with a
with the cross-section decreasing from the center of minimum of agitation, while assuring maximum solids
the tank (where the total sludge volume is the pick-up.
maximum) to the outer tip (where the total volume is To assure the desired proportional withdrawal and
least) for a uniform sludge withdrawal velocity. The optimum headloss characteristics, all Unitube headers
constant velocities prevent the possibility of sludge are designed using a computer to achieve the correct
build-up in the header or orifice clogging. The header is hydraulic and mathematical balances.
mounted at an angle of forty-five degrees to physically
Orifice size is based on the amount of sludge that each
and hydraulically trap the sludge.
orifice must remove to assure the hydraulic balance
Activated sludge must be refluidised in order to required for proportional sludge withdrawal volumes
transport it in the sludge conveyance device. A vane over the entire tank bottom. The orifice size is
fluidises the sludge into the area of influences of the dependent on both the flow it must accept and the
headloss at that point in the header. The orifice size More than 75 years of experience, plus extensive
increases proportionally, with the smallest at the tank testing programs, have enabled our engineers to
center and the largest at the outer periphery. Orifices compile a data bank set-up in a computer program to
are spaced no more than 75 cm apart so that the assure precise design parameters for all municipal and
maximum distance the sludge has to travel between industrial sludges.
orifices is approximately 38 cm. This spacing Higher mass loading capabilities
eliminates the possibility of concentrated sludge going
The uniformly proportional pick-up of the Unitube
over the header or by-passing the orifice. The sludge
header over the entire tank floor permits a higher mass
must pass through only the 6 mm steel plate,
loading to be applied as compared to other removal
eliminating any clogging.
devices. The entire floor area is fully utilised.
Unitube Header
to the total flow in the header. By taking samples through the sample
tubes between each orifice, the cumulative flow to that point could be
calculated from the dye concentration.
Update your clarifier with a Unitube header Evoqua Water Technologies has long been the industry
You can improve the performance of your present leader in processes and equipment for effective sludge
activated sludge clarifiers by retrofitting existing scraper removal. Our history of more than 75 years of experience
or riser pipe mechanisms with a Unitube header. Steep can be used to solve problems associated with activated
floor slopes and special hopper designs with rake type sludge clarifiers such as improper inlet location, inlet
mechanisms are not required and operating torque loads jetting, clogged collection pipes, high sludge blankets,
are reduced so existing sludge pipes, drives and bridges high rotational speeds, inaccessible flow adjustment
can be reused. devices, low return solids, concentrations, rising solids
and vortexing in shallow sludge boxes causing sludge
The highest solids concentrations possible, faster pumps to cavitate. To find our more about how to put
removal rates, lower operating torques, and greater Evoqua to work for you, contact us.
operator flexibility assured by the Tow-Bro® Unitube
header means greater capacity, clearer effluent, lower
costs and quicker response time to changes in the
biological system.
885 Mountain Highway, Bayswater, VIC, 3153, Australia
1300 661 809 (Ph) / +61 3 8720 6597 (Int) sales.au@evoqua.com www.evoqua.com.au
Envirex and Tow-Bro are trademarks of Evoqua, its subsidiaries or affiliates, in some countries.
All information presented herein is believed reliable and in accordance with accepted engineering practices. Evoqua makes no
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applications. Evoqua assumes no liability whatsoever for any special, indirect or consequential damages arising from the sale, resale or
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© 2015 Evoqua Water Technologies Pty Ltd Subject to change without notice BC-TOWBROSEC-BR-0915