Monitoring The Quality of Drinking Water During Storage and Distribution
Monitoring The Quality of Drinking Water During Storage and Distribution
Monitoring The Quality of Drinking Water During Storage and Distribution
6.1 Introduction
manual handling. Because the contamination that arises is local in character it is
unlikely to give rise to detectable outbreaks of disease but significant evidence
exists that quality changes in such circumstances may be extreme and respond
to the extent of handling (Quick et al., 1999).
6.2.2 Integrity of the distribution system
Disease outbreaks have been traced to cross connections in spite of the fact
that water leaving the plant was deemed to be safe. In general, there are four
types of cross connections:
have occurred in communities where birds contaminated the water either
because the reservoir was uncovered or because they gained access to the
reservoir through unscreened roof vents. Uncovered reservoirs can also
permit the growth of toxin-forming cyanobacteria.
• Line construction and repair. When existing mains are repaired or
replaced or when new water mains are installed strict protocols involving
disinfection and flushing must be followed to prevent the introduction of
contaminated soil or debris into the system (e.g. AWWA, 1986). These
protocols generally cover six areas of concern:
1. Protection of pipe sections at the site.
If these procedures are not adhered to pathogens may gain access to the
system. Construction materials, such as wood embedded in pipe sections, have
also been identified as a source of microbial contamination and provide an
adequate supply of nutrients to support bacterial re-growth (Martin et al., 1982).
but pathogens may be present. Thus, neither the occurrence nor the severity of
contamination will be properly identified.
Most of the population of the globe obtain their water through non-piped
systems and of the remainder the majority are supplied through systems that
require some form of storage and/or handling before use, thereby increasing the
possibility of contamination. Even where a reliable piped supply is the norm,
occasional interruptions occur (e.g. extreme weather events that cause major
line breaks and force adoption of household handling). From a public health
viewpoint it is therefore essential to respond to contamination that occurs
through the chain of supply up to the point of use and to consider all forms of
water supply used by the population.
Point sources of water such as tubewells, dug wells and protected springs
represent a very significant proportion of the ’improved’ water supplies provided
to communities in developing countries (WHO and UNICEF, 2000). Such
supplies are very common in rural areas and may also represent a very
significant proportion of the water supplies available and used for domestic
purposes (including drinking) by low-income urban populations (WHO and
UNICEF, 2000; Howard et al., 1999; Ahmed and Hossain, 1997). The quality
of such sources is often very variable and they frequently show gross faecal
contamination, particularly during wet seasons (Wright, 1986; Barrett et al.,
2000). The public health consequences of consumption of contaminated water
from point sources can be severe both in relation to endemic and epidemic
disease (Pedley and Howard, 1997). The control of the quality of drinking water
from such sources is important in reducing public health risks, but requires
greater emphasis on support to community management in order to improve
operation and maintenance, and also significant user education.
As point water sources are often found in areas that also rely on on-site
sanitation, sub-surface leaching is frequently identified as being a principal
source of contamination (Melian et al., 1999; Rahman, 1996). However, there is
increasing evidence that deterioration in sanitary completion measures and
preferential flow paths are more important in causing microbial contamination
(Howard et al., 2001a; Gelinas et al., 1996; Rojas et al., 1995). Different
technologies have different vulnerability to contamination depending, largely,
on the depth of abstraction (ARGOSS, 2001).
In non-piped systems drinking water is typically either carried to the home
or is transported by truck or cart. The contamination of the water, usually as a
result of poor hygiene is common. Source contamination can then be augmented
at each point of handling through collection and transport (VanDerslice and
Briscoe, 1993). However, because such contamination is by definition local in
nature, it is unlikely to lead to large-scale single source outbreaks and therefore
unlikely to be detected or reasonably estimated.
In formulating a strategy the factors outlined in the following subsections need
to be considered (ISO, 1991).
(for example 5%) before resampling and possible corrective actions are
required. Comparative studies of the P/A and MF methods demonstrate that the
P/A method can maximise the detection of faecal indicator bacteria (Clark,
1990; Geldreich, 1996). It also allows more samples to be analysed within a
reporting period because the test is simpler, faster and less expensive than the
quantitative methods noted above (see Chapter 2.2.9). Commercial P/A kits for
faecal indicator bacteria are available.
Non-microbial parameters may also be suitable for this purpose and also
require comparison on changes and trends and therefore relatively dense
sampling networks. The most frequently used examples include
conductivity/total dissolved solids, turbidity and chlorine residual (where
chlorine is applied). Where chlorine residuals are used, measurement of this
residual can often be a more rapid indication of problems than microbial
parameters. A sudden disappearance of an otherwise stable residual can indicate
ingress of contamination with a high organic loading. Alternatively, difficulties
in maintaining residuals at points in a distribution system or a gradual
disappearance of residual may indicate that the water or pipe work has a high
oxidant demand due to re-growth of bacteria in the water or biofilm growth.
6.4.2 Location of sampling points
Fixed sampling points are frequently used, and may be chosen because of
ease of access. Often these points are located within public buildings, or in the
premises of public services, such as fire-stations. The use of fixed sampling
points alone can be regarded as unsatisfactory, since they may not give a
representative view of what is happening in all parts of the distribution system
or zones. To overcome this, additional samples may be taken from other outlets
chosen at random and these usually include the mains tap in the houses of
the control and maintenance of the taps, greater compatibility of data and
reduced cost. Other studies have indicated that the type of tap, particularly
mixer taps, and material of construction may also influence water quality. These
factors need to be considered in the design of a monitoring strategy. If random
taps are to be used, it may be that identification of premises with suitable taps
may be a more important consideration than achieving true randomness (Anon,
For statutory purposes, the location and number of sampling points may be
stipulated within the appropriate regulations of that country. For example, the
UK Water Supply Regulations stipulate that at least 50% of distribution samples
must be taken from random locations (HMSO, 1989). For strategic monitoring,
locations will be selected to gain the best practicable information about the area
of the system being investigated. For this purpose, depending on the laboratory
resources available, sampling locations may be more numerous than required to
satisfy the regulations. Regardless of the reason for the monitoring it will have
the common objective of providing sufficient information to allow the water
quality in all service areas to be characterised.
will initiate re-sampling, which may be followed by intensive investigations to
identify the source and extent of the contamination. While re-sampling is
commonly required the rationale underlying this (as a procedure prior to further
investigation and action) is unclear. Given the known temporal and spatial
variability of microbial water quality it is logical that re-sampling would often
fail to detect continued contamination without indicating that the cause of the
original contamination had been limited or controlled.
Some water suppliers carry out much more sampling within the
distribution network than required to satisfy the regulations. Strategic
monitoring programmes will be carried out to investigate specific problems
such as high incidence of taste and odour events or the need for mains
replacement or renovation. Each distribution system will have its own unique
monitoring needs and the monitoring programme should be designed to address
these using the available analytical resources. The impact of the timing of
sampling should be recalled in interpreting results. Thus, for example, most
sampling will be undertaken within the normal working week and may not
detect changes arising from abnormal patterns of demand (such as football cup
Gale, 1996a) that the distribution of bacteria tends not to fit this pattern, instead
they occur in clusters within a bulk supply. Gale (1996b) analysed the statistical
distribution of confirmed coliform densities and total heterotrophic bacteria
densities, using monitoring data from eight UK water companies. It was found
that the log value of the bacterial density varied in an approximate linear
fashion when plotted against the percentage of the data that was less than this
value: this is known as a log-normal distribution. Extrapolation of the log-
normal distribution of confirmed coliforms (1-9% of all samples) implied that
where 100 ml samples were recorded as 0/100 ml, the actual concentration may
have been as low as < 1/107 litres or as high as 1/litre. Similar clustering of a
small proportion of high counts could be caused by sporadic contamination of
the distribution system through, say, floc carryover and filter breakthrough
(Gale, 1996b). Gale (1996b) concludes that ideally a model of the risk of
exposure to pathogens would take account of the density of the organism in raw
water, the removal efficiency by subsequent treatment processes, the variation
in tendency to cluster and an estimate of water consumption.
purposes (especially in relation to public health investigation) interest may
focus on the water that has gone through typical processes of deterioration, as
this is what consumers will be exposed to. Collecting mains water is usually
achieved by running water to waste for a period of two-three minutes (Anon,
1994; APHA, AWWA, WEF, 1998), but given the differing lengths of service
pipes this may not always be adequate. Other methods, such as running to waste
until a constant temperature is reached (Anon, 1994), particle counts have
stabilised (Burlingame and Choi, 1998) or (if appropriate) a chlorine residual is
detected would appear to be more certain, but rather time consuming. After
reviewing the results of studies on flushing Prévost et al. (1997) suggest a
period of five-ten minutes may be necessary. However, the consumers whose
taps are being used do not like these methods because they are perceived as
being wasteful (or costly, if on a metered supply). The importance of this step in
the sampling procedure cannot be over emphasised. Since water in the service
pipe may reach relatively high temperatures, heterotrophs may grow to higher
densities than in the water main (Geldreich, 1996). In addition, the high surface
area to volume ratio of service pipes encourages the decay of chlorine residuals,
again allowing a greater potential for bacterial growth. Without an adequate
period of flushing a representative sample will not be obtained. However, not all
workers agree with this. Prevost et al. (1997) demonstrated that although
numbers of bacteria increased with distance from the treatment works,
stagnation within the service pipe did not influence numbers appreciably.
Similarly Kerneis et al. (1995) found that residence time had little influence on
the heterotrophic plate count.
precautions other than simple tap flushing, have to be taken to ensure that the
disinfectant does not contaminate the sample. In common with most chemical
disinfectants, it precipitates proteins that may then form a protective layer for
bacteria. The tap body and spout must therefore be clean before application.
Isopropanol has the disadvantages that prolonged contact may result in skin
irritation, swelling of rubber and hardening of some plastics. Burlingame and
Choi (1998) suggest that the concentration used should be at least 70%, but a
slightly lower concentration 60-70% is said by Gardner and Peel (1986) to be
more effective.
6.5.1 Selection of methods and indicator organisms
For communities where point sources are commonly used, the use of on-
site testing kits is often recommended given the large distances between the
sources and laboratories and the very significant problems with sample
deterioration (Bartram and Ballance, 1996). There appears to be no significant
difference in the reliability of results obtained from such kits in comparison to
laboratory testing providing the staff using them are properly trained and
maintain an aseptic technique. Kits using MF, MPN and P/A methods are
The first stage in both approaches is to compile an inventory of all the
water sources to be included in the monitoring programme (Lloyd and Bartram,
1991). A second key element in both approaches is to ensure that testing is
timed to coincide with those times when water quality may be most threatened,
usually during the wet season. However, is should be noted that some shallow
groundwater systems show very rapid response to rainfall and this may need to
be considered when designing the sampling programme (Barrett et al., 2000).
Samples should be taken from the principal outlet – handpump, spring outlet or
bucket used to take water from a well.
In this approach, all the water supplies are assigned to a particular “year-
group” and a rolling programme of visits developed (Bartram, 1999). All the
sources listed in each “year-group” would be visited, with the aim that all
supplies would receive repeated visits over a time frame of between two to five
years. On each visit, detailed surveys would be undertaken including sanitary
inspection, water quality analysis and household visits made. Key to this
approach is to ensure that stratified or cluster sampling approaches are adopted
to ensure that supplies in different parts of the country were included within
each 'year group'. If this is not done, then the results from particular “year
groups” may provide a distorted picture of the microbiological quality of water,
as it may be biased because of technology type, hydrogeology or pollution
loading specific to particular areas. The “year-group” approach provides the
monitoring body a greater breadth of information as it attempts to cover all
water sources. The data may also be used to identify actions required to improve
water quality, although the restricted numbers of samples at sources may mean
that it is more difficult to develop a full understanding of water quality
overall implementation and management of the quality of water by ensuring that
the most important factors in causing microbial contamination are identified and
preventative and remedial actions developed. These apply beyond the sample of
water sources included within the clusters and can form the basis of a broader
national strategy for water quality improvement.
In some countries, sampling of the water sources only occurs during the
source selection stage and there are often particular levels of microbial
contamination (usually defined on the basis of thermotolerant coliforms or more
rarely E.coli) above which the source should not be used. A common value used
is 50/100ml. However, such approaches have very limited use as the results of a
single test may not provide a realistic estimate of the microbial quality of the
water (particularly as this would not typically be done during worst case
situations) and the use of an arbitrary figure of 50/100ml is unlikely to be
meaningful in terms of health risk. Clearly, such approaches also fail to provide
any indication of whether the protection works undertaken have been effective
in reducing pollution and the designs used have rarely, if ever, been properly
evaluated in terms of their ability to reduce contamination as expressed through
log-reductions in bacterial densities.
linked to codes of sanitary practice both by the water supplier and the tanker
trucks (Lloyd et al., 1991).
Where vendor supplies are not taken from utility piped supplies, routine
testing and sanitary inspection is still desirable, although the type of vending
may dictate the ease with which this is implemented. For tanker trucks, a rolling
programme of random testing can be initiated, although it may be difficult to
identify source waters. For very small vendors, it may not be possible to
undertake routine monitoring, although occasional assessments would be
worthwhile. In both cases, it is critical that the monitoring will lead to some
form of action, whether this is through working with vendors to improve
practices, regulating vending practices or banning all vending.
Household samples should be taken from the drinking water storage vessel
used by the family and containers used for collecting and transporting the water.
A water chain can be tracked from source to storage with samples taken from
source, collection vessel and water storage container. This often provides useful
information regarding where and what type of interventions (educational,
technical) are most appropriate. Generally, household testing programmes
should be linked to source water testing programmes to ensure that the
monitoring team understand whether poor quality in the home results from re-
contamination or poor source water quality.
This data can also be used to check on the use of feedback of surveillance
results on household water quality. For instance in Uganda, the simple process
of feedback of information and routine testing led to observable improvements
in water quality stored within the home (Howard and Luyima, 2000). When
such programmes are initiated it is important that different households are
visited in each sampling period to prevent a bias developing due to repeated
visits by surveillance staff. However, a cluster sampling approach may be
adopted by identifying sentinel communities believed to be at greater risk
because they have least access to direct connection or because they are more
affected by interruption in supply.
In some cases there may be other specific objectives for testing water in
the home. These may include evaluating the impact of a particular health
education programme or household water storage and treatment interventions.
In this case, a study would be designed to measure the impact between an
intervention group and a control group thus allowing an evaluation of the
impact of the intervention. Alternatively, the influence of the type of source,
frequency and duration of discontinuity, or type of storage vessel on household
water quality may be assessed in a community. In this case, a cluster sampling
approach would typically be used to keep the number of households included to
a reasonable number that allows intensive investigation.
6.6 Summary
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