Plumbing Controls For Commercial Food Establishments
Plumbing Controls For Commercial Food Establishments
Plumbing Controls For Commercial Food Establishments
Course Summary
33-42 minutes
The water used to grow, harvest, prepare, and cook food must be safe. Plumbing controls help
keep the water supply free of contamination. Without these plumbing controls, toxic chemicals,
pathogens, and even raw sewage could contaminate the water supply, contaminating food and
making people sick.
This course will review plumbing safeguards designed to prevent contamination and ensure safer
food for everyone.
Course Overview
This course is designed to provide information on plumbing controls used in commercial food
establishments to protect the potable water supply from contamination.
After completing this course, you should be able to identify plumbing control methods and
devices, their operating principles, and applications.
Course Structure
The remainder of the course is divided into the following three lessons:
Cross-Connection Fundamentals
Physical and Mechanical Backflow Prevention
Protection for Drains, Wells, and Septic Systems
Lesson Overview
This lesson describes the types of cross-connections and why they are a concern for commercial
food establishments.
In evaluating the plumbing system in a commercial food establishment, an inspector needs to be
able to identify actual and potential cross-connections and understand the forces that can create
backflow, so that the most effective devices can be identified to prevent backflow.
This lesson will explore the different types of cross-connections and the forces that act upon
them. It will also address questions to be considered when evaluating cross-connections.
Types of Cross-Connections
There are two types of cross-connections:
The most common indirect cross connection is the common hose. If the vessel the hose is
submerged and is filled for the top it would be subject to back siphonage. If the vessel is filled
form the bottom it would be subject to back pressure.
Some cross-connections are immediately obvious, but others can be subtle and difficult to find.
Backflow is the flow in a primary or secondary system that is opposite to the expected or
intended direction.
There are two types of backflow:
Backpressure is a pushing force. It can occur when the nonpotable system has a greater
pressure than the potable system. This pressure differential pushes the contaminant or
pollutant into the potable supply. Except in unusual circumstances, backpressure only
occurs at direct connections.
Back-siphonage is a pulling force that occurs as a result of negative pressure. As the
pressure in the water supply drops below zero, creating a vacuum, the adjacent
nonpotable source is drawn or siphoned into the potable supply. Back-siphonage can
occur at direct or indirect connections.
For backpressure to occur, a direct connection to another system must exist and be operated at a
higher pressure than the potable supply. This other system could be a fertilizer injector system,
booster pump, boiler, fire sprinkler system, or other auxiliary water source.
A break or repair in a supply line creates a vacuum or siphoning effect (as gravity drains
the water out) on the elevated portions of the system above the affected area.
The upper floors of an apartment building are served by a booster pump drawing from the
city water service line. During periods of low city pressure, the booster pump suction
creates negative pressure, thereby reversing the flow.
Evaluating Cross-Connections
Several types of devices and assemblies can be used for controlling cross-connections and
preventing backflow. Determining the most appropriate device requires evaluating the cross-
connections—thinking about what could go wrong and what can be done to make it safer.
1. Evaluate the plumbing supply, equipment attached to it, and any waste lines attached or
2. Determine the degree of hazard involved.
3. Evaluate the use of the backflow prevention device relative to the time that supply
pressure is present.
Evaluating Cross-Connections
1. Evaluate the plumbing supply, equipment attached to it, and any waste lines
attached or nearby. Think about what could go wrong with this design and what can be
done to make it safer.
2. Determine the degree of hazard involved. A high or low hazard will exist with a cross-
connection, depending on whether the nonpotable source is deleterious (harmful) or not.
o High-hazard situations exist when there is an actual or potential connection for
any toxic or infectious substance (also referred to as a contaminant) to be
introduced into the water supply, and possibly create a danger to the health and
well-being of anyone using the water. Examples of contaminants are pesticides,
chemicals, and infectious microorganisms.
o Low-hazard situations exist when there is an actual or potential connection for a
nontoxic substance (also referred to as a pollutant) to be introduced into the water
supply and create a nuisance, or be aesthetically objectionable to the water user.
Examples of pollutants are turbidity, beverages, and food coloring.
3. Evaluate the use of the backflow prevention device relative to the time that supply
pressure is present on both the upstream and downstream side of the device.
o Continuous pressure conditions exist when the water pressure remains on both
sides of the device for more than 12 hours. Continuous water pressure can exist
under dynamic or static conditions.
Under dynamic conditions, the water is on and flowing in the intended
direction through the device.
Under static conditions, the water is on but a shut-off device downstream
in the off or closed position results in no flow through the device.
o Noncontinuous pressure conditions exist when the device is only subject to
intermittent water pressure on both sides of the device that does not exceed 12
Lesson Summary
This lesson described the types of cross-connections and why they are a concern for commercial
food establishments.
The next lesson will address physical and mechanical measures for preventing backflow.
Lesson Overview
This lesson describes physical and mechanical backflow prevention devices.
This lesson will present physical and mechanical means of preventing backflow, including:
Physical methods:
o Air gap
o Barometric loop
Mechanical devices:
o Hose bibb vacuum breaker (HBVB)
o Atmospheric vacuum breaker (AVB)
o Pressure vacuum breaker (PVB)
o Backflow preventer with intermediate atmospheric vent
o Reduced pressure zone backflow prevention assembly (RPZ)
Air Gap
An air gap is a simple, economical, nonmechanical approach that can be used for potential back-
siphonage or backpressure situations. An air gap is an unobstructed, vertical air space that
separates a potable system from a nonpotable system. This air gap is necessary to prevent any
contaminant or pollutant from being siphoned or pushed back into the potable water supply.
To be effective, an air gap must be the greater of 1 inch or twice the inside diameter of the
supply pipe. Air gaps require inspection to ensure that they meet these requirements, and for any
splashing problems, but they do not require testing.
Because the interruption in the piping creates a subsequent pressure drop on the "downstream"
portion, most air gaps are used at the end of the supply line or faucet such as at a sink, vat, or
storage tank.
Installing an air gap within the supply system (as opposed to at the end of the supply line) would
require a reservoir and possibly a booster pump. An air gap can be installed in a continuous
piping system to protect the source from any potential contaminant on the downstream side of
the system.
Barometric Loop
A barometric loop is an extension of the supply line shaped like a giant upside-down "U". It is
used to protect downstream inlets against back-siphonage only.
The barometric loop has limitations because of the required size. To protect against back-
siphonage, a barometric loop must be at least 35 feet tall, and the base must be at a higher
elevation than any of the inlets or fixtures on the downstream side of the loop. (This height is
required because an absolute vacuum on a pipe can "pull" the water up 33.9 feet, but no further
without a pump.)
The barometric loop is approved for systems under continuous pressure and with no potential
The type of mechanical assembly or device selected must be appropriate for the degree of hazard
and specific application relevant to the potential backflow possibilities.
As the water flow begins, the valve opens and allows the diaphragm seal to close off the
atmospheric vent. When zero-pressure or back-siphonage conditions exist, the spring pulls the
valve closed and simultaneously pushes the diaphragm (thus opening the vent to relieve any
The HBVB is approved for systems with high hazards (such as health hazards or contaminations)
and noncontinuous pressure. It is not used for potential continuous pressure because the spring-
loaded valve may stick in the open position, making the water supply vulnerable to backflow.
Shutting off the water causes the float to drop, the supply valve to close, and the atmospheric
vent to open. In this position, the downstream piping of the AVB is open to the atmosphere,
creating an air gap, and thus preventing any back-siphonage. When a negative pressure occurs on
the supply side, the float valve drops, closing off the supply and opening the atmospheric vent.
Thus, any downstream contamination will not be siphoned into the potable supply.
The AVB is approved for high hazards, noncontinuous pressure, and no potential backpressure.
The supply-side check valve is spring loaded for a closed position and guards the potable water
supply side. When the water supply is turned on, the flow pushes it into the open position.
The downstream-side valve or air inlet valve is spring loaded for an open position to the
atmosphere and only closes when the supply water is turned on. When negative pressure occurs
on the supply side, the second check valve opens to the atmosphere and the first check valve
The PVB must be installed at least 12 inches above the highest elevated inlet or fixture on its
downstream side. The PVB is approved for high hazards, continuous pressure, and no potential
1. The atmospheric vent opens to relieve any vacuum on the supply side, and
2. The secondary check valve closes.
These devices are generally installed on water supply lines for laboratory equipment, food
processing tanks, sterilizers, dairy equipment, livestock drinking fountains, residential boilers, or
in other situations where cross-connection control is needed.
Specialty applications for the backflow preventer with intermediate atmospheric vent include:
Supply Lines
Backflow preventers approved for continuous pressure can be used in supply lines for
low water volume needs such as coffee and tea urns or icemakers.
Backflow preventers only approved for noncontinuous pressure can be installed on the
supply side of an aspirator for a laboratory faucet or on a barber shop sink.
The CO2 gas can react with water to form carbonic acid, which in turn can dissolve the
copper lines and create possible copper toxicities in those ingesting the water.
Any carbon dioxide leaking past the ball check valve and the secondary disc valve would
be vented into the atmosphere via the atmospheric vent/air inlet.
As the water passes through the primary check valve, the water pressure will drop in the central
chamber. Under normal conditions, the water will continue through the secondary check valve to
the point of usage.
The reduced pressure zone contains a relief valve that drains to the atmosphere and is spring
loaded for an automatic open position. The relief valve will spring open if the water pressure in
the RP zone approaches the supply pressure. When it does so, an air passage from the
atmospheric vent to the RP zone manages any back-siphonage.
The RPZ is approved for high hazards, continuous pressure, backpressure, and back-siphonage.
These devices do not have the added protection of an atmospheric vent and therefore are limited
in the amount of protection they offer and how they can be used. Some jurisdictions and codes
do not permit double check valves to be used for backflow protection.
Double check valves can only be used where they are approved for limited use with low-hazard,
continuous pressure conditions.
Device Summary
The following table summarizes the different types of backflow prevention devices discussed in
this lesson.
Lesson Summary
This lesson described physical and mechanical backflow prevention devices.
The next lesson will address protection measures for drains, wells, and septic systems.
Lesson Overview
This lesson describes the importance of and protection measures for drains, wells, and septic
This lesson will present information on preventing water supply contamination from:
Grease interceptors and traps.
Septic systems.
An indirect connection between the water supply or food service equipment and the facility’s
drainage or wastewater disposal system is necessary in most cases to prevent wastewater from
backflowing into the supply or into equipment where food, kitchenware, or utensils are retained.
An indirect connection is a waste line or pipe from a fixture, receptacle, or device that discharges
used water, waste materials, or sewage into the facility’s drainage system through an air gap
(discussed in the previous lesson) or an air break.
An air break is a waste line or pipe from a fixture that discharges used water or liquid waste into
another fixture or receptacle at a point below the flood level rim, such as the waste line from a
vegetable preparation sink that drains into a floor drain.
Drains: Direct Connections
A direct connection is a waste line or pipe from a fixture, receptacle, or device that discharges
used water, waste materials, or sewage directly into the facility’s drainage system.
Warewashing machines located within 5 feet of a trapped floor drain may have a direct
waste connection to the inlet side of a properly vented floor drain trap.
Garbage disposals require a direct connection to prevent the solids from separating out
from the waste slurry.
Other exceptions as provided by law or regulation.
Dissolved Oil: Oil that has been dissolved in water via a degreasing compound and will
not separate from the water.
Chemically Emulsified Oil: Oil that has been broken down into very small particles via
a detergent and will not float to the surface.
Free Oil: Oil in a liquid form that will consolidate or congeal on the water surface. The
majority of the oil produced in a food service facility is free oil.
Mechanically Emulsified Oil: Free oil that has been agitated in water to form small
droplets. These droplets will congeal given sufficient time.
Flow rate.
Ratio of grease to water.
Suspended solids.
Frequency of cleaning/emptying.
Properly vented.
Located as close to the source as possible for ease of cleaning and service without
creating a nuisance.
The main types of wells are:
Dug wells, which may be excavated by hand or by machinery. Dug wells may be lined
with stone, brick, reinforced concrete, or precast ring wells.
Driven wells, which are created by hammering a point into the ground, with pipe sections
added as needed until groundwater is reached.
Drilled wells, which are typically created using machinery with drilling stems that are
turned to create a cutting action in the ground.
Shallow wells, such as dug and driven wells, are relatively easy to contaminate. Possible
contaminants include:
Septic Systems
The main components of a septic system are:
A tank, which is a large concrete box with internal baffles. Inside the tank, oil and grease
float to the top, solids sink to the bottom, and the liquid effluent flows out.
A drainfield line, a system of buried pipes that carry water from the tank to the
drainfield, an open area where the soil absorbs the water.
As septic tank effluent percolates through the drainfield, soil microorganisms treat wastewater
physically, chemically, and biologically before it reaches the groundwater, preventing pollution
and public health hazards. In most cases, the wastewater requires no further treatment before
reaching the underlying groundwater level.
Slow drains.
Standing water.
Gurgling sounds.
Nearby wells testing positive for bacteria.
Select the following links for more information on plumbing controls for commercial
FDA – Food Establishment Plan Review Guide, Plumbing and Cross-Connection Control
FDA – Pasteurized Milk Ordinance 2007: Appendix D – Standards for Water Sources
EPA – Cross-Connection Control Manual
Lesson Summary
This lesson described the importance of and protection measures for drains, wells, and septic
You should now be able to: