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ISPN-Poster Presentation

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Ms. PriyankaHathila*, Ms. Angelina Makwana* ,Ms. Krishna Patadia*, Ms.Damini Patel*, Ms.Heena Patel*, Ms. Pooja Patel*, Ms. NashirunSamli* Deepak K**,
*Students of MTIN , ** Assistant Professor

Introduction Methods Results con’t LIMITATIONS

A descriptive research design was adopted to assess the level of depression among
Elderly people are like children with their mood swings, sometimes too elderly people living in old age homes. •Study was limited to elderly people who are living in old age homes in Anand-
quickly not allowing as enough time to grasp. Elders need attention at 30 point Geriatric Depression scale was used to collect data from elderly people who
Table 2.1: Shows that 17(42.5%) of elderly people had no depression, 20(50%) of elderly
Kheda districts Gujarat.
people had mild depression, 3 (7.5%) had severe depression
homes and if we do not give it, they start demanding it. When the elders are living in old age homes in Anand-Kheda districts, Gujarat. •Elderly person who belong to age group 60 or more than 60 years of age.
begin to feel they are neglected, they adopt ways to attract attention from The resulting score was interpreted as follows: score 0-9 suggests no depression, score •Available during the period of study.
us. They need vital support that will keep important aspects of their life- 10-19 suggests mild depression and 20-30 suggests severe depression.
•Willing to participate in the study
styles intact while identify and in turn it leads to low morale, decreased Level of depression No of respondents Percentage •Able to understand the concept in English or Gujarati language
level of satisfaction, depression and feeling of loneliness and frequency
helplessness.[1][2] Results
Geriatric depression is seen in elderly people whose age is 60 years or
No depression
above 60 years. Geriatric depression is a major health with divesting
outcomes. Depression in elderly may create many health problems in Graph1: Percentage distribution of elderly people according to their age. Mild depression 20 50
carrying out activities of daily living. Old age homes are a need of today as Based on the findings of the study the following recommendations are
the life style changes fast and diminish acceptance of family made:
responsibilities towards one’s elder. [2] Severe depression 3 7.5 A similar study may be conducted on a larger sample for wider
India is one of the South East Asian countries, in India by the year 2001 (20-30) generalization.
there were around 76 million elderly people, who constituted 7.7% of the A similar descriptive study may be conducted in other areas.
country’s population .Currently there is 9.8 percent elderly people in the  A similar study can be undertaken in different settings.
country. It is expected to increase further to fourteen percent by 2025. [3] A comparative study can be undertaken.

Graph 4:Percentage distribution of elderly people according to level of depression

50 42.5 The findings of the study revealed that 17(42.5%) of elderly people had no
40 depression, 20(50%) of elderly people had mild depression, 3 (7.5%) had
Depression is the most common disturbance of mood experienced by elderly. It is a

Graph 2: Percentage distribution of elderly people according to their gender. severe depression. Here, the researcher can encourage elderly people for
pathological mood disturbance characterized by feelings, attitudes and beliefs the 30
person has about self and his environment, such as pessimism, Hopelessness
doing different activities for elderly people so they can deviate their mind
Helplessness, low self-esteem and a guilt feeling. 7.5
in different activity. The nurse researcher can give different therapy such as
10 Yoga therapy, meditation, Exercise, so they can divert their mind which
Depression will increase in magnitude as the elderly population increase year by year. 0 helps for decrease the level of depression among elderly people living in
Hence there is need for considering the emotional states of elderly when they treated No depression Mild depression Severe depression
(0-9) (10-19) (20-30)
old age homes.
for any of physical problem in the hospitals, homes, or in primary health centres. This
motivated the investigator to conduct the study to assess the level of depression LEVEL OF DEPRESSION
among the elderly who are residing in the old age home with different types of
alignment. Conclusions
1. To assess the level of depression among elderly people living in old age homes. Table 2.2: shows that Association between level of depression among elderly The present study aimed at assessing the level of depression among elderly
2. To associate the level of depression among elderly people living in old age home people living in old age homes people living in old age homes in Anand-Kheda Districts of Gujarat. 30 point
with their selected demographical variables. Geriatric Depression Scale was used to assess the level of depression among
Variable Sample Total score Chi elderly people by using convenient sampling technique. Data was collected by
using interview method. The study revealed that the 42.5% of elderly people
Graph 3: Percentage distribution of elderly people according to their activities No % ≤Median > Median had no depression, 50% of elderly people had mild Depression, 7.5% had
value severe depression.
No 21 % No 19 %
Samples: Elderly people living in old age homes whose age is 60 or more than 60
years 80
Sample Size: 40 elderly people 70
Sampling Technique : Convenient Sampling Technique 60 a)Personal 12 30% 2 9.52% 10 52.63% 12.81 1. LouiseRebracaShives. Basic Concepts of psychiatric-mental Health Nursing
Inclusive criteria: Elderly people who are willing to participate and who can read

50 7thEdition, 2008,p 529

or write Gujarati. 40 2. Karensaucer, Sharyn Janes,K.s.Lundy.Essentials of community based nursing, 1st
Exclusive Criteria: Elderly people who do not want to participate and also who 17.5 b)Spiritual 22 55% 16 76.19% 6 31.57% df=3
30 edition. Canada: Jones and Barlett publishers; 2003.p502, 504,509,525.
have chronic illness. 20
3. Gulani K K. Community health nursing principles and practices, 1stedition, New
10 Delhi: Kumar Publishing House; 2005, p.469-471.
c) Yoga & 2 5% 2 9.52% 0 0% S
0 4. Park K. Text book of preventive and social medicine. 18thedition, Jabalpur, India:
Individual Spirituality Yoga and Gardening exercise Banarasidas Bhanot Publication.2007 p.382.
exercise 5. Bimla Kapoor. Text book of psychiatric nursing. 1st edition, New Delhi:
d)Gardening 4 10% 1 4.76% 3 15.78% Kumarpublishing house; 2005, p272-275.
6. Polit & Hungler, Nursing research principles and methods, 5thedition,Philadalphia
:Lippincott company .1999.p69-70.

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