Necs-N: Climaveneta Technical Bulletin
Necs-N: Climaveneta Technical Bulletin
Necs-N: Climaveneta Technical Bulletin
(The photo of the unit is indicative and may change depending on the model)
Maximum reliability
Low-Noise Versions
SUMMARY 1314 - 3218
Liability disclaimer
This bulletin is not exhaustive about: installation, use, safety Climaveneta declines any liability derived from the bulletin’s
precautions, handling and transport. Refer to “General Manual use. This bulletin is of exclusive property of Climaveneta, and
for Installation” for further informations. all forms of copy are prohibited. The information contained in
This bulletin refers to standard executions, in particular for di- this document may be modified without prior notice.
mension, weight, electric, hydraulic, aeraulic and refrigerant
connections (whereas applicable). Contact Climaveneta Com-
mercial Office for further drawings and schemes.
NECS-N units
NECS-N 1314..3218 is a range of externally installed reversi-
ble heat pumps for the production of chillers and heated water
with rotary hermetic Scroll compressors designed for use with
R410A, axial fans, condensation coil with copper tubes and
aluminium fins, shell and tube heat exchanger and electronic
expansion valve.
Externally installed reversible heat pumps for the production of Finned coil exchanger made from copper tubes and aluminium
chillers and heated water with rotary hermetic Scroll compres- fins. The aluminium fins are correctly spaced to guarantee op-
sors designed for use with R410A, axial fans, condensation coil timum heat exchange efficiency. The differentiated circulation
with copper tubes and aluminium fins, shell and tube heat ex- suitably distributes the liquid in the coil during the expansion
changer and electronic expansion valve. phase. Coil with a sideways-V layout and diaphragm separating
the fan chamber to ensure that the adjacent circuits are inde-
2.1 Standard unit layout pendently ventilated.
Structure specifically designed for outdoor installation. Base Electric power and control panel
and frame in hot-galvanised shaped sheet steel with a suita- Electric power and control panel, built to EN 60204-1/EC 204-1
ble thickness. All parts polyester-powder painted to assure total standards, complete with:
weather resistance. - control circuit transformer,
- general door lock isolator,
Cooling circuit - fuses and contactors for compressors and fans,
Main components of the cooling circuit: - terminals for cumulative alarm block (BCA),
- two to four circuits with tandem compressors for each circuit - remote ON/OFF terminals,
- R410A coolant - spring-type control circuit terminal board, electric panel with
- electronic thermostatic valves double door and seals for outdoor installation,
- liquid line check valve - electronic controller.
- dehydrator filter Power input: 400V~ ±10% - 50Hz - 3N.
- coolant line sight glass with humidity indicator
- high pressure safety valve, Heat source side fan section
- low pressure safety valve Axial electric fans, protected to IP 54, with external rotor and
- high and low pressure transducers plastic-coated aluminium blades. Housed in aerodynamic ho-
- high pressure safety switches ods complete with safety grille. 6 - pole electric motor with built-
- liquid receiver in overload protection. Differentiated ventilation control disa-
- 4-way reverse cycle valves bling the fan section of inactive circuits. Condensation control
with continuous adjustment of fan rotation speed.
Rotary hermetic scroll compressors in tandem layout complete 2.2 Certification, Reference standards
with oil sump heater, electronic overheating protection with cen- The unit complies with the following directives and relative
tralised manual reset and a two-pole electric motor. amendments:
- Machinery Directive: 2006/42/EC.
User side exchanger - E.C.D. 89/336/EEC + 2004/108/EC.
Direct expansion multi-circuit shell and tube exchanger with - Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.
asymmetric side coolant flows for maintaining the coolant at - Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC. Mod. A1.
the correct speed inside the tubes when passing from the liquid - TÜV-Italy 0948
to the gas phase. Steel shell with foamed closed-cell elasto-
mer anti-condensation lining. The shell & tube is manufactured 2.3 Tests
using copper tubes with internal grooves for favouring heat ex- Tests performed throughout the production process, as indica-
change and mechanically expanded onto the tube plates. An ted in ISO9001. Performance or noise tests can be performed
electric antifreeze heater prevents the ice from forming inside by highly qualified staff in the presence of customers.
the exchanger when the unit is not working but connected to Performance tests comprise the measurement of:
the electrical supply. When the unit is working, it is protected by - electrical data
a differential pressure switch mounted on the water side. Heat - water flow rates
exchanger featuring two, three or four coolant circuits depen- - working temperatures
ding on the model. - power input
- power output
- load loss on the water-side exchanger both at full load (at the
conditions of selection and at the most critical conditions for
the condenser) and at part load conditions.
During performance testing it is also possible to simulate the
main alarm states.
Noise tests are performed to check noise emissions according
to ISO3744.
2.5 Functions
Model with partial heat recovery (D)
Air cooled chiller with partial heat recovery. In this layout, a coo-
lant/water heat exchanger is fitted on the gas delivery line. This
heat exchanger, fitted in series upline from the standard coo-
ling circuit condenser, is large enough to recover heat for the
production of medium-to-high temperature water for domestic
hot water requirements and the like. This function is enabled
in both the summer and winter modes. The available heat po-
wer is roughly equivalent to the power input of the compressor.
Each exchanger is fitted standard with an antifreeze heater.
3.1 CONTROL UNIT with LED display This type of operator panel is also available as a remote keypad,
The W3000Compact control unit with liquid crystal display to be connected to the unit by means of a serial connection up
(LCD) is fitted on all the units. This keypad uses a user interfa- to a maximum distance of 200 metres without a power supply
ce with a choice of seven European languages: Italian, English, (in this case, power is supplied by the unit), or a maximum of
French, German, Spanish, Swedish and Russian. This allows 500 metres with a dedicated local power supply.
the control unit interface to be chosen to suit the country of de-
stination or, thanks to English, to be completely independent for
all geographical areas.
It is possible to interface with commercially available BMS sy- QuickMind is a special control unit which monitors the main
stems as it is compatible with the BACnet, BAC- net OverIP, operating parameters, predicts system behaviour and anticipa-
ModBUS and LonWorks protocols. tes unit settings in order to constantly optimise performance; it
allows both return and delivery water temperatures to be cho-
The Black Box stores 200 alarm events; these can be printed sen as adjustment parameters. It can reduce outlet temperatu-
with any kind of personal computer. re fluctuations even with a small amount of water in the system.
When, for dual-compressor chillers featuring a maximum of 12
The Internal Clock manages a weekly scheduler organised start-ups per hour and using a traditional adjustment system,
into time bands in order to optimise unit performance by mini- the minimum recommended water content is 5.5 l/kW, Quick-
mising power consumption. Up to 10 daily time bands can be Mind ensures the same chiller operates correctly even with a
associated with different operating setpoints. As a result, power water content of just 2.5 l/kW and considerably reduces outlet
production is optimised during daily peaks of demand and mi- temperature fluctuations. The above graph shows that outlet
nimised during periods of inactivity, such as during the night. If temperature fluctuations with QuickMind are limited to 4.3°C
there is no demand for hot or chilled water, the clock can switch as opposed to 7.54°C if the traditional adjustment system were
the unit off and switch it back on later. used, without even ensuring an acceptable minimum compres-
sor start time.
Heat adjustment is performed using algorithms based on
proportional step control or on proportional/integral on the two
probes at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger. There is
also the QuickMind algorithm which was especially developed
by Climaveneta to ensure the unit operates correctly even with
systems featuring a low water content.
Variation output temperature
Step-wise regulation
Not acceptable minimum starting time compressor
Output temperature (°C)
3 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3
0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5
Smart Defrost ( Climaveneta Patent) The second algorithm, TIMER TUNING + AUTO TUNING, in-
Smart Defrost replaces traditional defrosting systems thanks to teracts with the first and introduces an additional control pa-
three fundamental advantages: rameter: the difference between evaporation temperature and
- Reduction in defrost cycle times external temperature. This logic is very important, especially in
- Increase in overall chiller efficiency very humid areas where outdoor temperatures are not critical
- Minimisation of temperature reduction sent to the system du- but humidity levels are very high, thus rapidly forming ice and
ring defrosting. increasing the frequency of defrosting cycles, or in very cold
areas with low levels of humidity, thus forming small amount
The system is based on the implementation of three different of ice and reducing defrost requirements. In both cases, tradi-
algorithms which interact with each other, with the chiller ope- tional defrosting “wastes” considerable amounts of power. The
rating data and with environmental conditions in order to per- third algorithm, FREE - DEFROST, checks whether operating
sonalise defrosting, cycle after cycle, and thus optimise chiller conditions allow natural defrosting at the sole expense of exter-
operation and increase overall efficiency. nal air and achieves this while individual circuits are on pause,
The first algorithm, TIMER TIMING, improves estimates of the without performing cycle reversals. This logic saves the heating
quantity of ice on the coil, thus varying the initial defrost time. power that the heat pump would have had to generate to of-
Longer real defrost times correspond to shorter defrost start fset the introduction of cold water to the system required during
times, and vice-versa. This function achieves significant increa- traditional defrost and cycle reversal operations. A heat pump
ses in power production and consequently increases integrated fitted with Smart Defrost offers a net heating capacity, including
COP with respect to the traditional defrost system. the reduction due to defrost cycles, therefore, that is 5% higher
than the same chiller using a traditional defrost system.
termica [kW]
-12.5 -10 -7.5 -5 -2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10
External air temperature
Temperatura aria esterna [°C]
Gross heating
Potenza capacity
termica lorda Potenza termica
Integrated heatingintegrata
capacity Potenza
defrost auto tuning
tuning defrost
Number N°. 4 4 4 6 6 6 6
Number of capacity N°. 4 4 4 6 6 6 6
Number of circuits N°. 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
Number N°. 6 6 6 7 9 9 9
Air flow m³/s 36,0 34,6 34,6 39,5 53,1 51,1 51,9
Singol power input kW 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Number N°. 6 8 8 8 8 8
Number of capacity N°. 6 8 8 8 8 8
Number of circuits N°. 3 4 4 4 4 4
Number N°. 9 12 12 12 12 12
Air flow m³/s 51,9 70,8 71,9 69,2 69,2 69,2
Singol power input kW 2 2 2 2 2 2
Number N°. 4 4 4 6 6 6 6
Number of capacity N°. 4 4 4 6 6 6 6
Number of circuits N°. 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
Number N°. 8 8 8 10 12 12 12
Air flow m³/s 47,9 46,1 46,1 56,6 70,8 68,2 69,2
Singol power input kW 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Number N°. 6 8 8 8 8 8
Number of capacity N°. 6 8 8 8 8 8
Number of circuits N°. 3 4 4 4 4 4
Number N°. 12 16 16 16 16 16
Air flow m³/s 69,2 94,3 95,9 92,2 92,2 92,2
Singol power input kW 2 2 2 2 2 2
Number N°. 4 4 4 6 6 6 6
Number of capacity N°. 4 4 4 6 6 6 6
Number of circuits N°. 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
Number N°. 7 8 8 9 9 11 12
Air flow m³/s 27,3 30,3 29,5 35,1 33,2 42,9 45,5
Singol power input kW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Number N°. 6 8 8 8 8 8
Number of capacity N°. 6 8 8 8 8 8
Number of circuits N°. 3 4 4 4 4 4
Number N°. 12 12 14 16 16 16
Air flow m³/s 44,2 44,2 54,6 60,7 63,2 59,0
Singol power input kW 1 1 1 1 1 1
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 424 424 424 402 402 402 392 392 392 377 377 377 351 351 351 340 340 340
Pat 108 108 108 117 117 117 121 121 121 128 128 128 140 140 140 145 145 145
Ptde 95,6 88,4 83,6 105 99,7 94,5 109 105 99,3 116 113 107 128 128 122 133 135 128
Qde 16,6 15,3 14,5 18,2 17,3 16,4 18,9 18,2 17,3 20,1 19,6 18,6 22,2 22,2 21,1 23,1 23,3 22,2
Dpde 27,7 23,7 21,3 33,4 30,2 27,2 36,1 33,4 30,1 40,6 38,7 35,0 49,6 49,8 45,1 53,8 55,0 49,9
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 465 465 465 439 439 439 428 428 428 411 411 411 382 382 382 370 370 370
Pat 123 123 123 134 134 134 139 139 139 147 147 147 161 161 161 167 167 167
Ptde 111 103 97,1 122 116 110 127 122 115 135 131 124 149 149 142 155 157 149
Qde 19,2 17,8 16,9 21,1 20,1 19,1 22,0 21,1 20,0 23,3 22,8 21,6 25,8 25,9 24,6 26,9 27,2 25,9
Dpde 37,3 32,0 28,8 45,0 40,7 36,7 48,7 45,0 40,6 54,9 52,3 47,2 67,3 67,5 61,1 73,1 74,8 67,8
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 511 511 511 482 482 482 470 470 470 451 451 451 419 419 419 405 405 405
Pat 134 134 134 146 146 146 151 151 151 159 159 159 174 174 174 180 180 180
Ptde 120 111 105 132 125 119 137 132 125 145 142 134 160 160 152 166 168 160
Qde 20,7 19,2 18,2 22,8 21,7 20,6 23,7 22,8 21,7 25,2 24,6 23,4 27,7 27,8 26,4 28,8 29,2 27,8
Dpde 28,7 24,6 22,1 34,9 31,6 28,5 37,8 34,9 31,5 42,5 40,5 36,6 51,5 51,7 46,8 55,6 56,9 51,6
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 559 559 559 528 528 528 516 516 516 496 496 496 461 461 461 446 446 446
Pat 145 145 145 158 158 158 163 163 163 172 172 172 188 188 188 195 195 195
Ptde 127 117 111 140 133 126 145 140 132 154 150 143 170 170 161 177 178 170
Qde 22,0 20,3 19,3 24,2 23,0 21,9 25,2 24,2 23,0 26,7 26,1 24,8 29,4 29,5 28,1 30,6 31,0 29,5
Dpde 32,3 27,7 24,9 39,3 35,6 32,0 42,5 39,3 35,4 47,8 45,6 41,2 58,1 58,2 52,7 62,7 64,2 58,2
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 614 614 614 581 581 581 567 567 567 545 545 545 508 508 508 492 492 492
Pat 155 155 155 169 169 169 175 175 175 184 184 184 202 202 202 209 209 209
Ptde 137 127 120 151 143 136 157 151 143 166 162 154 184 184 175 191 193 184
Qde 23,8 22,0 20,9 26,1 24,9 23,6 27,2 26,1 24,8 28,8 28,1 26,7 31,8 31,9 30,3 33,1 33,5 31,9
Dpde 27,7 23,8 21,3 33,5 30,3 27,3 36,2 33,4 30,2 40,7 38,8 35,1 49,6 49,8 45,1 53,7 55,0 49,8
Tde (°C) - Plant (side) heat exchanger recovery output water temperature
Ta [°C] - Source (side) cooling exchanger air temperature
Pf (kW) - Cooling capacity (Plant side cooling exchanger water in/out 12/7 °C)
Pat (kW) - Total power input
Ptde (kW) - Heat recovery thermal capacity
Qde (m3/h) - Plant (side) cooling exchanger recovery water flow
Dpde (kPa) - Plant side heating exchanger recovery pressure drop
'-' - Conditions outside the operating range
Waterflow and pressure drop on heat exchangers calculated with 5°C of delta T
NOTE: Data on grey background: unit switched to non-silenced operation
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 697 697 697 658 658 658 642 642 642 617 617 617 572 572 572 554 554 554
Pat 184 184 184 201 201 201 208 208 208 220 220 220 242 242 242 251 251 251
Ptde 166 154 146 183 174 165 190 182 173 202 197 187 224 224 212 233 235 224
Qde 28,8 26,7 25,3 31,7 30,1 28,6 32,9 31,7 30,1 35,0 34,1 32,4 38,7 38,8 36,9 40,3 40,8 38,9
Dpde 37,4 32,1 28,8 45,1 40,8 36,8 48,8 45,1 40,6 55,0 52,4 47,3 67,4 67,7 61,3 73,3 75,0 68,0
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 746 746 746 705 705 705 688 688 688 662 662 662 615 615 615 596 596 596
Pat 193 193 193 210 210 210 218 218 218 230 230 230 251 251 251 260 260 260
Ptde 169 156 148 186 177 168 194 186 176 206 201 190 227 227 215 236 238 226
Qde 29,3 27,1 25,7 32,3 30,7 29,2 33,6 32,3 30,7 35,6 34,8 33,1 39,3 39,3 37,4 40,8 41,3 39,3
Dpde 30,9 26,5 23,8 37,5 34,0 30,6 40,6 37,5 33,8 45,7 43,6 39,3 55,5 55,7 50,4 59,9 61,3 55,6
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 794 794 794 750 750 750 732 732 732 703 703 703 654 654 654 633 633 633
Pat 206 206 206 224 224 224 232 232 232 245 245 245 268 268 268 277 277 277
Ptde 182 168 159 200 190 180 208 200 189 221 215 204 244 244 231 253 256 243
Qde 31,5 29,2 27,6 34,6 33,0 31,3 36,0 34,6 32,9 38,2 37,3 35,5 42,2 42,3 40,2 43,9 44,4 42,3
Dpde 32,7 28,1 25,2 39,6 35,9 32,3 42,8 39,6 35,7 48,2 46,0 41,5 58,8 58,9 53,4 63,6 65,1 59,0
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 851 851 851 805 805 805 786 786 786 756 756 756 703 703 703 682 682 682
Pat 215 215 215 234 234 234 242 242 242 256 256 256 280 280 280 291 291 291
Ptde 191 177 167 210 200 189 218 210 199 232 226 214 256 256 243 267 269 256
Qde 33,1 30,7 29,1 36,4 34,6 32,9 37,8 36,4 34,5 40,1 39,2 37,3 44,4 44,4 42,3 46,2 46,7 44,5
Dpde 31,8 27,3 24,5 38,4 34,8 31,3 41,5 38,4 34,6 46,7 44,6 40,2 57,1 57,3 51,8 61,9 63,3 57,4
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 891 891 891 842 842 842 821 821 821 789 789 789 734 734 734 711 711 711
Pat 230 230 230 251 251 251 260 260 260 274 274 274 301 301 301 312 312 312
Ptde 206 191 181 227 215 204 236 226 214 250 244 231 277 277 263 288 291 277
Qde 35,8 33,1 31,4 39,3 37,4 35,5 40,8 39,2 37,3 43,3 42,3 40,2 47,9 48,0 45,7 49,9 50,5 48,1
Dpde 37,1 31,8 28,6 44,7 40,5 36,4 48,3 44,7 40,3 54,4 51,9 46,9 66,6 66,8 60,5 72,3 73,9 67,0
Tde (°C) - Plant (side) heat exchanger recovery output water temperature
Ta [°C] - Source (side) cooling exchanger air temperature
Pf (kW) - Cooling capacity (Plant side cooling exchanger water in/out 12/7 °C)
Pat (kW) - Total power input
Ptde (kW) - Heat recovery thermal capacity
Qde (m3/h) - Plant (side) cooling exchanger recovery water flow
Dpde (kPa) - Plant side heating exchanger recovery pressure drop
'-' - Conditions outside the operating range
Waterflow and pressure drop on heat exchangers calculated with 5°C of delta T
NOTE: Data on grey background: unit switched to non-silenced operation
Tde (°C) - Plant (side) heat exchanger recovery output water temperature
Ta [°C] - Source (side) cooling exchanger air temperature
Pf (kW) - Cooling capacity (Plant side cooling exchanger water in/out 12/7 °C)
Pat (kW) - Total power input
Ptde (kW) - Heat recovery thermal capacity
Qde (m3/h) - Plant (side) cooling exchanger recovery water flow
Dpde (kPa) - Plant side heating exchanger recovery pressure drop
'-' - Conditions outside the operating range
Waterflow and pressure drop on heat exchangers calculated with 5°C of delta T
NOTE: Data on grey background: unit switched to non-silenced operation
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pf 408 408 408 386 386 386 361 361 361 336 336 336 308 308 308 279 279 279
Pat 114 114 114 124 124 124 135 135 135 148 148 148 162 162 162 178 178 178
Ptde 98,0 93,1 88,2 108 105 99,8 119 119 113 132 135 129 146 153 146 162 174 166
Qde 17,0 16,2 15,3 18,7 18,2 17,3 20,6 20,7 19,7 22,8 23,4 22,3 25,3 26,6 25,4 28,0 30,1 28,8
Dpde 29,1 26,4 23,7 35,2 33,6 30,4 43,0 43,1 39,1 52,7 55,5 50,4 64,6 71,4 65,0 79,1 91,7 83,6
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pf 459 459 459 432 432 432 404 404 404 375 375 375 343 343 343 310 310 310
Pat 128 128 128 139 139 139 152 152 152 167 167 167 183 183 183 202 202 202
Ptde 112 106 101 123 120 114 136 136 129 151 155 147 167 176 167 186 200 191
Qde 19,4 18,4 17,5 21,3 20,8 19,8 23,5 23,6 22,4 26,1 26,8 25,5 29,0 30,5 29,1 32,2 34,7 33,1
Dpde 37,9 34,3 30,9 45,8 43,6 39,4 56,0 56,1 50,8 68,9 72,6 65,9 85,0 94,0 85,5 105 122 111
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pf 498 498 498 470 470 470 440 440 440 408 408 408 374 374 374 338 338 338
Pat 138 138 138 151 151 151 164 164 164 179 179 179 196 196 196 213 213 213
Ptde 118 113 107 131 127 121 144 144 137 159 163 155 176 184 176 193 208 198
Qde 20,5 19,5 18,5 22,6 22,1 21,0 25,0 25,0 23,8 27,6 28,3 27,0 30,4 32,0 30,5 33,5 36,0 34,4
Dpde 28,2 25,5 23,0 34,4 32,8 29,6 41,9 42,0 38,1 51,0 53,8 48,8 62,0 68,5 62,4 75,0 87,0 79,3
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pf 555 555 555 523 523 523 490 490 490 454 454 454 417 417 417 377 377 377
Pat 154 154 154 167 167 167 182 182 182 199 199 199 217 217 217 236 236 236
Ptde 130 123 117 143 140 133 158 158 150 175 179 170 193 202 193 212 228 217
Qde 22,5 21,4 20,3 24,8 24,3 23,0 27,4 27,5 26,1 30,3 31,1 29,6 33,3 35,1 33,5 36,7 39,5 37,7
Dpde 33,9 30,7 27,6 41,3 39,4 35,6 50,4 50,5 45,8 61,4 64,7 58,7 74,5 82,4 75,0 90,2 105 95,3
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pf 591 591 591 558 558 558 523 523 523 485 485 485 446 446 446 404 404 404
Pat 165 165 165 179 179 179 195 195 195 213 213 213 233 233 233 255 255 255
Ptde 141 134 127 155 151 143 171 171 163 189 194 185 209 220 209 231 249 237
Qde 24,4 23,2 22,0 26,9 26,2 24,9 29,7 29,7 28,3 32,8 33,7 32,1 36,3 38,1 36,4 40,1 43,1 41,2
Dpde 29,2 26,4 23,8 35,4 33,7 30,5 43,1 43,3 39,2 52,7 55,5 50,4 64,4 71,3 64,9 78,6 91,2 83,2
Tde (°C) - Plant (side) heat exchanger recovery output water temperature
Ta [°C] - Source (side) cooling exchanger air temperature
Pf (kW) - Cooling capacity (Plant side cooling exchanger water in/out 12/7 °C)
Pat (kW) - Total power input
Ptde (kW) - Heat recovery thermal capacity
Qde (m3/h) - Plant (side) cooling exchanger recovery water flow
Dpde (kPa) - Plant side heating exchanger recovery pressure drop
'-' - Conditions outside the operating range
Waterflow and pressure drop on heat exchangers calculated with 5°C of delta T
NOTE: Data on grey background: unit switched to non-silenced operation
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pf 687 687 687 648 648 648 606 606 606 562 562 562 515 515 515 465 465 465
Pat 192 192 192 208 208 208 228 228 228 250 250 250 275 275 275 303 303 303
Ptde 168 159 151 184 180 170 204 204 194 226 232 220 251 264 251 279 300 286
Qde 29,0 27,6 26,2 31,9 31,2 29,6 35,3 35,4 33,6 39,2 40,2 38,3 43,5 45,8 43,6 48,3 52,0 49,7
Dpde 37,9 34,3 30,9 45,9 43,7 39,5 56,1 56,3 50,9 69,0 72,7 66,0 85,2 94,2 85,7 105 122 111
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pf 733 733 733 692 692 692 648 648 648 601 601 601 551 551 551 498 498 498
Pat 204 204 204 221 221 221 241 241 241 263 263 263 286 286 286 312 312 312
Ptde 172 163 154 189 185 175 209 209 199 231 236 225 254 267 254 280 301 287
Qde 29,7 28,3 26,8 32,8 32,0 30,4 36,2 36,3 34,5 40,0 41,0 39,1 44,0 46,3 44,2 48,4 52,1 49,8
Dpde 31,8 28,8 25,9 38,7 36,9 33,3 47,2 47,4 42,9 57,5 60,6 55,0 69,8 77,2 70,3 84,4 97,9 89,3
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pf 780 780 780 736 736 736 689 689 689 639 639 639 586 586 586 530 530 530
Pat 216 216 216 235 235 235 256 256 256 280 280 280 306 306 306 334 334 334
Ptde 184 175 166 203 198 188 224 224 213 248 254 242 274 287 274 302 325 310
Qde 31,9 30,3 28,8 35,1 34,3 32,6 38,8 38,9 37,0 42,9 44,0 42,0 47,4 49,8 47,6 52,3 56,3 53,8
Dpde 33,5 30,4 27,4 40,8 38,9 35,1 49,7 49,9 45,2 60,7 64,0 58,1 74,1 82,0 74,6 90,3 105 95,5
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pf 819 819 819 773 773 773 725 725 725 673 673 673 618 618 618 560 560 560
Pat 228 228 228 248 248 248 270 270 270 296 296 296 324 324 324 355 355 355
Ptde 196 186 177 216 210 200 238 238 226 264 270 257 292 307 292 323 348 331
Qde 34,0 32,3 30,7 37,4 36,5 34,7 41,3 41,4 39,4 45,7 46,9 44,7 50,6 53,2 50,8 56,0 60,3 57,6
Dpde 33,5 30,3 27,3 40,5 38,6 34,9 49,4 49,6 44,9 60,5 63,8 57,9 74,2 82,1 74,7 90,9 105 96,1
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pf 868 868 868 819 819 819 767 767 767 711 711 711 652 652 652 590 590 590
Pat 241 241 241 262 262 262 286 286 286 313 313 313 344 344 344 378 378 378
Ptde 209 198 188 230 224 212 254 254 241 281 288 274 312 327 312 346 372 354
Qde 36,2 34,4 32,6 39,8 38,8 36,9 43,9 44,0 41,9 48,7 50,0 47,6 54,0 56,8 54,2 59,9 64,5 61,6
Dpde 37,9 34,3 30,9 45,8 43,7 39,5 56,0 56,1 50,8 68,7 72,4 65,7 84,5 93,5 85,1 104 120 110
Tde (°C) - Plant (side) heat exchanger recovery output water temperature
Ta [°C] - Source (side) cooling exchanger air temperature
Pf (kW) - Cooling capacity (Plant side cooling exchanger water in/out 12/7 °C)
Pat (kW) - Total power input
Ptde (kW) - Heat recovery thermal capacity
Qde (m3/h) - Plant (side) cooling exchanger recovery water flow
Dpde (kPa) - Plant side heating exchanger recovery pressure drop
'-' - Conditions outside the operating range
Waterflow and pressure drop on heat exchangers calculated with 5°C of delta T
NOTE: Data on grey background: unit switched to non-silenced operation
Tde (°C) - Plant (side) heat exchanger recovery output water temperature
Ta [°C] - Source (side) cooling exchanger air temperature
Pf (kW) - Cooling capacity (Plant side cooling exchanger water in/out 12/7 °C)
Pat (kW) - Total power input
Ptde (kW) - Heat recovery thermal capacity
Qde (m3/h) - Plant (side) cooling exchanger recovery water flow
Dpde (kPa) - Plant side heating exchanger recovery pressure drop
'-' - Conditions outside the operating range
Waterflow and pressure drop on heat exchangers calculated with 5°C of delta T
NOTE: Data on grey background: unit switched to non-silenced operation
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 406 406 406 382 382 382 372 372 372 356 356 356 329 329 329 318 318 318
Pat 111 111 111 122 122 122 126 126 126 134 134 134 147 147 147 152 152 152
Ptde 103 95,4 90,2 114 108 102 118 114 108 126 122 116 139 139 132 144 146 139
Qde 17,9 16,5 15,7 19,7 18,7 17,8 20,5 19,7 18,7 21,7 21,2 20,2 24,0 24,1 22,9 25,0 25,3 24,1
Dpde 32,2 27,7 24,8 39,1 35,4 31,9 42,4 39,2 35,3 47,8 45,5 41,1 58,3 58,5 53,0 63,2 64,7 58,6
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 453 453 453 426 426 426 415 415 415 397 397 397 367 367 367 354 354 354
Pat 124 124 124 136 136 136 141 141 141 149 149 149 165 165 165 172 172 172
Ptde 116 107 101 128 121 115 133 128 121 141 138 131 157 157 149 164 165 157
Qde 20,1 18,6 17,6 22,1 21,0 20,0 23,0 22,1 21,0 24,5 23,9 22,7 27,2 27,2 25,9 28,3 28,7 27,3
Dpde 40,6 34,9 31,3 49,4 44,7 40,3 53,5 49,5 44,6 60,5 57,7 52,1 74,5 74,8 67,7 81,0 82,9 75,2
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 491 491 491 460 460 460 448 448 448 428 428 428 394 394 394 380 380 380
Pat 137 137 137 150 150 150 156 156 156 165 165 165 180 180 180 187 187 187
Ptde 128 118 112 141 134 127 147 141 134 156 152 144 171 171 163 178 180 171
Qde 22,2 20,6 19,5 24,5 23,3 22,1 25,5 24,5 23,2 27,0 26,3 25,0 29,7 29,7 28,3 30,8 31,2 29,7
Dpde 33,0 28,3 25,4 40,1 36,3 32,7 43,4 40,1 36,2 48,8 46,5 42,0 59,1 59,3 53,7 63,7 65,2 59,1
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 529 529 529 496 496 496 482 482 482 461 461 461 424 424 424 409 409 409
Pat 148 148 148 163 163 163 169 169 169 179 179 179 196 196 196 203 203 203
Ptde 139 129 122 154 146 139 160 154 146 170 166 157 187 187 178 194 196 187
Qde 24,1 22,4 21,2 26,7 25,4 24,1 27,7 26,7 25,3 29,4 28,7 27,3 32,4 32,4 30,9 33,6 34,0 32,4
Dpde 39,1 33,5 30,1 47,6 43,1 38,8 51,5 47,7 43,0 58,0 55,3 49,9 70,3 70,5 63,9 75,9 77,6 70,4
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 584 584 584 549 549 549 534 534 534 512 512 512 472 472 472 455 455 455
Pat 160 160 160 176 176 176 182 182 182 193 193 193 212 212 212 220 220 220
Ptde 149 138 131 165 157 148 171 165 156 182 177 168 201 201 191 209 211 201
Qde 25,9 24,0 22,7 28,5 27,2 25,8 29,7 28,6 27,1 31,5 30,8 29,2 34,8 34,8 33,2 36,2 36,6 34,9
Dpde 32,8 28,2 25,3 39,9 36,1 32,6 43,2 40,0 36,0 48,7 46,4 41,9 59,3 59,5 53,9 64,2 65,7 59,5
Tde (°C) - Plant (side) heat exchanger recovery output water temperature
Ta [°C] - Source (side) cooling exchanger air temperature
Pf (kW) - Cooling capacity (Plant side cooling exchanger water in/out 12/7 °C)
Pat (kW) - Total power input
Ptde (kW) - Heat recovery thermal capacity
Qde (m3/h) - Plant (side) cooling exchanger recovery water flow
Dpde (kPa) - Plant side heating exchanger recovery pressure drop
'-' - Conditions outside the operating range
Waterflow and pressure drop on heat exchangers calculated with 5°C of delta T
NOTE: Data on grey background: unit switched to non-silenced operation
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 679 679 679 639 639 639 622 622 622 595 595 595 550 550 550 531 531 531
Pat 186 186 186 203 203 203 211 211 211 224 224 224 247 247 247 257 257 257
Ptde 174 161 152 191 182 172 199 191 181 212 207 196 235 235 223 245 248 235
Qde 30,1 27,9 26,4 33,2 31,6 29,9 34,5 33,2 31,5 36,7 35,9 34,1 40,7 40,8 38,8 42,5 43,0 40,9
Dpde 40,7 35,0 31,4 49,5 44,8 40,4 53,7 49,6 44,7 60,7 57,9 52,2 74,7 74,9 67,8 81,2 83,1 75,3
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 706 706 706 662 662 662 644 644 644 615 615 615 566 566 566 545 545 545
Pat 198 198 198 217 217 217 226 226 226 239 239 239 261 261 261 271 271 271
Ptde 186 172 163 205 195 185 214 205 194 227 221 210 249 249 237 259 262 249
Qde 32,2 29,8 28,3 35,6 33,8 32,1 37,0 35,6 33,8 39,2 38,3 36,4 43,2 43,3 41,2 44,9 45,4 43,2
Dpde 37,4 32,1 28,8 45,5 41,2 37,1 49,3 45,6 41,1 55,4 52,8 47,7 67,2 67,4 61,0 72,5 74,2 67,3
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 758 758 758 712 712 712 692 692 692 662 662 662 610 610 610 589 589 589
Pat 211 211 211 231 231 231 240 240 240 254 254 254 278 278 278 289 289 289
Ptde 197 182 172 217 206 195 226 217 205 240 234 222 264 264 251 275 278 264
Qde 34,1 31,6 29,9 37,6 35,8 33,9 39,1 37,6 35,7 41,5 40,5 38,5 45,8 45,9 43,6 47,6 48,2 45,8
Dpde 38,3 32,9 29,5 46,6 42,2 38,0 50,5 46,7 42,1 56,8 54,2 48,9 69,2 69,4 62,8 74,8 76,5 69,4
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 814 814 814 765 765 765 745 745 745 714 714 714 659 659 659 636 636 636
Pat 222 222 222 244 244 244 253 253 253 267 267 267 294 294 294 305 305 305
Ptde 206 191 181 228 216 205 237 227 215 251 245 232 278 278 264 289 292 277
Qde 35,8 33,1 31,4 39,4 37,5 35,6 41,0 39,4 37,4 43,5 42,5 40,4 48,1 48,2 45,8 50,1 50,6 48,2
Dpde 37,1 31,8 28,6 45,0 40,8 36,7 48,7 45,1 40,6 54,9 52,4 47,3 67,1 67,3 61,0 72,7 74,4 67,4
Tde 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45 35 40 45
Ta 25 30 32 35 40 42
Pf 859 859 859 808 808 808 787 787 787 753 753 753 696 696 696 672 672 672
Pat 235 235 235 258 258 258 267 267 267 283 283 283 312 312 312 324 324 324
Ptde 219 203 192 242 230 217 251 241 229 267 260 247 296 296 281 308 311 296
Qde 38,0 35,2 33,3 41,9 39,8 37,8 43,6 41,9 39,8 46,3 45,2 42,9 51,2 51,3 48,8 53,4 54,0 51,4
Dpde 41,8 35,9 32,2 50,8 46,0 41,4 55,0 50,9 45,9 62,1 59,2 53,5 76,1 76,4 69,1 82,6 84,5 76,6
Tde (°C) - Plant (side) heat exchanger recovery output water temperature
Ta [°C] - Source (side) cooling exchanger air temperature
Pf (kW) - Cooling capacity (Plant side cooling exchanger water in/out 12/7 °C)
Pat (kW) - Total power input
Ptde (kW) - Heat recovery thermal capacity
Qde (m3/h) - Plant (side) cooling exchanger recovery water flow
Dpde (kPa) - Plant side heating exchanger recovery pressure drop
'-' - Conditions outside the operating range
Waterflow and pressure drop on heat exchangers calculated with 5°C of delta T
NOTE: Data on grey background: unit switched to non-silenced operation
Tde (°C) - Plant (side) heat exchanger recovery output water temperature
Ta [°C] - Source (side) cooling exchanger air temperature
Pf (kW) - Cooling capacity (Plant side cooling exchanger water in/out 12/7 °C)
Pat (kW) - Total power input
Ptde (kW) - Heat recovery thermal capacity
Qde (m3/h) - Plant (side) cooling exchanger recovery water flow
Dpde (kPa) - Plant side heating exchanger recovery pressure drop
'-' - Conditions outside the operating range
Waterflow and pressure drop on heat exchangers calculated with 5°C of delta T
NOTE: Data on grey background: unit switched to non-silenced operation
Condenser Out Temperature [°C]
-10 10 25
-5 0 7 20
Air Temperature [°C]
Air Temperature [°C]
-10 0 10 20
-8 -2 15
Evaporator Out Temperature [°C]
Condenser Out Temperature [°C]
-10 10 25
-12 -7 -5 0 7 20
Air Temperature [°C]
Air Temperature [°C]
-10 0 10 20
-8 -2 15
Evaporator Out Temperature [°C]
Condenser Out Temperature [°C]
10 25
-10 -5 0 7 20
Air Temperature [°C]
Air Temperature [°C]
-10 0 10 20
-8 -5 -3 15
Evaporator Out Temperature [°C]
cPf cooling power correction factor For data concerning other kind of anti-freeze solutions (e.g. propylene
cQ: flow correction factor glycol) please contact our Sales Department.
cdp: pressure drop correction factor
The indicated performance levels assume the tubes are For different fouling values, adjust performance levels us-
clean (fouling factor =1). ing the correction factors shown in the following table.
The units can be supplied with a hydronic group. This houses GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS
all the main hydraulic components, thereby optimising hydraulic
and electric installation space, time and cost. The innovative Water connections
QuickMind control fitted to the units in the NECS system, has In the units without pumps, standard version, the connections
been designed to work on systems with a low water content, for the water inlet and outlet both in the evaporator and in the
offering highly professional alternatives to the installation of sy- desuperheater are inside the unit. As an accessory one can re-
stems featuring storage units. quest these connections flush with the unit.
For units with pumps, the connections are always flush with the
The integrated hydronic unit is composed of: unit.
- Storage boiler (on request)
- Single or twin IN-LINE centrifuge pump. Water-side mechanical filter (optional)
Y-filter designed and built to capture the impurities in the hy-
- differential pressure switch on the exchanger draulic circuit. It is fitted with a 0.9 mm stainless steel mesh car-
- 700-litre storage boiler for sizes 1314/B, 1314/SL, 1414/B tridge which can be replaced without removing the valve body
and 1614/B from the piping.
- 1000-litre storage tank for all the other sizes and versions
- 25 litre expansion vessel (EPDM membrane) pre-charged to Unit electrical panel
1.5 bar with a 700 litre storage boiler The unit electrical panel is fitted with fuses and a circuit breaker
- 40 litre expansion vessel (EPDM membrane) pre-charged to contactor.
1.5 bar with a 1000 litre storage boiler
- pressure gauge Special pumps
- 6 bar safety valve. For pumps with different configurations, please contact our
- drain taps sales department.
- air vent
- filling unit Additional components
- storage boiler with 20 mm lagging The supply does not include the following accessories though
- anti-freeze heater for piping these are recommended to ensure correct system operation:
- anti-freeze heater for storage boiler available on request - MA Pressure gauges upline and downline from the unit
- GF Flexible joints on piping
Available pump configurations: - RI On-off valves
- Hydronic kit with one IN-LINE 2-pole low-head pump - T Outlet control thermometer
- Hydronic kit with one IN-LINE 2-pole high-head pump
- Hydronic kit with IN-LINE 2-pole low-head twin pumps pump
- Hydronic kit with IN-LINE 2-pole high-head twin pumps
Twin pump
A second stand-by pump for high or low pressures is availa-
ble on request. The pumps are automatically exchanged on the
basis of a rotation programme and the stand-by pump cuts in
automatically if the primary pump fails.
S1 P
Sc2 Sf2
Sf1 S1
Sc1 S2
185,0 C
H [kPa]
105,0 E
85,0 F
35,0 45,0 55,0 65,0 75,0 85,0 95,0 105,0 115,0 125,0 135,0 145,0 155,0 165,0 175,0 185,0 195,0 205,0 215,0 225,0
Q [m3/h]
H [kPa]
185 0
35,0 45,0 55,0 65,0 75,0 85,0 95,0 105,0 115,0 125,0 135,0 145,0 155,0 165,0 175,0 185,0 195,0
Q [m3/h]
345 0
H [kPa]
285 0
245,0 D
205,0 C
35,0 45,0 55,0 65,0 75,0 85,0 95,0 105,0 115,0 125,0 135,0 145,0 155,0 165,0 175,0 185,0
Q [m3/h]
315 0
H [kPa]
255 0
255,0 B
35,0 45,0 55,0 65,0 75,0 85,0 95,0 105,0 115,0 125,0 135,0 145,0 155,0 165,0 175,0 185,0
Q [m3/h]
Maximum values
F.L.I. Full load power input at max admissible condition Power supply: 400/3/50
F.L.A. Full load current at max admissible condition Voltage tolerance: 10%
L.R.A. Locked rotor amperes for single compressor Maximum voltage unbalance: 3%
S.A. Starting current
(1) Values
calculated referring to the version
with the maxi�
mum number of fans working at the max absorbed current
(2) Safety values to be considered when cabling the unit for
power supply and line-protections
Maximum values
F.L.I. Full load power input at max admissible condition Power supply: 400/3/50
F.L.A. Full load current at max admissible condition Voltage tolerance: 10%
L.R.A. Locked rotor amperes for single compressor Maximum voltage unbalance: 3%
S.A. Starting current
(1) Values
calculated referring to the version
with the maxi�
mum number of fans working at the max absorbed current
(2) Safety values to be considered when cabling the unit for
power supply and line-protections
Maximum values
F.L.I. Full load power input at max admissible condition Power supply: 400/3/50
F.L.A. Full load current at max admissible condition Voltage tolerance: 10%
L.R.A. Locked rotor amperes for single compressor Maximum voltage unbalance: 3%
S.A. Starting current
(1) Values
calculated referring to the version
with the maxi�
mum number of fans working at the max absorbed current
(2) Safety values to be considered when cabling the unit for
power supply and line-protections
N° 10 HOLES Ø19/M12
For installation purposes, please refer to the documentation sent This technical data should be considered as indicative.
after the purchase-contract. CLIMAVENETA may modify them at any moment.
Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the
threads - Designation, dimensions and tolerances. threads - Designation, dimensions and tolerances.
Internal threads: G letter followed by thread mark (only toler- Internal cylindrical threads: R letter followed by p letter
ance class) Internal conical threads: R letter followed by c letter
External threads: G letter followed by thread mark and by A let- External conical threads: R letter
ter for A class external threads or by B letter
for B class external threads.
Designation Description
Internal cylindrical threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads, defined by stand-
UNI ISO 7/1 - Rp 1 1/2 ard UNI ISO 7/1
Conventional ø 1 1/2”
Internal cylindrical threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads, defined by stand-
UNI ISO 7/1 - Rp 2 1/2 ard UNI ISO 7/1
Conventional ø 2 1/2”
Internal cylindrical threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads, defined by stand-
UNI ISO 7/1 - Rp 3 ard UNI ISO 7/1
Conventional ø 3”
External conical threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads, defined by standard
UNI ISO 7/1 - R 3 UNI ISO 7/1
Conventional ø 3”
Internal cylindrical threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads, defined by
standard UNI ISO 228/1
UNI ISO 228/1 - G 4 B
Tolerance class B for external thread
Conventional ø 4”
Flange Nominal Diameter: 80 mm th.
DN 80 PN 16
Nominal Pressure: 16 bar
Climaveneta France
3, Village d’Entreprises
ZA de la Couronne des Prés
Avenue de la Mauldre
78680 Epône
Tel +33 (0)1 30 95 19 19
Fax +33 (0)1 30 95 18 18
Climaveneta Deutschland
Rhenus Platz 2
59439 Holzwickede
Tel +49 2301 91222-0
Fax +49 2301 91222-99
España - Top Clima
Londres 67, 1 4
08036 Barcelona
Tel +34 934 195 600
Fax +34 934 195 602