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Container Housing

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Container Housing

Conference Paper · May 2020


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2 authors:

Sharvey Dhongde Vaishali Anagal

Dr.Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture For Women Dr.Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture For Women


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Container Housing – Challenges and Opportunities
Vaishali Anagal, Sharvey Dhongde
Assistant Professor, Dr. B. N. College of Architecture, Professor, Dr. B. N. College of Architecture,
Karvenagar, Pune - India Karvenagar, Pune - India
vmanagal@rediffmail.com sharveyd@gmail.com

Abstract - For large scale infrastructure projects, It then presents case studies of container architecture in India
provision of housing for employees with their families and opportunities for the same in India. In the next chapter,
becomes essential for the period of setting up of proj- it elaborates on methodology used and explorations done in
ect. This time span may extend to few years. This type forth year design studio in the design of container housing and
of project housing may become redundant once the proj- outcome of the studio. At the end, it draws conclusions based
ect is operational. Shipping Containers have been viewed on literature survey, case studies and studio outcome.
as prefabricated modular units for various architectural
applications, especially for housing. For project hous- II. UNDERSTANDING THE CONTAINER
ing, shipping container can serve as ready to modulate
prefabricated units that can be assembled quickly on site Before one starts with a design process using prefab-
and disassembled and reused somewhere else after the ricated module, it is highly essential to understand that unit
project is over. The retired cargo containers can be up geometrically and technically. Geometrically, container is a
cycled through architectural intervention and used for cuboid that comes in different modules as given in table no. 1
housing purpose. Thus, it reduces environmental impact
of steel container by extending its useful life.
With this view, an exploration was done in the fourth
year housing studio in the design of container housing.
The objective of the design studio was to make the stu-
dents understand how to use prefabricated units after
understanding its structural strength, how to modulate
shipping containers for given architectural application
and climatic context and how to achieve architectural
variation using modular units.
It further elaborates on the methodology employed in the
design studio and also, the challenges and opportunities
in the use of containers for housing as faced by the stu-
dents during the studio.

Keywords- Container housing, Housing studio, Upcycling of

shipping containers, project housing etc.


The active life of cargo containers for shipping purpose

is viewed between 8-10 years.[1] After these years, they are
retired for shipping purpose. However, there technical life is
more and they can last for 20-25 years further if maintained
properly. If not used, these containers will be dumped in dock Among these, HCs (High Cubes) become more useful
yards and will pose huge burden on environment for recycling since they provide habitable space for architectural applica-
and disposal. These are made up of steel and steel involves tion. [3]
a lot of embodied energy in manufacturing and recycling too.
Reusing these containers is considered as environmental- Structurally, containers are monocoque structures mean-
ly friendly option. Shipping containers have been used for ing that the exterior skin of the unit provides structural sup-
habitable spaces for more than a decade for its number of port. [4,5] Monocoque construction is an automobile design
attractive perks. Firstly, it is a ready to use shell that can be technique and it differs in load transfer from traditional framed
modulated for architectural purpose. Secondly, it is struc- construction [6] where in the traditional framed structure, the
turally sound system that can easily take loads of habitable frame transfers the load and skin behaves as a partition to
VSDFHV2WKHUEHQH¿WVLQFOXGHLWVVHLVPLFVWDELOLW\PRGXODULW\ safeguard against weather. Thus, in the monocoque system,
transportability and demountability after the use. In container skin provides structural integrity to the unit and reduces the
architecture, most of the most of the work is carried out off the ZHLJKWRIWKHXQLWVLJQL¿FDQWO\ZLWKRXWFRPSURPLVLQJLWVORDG
site (upto 90% including interior works) and thus, it saves on FDUU\LQJFDSDFLW\7KLVFOHDUO\LQGLFDWHVWKDWDQ\PRGL¿FDWLRQ
time involved in on site job and labor. in the skin of cargo container in terms of opening will affect the
In the beginning, this paper discusses geometrical and structural integrity of the container. Although, containers have
technical aspects of containers. Further it elucidates design potential to provide a habitable space dimensionally, they are
and technical challenges involved in the adaptive reuse of not manufactured for architectural application.
these containers.

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176 First Internaonal Conference on Theory of Architectural Design: Global Pracces Amid Local Milieu

They are meant to transport cargo from one place to another increased. This in turn requires removal of skin of container
by road, air or waterways. Since they are transported through on its longer side that poses a threat to the structural integrity
open ships and stacked in open yards, they are designed to of container. [5]
withstand extreme climates. They are made up of CorTen-
steel that develops a protective layer against weathering ac- For larger units, where 3 containers are joined together
tion. [7,8] Also, containers are watertight and airtight struc- along its length, the middle
tures since they have to carry goods over a long distance for container loses both of its side panels and undergoes buck-
longer duration. Thus, they are necessarily closed structures OLQJRIWKHURRISDQHO>VHH¿JQR@
having doors for loading and unloading on one of the shorter

Fig 3: deformation of container roof in case of removal of side panels

To avoid this, top rail reinforcements as well as vertical

supports are required to be added. These vertical supports
may pose constraints on internal spatial planning.

B. Openings
Fig. 1 Components of cargo container
Source: http://containerauction.com Similarly, adaption of container is required to create open-
ings for light ventilation and access. Whenever an opening is
As far as load transfer in cargo containers is consid- created in side panels, steel framing is required to frame out
ered, vertical load is transferred directly through the corner WKHRSHQLQJ>6HH¿JQR@
columns, which are restrained laterally against buckling by the

Fig. 2: Load transfer in containers, Source- [1]

Horizontal loads are transferred through the sidewalls of the con-

tainers for buildings up to 11 stories or for higher buildings through a
combination of braced steel cores and the container walls. [9]


A. Dimensional constraints

By its virtue, container is not designed for architectural

to habitable unit. The design challenges in using containers
for architectural application especially for housing arise out
ily require certain dimensions of spaces. All the modules of
containers have not more than 2.438m width which internally
reduces to 2.352m. This is a too tight space for rooms like
Source:JTW consulting [4]
living rooms and bed rooms. This necessitates joining of two
containers along its length so that width of the space can be

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Container Housing – Challenges and Opportunies 177

The important point to be noted here is, the opening

in end panel, reduces the structural integrity of container
in Indian climate, these openings on the skin are required
to be furnished with weather-sheds to a corrugated panel of
skin. Providing a weather-shed on a corrugated panel and
making it watertight is quite a design and technical challenge
ers involves a lot of steel cutting, addition of supports and
welding process.

C. Thermal and Acoustical Insulation

As mentioned above, containers are not manufactured

with an intention to be used for architectural purposes. All of its
structural components are made up of steel that is good con-
ductor of heat and sound. Therefore, its acoustical and ther-
mal characteristics do not satisfy requirements of habitable
space. Containers have been widely used globally for different
architectural uses in different climatic conditions like humid
temperate climate (Scotland and Keetwonen Student Housing
in Amsterdam), temperate oceanic climate (Container City I
and II, London), hot temperate climate (two-storey Redondo
Beach House which was built in 2006 in Southern California,
US and Container of Hope built in 2011 in San Jose, Costa
Canada and Nackros Villa in Sweden)[3]. As mentioned by
Ismail et.al [3], implementation of containers for architectural
use in hot and humid climate is not widely spread because
of number of uncertainties including negative perception of
its acceptability in this type of climatic condition. However, he
emphases that these constraints could be outweighed by its Fig.5 : Insulation to ceiling and walls
Source: JTW consulting [14]
advantages in terms of modularity, transportability and dura-
ELOLW\SURYLGHGWKDWDSSURSULDWHLQVWDOODWLRQDQGPRGL¿FDWLRQV However, there are spatial concerns (interior layout and
are made to the container building to ensure its comfortable space making) in arranging them horizontally. Once the hous-
indoor environment. For providing this comfortable indoor ing units are ready, there are a lot of opportunities in playing
environment, roof and side panels of containers need to be with their horizontal arrangements to make community spac-
acoustically and thermally insulated. Also, before laying the es.
insulation and surface paneling, all the electrical, plumbing The next challenge is how to stack them vertically. There
and drainage services have to be laid as per requirements. seems to be ambiguity in the available literature as to how
For this purpose, architectural plans along with furniture lay- many containers can be stacked above each other. According
out have to be critically worked out envisaging the future re- to Karam M, 6 units of fully loaded containers can be stacked
quirements that may arise over a longer period of time. Thus, above each other [3]. Whereas, Robinson M and Swindells
container architecture requires different kind of detailing than S [9] states that buildings upto 11 stories could be built by
regular structure since the shell is composed of metal. [10]An- stacking containers one above the other. While during the in-
other important point that one has to consider is that all these terview with designer Dhara Kabaria and visit to Jawaharlal
services have to be carried through ceiling and side panels Nehru Port Trust, authors found that generally 9 containers
DQGQRWWKURXJKWKHÀRRU7KHUHDVRQVIRUWKLVFRQVLGHUDWLRQ are stacked above each other in ships and 5 containers are
DUH7KH ÀRRU WR FHLOLQJ KHLJKW LV DOUHDG\ OLPLWHG7KHUHIRUH stacked above each other in the dock yard. In India, 5 storied
OD\LQJVHUYLFHVLQERWKWKHFHLOLQJDQGWKHÀRRUZRXOGIXUWKHU buildings are possible with containers due to lifting limitations
UHGXFHWKHFOHDUÀRRUKHLJKWVLJQL¿FDQWO\6HFRQGO\5RRISDQ- of crane. Containers are stacked along same axis while ship-
el requires false ceiling for acoustical and thermal insulation. ping. Although there are no issues of structural stability if con-
Therefore, one cannot compromise with the false ceiling. On tainers are stacked one above the other along the same axis,
WKHRWKHUKDQGÀRRUFDQEH¿QLVKHGZLWKPLQLPDOWKLFNQHVVRI it limits the innovation and creativity in building design [3] and
DQ\ÀRRU¿QLVKOLNHFDUSHWRUDQ\W\SHRIÀRRUWLOHV also, this kind of arrangement gives the visual impression of
a dock yard. Many of the case studies of housing containers
D. Stacking Of Containers indicate that containers can be stacked in different manners.
Designed by CG Architects in France, a container house is
Another design and technical challenge in the design of EXLOWZKHUHFRQWDLQHUVDUHVWDFNHGLQFURVVPDQQHU>VHH¿J
container buildings is stacking of containers horizontally and no 6] Although, it is possible to stack containers in cross stack
vertically. As mentioned above in III.A, to increase the width FRQ¿JXUDWLRQLWUHTXLUHVVLJQL¿FDQWDQGH[SHQVLYHHQJLQHHU-
of the habitable space, containers need to be stacked side by ing to take care of structural safety. [11]
side along its length. Or a single unit design, if containers are
stacked perpendicular to each other or along its width it leads
to a lot of wastage of space in passages. There are no struc-
tural issues in connecting containers horizontally.

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178 First Internaonal Conference on Theory of Architectural Design: Global Pracces Amid Local Milieu

Fig.8 : Alternative Home, ready to install farmhouse

Photo courtesy: Dhara Kabria

Another company called Container Solutions India is a

Fig.6: Cross stacked home, France
Bangalore based venture, specializing in the use of shipping
Source: [11] containers to create cost-effective structures for regular

Along with structural stability, the other concern in stack-

ing of containers for multi-unit housing is co-ordination of
services. Use of containers allows positioning of wet areas
(kitchens, utility areas and toilets) anywhere as per require-
ment within one unit. However, when it comes to multi- unit
housing, design of service core becomes critical to minimize
cost of laying service lines. Thus, stacking plays a crucial role
in the design of service cores for container housing projects.

E. Labour
Working with containers requires skilled labor for mod-
ulating it for habitable use. Cutting, welding, addition of struc-
sheet is indeed a skilled job. Training labor for this purpose
is essential where container architecture is seldom practiced.
Sometimes labor cost increases to 15-20% as time involved is Fig.9: Activity Center for NGO, Uchat Village
Photo courtesy: Dhara Kabria
more than conventional fabrication works. [10]
use.[12] Kameshwar Rao, has built his house using four

Use of containers for architectural projects is observed

seldom in India. A Pune based designer and founder of de-
imented with containers for handful of projects. These include
Farm-house, Vocational training school for village teenagers,
Space etc. [10] Studio Alternatives have executed these proj-
According to Dhara Kabaria, the concept of container housing
in new in India and people are still taking time accept this form
of housing.

Fig.10: House of Mr. Rao, Banglore

Source: [12]

There are other very few companies who deal with ready to
INR 56,000 to 65,000depending on its condition whereas
Fig.7: Farm House by Studio Alternatives
Photo courtesy: Dhara Kabria

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Container Housing – Challenges and Opportunies 179

to 1,25,000. [10]The container provides ready to modulate phases.

shell at cheaper cost compared with conventional framed con-
struction. Considering the cost of adaption, one can save upto A large team of people ranging from scientists, engineers,
20% on the cost of the shell . managers, various specialised consultants, contractors, ad-
ministrative personnel, supervisors, skilled workers and la-
In the California, US, Regulations (IR) are formed to de- bourers are working on the project currently and more will be
¿QHWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUWKHFRQYHUVLRQRIFDUJRFRQWDLQHUV required in the future as the project progresses into its subse-
to modular school buildings. In these regulations, code of quent The Jaitapur Power Corporation has already designed
FRQVWUXFWLRQDQGVDIHW\LVGH¿QHGIRUVXFKDGDSWLYHUHXVHRI housing for the people working on the project along with basic
FDUJRFRQWDLQHUV7KHQRUPVDUHGH¿QHGIRUYLVXDODQGWHFK- amenities like convenience shops, dispensary, club, enter-
nical scrutiny to check whether the containers are structurally tainment centre, sports facility, etc. The small village nearby
sound to be reused for architectural purpose.[14] also provides basic services to this colony. This housing will
be developed in phases as the work on the power plant pro-
As against this, in India, National Building Code does not ceeds to advanced stages. While a part of this housing will be
address the issue of adaptive reuse of shipping containers. a permanent colony for people employed in the power plant
Therefore, the safety and structural integrity is solely left to after its commissioning, one part of the housing is meant for
WKH GHVLJQHU¶V FRQVFLRXVQHVV *HQHUDOO\ WKH FRQWDLQHUV DUH people working on the site of the plant during its construction
inspected by professionals visually and reports of the dam- and commissioning phase. This housing is for such person-
age/repairs are scrutinized before buying the container by the QHOZKRZLOOEHDWWKHSURMHFWVLWHDQ\ZKHUHEHWZHHQ¿YHWR
designers. However, it is important to note that there is no twenty years. After that, these personnel will not be required
codal provision in India in this regard. at the site and will move elsewhere. But for this duration, they
would be expected to move in in this proposed colony with
V. OPPORTUNITIES FOR CONTAINER HOUSING their families and will be allotted a well-equipped residence
IN INDIA for the duration of their stay.

India is surrounded by ocean on her three sides. India Taking into account the duration of the housing required
has 7500km length of coastline. There are 213 ports in India and its redundancy once its purpose is served after twenty
in total out of which 13 are major ports and 200 are non-major years, we proposed the idea of building a housing that may
sea ports. Enormous amount of trade takes place at these EH GXUDEOH IRU D SHULRG QRW H[FHHGLQJ WZHQW\ ¿YH \HDUV RU
ports. The transportation cost of sending the empty containers else transportable to some other site if it serves its purpose at
is higher than using new containers for export. The dock yards this site earlier. Such a criteria according to our study can be
are full of empty cargo containers that are ready for sale. If IXO¿OOHGE\H[SHULPHQWLQJZLWKXVHGVKLSSLQJFDUJRFRQWDLQHUV
not reused, these containers will pose environmental issue of for housing units. The fact that the power project is located on
recycling them. In such a case, reusing or up-cycling them is the Arabian sea coast and containers can be shipped to the
the best option. nearest port also strengthened the decision. We proposed a
Also, there are number of manufacturing companies of two stage process for the studio.
cargo containers in India. All these facts indicate the opportu-
nity for container architecture in India where access to hous- VII. METHODOLOGY AND CHALLENGES OF THE
ing is considered to be the constitutional right. STUDIO
As discussed in point III, there are number of constraints in
designing with containers. The modular nature, fast construc- 7KH¿UVWVWHSZDVWRXQGHUVWDQGWKHSURFHVVRIWUDQVIRUP-
tion, portability, demountability, saving on resources and time ing the containers into habitable spaces. A site visit to Studio
as also the ready to install spaces bring out various opportuni- Alternatives, where there is a workshop to adapt containers
ties for using shipping containers though. into spaces usable for human activities, gave the students an
insight into the practicality of the whole exercise. Here they
VI. DESIGN STUDIO- PREMISE saw containers being opened up for making larger spaces,
windows and doors being cut into the container sides, insula-
Infrastructure development of India is on the priority list tion being installed along walls and the ceilings and services
of the Government of India. Numerous large scale infrastruc- EHLQJLQWURGXFHVLQVLGHWKHVHQHZO\FRQFHLYHGVSDFHV4XH-
ture projects are being set up in various parts of the country. ries about selecting the right containers, transporting them,
Most of these projects are away from the urban areas or even stacking them and their durability were also answered.
large settlements. But the scales of the projects are such that The second step was to actually start putting containers to-
they employ thousands of people at the site of the project. gether on paper and exploring how to make good domestic
These people represent a cross section of society in that they spaces from them. The challenge here was to break away
include people with very high skill sets, professionals, con- IURP WKH ULJRXU RI WKH ¶ JULG RI WKH FRQWDLQHUV DQG H[SDQG
sultants, and contractors, supervisors, to skilled and unskilled spaces beyond it so as not to compromise on the working di-
labourers. All of these work on the project for a long duration mensions of household activities. The other challenge was to
often extending to a few years. Due to this reason, they prefer vertically stack these units in a structurally logical pattern. At
to move in with their families if proper facilities are provided the end of the second stage, it was expected that the student
near the project sites. Such sites develop as project townships designers submit a detailed design including internal furniture
and are set up by the government/ companies at large project and service layouts, details of making doors and windows,
sites. These are mostly developed for the duration of the proj- partitions, roof and ceiling, etc. to convert a shipping container
ect but a part of them continues to remain and grow even after into a residential unit.
the project is operational.
The Jaitapur atomic power project in Konkan area of Maha- The third step was to form clusters of housing units such
rashtra is one such mega project initiated by the Government that the stack of containers and thereby the entire housing
of India. It is in the process of being set up and will take around development does not appear like a container yard but has
twenty years for its to be completed and fully operational the ambience of a housing neighborhood.

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180 First Internaonal Conference on Theory of Architectural Design: Global Pracces Amid Local Milieu

At the end of this stage, the student designers had to

submit detail designs of various sizes of units (32 sqm, 48
sqm, 80 sqm, 112 sqm, 144 sqm) along with their structural,
service and construction details and internal furniture layouts,
design of clusters, and design of the entire housing colony
along with its open spaces and amenities. It is expected that
the designs are not only technically sound but also take into
account basic aspects of housing and community building
thorough design so that the project results into livable and
enjoyable neighborhood. It should facilitate integration of the
employees into a harmonious community.
The cadres of personnel for which this housing was to Fig 12: Container Housing
be designed were in the range of Supervisors, Junior Engi- Source: Vishakha Deshmukh
neers, Senior Engineers and Consultants, Project managers
Discussions about this issue held forth two reasons for
and Scientists, Directors, Heads of Departments, etc.
this preference:
VIII. STUDIO OUTCOME 1. The reluctance to add structural clutter to a clean and
straight forward prefab unit
The following observations were made from the 30 de- 2. The preference of retaining the visual character of the
sign proposals that the student designers submitted: container rather than masking it or making it look like
something it is originally not supposed to be.
not only gave better layout possibilities due to the stagger,
but also resulted in interesting massing compositions when

B. Containers were joined laterally rather than longitudinally

to get better interior spaces. Staggered arrangement of con-
tainers reduces the necessity of intermediate supports while
also allowing smaller spaces like toilets and kitchen utilities to
be separated from living spaces.

C. Placing containers or pairs of containers perpendicular

to each other rather than placing them all in one direction in

D. Containers were also joined vertically to form duplex

houses. But very few students made an attempt to place a
Fig.13:Container Housing
container vertically to form the staircase shaft. Source: Siddhi Solanki

E. Terraces were formed by staggering containers thereby

breaking away from the yard like stacking and creating a more
humane and interactive house cluster.

F. Despite the geographical context of the project being

the coast of Maharashtra, and despite the predominance of
the local vocabulary of houses with sloping roofs due to heavy
rains, most of the student designers preferred to keep the top
Fig.14. Container Housing
Source: Siddhi Solanki

Very few student designers chose to externally clad the

tained the container look. Massing was the main tool used to
break away from the feel of a container yard rather than any
material addition to the containers.
Important technical issues like sealing gaps between
tural members of the container after removing sides were
poorly addressed by the student designers. Though discus-
sions were held on these issues and working solutions show-
cased through case studies, the emphasis of the designers
remained on space making rather than technical detailing of

Fig.11: Container Housing

Source: Vishakha Deshmukh

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Container Housing – Challenges and Opportunies 181

X. CONCLUSIONS 2. Intermodal Steel Building Units and Containers Homes, ISBU

With the overview of studio outcome and case studies in India, Container Architecture in the Hot-Humid Tropics: Potential and
Constraints, Proceedings of the 4th ICERT 2015: International
it can be concluded that there is a lot of scope for explora- Conference On Environmental Research And Technology: Explor
WLRQVDQGUHVHDUFKLQWKLV¿HOG/RRNLQJDWWKHRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRU ing the Frontiers in Environmental Science and Technology Re
container architecture in India and the incentives it can bring, search, 27-29 May 2015, Malaysia/ Editors: Teng Tjoon Tow,
there is need to explore this form of architecture in India. Also, Yusri Yusup,Widad Fadhlullah. ISBN 978-967-394-211-4
4. JTW Consulting, Oneesan Container Housing Project, Report
a study of post occupancy evaluation of container users is 3UHSDUHGIRU$WLUD:RPHQ¶V5HVRXUFH6RFLHW\0DUFK
required to be done in Indian context to understand the issues 5. http://www.growingempowered.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/
UHODWHG ZLWK XVHUV¶ FRPIRUW DQG SUHIHUHQFHV 7KLV VWXG\ ZLOO How-To-Build-a-Shipping-Container-Home.pdf, Accessed
6. JD Laukkonen ,What is Monocoque Construction?, http://www.
The current study was limited to exploration of unit, cluster crankshift.com/monocoque/, September 18, 2013, Accessed:
and neighborhood design using containers and especially to 15/03/2017
ascertain whether housing as per Indian space requirements 7. Intermodal Steel Building Units and Containers Homes (ISBU)
and typology is possible to be designed using this prefab unit.   ,62VKLSSLQJFRQWDLQHUVSHFL¿FDWLRQVPDWHULDOV&KH\
enne, WY: ISBU Association.
The studio amply demonstrated that housing using upcycled 8. Urban Space Management (2010) Container City. [Online], Avail
containers can be explored in practice as a viable option in DEOHKWWSZZZ]HQ]HQFRXNLPDJHV&&)5(48(17
India. /<$6.('48(67,216SGI
9. A. Robinson and T. Swindells, Customized Container Architec
ture, apps.acsa-arch.org/resources/proceedings/uploads/stream
10. D Kabaria, Principal Designer and Director of Studio Alterna
The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of tives, Pune, India, A questionaire interview conducted on
other members of the faculty team, Nikita Oak and Manjusha 09/03/17
Ukidwe, whose contribution is equal to those of the authors. 7KH0RVW,QÀXHQWLDO6KLSSLQJ&RQWDLQHU+RPHVHYHU%XLOW
They would also like to acknowledge the contribution of the cial-Shipping-Container-..., Accessed 08/03/17
students of this studio who prepared the drawings used for 12. http://containersolutionsindia.com/india-1st-contain
this research paper. er-home-at-bangalore/, Accessed 08/03/17
13. http://bangaloremirror.indiatimes.com/bangalore/others//article
show/21389936.cms? Accessed 08/03/17
REFERENCES 14. Cargo Container Conversion To Modular School Buildings, Di
vision of the State Architect (DSA)., California, US, Issued 04-
1. A.H.Radwan, Containers Architecture-Reusing Shipping Con 15-16
tainers in making creative Architectural Spaces, International
11, November-2015 ISSN 2229-5518

View publication stats 181 4/3/2017 2:37:20 PM

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