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I'll Be The Matriarch in This Life 211 - 220

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I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life

[MTL Result. It’s not perfect Translation result]

Chapter 211

By Google Translate By Papago

It seemed to be a whistling sound. I thought there was going to be a whirreally.

The sound of people's eyes, who were The sound of people's eyes on me all at once
focused on me, all at once to Chanton heading towards Chanton Sushou.
"What, what……."
“Well, what… … .”
Duigi Angenas puffed his lips.
Duigi's Angenas puffed his mouth.
Then I suddenly laughed.
Then she laughed suddenly.
"What a load of nonsense. No, it's not,
“It's ridiculous. No, you are standing... … .” Susher.….”

Sorry Patriarch was looking at me with a little Sushou was looking at me with slightly bigger
wider eyes. eyes.

It was a surprised face. He looked surprised.

I smiled at Chanton Sushou. I grinned at such a chanton sour.

Anyhow, you must have been surprised. Sure, you must be surprised.

Because it was a secret work that only Perez Because it was done in secret with Perez and
and herself knew. himself.

Deliberately pretending to be a bad I acted like we didn't get along on purpose.

relationship, even acting.
I turned my head and looked at Perez.
I turned my head and looked at Perez.
“… … .”
Perez's reaction was not much different from
Perez' reaction wasn't much different from Sushou's.
that of The Patriarch of Sushou.
In amazement, I took off my back from the Surprised, I took my back off the chair and
chair I was sitting on and seemed to get up felt like I was about to jump up.
anytime soon.
"Let's go..."….”
“The Patriarch of Sushou… … .”
Deweige sang Chanton Sushou in a trembling
Duigi sang Chanton Sushou with a trembling voice as if he had witnessed a lover cheating
voice as if he had witnessed the scene of his on him.
lover having an affair.
"Well, what are you talking about, Lord
“Well, what are you talking about right now, Sushou?"
But Chanton Sushou didn't even look at The
However, Chanton Sushou did not even look Patriarch of Angenas.
at The Patriarch of Angenas.
Still looking at me with shaky eyes.
You're still looking at me with shaking eyes.
"Say, let's go, Sushou."
"Speak to me, I'm sorry to go."
"……Lombardi is right."
“… … The Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi is
right.” Chanton Sushou's loud voice rang low in the
conference room.
Chanton Sushou's thick voice rang low in the
conference hall. And slowly rose from his seat.

And slowly he got up from his seat. Over there. Over there.

Jerk, jerk. It was only after Shou looked at the Lord's

shoes that he realized at the sound of
I realized it only after Seo-woo looked at the unusually heavy steps.
shoes of the Lord at the sound of a toxic
footstep. The shoes worn by Chanton Sushou, who is
wearing colorful and expensive clothes on the
On the outside, the shoes worn by Chanton outside, are rugged boots worn by the
Sushou, who is wearing fancy and expensive Imperial Knights.
clothes, are crude military boots worn by the
Imperial Knights. After getting out of the seat, Suh Shou stood
in front of The Patriarch of Brown standing on
So Shou Patriarch, who came out of Ui-seok, the podium.
stood in front of The Patriarch of Brown
standing on the platform. "Huh, huh…".”
“Huh, huh… … .” And then, Chanton Sushou's actions followed
by a deflating sound from all over the place.
And the continued actions of Chanton Sushou
made a sound of deception everywhere. "Chanton Sushou, 41st Imperial Knight of the
Lambrew Empire, meets Brown."
“Lambrew Empire's 41st Imperial Knight
Commander Chanton Sushou meets The His existence itself was like a ferocious
Patriarch of Brown.” weapon, and he bowed his head politely.

The existence itself is like a vicious weapon, Then a fistful hand was brought to his chest.
and Suhshou Patriarch bowed his head
sharply. It was a salute used by active-duty articles to
express their utmost respect.
Then the hand of his clenched fist touched
him to his chest. Now, as if he had forgotten all his articles,
Chanton Sushou, who had only moved as a
It was a salute used by active duty knights to householder of Sushou.
express a sincere example.
"It is an honor to be born in the Empire and
Now, as if he had forgotten all of his to be able to repay the grace of the Brown
knighthood, it was Chanton Sushou, who family this way."
thoroughly acted as a house of Sushou.
However, it seemed like a man who had
“It is an honor to be able to repay the grace never been a knight for a moment before
received by the Brown family as a person Brown.
who was born in the empire and held the
sword.” "Go, thank you…….”

However, standing in front of The Patriarch of Brown said in a trembling voice.

Brown seemed like a person who had never
been a knight for a single moment. Once again, Chanton Sushou, who greeted
him briefly, took out some well-organized
“Thank you… … .” documents from his arms.

Brown said in a trembling voice. "Please take a look at this, Sir Killian."

Chanton Sushou, who once again greeted him It was a meeting full of unexpected situations
briefly, pulled out a few well-organized like a storm.
papers from his arms.

“Look at this, Chairman Killian.”

Chairman Killian, who had been absent-
It was a meeting of unexpected situations like minded for a while, quickly came to his
a storm. senses and asked.

Chairman Killian, who had been vacated for a "What is this?”

moment, quickly woke up and asked.
"It's a document of rights to the lands owned
“What is it?” by the House of Sushou."

“This is a document of rights to the estates "Rights…… Documents?"

owned by the Sushou family.”
Chairman Killian's eyes are round.
"rights… … document?"
"Isn't this a land document?"
Chairman Killian's eyes were round.
"Yes, the House of Sur Shou will hereby hand
"This… … Isn't it a land document?” over the rights of Bellier, Lipota, Romol,
Kipore and Leon to the Browns."
"Yes. This is where Shursher goes to hand
over the rights of Velier, Lipota, Romole, People's mouths were wide open.
Kipore, and Leon to the Browns.”
It's a joke, and I'd rather not take off the
People's mouths were wide open. estate.

It was a joke to take away the manor. It must be a shock to see a family that really
pulls off the estate.
It would be shocking to see a family that
really separates the manor. There are five of them.

Five of them. Then someone said.

Then someone said. "Wait! If it's Bellier, Lipota, Romol, Kipore,

and Leon...….”
"awhile! If it's Velier, Reporta, Romall,
Keypore, and Leon... … .” And someone else said.

And someone else said. "Isn't that the land of Angenas?"

“Isn't that the land of Angenas?” right

Although there was no big city and they Although there were no large cities and no
couldn't even build farming, they were farming, they were ignorantly large lands, but
ignorance of only a wide land area, but the lands of Angenas were right.
Angenas' manor was right.
And at the same time, it was the land of the
And at the same time, it was also the land of Browns that Angenas had taken away.
the Brown family that Angenas took away.
At that moment, a shrill voice rang.
At that moment, a sharp voice rang.
"What are you doing now, Ser Shou!"
“What are you doing now, The Patriarch of
Sushou!” It was Empress Lavini who jumped up from
the audience.
It was Empress Lavini who got up in the
auditorium. "You have no right to surrender the land!"

“I do not have the right to transfer the land to The Empress's beautiful face was distorted
you!” with anger.

The empress's beautiful face was distorted "Hey, Chairman Killian?"

with anger.
I said, raising one hand.
“Hey, Chairman Killian?”
"This is a council of nobles. As far as I know,
I raised one hand and said. people who are not aristocrats don't have a
“This is a noble conference. I know that
people who are not aristocrats do not have Even if it's an imperial family.
the right to speak?”
Empress Lavini glared at me like she was
Even if it is an imperial family. going to kill me.

At my words, Empress Lavini stared as if You're teasing me.

killing me.
"……Lombardi is right. The Empress, please
P. About to rise. refrain from speaking."

“… … The Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi is Chairman Killian had no choice but to say
right. Please refrain from speaking to the with a look of dread.
Empress's mother.”
Chairman Killian said unavoidably with a Empress Lavini trembled and sang the
fearful face that he was about to die. Angenas.

“Duigi!” "Hey, let's go, Sushou!"

Empress Lavini sang The Patriarch of Angenas Duigi Angenas took over Barton from
with her trembling. Empress Lavini and shouted.

“Hey look, let’s go!” "The land is clearly owned by the Angenas!"

Duigi Angenas shouted, taking over the baton "I have the land document."
from Empress Lavini.
"What if I have the documents? Those estates
“The land is clearly owned by the Angenas have been taken care of by our Angenas for
family!” the past 40 years or so.….”

“I have the land document.” "Like the Browns had been taking care of
them for hundreds of years before?"
“Anything if I have the documents? Those
estates have been cared for by our Angenas "Well, that's... At a loss for words, Duigi
for the past 40 years... … .” screamed one more time, wondering if he
had something to say.
“Is it like the Browns had been caring for
hundreds of years before that?” "Obviously, the land was not to be returned
when our Angenas paid it back! Verbal
“Well, that… … Duigi, who was speechless, promises are clear promises, contracts!"
shouted one more time to see if he had
thought of something to say. That's true.

“Obviously, the land is not supposed to be But Chanton Sushou replied with a rare slow
returned to us once Angenas pays it off! Oral smile.
promises are obvious promises, contracts!”
"No, I said I had a plan for the land. So if you
That's right. want it back, you'll have to hurry."

However, in rare cases, Chanton Sushou Then he looked back at the empress and
replied with a slow smile. asked.

"no. I said I had plans for the land. So he said "Isn't that right, Empress?"
that if you want to get it back, you will have
to hurry.” "Chanton Sushou...…!”
Then she looked back at the empress and The empress was already furious.
"You, you...!"
“No, the Empress?”
Perhaps he completely forgot that he had a
“Chanton Sorry… … !” lot of eyes to see, but he was even talking
informally and pointing fingers at Sushou.
The empress was already angry as he was
angry. But whether or not.

"you you… … !” Suh Shou Ghaju asked Chairman Killian.

He had forgotten the fact that he had a lot of "Look at the land documents and contracts of
eyes to see, and he was even pointing and Drine and confirm that the documents are
pointing towards the house. not defective, Madam Speaker."

But whether or not. "Whoa……."

Patriarch Suhshou asked Chairman Killian. A heavy sigh flowed from Chairman Killian.

"Please look at the land documents and He didn't know why this was happening to
contracts I gave you and make sure the him.
documents are free from defects, Sir
Chairman." Palak, palak.

“Who… … .” I could only hear the sound of bells falling

over the conference hall where hundreds of
A heavy sigh flowed from Chairman Killian. people gathered.

The face was that he didn't know why this It was then.
was happening to him.
"Think carefully, Chairman Killian."
Parlac, Parlac.
Empress Lavini said.
Only the sound of a bell was heard in the
conference hall where hundreds of people "You'll have to make the right decision. If you
gathered. don't want to regret it.”

It was then. It was a threat.

“Think well, Chairman Killian.” If you raise Chanton Sushou's hand in this
situation, please be prepared.
Empress Lavini said.
At the moment, I could see an unknown
“You will have to make good judgments. If emotion in Chairman Killian's eyes.
you don't want to regret it.”
Then I went through the documents again
It was blackmail. without answering.

If you raise the hand of Chanton Sushou in After careful reading to the last chapter,
this situation, be prepared. Killian said.

At that moment, I saw an unknown emotion "There's nothing wrong with the documents.
in the eyes of Chairman Killian. As requested, these estates confirm that
ownership has been transferred from Sushou
Then, without an answer, I went through the to Brown."
documents again.
"Chairman Killian!"
After reading through the last chapter,
Chairman Killian said. The Empress called the Chair screaming.

“There is nothing wrong with the document. But Chairman Killian didn't care.
As requested, these estates are bio
confirming that ownership has been Then he handed out the document to Brown
transferred from Sushou to Brown.” and said.

“Chairman Killian!” "Now that the estate issue has been resolved,
there is no reason why the Browns can no
The empress called her chairman as if she longer regain their rights to the nobility. Of
screamed. course, he said the Lombardi family would
pay the back taxes."
But Chairman Killian didn't care.
Chairman Killian looked at me and said.
And he said, handing the documents to the
Browns. "I'll pay you cash in a lump sum."

“There is no reason why the Browns will no I answered refreshingly.

longer be able to regain their nobility rights,
as the estate problem has been resolved. Of "Say 'yes' to the Browns who are in favor of
course, he said that the Lombardi family pays exercising their right to the nobility again."
the noble tax back.”
"I agree."
Chairman Killian said, looking at me.
“I'll give you a lump sum in cash.”
It was a quick fix.
I replied refreshingly.
"Chairman Killian, you can't do this!
“A family that favors the Browns to exercise
their nobility again, say,'I agree.'” This can't be...!"

“I agree.” Deweige shouted as he stormed out of the

seat and into the chair.
"Why? Do you want to say I'll regret it?"
It was a quick fight.
Chairman Killian frowned and told Duigi.
“Chairman Killian! I can't do this!
It was clear that what the empress said
Could this be... … !” touched the chairman's pride.

Duigi shouted out of his seat, rushed to the Yeah, no matter how timid Chairman Killian
chairman's seat. is, why didn't you threaten him in such a
public place?You should.
"Why? Do you want to say that I will regret
it?” I was kicking my tongue and raised my hand.

Chairman Cillian frowned and said to Duigi. "What, Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi."

It was clear that what the empress had said "I was just wondering.”
had touched the pride of her chairman.
In the mayhem of chaos and dismay, the
Okay, no matter how timid Chairman Killian nobles saw me with their faces, "What is it
is, why didn't you threaten him in such a this time?"
public place?
"Bellier, Lipota, Kipore, Romol, and Leon,
I kicked my tongue and raised my hand. aren't they pretty big estates?"

“What is it, Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi.” "But……."

“I’m curious about one thing.” "Then who will be the representative family
of the West? Is it Angenas or Brown?"
In a chaos and amazement, the nobles looked
at me with faces, "What else is it this time?" "Gasp!"
“Velier, Reporta, Kipore, Romol, and Leon The nobles who grasped the intent of my
aren't quite big estates?” question were appalled and drank in vain.

“Sure… … .” "If you think about it, the land that Angenas
and Brown have is almost even."
“So who is the representative family in the
West? Is it Angenas or Brown?” I even added a kind explanation.

“Huh, billion!” "Well, come to think of it...….!”

The nobles who grasped the intentions of my "The representative family is determined by
question were astonished and breathed in the size of the estate!"
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.
“If you think about it roughly, the land of
Angenas and Brown is almost half and half?” Surshou Ghazou is very smart, but only large
lands are chosen and secured as collateral.
I even added a kind more explanation.
"Now, wait a minute…….”
“Well, really, it turns out… … .!”
Chairman Killian said, holding his head.
“The representative family is determined by
the size of the province!” "This is beyond my authority.

Yes, that's what I mean. It's not for the aristocratic council to decide."

The Patriarch of Sushou is very smart and has "Then what happens, Madam Speaker?"
no nutritional value, but he picked only the
bulky land and held it as collateral. Chairman Killian answered a noble's question,
shaking his head.
“Now, wait a minute… … .”
"I turn this over to your conference. Yeah,
Chairman Killian took his head and said. yeah. It's up to you, Your Majesty."

“This is beyond my authority. Quang-!

It's not to be decided by the nobility The door opened and closed loudly with a
conference.” loud noise.

“Then what happens, Chairman?” Looking back, the seat where the empress
was sitting was empty.
To the question of a nobleman, Chairman He left before he even declared the closing of
Killian shook his head and replied. the meeting because he was angry.

“I will hand over this matter to your Majesty's "How rude."

conference. Yes, yes. Your Majesty will
decide.” I muttered loudly, tongue-tied so that
everyone could hear me.
"This, profit……!”
The door loudly opened and closed with a
loud sound. Duigi Angenas stared at me as if he wanted to
tear me apart.
When I turned around, the seat where the
empress was sitting was empty. Why? What? What are you going to do?

She said she was angry, and she left her place "Come on, let's call it a day."
before she even declared the closing.
As the atmosphere became increasingly
“It’s rude.” fierce, Chairman Killian quickly announced
that the meeting was over.
I dragged my tongue and muttered loudly so
that everyone could hear it. "Hey, Madam Speaker."

“This, profit… … !” "……what else, Deputy Patriarch of

That's why Duigi Angenas stared at me as if
he wanted to rip and kill me. Chairman Killian looked at me with a pretty
tired face.
Why? What? What are you gonna do?
I pointed my finger at the gavel and said.
“Come on, I will close the conference.”
"You have to knock."
As the atmosphere became increasingly
bloody, Chairman Killian quickly announced You have to tap the gavel twice to officially
that the meeting was over. end the meeting.

“Hey, Chairman.” "Ah……."

“… … What's more, Deputy Patriarch of Chairman Killian, who was staring down at
Lombardi.” the gavel for a moment, moved his hands
Chairman Cillian looked at me with a very Ground! Ground!
tired face.
It was a jolly sound at the end of the
I said, pointing my finger at the gavel. aristocratic conference, in which Angenas had
lost half of his estate and the Brown family
“You have to beat the ground.” had been reinstated.

The meeting is officially ended only by

tapping the gavel twice.

"Ah… … .”

Chairman Killian, looking down at the gavel

for a moment, mechanically moved his hand.

land! land!

It was a cheerful sound of the end of the

noble meeting in which Angenas had taken
half of the estate and the Browns were
Chapter 212

By Google Translate By Papago

“This book, where did you come from.” "Where did you get this book?"

Chanton Sushou asked Perez in a low voice. Chanton Sushou asked Perez in a low voice.

The young prince, who is only 11 years old, The little prince, who is still only eleven years
stared at such a chanton. old, stared at such a chant.

He was invisible eyes to the extent that he The eyes were so mysterious that I couldn't
could not be considered a young child. think of as a child.

Juves, the prince's swordsmanship teacher, The prince's sword teacher, Uves, was injured
was injured during training and was unable to during training and was unable to teach the
give the second prince's swordsmanship second prince's sword skills.
However, it was not possible for anyone to
However, Myeong-sik couldn't send anyone send him to Hwangja's sword skill class, so
to the prince's swordsmanship class, so the Chanton Suh Shou, the chief of the Knights,
head of the knight, Chanton Sushou, was had visited Poylak Palace as a temporary
about to visit Poi-Lak Palace as a temporary sword skill teacher.
swordsmanship teacher.
However, after seeing the title of the book on
But when he saw the title of the book on the the second prince's desk, Chanton Sushou
desk of The Second Prince, his crying blood seemed to be cooling off.
seemed to cool cold.
He picked up the book.
He picked up the book.
"Why is this……."
“Why is this… … .”
Why is it in the prince?
Why does it belong to the prince.
The royal family did not deserve this book.
The imperial family did not deserve this book.
Perez said as he watched Chanton Sushou
Perez said, watching Chanton Sushou barely barely swallow his anger.
swallowing his anger.
"It's mine."
“It's mine.”
His blunt voice was full of vigilance.
There was a lot of caution in the blunt voice.
Chanton Sushou turned away from Perez and
Chanton Sushou took his gaze away from looked down at the book in his hand.
Perez and looked down at the book in his
hand. "Brown Swordbook" and when I turned one
page, I saw his name.
〈Brown Swordsmanship〉 And when I
turned over one page, I saw his name. Gerard Brown.

Gerard Brown. It was the name of the late predecessor The

Patriarch of Brown at the hands of Angenas.
It was the name of the predecessor The
Patriarch of Brown, who died at Angenas' A very old memory came alive in Chanton
hands. Sushou's head just like yesterday.

A very old memory in Chanton Sushou's mind "Run away, Master!"

was revived as vividly as yesterday's.
Chanton Sushou's father, Ralph Sushou, cried
“Run away, Master!” out to Gerard Brown.

Chanton Sushou's father, Ralph Shurssou, "Or ask the surrounding lords for help, the
cried out to Gerard Brown. knights of the Empire who follow the Browns!
At this rate, everyone will die!"
“Or ask for help from the lords around you,
the knights of the Empire who follow the Upon hearing rumors that the Angenas would
Brown family! Everyone dies this way!” raid the ancient castle where the Browns
were hiding, Ralph hurried to find his teacher.
Ralph hurried to find his teacher when he
heard rumors that Angenas would raid the It just so happens that Gerard Brown is
castle where the people of the Brown family watching the tide of Chanton, son of Ralph
were sheltering. Sershau.

Right now, Gerard Brown was watching the Now you can't care less about a young child
swordsmanship of Chanton, the son of Ralph who can only hold the wooden sword and
Sirshou. wield it. No matter how Ralph dissuaded him,
Gerard Brown even devoted himself to his
No matter how much Ralph held back, no disciple's son.
matter how much Ralph was forced to hold
the wooden sword and swing it, Gerard "Please, Master!"
Brown devoted his heart to the son of his Ralph, who was burning inside, cried out
pupil. again.

“Please, Master!” "Ralph, you're going back to Sushou today."

Burning Ralph shouted once again. ``S, Master?´No, you can't. I'll stay and fight
with the Browns. I'm a knight in the Brown
“Ralph. You are going back to Sushou today.” family!"

'Su, Master??... ?. no. I will remain and fight "No, you are just one of the many Browns
with the Browns. I am a knight of the Brown who have been entrusted with the
family!” Southerners to learn the sword."

"no. You are only one of the many and many "But……!"
Browns' disciples who have learned swords
from the Sousou family.” "Are you going to let your son die?"

"However… … !” Gerard The Patriarch of Brown, who

deliberately twisted his student with harsh
“Are you saying you would even kill your words, bent one knee and aligned his eyes
son?” with Chanton.

Gerard The Patriarch of Brown, who was "Chanton, you said you wanted to be a
deliberately talking about harsh words to his knight, didn't you?”
pupil, bent one of his knees to match
Chanton's eye level. "Yes!"

“Chanton. Did you say you want to be a Gerard The Patriarch of Brown smiled at the
knight?” eyes of a young boy.

"Yeah!" "There's one thing to keep in mind, then. Can

you promise Sir Lee that you will keep it?"
Gerard The Patriarch of Brown smiled as he
looked at the young boy's bright eyes. "Yes, sir!"

“Then, there is one thing to keep in mind. Can Chanton nodded vigorously.
you make a promise with this teacher that
you will keep it?” "Always lift the sword for the weak.

"Yes, teacher!" Keep your word, and don't lie. And finally."

Chanton nodded vigorously.

Gerard Brown said as he groped for the
“Black always lift for the weak. future of young Chanton, who has a genius
for swordmanship.
Keep your promises and don't tell lies. And
lastly." "Finally, if your sword is stronger and sharper
than anyone else, be an imperial knight. And
Gerard Brown said, looking into the future of protect this empire instead of you, Emperor
young Chanton, who has a genius for Durelli?”
At the end of Brown Street, Ralph clenched
“Finally, if your sword is stronger and sharper his fist.
than anyone else, become an imperial knight.
And instead of you, will you protect this And Chanton answered vigorously, unaware
empire, the Imperial Durelli?” of anything.

At the last words of The Patriarch of Brown, "Yes, sir! I'll do that! I'll be a knight in the
Ralph clenched his fist. Knights of the Imperial Family!"

And Chanton replied vigorously without "Yes, that's very reassuring.

knowing anything.
Gerard Brown smiled relievedly as if he was
"Yes, teacher! I'll do that! I will definitely be a truly relieved.
knight of the Imperial Knights!”
That afternoon, Ralph Sushou returned to the
“Yes, that’s very reassuring!” Sushou family with his son Chanton.

Gerard Brown laughed heartily as if he had And that night.

been sincerely relieved.
Angenas attacked the Brown family.
That afternoon, Ralph Sushou returned to the
Shou family with his son Chanton. Although he became a knight of the royal
family to keep that promise.
And that night.
He took over the title of Knight of the
Angenas raided the Brown family. Imperial Family, but had no loyalty to the
royal family in Chanton Sushou's heart.
I became an imperial knight to keep that
promise. The Durelli royal family was uglier than any
other family, as uglier than any other family.
And, although he took over the role of head
of the imperial knight, Chanton Sushou had They were simply not loyal beings.
no loyalty to the imperial family.
Chanton Sushou was unhappy.
The Imperial Durelli, who I saw right next
door, was uglier than any other family. Eventually, tomorrow, I was determined to
lay down my commanding post.
They weren't the ones who could offer
loyalty. "Give me this book."

Chanton Sushou was unhappy. Chanton Sushou said so to the Little Prince.

In the end, tomorrow, it was about to put It would be better for this book to return to
down the position of the knight commander. Sushau Street with yourself, rather than the
prince who might die at the hands of the
“Give me this book.” Empress.

Chanton Sushou said so to the little prince. I thought so.

It would be better for this book to go back to "The book is very precious to me."
the palace with himself, rather than the
prince who never knows when he will die at The second prince replied with a frown,
the hands of the empress. unlike a child.

He thought so. Only then did Chanton take a closer look at

the coroner's book.
“That book is very important to me.”
I read it several times, and there were stains
The Second Prince replied, frowning at his all over the bookshelf.
forehead, not like a child.
The strap tied to the book was also sloppy.
Only then did Chanton take a closer look at
the prosecution book. "Phew."

How many times I read it, there were stains Then the second prince sighed softly.
on my hands all over the bookshelf.
"Take it."
The leash that tied the book was also loose.
"……I thought it was precious."
"I promised you I'd give it to you. If anyone
Then she sighed a small sigh of Second asks, I promised to give it to him."

"take it."
Chanton Sushou frowned because he didn't
“… … Didn't you say it was precious.” understand what the second prince
“Because I promised to give. If someone asks
for it, I promised to give it.” "Tia will be disappointed if you don't give it to
Chanton Shursher wrote her impressions, not
understanding what her Second Prince But even the little prince, who said so,
muttered. seemed quite upset that his shoulders were
“If you don’t give it, Tia will be disappointed.”
Chanton Sushou felt emotional as he seemed
However, it seemed quite sad that the young to have become a bully who had taken away
prince who said so had his shoulders precious things from children.
The second prince snapped at Chanton Suh
She seemed to have become a robber who Shou, who was standing there holding the
stole the precious things of a child. book.

The Second Prince said as if tossing Chanton "If you're not going to teach me the sword,
Sushou, who was standing in a hurry with a go back."
book like that.
Chanton Sushou shook his head.
“If you're not going to teach her
swordsmanship, go back quickly.” I couldn't get a book from a prince who was
smaller and thinner than his age and go back
Chanton stood crying and shook his head. without doing anything.

She received a book from a prince who was "I'll teach you."
thinner than her age and could not return
without doing anything. "I don't need sympathy.”

“I will teach you.” But it was the prince's cold refusal to return.

“I don’t need sympathy.” "You have compassion for me now.”

But it was the prince's cold rejection that His blood-red eyes seemed to penetrate
came back. Chanton Sushou.

“You are sympathizing with me now.” "Okay, I've memorized everything in the
coroner's book.
Blood-red eyes seemed to see through You can do it alone."
Chanton Sushou.
On the back of the second prince, who was
"done. I memorized all the contents of the about to go outside with a wooden sword,
prosecution book. Chanton Sushau asked.

I can do it alone.” "Why do you want to learn the sword?”

Putting the wooden sword on the back of The Then the second prince answered briefly.
Second Prince, who was about to go outside,
Chanton Sushou asked. "I'm sick of being weak. And because I
“Why are you trying to learn a sword?”
"I promised that I would study hard and
Then the second prince replied briefly. practice swordsmanship every day.”

“Because I’m sick of being weak. And I The two princes who said so went out alone.
Chanton Suh Shou, who was standing there
“I promised to study hard and practice for a while, followed the second prince.
swordsmanship every day.”
It was to become a swordsmanship teacher.
The second prince, who said so, went out
alone. It wasn't sympathy.

Chanton Sushou, who was standing there for It was because Uves made the compliments
a while, also followed the second prince. of the second prince dry every day and
became curious.
She was to become a swordsman teacher.
To that little prince with pretty nice eyes,
It wasn't her pity. unlike the Durelli people.

It was because Juves gave the Second Prince's "Let's go."

praise every day to dry his mouth, and he was
curious. Chanton Sushou awoke from his thoughts at
the sound of calling himself.
To that little prince who has pretty cool eyes,
not like a person on the Durelli family. He was standing in front of the aristocratic
building where the aristocratic council was
“The Patriarch of Sushou.” held.

"You did a great work. I'll see you later."

Chanton Susher awakened from his thoughts
at the cry of crying himself. Perez said, tapping The Patriarch of Sushou
on the shoulder.
He was standing in front of the noble
assembly building where the nobility "Is your back all right?"
conference was held.
“It was a lot of work. See you later.”
"The other day."
Perez said, patting Patriarch on the shoulder.
It was a cut-off word, but Perez understood
“Are your back okay?” what the Sushou Patriarch meant.

"Etc?" And the thick eyebrows frowned

“The other day.”
"Do you think I'm still struggling with that
The words were cut off the front and back, injury?"
but Perez understood what The Patriarch of
Sushou meant. "……No."

And his dark eyebrows frowned unpleasantly. Chanton Sushou bowed his head shallowly.

“Do you think I'm still struggling with such an At that time, Lombardi's carriage, which had
injury?” been parked in Jeomanchi, was seen firing.

“… … no." "Don't you have to follow me?”

Chanton Susher crying shallowly bowed his The Patriarch of Sushou asked Perez.
But Perez shook his head.
At that time, I could see Lombardi's carriage
standing in the middle of a row. "Now Tia has something to do.

“Is it okay not to follow along?” The same goes for me. I'll see you later."

Sashou Patriarch asked Perez. The voice that said so was calm.

But Perez shook his head. "Then let me ask you a question."

“Now Tia has a job to do. Chanton Sushou said to Perez, who turned
The same goes for me. We meet later.”
"Dear Lady Lombardi...… did you share
The voice saying that was calm. everything?”

“If so, I will ask you one thing.” Florentia Lombardi asked Chanton, citing
exactly the territorial issue.
Turning around, said Chanton Sushou to
Perez. As if I knew all the plans that were kept
strictly secret.
“To Lady Lombardi… … Did you share
everything?” "No."

Florentia Lombardi asked Chanton, accurately "But how did Lady Lombardi all know?”
addressing the problem of the estate.
"Let's go."
As if you know all the plans that have been
kept in strict secrecy. Perez told confused Chanton Sushou.

"no." "If it weren't for Tia, you and I wouldn't be

having this conversation.”
“By the way, how did Lady Lombardi know
everyone?” There was a deeper crease between the eyes
of Chanton Sushou's words, but there was no
“The Patriarch of Sushou.” further explanation.

Perez said to Chanton Sousou, confused. Perez only walked to the place where his
carriage was, leaving a brief greeting.
“If it weren't for Tia, you and I wouldn't have
had a conversation like this.” "I'll see you at the convention next time."

At Perez's words, deeper wrinkles were made In front of a building owned by the
in Chanton Sushou's brow, but there was no aristocracy, where most of the nobles still
further explanation. remained, Perez's carriage was already ready
to go and was on standby.
Perez simply left a short greeting and walked
to his carriage. Nothing has changed.

“I’ll see you at the conference next time.” Still, four gentle-eyed horses were pulling
carriages, surrounded by imperial knights.
In front of the building owned by the nobles,
where most of the nobles still remain, Perez' But Perez's walk stopped while walking in the
carriage was already ready to go and waiting. carriage.
Nothing has changed. And at one point, a curvy half-smile hung
over the corners of his mouth.
Four horses with gentle eyes were still pulling
the carriage, and the Imperial Knights were Slowly, the royal knights escorting around the
escorting them around it. carriage were scanned.

However, Perez stopped walking by the Flinch.

Imperial knights looked forward and avoided
And then, at one point, a bitter half-laughter Perez's gaze.
caught up in the shape of the corner of his
mouth. Looking at such articles, Perez, who built
another shallow arsenic, got on the carriage
Slowly, I glanced over the faces of the and ordered.
imperial knights escorting the carriage.
"To the palace."
The imperial knights looked forward and
avoided Perez' gaze. The carriage immediately began to move as
Perez climbed on.
Seeing such articles, Perez, who once again
built shallow arsenic, got into the carriage Like an imperial object, the carriage was
and ordered. splendid and tranquil.

“I go to the Imperial Palace.” Perez opened his mouth after hearing a

constant noise from the carriage wheels,
Sweet. which sounded as small as work from a very
far away place.
As Perez got on, the carriage started moving
right away. "If you have something to say, say it.”

Like an imperial property, the inside of the Cold red eyes captured the person sitting
carriage was gorgeous and quiet. opposite.

Perez opened his mouth, listening to the "The Empress."

constant noise of the carriage wheel, which
was heard small as if it were a work far away.

“If you have anything to say, do it.”

The cold red eyes captured the person sitting ***
across from him.


Lombardi's mansion.

"The Browns have successfully returned, and

*** it remains to be determined at the
conference who is representative of the

"Huh! Good job, good job!"

Lombardi mansion. Grandfather laughed loudly.

“Sushou has been successfully restored, and "Are you surprised when you join the
it remains to be determined who the aristocracy?"
representative family of the West is at the
convention.” "He thought I was here to see my
"haha! Good job, good job!”
I replied with a shrug.
My grandfather laughed out loud.
"Really? So what did you say?”
“When you joined the nobles' association,
were those chies amazed a lot?” "I told you I was Lombardi's deputy."

“I thought I came to see my grandfather.” "LOL! A lot of people must have been
I shrugged once and answered.
"Yes. I'm glad no one collapsed from a heart
"okay? So what did you say?” attack."

“You said that I was Lombardi's Deputy My grandfather burst into a bigger laugh at
Patriarch.” my words.

“Hahaha! You must have been surprised a And asked me in a quiet voice.
"So how was it? Living a day as a deputy
"Yeah. I am glad that no one has collapsed
from a heart attack.” "It's perfect, it's perfect for me."

My grandfather burst into laughter at my I answered with a smile blooming from the
words. inside.

And he asked me in a subtle voice. "Please let me live, Grandpa."

“So how was it? I lived a day as an Deputy to I said it lightly, but my grandfather knows
the Patriarch of Lombardi.” that my heart is in it.

“It's perfect. It fits your aptitude.” My grandfather's brown eyes were staring at
me as if he knew everything.
I replied without hiding the laughter from the
inside. After looking at me for a few seconds without
a word, my grandfather opened his mouth.
“Please let me go, Grandpa.”
"Our Tia says so. What do you all think?"
I said it lightly, but my grandfather knows
that my sincerity is in it. Listening to the joke-like conversation
between my grandfather's questions, the
My grandfather's brown eyes were looking at meeting room filled with thorns looked at me
me as if he knew everything. in unison.

My grandfather, who looked at me silently for

a few seconds, opened his mouth.

“My Tia said yes. What do you all think?”

At the question of my grandfather, I was

listening to a joke-like conversation between
my grandparents and grandparents.
Chapter 213

By Google Translate By Papago

“I will quit.” "I'll quit."

It was the first words the empress said. It was the first word the Empress brought up.

“I don’t stop here. So leave Angenas alone.” "This is where I'll stop. So leave Angenas
The noble speech and smiles I used all the
time had already been thrown out of the The usual lofty tone and smile had already
carriage. been thrown out of the carriage.

Her face was frustrated, leaving only a look of His face only left a hint of paranoia and
exhaustion. exhaustion.

“I have already lost half of the estate. Even if "We've already lost half of our territory. At
you leave it like this, Angenas will not pose a this rate, Angenas will not pose a major
great threat to your path.” threat to your future."

Perez didn't answer. Perez did not answer.

Instead, he slowly moved his body, crossing Instead, he moved slowly, crossed his legs,
her legs and looking at Empress Lavini with an and looked at Empress Lavini with an oblique
oblique gaze. gaze.

Said the empress, who received the gaze for a The empress, who had been drawing that
while. gaze for a while, said.

“I promise.” "I promise."

“… … It's a promise.” "……promise."

At last, Perez, who had been firmly shut, Finally, Perez's tight-lipped mouth opened.
opened her mouth.
"What exactly do you promise?”
“What exactly are you promised?”
At Perez' question, Empress Lavini's eyelids Empress Lavini's eyelids trembled at Perez's
trembled, as if it was difficult to bear her question as if they could not stand the
feelings of contempt. humiliation.

“Angenas… … .” "Angelas is……".”

Empress Lavini's voice shook so softly that his Empress Lavini's voice shook so gently that
sympathy would seem. her sympathy could be justified.

“Angenas will live silently without going to "Angelas will not stand in the center and live
the center in the future.” in silence."

"And?" "And?"

“I will stamp Angenas' first sign of approval in "I will stamp the first sign of Angenas'
the consent for the appointment of the approval in the motion to appoint the Crown
prince with your name written on it.” Prince with your name written on it."

"And?" "And?"

Perez cynically asked again. Perez asked cynically again.

“What the hell are you hoping for more "What more do you want here?"
Empress Lavini asked, raising her voice.
Empress Lavini asked, raising her voice.
But Perez only shook his head leisurely.
But Perez just shook her head leisurely.
"Isn't the presentation too poor, Empress?
“Aren’t the things you presenting too I've got Mama's breath in my hand."
meager, Empress. I'm holding Mama's breath
in her grasp right now.” There was even a faint smile in his voice.

There was even a slight smile in her voice. The empress glared to kill such a Perez.

She stared as if the Empress would kill Perez. But that's also for a while.

But it's also for a while. Soon Lavini breathed out a resigned breath.

Soon Lavini exhaled her resignation. "I will step down from my position as
“I will withdraw from the empress.”
It was a surprise this time.
This time it was unexpected.
The empress handed out a better card than I
She was the empress pushing a good card thought.
beyond her thoughts.
Quiet red eyes looked at the empress.
The serene red eyes stared at the empress.
And said it like a throw.
And she threw it off.
"That's not how you apologize.
“Apple doesn't do that.
Get down on your knees."
Get down on her knees.”
The Empress opened her eyes at Perez's
At Perez's words, the empress opened her words.
But that's all.
But that's all.
There was no such thing as 'lowly' or
Words such as ‘meaning’ or ‘negative crab’ 'fourthly' that followed.
that usually follow were not attached.
“Who… … .”
The empress sighed as if to calm down.
Her long sigh sighed, as if the Empress was
barely calming her anger. His eyes, which were staring at Perez, also
closed tightly.
Her eyes, staring at her Perez, also closed
tightly. And

And. Flop.

dump. The empress rose from her seat and knelt on

the floor of the carriage.
The empress got up from her seat and knelt
her on the floor of her carriage. "I apologize here. So, please...….”

“I apologize for this. So, please... … .” Lavini, who lowered his head slightly, uttered
words and words as if he were struggling to
Lavini, with her head lowered slightly, spit out chew.
a word, a word, as if struggling with pain.
Perez looked down at it with cold eyes. Perez looked down at the figure with cold
Her triumph was not reflected on her face,
which the empress could not see. There was no sense of triumph on the face
that the empress did not see.
While staring at the empress for a moment,
Perez suddenly looked out the window of her While staring at the empress for a moment,
carriage. Perez suddenly looked out of the carriage
A knight who was constantly looking around
the carriage with an anxious face was seen A knight, who continued to look back at the
turning her head hastily when an eye contact carriage with an anxious face, was seen
with Perez. turning his head in a hurry when Perez met
his eyes.
“What do you want?”
"What do you want?"
“Block the conference. There is nothing else.”
"Please stop the conference. That's all there
“… … That's a reasonable price.” is to it."

When Perez said that, the face of Empress "……that's a reasonable price."
Lavini turned red.
Empress Lavini's face glowed when Perez said
“Well, that’s what you want to do… … .” so.

“My mother, who died at the apology of "Well, that's what I'm going to do.….”
Empress Hana, does not come back alive.”
"My mother, who died of the Empress Hana's
“You, you… … .” apple, will not return alive."

The empress was angry and tried to get up "You, you, uh....”
from her seat.
The Empress tried to rise from her seat in
But with no time for Lavini to escape her anger.
body, Perez leaned over her to face her face
right away. But with Lavini no room to duck back, Perez
leaned down and made a face-to-face
“I will tell you the future of Empress.” encounter.

Red eyes shone eeriely. "I will tell you the future of the Empress."

The red eyes shined eeriely.

“Yes, it would be better to start with Angenas
first.” "Yeah, we'd better start with Angenas.”

Perez said as if he had decided. Perez said as if he had decided.

And he lifted one index finger straight out. Then I straightened out a index finger and
held it.
"1 year. In a year, Angenas' name will
disappear completely from this land. It will "In a year's time, the name of Angenas will
not be found on the map, of course, on the disappear completely from this land. You
noble list. In a few years or so, even the won't find it on the map, as well as on the
commoners who say you are so dirty will aristocratic register. In a few years or so, even
say,'Is there such a family?'” the commoners you say are so dirty will say,
"Did you have such a family?"
“Second Prince… … .”
"Two princes……."
“It's not over yet.”
"It's not over yet."
Perez shook her head and shut the empress's
mouth. Perez shook his head and covered the
Empress' mouth.
“And when Angenas is scattered, I will search
the Imperial Palace. And I will make those "And when Angenas is scattered, I will search
who are loyal to the Empress, like animal the palace. And we will remove those loyal to
bones. the Empress like animal bones.

one by one. all." One at a time. Everything."

Perez didn't laugh. Perez did not laugh.

“Astana will be sent to the battlefield on the "I'm sending Astana to the battlefield on the
outskirts. If you have the talent, you can periphery. If you have a talent, you can
survive. On the battlefield, if she gets a knife survive. On the battlefield, I don't know who
behind her back, she knows who it will be.” I'm going to be even if I'm stabbed in the
But I was having fun.
But I was enjoying myself.
Watching the fear spread over the empress's
face. Watching the fear spread over the Empress'
“And you are left alone.”
"And you who are left alone."
At the moment, the back of Empress Lavini
was creepy. At the moment, the spine of Empress Lavini
was horrified.
It was because Perez was slowly smiling in
front of her. It was because Perez was smiling slowly in
front of his eyes.
“You will be trapped in a place no one knows.
"You'll be trapped in a place where no one
Where no one can help, no one can hear knows.
Where no one can help, no one can hear
Like I was left alone in that falling star palace. you."

“And just die alone there, Empress. This is Like I was left alone in that falling star palace.
your future that has already been decided.”
"And that's where you just die alone,
Ts. Empress. This is your future already set."

Perez kicked his tongue. Chew.

At that time, the carriage rattled loudly once. Perez kicked his tongue.

“I arrived at the Imperial Palace.” At that time, the carriage rattled loudly once.

With Perez's horse, the carriage was slowly "We've arrived at the palace."
slowing down.
With Perez's horse, the carriage was slowly
“You still have to thank me for rushing to slowing down.
give. At least everything will end quickly.”
"But you'll have to thank me for my haste. At
The carriage completely stopped. least it'll all be over soon.”

However, there was no attendant running The carriage came to a complete stop.
with a footstool.
But there was no servant running with a
The imperial knights weren't getting close foothold.
enough to the ugly momentum.
He was unable to come close to the brutal
I can't help it. spirit of imperial knights.

Perez woke up, muttering so briefly. There is nothing I can do.

"But don't ask me for mercy, Empress." Perez lifted himself up with such a short
Perez's hand twisted the doorknob of the
carriage. "But don't ask me for mercy, Empress."

“From the beginning, wasn't it a game that Perez's hand twisted the doorknob of the
ends when one of you and me disappears?” carriage.

Then politely opened the carriage door to the "From the beginning, you and I, one of us,
Empress and said. wasn't a game that didn't end when it was
“Please get off. There is no way back already,
Empress.” Then he politely opened the carriage door to
the Empress and said.
With the door wide open without a chance to
stop, the imperial knights and the servants "Get off, ma'am. There's no turning back
who were standing farther away have already."
witnessed it.
The royal knights and their servants, who
The figure of the empress kneeling in her were standing far away, witnessed through
knees in front of Perez. the wide open door without stopping.

Their eyes wide open in astonishment. The image of the Empress kneeling before
“Then I will get off first. Goodbye.”
Their eyes opened wide with astonishment.
Perez said so and stepped off the carriage.
"Then I'll get off first. Goodbye."
Then he gave the words to the attendant.
Perez stepped off the carriage saying so.
“The Empress's mother will need a footstool.
Come on, colonel.” Then I gave my word to the servant.

Leaving that word alone, Perez moved his "The Empress will need a foothold. Come on,
step toward Foy Rock Palace. get him."

The Academy Triple Room, which had been With only that left, Perez took a step toward
waiting in advance, quickly stuck behind it. Poylakgung Palace.

However, wonders ran over their faces. The three members of the Academy, who
were waiting in advance, quickly joined after
"Majesty?" that.
Perez' face was getting colder and colder. But a sense of wonder crossed their faces.

I knelt the empress to her knees, why the "Your Highness?"

It was because Perez's face was getting cold.
Perez, who was walking in the lead, said in a
low voice. I knelt down the empress, why the hell?

“Leignite.” Perez, who was walking in the lead, said in a

low voice.
“Yes, your majesty.”
“Make more thorough surveillance on
Astana.” "Yes, Your Grace."

“Silly brother? why?" "More thorough surveillance of Astana."

Jerk, jerk. "Silly brother? Why?"

Perez replied with the sound of heavy Over there. Over there.
footsteps walking on the stone path of the
Imperial Palace. Perez answered with a heavy sound of
footsteps walking down the stone path of the
“He did not ask for Astana's work even imperial palace.
though he was kneeling down to his knees.”
"He knelt down and didn't ask for Astana's
Perez didn't believe for a single moment that job.”
the empress's acting was sincere.
Perez didn't believe for a moment that the
For that, he has seen the empress for too Empress's performance was genuine.
I've seen the Empress too long to do that.
So she knew well too.
So I also knew very well.
The Empress never gave up Astana.
The Empress never gives up on Astana.
Lavini wants absolute power, and without
Astana he can't hold it in his hand. Lavini wants absolute power, and without
Astana he can't hold it in his hand.
I just wanted to offend Perez himself and
make some time.
I just wanted to keep Perez off her guard and
“Sooner or later, the empress will move.” buy her time.

Of the things the Empress said in her carriage, "The Empress will move soon."
there is only one truth about her.
Of all the things the Empress said in the
It was just that I was very afraid of what carriage, there's only one truth.
would happen at the conference.
I was just very afraid of what would come out
of the competition.



Meeting room at Lombardi mansion.

No one easily answered my grandfather's Lombardi Mansion Conference Room.

No one answered my grandfather's question
“I guess everyone has a lot of thoughts.” easily.

My grandfather nodded and said. "Everyone must have a lot on their minds.”

"okay. I wouldn't have called you like this if it Grandfather nodded and said.
had been just to make the Deputy Patriarch.
Everyone will work hard.” "Yeah, I wouldn't have brought you here if I
had just had to make you Deputy Patriarch." I
At the words of my grandfather, the lords hope you're all right?”
fluttered again.
My grandfather's words stirred up again.
“A succession… … Are you talking?”
"Are you talking about... succession?”
Everyone held their breath and waited for
Grandpa's answer. Everyone waited with bated breath for
grandfather's answer.
The same was the case with me.
The same was true of me.
Like a student waiting for a report card, I
looked at my grandfather's mouth with an Like a student waiting for his report card, he
irritable heart. only looked at my grandfather's mouth with
His heart seemed to pop out of his mouth.
My heart was about to pop out of my mouth.
"That's right."
I knew it!
Two fists hidden under the table were
clenched. I clenched my fists under the table.

Not just a Deputy Patriarch, but the successor Lombardi's successor to the post, not just
to Lombardi. Deputy Patriarch.

Ah, so good! Oh, I love it!

The words I heard directly from my The words I heard directly from my
grandfather's mouth were so sweet that I felt grandfather were so sweet that I felt like I
like I was going to fall. was about to faint.

'done! It’s done!’ It's okay! It's okay!

I want to get up and shout. I want to stand up and shout.

I swallowed that cheer and succeeded in I managed to gulp down the cheers and smile
quietly smiling. quietly.

“Tea.” "Tia."

Grandpa called me. My grandfather called me.

“Everyone seems to have an anxious mind.” "Everyone seems anxious."

“You can.” "That's understandable.”

I nodded and looked at the people. I looked back at the people with a nod.

I mean it. I meant it from the bottom of my heart.

Even like me, it would be worrisome. I would be worried as well.

Skipping the sons and daughters of Patriarch, Skipping the son and daughter of the
and going back to the granddaughter under householder, and moving to the
them... … .That's still ridiculous to me. granddaughter below him...….And to me,
who is still ridiculously young.
“I understand it because you care for the
Lombardi family.” "I understand because you care about
Lombardi's family."
Because I know well what can happen when
the wrong person becomes a state. I know what can happen when the wrong
person becomes a householder.
“Yes, then this grandfather asks a few
questions. She will answer that question "Well, let me ask you a few questions.
honestly.” Answer that question honestly."

“Yes, Grandpa.” "Yes, Grandpa."

“How do you think Lombardi should behave “Lombardi in the present situation should you
in the current situation?” do?”

“Lombardi… … I tried to answer right away, "Lombardi is……" I tried to answer right away
but I shut up again. and shut up again.

It was because I remembered a previous life I It was because I remembered my previous life
wanted to shout out loud about what I'm that I wanted to shout out what I was about
about to say. to say.

“Hmm.” "Hmm."

I pretended to be coughing and took my I pretended to cough, I picked my breath.

If I didn't do that, I felt like I would burst out
If I didn't do that, it seemed that the old the old anger that I had forgotten for a while.
resentment I had forgotten for a while would
burst out. "The path that Lombardi has to take now is so
simple and clear."
“The path Lombardi has to go now is so
simple and clear.” Unable to do this simple thing in previous life,
the Lombardi family had to shut down.
In previous lives, he couldn't do this simple, Because I couldn't do this easy thing.
and the Lombardi family had to close.
My great Lombardi, had to disappear into
Because I can't do this easy thing. history.

My great Lombardi had to disappear into I spoke to my grandfather and the thorns
history. looking at me.

I spoke to my grandfather and the vassals "The Second Prince will be the Crown Prince,
who were looking at me. so you can maintain a friendly relationship
with the Prince Perez and take advantage of
“She's going to be the Second Prince, so she it. That's all."
just needs to keep a friendly relationship with
Second Prince Perez and take whatever But in this life, that doesn't happen.
advantage she can take. That's all.”
I came back for this moment, and I ran all the
But in this life, there is no such thing. way here.

I came back for this moment, and I ran all the

way here.
Chapter 214

By Google Translate By Papago

“Though things are going to favor His Majesty "Things are going in favor of the Second
the Second Emperor, it is His Majesty who Prince, but it is the Emperor who finally."
eventually makes the decision.”
Bray, who was listening in silence, said the
Bray Patriarch, who was listening silently, Patriarch.
"And even though the lands of Angenas have
“In addition, the territory of Angenas has been reduced and demoralized, isn't the
shrunk and the momentum has declined, but representative family of the West still
isn't Angenas still the representative family in Angenas?"
the West?”
"That's what I think."
“I think so too.”
Herringa's lead also agreed with that.
Heringa's Patriarch also agreed with the
statement. "If the lands now owned by Angenas and
Brown are about the same size, the Emperor
“If the size of the estates now owned by will favor Angenas."
Angenas and Brown are of the same size, the
Emperor's Majesty will raise the hand of Everyone seemed to agree.
Still, the Angenas were the Empress' family.
It was an atmosphere that everyone agreed.
"No, western representatives will change."
Because Angenas was still the Empress's
family. At this competition, no matter what.

"no. The western representative will change.” But when I said it, Herringa's Patriarch shook
his head.
Unconditionally in this tournament.
"It's going to be difficult under the
But at my words, Heringa's Patriarch shook circumstances, Lady Florentia."
his head.
It was a polite but firm assurance.
“It will be difficult with the current situation,
Lady Florentia.” "It's gonna change."
It was a polite but firm guarantee. "Anything difficult?"

“Because it will change?” "Oh, my God. It's going to change."

“Even if it will be difficult?” "Even if I say it's difficult!"

“Ah, I'm glad. It will change.” Oh, I'm getting a little emotional.

“Even if you say it's difficult!” I asked with a little mischievous smile.

Oh, it's a little crying? "Then do you want to make a bet with me,
Lord Herring?"
I laughed a little bitterly and asked.
"Well, shall we!"
“Then will you bet with me, Lord Herring?”
As the atmosphere spread like this, the
“Well, will it be!” owners of the vassal family began to ask me
questions freely.
As the atmosphere spread like this, the heads
of the Vongshin family started asking me "Then can I hear what you think of other
questions freely. parts of the country except the west?"

“If so, would you be able to hear your It was Dillard in the city of Rome.
thoughts on other regions except the West?”
As a man who runs the top of Lombardi
It was Dillad in Rome. throughout the empire, he knows how to see
the bigger picture.
He knows how to see a little bigger picture,
like a person who runs the top of Lombardi "The most worrying thing is the South."
throughout the empire.
"If it's the South, do you mean Ser Shou?"
“The most worrying thing is the South.”
"Yes, now Western umbrella crops are
“If it’s in the south, are you sad?” spreading throughout the Empire. In
particular, the West is accustomed to lower
"Yeah. Currently, the grain of the Seosher grain prices because of the close agreement
Umbrella is spreading throughout the empire. between the Empress and Sushou family. But
The West, in particular, is accustomed to what happens when the owner of the
lower grain prices because of the close household raises the price of grain?”
agreement between the Empress and the
Patriarch of Sushou. But what will happen at
that time if The Patriarch of Sushou raises the 'Ugh……' Low-pitched sounds flowed from
price of grain?” place to place.

“Uh... … .” Low invasiveness flowed from all "Of course, I'm not just talking about financial
over. gains from price differences. Something more
frightening than that.
“Of course, I am not just talking about the
monetary gains that come from the price "It's the initiative taken by Sushou.”
difference. More fearful than that
Said Dillard, rubbing his beard in Rome.
“It’s the initiative that Sushou took.”
"Yes, that's right. There's no place in the
Dillard said, rubbing his beard in the city of South that can produce a large amount of
Rome. grain without worrying about drought."

"Yes, that's right. No other place can reliably In short, if the empire had a bad harvest, it
produce large amounts of grain right now meant that people had no choice but to buy
without worrying about drought as in the Sushou's grain, whether they liked it or not.
"They've been selling grain at a low price
In short, if the empire had a poor harvest, it without much greed, but they're not the kind
meant that people liked but hated it, but they of person who's going to give us a new one."
had no choice but to buy the grain of Shou.
Everyone nodded as if they agreed with me.
“Since then, Sushou has been selling grain at
low prices without much greed, but the new "What about the east and the north?"
Sushou is not that person.”
"The North won't be much different for the
As if everyone agreed with me, he nodded his time being. The new Ivan Patriarch is just
head. sitting down, and recovery from the
devastating damage caused by the landslide
“Then what about the East and the North?” will be overwhelming. And the east...….”

“There will be no big surprises in the North I once again looked at the city of Rome at
for the time being. The new Ivan Patriarch Dillard and said.
has just been seated, and just recovering
from the massive damage caused by the "The top owner needs to work harder."
landslide will be overwhelming. And the
eastern part... … .” Dillard was seen clenching his lips in the city
of Rome on thorny
I said once again looking at Dilad in the city of
"I don't know what it'd be like to say
“The top owner needs to work harder.” something like this, but my grandfather told
me to answer honestly."
At the thorny words, I saw Dillard close his
mouth in the city of Rome. "Yes, you should."

“I don't know what it would be like to speak Grandfather smiled contentedly.

pungent words at a place like this, but my
grandfather told me to answer honestly.” "Continued, how many Lombardi top
branches are in the East now?"
“Yes, you should.”
My grandfather laughed satisfactorily.
"I see. I was expecting ten places in by now.”
“Continuing to say, how many upper
branches of Lombardi are currently located in "……I'm sorry."
the East?”
In Rome, Dillard narrowed the brow.
“There are five.”
"It's certainly worth reflecting on the fact that
"i See. I was hoping that there would be ten we haven't yet taken the initiative from
places by now.” Pellet. Is the top of Lombardi behind Pellet's
scale or out of money?"
“… … Sorry."
Even though it's my company.
In Rome, Dillard narrowed the eyebrows.
Yet Pellet is small compared to Lombardi's
“It is definitely worth reflecting on that we top.
have not yet taken the initiative in Eastern
trade from the Pellets. Is the top of Lombardi But it was a serious problem that Lombardi's
behind in the scale compared to the top of top had not yet taken the initiative in an
the pellets or in the fund?” important market like the East.

Even though it's my company. "I've heard that the Lord Dillard is also
choosing a successor these days. Your first
The pellet market is still smaller than the top son of the last few years has been running
of Lombardi. the top? Is it because of that?”

However, it was a serious problem that the That means that the eldest son is not
top Lombardi had not yet taken the lead in an qualified to lead Lombardi's top ranks.
important market like the East.
“I heard that Dilad Patriarch is also looking for I asked the next question without waiting for
a successor. Your first son has been running an answer.
the top for the past few years, right? Is it
because of that?” "The Pellet Corporation has secured three
ports in Chesail Harbor, and we know it will
If so, it means that his eldest son doesn't increase to four by next month. So how many
have the qualities to lead the top of designated terms do we have at the top of
Lombardi. Lombardi?”

I asked the next question without waiting for "Two……."

an answer.
Dillard's voice was a little somber in Rome.
“The Pellet Corporation has secured three
ports in Chesayu Port, and I know it will "Lord Dillard."
increase to four in the next month. So how
many designated ports at the top of our I said with a smile, though, with courtesy.
"You don't have to tell me more, do you?"
"two… … is."
"……I'll correct it."
Dillard's voice was a little gloomy in Rome.
Dillard replied, bowing his head completely in
“Lord Dillard.” front of me, in Rome, who was known for his
fastidious attitude and stiffness.
I said with a polite smile, though.
At that time, the Devon family householder,
“I don’t have to tell you more, you know, Klang Devon, called me with a little
right?” hesitation.

“… … I will correct it.” "Lady Florentia. Can I ask you a question that
might be a little rude?"
Dillard replied, bowing his head completely in
front of me, in the city of Rome, which is "Yes, go ahead."
known for being stiff and stiff among the
vassals. "If you become a surrogate and a formal
successor…What happens to your
At that time, Klang Devon, the Patriarch of engagement to the Second Prince?”
the Devon family, called me a little hesitating.
Everyone looks at me with a hot look, turning
“Lady Florentia. May I ask you a question that their heads to see if they were curious.
might be a little rude?”
Oh, that one.
“Yes, do it.”
I curled the corners of my mouth a little
“If you become Patriarch's representative and reflexively.
official successor… … How is your
engagement with your Majesty the Second I guess I'm smiling right now.
I was also a little worried.
If everyone was curious, they turned their
heads and looked at me with a hot gaze. "The most important thing to me is
Ah. that.
I tried my best to speak in a calm tone.
I reflexively closed my mouth a little.
"I'm not going to abandon the castle
I must be smiling right now. Lombardi."

I also had a bit of anxiety. "Phew."

“The most important thing for me is Klang Devon could hear a small sigh of relief.
There have been some questions since then.
I tried to speak as calmly as possible.
There was nothing difficult or difficult for me
“I will never abandon the castle of Lombardi.” to answer.

“Whew.” "Then I'll ask you the last question."

I heard Klang Devon exhaling a small sigh of Grandfather said, pulling himself off the back
relief. of the chair.

After that, several questions came and went. Lombardi is the closest family to the imperial
family, but at the same time, he is the only
There was nothing difficult or difficult for me family that can keep them in check. The
to answer. empire's nobles depend a lot on us
“Then the last question is me.”
You're right.
My grandfather said, taking himself off the
back of the chair. No aristocrat wants the emperor to wield all
power at will.
“Lombardi is the closest family to the imperial
family, but at the same time is the only family
that can hold them in check. The nobles of "But at the same time, they don't want
the empire depend a lot on our Lombardi.” Lombardi to have more power than the
imperial family. Because we already have a
That's right. lot of things."

No nobleman wants the emperor to have all My grandfather's words made all the lords
the power and wield it at will. laugh a little.

“But they also don't want Lombardi to have "But if, as you say, the second prince
power over the imperial family. Because we becomes the crown prince and becomes the
already have a lot of things.” emperor in the future, there will be voices of
concern that the Lombardi and the emperor
At the words of my grandfather, all the are too close. Lombardi seems to be a
vassals shed a little laughter. dangerous power because even the emperor
can do as he pleases. What do you think
“But, as you said, if the Second Prince about this?"
becomes the Crown Prince and rises over the
Emperor in the future, there will be voices of Grandfather was already asking if Perez had
concern that The Patriarch of Lombardi and become emperor and assumed that I had
the Emperor are too close. The Patriarch of become a Patriarch, not a Patriarch heir.
Lombardi is able to do whatever he wants to
the emperor, so it looks like a dangerous I was lost in thought.
power. What do you think about this
matter?” But the agony was not long.

My grandfather was already asking, assuming "First of all, Lombardi is not a place to ask
that Perez became emperor and when I permission from other nobles in the Empire.
became a Patriarch, not a successor to There's no reason for me to allay their
Patriarch. concerns."

I was in thought. "Huh, yeah, that's true."

However, the worries were not long. "But their 'fear' is definitely something to be
wary of.”
“First and foremost, Lombardi is not a place
where you have to seek permission from the "Fear?"
other nobles of the empire. There is no
reason for me to soothe their worries.” "It doesn't matter if Lombardi's power is an
object of envy and jealousy to the nobles of
"Huh huh, that's right." the Empire, but if it becomes a threat,
unnecessary noise can arise."
“But their'fear' is definitely something to Isolated power does not last long.
watch out for.”
Lombardi's power comes from maintaining
"fear?" his current position as a representative of the
"It doesn't matter if Lombardi's power is the
object of envy and jealousy to the nobles of "But I'm not too worried.
the empire, but it can create unnecessary
noise if it becomes threatening." Over time, the nobles will find that I'm a
pretty smart man. But if they're still bitter, I'd
Isolated power does not last long. rather ask."

Because Lombardi's mighty power comes I met my grandfather in the eye for the last
from maintaining its current position as time as I saw the nobles sitting around.
"representative of the nobles."
"Have you ever sat on the throne of a man
“But I'm not very worried. Lombardi didn't approve of?"

Because over time, the nobles will find that I Grandfather didn't say anything for a
am a pretty smart person. But if they still moment.
sound bitter, I would rather ask.”
Just looking at me with a smile as always.
I watched the nobles sitting around, and
finally made eye contact with my And at some point the smile grew deeper,
grandfather. and my grandfather looked back at the lords
and said.
“I wonder if there ever seems to be someone
sitting on the throne that Lombardi didn't "How could it be more perfect?"

Grandpa was silent for a moment.

He was just looking at me with a smile, as

always. ***

And at one point the smile grew deeper, and

my grandfather said, looking back at his trails.

“Can it be more perfect than this?”

"The official announcement will be made
You've had a hard time, so go home and rest,
My grandfather patted my head.

"Yes, Grandpa."

I left the conference room after saying hello

“The official announcement will be made to my grandfather and the family members.
You have suffered, so go back and rest, Tia.”
The hard heart that I had endured burst out
Grandpa stroked my head. at once with a big breath.

“Yes, Grandpa.” I had a heavy package of documents handed

over by my grandfather.
I greeted my grandfather and the vassals and
left the conference room. He gave us basic things to know about the
Lombardi family.
Of course I've already read in my previous
The heaviness that I had endured burst out life.
with a big breath at once.
"Let's go back to the room."
In my hand, I held a heavy package of papers
from my grandfather. I'm going to look through the documents just
in case there's something I've never seen
He provided basic things to know about the before.
Lombardi family.
I slowly started walking to my room.
Of course, these were things I had already
read and known in my previous life. It was no different day.

“Let’s go back to the room.” The employees of the crouched mansion in

the chilly weather have greeted me with
Maybe the first thing you see is mixed, so you joyfully.
have to look through the documents.
I also greeted each other with a smile on my
I slowly started walking into my room. face.

It was a day of nothing special. But my body got heavier and heavier.
The employees of the mansion who curled up Like the cotton in the water, it was hard to
in the chilly weather saw me and greeted me. climb the stairs later.

I also greeted each other with a smile. When I finally got to my house, I even
stumbled small.
But the body got heavier and heavier.
Like wet cotton, it was difficult to climb the
stairs later. With the closed door behind his back, he
leaned back and took his breath.
When I finally arrived at my house, I even felt
small. From the conference room to here.

"Sigh." I just walked a short distance slowly.

I leaned against the closed door behind my I was exhausted as if I had been on a long,
back and took my breath. long journey.

From the meeting room in Patriarch to this "Let me take a break."

Originally, I was going to look through the
I just walked slowly on a small street. documents as soon as I arrived.

I was tired like someone who had been on a As it stands now, it was obvious that not a
long and long journey. single letter would be seen.

“Shall I take a break?” I lay on my bed like I was falling down on a

desk with the papers down.
Originally, I was thinking of going through the
documents as soon as I arrived. "I'm going to take a break."

As it is now, it was obvious that even a single The moment I muttered so, feeling a soft
letter wouldn't come into my eyes. quilt, a terrible feeling of fatigue struck me.

I laid the papers down on the table and lie It was already a dark night when I came back
down as if falling in bed. to my senses.

“I have to take a break.” I still have a haze in my sleep.

The moment I muttered so much as I felt the As soon as I pushed up my eyelid, I saw Perez
soft blanket, a feeling of exhaustion hit me. in front of me.
When I got back to my mind, it was already a He was lying in my bed with me, facing me.
dark night.
Red eyes were shining like jewels in the
My head was still drunken and hazy. moonlight.

As soon as I pushed up my eyelids, I saw "Pretty."

Perez in front of my eyes.
I muttered like a sigh.
He was lying together in my bed, looking at
me. "Is it a dream?"

Red eyes were shining like jewels in the But Perez did not answer.
His eyes, which were always excited with joy
"pretty." when he saw me, were still subdued.

I muttered like a sigh. It must be a dream.

“Is it a dream?” I thought so and reached out slowly.

But Perez didn't answer. Soon Perez's cheek touched my palm.

His eyes, who were always excited with joy In retrospect.

when he saw me, were quietly sinking.
Every important day, we lay face to face like
It looks like a dream. this.

I thought so and slowly reached out. So was the day Perez was rescued from the
cold and terrible palace, and so was the day
Soon Perez' cheek touched my palm. he found his father's cure.

Looking back. Me and Perez lay together like this and fell
Every day when something important
happened, we lay face to face like this. I spoke in a slightly dazed tone with a sense
of sleep.
So was the day when he rescued Perez from
that cold, terrible villa, and the day he found "I've officially become Deputy Patriarch. The
his father's cure. successor will be announced tomorrow.”

Me and Perez fell asleep together like this.

Then his red lips, which had stopped like
I said in a tone that became a little gloomy pictures, moved slowly.
because of my somberness.
"Congratulations, Tia."
“I've been officially acting in Patriarch. There
will be a successor announcement It was a low voice.
"You achieved your dream."
Then the red lips of the guy who had stopped
like a picture moved slowly. "Almost."

“Congratulations, Tia.” And yet I couldn't laugh.

It was a low voice. "Perez."

“You have achieved your dream.” "Yes."

"almost." "I chose Lombardi."

Still, I couldn't laugh. Perez blinked her eyes.

“Perez.” "When the announcement is made, the fake

engagement between you and me is over.”
"I never thought it was fake.”
“I chose Lombardi.”
"You know I can't be the Empress.”
Perez blinked.
Without realizing it, there was a pep talk.
“When the succession announcement is
made, the fake engagement between you "The Emperor cannot change the imperial
and me is over.” rules that apply to him.”

“I never thought it was fake.” Just as Yovanes couldn't escape monogamy

even if she wanted so much.
"You know that I can't be an empress."
But red eyes just look at me.
There was a sound of cheeks without
knowing it. "I'm sorry, Perez."

“The emperor cannot change the imperial "Why?"

bylaws that apply to him.”
I hesitated for a moment at his question.
As if Yovanes wanted so much that he
couldn't escape monogamy. And he brought up the words he had kept
hidden from the real Perez.
But the red eyes just look at me.
"I'm sorry I got to like you.”
“I'm sorry, Perez.”
By the way, he laughed.
A smile spread like paint on a face that had
When he asked me back, I hesitated for a been hardened like a white statue.
"Why are you laughing?”
And he said the words that he had hidden
because he couldn't be told the real Perez. "Because you said you liked me."

“I’m sorry to like you.” "…… silly, really."

By the way, he laughed. I'm so emotional.

A smile spread as if paint was spreading on Something came up inside.

his hardened face like a white statue.
"Don't you hate me?"
“Why are you laughing?”
Perez kissed my finger on the tip of his lips
“Because you said you liked me.” instead of answering.

“… … Like a fool, really.” Keep your eyes on me for a moment and be

I felt so sorry for the temperature on my
There was something dense inside. fingertips that I dug into Perez' arms.

“Don’t you hate me?” "Perez."

Instead of answering, Perez kissed my finger Just as he once did to me.

on the tip of his lip.
Rub my face in Perez's arms like a child.
Take your eyes off me for a moment and be
careful. Buried his face and murmured there, hearing
a low heartbeat.
The body temperature that touched his "I have no regrets."
fingertips was so regrettable that I dug into
Perez's arms. At the end of this life, I'll wish for the next life
next to you.
Even if I turn back time and meet you again
Like one day he did me. for the first time.

I rubbed my face in Perez's arms as if I know you want to look at me with those
foolishly. blind eyes again.

I buried my face and mumbled where I could You just want to hold your hand and find
hear the low heartbeat. happiness in that warmth.

“I don't regret it.” Not in this life.

At the end of this life, I'll wish the next life I'm going to be a Lombardi householder.
next to you.
Even if the moment comes when I first meet
you again. Then Perez called me quietly.

I'd like you to look at me again with those "It's okay."

blind eyes.
His hand patted my head.
You just want to hold your hand and find
happiness in that warmth. "Everything's fine."

Not this life. As if you were reading my mind.

I will be the house of Lombardi. I whispered, "Don't worry about anything."

“Tia.” "Don't think about anything. Sleep a little

longer. You'll be busier again from
Then Perez called me quietly. tomorrow.”

"OK." At that moment, I fell asleep like a lie.

His hand stroked my head. In an instant, as if the waves were coming

“It's all okay.”
"Trust me, I'll have a good dream.”
As if reading my mind.
I closed my eyes again with a soothing touch
He whispered to not worry about anything. and a low voice.

“Don't think about anything. Sleep a little Feeling Perez' warmth at the tip of his nose.
more. From tomorrow, you'll get even more
busy again.” And when I opened my eyes again, I was
At that moment, I fell asleep like a lie.
That afternoon, grandfather announced the
In an instant, as if the wave that was pushed succession in the name of Lombardi.
back comes back
He appointed Florentia Lombardi as deputy
"trust me. I will have a good dream.” Patriarch and full successor to the Lombardi
I closed my eyes again to the gentle touch
and soft voice that soothed me.

Feeling the warmth of Perez on the tip of the


And when I opened my eyes again, I was


That afternoon, my grandfather announced

his succession in the name of The Patriarch of

He appoints Florentia Lombardi as the deputy

of the state and official successor to the
Lombardi family.
Chapter 215

By Google Translate By Papago

The announcement of the Lombardi family The Lombardi family's announcement
made a big repercussion. resonated greatly.

Not simply to make Florentia Lombardi the I can't believe that Lombardi will succeed the
state's deputy, but rather Lombardi as the state, not just Deputy Patriarch of Florentia.
Lord's successor!
Except for his eldest son, Viege, he succeeded
Excluding the eldest son, Viege, the his granddaughter, Florentia, beating the
granddaughter, Florentia, became the children of prominent Lulacs, Shannanet and
successor, overtaking the children of the Gallahan.
reigning Lulacs, Shannanet and Gallahan.
If this continues, a female householder will be
If you go like this, you will be the first woman born for the first time.
to be born.
And the fact that the engagement of the
And this broke the engagement between the Second Prince of Florentia was broken.
Second Prince and Florentia.
It was a surprise announcement in many
It was an announcement that surprised ways.
people in many ways.
"No way!"
Viege, who had been drinking to death at a
Vie Island, who had been drinking to become social club, hurried home after hearing the
a high man in a social club, hurried home news.
after hearing the news.
The feisty, dark skin, red-blooded eyes, and
His dull, dark skin, red bloody eyes, and a the terrible smell of alcohol made the viewer
terrible smell of alcohol made viewers frown. frown.

Serral returned home after a few days and Serral returned home in a few days and
watched with contemptuous eyes at Viege, watched Viege, who changed his clothes by
who was changing clothes, saying,'I have to saying, "I should go see my father!" with
go to see my father!' contempt.
“To that lowly thing, by all means, acting in "To that humble thing, necessarily,
Patriarch… … No successor!” vicariously..."…no succession!”

In the rain, I hurriedly changed his clothes Viege quickly changed his clothes and vented
and burst into anger. his anger.

It was a mess because he was drunk and he It was a mess because he was drunk and
couldn't lock his buttons properly, but he couldn't button properly, but he didn't even
wasn't even aware of that. realize it.

“It must be my father's senility. I, this eldest "Your father must be senile. I, this eldest son,
son, have to go and dry... … Oh!” should go and stop him.…
Even after being expelled from the main
building of the mansion and moving to a Viege was under a foolish illusion even after
guesthouse or an outbuilding, he was caught he was kicked out of the main building of the
up in a foolish illusion. mansion and moved to a separate house
where guests stayed.
His father was upset for a while and threw
himself away, and it was the illusion that My father was only angry for a moment and
everything would go back to normal when threw himself away, but he was mistaken
the time came. that everything would go back to the way it
was in time.
And in his drink the entire brain was twisting
the rain that it was today. And the whole brain was cajoling Viege that it
was today.
“You are making a big mistake. Make a big
mistake... … !” "You're making a big mistake. A big
Viege muttered the words over and over
again with a bleak eye. Viege murmured it over and over again with
his blank eyes.
“No matter how many times I told him to go
to my father and ask him to do Bellesac's "Go to your father and ask him to do his job,
work, he did not pretend to hear it!” because I've told him so many times and he
won't listen!”
In the end, Serral, who couldn't stand it,
shouted at Viege with a cold voice. Eventually, Serral, who couldn't stand it,
shouted at Viege in a cold voice.
“Isn't it too much? Are you not worried about
Bellesac?” "Isn't that too much? Aren't you even worried
about Bellesac?”
Serral couldn't sleep at the thought of his
son, who would be trapped somewhere in Serral couldn't sleep at the thought of his son
the imperial palace alone. being locked up somewhere in the palace
He was a poor husband in many ways, but he
thought he was at least in the same way as he Although she was not good enough in many
was concerned with his son Bellesac. ways, she thought that at least she felt the
same way about her son, Bellesac.
Larane, who had left for the east, did not
even send a reply, no matter how much he Larane, who had left for the East, did not
sent a letter, and Bellesac, the only child left, even reply to the letter, and now his only
was upset because he was detained in the child, Bellesac, is in the palace because he is
imperial palace for severe affairs. in the custody of the palace.

So he thought that he was just looking for That's why I thought I was only looking for
alcohol every day. alcohol every day.

But that wasn't it. But it wasn't.

Going to visit his father, whose relationship It hurts my pride to visit my father who has
has been broken to ask for Bellesac's work, fallen out to ask for Bellesac's job, and when I
hurts his pride. hear that the child in Florentia has been
chosen as my successor, I see him running
Serral trembled with anger and betrayal. away.

"What?" Serral trembled with anger and betrayal.

Vieje crumpled his face at Serral's cry. "What?"

“That's because he's wrong, but what are you Viege crumpled his face at Serral's cry.
gonna do with me?”
"That's what he did wrong, what can I do!"
He even shouted.
He even screamed.
“It's obvious to me! I'm going to do
something next to His Majesty the First Prince "It's obvious! I'd do something next to the
with a dagger, and I must have gotten caught First Prince with a dagger, and I'd get caught
up in the big deal without notice!” up in that big thing!"

Then he looked up and down Serral and spit Then he looked up and down at Serral and
out as if he wasn't good enough. spat disapprovingly.
“Who are you so stupid to resemble!” "Who do you think you are so stupid?"

In the rain, leaving only those words, I Viege, who left only that word, slammed out
banged and struck his door hard and went the door.
Left alone again, Serral stood there for a
Serral, who was left alone again, stood there moment.
for a while.
Then he went back to his room and picked up
Then he went back to his room and picked up a letter on his desk.
his letter on his desk.
The Empress is accusing me of the crime. I'm
… … Empress is driving me as the culprit. I on medication for the crown prince's trough.
took medicine in the canteen of His Highness Please get me out of here. I'm so scared,
the Prince. Please take me out. I'm so scared, mother.
Serral's fingertips trembled as he stroked his
Serral's fingertips trembled as he stroked his badly crushed handwriting.
messed up handwriting.
“Pelesac… … .”
Serral beat himself up.
Serral blamed himself.
It was Serral himself who put a dagger in
It was Serral himself, holding a dagger in the Bellesac's hand and shook his back, saying he
hand of Bellesac, who said he did not want to didn't want to go to a hunting competition.
go to the hunting competition, and swung his
back. Go and throw your body in front of the Crown
Prince if necessary, he said harsh words to
Go and, if necessary, he threw himself in the end.
front of His Majesty's Majesty, saying harsh
words to the end. And Serral read one sentence of the letter
Then Serral read one sentence in the letter
again. The Empress is accusing me of the crime.’

'The Empress is driving me as the culprit in When he first read the letter, Serral denied it.
the case.'
The Empress can't do that.
When he first read the letter, Serral denied it.
However, as time went by, I had to admit it.
Empress can't do that.
The easiest way to break the ice now was to
However, he was forced to admit as time put everything on Bellesac.
And my cousin Lavigne knew she wouldn't
The easiest way to deal with the situation hesitate to sacrifice Bellesac at all.
right now was to put everything upside down
on Bellesac. I'm so scared, mother.’

And his cousin, Lavini, knew that he would Serral closed his eyes tightly as he thought he
not hesitate to sacrifice Bellesac. could hear Bellesac.

'I'm so scared, mother.' "What accessories would you like, miss?"

Serral closed his eyes as if he could hear After changing my dress, finishing my hair
Bellesac's voice. and makeup.

“What would you like for the accessory, Laurel asked, opening the jewel box in front
lady?” of me.

He changed his dress, and after finishing his "If you don't like any of these, I'll bring you
hair and makeup. another one."

Lauryl asked as she opened the jewelry box in "No, there is."
front of me.
I said, reaching out to the necklace in the
“If you don't like any of these, I'll bring you a middle.
different experience.”
A necklace made by Perez himself with a red
"no. there is." ruby the size of a thumbnail.

I said, reaching out with the necklace in the It caught my eye.

A necklace made by sculpting a reddish-red
ruby the size of a thumb nail by Perez. Laurel, who knows what this necklace is like,
looked at me anxiously.
It caught my eye.
"I just want to do it. I don't mean anything
"miss… … .” else.”

Loril, who knows what this necklace is like, I said that and hung the necklace myself.
looked at me anxiously.
And put a shawl around your shoulder, which
“I just want to do it. There is no other was ready next to you.
It was woven with thick fur and was tightly
I said so and hung the necklace myself. trimmed with a string from just below the
And I put a shawl prepared next to it over my
shoulders. If you wear this, you won't be able to see
what kind of necklace I'm wearing.
It was woven with thick fur and tightly
fastened with a string from just under the "Tie me, Laurel.”
"…Yes, miss."
When I wear this, I can't see what kind of
necklace I am wearing anyway. Laurel nodded as if she could understand
what I was thinking only then.
“Tie the string, Loril.”
He smiled and opened the shawl after me.
“… … Yes, lady.”
But I couldn't hide my sad expression.
Lauryl nodded his head small, as if he could
understand what I was thinking then. knock, knock

He followed me and smiled and gave me a I heard a little knock.

"Come on in."
However, it seemed that he could not hide
his sad expression. It was Clarivan who appeared in my reply.

smart. "Welcome, brother.”

A small knock was heard. Laurel greeted Clarivan gladly.

“Come in.” "Long time no see, Laurel."

It was Clarivan who appeared in my answer. Now familiar with Laurel's "Orabernie,"
Clarivan greeted each other as if he could not
“Welcome, brother.” help it.

Loril greeted Clarivan happily. "Did you bring it well?"

"It's been a long time, Lauryl." "Yes, here you are."

Clarivan, who was now accustomed to Loril's Clarivan held out to me what he held dear in
calling as “brother,” greeted face to face as if his bag.
he couldn't help it.
It was a well-binding package of leather with
“Did you bring it well?” thick front and back.

"Yes. Here you are.” I got up and put it in the safe.

Clarivan gave me what he cherished in his “Nothing hurts to act carefully.”

Not that I don't trust the people of Lombardi.
It was a package of documents well bound
with thick leather front and back. It's not something you can just put on the
I got up and put it in the safe.
I'm locking the safe door well, and I can see a
“There is nothing bad about acting carefully.” very strong gaze from behind.

It's not that you don't believe in the people of "…… Clarivan?"
"Hmm. LOL."
It's not something you can just put on a table
and carry around. I turn my head with a cough, and the sound is
a little strange.
The vault door is well locked, and I can see a
very strong gaze behind it. "Are you crying?"

“… … Clarivan?” "Oh, no."

"Hmm. Big.” No way!

He coughs and turns his head, but the sound What if it's not tears when you take off your
is a little weird. glasses and print them with your sleeves?

“Are you crying?!” Sweat from the eyes!

“Oh, no.” "Sigh."

No! I took a small sigh and took a few steps to

approach Clarivan.
What if it's not tears that take off your glasses And then.
and stick them with your sleeves!
I stopped walking and asked just in case.
Is it sweat flowing from your eyes?
"You're going to cry if I soothe you, right?”
"……Yes. Hmph."
I sighed a little and took a few steps to reach
Clarivan. Clarivan replied, turning his head to the side
and quietly grabbing the forehead.
Then humchit.
"I understand why you're crying.
I stopped and asked if I wanted to.
"Hmm. I'm sorry. I think I've become a little
“Will I cry more if I soothe?” emotional for the momentarily.

“… … Yes. Suck.” Clarivan said, taking a deep breath.

Clarivan replied, turning his head to the side His voice and facial expression.
and quietly grasping his eyebrows.
He was back in his usual sober form.
“I know roughly why I’m crying,
"When did Florentia grow up to be Deputy
“Hmm. Sorry. It seems like I became a little Patriarch and succeeding...…sigh!"
emotional in an instant.”
Call it a cold cancellation.
Clarivan said, taking a deep breath.
Clarivan stopped talking and grabbed the
The voice and the expression. brow again.

He was back in his usual, calm appearance. It is unusual for the shoulders with the head
“When did Lady Florentia grow up like this
and become the householder's I sighed once again and said to Laurel.
representative, and until he succeeds… …
Suck!” "Give Clarivan a handkerchief...… Laurel?"

Sober blah cancellation. "Hah! Hah!"

Clarivan stopped talking and grabbed the eye Laurel, you too.
It's not unusual for his head to be bowed and Standing next to Clarivan, Laurel was bowing
his shoulders to shake. her head and stamping tears with a
I sighed again and said to Loril.
"Oh, my little lady..."….
“Give Clarivan even a handkerchief… …
Lauryl?” You look so dignified today, huh!"

“Break! Black!” Laurel, who was shedding heavy tears like

chicken, wiped all her tears and handed the
Until you, Lauryl. handkerchief to Clarivan.

Lorill, who stood next to Clarivan, looked the "Here you go, brother.”
same, bowed her head, and was tearing out
tears with a stretched handkerchief. "…Go, thank you……sigh."

“Well, our little girl… … . I can't live.

You look so quiet today, huh!” I left the room shaking my head over two
people who burst into tears.
Lorrill, who was crying thick tears like chicken
dung, wiped all of her tears and handed his "Where are you going, miss?"
handkerchief to Clarivan.
Laurel asked through the unlocked door.
“Here, brother.”
"Hwanggung, I have some business to attend
“… … Go, thanks... … Suck.” to. Now that I'm officially Deputy Patriarch,
I'll pay for my meal."
I can't live, I really do.
This is Lombardi's first job as deputy
I shook my head and left the room with the Patriarch.
two people who had burst into tears.
I'm a bit dumbfounded myself.
“Where are you going, lady?”
"And there's a place to stop before we leave
Lauryl asked through the doors that weren't for the palace."
all closed.
I looked back at the clarivan and said.
“Imperial Palace. I have some work to do. I've
been officially acting as a representative of "Slowly cry, goodbye. I'll see you tomorrow at
the state, so I have to pay for the meal.” the boardroom, Clarivan."
Your first job as deputy to The Patriarch of "Yes, have a nice first day at work as deputy
Lombardi is'this'. Patriarch...… whoosh!"

Even though I'm a little ridiculous myself. "Oh, my God, comfort me, Laurel!”

“And there are places to stop by before "……hmm!"

heading out to the Imperial Palace.”
I can't stop my brother and sister.
I said, looking back at Clarivan.
I last saw Laurel patting Clarivan on the
“Everyone cry slowly, good night. See you at shoulder through the closing door and
the Corporationts tomorrow, Clarivan.” started moving again.

"Yeah. Going to work for the first time as an The destination was my grandfather's
Deputy Patriarch in Patriarch... … Ugh!” bedroom.

"Gosh. Please soothe me, Lauryl!” "I'm here, Grandpa!"

“… … Black!” My grandfather, dressed in comfortable

clothes and drinking tea in the bedroom
Siblings can't dry. parlor, smiled broadly at me.

The last time I saw Loril squeeze Clarivan's "Oh, my Tia is here!"
shoulder through the closing door, I started
moving again. "Take a rest. Were you working again?”

The destination was my grandfather's "Huh. It's a habit, a habit.”

Grandfather smiled, peeping aside the papers
“I'm here, Grandpa!” on the table.

My grandfather, dressed in comfortable "But where are you going? You didn't come
clothes and drinking tea in the living room to see your grandfather dressed up?"
attached to the bedroom, smiled wide at me.
"I have to go to the palace.
“Oh, our Tia is here!”
Before that, I have something to report to my
“Resume. Are you working again?” grandfather, and I want to ask him."

"haha. It's a habit, a habit.” "Yes, what is it."

Grandfather laughed as he swung the papers Grandfather took the teacup to his mouth
aside from the table. and smiled.

“But where are you going? You probably I looked at the figure and asked.
didn't come to see Grandpa with your clothes
on?” "I think you lied to me."

“I have a job to go to the Imperial Palace. Grandfather's movement stopped.

Before that, I have things to report to my "How bad is your health?"

grandfather, and I also want to ask

“Yes, what is it?”

Grandfather smiled as he took the teacup to

his mouth.

I asked as I looked at it.

“I think you lied to me.”

Grandpa's movement stopped high.

“How the hell is your health not getting

Chapter 216

By Google Translate By Papago

My grandfather opened his eyes wide, Grandfather stared at me for a long time with
astonished, and stared at me for a long time. his eyes wide open, surprised.

“How did you know?” "How did you know?"

Fortunately, it seemed that he had no Fortunately, he didn't intend to hide it until

intention of hiding it until the end. the end.

“If I tell you, will your grandfather be honest "If I tell you, will you be honest with me?"
"I will."
Grandfather grinned as he put down the
Grandpa laid down the mug and laughed. teacup.

I can't help it. There is nothing I can do.

“The succession announcement was too "The announcement of the succession was
early.” too fast."

I sighed and started to answer. I sighed softly and began to answer.

“It's a natural process for me to help my "It's a natural process for me to help my
grandfather as a Deputy Patriarch and grandfather as a deputy and gradually learn
gradually learn to work. It's a process that things. It's usually a process that takes several
usually takes several years. But my years. But you did it in just over a month."
grandfather did it in just over a month.”
"Maybe I just liked you very much?"
“Isn't it possible that I just liked you so
much?” "That's possible. That's what I thought, so I
stayed still. But."
“It could be. I thought so too, so I stayed still.
However." I shook my head.

I shook my head. "I noticed yesterday that you called me to a

gathering of the lords.
“I noticed yesterday when I saw you called
me to the place where you had gathered the Yesterday, it wasn't just to inform you of your
vassals. grandfather's decision to succeed me, was it?

It wasn't that place yesterday, just to inform A light smile flashed across my grandfather's
my grandfather's decision to take me as his face.
successor, right?”
"So what do you think it was?"
At my words, a light smile passed over my
grandfather's face. "……Q&A time. In a short period of time, the
lords were ready to answer questions about
“Then what do you think it was?” me and persuade them.”

“… … Q&A time. In a short period of time, I Due to the characteristics of the Lombardi
was prepared to help the vassals solve their family, which is particularly loyal to the
questions about me and convince them.” household, the special affection of the
household lords for the national anthem is
Due to the nature of the Lombardi family, sometimes a problem.
which has a very high loyalty to the state, the
special affection of the former family Sometimes, people do not accept and trust
members to the state sometimes becomes a new householders.
Therefore, it is entirely the power of the
The phenomenon of not accepting and householder to determine the next state of
trusting a new state sometimes occurs. consideration, but the householders must
also be fully convinced of the decision.
Therefore, it is only the state's authority to
decide the next major state, but the vassals Only then can the vacuum in power be
must be fully convinced of the decision. minimized without noise as much as possible
when a change of household capital occurs.
That way, when a change of state occurs, the
gap in power can be minimized as much as And this is something that happens naturally
possible without noise. through a succession curriculum that
originally takes place over several years.
And this is what happens naturally through a
successor education curriculum that runs The Patriarch leaves things big and small to
over several years. the Patriarch deputy and heir, and naturally
creates opportunities to work and confront
Patriarch entrusts big and small things to the the Patriarch.
Deputy Patriarch and successor, and naturally
creates an opportunity to work and collide Then when the succession finally becomes a
with the vassals. householder, the householders know what
the new Lombardi householder is like and
Then, when the successor finally becomes the what he is good at and what he needs help
state, the vassals know who the new with.
Lombardi is, what they do well and what they
need their help in. "If I'm not in a situation where I have to make
the lords my own people in a very short
“Unless I have to make the vassals my own in period of time, he's never the kind of person
a very short period of time, my grandfather is to make such a position."
never the one to make such a place.”
Perhaps I could have made a slip of the
In some cases, I was nervous and could have tongue in front of the lords.
made a mistake in front of the vassals.
Or I could have been discouraged, let alone
Or, instead of capturing them, I could have captivated them.
been discouraged.
But my grandfather wanted me to be
But my grandfather wanted me to be recognized quickly by the lords, even at the
recognized quickly by the vassals, even at the risk of that.
risk of taking that risk.
"Am I right?"
“I’m right?”
"……You can't cheat."
“… … You can't be fooled.”
My grandfather laughed.
Grandpa laughed.
It was a very tired laugh somewhere.
It was a very tired laugh somewhere.
"How bad is that?”
"how much… … Is it bad?”
My voice coming out of my tight throat was
My voice flowing from her tight throat was terrible.
"Huh, Tia has a lot on her mind."
“Huh huh, Tia has a lot of worries about my
grandfather.” My grandfather laughed lightly, but I couldn't
follow him.
My grandfather laughed lightly as if joking,
but I couldn't laugh. I thought I had changed the future enough by
going back to the past, but there may be
I thought I'd changed the future enough to go exceptions at any time.
back to the past, but there may be exceptions
at any time.
There may be a law of regression that I don't
There may be laws of regression that I am not know.
aware of.
For example, a person's life span is fixed and
For example, a person's life span is fixed and cannot be changed.
cannot be changed.
"Estira's medicine is working fine.
“I'm listening to Estira's medicine well.
Don't worry too much."
Don't worry too much.”
Grandfather patted my head and said.
My grandfather stroked my head and said.
"I was just impatient because if I had to
“If there is something that is unreasonable or overdo it or put my mind to it, my body
mindful, the body may not listen like the last wouldn't listen like last time."
time, and I was just feeling impatient.”
I looked into my grandfather's eyes.
I stared in my grandfather's eyes.
It was because I was afraid that it would be
It was because I was afraid that saying that it true.
was okay is true.
"Huh, dude! Come on!"
“Huh huh, guy! Even so!”
Grandfather smiled a little awkwardly at my
Grandpa laughed a little nicely at my worries. constant concern.

He keeps stroking my head. Keep patting my head.

I quietly raised my hand and pulled down the I quietly raised my hand and pulled my
hand of my grandfather, who was stroking my grandfather's hand down patting my head.
"……Since when have you been doing this?”
“… … Since when have you been like this.”
Grandfather's hands were shaking finely
Grandpa's hand was shaking finely regardless against his will.
of his will.
"This is what I woke up today."
“When I woke up today, it was like this.”
Grandfather spoke nonchalantly as if it were
Grandpa said calmly as if it were someone someone else's business.
else's job.
“I have already been examined by Dr. Estira. "I've already seen Dr. Estira. Nothing has
He said that there is no change in the body changed in the body and it seems to be a
and it seems to be a temporary symptom. temporary symptom. Look, you're fine."
Look, isn't it okay?”
Grandfather smiled and squeezed his hands.
My grandfather laughed and clasped and
opened his hand. I was a little relieved by the look.

I was a little relieved by the appearance. It's a simple act, but I know it's impossible if
my grandfather's illness gets worse.
It's a simple act, but I know it's impossible if
my grandfather's sickness gets worse. "It's because I'm relaxed. It's all because I feel
at ease."
“I am doing this because I am relaxed. It's all
that I do with my heart out.” "Grandfather……."

"grandfather… … .” "I've been bringing Lombardi on my own for

decades, and now that I think I have a reliable
“I've been pulling this Lombardi alone for granddaughter to inherit it, my body is a little
decades, and now I think I have a reliable lazy."
granddaughter to take over, so my body is a
little lazy.” What do you mean lazy?

I mean laziness. Grandfather is the farthest person I know to

say lazy.
Grandpa is the most distant person I know
from the word “lazy”. "Time is catching up with me late."

“The years are catching up with me late.” "Well, shall I put down my successor again?”

“Then, shall I put that successor down "Pretty, you punk!"

My joke left me with a bit of loneliness in my
“Yes, this guy!” grandfather's face.

My joke left my grandfather's face a little bit Then he looked out of the window and said.
"I have no regrets about the years I bought
Then he said, looking somewhere outside the for Lombardi. But looking back, my life was
window. only Lombardi again."
“I have no regrets in the years I lived for The wrinkles looked deeper today on the
Lombardi. But looking back, my life was only bright grandfather's face in the sun.
"I thought I was doing my best. But I guess I
My grandfather's face, bright in sunlight, still have regrets."
looked deeper today.
I followed my grandfather's gaze and looked
“I thought I lived hard. Still, it seems that the out.
regret remains.”
"Let go of me! I'm going to meet my
I followed my grandfather's gaze and looked father."…let go!"
Viege was being dragged by the guards and
“Let this go! To meet my father... … Let go!” was screaming.

Viege was being dragged by the guards and "That's ridiculous, but I wish I could go back
screaming. to the past and live again."

“It's a fleeting statement, but it would be Mumbling in such a low voice, my

great if I could go back to the past and live grandfather turned his head and looked at
again.” me.

My grandfather muttered in such a low voice "I'm sorry, Tia."

turned his head and looked at me.
"Why would you say that?"
“I'm sorry, Tia.”
"I have let you, young man, not enough of
“Why do you say that?” this family to take on other matters."

“Don’t you let me have other problems Perhaps it was the story of Viege, who was
because this family is not enough for you, staying at Lombardi's mansion in the middle
younger?” of nowhere, and Belessak, who was still in the
It seemed to be the story of Viege, who is
staying in the Lombardi mansion with a "Tia."
modest status, and Bellesac, who is still held
in the imperial palace. "Yes, Grandpa."

“Tea.” "Maybe I should give you the position of

Patriarch earlier than I thought."
“Yes, Grandpa.”
"Yes, I understand."
“I think I have to hand over the seat to you
earlier than I thought.” I immediately replied with a nod.

"Yes, got it." In my previous life, my grandfather continued

to work until the end.
I immediately nodded and answered.
It was my role to assist in the work, so I know
In his previous life, my grandfather continued how hard and lonely the time was.
to work until the very end.
"Give me all the hard work, and my
It was my role to assist in the work, so I know grandfather needs a good rest.”
how difficult and lonely the time was.
Then grandfather will live much longer than
“Please pass all the hard work to me, and his previous life.
Grandpa should take a rest.”
That's what I'm gonna make you do.
Then, Grandpa will live much longer than
before. Aren't you afraid?

I'll make it that way. "No."

“Aren’t you afraid?” "Hey, is the wall big?"

"no." "I'm also very bold, but I don't have to do it

alone anyway."
"You guy, is the wall big?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Although I'm a very bold personality again, I
don't have to do it alone anyway, well." "There are some vassal family owners who
can help me, and Aunt Shannanet who can
I shrugged. ask me if I don't know anything. And above
all, you have a grandfather."
“There are some Vongshin family members to
help me, and I also have aunt Shannanet to "……Yes, let's go is not a place where you
ask if there is anything I don't know. And have to do everything alone. Of course I do."
above all, you have a grandfather.”
Grandfather's warm brown eyes looked at
“… … okay. Patriarch is not a place where you me.
have to do everything yourself. Cancer, not
that.” I said, holding my grandfather's hand more
Grandpa's warm brown eyes looked at me.
"So, Grandpa, please be honest with me from
I said, holding my grandfather's hand tighter. now on. Especially about my grandfather's
“So Grandpa, please be honest with me in the
future. Especially when it comes to "……Yes, I will."
grandfather's health.”
"Don't hide it or anything in case I worry. You
“… … Yes, don't.” have to be honest with me so I can help you."

“You can’t hide or do that in case you’re I deliberately spoke with a little bit of a bright
worried about me. You have to be honest so I voice.
can help.”
"If your eyes get dim, I'll read all the
I said, deliberately, with a little brighter voice. documents and books. If it's hard to walk, I'll
make a wheeled chair and take you
“If your eyes get dim, I'll read any papers or anywhere. Let's go for a walk in the woods
books. If walking becomes difficult, I will that Grandma loved at sunset, Grandpa."
make a chair with wheels and take you
anywhere. We go for a walk in the woods her "Tia……."
grandmother liked at sunset together,
Grandpa.” Grandfather held my hand tightly together.

“Tea... … .” And laughed with me and said in a joked

Grandpa held my hand tightly.
"You're going to get tired and say you can't
And he laughed with me and said in a joking do it anymore?"
“Then you want to say that you can’t do it
anymore because it’s difficult? I shook my head.

"no." And I said with confidence.

I shook my head. "I can do everything."

And said with a guarantee. It's been years in my previous life, and I've
done it all.
“I can do it all.”
"Yes, yes."
It's been a few years in my previous life, and
I've done it all. Grandpa didn't seem to believe me.
“Yes, yes.” But the tremor in his hands had subsided, as
if he had become much better.
Grandpa didn't seem to believe me.
So I talked to my grandfather face to face for
However, his heart seemed to have gotten a while.
much better, and the trembling of his hand
was in a lot. And cautiously brought up the second
purpose of visiting my grandfather today.
So, we talked with Grandpa for a while.
"And there's one thing I need permission for,
And carefully, he pulled out his second Grandpa."
purpose to visit my grandfather today.
Lombardi's carriage carrying me reached the
“And there is one thing that needs entrance to the palace.
permission, Grandpa.”
From a distance, soldiers of the Imperial
Lombardi's carriage carrying me reached the Palace, who confirmed the Lombardi family's
entrance to the Imperial Palace. pattern, were seen rushing to open the door.

From a distance, I could see the soldiers of Lombardi's carriages are open to any palace
the Imperial Palace hurriedly opening the without being checked.
door, checking the pattern of the Lombardi
family. Considering that imperial forces cannot enter
the Lombardi mansion, it is an unfair treaty.
Lombardi's carriages are unchecked and can
enter any palace within the imperial palace. I just meant that I could go to the empress'
palace if I wanted to.
Considering that the imperial troops cannot
enter the Lombardi mansion, it must be an But my destination today is not the Empress
unfair treaty. Palace.

It meant that if I wanted to, I could go to the "Will you take me to the Knights Building?”
palace where the empress is located.
The coachman drove my carriage to the
However, my destination today is not the headquarters of the Imperial Knights.
Empress Palace.
Before long I was standing in front of a large
“Will you go to the Knights Building?” three-story building made of black bricks.

"What's the matter…… Are you here?"

At my horse, the coachman drove the The knight who was guarding the front
carriage to the headquarters of the Imperial approached and asked.
Maybe he knew who I was, and he had a
Soon after, I was standing in front of a large blank face, but he looked embarrassed.
three-story building made of black bricks.
"I'm here to see the officer in charge of the
“By what... … Are you here?” attempted Emperor."

The knight who was guarding the front I looked up proudly and said, feeling so many
approached and asked. eyes on me.

It seems he knows who I am, and his face was "Is the Second Prince here?"
expressionless, but he was embarrassed.
"Well, yes, but he's being interrogated...….”
“I've come to meet the officer in charge of
the attempted investigation of His Majesty's "Call me."
I raised my head confidently and said, feeling
the countless gazes sticking to me. The knight was embarrassed and asked me
“Is your Majesty the Second Prince here?”
"I told you to bring in the Second Prince."
“Yeah, yes, but you are currently
interrogating… … .” "How dare you come, Your Highness...He's
also on official duty.
“Please bring me.”
"I'm not asking because I don't know who
“… … Yes?" you're talking to."

The knight was embarrassed and asked me Only then did a sad expression pass on the
back. face of the imperial knight.

“I told you to bring your Majesty the Second I looked straight at the article and cut it off.
"Go, Deputy Patriarch Lombardi. He wants to
“Well, how dare your Highness the Prince to see the Crown Prince. Tell him."
come and go… … . It's also in public service.
And he gave me a big smile.
“I wouldn't be asking if I don't know who I'm
having a wonder conversation with.” "You did it?"
The imperial knight's face was only then, and "Oh, I see."
a sad expression grazed.
The knight disappeared into the building at a
I looked straight at the article and said word rapid pace.
by word.
"I can't believe you're standing on the road.”
"Go. Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi. He asks to
see his Highness the Prince. Your Majesty.” I felt very bad, but I didn't mean to blame the
knight for his lack of guest service skills.
And he smiled brightly.
I won't wait long anyway.
“Did you do it?”
I watched the article through the window
“Oh, I see.” thinking so.

The knight quickly disappeared into the Went up to the second floor, opened a door
building. near the stairs and went inside.

“You put your guests on the road.” It's probably an interrogation room.

I felt very bad, but I did not intend to blame And it wasn't until a few seconds later.
the knight for his lack of customer service
skills. Blow!

I won't wait long anyway. Immediately the door opened and Perez
popped out.
I thought so and watched the knight look
through the window. I could see him running down the stairs half-
I went up to the second floor, opened a door
near the stairs and went inside. And he saw me still standing on the front
porch and came running fast.
Probably the interrogation room.
Afterwards, a series of knights and royal
And it wasn't a few seconds later. knights who had met each other at the last
hunting competition followed.
Perez quickly approached exactly two steps
Immediately the door opened and Perez forward and asked.
popped out.
"How come you didn't come in?
I could see him running down the stairs as if
half flying. "How can I get in when no one has invited me
And looking at me still standing on the road in
front of the front door, I ran fast. At my words, Perez glared at the guard-in-
waiting knight.
After that, the knight commander and a few
imperial knights who were face-to-face in the "I'm sorry!"
last hunting competition followed.
"That's fine. I'm not here for an apology."
Perez quickly approached exactly two steps
forward and asked. I said that and I said to Perez.

“Why don’t you come inside "Today, I'm here to do my official work as a
deputy Patriarch of Lombardi."
“No one invited me inside. How would I go
in?” "Official duty?"

Perez whispered at my words, staring at the Even at the moment I said this, I can't believe
knight standing guard. it's my first official job as a primary agent.

"Sorry!" However, as deputy Patriarch, I can't pretend

not to know anymore.
“It’s okay. I didn't come to get an apology.”
"Send the personalities of Bellesac Lombardi
I said so and said to Perez. to our Lombardi family, Your Highness."

“Today I came to see public affairs as Deputy

Patriarch of Lombardi.”

"Civil Service?"

Even at the moment I say this, I can't believe

this is my first official job as an deputy in

However, it is impossible to pretend that you

don't know anymore as a Deputy Patriarch.

“Please pass Bellesac Lombardi's personal

affairs to our Lombardi family, Her Majesty
the Emperor.”
Chapter 217

By Google Translate By Papago

On the same day, a little earlier. Same day, a little earlier.

Empress Lavini was in front of the emperor's Empress Lavini was in front of the Emperor's
bedroom. bedroom.

Her bedroom door was firmly closed, but The bedroom door was tightly closed, but
Lavini's face was bright. Lavini's face was bright.

Soon after, the chief of her black haired maid Soon after, the black-haired maid came out
came out and she politely bowed her head. and bowed her head politely.

“Come in, Empress. Her Majesty was "Come on in, Empress. Your majesty has been
blessed.” blessed."

Lavini's red tail rose quietly. Lavini's red corners of his mouth went up
Not long ago, she was beaten at the door.
Not long ago, I was slammed in the door.
But she was given permission to come inside
today. But today I'm not allowed to come inside.

"okay. Thank you, Otua's maid.” "Yes, thank you, Otois maid."

The maid Jang, who was greeted by the The maid-in-law, greeted by the empress,
empress, lowered her head even further bowed her head further without making eye
without making contact with her gaze. contact.

The appearance made Empress Lavini feel The sight made Empress Lavini feel even
better. better.

"sire." "Your Majesty."

Stepping into the bedroom, the Empress sang Entering the bedroom, the Empress sang
Yovanes in a friendly voice. Yovanes in a friendly voice.

“You are here.” "I'm here."

As if it had just happened, Yovanes, who was As if he had just woken up, Yovanes, still in
still in pajamas and being attended by the his pajamas, answered insincerely.
maids, answered silently.
For a while, he was black under his eyes and
In exchange for having been drinking alcohol his face was shabby.
for a while, her eyes were dark underneath
her, and her face was rough. "I was worried to hear that you were not in
peace. I'm glad you're feeling better."
“I was worried about her words that her
respect was uncomfortable. I'm glad you feel The word "not feeling well" that Yovanes
better.” talked about because she didn't want to see
the Empress' face was just an excuse.
Her "her body is not good" that Yovanes said
she didn't want to see the empress's face was He wouldn't know that.
just an excuse.
The Empress had been talking to Yovanesgae,
She wouldn't know it. as if she was genuinely worried.

As if the Empress was sincerely worried about "Why are you here, Empress?"
her, she had been talking friendly to Yovanes
Ge. Yovanes asked in an irritating voice, fed up
with such Lavigne.
“Why are you here, Empress.”
"If you're asking for Astana's job...….”
Yovanes was fed up with such a Lavini, asking
in her irritable voice. "I'm here for the work of Perez, the Second
“If you want to ask for Astana's work… … .”
Yovanes, who glanced at Lavini for a moment,
“I came because of the work of the Second bowed down to the washwater brought by
Prince Perez, Your Majesty.” his maid-in-law without answering much.

Yovanes, who glanced at her Lavini for a Lavini, who watched the scene, was
moment, leaned over to the wash water that convinced.
her maid had brought.
The Emperor already knows about Perez and
Lavini was convinced as she watched it. Florentia Lombardi.

She says the emperor already knows the But it seemed like he was going to pretend
affairs of Perez and Florentia Lombardi, the not to know, so he had to play along.
"Have you heard it yet? This morning,
But she seemed to pretend she didn't know, Lombardi appointed the Florentine child, who
so she had to match her beat. was engaged to the Second Prince, to
succeed him as his next official heir, Your
“Have you not heard it yet? It is said that this Majesty."
morning The Patriarch of Lombardis
appointed Florentia, who was engaged to her "……that's what happened.”
Second Prince, as her next official Patriarch
heir, Your Majesty.” Yovanes poured water on his face, speaking
“… … That's what happened.”
Lavini's guess was right.
Yovanes spoke lowly and splashed his water
on his face. The emperor had just heard about Lulac's
decision as soon as he woke up.
Lavini's guess was right.
At first, it was absurd.
As soon as the emperor got up, he had just
heard of Lulac's decision. I was also angry that these things deceived
At first it was absurd.
But on reflection it wasn't such a bad thing
I was angry because these things tricked me. for Yovanes himself.

But he pondered it, and it wasn't too bad for Lombardi and the imperial family were
Yovanes himself. inseparable symbiotic relations.

The relationship between Lombardi and the That meant that the emperor should share
imperial family was inseparable. the absolute power that he should enjoy.

That meant that the emperor should share Yovanes hated it unbearably.
the absolute power he deserves.
But so far there has been no emperor out of
Yovanes hated it unbearably. that shackle.

However, until now, no emperor has escaped The scary Sun Hwang and Yovanes himself.
the shackles.
I tried to get out of Lombardi's hands, but I
Even the scared Sun Emperor and Yovanes only got a bigger revenge.
"Are you all right, Your Majesty?"
He tried to get out of Lombardi's hands, but Lavini approached Yovanes with a worried
he was only faced with greater retaliation. voice to see how she reacted.

“Are you okay, Your Majesty?” The emperor hid his face, pretending to wipe
the water with a towel to hide his facial
Lavini approached with an anxious voice expression.
asking for Yovanes' reaction.
The face behind the towel was smiling.
The emperor hid his face, pretending to dry it
with a towel to hide his expression. Lulac, that old man gives you a very nice gift
in his later years.’
The face behind the towel was smiling.
Lombardi, a young woman with no political
Lulac, that old man gives you a very good gift experience.
in his later years.'
It would be a lot easier to handle than Lulac
Lombardi, a young woman with no political Lombardi.
"That's fine."
It would be much easier to handle than Lulac
Lombardi. Yovanes replied so, but Empress Lavini shook
her head.
“It’s okay.”
"You don't look well, Your Majesty."
Yovanes replied that, but Empress Lavini
shook her head. No way.

“You have a bad complexion, Your Majesty.” Now Yovanes was barely holding back what
she wanted to burst into laughter.
No way.
It's a great opportunity to dampen Lombardi's
Now, Yovanes was barely putting up with spirits.
what he wanted to burst even with the
bakjangdaeso. But to do so, we still needed Angenas.

This is a great opportunity to break If Angenas disappears right away, I didn't

Lombardi's spirit. know how long it would take to create the
centerpiece of the aristocracy that would
But to do that, Angenas was still needed. build an angle in Lombardi.

If Angenas disappeared right away, I didn't "And he was very angry about the Second
know how much time it would take to create Prince.”
the center of the nobles who would angle
Lombardi. Yovanes looked through the mirror at the
empress who continued to say so.
“I was also very angry at the work of the
second prince.” Astana still had nightmares every night
because of the image of Astana, who was still
Yovanes looked through the mirror at the coming at her with a knife.
Empress who kept saying so.
But if I could push Lombardi's nose, I could
She had nightmares every night because of turn a blind eye to Astana who would do it.
Astana's appearance, still holding her sword
and attacking. It just so happens that Astana was out of her
mind at the time and rumors were circulating
But if she could press Lombardi's nose, she that she was framed by someone.
would do that, even if she was Astana, she
could have closed her eyes at least once. 'That doesn't mean we're going to let him go.’

At the moment she said that Astana was It's a bit of treason.
rumored that she was not sane at the time
and that she was framed by someone. Someone had to be paid for the crime.

'That doesn't mean she can't just let it go.' "Sigh, I'm not comfortable these days, Your
It's just treason.
Then Lavini sighed.
Someone had to be paid for it.
"The First Prince was hurt a lot.
"Sigh. I am not comfortable with my heart
these days, Your Majesty.” But the Second prince didn't let me, his
mother, see his face...….”
Then Lavini said as if sighing.
As if reading Yovanes' mind, the Empress
“Isn't The First Prince injured a lot? wept and brought up Astana's story.

By the way, she is the mother of the Second "Poor The First Prince must have been
Prince, so she doesn't even let me see her framed, Your Majesty."
face... … .”
"It's just an uncertain suspicion."
As if reading Yovanes' heart, the empress
cried and told Astana's story. "But what if it's true, Your Majesty?"
“The Poor First Prince must have been Empress Lavini took out her handkerchief and
framed, Your Majesty.” wiped away tears.

“It's just an unclear suspicion.” "How many days has the First Prince been
locked up already? And I lost my right hand."
“But if that's true, Your Majesty?”
The Empress's voice was desperate, as if it
Empress Lavini took out her handkerchief and were genuinely a concern only for Astana.
wiped her tears.
"Of course, I have committed an unwashed
“How many days has The First Prince already sin against you, but this is as good as paying
been trapped? Besides, he lost his right for it."
"The Empress."
The empress's voice bowed down, as if it
were only a concern for Astana. Yovanes finally looked back at Lavigne and
“Of course it is true that she committed an
unwashable sin against her Majesty, but "Isn't it all about when the real culprit was
would it not be the same as paying the separate?"
But it wasn't a word to blame the empress.
Rather, there was something about the subtle
Yovanes finally turned to Lavini and called. tone that made the listener listen.

"Isn't all that story when the real culprit was "I also feel sorry for Astana's suffering as a
separate?" father, but it doesn't change that we have to
find her."
However, it wasn't words that condemned
the empress. "The criminal……."

Rather, there was something in that subtle The Empress looked deep into Yovanes' eyes
tone that made the listener listen to her. and asked, confirmingly.

“As a father, I am very sorry that Astana "If we find out who the real culprit is, will
suffers, but there is no change in having to Astana be released from custody?”
find her killer.”
"There's no reason why it couldn't be
"criminal… … .” released."

"Is that so?"

The Empress asked as if confirming, looking
deep into Yovanes' eyes. Empress Lavini nodded.

“If we find out who the real culprit is, will And took a few steps back.
Astana be released from her custody?”
"We will wait outside for His Majesty's
She said, "There's no reason she couldn't be preparations to be completed. Would you like
released." to have breakfast with me for the first time in
a while?"
"Is that so."
"……I'll do that."
Empress Lavini nodded her head.
As soon as Yovanes' words fell, the empress
Then she stepped back and she stepped back. left the bedroom.

“I will wait for your Majesty's preparations I wondered where he was so busy, but the
from outside. Would you like to have emperor didn't ask.
breakfast with me after a long time?”
It was just a smirk of laughter.
“… … Do that.”
"The first emperor to tame Lombardi."
The empress left the bedroom, fearing that
Yovanes' words could fall. It was a very pleasing achievement.

She wondered where she was going, but the "The personalities of Bellesac Lombardi...….”
emperor did not ask.
Perez looked at me and muttered low.
She just laughed secretly.
"Why don't we move on and have a
“The first emperor to tame Lombardi.” conversation, Lombardi, the chief."

It was a very favorite achievement. "I'll do that."

“Bellesac Lombardi’s personal affairs… … .” I nodded at Perez's suggestion.

Perez looked at me and muttered low. "This way."

“Would you like to move around and have a Perez led me into the Knights Building.
conversation, Lombardi Deputy Patriarch.”
Our arrival was in a small office that Perez
“I do it like that.” seemed to be temporarily using.
I nodded at Perez's suggestion. "Here it is."

"Come this way." I went inside first.

Perez led me into the Templar building. Then I heard Perez talking behind me.

We arrived in a small office that Perez "Don't even think about coming in."
appears to be using temporarily.
"But, Your Highness...….”
“I'm here.”
"Far away from the door.”
I went inside first.
Then I heard Perez from behind.
"It's an order."
“Don’t think about coming in.”
"……Yes, Your Highness."
“But Your Majesty… … .”
Eventually, the knights who lost to Perez
“It’s far from the door.” stepped back and closed the door.

"still… … .” It's just the two of us in the room.

"It's an order." Perez, who came closer, was just looking at

me with a slight smile.
“… … Yes, Your Majesty.”
What's wrong with him?
Eventually, the knights lost to Perez stepped
back and the door closed. For some reason I brought it up first in a
slightly awkward atmosphere flowing.
Only the two of us were left in the room.
"Your Highness II, I'm here to see the official
Perez approached me only looking at me with duties, and the reason the knights weren't
a slight smile. with me is because...

Why is he doing this? "Did you sleep well last night?”

A little awkward air current flowing for some Perez's tone changed comfortably when only
reason, I first spoke. two were left.

"What, all of a sudden, out of the blue.

“My Majesty the Second Prince, I came to see I replied reflexively, slightly frowning.
public affairs, but the reason the knights were
not "Of course I slept well...….”

“Did you sleep well yesterday?” the passing moment

When only the two were left, Perez's tone "Yesterday…… came to my room…… huh?
became comfortable.
“What, all of a sudden.
"Well…… that's… that's… that's…….”
I replied reflexively with a slight frown.
Wasn't it a dream?!
“Of course I slept well… … .”
I recoiled, I recoiled.
But Perez is just that far ahead.
"yesterday… … I came to my room... … uh?"
"I didn't say hello when I left because I was
"Huh." sleeping well. I thought I'd wake you up."

"then… … that… … .” "Kku, I thought it was a dream!"

Wasn't it a dream?! "It was definitely a dreamy time for me.

I stumbled, stepped back. Tia, you like me...….”

But Perez came forward just that much. "Perez!"

“I was sleeping well, so I didn't say hello I looked back at the door and shouted
when I left. I think I'll wake up.” urgently, but Perez just smiled pleasantly.

“I thought it was a dream!” What a dog! What do you mean it wasn't a

“It was definitely a dream time for me.
I felt my face turning red.
Tia that you like me... … .”
No, let's stay calm. Calm down!
I took a small deep breath and said.
I turned to the door and screamed urgently,
but Perez just laughed as if he was happy.
"I'm not here to talk about anything personal
Like this dog! That wasn't a dream! today. Hand over Bellesac Lombardi."

I felt my face reddening. I just wanted to do my business quickly and

avoid this position.
No, let's stay calm. calm down!
Perez will cry if she refuses. I have prepared a
I took a small deep breath and said. lot of words to pour out.

“I am not here to talk privately today. Pass "Take him, Deputy."

Bellesac Lombardi.”
But Perez replied with a nonchalant face.
All I wanted to do was see what to do and
avoid this place. "I've prepared it in advance. Just a moment
ago, I saw you packing."
If Perez refuses, he has prepared a lot of
words to pour out. "……I guess he knew I was coming today."

“Take it away, deputy Patriarch.” "As long as Lombardi became deputy

Patriarch, I thought he would take
But Perez replied with a calm face. responsibility for all of the Lombardi family."

“I have prepared it in advance. A little while "You know me very well."

ago, I saw the packing and came out.”
Perez replied with a faint smile to my words.
“… … It looks like I knew I was coming today.”
"Thank you for the compliment."
“As long as you became the deputy of the
Lombardi family, I thought you would take If you're handsome, it's a unit price.
responsibility for everyone in the Lombardi
family.” I glanced at Perez in a small way and said.

“You know me well.” "Then I'll take you right away without wasting
any time. Where's Bellezac Lombardi?"
Perez replied with a light smile at my words.
"Thank you for the compliment."
It seemed to be the room where Perez came
If you look good, the unit price. out a while ago.

I glanced at Perez a little and said. "Be ahead."

“Then I will take it right away without wasting I tried to open the door saying that.
any time. Where is Bellesac Lombardi?”
"Before that."
“It's upstairs.”
Before the door closed again at Perez' tender
It seemed to be the room where Perez came touch.
out a while ago.
"The leash has been loosened, Deputy Chief."
“Please take the lead.”
Perez reached out to me, speaking softly.
I said so and tried to open the door.
As he said, Shawl's leash was slightly untied.
Until the door was closed again by Perez'
gentle touch. Then a red ruby necklace was revealed
between the crooked shawls.
“The string is loose, Deputy Patriarch.”
"This is……."
Perez reached out to me, speaking quietly.
At that moment, Perez and his eyes met.
"Ah… … .”
My heart is racing.
As he said, the straps of the shawl were
slightly loosened. My heart skipped a beat.

And a red ruby necklace was revealed It was because Perez was smiling.
through the crooked shawl.
The feeling of him fiddling with Ruby tickled
"This… … .” under the collarbone.

At that moment, I made eye contact with "To this day, following last night. What should
Perez. I do if you keep giving me presents like this?"

Pounding. The red eyes looked at me as if they were

burning me.
My heart was beating.
Lombardi's deputy Patriarch.
It was because Perez was laughing.

The feeling that he was fiddling with Ruby

tickled under the collarbone.
“From last night until today. What should I do
if I keep giving gifts like this.”

The red eyes looked at me as if burning me.

“Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi.”

Chapter 218

By Google Translate By Papago

“What do you do?” "Oh, my God."

I said, removing Perez's hand from his I said Perez's hand off the necklace.
His eyes were still hot, but he didn't meet
His gaze was still hot, but he couldn't make anymore.
any more eye contact.
"Like this."
"like this."
I covered the shawl on the necklace back in
The shawl was covered over the necklace that place.
had returned to its place.
And I pulled the string hard and tied it up.
And he tied his strings by pulling them hard.
Ruby, who was glowing red, was no longer
The reddish ruby was no longer visible. visible.

“It’s burying it.” "I'm burying it."

I said as calmly as possible. I spoke as calmly as I could.

“There is no future between you and me. It's "There is no future between you and me. It's
just a relationship that will end someday.” just a relationship that'll end one day."

“Representing Patriarch.” "Vice Chief."

Perez tried to say something, but I stopped by Perez tried to say something, but I cut off the
cutting off the horseback. horse and blocked it.

“I am now the successor to Lombardi, so I can "Now that I've succeeded Lombardi, I can
take a breath, but what about the Emperor?” take a breather, but what about the
Perez was shutting her mouth with her eyes
that had a lot of things she wanted to say. Perez kept his mouth shut with his eyes full of
He felt sorrowful in his face.
My stomach ached at the face.
“She must overcome the empress, and she
must be appointed prince. And you have to "We must defeat the Empress, and we must
spend the period of the prince safely and be appointed Crown Prince. And you have to
become the emperor. spend your time as crown prince safely and
become emperor.
By the way, does she try to continue her
relationship with me, who can't be an But are you going to continue your
empress?” relationship with me, who can't be empress?"

I shook my head. I shook my head.

Even with Perez, there are limitations. However Perez is, there is a limit.

“If you do, you will not be chosen by your "Then you will not be chosen by the Emperor.
Majesty the Emperor. After all, it is up to the After all, it is the Emperor's authority to
emperor to appoint a prince.” appoint the Crown Prince."

It wasn't just to calm Perez. It wasn't just to calm Perez down.

It was to remind myself again. It was to remind myself again.

"If you do this, your Highness the Prince will "At this rate, Your Highness will achieve
not achieve anything." nothing."

When I saw Perez, my heart that was When I saw Perez, my heart was slowly
pounding again was slowly sinking. sinking again, pounding immaturely.

It was right to organize here for each other. It was right to sort out here for each other.

“Isn't there a long way to go for the Emperor "The Emperor has a long way to go. Right
Prince? The imperial knights were divided in now, the Imperial Knights are divided in half.”
half right now, right?”
Perez nodded silently.
Perez silently nodded.
I was glad you seemed to take my word for it.
I was fortunate that I was taking my words
well. But apart from that, another throbbing,
But apart from that, another throbbing, heart
ache came. I put my hand on Perez's chest, hiding my
expression as much as I could.
I put my hand on Perez's chest, hiding my
expression as much as possible. Now my heart was burning right there.

It was the place where my heart was sore. "That's why I'm burying it. We each have
something to accomplish. And then at some
“That's why I bury it. We each have point."
something to achieve. Then, at some point.”
It'll all go away.
It will all disappear.
I was going to say that.
I was going to say that.
But my lips didn't fall off.
But his lips didn't fall.
I couldn't bring myself to say that.
He couldn't even say it out of his mouth.
It was because I wasn't sure myself.
It was because I wasn't sure of myself either.
Will this mind really forget that time passes?
Will this mind really forget that time passes?
Will all the desire to hurt one person
Will the desire to hurt a person like this really disappear?
Then, Perez held my hand in his chest.
At that time, Perez grabbed me as if wrapping
my hand on her chest. It was a frighteningly warm hand.

It was a frighteningly warm hand. And slowly, pulled my hand up and rubbed
my face.
Then, slowly, pulling my hand up and
breaking his face. With a deeper gaze fixed on me.

With a deeper gaze fixed on me. At the moment, my heart seemed to sink.

At the moment, my heart seemed to sink. It was because I realized that what I said a
little while ago was more stimulating than
It was because I realized that what I said a pushing him away.
while ago did not push him away, but that he
was more stimulating. "You can bury my heart, but it won't go
“If I bury my heart, it will not disappear.”
Unlike me, Perez said with conviction.
Unlike me, Perez said confidently.
"Vice Chief."
“Representing Patriarch.”
A voice as hot as body temperature called
A voice that was as hot as my body me.
temperature called me.
"Am I allowed to take someone else as
“Is it okay for me to accept someone else as Empress? Can I stand side by side with him
the Empress? Can I stand side by side with and smile at each other?”
him, face each other, and laugh?”
There was something in my head.
There was something that came to my mind.
Perez and Ramona standing together in front
Perez and Ramona standing together in front of the crowd and crossing their arms.
of the crowd and crossing their arms.
It was a memory of my previous life.
It was a memory of a previous life.
I had to bite my teeth in pain beyond the
My heart hurts incomparably more than past.
before, so I had to grip my teeth.
In the meantime, Perez came closer.
Meanwhile, Perez came closer.
"Am I allowed to have children with someone
“Can I have children with others and grow old else and grow old together for the rest of my
with me all my life? Is the Deputy Patriarch life? Are you confident that Deputy Patriarch
confident to watch it from a distance?” will watch it from afar?"

You will be able to watch. You'll be able to watch.

But whenever Perez is happy and laughs, I'll But every time Perez smiles happy, I'll cry
be crying without anyone knowing. secretly.

It was time to close my eyes tightly in the It was time to close my eyes tightly to the
dark future that seemed to be drawn in front bleak future that seemed to be being painted
of my eyes. before my eyes.

Perez carefully lifted my chin to make me Perez carefully lifted my chin and made me
look at myself. look at myself.

We were now looking at each other at the We were now looking at each other within
distance of each other's breath. breath of each other.

“I can't.” "Not me."

His voice became muddy. His voice became murky.

“No one other than me can stand beside "No one but me can stand beside you."
Deputy Patriarch.”
Perez's red eyes glowed over me, like the
Like the ruby that I hid a while ago, Perez's ruby I hid a moment ago.
red eyes, looking down at me, were shining.
"Just imagining that the deputy Patriarch is
“It’s just the imagination that the Deputy marrying someone other than me."
Patriarch is marrying someone other than
me.” Perez's biting words were dangerously
Perez's words, as if chewing, shook
dangerously. "I'm getting angry."

“I am getting angry.” Just like I did a little while ago.

Like I did a little while ago. Perez put my hand on his chest.

Perez put my hand on her chest. Thump. Thump.

thud. thud. A strong beat, which was not fast, jumped

dangerously as if it were going to break
A strong beat, not fast, jumped dangerously through the breastbone.
as if it was breaking through his chest bones.
"If I don't pierce his heart that doesn't exist,
“If I don't pierce the heart of that man, who mine will explode in anger."
doesn't exist, I'm going to explode like this in
anger.” Perez whispered in my ear, as if his lips were
touching mine.
Perez whispered in my ear as if her lips
touched my ear. And came to kiss me as it was.

And he just kissed me. The tight-fitting lips have inevitably been
The lips that come in tightly have been
entangled inevitably. Once, twice.

Once, twice. It engulfed me like a wave that came over me

countless times.
It swallowed me like a wave that hit me Perez, who had kissed me as if he would have
countless times. all the breath I exhaled, stopped at some
Perez, who kissed me as if I would have all
the breaths I exhale, as if it would last And lightly said to me, forehead to forehead.
forever, stopped at some point.
"Lips overlap with the deputy."
And he said lightly to me, touching my
forehead. Perez's lips dug into the back of my neck.

“Like this, I put my lips on Deputy Patriarch.” "How can we put so much weight together?"

Perez's lips poked into my neck, where it was The vibration of the talking lips tickled the
exposed. flesh.

“The only thing that can be fleshed out like "It's got to be me. No one."
Perez, slowly falling away, looked at me with
The vibration of the talking lips tickled the unbearable eyes.
"And there's one thing you're
“It must be me. No one else.” misunderstanding."

Perez, who had fallen slowly, looked at me But the touch of my hair and clothes tangled
with unbearable eyes. by kisses was as sweet as the well-tamed
wolf's chirping.
“And there is one misunderstanding by
Deputy Patriarch.” "The Patriarch of Lombardi is exactly what I
want. No crown appointment, no crown, but
However, the touch that touched my hair and you."
clothes that had been messed with the kiss
was gentle, like the sting of a well-trained Perez's fingers lightly brushed my lips.
"You being mine. That's exactly what I want."
“Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi is exactly what
I want. Neither the prince's appointment nor Perez, who said so, smiled slightly.
the throne, you.”
"The rest are just delightful by-products,
Perez's finger lightly rubbed my lips. Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi. And I'll do
anything to get what I want."
“That you become mine. That's what I want.”
"Perez, you...….”
Perez, who said so, smiled slightly.
Who's there?
“The rest is just a pleasant by-product,
Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi. And I'll do The guy in front of me was unfamiliar.
anything to get what I want.”
For a moment, I felt like I saw the dark side of
“Perez, you… … .” a guy I hadn't known before.

Who is it. Click.

The guy in front of me was unfamiliar. Perez leaned toward me and opened the
door behind my back.
At the moment, it seemed that I saw the dark
side of the guy I hadn't known before. Hwak.

Sweet. The cold air outside blew into the office.

Perez leaned towards me and he opened the My body trembled and gave me goosebumps.
door behind me.
It was like waking up from a dream.
"Then shall we go save Deputy Patriarch's
The cold air from outside blew into the office. cousin?"

My body trembled finely, and I was creepy. Before I knew it, Perez came back to her
usual form and asked me.
It was like waking up from a dream.

“Then, shall we go to save Patriarch's


Suddenly, Perez also returned to her usual ***

form and asked me.

"I'm not going!"

What are you talking about, you asshole?
Bellesac, who sat with his arms tightly
crossed, said obstinately.
“I'm not going!”
"I'd rather be safe here, protected by the
What are you saying, this shit idiot. Imperial Knights!"

Bellesac, sitting firmly with arms folded, said "Were you packing for Lombardi?"
I looked at Perez and said.
“I'd rather be safe here where the Imperial
Knights protect me!” "It looks like you've changed your mind.”

“Aren't you packing up to go back to Perez said with an expressionless face.

But I know.
I looked up at Perez and said.
That's annoying. That's very.
“It seems like there is a change in my mind.”
Perez's eyes were slightly tapered.
Perez said with an expressionless face.
But I know.
I also had to sigh with irritation.
That's annoying. It's also very.
I'm already annoyed that deputy patriarch
Perez's eyes were slightly tapered. and the first task is to get Bellesac out of
"Belessak Lombardi. You'd better think about
I, too, had no choice but to have a sigh mixed it properly.”
with irritation.
But you refuse my help?
It's very annoying that I become a Deputy
Patriarch and my first job is to get Bellesac's A little winced at my words, Bellesac looked
children out of custody. at someone with anxious eyes.

“Bellesac Lombardi. You better think about it I followed the gaze quickly.
Imperial Knight?
But are you refusing my help?
Bellesac, slightly flinched at my words, looked What Bellesac looked at momentarily was a
at someone with anxious eyes. knight standing silently with his hands behind
his back at the door.
I quickly followed that gaze.
"Sir, what's your name?"
'Imperial knight?'
The knight who was asked my question
What Bellesac looked at momentarily was a hesitated for a moment and answered.
knight standing silently behind the door.
"……I'm Olka Baraport, 1st Knights."
"Kyung, what's your name?"
The knight who received my question
hesitated for a moment and answered. I had a rough idea of what was going on.

“… … This is Olka Baraport, a member of the I spoke to Perez.

1st Knights Division.”
"Will you hand over the knights for a
Aha. moment, Your Majesty?"

I got a sense of what was going on. "……get out."

I said to Perez. At Perez's command, the knights emptied the

“Will you pass the knights for a while, your
Highness the Prince?” Now it was just me, Perez, and Bellesac in the
interrogation room.
“… … Stay out.”
"Hey, Bellesac."
At Perez' order, the knights vacated the
room. I said, looking down at the sitting Bellessack.

Now, in the interrogation room, there were "You idiot."

only me, Perez, and Bellesac.
"Again, stupid...….”
“Hey, Bellesac.”
"Even if you give me a lifeline, I don't know
I looked down at Bellesac, who was sitting, it's a lifeline, so you're a doofus."
and said.
I clicked my tongue.
“This shit idiot.”
“Again, shit idiot… … .” "While Perez was away for a while, what did
that Baraport knight tell you?”
“Even if you put out a lifeline, you don't even
know that it's a lifeline, so you're a shit idiot.” Bellesac did not answer.

I tucked and kicked his tongue. I was just wondering if I should talk to myself
with that stupid head.
“While Perez was away for a while, what did
the knight from Baraport Street tell you?” So I told you on behalf of him.

Bellesac did not answer. "Not the Empress, Perez and I would have
said we were trying to make you a criminal."
He was just wondering whether or not he
should talk to me with that stupid head. "Well, that's...!”

So I told you instead. "If you followed me back to Lombardi, you

would have said that the empress like you
“Not the empress, I would have said that couldn't help you. So stay here."
Perez and I were trying to make you the
culprit.” I didn't even have to check, 'Am I right.

“Well, that… … !” Bellesac's eyes were shaking nervously.

“If you followed me back to Lombardi, you "And that's when you fell for it. You idiot."
would have said that the people of the
empress like you couldn't help you. So stay At my last words, Bellesac went berserk but
here.” shut up again.

I didn't even have to check with'I'm right?' "I don't have enough affection for you to
force someone who doesn't want to go."
Bellesac's eyes were shaking with anxiety.
But I am Lombardi's deputy.
“And by that word, you've passed away.
Stupid child.” At least as long as Bellesac still has the last
name Lombardi, he is also under my
Bellesac was stiff at my last words, but he responsibility.
shut his mouth tight again.
"So I'll give you just one chance, Bellesac."
"I don't have enough affection to force
someone who doesn't want to go, so I'm I sighed loudly and then said.
going to you."
But I am the Deputy Patriarch of Lombardi. "Take your bag and get on Lombardi's
At least, as long as Bellesac still carries the
surname of Lombardi, he was also under my Bellesac's fingers wiggled nervously.
Bellesac, who had been thinking about it for a
“So I'll give you one chance, Bellesac.” long time, eventually said.

I sighed out loud and said. "I'm not going. I said I wasn'm not going.”

“Pick up your wrapped bag, and get on "You've finally decided to trust them."
Lombardi's carriage.”
"I'm sure she's the Baraportite...….”
Bellesac's fingers fluttered nervously.
Bellesac, who had been thinking about it for a
long time, said in the end. You mean Serral?

“I'm not going. I said I'm not going.” Perez snapped in before I asked any further
“You've finally decided to trust you.”
"Leave it behind, Deputy Chief."
“Obviously, my mother wanted someone on
the Baraport family… … .” Perez's gaze at Bellesac, who crouched down,
was cold.
"Don't you think it's safer here?"
Are you talking about Serral?
You're pissed off, Perez.
Before I asked more questions, Perez
intervened. "As long as you say you won't go, I can't force
a witness."
“Leave it, Deputy Patriarch.”
That's the rule, though.
Perez's gaze was cold as he looked at Bellesac
crouching down. I shook my head.

“Wouldn’t you say it would be safer here?” And spoke to Bellesac.

You're pissed off, Perez. "It's your decision. Don't regret it."

"Regret……I don'
“As long as I say that I will not go, I cannot
force a reference person to be sent.” Bellesac said obstinately.

That's the rule. "You idiot."

I shook my head. Bellesac, who doesn't have a brain to figure

out the situation, can only build up his petty
And he said to Bellesac. self-esteem.

“It's your decision. Don't regret it.” He hasn't changed since his previous life
slapped me in the face.
"regret… … I will not."
Bellesac was fast asleep after a long time.
Bellesac said stubbornly.
I haven't been able to fall asleep easily
“A stupid child.” because I've been anxious since I was
Bellesac knows how to build up his modest
self-esteem without having the brain to I fell asleep pleasantly after drinking alcohol
understand the situation properly. with dinner.

He hasn't changed from his previous life It was a time when I didn't know how to get
when he slapped me on the cheek. out of a dream without any worries.

Bellesac was asleep after a long time. I felt like my body was turning upside down in
an instant.
Since he was detained, he couldn't fall asleep
easily because of his anxiety. "Gasp!"

He drank the drink that came with dinner and Bellesac opened his eyes with a terrible pain
he fell asleep comfortably. in his throat.

He didn't know how to get out of his worry- There was still nothing but darkness in the
free dreams. room.

In an instant, his body seemed to flip over. "Oh, my God, this...…!”

“Keep!” As he struggled because he couldn't breathe,

someone's knees pressed against his back
Bellesac opened his eyes with a terrible pain suppressed Bellesac's body deeper.
in his neck.
There was still only darkness in the room.
“Kuh! This, this... … !”
I've been strangled beyond breath with a
Someone's knees, pressing on the back of the little sound pulling something.
man struggling because he couldn't breathe,
pressed Bellesac's body even deeper. "Die fast, you bastard."

And. It was Olka Baraport, a voice that Bellesac

also knew.

His throat tightened, unable to breathe, with

a small sound pulling something.

“Die quickly, my child.”

It was Olka Baraport,, a voice that Bellesac

also knows.
Chapter 219

By Google Translate By Papago

Bellesac struggled desperately. Bellesac struggled desperately.

He was somehow trying to get on his back It was a move to keep the person on his back
and drop the person on his back. somehow.

“Sheesh! You bother me!” "Oh, you'really.

Olka Baraport swears quietly and corrects the Olka Baraport corrected his disorganized
disorganized posture. posture, uttering low-key swear words.

Then, a stronger force than before strangled Then a stronger force strangled me than
him. before.

Bellesac reached back and tried to grab Bellesac reached back and tried to grab Olka
Olcabaraport, but the power of his knight was Baraport, but the power of the knight was
unbeatable. unwinnable.

Now that I was strangled in the back, it was It was all the more difficult now that I was
even more difficult. strangled in the back.

“Oh ugh!” "Laugh!"

Bellesac's mouth wide open, and the sound There was a loud, open, breathing sound
of breathing came out. coming out of Bellesac's mouth.

His bloody head seemed to burst. My bloody head was about to burst.

I don't want to die like this! I don't want to die like this!

Bellesac somehow tried to tear the string Bellesac somehow tried to tear the string
around his neck. around his neck.

He had several red bloody wounds, but his There were several red blood-flowing
stiff lines didn't budge. wounds, but he didn't budge.

Red blood spatter on Bellesac's whites.

Red blood splashed on the white of the
I don't want to die! help me! Bellesac.

Bellesac wanted to shout. I don't want to die! Help me! Help me!

“Kuh! Go!” Bellesac wanted to shout.

But he couldn't even get rid of the screams of "Gasp! Gasp!"

the dead.
But I couldn't even scream at my terminal.
“It's your decision. Don't regret it.”
"It's your decision. Don't regret it."
In the head of Bellesac, who gradually
became distracted by his mind, the words of The words of Florentia rang in the
Florentia rang. increasingly distraught head of Bellezac.

“Die quickly, a little.” "Hurry up and die, please."

I heard Olka Baraport muttering impatiently. I heard Olka Baraport murmur impatiently.

Maybe he is also out of power now. Maybe he's out of energy now.

Bellesac once again tried to move his body Bellesac once again tried to move his body
greatly. big.

But it was already late. But it was already too late.

Contrary to his will, Bellesac's movement Contrary to his will, Bellesak's movements
gradually subsided. gradually subsided.

His limbs, which he wanted to swing with all His arms and legs, which he wanted to swing
his strength, were only twitching finely. with all his might, were convulsed.

He couldn't see any more. I couldn't see any further.

Gradually did not feel the terrible feeling of I couldn't even feel the awful feeling of the
the string digging through his neck. rope digging into my neck.

He himself was dying. He was dying.

Bellesac peeed at that terrible awareness. Bellesac peed at the terrible perception.
Please, someone save me alive. Please, someone save me.

Screaming silently. With a silent scream.

It was then. It was then.

A loud sound came through hearing, the only A loud noise was heard through the only
remaining sensation. sense left, hearing.

And. And

“Keep! Kolok, Kolok! Heck!” "Cough! Cough! Cough!"

The power that had strangled him quickly The power to strangle disappeared in an
disappeared. instant.

Bellesac instinctively curled his body to the Belessack instinctively curled up to his side
side and breathed in the air, emptied. and inhaled the air in a hurry.

“Colok! No, no!” "Cough! Whoa, whoa!"

In the pain of his tears flowing down, Bellesac In a tearful pain, Bellesac trembled with relief
trembled with a sense of relief that he that he had "lived".
“Huh... … .”
It was so precious to breathe with my eyes
His eyes were closed, and his breath was so closed and I just inhaled it once in a while
precious that he shed a non-human sound. shedding sounds that were not human.

And an intense pain that opened his eyes hit And a sharp, eye-opening pain hit my face.
his face.
"How long are you going to lie down? Get up
“How long are you going to lie down? Get up and move.”
and move.”
"Ugh, who…….”
“Oh, who… … .”
Bellesac raised his eyes and looked up at the
Bellesac lifted his hazy eyes and looked up at man who slapped him on the cheek.
the man who slapped him on the cheek.
But all I could recognize was a pair of red
However, all I could recognize was a pair of eyes.
red eyes.
"……just dead."
“… … Should I just say he died.”
A low voice murmured and someone next to
A low voice muttered, and someone stopped him stopped him.
by the side.
"Hey, Your Highness. Come on, get going. I'll
“Hey, your majesty. Don't do that, go ahead. I be waiting.”
will be waiting.”
Bellesac quickly rubbed his eyes.
Bellesac quickly rubbed his eyes.
Then the foggy view became clear.
Then, his hazy vision became clear.
"Ah… … .”
The door was torn open, Olka Baraport lying
The door was torn open, and Olcabara Fort unconscious on the floor.
fell to her floor, distracted.
Three people, including Ligniter Luman,
It was seen that three people, including Ligni known as the closest aide to the second
Teruman, who are known to be close to the prince, were seen searching the arms of
Second Prince, were scrambling the arms of Olkabara Port.
"Hey, look at this."
“Hey, look at this?”
"Hey, Lombardi. Here's your suicide note."
“Hey, Lombardi. Here is your will.”
Ted laughed and took a piece of paper from
Tedro smiled and took a piece of paper out of Olka Baraport's arms and showed it to
Olka Baraport's arms and gave it to Bellesac. Bellesac.

[… … Repenting for the sin that he dared to […... repenting for the sins of attempting to
condemn His Majesty... … The first Prince kill the Emperor]… The First Prince is just a
Jeon-ha is just a victim who was caught up in victim of this incident....for the sins I have
this incident... … The indelible sin I committed with my own life...…]
committed, even with my life... … ]
Bellesac's spine gave me chills.
Bellesac's back was creepy.
"Why? Because it's exactly like your
"Why? It’s exactly the same as your
handwriting?” Steeley asked, laughing knowingly.

Asked, laughing at Stilly as if it was worth "Is there anyone around you who can copy
knowing. her handwriting and write a suicide note?”

“Wouldn’t there be anyone around who "You're completely out of your mind, you're
could write a will by copying the empress's out of your mind.”
Lignite flicked his tongue at Bellesac, who was
“It's completely ecstatic, but it's ecstatic.” blankly looking at a suicide note bearing his
Rig Nite blankly knocked his tongue at
Bellesac looking at a will with his name on it. "Wake up."

“Get up.” Then Perez came up and grabbed Bellesac by

the collar and lifted him up.
Then Perez approached and grabbed
Bellesac's fat and lifted him up. It was a simple move, as if holding a teacup,
to lift a large adult man with one hand.
Lifting a large adult male with one hand was a
gentle movement, as if lifting a teacup. The rough touch staggered Bellesac's body
Bellesac's body staggered once by the rough
touch. But no one was here to sympathize with it.

But no one was here to sympathize with it. "Come on, Your Highness. I'll be interrogating
this guy!"
“Come back, Your Majesty. I'll be
interrogating this guy!” Lignite Luman spoke with his feet in the chest
of Olka Baraport, who was distraught and
Lignite Ruman said, stepping on the chest of drooping.
Olka Baraport, who was sloppy and drooping.
"Follow me."
“Follow me.”
Perez said so and took the lead first.
Perez said so and took the lead.
Without asking where he was going, Bellesac
Bellesac shrugged his shoulders and followed shrugged his shoulders and followed suit.
him without asking, “Where are you going?”
Outside the Knights building, there was a
carriage waiting.
A carriage was waiting outside the Templar
building. But Perez opened the door of the luggage
compartment, not the door of the room.
But Perez opened the door of the luggage
compartment, not the door of the room. "Get on."

“Get on.” "But this is the luggage compartment...….”

“But this is a luggage compartment… … .” It was even before Bellesac finished talking.

It was before Bellesac had even finished his Perez grabbed Bellesac by the collar once
speech. again and threw him into the luggage
Perez grabbed Bellesac's fat once again and
threw it into the bin. Thump

thud "Ugh!"

“Ugh!” Bellesac held his head in pain, but there was

no change in Perez's expression.
Bellesac covered his head when he bumped
and hurt, but Perez's expression remained "The luggage should be in the luggage
unchanged. compartment."

“The luggage fits in the luggage After saying that, I just slammed the door of
compartment.” the luggage compartment.

Having said that, he just slammed the luggage Early in the morning, a small villa at the end
compartment door closed. of the Lombardi estate.

Early in the morning, a small cottage located "Oh, Bellesac!"

at the end of the Lombardi estate.
“Ah, Bellesac!”
Perez's carriage arrived and a reunion of
"Mother!" Bellesac and Serral's moving hats took place.

When the carriage with Perez arrived, by the way

Bellesac and Serral's hatred reunion took
place. "Why is he getting out of the luggage
By the way.
Perez shrugged and replied to my question.
“Why is he getting off the luggage
compartment?” “?…”

Perez shrugged his shoulders to my question I don'

and replied.
I'm sure you didn't go in on your own.
“?… ”
But it didn't matter where Bellesac got on, so
Well." I turned to Serral and Bellesac.

Obviously, it wasn't going to happen on my "Oh, my God, this mark...…!”

Serral was astonished to see the dark red
But it didn't matter where Bellesac rode, so I mark on Belessak's neck.
turned to Serral and Bellesac.
"Oh, Lord Olka Baraport broke in and put his
“Oh my God, this mark… … !” neck...….”

Serral was astonished to see the dark red Bellesac didn't have to explain any more.
marks on Bellesac's neck.
Sensing what had happened, Serral looked
“Oh, Sir Olcabara Port broke in and broke his silently at the terrible mark on my son's neck
neck... … .” and turned to me.

Bellesac didn't even need to explain any "You must have known what the Empress
more. was like. You're not surprised, are you?

Realizing what had happened, Serral silently Serral shook his head with a troubled look at
looked at the terrible marks on my son's neck my words.
and turned to me.
"I knew it. I knew who my cousin was, but I
“You must have known who the Empress is. was afraid. I was afraid……."
Are you not surprised?”
Serral spoke to himself in a voice full of
At me, Serral shook his head with an afflicted regret.
He looked very exhausted.
“I knew. I knew what my cousin sister was,
but she was afraid. She was afraid... … .” Serral came a few steps closer to me and
Serral spoke to himself in a voice full of "Thank you. No. Thank you, Deputy
regret. Patriarch."

It looked very exhausted. "There's nothing to be thankful for.”

Serral approached me a few steps and said. I glanced at the old villa where the hat would
live in the future.
“Thank you. no. Thank you, Deputy
Patriarch.” "It was in my best interest to live rather than
die at the hands of the Empress."
“I have nothing to thank you for.”
Serral looked at me with mixed eyes.
I said, glancing at the old villa where the hat
will live in the future. Then he took a letter out of his arms and held
it out to me.
“Because it was more beneficial for me to live
than for Bellesac to die at the hands of the It was a purple letter.
empress, so I only helped.”
"This is it."
Serral looked at me with crossed eyes.
I took it and handed it over to Perez right
Then he took a letter out of his chest and away.
handed it to me.
It'll be a weapon that shines more in Perez's
It was a purple letter. hands than I do.

“This is it.” "Bellesac."

I took it and handed it over to Perez right I instead called Bellesac, standing shoulder-
away. shrinking behind Serral.

It will be a weapon that shines more in Perez' "From now on, you and your eldest mother
hand than I do. will live here as if they were dead."

“Pelesac.” "Hey, here?"

Instead, I called Bellesac, standing behind Bellesac looked around the villa with his eyes
Serral with his shoulders shrugged. closed.

“From now on, you and your eldest mother It was a building where traces of time
will live here as if they are dead.” remained intact on scarlet bricks.
“Wow, here?” I can't get my act together until the end.

Bellesac looked around the villa with bleak "Why, do you think it's not enough?"
"Not like that…….”
It was a building with the traces of the years
left intact in the scarlet bricks. I walked in front of Bellesac.

Can't you wake up until the end? "Don't get me wrong. You and we share the
same last name, but you with low blood will
“Why do you think it’s not enough?” never be part of the family."

“Not like that… … .” In my previous life, the words that Bellesac

slapped me on the cheek rang in my ears.
I walked in front of Bellesac.
There was also a clear look of contempt for
“Don't be mistaken. Even though you and we the dirty.
use the same surname, you will never be part
of a family with low blood.” Like what just happened, I was furious.

What Bellesac had spoken to me in my "You can live as our servant as you are now."
previous life, rang in my ears.
But Bellesac, who is standing in front of me
She also had a clear, contemptuous gaze as if now, was far from spitting at my feet.
seeing dirty things.
Still stupid, obtuse, but he was terrified.
Just like what had just happened, I was angry
with my head. His veins burst and he gave off a mess of his
face and a smell of disgusting smell.
“You just have to live as our servant as you do
now.” "You called me half."

But Bellesac, standing in front of me, was far Bellesac's complexion was white with my low
from spitting at my feet. murmur.

He was still stupid and stupid, but he was "Sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't know anything at
terrified. the time! I'm sorry, deputy Patriarch!"

The veins burst, giving off a messy face and a Bellesac plopped to his knees.
nasty smell.
I looked down at such a Bellezac and said.
“You called me half-baked.”
"You'll lose everything with that half-bodied
Bellesac's complexion turned white at the word, Bellesac."
words I muttered lowly.
"Boo, please forgive me...… the anger died
“Sin, sorry! I didn't know what to do back down slowly.
then! Sorry, Deputy Patriarch!”
It was not vain.
Bellesac plunged to his knees.
It's one of the fruits of my hard work that I've
I said, looking down at Bellesac like that. built up since I went back.

“If you just say that half, you'll lose My stupid cousin who was just obtuse, lazy,
everything, Bellesac.” and infinitely evil to the weak.

“Woo, please forgive me… … The anger slowly I slowly opened my mouth to Bellesac.
"I'll send you money in your name to make
It wasn't vain. ends meet every month. But that's all you can
live with as your patronizing pedigree."
It's one of the fruits of the efforts I have built
up since I returned. I said with a low tongue.

My foolish cousin who was just stupid, lazy, "Live like a dead man. I hear your name again,
and infinitely demonic to the weak. if you don't want to lose it."

I slowly opened my mouth toward Bellesac. I stared at Bellesac for the last time and
boarded the carriage Perez had come in.
“I'll send you money to live and eat every
month in your name. But that's all you can Perez followed right behind me.
live with your handsome “blood.”
It was like a glimpse of Bellesac, who was still
I said, quitting and kicking his tongue low. kneeling out of the window as the carriage
moved, but I didn't look back.
“Living like dead. If I hear your name again in
my ears and I don't want to take it away.” There was still silence in the carriage.

Last time I stared at Bellesac, I got into the "If you interrogate the article that tried to kill
carriage that Perez had been riding on. Bellesac, you'll find out something.”

Perez immediately followed me. When the Lombardi mansion began to be

seen, Perez told me.
It seemed at first glance that Bellesac was still "But why don't you look so good, Perez?"
kneeling out of the window as the carriage
moved, but I did not look back. Perez shut up as if he were agonizing over
something in my question.
There was still silence inside the carriage.
I looked at a guy like that and asked.
“If you interrogate the article that tried to kill
Bellesac, you may find something out.” "You too, something's wrong, right?"

When the Lombardi mansion began to I keep feeling uncomfortable.

appear, Perez told me.
It felt like there would be another move
“But why are you having a bad complexion, hidden by the Empress.
And when I got out of the carriage, I could
My question asked Perez as if he was worried see the identity of the stinkingness.
about something.
"Madam! Lady Tia!"
I asked while looking at such a guy.
As soon as the carriage door opened, Laurel
“You too, is something weird?” rushed in and shouted.

I keep feeling steamed. "Hua, the Imperial Knights raided the Pellet
and his brother's mansion!"
It felt like there would be one more hidden by
the empress.

And when I got out of the carriage, I could

see the identity of the steamed steamer.

"miss! Miss Tia!”

As soon as the carriage door opened, Loril ran

away and cried.

“Wa, the imperial knights raided the Pellet

Corporation and Brother's mansion!”
Chapter 220

By Google Translate By Papago

Empress Lavini was looking out of her Empress Lavini was looking out of the
window in a dark hallway that was window in a dark hallway where she didn't
deliberately not lit. turn on the lights on purpose.

She had a brief commotion inside the Perez was seen coming out after a brief
Templar building in the distance, and soon disturbance inside the far-sighted Knights
she saw Perez coming out. building.

Bellesac is following him closely. And the appearance of Bellesac following

After a while, a carriage carrying two people
passed through the alley of the Knights. After a while, a carriage carrying the two
escaped the Knights Alley.
The Empress, who watched the carriage's
back, began to rush her steps toward her Watching the back of the carriage to the end,
Imperial Palace. the empress began to take a busy step
toward the Imperial Palace.
She was past midnight, but she didn't
hesitate to take the move. It was past midnight, but there was no
hesitation in the move.
She knew that Yovanes hadn't gone to bed
yet, because she knew through the It was because I knew from the henchmen
henchmens that had already been planted planted inside the imperial palace that
inside the emperor's palace. Yovanes had not yet gone to bed.

“Inform your Majesty that I am here, Maid "Let His Majesty know I'm here, Otois maid."
The Otoi maid, who came out while waiting
She waited for her visitor, but came out and to hear that there were visitors, found
found Empress Lavini, and her complexion Empress Lavini and her complexion hardened.
"……Yes, Empress."
“… … Yes, Empress.”
The Otoi maidhouse went back inside and a
After a while, the maid of Otua went inside moment later, the door to the bedroom
again, and the door of her bedroom opened. opened.
“The fortress Empress is looking for me "The Empress has been looking for me a lot
often.” lately."

Yovanes, who was changed into acupuncture, Yovanes, who changed into a salivary robe,
said, smiling crookedly at Lavini. smiled crookedly at Lavini.

It's obvious to laugh at it, but Lavini was just It was obvious to laugh, but Lavigni stood still
standing still with her weird smile. with a strange smile.

“Hmm.” "Hmm."

Yovanes looked at it as if it were interesting Yovanes looked at the figure interestingly and
and asked. asked.

“What's happening late, Empress.” "What are you doing late at night, Empress?"

“I have something to say, Your Majesty.” "I have something to tell you, Your Majesty."

She was asking for her solemnity. I was asking for a private meeting.

Yovanes, who nodded his head, beckoned All the servants in the bedroom went out as
lightly, and all the attendants in the bedroom Yovanes nodded lightly.
went outside.
"It's a contest in a few days."
“A few days later, it’s a conference.”
Lavini opened his mouth first in the
In the emperor's bedroom with only two emperor's bedroom, which was only two left.
remaining, Lavini first opened her mouth.
"Ah, I know what you're going to say about
“Ah, if that's the story, I know roughly what that."
you're talking about.”
Yovanes said with a slight frown.
Yovanes said, frowning slightly.
The long-standing territorial conflict between
The long-standing conflict between Angenas Angenas and Brown has been on the agenda
and Brown overcame the agenda of the of the convention.
Yovanes had to decide who would qualify for
As Emperor Yovanes, he had to decide who the West as emperor.
would become the representative of the
"You're asking me to stand by Angenas at the
“It’s a story asking you to be on the side of conference, aren't you?"
Angenas at the conference, isn’t it?”
In saying so, Yovanes picked up a thin bundle
Having said that, Yovanes picked up a thin of papers that had been placed on the desk.
stack of papers that had been placed on the
table. "But my aides found out that the estate to
the Brown family was a little bigger."
“However, as my aides found out, the estate
that went to the Browns was a little bigger.” But the difference was so small that it could
not be by the emperor's words.
However, by the words of the emperor, the
difference was so small that it could be "……That's right."
Empress Lavini admitted.
“… … Yes."
"I have come to you to confirm that you will
Empress Lavini admitted. raise the hand of Angenas."

“Then His Majesty will raise the hand of "Certain answer?"

Angenas, and he came to receive a
confirmation.” Yovanes smirked.

“Are you sure?” Then he took out another piece of paper

under the package and showed it to the
Yovanes grinned. empress.

Then he took out another piece of paper from "Letters from the Lombardi family."
under the package and showed it to the
empress. After entering the bedroom, Empress Lavini's
smile cracked for the first time.
“The letter of Lombardi Ca.”
"The Prince of Wales and Lombardi of
After entering the bedroom, the smile of Florentia will pay 100,000 gold to
Empress Lavini broke for the first time. compensate for the breakdown of the
She said, “I give 100,000 gold as
compensation for the broken marriage 100,000 gold.
between The Second Prince and Florentia
Lombardi.” It was a huge sum indeed.

100,000 gold.
No noble family in the Empire could have
It was a tremendous amount indeed. paid that much money and remained intact.

No noble family in the empire paid that much But Lombardi was the exception.
money and could not remain intact.
As always, Lombardi was an exception.
But Lombardi was an exception.
"How dare you smear the Emperor and stop
As always, Lombardi was an exception. him with money?”

“Do you dare to destroy the emperor and Emperor Yovanes murmured grumpily.
stop it with money?”
Of course I was going to get the money.
Emperor Yovanes muttered unevenly.
Yovanes was no fool to turn down 100,000
Of course, I was going to get the money. gold.

Yovanes wasn't a fool to refuse 100,000 gold. But I have to show you that everything
doesn't go Lombardi's way.
But I have to show that everything doesn't go
according to Lombardi's will. Angenas' hand could be lifted many times to
press the arrogant Lombardi's nose.
Angenas' hand could be lifted any number of
times in order to press the nose of the Even so, Angenas cannot threaten the
arrogant Lombardi. imperial authority like Lombardi.

That said, Angenas cannot threaten the Yovanes said to Empress Lavini.
imperial power like Lombardi.
"I'll give you Angenas' hand at the
Yovanes said to Empress Lavini. conference."

“I will raise Angenas' hand at the "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

A big smile, Lavini secretly added.
“Thank you, Your Majesty!”
"And there's one more thing to be
Lavini, who smiled wide, secretly added her confirmed."
"Huh, one more thing? I knew the Empress
“And I have one more thing to affirm.” was greedy."

Yovanes said with a grin as if dumbfounded.

“Huh, one more thing? Although she knew
the Empress was greedy for her.” "Well, tell me something."

Yovanes said with a vain laughter, as if it were "Please allow the Imperial Knights to
absurd. investigate Pellet today and arrest its
superior, your Majesty."
“Yes, please tell me.”
"Above Pellet?"
“Today, please allow the Imperial Knights to
investigate the Pellet Corporation and to This time, Yovanes' eyes opened wide.
arrest the top-lord, Clarivan Pellet, Your
Majesty.” It was because an unexpected name popped
“Over the pellet?”
"That's quite a big shot.”
This time, Yovanes' eyes wide open.
Ichigo, who lives with his feet in the Empire,
It was because a completely unexpected knew all about Clarivan Pellet and Pellet.
name came out.
The top, which was created only a decade
“It's pretty big.” ago, has already become large enough to
form the axis of the empire.
No one knew about the Ichigo Clarivan Pellets
and Pellet Traders, who lived on their feet in In particular, eastern trade was at a level
the Empire. dominated by Pellet.

The top, which was formed only a dozen Some even said that in order to sell goods to
years ago, has already become so enormous the East, it had to be through Pellet Trading.
that it forms an axis of the empire.
"What's the reason?”
In particular, the eastern trade was
dominated by the Pellet Corporation. "The investigation into the attempted murder
case was slow, so I found out for myself that
It was said that in order to sell goods in the the suspicious drug taken by the First Prince
eastern part, it was necessary to go through a was distributed through Pellet."
Pellet Corporation.
Lavini answered without changing his face
“What is the reason?” color.

“The investigation into the attempted "Situations, circumstances...….”

incident was sluggish, and as a result of my
own research, I found the situation in which In a word, it may be, but it may not be.
the suspicious drug that the First Prince ate
was distributed through the Pellet "That's not a bad picture."
Yovanes grinned as he recalled knights
Lavini replied without changing a single color dressed in imperial patterns surrounding
of her face. Pellet's funeral.

"conditions. The situation... … .” After a long time, I thought it was a good

opportunity to show the authority of the
In a word, it was'maybe, but it may not'. imperial family.

“That's not a bad picture.” Also, the fact that Clarivan Pellet was a man
of Bonsi Lombardi also played a part in
Yovanes laughed as he thought of knights Yovanes' decision.
wearing imperial patterns surrounding the
Pellet Corporation. "The Imperial Knights are not the hands and
feet of the Imperial Family."
After a long time, I thought it was a good
opportunity to show the authority of the Emperor Yovanes told Empress Lavini.
Hwang family.
"There's no reason why the Empress
Also, the fact that Clarivan Pellet was a shouldn't have an Imperial Order."
person of Bonshi Lombardi also played a part
in Yovanes' decision.

“The imperial knights aren't the original

imperial hands and feet.”
Emperor Yovanes said to Empress Lavini.

“There is no reason why the Empress should

not be in charge of the Imperial Knights.”

"Darn it."

Looking at Laurel's white face, I let out a

"This is what the empress was after.”

Perhaps from the start, Bellesac was a decoy.

I drew Perez's attention to it and aimed at
"Damn it." Clarivan.

As I looked at Loril's white face, I spit out "How come the Knights of the Imperial Family
swearing. have come...…" asked Laurel in a trembling
voice as if she were frightened.
“It was this. What the Empress was aiming
for.” "He's trying to find a contract. A contract that
borrowed money from Angenas' estate as
Bellesac was probably a bait from the collateral."
"But I can't believe that's why the Knights of
I and Perez' attention was drawn there and the Imperial Family move themselves...….”
aimed at Clarivan.
"I'm sure he kissed the Emperor in advance.
“Why is the Imperial Knights brother L... … And you happen to have one good excuse for
“Lorrill asked in a trembling voice, as if he the Imperial Knights to move on?”
was terrified.
"Seo, don't tell me....”
“I'm trying to find a contract. A contract that
borrowed money from Angenas' estate as Laurel couldn't bring herself to put the word
collateral. in her mouth and only her lips trembled.

“But because of that, the Imperial Knights "Right, the attempted assassination of the
moved directly… … .” Emperor. I'm sure we've got Clarivan
“I must have kissed the emperor in advance.
And there is just one excuse for the imperial It was hard to know where to produce
knights to move, right?” plausible evidence, as if Bellesac had made up
his suicide note, or if he was just making such
“Well, no way… … .” excuses.

Loril couldn't even put the word in her But one thing was certain.
mouth, and her lips trembled.
That the Emperor Yovanes would acquiesce
"right. The attempted case by the emperor. I in this behaviour of the Empress.
would have woven Clarivan somehow.”
"Did they catch Clarivan?”
It was not known where the plausible
evidence would have been created, as in "Oh, no, I'm just going through houses and
making up Bellesac's will, or if he was just businesses like this...….”
making such excuses.
Then there is still a chance.
But one thing was certain.
"First, we have to find Clarivan.”
That is, Emperor Yovanes would tolerate the
empress's actions. I looked back at Perez and said.

"You said you caught Clarivan over there?" "Perez, release your men into the Lombardi
estate and into the ecliptic.”
“Oh, no. Just saying that he is searching for
the mansion and the Corporationt house like "In the ecliptic?"
this... … .”
"Clarivan did it a few days ago. I'm scheduled
If so, there is still an opportunity. to have a meeting with my father at
Gallahan's Garment headquarters in Eciptic
“Once we have to find Clarivan first.” today. I don't know exactly what time it is,
but it may have already crossed into the
I said, looking back at Perez. ecliptic.”

“Perez, release your people to the Lombardi "Okay, I'll look for it."
estate and the Eciptic.”
After unpacking the horse that was pulling
“On the Eciptic?” the carriage and checking out the back of
Perez, he told Laurel.
“Clarivan did that a few days ago. Today, a
meeting with his father was scheduled at the "We're going to the Knights of Lombardi."
main store of the Gallahan clothing store in
Eciptic. I don't know exactly what time it will "The Knights?"
be, but he may have already crossed over to
the Eciptic.” "Yes, I have a favor to ask of you."

"Okay. I'll find it.” I only walked quickly without saying anything
anymore, but anger was boiling quietly inside
After releasing the horse that was pulling the me.
carriage at all, I checked the back of Perez,
who was riding and running, and said to Lorill. Empress Lavini, how dare you touch my man?

“We go to the Knights of Lombardi.”

“The Knights Templar?”

"Huh. I have something to ask for.” ***

I walked quickly without saying anything
anymore, but anger was boiling quietly within

Empress Lavini, dare you touch my man? "Search everywhere! I don't know where
Clarivan Pellet is hiding!"


Imperial Knights and soldiers rushed into the

*** Pellet Corporation outside Lombardi.

Angry Violet ran out of the office and walked

over to the knight who appeared to be in

“Search through! I don't know where the But it was strange.

Clarivan pellets are hiding!”
It was not the same imperial knight, but the
"Yes!" knight of Angenas, who was giving orders to
the imperial knights.
Imperial knights and soldiers struck the Pellet
Corporation outside Lombardi. Standing tall in the middle of the Sanghoe
site, a giant knight with one head bigger than
Angry Violet ran out of the office and walked others was a man Violet knew well.
to the knight who seemed to be in charge.
Ethan Klaus.
But it was weird.
He was the commander of the Order of the
It was not the same imperial knight, but Angenas, who listened only to the Empress'
Angenas' knight, who gave orders to the orders.
imperial knights and commanded them.
The commander of the Knights of Angenas,
Violet was also familiar with the big knight who gives orders to royal knights.
who stood tall in the middle of the commerce
site and had one head larger than others. It was a ridiculous combination, but the
Empress was the one who made it possible.
Ethan Kluth.
And Violet could guess what was going on
He was the head of the Knights of Angenas, with the sight.
who only listened to the orders of the
But that didn't allow them to plough through
You're the head of the Knights of Angenas Pellet.
who give orders to the imperial knights.
The violet, who raised his head more
It was a ridiculous combination, but the confidently, stood in front of Ethan Klus.
Empress was the one who could make it
possible. "Violet Lippe, the injured owner of Pellet
Corporation. What the hell is going on?"
And Violet could guess what was going on
from the sight. "Injured short liquor?"

But that didn't mean that they couldn't let But without answering, Ethan Klux, who was
the pellet traders wander to their heart's briefly looking up and down at Violet,
content. ordered an imperial knight waiting next to
Violet, who raised his head more confidently,
stood in front of Clus. "Take him and question him.”

“I am Violet Lippe, the injured owner of the "Let go of this! Let go!"
Pellet Corporation. What the hell is this
about?” They already had no intention of talking.

“Injured danju?” Violet resisted as hard as she could, but she

couldn't beat the imperial knights' strength.
However, Edon Cluth, who was looking at
Violet up and down for a while without
answering, ordered an imperial knight
standing next to him.

“Drag and go and interrogate.”

“Put this! Let go!”

They were already unwilling to talk.

Violet resisted as much as possible, but

couldn't beat the strong force of the Imperial

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