Unit 2 MCQ
Unit 2 MCQ
Unit 2 MCQ
a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 d) 6
Ans: C
9) In PIC 18F458, how many pins are assigned to Vcc and GND?
a) 1 b) 4 c) 3 d)2
ans: b
10) In the PIC18F458, how many pins arc designated as I/O port pins?
a) 33 b)35 c) 31 d) 36
ANS: a
11) How many pins are designated as PORTA in the 40-pin DIP package .
a) 8 b) 6 c)7 d) 5
ans: C
12) How many pins are designated as PORTD in the 40-pin DIP package.
a) 8 b) 9 c)7 d) 5
ans: a
34.First load WREG =55H, then moves this value around to various SFRs of ports A,B,C,
and D then contents of A,B,C & D are ……………
a) A= 00H ; B= 00H ; C= 00H ; D = 00H
b) A= FFH ; B= FFH ; C= FFH ; D = FFH
c) A= 55H ; B= 55H ; C= 55H ; D = 55H
d) None of these
ANS : c)
43. Which is the correct instruction written in C language which will start Timer 3
a. T3CONbits.TMR3 ON=1;
c. T3CONbits.tmr3on=1;
d. t3conbits.tmr3on=1;
Ans: a