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Case Study On A Highway Project: Environmental Impact Assesment

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Submitted by
Alona sara sajan
S2 Mtech EE , Roll no :01
Sruthi Francis
S2 Mtech EE , Roll no :10
Increase in the population and industrial development leads to the exploitation
of natural resources and also increase in the environmental pollution. Due to the
pressures of overconsumption, population growth and technology,
the biophysical environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently. This
has been recognized, and governments have begun placing restraints on
activities that cause environmental degradation. Since the 1960s, environmental
movements have created more awareness of the multiple environmental
problems. There is disagreement on the extent of the environmental impact of
human activity, so protection measures are occasionally debated. Environmental
protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment by individuals,
organizations and governments. Its objectives are to conserve natural resources
and the existing natural environment and, where possible, to repair damage and
reverse trends.

Environmental assessment (EA) is the assessment of the environmental

consequences of a plan, policy, program, or actual projects prior to the decision
to move forward with the proposed action. "Environmental impact assessment"
(EIA) is usually used when applied to actual projects by individuals or
companies and the term "strategic environmental assessment" (SEA) applies to
policies, plans and programmes most often proposed by organs of state. It is a
tool of environmental management forming a part of project approval and
decision-making. Environmental assessments may be governed by rules
of administrative procedure regarding public participation and documentation of
decision making, and may be subject to judicial review. EIA is intended to
identify the Environmental, Social and Economic impacts of a proposed
development prior to decision-making. This means that it is easy to identify

 The most environmentally suitable option at an early stage

 The best practicable environmental option
 Alternative processes

Highway construction is a major activity of economic development especially in

developing countries like India. Road development is a major source of damage
to the environment, including ecological deterioration, habitat disturbance and
damage to flora and fauna (Gawande et al.,2013) .

Steps in EIA process

 EIA involves the steps mentioned below. However, EIA process is

cyclical with interaction between the various steps.
 Screening: The project plan is screened for scale of investment, location
and type of development and if the project needs statutory clearance.
 Scoping: The project’s potential impacts, zone of impacts, mitigation
possibilities and need for monitoring.
 Collection of baseline data: Baseline data is the environmental status of
study area.
 Impact prediction: Positive and negative, reversible and irreversible and
temporary and permanent impacts need to be predicted which
presupposes a good understanding of the project by the assessment
 Mitigation measures and EIA report: The EIA report should include
the actions and steps for preventing, minimizing or by passing the
impacts or else the level of compensation for probable environmental
damage or loss.
 Public hearing: On completion of the EIA report, public and
environmental groups living close to project site may be informed and
 Decision making: Impact Assessment Authority along with the experts
consult the project-in-charge along with consultant to take the final
decision, keeping in mind EIA and EMP (Environment Management
 Monitoring and implementation of environmental management
plan: The various phases of implementation of the project are monitored.
 Assessment of Alternatives, Delineation of Mitigation Measures and
Environmental Impact Assessment Report: For every project, possible
alternatives should be identified, and environmental attributes compared.
Alternatives should cover both project location and process technologies.
 Once alternatives have been reviewed, a mitigation plan should be drawn
up for the selected option and is supplemented with an Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) to guide the proponent towards environmental
 Risk assessment: Inventory analysis and hazard probability and index
also form part of EIA procedures.

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a systematic investigation of

both Positive and Negative impacts on the physical, biological, socioeconomic
environment, which would be caused or induced due to a proposed
developmental project. EIA helps to develop environmental friendly projects
and seeks to reduce environmental degradation caused by developmental
activities. It also provides a plan to reduce the unconstructive environmental
effects of proposed development project through alternative approaches, design
modifications and remedial measures. Highway construction is a major activity
of economic development especially in developing countries like India. Road
development is a major source of damage to the environment, including
ecological deterioration, habitat disturbance and damage to flora and fauna.

The present report analyses the environmental impacts likely to occur due to
the proposed widening of a 130 km stretch of NH-4 from Pune to Bangalore.
The report highlights the importance of EIA in the sustainable development of
highway project with a case study of vital link of about 130 Kilometers . The
parameters covered in study like Socio-Economic, Biological, Air, Water,
Noise, Ecological & Soil. Samples of air, water & soil were taken to analyze
their present conditions. Data was also collected from various Government
offices like the forest department and town & country planning department.
After analyzing different parameters and discussing the probable impacts
suggestions are made regarding the mitigation measures that can be taken at
different stages in order to reduce the environmental impacts and awareness to
the public through it.

The road widening project is located on National Highway No -4 which is going

to be constructed from Pune to Satara. The road meets to six lane project Pune
Bangalore towards Karnataka state. The location contains some wells, rivers,
hilly portions also fields of farmers up to the end. Different Soil strata having
various types as black cotton soil, sandy soil, rock strata.

The main goal of EIA is to influence development decisionmaking by providing

sound information on environmental impacts and the means for preventing or
reducing those impacts. Possible impacts of the project are

 Emission from construction vehicles and machinery

 Noise from the vehicles, asphalt plants, due to blasting operation and
 Roadside landscape development.
 Accident risks from construction activities
 Dust and its treatment.
 Some health issues.

Data collected

 As the emission from vehicles affect to human health via respiratory

system. The dust settled due to emission may settle over the leaves of
tree and causes reduction in the growth along with this the water sources
get impure due to the same.
 The activities of using heavy machinery and equipment's are localized
and are intermittent.This could affect the hearing in humans.
 The positive impacts on bio-aesthetes and one beauty about landscaping
and beautification of ponds and access roads will improve aesthetic
 The type of accidental risks may be due to illmaintained machines and
vehicles due to poor light conditions and at the work place or due to
carelessness and poor management of the work involved.
 The effects of the dust at constructions sites are rather adverse but
localized in nature. And some time in case of extends in limits will
results for purification treatment as per the condition.
 Health risks or issues are likely to be unavailability of wholesome
drinking water, due to unhygienic conditions at site, due to handling of
different Instruments which are not properly cleaned due to the lack of
water and such adverse conditions create diseases.

Water quality management

Water Quality Management will be closely related to erosion and sedimentation

control. Control measures to protect water will include

 Temporary drainage to direct surface runoff in to silt ponds.

 Temporary sanitation facilities will be provided at the construction
workers camp site.
 Waste oil and grease will be stored in proper containers and taken off
site, so that there will be no discharge in to watercourses.
 Fuel skid tanks will be sited away from any watercourses.
 Maintenance site will be well managed and kept tidy to prevent
possibility of contamination.

Air quality management

Air Quality Management will be maintained to comply with environmental

statutory requirements. Control measures will include

 Site roads will be compacted and maintained.

 A site speed limit of 20 km/hr will be imposed on earth roads.
 Truck moving outside the site carrying soil or aggregates will not be
overloaded to prevent spillage on public roads.
 Vehicles and machinery will be properly maintained to reduce exhaust
 Dust collectors and suppressors will be fitted on crusher, and asphalt
mixing plants to prevent air pollution.

Noise control measurers

Noise levels will be maintained to comply with the statutory environmental

requirements. Control measures will include

 The proper maintenance of construction vehicles and equipment to

reduce excessive noise.
 Any "High Noise Area" will be posted with warning signs and workers
will not be allowed to freely enter the area.
 Tertiary crushers will be fitted with rock lining to act as natural sound
insulator during the crushing process.
 Natural vegetation will be maintained where possible to act as a natural
 Only locations that are not within the near vicinity of housing areas will
be selected for quarrying and mixing operations.

Review of EIA

EIA reports are reviewed by a review agency or by a special "Standing

Committee" or "Commission" established to review projects in a given sector.
These terms and conditions are attached to any license, permit, or certificate
issued by the approval authority. IAAs like the ADB and the World Bank also
use experts for the review and evaluation of EIA reports submitted to them as
part of their environmental assessment requirements. One output of the EIA
review process is the terms and conditions that are attached to approvals. These
terms and conditions define the environmental protection measures that must be
integrated into a project. The terms and conditions may also specify
environmental monitoring that must be undertaken in conjunction with the
project. For example, in the PRC, EPB (National Environmental Protection
Agency for large projects) staff must inspect construction projects to ensure that
the environmental protection measures are installed and operable prior to giving
final clearance to the project.

Environmental monitoring data collected

The National air quality standards, surface water as well as noise standards are
given as under, so that the comparison of air pollutants and other factors can be
done from collected actual data of the project. The air pollution due to the
different vehicles as well as the machinery and the equipment gives the
emissions of pollutants at crushing plant. The data were collected from the site
and observed for 24 days. The sound is measured at different points and
locations. The noise level for the different instruments is to be observed on the


EIA is necessary to know the adverse effect of any project to the environment,
and by carrying out EIA we can minimize the adverse effect over humans,
plants, animals as well as environment. Survey for this project gives idea about
the pollutants from surface water, from air, from noise are to be studied and
from this it can conclude that the SPM is more in this region. The DO content
for the total organisms calculated and it is in limit. In case of air the range
exceeds for Carbon monoxide so it can be controlled by means of plantation as
well as reduction in vehicular emission.The issue of water logging in adjoining
area will improve due to the raising of the road, heavy loss of road side trees
leading to increase in air and noise pollution etc impacts are identified.


Sagar M. Gawande, Prashant A.Kadu,2013 , Environmental Impact Assessment

of Six Laning through NH-4, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering
Research, Volume 4, Issue 12.ss

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