Principle and Design of Physico Chemical Treatment
Principle and Design of Physico Chemical Treatment
Principle and Design of Physico Chemical Treatment
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Branch: Civil Engineering
Principle and Design of Physico-Chemical Treatment
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer ALL questions
1. Explain any one method of aeration. Which source of water aeration is insisted?
2. Draw a typical layout of municipal water treatment plant taking water from a
stream. List out the treatment plant units with their functions.
3. What is the importance of grit removal in wastewater treatment? What are the
different type grit chambers used in the wastewater treatment plants.
4. Write notes on different membrane treatment systems.
(4 x 5 marks =20 marks)
i. Explain the principle mechanisms of coagulation.
ii. Differentiate between coagulation and flocculation. (5 + 5)
6. What is surface overflow rate? Derive the effect of surface overflow rate on the
efficiency of an ideal settling basin. Find the minimum size of the particle with
100% settling efficiency in an ideal sedimentation basin with a surface overflow
rate of 24m3/d/m2.
7. Explain the principle of chlorination. List different types Chlorination with
corresponding dosages. Draw & Explain the Break Point Chlorination Curve.
8. Explain the working of a Rapid Sand Filter. Design rapid sand filter box to treat
12 Mld of water, allowing 4% of excess filtered water for backwashing. Half hour
per day is used for back washing. Draw the neat cross section of the filter.
06CE6033 Reg. No _______________
Name _________________
Branch: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Environmental Engineering
Principle and Design of Physico-Chemical Treatment
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer ALL questions
4 X 5 Marks
1. What is E-coli? Describe ‘E-coli an indicator Organism’.
2. Differentiate the working of dry and wet coagulant feeders with neat sketches.
3. Draw a typical layout of municipal wastewater treatment plant discharging the treated
effluent to a stream. List out the treatment plant units with their functions.
4. Where do we prefer an Equalization system in treatment chain, water or wastewater? What
is its function?
4 X 10 Marks
a. What is aeration? What are objectives of aeration? List any two methods of aeration
working as per dispersion of water in air.
b. Differentiate between coagulation and flocculation. (5 + 5)
6. Derive constant settling velocity of a spherical particle having higher specific gravity than
water. A spherical silica particle of diameter 0.05mm and specific gravity 2.65 is settling in
water. The dynamic viscosity of water, µ = 1.002 x 10-3 N/sec.m2. Find the settling velocity of
particle. Check the particle obey Stock’s law.
7. Design rapid sand filter box to treat 10 Mld of water, allowing 3% of filtered water for
backwashing. Half hour per day is used for back washing. Explain the working with a neat
cross section of the filter. Assume other necessary data.
8. A rectangular sedimentation is to treat water for a town of expected forecasted population of
100000. Average water demand of the area 120 lpcd with a peak factor 1.5. The sedimentation
basin of width to length ratio of 1/3 is proposed to trap all particles larger than 0.05mm size
and specific gravity 2.65. Find the basin dimensions and detention time, given effective depth
of the tank as 3m. (Assume ideal settling condition & discrete particle settling) Draw the neat
cross section of the sedimentation basin.
9. Explain the need of screening of wastewater. Give the detailed classification of screens with
their uses. Estimate the screen requirement for a plant treating a peak flow of 60million liters
per day of sewage.
10. List out the different types of settling basins used in wastewater treatment plant for the
treatment of wastewater and the separated sludge. What is the need of using multiple units
working on the same principle? Differentiate the working of each system based on their major
design elements.
11. Evaluate the chemical requirement of softening: Raw water constituents given in table below:
(Atomic wt: Ca – 40, Na – 23, Cl – 35.5, C – 12, O – 16)
Ca2+ = 70.00mg/l Na+ = 50.60mg/l
CO2 = 33.00mg/l
HCO3-=109.80mg/l Cl- = 142.00mg/l
(Consider re-stabilize the water)
A. Draw the bar diagram of raw water.
B. Calculate the daily requirement of lime and soda ash (assume purity of 80% for the lime
and 95% for soda ash) to treat 10Mld of the water.
C. Draw a bar diagram of the finished water. (2 + 5 + 3)
a. Differentiate membrane treatment mechanisms RO and ED.
b. Explain the treatment - ‘Activated Carbon Adsorption’ (5 + 5)
Exam Slot: C
Answer ALL Questions
1. Why aeration used in water treatment plants? Is it more commonly used with ground water or
surface water? Why?
2. Define Disinfection. What are the ideal characteristics of disinfectant? Write a note on disin-
fection of well.
4. Explain the working principle of Ion exchange treatment. Where do we prefer Ion exchange as
a method of treatment? Write a note on regeneration.
4 x 5 marks = 20 marks
5. What are the qualities of potable water as per IS10500? Explain different tests conducted for
the evaluation.
6. What is surface overflow rate? Derive the effect of surface overflow rate on the efficiency of an
ideal settling basin. Find the minimum size of the particle having complete removal in an ideal
sedimentation basin with a surface overflow rate of 20m3/d/m2.
7. Compare the sizes of Rapid sand filter basin and slow sand filter basin to get treated water at
a reate of 3MLd of water for a town. Draw neat sketches of Fiter cross section.
8. What is Chlorination? Explain the chemical principle. Explain different forms of chlorination?
10. What is meant by preliminary treatment of wastewater? Explain different stages of preliminary
11. A diary industry is working in 3 similar shifts, so that plant is working in 8 hr cycles. Design
an equalization tank for the ETP as per the given effluent flow data (8am to 4pm). Evaluate
the capacity of Equalization tank and calculate the designed Flow rate of the ETP.
Time Period Flow Rate (m3 /s) Time Period Flow Rate (m3 /s)
8-9 0.22 12 - 1 0.36
9 - 10 0.14 1-2 0.44
10 - 11 0.11 2-3 0.42
11 - 12 0.16 3-4 0.36
12. What is meant by softening of water? What are the different methods of water softening?
Differentiate between single-stage and two stage softening process. What is the need of re-
carbonation after chemical softening? Discuss different methods of re-carbonation.
4 x 10 marks = 40 marks