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Nersity ‘a 2 i @ EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY g FOF (BAIN G LADIES Samm? WE SHAPE YOUR DREAM OF RECOMMENDATION FOR MR, MAHMUDUL ALAM KANAK {have great pleasure in recommending MR, MAHMUDUL ALAM KANAK RO Mr. MD. SHAH ALAM in his pursuit of higher educational qualification | have known MR. MAHMUDUL ALAM KANAK for the past four years and during this period | have found his very participative and dedicaled. He has always shown keen interest in hher workicommitments. He has always been eager to take responsibilty and fulfil them st any Cost, He always completed her assignments, projects, and other tasks wellin time, What particularly impressed me most is his devotion and motivation to understand the challenging issues. HE has enormous. potential to undertake research work independently, HE has the abilty to grasp new ideas and skils which would enable histo ‘ake full advantage ofthe facilities available there, MR. MAHMUDUL ALAM KANAK is 2 pleasing personality and can werk in muticultural__setings |n view of his Sound academic performance and the desire to enhance his knowledge, | strongly recommend nis studying in your esteemed institution, (Seater Prtnsor ia Chairman Department of Civil Engineering European University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh Email: chairman_ce@eub edu bd “2 EUROPEAN U! OF BANGLADE & 5 Ub we onare vouR LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION ‘phy jeemmmens MR MAHMUDUL ALAM KANAK for MASTER OF SCIENCE at your oneanity He s one of the mast exceptional sixes, I have encountered in my teaching ‘sscenence. | Rave known MR. MAHMUDUL ALAM KANAK for the past four yours ‘Stomp MS Pena | Have found Nis as impressive as his intellectual accomplishments Shes IESming and growing 36 4 leamer and stil now if he has any problems: ‘De Fes he sm contact wih me and sort out the solution. He has (TS wl SONENNE 1B serve Ns wel in University and beyond. He is just the kind of Sess eee tet to eos cee elena ee Se fe short MR. MAMMUDUL ALAM KANAK ae on ease and 5 an outstanding young man, has shown great sering He wa siraiy De ihe pllar of the state if he gets Sete suoy, | seonpy recommend hs and wal zopicaton. you need any further information about” Slease fee! fee to contact me, —— Md Abul Kalam Azad Associate Professor Deparment of Cri Engineering European University of Bangladesh, (Oraka Bangladesh mat azacS8@eub edu bd Ref: EUB/CoE/RL/2021/002 Date: 28/01/2021 Academic Reference Letter tis our great pleasure to recommend Mahmudul Alam Kanak, ID # 160119004, student of the Department of Civil Engineering in the academic session Spring- 2016. He has obtained cumulative grade point average 3.61 on a scale of 4.00. He does the tasks given to him with a positive attitude. He shows friendly attitude and wonderful rapport with people of all ages and has excellent written and verbal communication skills. He would be an asset to your organization and we highly recommend him. If you hhave further question regarding his background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact us. Controller of Examinations European University of Bangladesh furdpean University of Bangladesh Sb BA PR Re Be BE Re FOREIGNER PVSICAL EXAMINATION FORM en [RAMU Tt [a7 moa | avtim hos baal fe pice EANAKCHAPA AOSRA, NEW BC ROAD et AT Na KANN KD PeRtE » |CUMILLA-3500 MURR EE | savin anesin| HEA av Nationality Binh | CUMILLA Blood type | a o TERN OAL FoI CMRF “eT wR) Recpeee ninyatteoue ane aoe ‘BESS RK —Typhus fever SANo DYes a ti Bacillary dysentery MNo Des: Poliomyelitis No Dies ‘AiNCHEHI — Brucellosis: SNo Yes Diphtheria No (Yes ‘MAENF HE — Viral hepatitis ANo Yes Bich seme celts | CONES roplomecontne Il U1 dh Relapsing fever MNo C1Yes as MNo Des WAAL DAR Typhoid and paatyphoid over No Yes ‘WRATTEUNTEBAIBLX — Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis No (Yes EST PGT TREES CaN AT hp tocy oe tlavag Soni te ura scary pues cena (eaten tml Yoo) coe — si Cr ee woe aon IPH Posts Mat Mane pen oom Em Pela con Cie ‘418% Hallucinatory- ~SANo DYes a wae a SRE me we or fee ee cece sare rent wa Pca joa [pete eee | [eee Noma a ee ter Sma RM [eis Soe nen oak Ke Cotetews NoRWAL. | Sm NORMAL Bet woruanas z a a Ears ‘NORMAL ‘Nose NORMAL Tonsils NORMAL Sad S820 ae w Langs CLEAN ‘Nbéomen NORMAL. mt NORMAL. Spine a xtremiti NORMAL, road Nervous system | NORMAL FR, Other abonal findings ABSENT. wax te vate rorereni 0) Chest Xay exam (ensched chest Xray repent) NORMAL amu Bec NORMAL eae (ean. weaspmnieze) Laboratory exam (attached test oper of ADS, Syphilis te) HIV NEGATIVE SYPHILIS ABSENT. IDL FSA ERG FF 2h BE A: None ofthe folowing diseases of disorders found during he presen exarination, ‘mal Chole ‘ts Vencrea Disease SEsRAH Yellow Fever htt Lang wbereulosis WE Plague ABSENT ‘yes AIDS [aBseNT WIG Leprosy UMW Psychosis a 2 vosemgn em Suspenion —-REGUTAR EXCERCISE Odie! Stamp vias fm ‘Signature of physician Dae 29-08-200 Certification of Approval | This is to certify that the B.Sc thesis entitled “Road Accident Report Analysis of National “Highway” submitted by this group Sadia Afroz Abosa-140219001, Ma. Romij Sheikh- 140119007, Nokul Kumar Halder-140119010, Md. Tarikul Islam-140119011, Mahmudul Alam Kanak-160119004, ‘The thesis represents an independent and original work on the part of the candidates. The ‘fescarch work has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, fellowship or any other discipline. ‘The whole work of his thesis hasbeen planned and carried out by this group under supervision nd guidance of the faculty members of European University of Bangladesh (EUB).

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