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Iloilo National High School, La Paz, Iloilo City December 12, 2017 Schools Division: Grade Level: Teachers: Learning Area

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Daily Lesson Log

An Output of Participants from SDO Iloilo

Follow-Through and Write Shop on Interdisciplinary-Contextualized and Green Skills-Integrated Detailed Lesson Plans (DLPs)
Iloilo National High School, La Paz, Iloilo City
December 12, 2017

Schools Division: ILOILO PROVINCE Grade Level: Grade 9

Teachers: Caryl Ann C. Sernadilla – Alimodian National Learning Area: Chemistry -Matter
Comprehensive High School

Rosalina B. Inarsolin-Botong-Cabanbanan
National High School

Teaching Dates and Time: Week 3 Quarter: Second (1 hour)*


A. Content Standard The Learners demonstrate an understanding of the types of bonds
that carbons forms that results in the diversity of compounds.

B. Performance Standard The Learners should be able to perform guided experiments in

determining the properties of common organic compounds.

C. Learning Competencies/ 1. Recognize the general classes and uses of organic compounds.
Objective 2. Analyze the importance of organic compounds in daily life.
II.CONTENT In this lesson the learners will be able to recognize the general
(The Variety of Carbon classes and uses of organic compounds and
Compounds, Carbon Atoms, analyze the importance of organic compounds in daily life.
Organic Compounds)
III.LEARNING For teacher demonstration:
RESOURCES PPT Presentation: The Importance of
Organic Compounds

Possible Materials to be used by the teacher

 Picture of sample of organic
compounds such as: gasoline,
kerosene, LPG, ethanol, acetone and
acetic acid.
 Manila paper and pentel pen for

Note: Students will be grouped into 5 Groups.
They will be having a brainstorming on the uses
of organic compounds. They will write their
output in a manila paper and report the result
in class.
A. References
1. Teaching 103-106
Guide pages
2. Learner’s Learning Material for Grade 9-Science
materials Pages 127-132
3. Textbook
4. Additional materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Solomons, Fryhle and
Resources Snyder) International Student Version (11th Edition)
A. Reviewing Q and A: (3-5 minutes) Formative Assessment
previous lesson or 1. What is the branch of chemistry that contains the element Answers:
presenting the new carbon? 1. Organic Chemistry
2. They are the central structure of living organisms and
lesson therefore to existence of life on Earth. 2. Carbon Compounds
B. Establishing a Post Essential Question:
1. Can we live in this world without carbon?
purpose for the 2. What is the significance of organic compound in
lesson business and industry?

C. Presenting (3-5 minutes) The learner will use their manual

examples/instances The teacher will present the table 1. Organic as reference to answer the given
of the new lesson Compounds and their Uses. table 1.
(Elicit) Facilitate the students to have a checklist on the
uses of these compounds.
D. Discussing the new (3mins.) Formative Assessment
concepts and 1. The teacher will show pictures of sample of  Guessing game
practicing new skills organic compounds such as: gasoline,
#1 kerosene, LPG, ethanol, acetone and acetic
(Engage) acid. Let the students guess the name of
the organic compounds.
E. Discussing new (10 Mins.)  Group Discussion/
concepts and 1. Distribution of Manila paper & pentel pen Brainstorming
practicing new skills 2. Students will be grouped into 5 Groups. Rubrics will be utilized to mark
#2 They will have brainstorming on the uses of the plan presented and inquiry
(Explore) organic compounds. They will write their skills.
outputs and report the result in class.
F. Developing (7-10 mins.) Rubrics for reporting activity
mastery (Leads to 1. Reporting results- peer rating.
Formative Concept Mapping based on
Assessment 3) students’ answers.
(Explain) Feedbacking
G. Finding practical (10 mins.) Power point presentation:
applications of 1. Recognize the general classes of organic “Organic Compound”
concepts and skills in compounds.
daily living 2. Discussion on the importance of organic
(Elaborate) compounds in our daily life.
H. Making 1. The richness of organic chemistry lends itself to solution for
generalizations and our time, from the fields of health care, to energy, sustainability
abstractions about and the environment.
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning 1. Recognize the general classes and uses of organic compounds. Rubrics for Essay Writing
2. Analyze the importance of organic compounds in daily life.
J. Additional activities Project Making: Summative
for application or 1. Making of brochure about the uses and Rubrics for brochure (by pair and
remediation application of organic compounds. bulletin board display ( by group)
(Extend) 2. Constructing a bulletin board about the
hazards and safety precautions of organic Rubrics for scoring
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. With of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal or
superior can help me
G. What innovation or The extended activity was focused on the
localized materials present state of Iloilo River. The concern for the
did I use/discover welfare of this body of water for fishing and
which I wish to share recreation can also be done or duplicated in
with other teachers? other regions looking at their other natural

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