The Concept of The Church in Christianity: K. Shekhar (PH.D)
The Concept of The Church in Christianity: K. Shekhar (PH.D)
The Concept of The Church in Christianity: K. Shekhar (PH.D)
Abstract: Generally the word church means the public assembly (vv. 32,41). The specifically
community which who believe Jesus Christ as their Christian use, however, is not fully in line with this
personal savior and Lord and coming together a meaning. The attempt to explain the word
place for worship and listen word of God. Thus the etymologically from the part ek (out from) as
group of people or community called as a Church indicating the adhering of those who are called out
or body of Christ because the church is belongs to (from the world) would also be misleading. Rather,
God. The purpose is to explain about the meaning its background can be found in the OT and
and definition of the term ‘church’ and how to apocalyptic Judaism.
formation of early Christian community or When the private Christian community in
primitive community. Also it gives the Jerusalem called itself the ekklesia tou theou
characteristics and functions of the Christian (church of God; cf. Gal. 1:13), it was probably
Church. Moreover this paper explains the concept translating the Aramic qehal el (1QM 4:10; 1QSa
of the church in synaptic gospels, Acts of the 1:25). If so, it reflects the community’s awareness
Apostles, epistle of Paul and the epistles of John. In of being the company of those called as the center
addition it gives the significance of the Christian and core of the end-time people of God. The simple
Church. ekklesia is always implicitly defined by the genitive
phrse “of God” (e.g., see I Cor. 14:4; Phil. 3:6) and
1. Introduction can be taken as a shortened form of the full
This paper deals with “the concept of the church ekklesia tou theou.”ii
in Christianity.” I discussed the root meaning of the In generally the church means an assembly of
word the church and the formation of the church in people, congregation or any group of people gather
times of Jesus and in the early community period. together to worship God. The Encyclopedia
Also I discussed the divisions, the major church Britannica says “The Christian view of the church
groups or traditions. Indeed I explained the was influenced by the Old Testament concept of
factions of the Christian church as well as its role the tahal which means the elected people of God of
in the present society. the end time, and by the expectation of the coming
2. Meaning and definition of the term of Messiah in Judaism. The Greek secular word
ekklesia, the term used for the church, means an
‘Church’ assembly of people coming together for a
The root word of ‘church’ in Greek language is meeting.”iii
according to Macregor Geddes says, “The Greek According to Bhagat Singh Hira, “The word
word ekklesia (Latin ecclesia) was used in ordinary ‘church’ is etymologically derived from the Greek
secular discourse of any assembly, chiefly of an word “kyriankon” which means the Lord’s
assembly of self-governing citizens. It is used in house.”iv
the Septuagint of the assembly of Israel, i.e., the According to Geoggery Parrinder “the English
people of the covenant contradistinguished from word comes from the Greet Kuriakon, belonging to
foreigners. It is first used in a Christian sense in the Lord’, strictly, the church is a place for the
Acts 5.11. worship of Christ as Lord”v
The term seems plainly to have been used at a
very early date by Greek-speaking Christians. What 3. Jesus and the Early Church or
the early Christians thought was the nature of the Primitive Community
Church is less certain, but there is no doubt that the We discuss about the concept of the church in
concept of a carefully organized and structured the Primitive community or Early Church. (Acts
institution was developed soon and that the unity of 2:44-47) “These verses describe the Christian
the Church was accounted important. The Church community in the days after the Pentecost speech.
moreover, was soon seen to embrace both the The believers displayed a generous attitude toward
faithful on earth and those who had gone beyond possessions. But there was no blind rush to rid
the veil of death and were conjoined in Christ with ‘themselves of all their possessions’, as if personal
the visible Church.”i property was in itself evil, instead they give as
“Originally the term eknklesia was a Political there was the need. The believers’ financial
one, denoting an assembly of, free people who are problems were not automatically and miraculously
qualified to vote (Acts19:39) or, more generally, a
solved by virtue of becoming Christians. Even in lordship against those who transgressed the norms
this ‘golden age’ of the church, there were needy (Acts5:1-11; 1Cor.5:1-5) Church Discipline.”ix
people (although because of the sharing they didn’t
generally remain needy; 4:34, 6:1).”vi 4. Characteristics of the Christian
“The first Christians were the disciple of Christ, Church
the simple fishermen that he wanted to make In orthodox ecclesiology, in accordance with a
“fishers of men”. Their first “catch” according to concept that is basic to the biblical and patristic
the Acts of the Apostle, was the Jewish community tradition, the church is defined by nature and
that had heard him preaches, had seen the wonders essence as the body of Christ in history that takes
he performed, and saw in him a great prophet and shape in time and space and is the basis of the
then more than a prophet. The early origins of the kingdom of God. All the other descriptions that
Christian Church are hardly distinguishable from a appear in Holy Scripture and the patristic tradition
special Jewish community. Many Jews saw Christ are to be understood only in relation to the
as a special rabbi, a special teacher. Only gradually ecclesiology of the body of Christ as an authentic
did they come to believe that Christ was more than description of the Church. From this angle the
just a teacher and that he had a larger mission. Orthodox Church underscores the perichoresid
At first, they continued to perform all the Jewish (i.e. interconnectedness) of the mystery of Christ
rituals on the Sabbath. Little by little they reenacted and the mystery of the church.
the Passover meal with it new meaning, realizing “The Christian view of the church was
that Christ had, by his death and resurrection, given influenced by the Old Testament concept of the
it a new reality. After the fuller meaning of Christ qahal, the elected people of God of the end time,
life and teaching dawned on them historians tells and by the expectation of the coming Messiah in
us, they gradually began to separate from the Judaism. The Greek secular word ekkesia, the term
temple and synagogue. It is the beginning stage of used for the church, means an assembly of people
this development that chronicled in the Gospel of coming together for a meeting”x
Matthew, the actual separation took longer and In Christianity the concept received a new
varied different communities as Jewish meaning through it relationship to the person of
communities, and Christian communities with Jesus Christ as the messianic inaugurator of the
Jewish background, left Palestine and moved into Kingdom of God: (1) with Christ the elected
the Greek world.”vii community of the end time has appeared; (2) the
“A decisive factor in the self awareness of the church is the eschatological gift of the Holy Spirit,
Jerusalem community was the conviction that God which already flows through the life of the
had introduced the end time with resurrection of church(Acts2:33;( 3) the community of the end
Jesus from the dead and that the time had thus time consists of those who believe in Jesus Christ-
come to complete the gathering of Israel, which both Jews and pagans; the idea of the elected
had begun. The leading disciples, especially Peter covenant people( i.e., the Jews) is transferred to the
with Twelve, settled in Jerusalem shortly after the “new Israel” (4) the church forms the body of its
last appearance in Galilee and there began public Lord; and (5) the church consists of “living stones,”
witness (see the story of Pentecost in Acts 1-2). from which its house is “built” (1 Peter 2:5)
This involved an ecclesiological program. Jesus himself created no firm organization for
Jerusalem was the center of Israel, the place of his community; the expectation of the immediate
salvation. It was there that the assembling of God’s imminence of the Kingdom of God provided no
people was too expected. This city was the goal of occasion for this. Nevertheless, the selection of
the end-time pilgrimage of the nations. After Easter Apostles within this circle pointed to the
there doubtless were groups of disciples in Galilee, beginnings of a structure of his community. After
but the true rise of the church was in Jerusalem.” viii the community was constituted anew because of
“Most important were the experiences of the the impressions made by the appearances of the
working of the Spirit in the church(Holy Spirit), Resurrected One, the succession of his appearance
which were viewed as the fulfillment of OT apparently effected a certain gradation within the
promises for the time of salvation (Acts 2:16-21; community.
Gal. 3:25; 4:6-7 promise and fulfillment) and as a The constitution of the body of Christ finds
manifestation of the lordship of the exalted Christ. fulfillment in the history of salvation in the unity of
Incorporation into Christ’s sphere of lordship and believers in the body of the church. By this unity
subjection to the power of the Spirit were by they are fellow members (sysomoi) of the body of
baptism into the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38). Christ. They are those who gave grown up together
The Spirit-effected eschatological holiness and with Christ (symphytoi). By divine grace, they thus
purity of the church found visible expression in its participate in the life of Christ.
rigorist ethos. Disciplinary measures were seen as This incorporation takes place through the work
acts in which the Holy Spirit himself defended his of the Holy Spirit in baptism, anointing, the Holy-
Eucharist, and the other –sacraments (mysteries). Christ is offered at every alter table at a Eucharistic
On the other hand, the church is signified in the assembly and is likewise offered the worldwide
sacraments; on the other hand, the sacraments of church, so the catholicity of the local church is
the church dispense divine grace to believers. Thus manifested in the worldwide church, and vice
the church is “the fullness of him who fills all in versa. Hence the relation between catholicity and
all.” (Eph1:25). universality is question of the identity of all and not
The Christ centric – ontology of the church is a cumulative relation of parts to the whole, for the
the characteristic feature of Orthodox ecclesiology. whole is Christ.
On the basis of this criterion orthodox theology The unity, holiness, and catholicity of the
evaluates even the qualities specified in the – church are confirmed by the criterion apostolate,
Niceno Constantinopolitan Creed, which speaks of that is, by the continuous and authentic life and
the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. experience of the apostolic – tradition, according to
The church of Christ is one, for the body that the the epigrammatic formulation of Vincent of Lerins
Logos took in the –incarnation is one, and so is the (d. before 450): “that which has been believed
Head of this body, Jesus Christ (Eph. 4:4-7). The everywhere, always, and by all.”In the Orthodox
source of this unity of the church is the unity of the tradition the mind of the church is expressed and
Holy Trinity in the whole mystery of the confirmed through its –self-understanding in local
incarnation, by which the unity of the one body of or ecumenical – councils.
Christ is achieved. This view rules out the rise of
the popularity of ecclesial bodies. In this spirit the 5. Great Schism
Holy Eucharist is celebrated in the Orthodox There was Great Schism “Hence the gravity
Church as a realization and revelation of this unity with which the great schism between East and
of the life of the church. West in 1054 was regarded, with each side claim in
The church defines its relation to church to be the Church and holding the other to be in
communions outside, itself as one of either schism.”xi It also called East-west schism and that
communion (koinonia) or necommuicatio event that participated the final separation between
(akoinonisia). Eastern and Western churches.
This Christ centric unity of the body of the 6. The Major Church groups
church, by which believers are related in the Holy
Spirit to one another and to their divine Head, also (Traditions)
defines the holiness of the church, for the incarnate There are major Church traditions or groups in
divine Son and Logos “loved the church and gave Christianity. They are; Roman Catholic, Protestants
himself up for hr, in order t make her holy,” so that and the Orthodox Church. Moreover they are
the church might be “holy and without blemish” several demotions existed within the Protestants
(Eph. 5:25-27). By nature, the church is thus holy church tradition
in Christ, for it represents the perfect and absolute 7. Functions of the Church
holiness of the Holy Trinity. The presence of sinful This paper had brief note of the functions. “The
members (-Sin) within the church does not affect term church multidimensional it embraces different
its natural holiness, for the task of the church is the element, the relations between them, and variation
equipping of the saints. The “holiness without based on time and place. An increase in these
which no one will see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14) is the elements and their variety, relations, and changes
work of the Holy Spirit, who knits the body cannot be ruled out. Hence a connectional
together, quickens it, and gives divine grace to definition must always be dependent on the social
believers in order to up build them in the church as reality. It is possible only within the theory of the
a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation (1 church that focuses on the church’s present form or
Peter. 2:9). on a descriptive listing of specific features
The unity and holiness of the church also define (regional spread, form of organization, etc.)
its catholicity (Catholic, Catholicity), which may The structural wealth of the church, which
be seen wherever there is an authentic realization indicates its status in the relation between God and
of the one body of Christ –that is, wherever the humankind, is the contest of the saving message of
one, constant Eucharist is celebrated. This Jesus and is that to which the church owes its
localization of catholicity does not rule out the distinctiveness and ongoing existence. It reflects
catholicity of God’s worldwide church; rather, it the complexity of our human world. But this
confirms it by the criterion of the – indentify of the advantage is subject to a certain restriction.
experience that is lived out in Christ. The Whereas God is ultimately beyond our human
universality of the church is a dynamic component perfection (the term “God” being definable only in
of its catholicity, but it is not the decisive factor, the reflection of believers), the church is open to
for the catholicity of the local church is fully observation as the social locus and agent of the
experienced in its ongoing Eucharist. As the whole
message of salvation. Because it is so manifold, [4]Hira, Bhgat Singh, “Semitic Religious Thought
however, the structural wealth of the church, like and Sikhism”, National Book Shop, Delhi:
the complexity of our unavoidable fact means that 1992.
ecclesiology, which for maculates the church’s [5]Macgregor, Geddes, “The everyman dictionary
self-understanding, can draw on only a partial view of Religion & Philosophy”, J. M. Dent &Sons
of the church. No single church, then, on the basis Ltd; London: 1990
of its orthodoxy, can lay claim to church the [6] “New Bible Commentary” Inter Varsity Press,
ancient axiom of Cyprian that outside the church England: 1953.
there is no salvation. It must always acknowledge [7] “The Encyclopedia of Britannica” Vol.16,
that other ways of salvation are possible Encyclopedia of Britannica Inc., Chicago.
The concrete form of the church, including its 1768. 1100
piety, worship, spiritual communication, Iffice
organizational structure, and collective functions,
will not continue unchanged. This contingency is
No. 1
not due merely to the contextual conditions in [i]
which individual churches developed. It is Macgregor Geddes, “The everyman dictionary of
unavoidable also for fundamental theological Religion & Philosophy”, J. M. Dent &Sons Ltd;
reasons. The complexity of persons and relations London: 1990, p.121.
(God as Father and Creator, Son of God and Son of Fahlbusch Erwin, The Encyclopedia of Christianity
Man, Holy Spirit; Trinity), which is viewed as the Vol. 1 William B. Eeradmans Publishing Company,
Machigan: 1999, p. 481.
divine economy in the three article of the creeds, [iii]
“The Encyclopedia of Britannica” Vol.16,
and which is attested as the reality of faith, is as
Encyclopedia of Britannica Inc., Chicago: 1768,
such inaccessible to us. Hence manifesting in the p.287.
practice of faith call for reductions that makes it [iv]
Bhgat Singh Hira, “Semitic Religious Thought and
selectively accessible. This takes place in images, Sikhism,” National Book Shop, Delhi: 1992, p.156.
fantasies, symbols, stories, myths, interpretive [v]
Geoffry Parrinder, “A Concise Encyclopedia of
models, doxologies, practices, and instructions Christianity”, One world, Oxford: 2007, p. 67.
against the background of secular experience, as [vi]
“New Bible Commentary”, Intervarsity Press,
we see clearly enough in the history of the church England: 1953, p.1093.
and its dogmas or doctrinal statements.” xii [vii]
Brown F, Stephen “Encyclopedia of World
Religions vol. 10 in Protestantism” CREST
CONCLUSION Publishing House; New Delhi: 2004, p.31.
I would give some opinion or concluding words [viii]
Fahlbusch Erwin, “The Encyclopedia of
on the concept of the Church in Christianity. Christianity” Vol. 1 William B. Eeradmans
Generally the term ‘church’ derived from Greek Publishing Company, Michigan:1999, p. 482
word which means assembly or group of people. In [ix]
Ibid. 482
Christianity the word ‘church’ means that are [x]
“The New Encyclopedia Britannica
believe in Jesus Christ as their savior and Lord Encyclopedia Britannica”, Inc. Chicago: 1768,
come together as a assembly or community or a p. 287.
group to worship. Moreover they (believers) get to [xi]
Ibid. p. 121.
together not only spiritual matters also social work [xii]
Ibid. p. 502.
in order to help the needy. The Christian church
has a very important role in the society like helping
the poor in education and providing good health
through medicine. Moreover the Christian church is
preaching and teaching of life and ministry of Jesus
[1]Brown, Stephen F. “Encyclopedia of World
Religions vol 10 in Protestantism”, CREST
Publishing House; New Delhi: 2004.
[2]Fahlbusch, Erwin “The Encyclopedia of
Christianity Vol 1” William B. Eeradmans
Publishing Company, Machigan: 1999.
[3]Geoffrey, Parrinder “A Concise Encyclopedia of
Christianity”, one world, Oxford: Machigan;