Characteristics of Derivatives
Characteristics of Derivatives
Characteristics of Derivatives
Dervatives are those assets whose values are determined from the value of
underlying assets. The underlying assets may be equity, commodity or
The derivatives are most modern financial instrument in hedging risk. The
individual and the firms who wish to avoid or reduce risk can deal with others
who are willing to accept for a price. A common place where such transactions
take place is called the derivative market. As the financial products commonly
traded in the derivative market are themselves not primarily loans or securities
but can be used to change the risk characteristics of underlying asset or
liability position, they are referred to as ‘derivative financial instruments’. These
instruments are called financial derivative instruments because they derive there
value from underlying instrument and have no intrinsic value of their own.
Some commonly used derivatives are: Spot, Forward, Futures, Swap, Options
Characteristics of derivatives:
The spot market is also called ‘cash market’ where sale and purchase
of commodity takes place for immediate delivery.
The price at which exchange takes place is called ‘cash’ or ‘spot’ price.
The spot market involves both the transfer of ownership and delivery of
commodity or instrument on the spot or immediately.
A forward contract is an agreement made today between buyer and
seller to exchange the commodity or instrument for cash at a
predetermined at future date at a price agreed upon today. The agreed
upon price is called the ‘forward price’ with a forward market the transfer
of ownership occurs on the spot, but the delivery of commodity or
instrument does not occur until some future date.
In forward contract, two parties agree to do a trade at some future date ,
at a stated price and quantity. No money changes hands at the time the
deal is signed.
For example, a wheat farmer may wish to sell their harvest at a future
date to eliminate the risk of change in prices by that date. Such
transaction would take place through a forward market. Forward contracts
are not traded on an exchange, they are said to trade over the counter.
In the first two of these, the basic problem is that of too much
flexibility and generality. Counterparty risk in forward market arises when
one of the two parties of the transaction chooses to declare bankruptcy,
the other suffers. Forward markets have one basic property; the larger
the time period over which the forward contract is open, the larger are
the potential price movements, and hence the larger is the counterparty
1. Commodity futures
2. Financial futures