The Goal of A Separations Process Is To Purify Solutions
The Goal of A Separations Process Is To Purify Solutions
The Goal of A Separations Process Is To Purify Solutions
Patil Novel separation processes
Introduction to Separations
The goal of a separations process is to purify solutions.
To do this we must cause differential transport of species or conversion of species so that the
purer mixtures can be collected. Most separations processes involve differential transport.
Separation of blood
Purification of drugs
Purification of Au, Si, Gas
Refining of crude oil
DNA testing
Purification of organics
Purification of water
Smog control
mixed separated
However, mixing is inherent in nature: The increase in entropy associated with the randomness of a mixture
lowers the Gibbs free energy.
Therefore, to “unmix” a solution we must overcome the entropic driving force to mix.
There are many reasons for wanting pure substances. Some of these reasons include:
• Need for pure material in engineering application (semiconductors)
• Preparation of raw materials into their components
• Need for pure material for materials processing
• Need to remove toxins or inactive components from solution (drugs)
• Need for ultrapure samples for testing
• Need for analysis of the components of the mixture (DNA testing)
Based on these motivations for separations, we can divide separations up into three main areas:
The fundamentals that we will apply to study separations in this course involve:
For the most part our analysis of various separations processes will
focus on using phase equilibrium and materials and energy balances.
S1 P1
Total condenser
Distillation Distillation
Reflux drum
Overhead vapor
1 Reflux
F Distillate
Boil up
Stripping section stages N
Partial reboiler
P2 S2
These types of separations generally exploit the differences in volatility to cause a separation
C2+ ethane
Feed: wng
n-butane C4 C4+
C5+ propane
• gravity
• centrifugation
• filtration.
Product 1
Feed Product 2
S, L,V {ci} Product 3
Differ in concentrations,
may differ in phase state
Separator: Causes different chemical
components to move to different spatial
locations to be collected as more pure
mixtures: Differential Transport.
Lecture 1: Introduction to Separations 7
Main Separations Techniques
• Phase Creation
Most Common
• Phase Addition
Gaining popularity • Barrier Separation
• Solid Agent separations
Often in labs • Separation by gradient
All five techniques rely on the ability to enhance the rate of mass transfer of certain
species relative to others to effect a spatial separation of components.
∆ SM
∆S B G’
∆S A
G' B 0
G' A 0
0 XB 1
0 XB 1
Since the driving force to mix will eventually equal the driving force
we introduced to cause the separation the extent of separation will be
limited by thermodynamics equilibrium!