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Chemical Engineering Iii (Mastery) : Dr. F. Stepanek Che.301

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Dr. F. Stepanek

The aim of mastery in the 3rd year is to further reinforce the integration of core
Chemical Engineering elements in tackling general and design-type problems. All
mastery content of the 1st and 2nd years of the course will be utilised, but students
will be expected to demonstrate a higher degree of ability and professionalism in
applying essential engineering knowledge to problems. Although no new mastery
material will be introduced in the 3rd year, course elements pertaining to aspects of,
for example, process design and safety, are expected to provide the students with a
greater depth of understanding of practical engineering matters, and thus lead to a
more thoughtful approach in dealing with general engineering problems. The
objectives of the 3rd year mastery can thus be summarised as:
to provide the students with further opportunity to integrate and apply essential
Chemical Engineering material to real-world problems, thus reinforcing the
understanding of that material,
to enable students to form / enhance concept maps which link knowledge and skills
from different courses.

Dr. K. Hellgardt

The course consists of six components:

Fundamental heat and mass transfer effects in catalytic reactors.

Fundamentals of mass transfer with chemical reaction in gas solid systems.
Design of fixed bed catalytic reactors.
Design of fluidised bed and transport reactors.
Design of multiphase reactors involving fluid-fluid reactions.
Fundamentals of non-catalytic fluid-solid reactions.

The course is designed to present the basics of catalytic reactor design in a

systematic way. The course is also designed to include fundamental aspects that
would provide a minimum conceptual framework for performing reactor design tasks
in 4th Year Design.
By the end of the course students should be able to:

Identify critical parameters affecting the performance of catalytic reactors.

Form an informed opinion to help make a selection between reactor types.
Identify the level of accuracy required in reactor sizing calculations and
evaluate the quality of available data.
Undertake reactor sizing calculations to the level of detail required; estimate
the margin for and level of error in their calculations.

Dr. M.G. Millan-Agorio

To provide insight into the design and operation of complex distillation systems.
To give an awareness of multicomponent complications.
To provide an understanding of the general principles of separation processes to
allow students to make sensible options given a separation task.
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
perform preliminary design calculations for multicomponent separation systems,
including azeotropic and extractive cases.
sketch composition profiles for operating multicomponent columns, and calculate
these profiles for the infinite reflux case.

Dr. P.D.M. Spelt


To provide a description of Fluid Mechanics from a rational and fundamental

point of view.

To outline an approach for solving Fluid Mechanical problems.

To derive the partial differential conservation equations describing threedimensional, time dependent motion

To examine the properties of the equations of motion and their solutions, (the
importance of Reynolds and Froude numbers etc.).

To deduce approximate limiting forms of the equations for inviscid and

viscous dominated flows, i.e. flows at high and low Reynolds numbers. To
present analytic solutions to limiting forms of the equations, for illustrative

To describe aspects of non-Newtonian flow. Viscometric flows, stress-strain

relationships, shear flow, squeeze flow

Dr. F. Stepanek

The aim of this course is to introduce the scientific fundamentals and engineering
practice of particle technology.
After taking this course, the students should be able to:

Evaluate and interpret key characteristics of particle systems

Identify microscopic mechanisms involved in particle processing
Formulate and solve population balance equations
Describe all major unit operations used in particle technology
Perform basic analytical calculations for selected unit operations
Perform basic design calculations for selected unit operations

Course outline
Part I Fundamentals
1. Particle characterisation (single particle, particle assemblies)
2. Particle mechanics (particle-particle and fluid-particle interactions)
3. Population balances (formulation, kernels, solution methods)
Part II Unit operations

Particle formation (physical and chemical routes, crystallisation)

Particle-fluid separation (sedimentation, filtration, drying)
Size reduction (milling)
Size enlargement (agglomeration)
Mixing and de-mixing (blending, classification)
Storage and transport (silos, hoppers, conveying)


Dr. C.S. Adjiman

Course scope and objectives

The demonstration of techniques for the design of petrochemical and fine chemical
processes and plants, taking account of economic and other performance measures.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:

Develop process designs using a structured methodology;

Use computer based flowsheeting tools to support process design activities;
Apply pinch analysis techniques to the solution of heat exchanger network
synthesis problems.

Recommended textbook
J M Douglas, Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes, McGraw Hill, 1988.
Key issues

What is process design?

How is it related to product design (trends towards effects and services)?

What criteria may be used to compare alternative designs?

How complete do alternative designs have to be in order for comparisons to

be made?
o Levels of decisions and data

How to structure the creative (synthetic) component?

How to perform the calculation (analytic) component?

How does process design differ between different industry sectors?

Alternative methodologies for process design; sources of engineering and

chemistry data; tools for design.


Professor G.H. Kelsall
Professor S.M. Richardson

This course introduces students to the identification and quantification of process

hazards and risks and comprises combustion aspects, mechanical aspects [with an
associated design project], systems aspects (SMR), and materials aspects (GHK).
The overall objectives of the course are that by its end each student must be able

identify individual hazards in a process and deduce the associated risks.

The objectives of the combustion part are that by its end each student must be able

define and be able to predict:

- flash point and auto-ignition and critical temperatures,
- flammability limits, quenching distances and minimum ignition energies,
- pressure rise, pressure piling and venting from closed vessels,
- explosions, detonations and damage estimation,
- radiation from diffusion flames and fires,
- combustible mass within a cloud or turbulent momentum jet.
The objectives of the mechanical part are that by its end each student must be able

determine stresses and strains in thin-walled process equipment;

write down criteria for process equipment failure;

design a pressure vessel using standards and codes;

make an engineering drawing of [part of] a pressure vessel.

The objectives of the systems part are that by its end each student must be able to:

evaluate the consequence, likelihood and risk of loss;

evaluate risks in terms of loss of life and financial loss;

consider risk in relation to laws and regulations;

devise means for the avoidance or mitigation of risk.

The objectives of the materials part are that by its end each student must be able to:

define different corrosion mechanisms;

write down the chemistry and kinetics of typical corrosion mechanisms;

use thermodynamics to determine whether corrosion will occur;

use electrochemical theory to estimate how rapidly corrosion will proceed;

describe the basics of stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue;

describe methods of measuring, suppressing and preventing corrosion;

list the properties of non-metallic materials.

Professor A.G. Livingston

Environmental Engineering for chemical engineers. ("Environmental Chemical Engineering")

* an understanding of the environmental impacts of human activities;
* a knowledge of how to quantify these impacts;
* a knowledge of the chemical engineering unit operations which can be used for emission
* a knowledge of the concepts of sustainability, waste minimisation, clean technology and
green chemistry;
* an understanding of the factors which determine how emission legislation is approached
and of relevant legislation.
By the end of the course, the students should be able to:
Describe global cycles for water, carbon, nitrogen and sulphur, and the basic model for
sun-earth radiative heat transfer.
Describe how the increased greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, smog formation and
acid rain arise from human influences on these natural cycles.
Describe and quantify health risks due to toxic chemicals.
Describe mobile and stationary sources of air pollutants.
Describe microbial growth and decay of biomass, and be able to calculate COD, BOD,
TOC from an effluent of known composition
Describe removal processes from the environment and calculate lifetimes of pollutants.
Use simple "unit world" models of the natural environment to determine pollutant fate.
Perform basic mass balances, formulate flowsheets, and carry out preliminary sizing for
the following physical/chemical unit operations for pollutant removal: technology for
control of emissions of heavy metals (precipitation), VOC's (combustion) and toxic
organic compounds (adsorption, steam stripping, membrane recovery).
Perform basic mass balances, formulate flowsheets, and carry out preliminary sizing for
biological unit operations for pollutant removal including activated sludge and trickling
Perform calculations to determine the atom economy and mass intensity of chemical
Define hierarchies for pollution prevention. Discuss concepts and examples of clean
technology, waste minimisation.
Define the principles of Life Cycle Analysis, and be able to perform LCA calculations for
simple input-output systems.
Contrast approaches to emission legislation and outline current framework for UK
chemical industry.
Calculate the optimal degree of pollution abatement under end of pipe emission control
regimes or pollution permit type control regimes.
Calculate "global" environmental impact minima for simple systems.

Dr. C. Kontoravdi
Dr. N. Samsatli
ChE. 307.1


To provide the individual student with an opportunity to develop reasoned and

effective arguments, to be expressed orally and in writing, based upon
unfamiliar and incomplete information.

To provide a vehicle to rehearse working in groups to achieve an agreed


To develop personal and group writing and oral presentation skills.

To enable the students to prepare different types of written reports depending

on the brief.

To provide an introduction to the techno-economics of international business

and the potential conflicts which may occur between parties.

To stress the need for professional engineers to be responsible for the effects
of their design on the environment.


Dr. A. Eisingerich
Dr. J. Hendy
Dr. H. Schildt
(Business School)

The aim of this course is to provide chemical engineers with:

An outline of the economic and social environment of work organisations;

An awareness of the range of key managerial and behavioural science


An awareness of the processes of management and how to work effectively

with others.
Knowledge: students are expected to develop a basic knowledge of
management and organisational behaviour. More specifically knowledge of:

the importance of strategy, structure and design of business organisations

effective work design

theories of motivation and leadership

the impact of culture on organisational performance

the role of power in decision-making and organisational conflict

the development of organisational systems, staff and skills

key issues in organisational change


Skills: the course will facilitate the student's ability to:

apply knowledge to practical business problems
develop oral skills through class discussion and written skills through
coursework assignments.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course the student will be able to:

apply a consultancy framework for understanding how organisations work and

what contributes to their effectiveness

recognise the importance of business strategy and some of the factors and
techniques which influence its development

identify the key components of organisations and explain how they might
influence effectiveness and performance

advise on the mechanisms for changing organisational culture and suggest

ways of overcoming barriers to organisational change

distinguish different leadership styles and recognise how they contribute to

effective management

make effective recommendations for solving a range of practical managerial

and organisational problems.

Professor G.H. Kelsall
ChE. 410

Electrochemical engineering underlies large scale, energy intensive industrial

processes for chemical synthesis and metal production, as well as important new
technologies for the generation and storage of clean energy, and for environmental
The course objective is to explain the principles and describe the design and
operation of electrochemical reactors and processes, fuel cells and batteries, so that
at the end of the course, students should:
Understand the concept of electrode potentials and their use in predicting
spontaneous and anti-spontaneous paired redox reactions;
Have developed the skills to calculate potential-pH and activity-pH diagrams for
element-water systems;
Understand the physics and chemistry of the contributions from convection,
diffusion and migration processes to overall transport rates in electrochemical
Understand and be able to describe mathematically the kinetics of
electrochemical reactions;
Know the principles and practice of experimental techniques for determination
of the kinetics of individual electrochemical reactions;
Understand the functions of, and selection criteria for, electrode materials,
catholyte / anolyte separators and ion-permeable membranes;
Know how to approach the design and modelling of electrochemical reactors;
Understand the principles involved in the numerical calculation of potential,
concentration and current density distributions in electrochemical reactors;
Be able to describe the principal industrial processes for:
Electro-inorganic synthesis of Cl2 + NaOH,
Electro-organic synthesis of adiponitrile,
Electrometallurgical production of Al, Zn and Cu.
Have developed skills in analyzing the performance of such reactors and
Be able to describe and analyze the performance of the principal types of fuel
Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells with polymer electrolytes,
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with hydrocarbon fuels.
Be able to describe and analyze the performance of the principal types of
Lclanch (Zn + MnO2) primary battery,
Ni-Cd and Ni-MH secondary batteries,
Li-ion secondary batteries.

Professor G. F. Hewitt
Dr. P. Valluri
ChE. 412
To introduce students to advanced aspects of fluids engineering, in particular,
multiphase fluid flows and computational fluid mechanics.
At the end of the course the students should :

Understand the manner in which gas-liquid flows proceed along channels

(flow patterns).
Be able to derive the conservation equations for the homogeneous and
separated models of gas-liquid flows and utilise these in simple calculations.
Understand the more detailed features of two-phase flows and the
phenomenological modelling of the various flow types (bubble, stratified,
annular, plug, churn and slug flows).
Understand the principles of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), including
the basic equations, their conversion to numerical form and their exploitation
in computer packages.
Have a thorough a grounding in the advantages and disadvantages of CFD
modeling and to be able to operate a typical commercial package, producing
results for simple flows and geometries.


Dr. A. Bismarck
Professor P.F. Luckham
Dr. F. Stepanek
ChE. 413
(Pre-requisite: Introduction to Colloid and Interface Science (ChE.417))
The aim of this course is to introduce the scientific fundamentals and engineering
practice of liquid and solid products formulation. The course will include a mixture of
lectures and practical sessions (computational and experimental). After taking this
course the students should be able to make rational decisions about the selection of
ingredients and processing routes for formulated products in the pharmaceutical,
consumer goods, cosmetics, foods, and speciality chemicals sectors.
Course outline
1. Emulsions and suspensions
a. Microstructure and macroscopic properties
b. Characterisation
c. Processing
d. Applications (inks and paints, cosmetics, food products)
2. Creams and pastes
3. Granules and particles
a. Structure-property correlations
b. Processing (spray drying, agglomeration, encapsulation)
c. Applications (pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, detergents)
4. Practical sessions
a. Computer-aided formulation engineering
b. Product characterisation
c. Granulation
d. Drying


Professor G. F. Hewitt
Professor M. Streat
ChE. 414
To introduce students to the physical and engineering principles of the
operation of nuclear plant.
At the end of the course students should:

Understand basis of radioactivity, nuclear fission and criticality.

Understand how uranium is processed to produce nuclear fuel.
Understand the principles on which nuclear waste processing and
management are based.
Understand the requirements for coolants for nuclear reactors and be able to
estimate coolant performance in terms of figure of merit.
Be able to understand the basic features of two-phase flow and critical heat
flux as they affect nuclear reactors and to understand the limitations of
computer codes used in reactor safety analysis.
Understand the various operating states of reactor plant and the associated
design basis accidents and loss-of-coolant-accident (LOCA) phenomena.
Be able to calculate critical vapour flows and to make estimates of heat
release rates in feed-and-bleed operation.
Understand severe (beyond design basis) accidents.
Understand thermal aspects of waste reprocessing.


Professor K. Li
ChE. 415

The aims of this advanced course are to develop the student's ability to formulate
and solve engineering problems involving design of membranes and membrane
modules for gas separation, reverse osmosis, filtration, dialysis, pervaporation, and
gas absorption/stripping processes.
Course outline:

Membranes for separation processes

Membrane preparation
Membrane fabrication via phase-inversion
Membrane transport -gas permeation
Membrane transport -reverse osmosis
Polarisation phenomena and membrane fouling
Membrane module design
Membrane based gas absorption

The course will involve lectures (20 hours), problem classes (5 hours) and a
small design project.


Professor G.F. Hewitt
ChE. 416


To induce an awareness of the many and varied problems of process heat

transfer in the students.

To provide students with an opportunity of direct experience of doing process

heat transfer calculations so that they can understand the bases of the
procedures and be able to make a critical assessment of commercial codes
once they are using these in an industrial environment.

At the end of the course students should

be able to select between alternative heat exchanger types on an objective


be able to design the main types of heat exchanger for given flows and heat
exchanger requirements;

be able to address overall design of heat exchanger systems, and in particular

to understand the use of multi-stream exchangers.


Dr. A. Bismarck
Professor P.F. Luckham
ChE. 417

To introduce to the students the uniqueness of Colloids and Surfaces and to
demonstrate how the energies of surfaces can be manipulated to give the desired
properties to bulk materials.
Course outline

The properties of particles in dilute suspensions

The properties of surfactants
Liquid-Liquid and liquid solid interfaces
Emulsions and Foams
Vesicles and Liposomes
Characterisation methods for all the above
Molecular Dynamic and Monte Carlo Simulations

Dr. C. Kontoravdi
Dr A. Mantalaris
Professor D. C. Stuckey
ChE. 419

This course is offered as an elective in the 3rd and 4th years, and the MSc
students can also take it. Since this course is the first one most chemical engineers
take in Biochemical Engineering its primary aim is to build on the underpinning
disciplines of Biochemical engineering, i.e. biochemistry, microbiology and genetics,
which undergraduate students received a basic introduction to in their 1st year. In
addition, it builds on previous knowledge in chemistry and thermodynamics to enable
chemical engineers to understand that these fundamental ideas can be applied to
biological systems as well. After this course chemical engineers should feel
comfortable dealing with some aspects of Biotechnology such as biological
wastewater treatment, fermentation, and animal cell culture.
More detailed
knowledge in this area can be acquired in the follow up course entitled "Downstream
Separation in Biotechnology.
Specific objectives of the course are to:

Expand on the fundamentals of redox reactions as a basis of biological

reactions, and to use concepts such as oxidation number to gain insights into
these reactions.
Understand how energy is produced in a cell through catabolic pathways, and
to link this through the Gibbs free energy to cell growth and yield coefficients.
Develop the basics for biological reactor design, and contrast them to
chemical engineering.
Examine the basis for downstream separation of biological products and the
unit operations available.
Introduce the enabling technologies for animal cell culture such as
immunology, haematology and mammalian cell culture.


Dr. J. Heng
Professor D.C. Stuckey

Biotechnology products such as proteins, monoclonal antibodies etc., are often dilute
(as low as 100 mg/l), occur in a complex mixture (fermentation broth), are often large
(up to 150 KDa), and quite fragile to pH, temperature, and shear extremes. In
addition, product purity for injectibles has to be as high as 99.99%. Hence
downstream separation flow sheets can constitute up to 20 unit operations, with low
overall yields (5-10%), and sometimes the separation and purification costs can
amount to 70% of the final product cost. This preliminary course will examine basic
cell separation techniques such as filtration and centrifugation, cell rupture, and
purification techniques such as adsorption (affinity and ligand), chromatography,
solvent extraction, precipitation, and crystallisation. Finally, it will examine some
aspects of process flowsheeting in downstream separation. The objective of the
course is to give students an overview of many of the techniques used in
biotechnology, which ni many cases differ markedly from chemical engineering, and
to provide them with sufficient information to formulate an initial flowsheet, and carry
out a preliminary design.


Professor D.C. Stuckey

Environmental biotechnology utilizes microorganisms to improve environmental

quality. These improvements include preventing the discharge of pollutants to the
environment, cleaning up contaminated environments, and generating valuable
resources for society. This course will develop basic microbial and thermodynamic
concepts and quantitative tools in the first part of the course, and then use these
principles to describe and design applications in the later part. As such it will cover;
stoichiometry and bacterial energetics, microbial kinetics, biofilm kinetics and
reactors. It will then use this theory to look at activated sludge and aerobic biofilm
processes, nitrification, denitrification, phosphorus removal, anaerobic treatment and
detoxification of hazardous chemicals.
The course will be based on a textbook by Rittmann and McCarty entitled
Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications, McGraw-Hill, 2001, and
involve some 20-25 hours of lectures and 5-10 hours of problem classes.

Dr. T. Meldrum
Mr. S.N. Stockley
(Business School)


Entrepreneurship is a pattern of behaviour that enables us to recognise, pursue and exploit

opportunities regardless of the resources we currently control. The task facing the
entrepreneur is both complex and challenging. Opportunities are fleeting and often difficult to
evaluate, resources are scarce and there exists the ever present threat of competition. In
this harsh commercial environment we need to proceed quickly but with caution, we need
self-confidence but also to recognise that we cant do it all alone.
The objective of this course, therefore, is to guide students through the exciting nightmare
of taking an idea or a technology to market, growing the venture and securing a successful
exit. Although grounded in rigorous theory, the focus of the course is highly practical and
class participation is actively encouraged. No prior knowledge of the subject is required but
students should be interested in the creation of wealth and the commercialisation of

On completion of the course, the student will be able to:

Evaluate the viability of a high-growth new venture.

Produce and present a business plan for a new or growing venture.

Analyse a new or growing venture from the perspective of an investor, a family-business

successor, or an owner-manager.

Assessment will be based on the following:

30% - (Group-based) Presentation of a business opportunity which may be submitted to the
Ideas Challenge, with a maximum of ten PowerPoint slides which need to be submitted on
the day of the presentation.
70% - (format to follow)Two-hour examination on a seen Business Plan or case study
provided at least 24 hours in advance.

The following texts are highly recommended and will be referred to throughout the course.
The management collection in the library (5th floor) has a good supply of both books.
Students wishing to develop the ideas covered in the course should consider buying both
books although this is not essential.
New Venture Creation (6th Edition), Jeffrey A. Timmons and Stephen Spinelli, 2003,
Irwin McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-256-19756-3
Mastering Entrepreneurship, Sue Birley and Daniel Muzyka, 2000, Prentice-Hall,
ISBN 0-07-249840-4
Further readings may be recommended throughout the course.


Dr. L. El-Jahel
(Business School)

To provide a theoretical framework for analysing key financial markets and show how they
interact with the key decisions of firms.
One coursework assignment (30% of total marks) and an examination paper (70% of total
marks) at the end of the course.
Most of the course material will be provided in hand-outs/overhead slides. The
recommended text is Fundamentals of Corporate Finance by Ross, Westefiled and Jordan,
2006. Most of the material covered can also be found in many of the standard basic texts
Recommended Texts
Ross, Westefiled and Jordan (2006), Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, seventh edition,
Other Reading
Cuthbertson K. and Nitzsche, D. (2001) Investments: Spot and Derivative Markets, J. Wiley,
April 2001
Arnold, G., Corporate Financial Management, Pearson/ FT/Pitman Publishing, 1998
Ross,S., Westerfield, R. and Jaffe, J. Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill7th edition
Brealey, R. and Myers, S. Principles of Corporate Finance, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, New
John Hull, "Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets" 6th edition, Prentice Hall
Valdez, S. (1997, 3rd edition) An Introduction to Global Financial Markets, Macmillan
Business (18) - excellent introduction to markets and institutions very good for
interview background material.
Atrill, P. (2003) Financial Management for Non-Specialists, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall
Financial Times.

Dr. P. Criscuolo
Dr. L. Dahlander
Dr. B. Dattee
(Innovation Studies Centre)


This course aims to equip students with an understanding of the main issues in innovation
management, an awareness of the key features of success, and an appreciation of the
relevant skills needed to manage innovation at both strategic and operational levels. It
provides evidence of different approaches based on real-world examples and experiences of
leading international firms.

At the end of this course students will be able to:

Understand the definitions and concepts of invention, design, research, technological

development and innovation
Explore main theories of technological change
Analyses and interpret different strategies for innovation and the management
practices that flow from them
Use and apply tools for innovation management


The course is based on 10 interactive two-hour lecture sessions, devoted to particular topics
in innovation management.
Lectures will include presentations of case-studies. Course notes will be prepared in
PowerPoint format and distributed to students for further note taking at each lecture.
Students will be expected to complete the required reading before the lectures and to
engage in debates and other exchanges related to the topics of each weeks session. The
reading material is drawn from a number of key texts on the management of innovation.

Dodgson, M. The management of technological innovation: an international and

strategic approach, Oxford University Press, 2000.

Alongside this textbook, there will be a series of articles and case material for each class,
allowing the students to explore the concepts in greater detail and draw from case histories
of successful innovators.

Assessment will be based on group coursework (30%) and an exam (70%), which will be
taken at the end of the course. Students will be expected to prove detailed knowledge of the
course material.

The management of innovation is one of the most important and challenging aspects of
modern business. Innovation is the fundamental driver of competitiveness and it plays a
large part in improving the quality of life. The consequences of innovation also impacts on
the environment. Although technological innovation is uncertain and risky, it can be
managed. Therefore it is essential that managers understand the strategies, tools and
techniques for managing innovation.

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