Benefits of Dating
Benefits of Dating
Benefits of Dating
good relationship
There are tons of practical and emotional benefits to being in a healthy
partnership, including having someone to hold your hand through the
bad times and marathon your favorite show with you.
But having a good relationship can also have some profound effects on
your physical well-being. Here are the biggest ways that being in love
can put you in better health.
Being in love has a big effect on your oxytocin level, which promotes
bonding and comfort. This is why you love being around your partner,
and why just being near them can boost your mood.
It's been a long-held theory that married people live longer than their
single counterparts.
Although it's had been some studies to the contrary recently, other
studies continue to show that being in a healthy relationship allows
people to live a longer life.
But we can all probably agree the true benefit of a healthy partnership
is having someone you're happy to spend those years with.
It can help you age more gracefully.
A study from the University of Chicago suggested that people who are
married or in committed relationships have lower levels of the stress
hormone cortisol.
"These results suggest that single and unpaired individuals are more
responsive to psychological stress than married individuals, a finding
consistent with a growing body of evidence showing that marriage and
social support can buffer against stress," researchers wrote.
A study suggested that when people are "deeply in love" and look at a
photo of the object of their affection, they feel less pain than those who
don't have anyone to look at romantically.
People use the heart as a metaphor for love and affection, but it turns
out that a good relationship can positively affect your literal heart as
A study by the European Society of Cardiology suggested that
marriage reduces the risk of having a heart attack in people who
identify as men and people who identify as women at all ages.
Researchers found that the reasons behind the results likely come
from the fact that having a partner can encourage you to look after
your overall health, and that married people have someone who would
encourage them to go to the doctor.
Even if your partner is a blanket hog, you'll probably still reaping some
good sleep because of them.
You can thank oxytocin and lower stress for that, researchers claim,
because it can positively affect healing.