Clinical Communications: Pediatric: Pediatric Sepsis Secondary To An Occult Dental Abscess: A Case Report
Clinical Communications: Pediatric: Pediatric Sepsis Secondary To An Occult Dental Abscess: A Case Report
Clinical Communications: Pediatric: Pediatric Sepsis Secondary To An Occult Dental Abscess: A Case Report
1–5, 2017
Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Communications: Pediatric
Peter Holmberg, MD,* Thomas Hellmich, MD,† and James Homme, MD†
*Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Mayo Clinic and †Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
Reprint Address: Peter Holmberg, MD, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 1st St. SW, Rochester, MN 55902
2 P. Holmberg et al.
lung, and abdominal examination were normal without A pulpectomy was performed to release the abscess,
murmurs or focal sounds on lung auscultation, and no but the tooth was not removed. The patient was started
tenderness to abdominal palpation. Lymphadenopathy on amoxicillin and was discharged to home. Despite the
was absent at this time as well. Other vitals showed antibiotics and pulpectomy, the patient continued to
mild tachycardia (heart rate 127 beats/min) and mild ta- have fevers, as well as increasing right lower jaw swelling
chypnea (respiratory rate 24), but otherwise no hypoten- and tenderness.
sion (blood pressure 126/83 mm Hg). He did complain of At 29 h after blood cultures were drawn, an anaerobic
intermittent, mild, right mandibular/tooth pain but blood culture bottle revealed growth of a Gram-negative
without evidence of swelling, tenderness, trismus, or bacterium. As such, the patient was contacted to return to
other abnormality indicative of infection despite close the ED for evaluation. Given positive growth from blood
examination by three separate providers. cultures, he retrospectively met criteria for sepsis at his
Given the child’s age group, vital signs, and physical initial visit to the ED (Table 1). At presentation, the fam-
examination findings, he met the classification for sys- ily acknowledged that he continued to have fevers,
temic inflammatory response syndrome (Table 1). Given swelling, and discomfort. On examination, he had mild
concern for systemic bacterial infection, intravenous ac- tachypnea (respiratory rate 22 breaths/min) but was
cess was obtained, laboratory studies including complete afebrile (36.8 C) and not tachycardic (heart rate 67
blood count (CBC), electrolytes, C-reactive protein beats/min). He appeared well, with normal capillary refill
(CRP), and two sets of blood cultures were drawn. The (2 s), but had a marked increase in swelling over his right
patient was given a 20-cc/kg bolus of normal saline and mandible. Further examination revealed a first molar on
a dose of acetaminophen for defervescence. Upon re- the right side of the mandible that had been drilled and
evaluation, the patient appeared clinically improved. He capped, with a small amount of gingival swelling sur-
remained febrile to 39.1 C (102.4 F) but had resolution rounding the tooth. There was tenderness to percussion
of rigors and mottling, and capillary refill had normal- of the tooth as well as tenderness and swelling along
ized. Laboratory evaluation revealed normal CRP the mandible inferior to the tooth. There was no signifi-
(< 3.0 mg/L), white blood count (6.9 109/L), and elec- cant lymphadenopathy noted and a skin examination
trolytes (Na 136; K 3.6; Cl 103; HCO3 20; blood urea ni- was normal, and specifically, there was no evidence of
trogen 8; Cr 0.4; Glu 110). Given clinical improvement splinter hemorrhages.
after intravenous fluids and antipyretics, as well as a Given the growth of Gram-negative cocci in an anaer-
normal white blood cell count and CRP, he was dis- obic bottle and persistent symptoms, repeat CBC, CRP,
charged to home with a discharge impression of fever and blood cultures were obtained. CBC still had an insig-
of unclear etiology. The family was provided instructions nificant white count (5.5 109/L) but CRP was elevated
for follow-up the next day with the patient’s primary care at 33.9 mg/L (39 h after initial CRP was obtained and
physician and with the agreement that the family would found to be < 3.0 mg/L). The patient was started on clin-
be contacted if blood cultures had any growth. damycin, in addition to the previously prescribed amoxi-
The patient awoke the following day with a markedly cillin, and discharged to home from the ED after
swollen, tender, and erythematous right mandibular area. arrangements were made to have the tooth extracted as
He was taken to a dentist, where an abscess in tooth #LR6 an outpatient. The tooth was extracted the following
(lower right first molar) was identified (Figure 1). day and the patient was seen in primary care clinic for
Table 1. Definitions of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, and Septic Shock
bacteria present within the infection (10). It is plausible, Although untreated or improperly treated odonto-
and even likely, that the same bacteria found in abscesses genic infections can become severe, it is exceedingly
would be the most likely to be isolated from blood cul- rare to have a bacteremic load significant enough to
tures in the setting of secondary bacteremia. In this report, produce physical manifestations of sepsis, including
two bacteria were isolated, both of which were anaerobic mottling, delayed capillary refill, rigors, and to result
in nature. These included Lactobacillus rhamnosus, a in positive blood cultures from an occult dentoalveolar
facultative Gram-positive anaerobe and Veillonella, a abscess (3). Furthermore, in this case, there was no
Gram-negative anaerobe, both of which are routinely known preceding trauma, procedure, or other interven-
found to inhabit the oral cavity (11). tion that would increase the risk of bacteremia. Despite
Bacteremia is a known complication of dental surgery initial presentation, with appropriate dental and antimi-
and severe caries (1,2,12). In fact, oral surgery is itself an crobial treatment, the patient recovered without
indication for antibiotic prophylaxis in pediatric patients sequelae. In conclusion, we report one of the first cases
with certain cardiac conditions, impaired immunity, or of pediatric sepsis with two different anaerobic organ-
foreign indwelling catheters, joints, and other devices isms secondary to a clinically occult dentoalveolar ab-
as outlined in summary guidelines both from the scess in a pediatric patient.
American Heart Association in 2007 and the American
Academy of Pediatric Dentistry in 2008 (13,14). These WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE
are meant to reduce the risk of hematogenously spread AWARE OF THIS?
infections secondary to dental procedures, the
complications of which can be severe (15,16). Odontogenic sources of bacteremia/sepsis are often
As noted, odontogenic infections are often polymi- obvious based on history and physical examination, but
crobial in nature, but progress has been made in the can also be causative even without a clear focus of infec-
speciation of causative organisms, and several types of tion. As has been recommended in other areas of critical
bacteria are now known to be more commonly patho- care medicine, it is important for emergency physicians to
genic. For example, many of the bacteria that are impli- recognize the possibility of a dentoalveolar source of
cated in dental caries are of the Gram-positive genus illness in cases with no traditional focus of infection,
Streptococcus, and often include members of the facul- especially in those appearing acutely ill (21). Laboratory
tatively anaerobic viridans group such as S. mutans and evaluation, imaging, and antimicrobial choices depend
S. sanguinis. Lactobacillus, a genus of Gram-positive on, and can be affected by, suspected location of the cause
anaerobic bacteria, as well as Actinomyces spp., are of bacteremia/sepsis.
other commonly implicated groups of organisms in Furthermore, sepsis and its early identification con-
dental caries and odontogenic infections (17). With tinues to be one of the greatest challenges in caring for
increasing involvement of the surrounding soft tissue, acutely ill children. Diagnosis can often be delayed,
the microbiota subsequently change. As infection pro- which can result in significant morbidity and mortality.
gresses, an increasing involvement of Gram-negative, The International Pediatric Consensus Conference held
anaerobic bacteria takes place (18). Given this knowl- in 2005 clearly delineated signs and symptoms, based
edge, the choice of antibiotic use in odontogenic infec- on age categories, that are suggestive of pediatric sepsis.
tions should be relatively clear. In treating dental These guidelines, when implemented, can help to
infections, antimicrobials must cover Gram-positive increase the identification of, and reduce the burden of
and anaerobic bacteria. Penicillins, with a beta- disease from, pediatric sepsis (3).
lactamase inhibiting component (i.e., amoxicillin-
clavulanic acid), or clindamycin, both have Gram- REFERENCES
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