1) Chemiluminescence was observed when aromatic hydrocarbons were electrolyzed in deoxygenated nonaqueous solvents.
2) Emission occurred near the cathode and was from the excited singlet state of the hydrocarbon.
3) Oxygen strongly quenched the chemiluminescence. Various experimental conditions, including alternating current, affected the intensity and location of observed light emission.
1) Chemiluminescence was observed when aromatic hydrocarbons were electrolyzed in deoxygenated nonaqueous solvents.
2) Emission occurred near the cathode and was from the excited singlet state of the hydrocarbon.
3) Oxygen strongly quenched the chemiluminescence. Various experimental conditions, including alternating current, affected the intensity and location of observed light emission.
1) Chemiluminescence was observed when aromatic hydrocarbons were electrolyzed in deoxygenated nonaqueous solvents.
2) Emission occurred near the cathode and was from the excited singlet state of the hydrocarbon.
3) Oxygen strongly quenched the chemiluminescence. Various experimental conditions, including alternating current, affected the intensity and location of observed light emission.
1) Chemiluminescence was observed when aromatic hydrocarbons were electrolyzed in deoxygenated nonaqueous solvents.
2) Emission occurred near the cathode and was from the excited singlet state of the hydrocarbon.
3) Oxygen strongly quenched the chemiluminescence. Various experimental conditions, including alternating current, affected the intensity and location of observed light emission.
larographic grade); they were dried in a vacuum oven for several hours at 60?C before being used. The current-reversal technique with Reports a single electrode was used. A current of 3 to 10 ma was passed through the cell for about 10 seconds and then the direction of current flow was re- versed. By this procedure the cathod- ically produced species was generated Chemiluminescence Resulting from Electrochemically in the vicinity of the anodically pro- duced species and vice versa. Under Generated Species these conditions emission occurred as a glow covering the electrode and ex- Abstract. Chemiluminescence is reported from chemical species produced dur- tending about 0.5 to 1.0 mm into ing electrolysis of aromatic hydrocarbons in deoxygenated nonaqueous solvents. solution above the electrode surface. Emission occurs in the solution near the cathode, and the emitting species is the There was a delay of about 1 to 2 excited singlet state of the hydrocarbon. Oxygen exerts a severe quenching effect seconds between switching the direc- on the chemiluminescence. Possible mechanisms are discussed. tion of current flow and observing the emission. The emission rose to a maxi- Although a number of workers have working electrode with an external mum intensity in about 3 seconds and studied a variety of chemiluminescent counter electrode separated from the then fell quickly. When the solution systems, relatively little attention has solution by a fritted glass disc of fine was stirred, streaming of luminescence been focused on light emission caused porosity; two platinum-foil electrodes from the electrode into solution (about by electrolysis. In 1929 Harvey ob- separated from each other by about I I cm) was observed. Generally, emis- served that chemiluminescence of lumi- cm; and two concentric cylindrical sion was more intense on switching nol could be produced by electrolysis electrodes, the interior one a platinum the electrode from plus to minus than in solution (1), and a few other in- rod (2.5 mm in diameter) and the on going from minus to plus. vestigators followed up this work (2). exterior one constructed from 52-mesh When two square platinum elec- Kuwana and co-workers using modern platinum gauze (6 mm in diameter). trodes were used and the solution was electrochemical techniques have studied Studies were carried out (i) by pass- vigorously stirred, the emission ob- the luminol system in detail (3). ing a current through the cell (without served continuously in the vicinity of This report describes the production stirring the solution) for a given period the cathode, and was sufficiently of chemiluminescence by the reaction of time and then quickly reversing the bright for some compounds (notably of species produced during electrolysis direction of current flow; (ii) by ap- rubrene) that it was visible in dim of aromatic hydrocarbons dissolved in plying a constant direct-current voltage, room light. The square-wave alternat- deoxygenated nonaqueous solvents. The both with or without stirring; and (iii) by ing current produced a flashing effect emission observed appears to be from applying an alternating-current square alternately at the two electrodes and an excited singlet state of the hydro- wave, both with or without stirring. could excite luminescence up to a fre- carbon and the light reaction occurs in The solvents used were dimethylforma- quency of 10 cy/sec for rubrene. solution, not at the electrode surface. mide and acetonitrile, purified accord- When the concentric cylindrical elec- Three different arrangements of elec- ing to described procedures (4, 5). trodes were used with 3 to 4 volts of trodes were used: a single platinum The supporting electrolytes were tetra- direct current, a continuous emission was observed even when the solution was not stirred, diffusion being suffi- Table 1. Aromatic hydrocarbons showing chemiluminescence produced by electrochemically cient to mix the reacting species. generated species. The hydrocarbon concentrations were 10-3M. The supporting electrolyte concentrations were 0.1 or 0.01M. Figure 1 shows a photograph of a cell taken by light from the chemi- Colors Aromatic Aromatic luminescent reaction. Table 1 lists some hydrocarbon Solvent* Electrolytet I SSolution of the hydrocarbons studied, the sol- slChemiluminescence fluorescence vents and electrolytes used, and the Anthracene CH3CN TEAB Blue-white (w) Blue-violet color of chemiluminescence compared Chrysene CH,CN TEAB Blue-white (m) Blue-violet Chrysene DMF TEAP Blue-white (m) Blue-violet with the color of solution fluo- Pyrene DMF TEAB Blue-white (s) Blue rescence. Naphthacene DMF TEAB Green (s) Green Some characteristics of the chemi- Perylene DMF TEAP Blue (s) Blue Perylene CH3CN TEAB Blue (s) Blue luminescent reaction have been de- Perylene DMF TEAB Blue (s) Blue duced from simple experiments. The Coronene DMF TEAB Blue (m) Blue Rubrene DMF TEAB Orange-red (vs) Orange-red hydrocarbon is essential for chemi- Decacyclene DMF TEAB Green (w) Green luminescence because no emission was 1,2,5,6-Dibenz- DMF TEAB Blue-violet (m) Violet observed at the same current densities anthracene when only supporting electrolyte and DMF, dimethylformamide. t TEAB, Tetraethylammoniumbromide. TEAP, tetraethylammonium solvent were used. The correlation be- perchlorate. $ w, weak emission; m, moderate intensity; s, strong emission; and vs, very strong emission. tween the color of chemiluminescence 808 SCIENCE, VOL. 145 off quickly, but was resumed at a re- plexed aromatic positive radical ion duced intensity upon connecting the (such as Ar2W)at the anode which is circuit again. This process could be re- stable enough to be transported to peated several times, the emission be- the cathode. Although no such species coming less intense each time, until has been reported, Ar+ is a good finally no emission was observed upon electron acceptor and aromatic hydro- connecting the circuit. Oxygen showed carbons are good electron donors, form- a pronounced quenching effect on the ing molecular complexes readily. This emission, indicating the participation of idea receives some support from the free radicals, since all of the hydro- fact that molecular complex formation carbons studied are fluorescent in air- has been reported with the tropylium saturated solutions at room tempera- ion (7) and the pyrylium ion (8) as ture. Water had no effect on the emis- acceptors, and that the concentration sion, a result that was surprising but of hydrocarbon in these studies (10-3M) consistent with observations on the is in the range where complex forma- electrochemical behavior of the bi- tion is known to occur. phenyl negative radical ion (4). DAVID M. HERCULES One is tempted to interpret the Department of Chemistry and chemiluminescence as arising from the Laboratory for Nuclear Science, reaction of hydrocarbon radical ions Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fig. 1. Electrochemically generated lumi- (Ar+ and Ar-) to produce an excited Cambridge nescence; emission from the electrode is singlet state (Ar*): References and Notes the only source of light (60 seconds; f, 4.5; Royal-X-pan film). The solution was Ar+ + Ar- Ar* + Ar (1) 1. N. Harvey, J. Phys. Chem. 33, 1456 (1929). 2. V. Vojiir, Collectioln Czech. Chem. Coilimmun. 10-3M rubrene in dimethylformamide which then emits its characteristic 19, 862 (1954); A. Bernanose, T. Bremer, P. with 0.01M tetraethylammonium bromide Goldfinger, Bull. soc. chim. Belges 56, 269 as supporting electrolyte. Concentric elec- fluorescence. However, this interpre- (1947). trodes with nitrogen continuously bubbling tation is not consistent with all the 3. T. Kuwana, J. Electroanal. Chem. 6, 164 (1963); , B. Epstein, E. T. Seo, J. through the solution. The clear definition data presented. Because emission in Phys. Chem. 67, 2243 (1963). of the electrode grids when viewed head- stirred solutions occurs mainly in the 4. D. Maricle, Anal. Chem. 35, 683 (1963). on, and the diffuse glow lat the sides indi- 5. J. F. Coetzee, G. P. Cunningham, D. K. Mc- vicinity of the cathode and because the Guire, G. R. Padmanabhan, Anal. Chenm. 34, cate that the glow occurs in solution near 1139 (1962). the inside electrode surface. positive aromatic hydrocarbon ions are 6. J. P. Paris, W. Prichard, D. M. Hercules, less stable under the conditions of the unpublished studies, Juniata College, 1962. 7. M. Feldman and S. Winstein, J. Am. Chenm. experiments than the negative radical Soc. 83, 3338 (1961). and normal fluorescence indicates that ions (6), it seems unlikely that Ar* 8. , Tetrahedron Letters, 1962, 853 (1962). 9. Supported in part by the U.S. Atomic Energy the lowest excited singlet state of the would be transported from the anode Commission under contract AT(30-1)-905 and aromatic hydrocarbon is the emitting to the cathode while the more stable by USPHS grant GM 1.1.766-01 from the Na- tional Institutes of Health. I thank J. P. Paris species. Because chemiluminescence Ar- is not transported from the cath- for his contribution to this work. was observed with both perchlorate ode to the anode. 1 July 1964 and bromide as supporting electro- The species produced at the cathode lytes, anodically produced bromine seems to be Ar- as judged by colors does not participate in the light-pro- observed with the naked eye at the ducing reaction. Also, allowing a dilute cathode when electrolyses were per- Late Eocene Multituberculates bromine solution to flow over the formed in room light. This would sug- and Other Mammals from Wyoming cathode during electrolysis produced no gest the possibility of oxidation of Ar- emission. Because of the delayed re- by an anodically generated species to Abstract. Isolated teeth of multi- sponse encountered in the current- produce chemiluminescence. Energy tuberculates have been found in associ- reversal experiments and the observa- considerations argue against such a ation with late Eocene fossil mammals. tion of streams of luminescence in mechanism because, to produce an Previous studies reported that multi- stirred solutions, chemiluminescence is excited singlet state of the hydrocarbon tuberculates were not found in deposits not produced by a reaction at the elec- by oxidation of Ar-, one must remove younger than early Eocene age (Gray- trode surface. In stirred solutions, an electron from a ir-bonding orbital bull provincial substage or equivalents). emission was observed only in the vi- while leaving an electron in a higher- This newly found occurrence indicates cinity of the cathode, and this indi- energy 7r-antibonding orbital. This also that these animals are more likely to cates that the more stable of the two leaves the nature of the species pro- be late Eocene in age than reworked species is generated at the anode. This duced at the anode in question, be- early Eocene materials. observation may be correlated with the cause the experiments described indi- emission observed at the electrode cate that luminescence cannot be pro- Joint field parties of Carnegie Mu- when the current was reversed from duced by oxidation of Ar- by molecu- seum and the University of Colorado plus to minus-although sometimes a lar bromine. The possibility of having Museum have been collecting fossil weaker emission could be seen at the a complexed bromine radical (such as vertebrates from upper Eocene deposits other electrode, particularly in the case Br2-) react with Ar- is unlikely because (Tepee Trail formation, Hendry Ranch of chrysene. Also, in the current-re- chemiluminescence is observed in per- member) of the Badwater area, Na- versal experiments, if the circuit was chlorate media. trona County, Wyoming (1, 2). In the broken while chemiluminescence was One possible way out of the dilemma course of collecting small fossils by being emitted, the emission dropped is to postulate production of a com- washing techniques, remains of a multi- 21 AUGUST 1964 809