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Saurashtra University: Faculty of Commerce

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.Re-.Accredited Grade B by NAAC

(CGPA 2.93)"


Bachelor of Commerce

(Semester-V to VI)

In Force from June-2011


WEBSITE: www.saurashtrauniversity.edu

Sr. No. Code Semester-V Semester-VI
1. Foundation/ English-5 English-6
2. Core-9 Business Business
Environment - 1 Environment - 2
3. Core-10 Management Management
Accounting - 1 Accounting - 2
4. Core-11 Principles of Principles of
Auditing -1 Auditing - 2
5. Core-12 Fundamentals of Fundamentals of
Statistics - 1 Statistics - 2
6. Core & Allied-* 1. Financial 1. Financial
Management-1 Management-2
2. HRM -1 3. 2. HRM – 2 3.
Fundamentals of Fundamentals of
Banking Insurance
7. Elective 1. Accounting & Project Report
Finanace-5 OR 1.
Accounting &
2. Business Project Report in
Management-5 any functional
(financial area OR 2.
management 1) Business
3. Banking-5 Project Report
OR .Banking-6
4. Computer Project Report
Science-5 OR Computer
5.Insurance-5 Project Report
OR Insurance-6
6. Advance Project Report
Statistics-5 OR
6. Advance
7. Co-operatoon- Project Report

5 OR Cooperation
7. Co-operatoon-
8. Transport -5 Project Report
OR 8.Transport -
9. Cotton -5 Project Report
OR 9. Cotton -6
10. Public Project Report
finanace-5 OR 10. Public
11. Public Project Report
Administration-5 OR 11. Public

Note: The total marks for each subject is 100. Out of 100 Marks, 30 Marks for
internal evaluation and 70 Marks for external assessment. Minimum marks for
passing the subjects is 40 Marks (Including Internal and External assessment).

Sr. No. Who can teach Semester- V June Semester-VI January
1. English teacher English-5 English-6
2. Economics teacher Business Business
Environment - 1 Environment - 2
3. Accounting / commerce Management Management
Accounting - 1 Accounting - 2
4. Accounting / commerce Principles of Principles of
Auditing -1 Auditing -2
5. Statistics / commerce Fundamentals of Fundamentals of
Statistics - 1 Statistics - 2
6. commerce 1. Financial 1. Financial
Management-1 Management-2
2. HRM -1 2. HRM -2
3. Fundamentals of 3. Fundamentals of
Banking Insurance
7. 1.Account /commerce 1. Accounting & 1. Accounting &
2.Com/mange/acconts Finanace-5 Finance - 6
3.Comm./economics 2. Business 2. Business
4.computer Management-5 Management-6
5.commerce (Financial (Financial
6.statestics/com/acc Management) Management)
7.Economics\comm 3. Banking-5 3.Banking-6
8. Economics\comm 4. Computer Science- 4. Computer Science-
9. Economics\comm 5 6
10. Economics\comm 5.Insurance-5 5.Insurance-6
11. Economics\comm 6. Advance Statistics- 6. Advance Statistics-
5 6
7. Co-operatoon-5 7. Co-operatoon-6
8. Transport -5 8.Transport -6
9. Cotton -5 9. Cotton -6
10. Public Finance – 10. Public Finance –
5 6
11. Public 11. Public
Administration – 5 Administration – 6

T Y B Com

Semester VI

Foundation/ Language: English -5

Total Credits: = 03
Total teaching time: = 45 hours

Distribution of Marks:
Total Marks per semester: 100
Semester end exam: 70
Internal assessment 30

Internal marks break up: Assignment/internal test = 10,

Assignment/MCQ test = 10,
Presentation = 10
Text: ‘Fusion- An Anthology for Advanced Learners’ by Board of Directors; Orient Blackswan
55 marks
Skills and Proficiency in English: 45 marks
100 marks

Communication Skills: Teaching time: 10 hrs

Topic: Presentation – Review or Discussion of any article pertaining to eco-socio-

political-academic or environment published in a newspaper/magazine/journal Or
Power point presentation offering comprehensive study of any topic pertaining to
eco-socio-political-academic or environment

Reading and Writing Skills:

Text: ‘Fusion- An Anthology for Advanced Learners, By Board of Editors; Orient
Blackswan chapters 1 to 5 Teaching time: 15 hrs

Proficiency in Language Teaching time: 20 hrs

Translation from English into Mother Tongue

Translation from Mother Tongue into English

Press Release

Internal Assessment 30 marks

Distribution of Marks
• Assignment 10 marks
Press release
• MCQ 10 marks

Based on the prescribed text

• Seminar 10 marks

External Exam Mark Distribution 70 marks

Section 1 20 marks

MCQ (Twenty sentences of one mark each)

Based on the prescribed text

Section 2 50 marks

Q. 1 Descriptive questions – answers 2/4 15 marks

(Based on the prescribed text)

Q. 2 Brief questions – answers 2/4 10 marks

(Based on the prescribed text)

Q. 3 Press Release 1/2 10 marks

Q. 4 Translation from English into Mother Tongue 15 marks

Translation from Mother Tongue into English

Core – 9 Business Environments- 1

Objective: The objective of the syllabus to keep aware the students about the problems arising at
national and international level on account of the process of liberalization and globalization.
Unit Content No of


I Indian and International Business Environment 10

1.1 The concept of Business.
1.2 Meaning of Environment.
1.3 “Business Environment”–Clarification of Macro or Aggregative concept.
1.4 Main integral units of Business Environment.
-Demand, Consumption, Economics policy, Legal system, Technology,
Economic institutions.
1.5 International Environment: An overview of the main recent trends of
business environment at global level.

II The Different economic indicators : 05

Income :
-Trends of National and Per capital income.
-Co-relation of income and business environment.

III The Different economic indicators : 10

Savings :
-Trends of savings during the last decade.
-Co-relation of savings and business environment.

IV The Different economic indicators 10

Investment :
-Quantum of local investments in plans.
-With reference to income and savings.

V Problems of Economic Development in the context of India. 10
India as a developing country.
Unemployment :
-Meaning – Reasons.
-Effects of unemployment with reference to business environment.

Poverty :
-Meaning with reference to Modern Trends
-Remedies for eradication of poverty with reference to business opportunities


Reference Books:


Himalaya Publication
2. Economic Environment for Business by Mishra & Puri - Himalaya Publication

Core 10: Management Accounting -1
Objective: To aware the students about the management accounting principles and practices

Unit Content No of


Introduction & Meaning -Nature – Characteristics – Objective -
Scope and Functions
• Importance and Limitations of Management Accounting
• Role of Management Accountant
• Difference between Management, Cost and Financial Accounting
(comparative Study)
• Tools & Technique of Management Accounting


• Introduction & Meaning of ‘Fund’ – Fund Flow – Fund Flow
• Sources of Funds
• Applications of Funds
• Importance, Limitations & Managerial Utility of Fund Flow
• Procedure of preparations of fund flow statement
-Preparation of statement of changes in working capital
-Preparation of necessary ledger accounts
-Preparation of Adjusted Profit & Loss Account
-Preparation of fund flow statement
• Practical Problems


• Introduction & Meaning of Ratio
• Financial Analysis and Interpretation -(Brief explanation)
• Meaning & Nature of Ratio Analysis
• Utility of Ratio Analysis
• Importance & Limitations of ratio Analysis
• Classification of Accounting Ratios
-Traditional Classification (Revenue, Balance-sheet and
Composite) -Functional Classification – as per accounting data
and user parties (Solvency, Liquidity, Turnover and

• Introduction
• Meaning of Marginal Cost and Marginal costing
• Characteristics & Assumptions
• Advantages & Limitations
• Break –even Analysis (Assumptions, Utility and
• Profit-Volume Ratio
• Margin of Safety
• Marginal Costing as a tool for Decision Making
• Key Factor (Material & Labour)
• Introduction, Meaning and Characteristics
• Different type of Cost (relevant Cost, Opportunity cost &
Sunk Cost)
• Difference between Marginal & Differential Cost
• Analysis of Differential Cost and Applications
- Make or Buy decisions
- Determination of sales Mix
- Discontinuance of a product line
-equipment replacement decision
-shut down or continue
-introducing a new product & new market

• Practical problems including above Analysis and



10 | P a g e
Reference Books:
1. Management Accounting : J. Batty
2 . Management Accounting: S.B. Chaudhary
3 . Management Accounting : S.P. Gupta
4 . Management Accounting : Hingorani
5 . Management Accounting : P.V. Rthnam
6 . Management Accounting: S. N. Maheshwari
7 . Management Accounting: Jayanta Mitra
8 . Management Accounting: N. P.Shrinivasan
9 . Management Accounting: H. and S. Chakraborty
10 . Ad. Management Accounting: R. M. Kishore
11 .Management Accounting: khan and Jain
12. Cost and Management Accounting:Jayanta Mitra

Internal Assessment 30 marks

Distribution of Marks
• Assignment 10 marks

• MCQ 10 marks

• Seminar 10 marks
External Exam Mark Distribution 70 marks
Section 1 20 Marks
Q.1 MCQ 20 marks
(20 questions to be asked each question carries one mark)
(Four questions to be asked from each unit)
Section 2 50 marks

Q. 2 Examples 15 marks
Q. 3 Examples 15 marks
Q. 4 Examples 10 marks
Q. 5 Examples or Theory 10 marks
(Note: 10 Marks theory is essential)

11 | P a g e
Core 11: Principles of Auditing -1
Dt: 2/5/2012
Objective: To aware the students about the auditing principles and practices
Unit Content No of

I Introducing to Auditing Meaning, Importance, Scope, Objectives, Function of 10

auditing, Limitations
II Types of Audit 10
Preparation of Audit, Audit Note
Programme & procedure

III Internal audit & control (Internal Check and Internal Control) 10
IV Capital & Revenue Income & expenditure Allocation 05

V Vouching 10

Reference Books:

1. Principles and Practices of Auditing By R.G. Sexsena – Himalaya Publication

12 | P a g e
Core 12: Fundamentals of Statistics - 1

Objective: To equip the students with research tools to apply in the research situations

Unit Content No. of

I Linear Correlation: 10
• Definition of variables
• Meaning and Definition of Correlation
• Types of Correlation
• Properties of Correlation coefficient
• Method of Correlation
1. Scatter Diagram
2. Karl Pearson’s method
3. Spearman’s Rank method
• Probable Error of Coefficient of Correlation
• Co-efficient of Correlation from bivariate Frequency distribution

II Linear Regression: 10
• Meaning and Definition of Regression
• Definition of Regression coefficient
• Properties of Regression coefficients & Relation between
Correlation and Regression coefficient
• Two lines of Regression
• Regression Co-efficient from bivariate frequency distribution

III Probability: 10
• Concept of Probability
• Mathematical & Statistical Definition of probability
• Definition of Different Terms ( Random Experiment , Sample Space,
Types of Events…etc)
• Addition Theorem, Condition Law, Multiplication Theorem For Two
Events With Proof
IV Probability Distribution - 1: 10
• Concept of Discrete Random Variable & Continuous variable and Its
Probability Distribution
• Mathematical Expectation of Discrete Random Variable.
• Examples

13 | P a g e
V Probability Distribution - 2: 10
• Mean & Variance of Discrete probability distribution
• Properties and Application of Binomial without proof
• Properties & Application of Normal distribution without proof
• Examples

Total 45

Reference Books:

1. Statistics D.S. sancheti and V.K. Kapoor

2. Fundamentals of mathematical statistics V.K.Kapoor and S.C.Gupta
3. Basic Statistics B.L. Agarwal
4. Fundamentals of Statistics S.C. Srivastva and Sangya Srivastava

14 | P a g e
Core & Allied

Subject1: Financial Management 1

Objective: To aware the students about the role and practices of Financial Management in
the market

Unit Content No of
I Financial Management: Definition, Scope, Goal, Function, Agency 10
Theory; Financial System; Functions, Structure, Players, Role.
Concepts of Time Value.

II Principles of Working Capital Management, Various Approaches, 05

Estimation of Working Capital, Managements of Components of
Working Capital; Cash, Receivables, Inventory and Sources of
Working Capital Finance.

III Management of cash (Excluding Examples) 10

IV Management of receivable (Excluding Examples) 10

V Management of inventory (Excluding Examples) 10


Reference Books:
1. Gitman, Managerial Finance, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Maheshwari S.N. Financial Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Khan & Jain, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi,
4. Ravi Kishor, Financial Management, Taxmann’s Allied Services Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,

15 | P a g e
Subject 2: Human Resource Management 1
Dt: 2/5/2012

The Objective of this course is to sensitize students to the various facets of managing people and to create
an understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management

Unit Content No of

I Introduction, Concepts and Perspectives on Human Resource Management 10

Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment

II Corporate Objectives and Human Resource Planning 10

Meaning and need for HRP – Process, Importance and Hindrances

III Job Analysis and job Description (Including performance appraisal) HR - 10

Recruitment, Induction and Placement

IV Incentive and Performance-based Payments (Including practical problems) 10

Managing employee benefits and services and employee welfare

V Development - Trade Unions- Functions and its role 05


Reference Books:

Aswathappa K. Human Resource and Personnel Management Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 1997

Tiwari T.D. & Chauhan P.L.” Emerging Issues in Human Resource Management” Shanti
Prakashan, Delhi -2005

Tiwari T.D. & Chauhan P.L.” Framework of Human Resource Management and Industrial
Relation” Shanti Prakashan, Delhi -2007

16 | P a g e
Subject 3: Fundamental of Banking
Objective: To familiarize the students with various concepts and Banking sector in

Unit Content No of

I Indian Banking system. 10

II Commercial Bank 05

III State Bank of India 10

IV Co operative bank in India 10

V RBI 10


Reference Books:

1. Bank Management By Vasant Desai - Himalaya Publication

2. Bank and institutional Management By Vasant Desai - Himalaya Publication

3. Basics of Banking and Finance By Bhattacharya and Agrawal - Himalaya Publication

3. Banking ( Theory, Law and Practice) By Gordan and Natrajan - Himalaya Publication

5. Banking Theory and Practice By Dr, P.K. Srivastava - Himalaya Publication

17 | P a g e
Elective – 3

Subject 1: Accounting and Finance -5

Objective: To equip the students with the principles and practices of Accounting and
Finance in the concerned field.
Accounting Section: Unit 1 to 3 - (60% weightage)
Finance Section: Unit 4 & 5 – (40% weightage)
Unit Content No of


• Introduction - Meaning & characteristics
• Brief idea of Acts for regulation of electricity company accounts (Indian
electricity act-1910, Electricity supply act –1948, Indian Electricity Rules,
1956 and on wards )
• Difference between single account system and double account system
• Preparation of final accounts under double account system
- Revenue accounts - Net Revenue accounts
- Capital Receipts & Expenditure accounts - General Balance sheet
Brief knowledge and notice about Accounting statements prepared and
presented by State govt. under Indian Electricity Rules, 1956
- Important provisions under the Indian electricity act-1910 for Repairs and
renewals, Depreciation, Replacement and additions to fixed assets
- Clear profits, Reasonable return, and Disposal of surplus as per
Electricity supply act –1948 - (with practical calculation)

II INVESTMENTS ACCOUNTS [ As per Indian tradition only ] 05

- Introduction & Meaning

- Specific terminology , concepts and methods relate to investments
(Clarification for calculation of INTEREST i.e., in India an interest of past is
calculated, from the date of payment of interest to the date of transaction and
BROKERAGE is to be calculated on market value)
- Journal Entries and Ledger Accounts for investment transactions
- Practical problems.


- Introduction-meaning
- Claims for loss of stock - meaning and calculation of,
- Average clause - Gross profit rate - Normal and abnormal goods’ stock

18 | P a g e
- Practical problems of Claims for loss of stock
- Consequential loss policy ( Claims for loss of profit )
- Meaning and explanation of important terminology
- Practical problems of Consequential loss policy (Claims for loss of stock
- Journal entries
- Introduction-meaning-advantages and limitations of leverage
- Types of leverage ( Operating-Financial-Combined )
- Operating leverage- meanings and practical calculations
- Financial leverage- meanings and practical calculations
- Impact of Financial leverage and share holders’ risk
- Combined leverage- meanings and practical calculations
- Difference between Operating leverage and Financial leverage
- Earning Per Share (EPS)- meanings and simple practical calculations

• Introduction
• Earnings and its’ measurement
• Net profit and its’ management
• Dividend –meaning types
• Nature of dividend distribution decision
• Dividend distribution – Problems
• Dividend policy
• (A) Fixed Dividend policy
-Fixed with incremental Dividend policy
-Sequential incremental Dividend policy
-Cash-stock mix Dividend policy
-residual surplus Dividend policy
(B) Flexible Dividend policy
• Constraints on Paying Dividends
• Theories on dividend policies and share valuation
- Modigliani miller theory (MM Approach)
- Walter’s theory(model)
- Gordon’s theory (model)
• Factors affecting Dividend policy

19 | P a g e
Reference Books:

1.Advanced Accounts by M.C.Shukla and T.S.Grewal (Sultan Chand & Sons, Delhi)
2.Financial Accounting. By Narayan Swamy ( Prentice Hall India, New Delhi)
3.Advanced Accounting by Dr.B.M.Agrawal and Dr. M.P.Gupta
4.Modern Accounting by Amitabha Mukherjee and Mohammed Hanif
5.Principles and Practice of Accounting.- by Gupta and Gupta (Sultan Chand & Sons, Delhi)
6.Financial Accounting-by P.C. Tulsian (Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi)
7.Accountancy ( Self Tutor) by Dr.R.K. Sharma and Dr. R.S.Popli
8.Financial Management by I.M. Pandey (Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi)
9.Working Capital Management by Bhattacharya, Hrishikesh ( Prentice Hall India, New Delhi)
10. Financial Management by M.Y.Khanand P.K.Jain (Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New


Internal Assessment 30 marks

Distribution of Marks
• Assignment 10 marks

• MCQ 10 marks

• Seminar 10 marks

External Exam Mark Distribution 70 marks

Q.1 MCQ 20 marks
Q. 2 Examples 15 marks

Q..3 Examples 15 marks

Q. 4 Examples 10 marks
Q. 5 Examples or Theory 10 marks

20 | P a g e
Subject 2: Business Management -5 (Financial Management)
Objective: To develop the student’s understanding related to financial management
concepts and applications.

Unit Content No of


I Financial Management & overview 10

- Evolution, Financial Decision, Goals, Fundamental Principles of Finance,
Risk and Return trade off

II Financial Statements Analysis 05

- Meaning, utility, pre-requisite, Tools and techniques
Ratio Analysis and Du pont Analysis (Theoretical Applications)

III Capital Budgeting (EXCLUDING EXAMPLES) 10

NPV, IRR, Pay back methods of capital budgeting

IV Risk Analysis of Capital Budgeting (EXCLUDING EXAMPLES) 10

Types of Risk, Sources and Perceptive of risk

V Venture Capital – IPO , Secondary public offer, Right issues 10


Reference Books:

1. Financial Management By Prasanna Chandra

2. Financial Management (Management and policy) By R.M. Srivastava – Himalaya publication
3. Financial Management By P.V.Kulkarni and B.G. Satyaprasad - – Himalaya publication

21 | P a g e
Subject 3: Banking 5
Objective: To up to date the students with the Banking Environment in India.

Unit Content No of

I International Banking 10

II American Banking 05

III British Banking 10

IV Euro Currency system 10

V Indian Development Bank 10


Reference Books:
1. Bank Management By Vasant Desai - Himalaya Publication
2. Bank and institutional Management By Vasant Desai - Himalaya Publication
3. Basics of Banking and Finance By Bhattacharya and Agrawal - Himalaya Publication
4. Banking ( Theory, Law and Practice) By Gordan and Natrajan - Himalaya Publication
5. Banking Theory and Practice By Dr, P.K. Srivastava - Himalaya Publication

22 | P a g e
Subject 4: Computer Science 5
Objective: To develop the computer language skills of the students.

Computer Science – V: Introduction to Visual Basic

Unit Topic Detail No of


1 Introduction Visual Basic project, Visual Basic programming 5

Visual Basic: environment and naming objects.

2 Working with Text Box, List Box, Combo Box, Option Button, Check 10
Controls: Box, Frame, Timer, Scroll Bars, Label, Form, Drive list
box, Directory list box, File list box, Picture, Image, Shape

3 Properties for Name, Appearance, alignment, Autosize, Backcolor, 10

relevant BackStyle, BorderStyle, Caption, Cancel, Default, Enable,
controls: Font, Height, Width, Top, Left, Locked, Min, Value,
MaxButton, MinButton, Max, MaxLength, MultiSelect,
MultiLIne, PasswordCharacter, Interval, Style, TabIndex,
TabStop, Visible, WordWrap, WindowState, SelLenth,
SelStart, SelText, Picture, DownPicture, DisablePicture,
List, ListCount, ListIndex, Text, Image, Icon, ForeColor,
Index, Sorted, Print

4 Events for Click, Change, DblClick, Keydown ,KeyUp, KeyPress, 10

relevant MouseDown, MouseUp, MouseMove, Load, GotFocus,
controls: LostFocus, Activate, Timer, Scroll, Initialize, Paint,
Activate, Resize, Unload, Deactivate

5 Methods for Show, Hide, ZOrder, AddItem, RemoveItem, Clear, 10

relevant SetFocus, Move

6 Programming Practical exercise of unit 1 to 5 45


Total lecturers (Theory + Practicals) 90

23 | P a g e
Reference Books :

1. Successful Projects in Visual Basic – D. Christopher – BPB

2. Mastering in Visual Basic – BPB

3. Programming in Visual Basic (Peter Norton)

• Theory 3 Hours – 3 credits and practical 4 hours – 2 credits. Total 7 hours and 5 credits
• Theory Examination – 70 marks: 50 marks as external exam and 20 marks as internal

• Practical Examination – 30 Marks: 20 marks

24 | P a g e
Subject 5: Insurance 5

Objective: To develop the comprehensive understanding of the insurance concepts and aware
students to the Insurance environment prevailing in India

Unit Content No of

I Introduction: Law of probability, Forecast of future events, Construction of 10

morality tables, Morality tables for annuities.

II Premium Determination: Basic factors, Use of Morality tables in premium 05

determination, Net and gross premium, Mode of periodical premium,
Premium for term insurance, Temporary insurance, Endowment insurance,
Level and natural premium plan, Premium calculation for annuities, life and
other policies.
III Reserves and Surplus: Nature, origin and importance of reserves and funds in 10
life and property insurance, Statutory regulations of reserves, Nature and
source of insurance surplus, Special form of surplus, Distribution of surplus,
Investment policy of LIC and GIC.

IV Administration: Present administrative set up of GIC and LIC, Provident fund 10

societies and other organizations having the same insurance business,
Establishment and control of branches, Machinery for decision making used
by insurance organizations, Statutory administrative provisions.

V Legislation: Study of Life Insurance Corporation of India ACT, 1956, General 10

Insurance of India ACT, 1976 and study of insurance related acts.


Reference Books:
1. Mishra M.N.- Insurance- Principles & Practice, S.Chand & Co.Ltd,New Delhi

2. Vinayak, N.M.Radhasamy and S.V.Vasudevan: Insurance- Principles & Practice, S.Chand &
Co.Ltd,New Delhi

3. Singh S.P.:Investment Pattern of the LIC, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra.

25 | P a g e
Subject 6: Advance Statistics – 5
Objective: To equip students with the various statistical tools.

Unit Name of Content No of

Chapters Lectures

I Testing of  Meaning of hyothesis and meaning of testing of 15

Hypothesis hypothesis
 Types of hypothesis (Null, Alternative, Composite)
 Two types of errors, level significance, critical region,
power of a test, one-tail versus two tail test, acceptance
region, confidence interval
 Reliability of sample, large & small samples,
confidence limit
 Procedure of test of hypothesis
 Large sample test
 Test of significant of (I) number of success (II)
proportion of success (III) difference of two
 Test of significant of (I) mean, (II) difference
between two means, (III) difference between two
S.D. (IV) Co-officiant of correlation
 Examples
II Small sample Uses of T Test 10
test  Test of hypothesis
 Population mean
 Equality of two population means
 Population of correlation coefficient
 Use of F-test
 Testing of hypothesis concerning equality of two
population variances
 Use of Fisher’s Z transformation
 Test of hypothesis
 Population correlation coefficient
 Equality of two population correlation coefficient
III Chi-square  Definition of Chi-square variate and degree of freedom 10
Test  Uses of chi-square test
 To test goodness fit
 To test independence of two attributes
 To test for population variances
 Examples

26 | P a g e
IV Analysis of  Definition of ANNOVA 10
variance  General ANOVA table for one-way classification, two
way classification and LSD
 Limitation of ANOVA
 Examples


Reference Books:
1. Statistics D.S. sancheti and V.K. Kapoor
2. Fundamentals of mathematical statistics V.K.Kapoor and S.C.Gupta
3. Basic Statistics B.L. Agarwal
4. Fundamentals of Statistics S.C. Srivastva and Sangya Srivastava
5. Statistical methods S.P. Gupta
6. Business Statistics R.S Bhardwaj

27 | P a g e
Subject 7: Co operation 5

Objectives: To aware the students about the co-operation concepts and Applications

Unit Content No of

I Agricultural credit Through co-operatives 10

(2) Regional Rural Banks
(3) State Central co-operative Banks

II White revolution through co-operatives 05

(1) Role of national Dairy Development Board
(2) Contribution of AMUL

III Urban co-operative Banks 10

(1) Significance and role of Urban co-operatives Banks
(2) Major Problems of urban co-operatives Banks

IV Sugar Co-operatives in India 10

V Brief history, present scenario problems, prospect 10

Reference Books:
Dr. D. G. Karve -Co-operation Principles & Practice
Dr. B.S. Mathur Co-operation in India
Dr. R. D. Bedi - Theory History and Practice of Co-operation
The Gujarat Co-operative Socieities Act. 1961
H. Culvert - Law and Principles of Co-operation
S. K. Gupte Co-operative societies, Act and Rules of Gujarat

28 | P a g e
Subject 8: Transport 5

Objective: To aware the students about the Transport concepts and Applications

Unit Content No of

I Overview of Modern Transport 10

II Development in Aviation Industry 05
III Development in Structure and Size of railway PPP ( Public Private Partnership) 10
IV Role of Technology development in Transport 10
V Problems and Issues in Transport 10

29 | P a g e
Subject 9: Cotton 5

Objective: To aware the students about the cotton concepts and Applications

Unit Content No of

I Cotton Industry in India 10

II Role of various boards in development of Cotton Industry 05
III Development in various trade practices of cotton 10
IV Evolution of Cotton Industry – Global Perspectives 10
V Restructuring Strategies of sick cotton units 10

30 | P a g e
Subject 10 Public Finance – 5

Objective: To aware the students about the Public Finance concepts and Applications

Unit Content No of

I Public Expenditure : 10
- Meaning, Nature and Objectives, Significance of Public Expenditure
in developing country like India.
- Causes of its growth.
- Types, effects and importance Public Expenditure.
- Relationship of Pub. Exp. With employment.
- Economic stability.

II Public Debt. 05
- Meaning, need and importance.
- Characteristics features of P.E.
- Type and sources of debt.
- Comparison of private & public debt.
- Effects, burden and resumption of public debt.

III Foreign Capital Management 10

- Need, importance and limitations.
- Nature of foreign capital.
- Foreign exchange reserve.

IV Foreign Capital Management 10

- Inflow, outflow and net flow of Funds

V Impact of FDI on local and national investment scenario 10


31 | P a g e
Subject 11: Public Administration 5

Objective: To aware the students about the practice of Public Administration and it’s

Unit Content No of

I Planning in India 10
- Some historical overview.
- Basic elements in Indian Planning.

II Nehruvian – Socialist Planning model in India 05

- Bacgkground

III Basic Economic Provisions under Indian constitution 10

importance accountability of state.

IV Significance of Public Administration in relation to charges in planning local 10

self government – importance in respect of Indian Economy.

V Models of Public Administration with reference to Panchayati Raj 10


Reference Books:
1. Rural Development and Co Operation By Mathur and others – R B S A Publishers\

32 | P a g e
T Y B Com

Semester VI

Foundation/ Language: English -6

Bachelor of Commerce

Semester VI

Name of the Course: Foundation Course in English 6

Total Credits: = 03
Total teaching time: = 45 hours
Distribution of Marks:

Total Marks per semester: 100

Semester end exam: 70

Internal assessment 30

Internal marks break up:

Assignment/internal test = 10,
Assignment/MCQ test = 10,
Presentation = 10

Text: ‘‘Fusion- An Anthology for Advanced Learners”

By Board of Editors; Orient Blackswan 55 marks

Skills and Proficiency in English: 45 marks
100 marks

Communication Skills: Teaching time: 15 hrs

Topic: Group Discussion

Reading and Writing Skills:

Text: ‘‘Fusion – An Anthology for Advanced Learners”

By Board of Editors; Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd. chapters 6 to 10

Teaching time: 15 hrs

Proficiency in Language Teaching time: 15 hrs

33 | P a g e
Comprehension (of moderate difficulty level)

Comprehension of Stock Market Report

Creative Writing - Reshaping the Story

Internal Assessment 30 marks

Distribution of Marks
• Assignment 10 marks
Reshaping of story
• MCQ 10 marks
Based on the prescribed text
• Seminar 10 marks
Group discussion

External Exam Mark Distribution 70 marks

Section 1 20 marks

MCQ (Twenty sentences of one mark each)

Based on the prescribed text

Section 2 50 marks

Q. 1 Descriptive questions – answers 2/4 14 marks

(Based on the prescribed text)

Q. 2 Brief questions – answers 3/5 10 marks

(Based on the prescribed text)

Q. 3 Reshaping the story 01 10 marks

Q. 4 a. Comprehension (01 x 08) 01 08 marks

b. Comprehension of Stock Market 01 08 marks
Report (01 x 08)

34 | P a g e
Core – 9 Business Environment -2
Objective: The objective of the syllabus to keep aware the students about the problems arising at
national and international level on account of the process of liberalization and globalization.

Unit Content No of

I A Bird’s Eye view of different economic sectors : 10

Industries :
- Features of Indian Industries.
- Problems of cottage and small scale industries.
Agriculture :
- Problem of low agriculture productivity in India.
- Effects of new agriculture strategy.

II Role of Govt. and it’s policies in Indian Economy. 05

2.1 Monetary Policy :
- It’s effect on Indian Business Environment.
2.2 Fiscal Policy :
- It’s importance in the concept of welfare state.
- It’s effect on Business Environment.
2.3 Import – Export Policy :
- Main provision of recent Import – Export policies with reference to
2.4 Foreign Investment :
- Modern trends of foreign investment in India.

III Role of Govt. and it’s policies in Indian Economy. 10

Industrial Policy :
- Current Industrial Policy.
- It’s effects on Business Environment.
- Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

IV Role of Govt. and it’s policies in Indian Economy. 10

Process of Privatization and Disinvestment :
- Meaning
- Need of Privatization in Indian Economy.
- Effects of Privatization in the field of development of Business.

V Planning in India. 10
3.1 Current five year plan :
- Objectives and main programs.
- Sectoral allocations of resources.
3.2 Overall evaluation of planning.

Total 45

35 | P a g e
Reference Books:
Himalaya Publication
2. Economic Environment for Business by Mishra & Puri - Himalaya Publication

36 | P a g e
Core 10: Management Accounting – 2

Objective: To aware the students about the management accounting principles and practices

Unit Content No of

• Introduction & Meaning
• Objectives & Utility
• Kinds of Reports
• General principals of Reporting
• Requisites of a goods report
• Steps for effective report


• Introduction & Meaning of terms ‘cash’- ‘cash flow’-‘ cash flow
• Classification of cash flow
• Indian Accounting Standard no. 3
• Procedure for preparations Limitations of cash flow statement
• of fund flow statement
• Importance and Managerial Utility of cash flow statement
• Practical Problems


• Introduction & Meaning
• Objectives-importance- managerial application
• Advantages and limitations of budgetary control
• Practical problems regarding
Cash Budget

• Introduction & Meaning
• Utility of Flexible Budget
Practical Problems


• Introduction & Meaning-nature of capital expenditure
• Meaning and significance of capital budgeting
• Types of capital budgeting proposal and projects
• Importance of capital expenditure forecast
• Objectives-importance- managerial application
• Advantages and limitations of capital budgeting
• Practical problems regarding project appraisal methods under capital

37 | P a g e

(excluding practical study of risk and uncertainty)

- Pay back method
- Average rate of return method ( Accounted rate of return method )
- Discounted cash flow method such as,
NPV, PI, IIR and Discounted pay back method

Reference Books:
1. Management Accounting : J. Batty
2 . Management Accounting: S.B. Chaudhary
3 . Management Accounting : S.P. Gupta
4 . Management Accounting : Hingorani
5 . Management Accounting : P.V. Rthnam
6 . Management Accounting: S. N. Maheshwari
7 . Management Accounting: Jayanta Mitra
8 . Management Accounting: N. P.Shrinivasan
9 . Management Accounting: H. and S. Chakraborty
10 . Ad. Management Accounting: R. M. Kishore
11 .Management Accounting: khan and Jain
12. Cost and Management Accounting:Jayanta Mitra

Internal Assessment 30 marks
Distribution of Marks
• Assignment 10 marks

• MCQ 10 marks

• Seminar 10 marks

External Exam Mark Distribution 70 marks

Q.1 MCQ 20 marks

Q. 2 Examples 15 marks
Q. 3 Examples 15 marks
Q. 4 Examples or Theory 10 marks
Q. 5 Examples 10 marks

38 | P a g e
Core 11: Principles of Auditing -2

Objective: To aware the students about the auditing principles and practices

Unit Verification & testing Assets & Liabilities No of


I Company Audit-1 Duties, Qualification, Rights. 10

Appointment & responsibilities

II Company Audit-2 reports of Auditors – Recent Contents 05

III Allocation of Dividends & Profits 10

IV Audit of Computerized Accounting (EDP – Audit) 10

V Verification & testing Assets & Liabilities 10


Reference Books:
1. Principles and Practices of Auditing By R.G. Sexsena – Himalaya Publication

39 | P a g e
Core 12: Fundamental of Statistics -2

Objective: To equip the students with research tools to apply in the research situations

Unit Content No of

I Time Series Analysis: 10

• Meaning and Use of Time Series
• Component of Time Series
• Methods of Finding Trend by
1. Moving Average
2. Least Square ( Linear ( y = a+bx) ,Second Degree y = a + bx +cx )
• Short Term Variation
• Seasonal Variation By Moving Average Method
• Computation of Seasonal Index number
II Linear Programming: 05
• Meaning and uses of L.P.
• Limitation and assumptions of L.P
• Various Terms : ( Objective functions, Constraints, solution, feasible solution,
optimum solution , basic solution , slake and surplus variables etc.)
• Mathematical form of L.P.P
• Method solving L.P.P.
1. Graphic method
III Association of Attributes: 10
• Association of Two Attributes
• Types of Association of Two Attributes
• Order classes,
• Consistency of data for two attributes
• Methods of studying Association attributes
o Comparison of Expected Frequency
o Proportion method
o Yule’s method
o Co-efficient of Colignation method

40 | P a g e
IV Sampling: 10
• Idea of Population and sample
• Advantage of sampling, limitation of sampling
• Characteristics of Good sample
• With and without replacement sampling
• Sampling method
o Simple random sampling
o Stratified simple random sampling
o Systematic Sampling
• Drawing of all possible random sampling of given size ( Two or Three) from a
population (with and without replacement)
• Calculation of variance of sampling random, sample Mean. Stratified sample
Mean(Two or Three strata only) and systematic sampling
• Examples

V Index Number: 10
• Meaning and Definition of Index Number
• Uses and Limitations of Index Numbers
• Construction of Whole Sale Price Index Number
• Method of Calculation of Index Numbers
1. Laspeyer’s
2. Paashe’s
3. Fisher’s
4. Dorbis -Bowley’s
5. Marshal - Edgeworth’s
• Family Budget Method
• Time Reversal & Factor Reversal Test for Index Number


Reference Books:
1. Statistics D.S. sancheti and V.K. Kapoor
2. Fundamentals of mathematical statistics V.K.Kapoor and S.C.Gupta
3. Basic Statistics B.L. Agarwal
4. Fundamentals of Statistics S.C. Srivastva and Sangya Srivastava

41 | P a g e
Core & Allied

Subject 1: Financial Management – 2

Objective: To aware the students about the role and practices of Financial Management in
the market

Unit Content No of

I The Financial System: 10

Introduction, Components, Functions of financial System

II Types of Assets – 05
Financial and Non-financial Assets
III Capital Market: 10
Primary Market- Meaning, Definition, Players, Book building process

IV Capital Market: 10
Secondary Market – Introduction, organisation management, membership,
types of stock exchange
V Money Market: 10
Certificate of Deposit, Call Money, Treasury Bills


Reference Books:
1. Gitman, Managerial Finance, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Maheshwari S.N. Financial Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Khan & Jain, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2008.
4. Ravi Kishor, Financial Management, Taxmann’s Allied Services Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
5. Indian Financial System – Bharti Pathak

42 | P a g e
Subject 2: Human Resource Management -2

Objective: The Objective of this course is to sensitize students to the various facets of managing people
and to create an understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management

Unit Content No of

I HR - Training and Development - 10

Nature , Process, Aims, Types, Effectiveness

II HR – Morale & Discipline 05

Meaning, needs, significances, types, factors, actions and suggestions

III Industrial Psychology 10

Meaning, definition, importance, basic principles, scope and functions

IV Industrial Relations 10
Concepts, aims, components, causes, nature, effects – approaches,
scope, importance and suggestions
V Resolving disputes 10
Industrial disputes, nature, forms, causes, effects, legal provisions and

Reference Books:
Aswathappa K. Human Resource and Personnel Management Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 1997

Tiwari T.D. & Chauhan P.L.” Emerging Issues in Human Resource Management”
Shanti Prakashan, Delhi -2005

Tiwari T.D. & Chauhan P.L.” Framework of Human Resource Management and
Industrial Relation” Shanti Prakashan, Delhi -2007

43 | P a g e
Subject 3: Fundamental of Insurance

Objective: To develop the comprehensive understanding of the insurance concepts and

aware students to the Insurance environment prevailing in India

Unit Content No of

I Introduction: Insurance-concept, meaning, purpose, need. Evolution of 10

insurance, Role and importance of insurance, Human Life Value, Moral
Hazard, Difference between Assurance and Insurance, Important terms used in
Insurance, Nature and characteristics of Insurance, Functions of Insurance.

II Principles of Insurance-Utmost good faith, insurable interest, principle of 05

indemnity, principle of subrogation, contribution. Classification of Insurance-
from the point of risk, nature of business and business, Important aspects of
insurance business
III Life Insurance: Meaning, Significance, Difference-Insurance & Life 10
insurance, Types of life insurance- Term insurance, whole life insurance,
endowment insurance, annuities, unit linked policies, health insurance, LIC
IV Fire Insurance: Origin of fire insurance, Meaning, Its nature, Procedure of 10
taking fire insurance policy, types of policies, conditions of policy.

V Marine Insurance: Origin and growth of marine insurance, Meaning, 10

Procedure of taking marine insurance policy, types of policies, conditions of
policy, Marine loss.

Reference Books:
1. Mishra M.N.- Insurance- Principles & Practice, S.Chand & Co.Ltd,New Delhi
2. Vinayak, N.M.Radhasamy and S.V.Vasudevan: Insurance- Principles & Practice, S.Chand &
Co.Ltd,New Delhi

44 | P a g e
Elective – 3

Subject 1: Accounting and Finance or Project Report


Unit Content No of

I Accounts of Holding company 10

Only as per under section 212 of Indian Companies Act
Only one subsidiary company
(Excluding consolidated balance sheet)
II Process Costing (Only Inter process profit excluding incomplete product) 05

III Operating Costing of Hotel, Hospital and Theatre 10

IV Source of Long Term Fund 10
V Overview of Hedging, forward, future and Swaps 10


Reference Books:
1. Advanced Accounts by M.C.Shukla and T.S.Grewal (Sultan Chand & Sons, Delhi)
2. Financial Accounting. By Narayan Swamy ( Prentice Hall India, New Delhi)
3. Advanced Accounting by Dr.B.M.Agrawal and Dr. M.P.Gupta
4. Modern Accounting by Amitabha Mukherjee and Mohammed Hanif
5. Principles and Practice of Accounting.- by Gupta and Gupta (Sultan Chand & Sons, Delhi)
6. Financial Accounting-by P.C. Tulsian (Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi)
7. Accountancy ( Self Tutor) by Dr.R.K. Sharma and Dr. R.S.Popli
8. Financial Management by I.M. Pandey (Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi)
9. Working Capital Management by Bhattacharya, Hrishikesh ( Prentice Hall India, New Delhi)
10. Financial Management by M.Y.Khanand P.K.Jain (Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New

Internal Assessment 30 marks

Distribution of Marks
• Assignment 10 marks

• MCQ 10 marks

• Seminar 10 marks

45 | P a g e
External Exam Mark Distribution 70 marks

Q.1 MCQ 20 marks

Q. 2 Examples 15 marks

Q. 3 Examples 15 marks

Q. 4 Examples or Theory 10 marks

Q. 5 Examples 10 marks

46 | P a g e
Subject 2: Business Management (Financial Management) – OR Project Report


Unit Content No of

I Merger : 10
Reason , Mechanism, Cost and Benefits, Exchange ratio
II Acquisition and Restructuring: 05
Meaning , Internal and External Restructuring
III Leasing – Types, Rational, Operating lease and Leasing as a Financial 10
IV Higher Purchase : 10
Higher Purchase Arrangement and Issues
V Balance Score card 10

Reference Books:
1. Gitman, Managerial Finance, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Maheshwari S.N. Financial Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Khan & Jain, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2008.
4. Ravi Kishor, Financial Management, Taxmann’s Allied Services Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.

47 | P a g e
Subject 3: Banking 6 – Project Report

Unit Content No of

I Emerging Issues in banking Practices 10

II BASLE Norms for Banks 05
III Merger and Acquisition in Banks 10
IV Consolidation of Banks 10
V Corporate Governance in Bank 10

Reference Books:

1. Bank Management By Vasant Desai - Himalaya Publication

2. Bank and institutional Management By Vasant Desai - Himalaya Publication

3. Basics of Banking and Finance By Bhattacharya and Agrawal - Himalaya Publication

4. Banking (Theory, Law and Practice) By Gordan and Natrajan - Himalaya Publication

5. Banking Theory and Practice By Dr, P.K. Srivastava - Himalaya Publication

48 | P a g e
Subject 4: Computer Science 6 (Business Application Development Using Visual Basic) or
Project Report

Unit Content No of

I Working with Data: 07

Variables, Data Types, Declaring Variables, Scope of Variables, Constants,
Arithmetic operations on Data, Displaying Output

II Selection: 07
What is Selection? Type of selection, testing multiple conditions, nested IF
structures, Complex multiple condition, Select Case, Extensions to select a
III Loops: 07
What is a Loop?, Type of Loops – FOR… NEXT, DO WHILE…LOOP,
IV Handling Strings, Dates and Time: 05
Introduction, Declaring Strings, ASCII, Processing Strings, Handling Dates,
Formatting Date output, Handling Time, Calculations with Time and Date

V Procedures: 07
What is a Procedure? Types of Procedures, Why use Procedure? Passing
Parameters, Practical work on using the correct formal parameters, Functions,
Form and Standard Modules.

VI Arrays: 05
What is an Array?, How to declare an Array?, Static and dynamic arrays,
Processing an Array, Passing Arrays to Procedures, Two Dimensional Arrays,
Control Arrays.
VII Files: 05
What is a File? Types of Files(concept), Basic file operations like read, write,
append (Sequential file only)
VIII Menus: 02
Introduction, Type of Menus, Features of menu
IX Programming exercise (Practical): 45
Practical exercise of unit 1 to 8

49 | P a g e
• Theory 3 Hours – 3 credits and practical 4 hours – 2 credits. Total 7 hours and 5 credits

• Theory Examination – 70 marks: 50 marks as external exam and 20 marks as internal

• Practical Examination – 30 Marks: 20 marks external and 10 marks as internal

Reference Books:

1. Successful Projects in Visual Basic – D. Christopher – BPB

2. Mastering in Visual Basic – BPB

3. Programming in Visual Basic (Peter Norton)

50 | P a g e
Subject 5: Insurance 6 – or Project Report

Unit Content No of

I Introduction: Insurance-concept, meaning, purpose, need. Evolution of 10

insurance, Role and importance of insurance, Human Life Value, Moral
Hazard, Difference between Assurance and Insurance, Important terms used in
Insurance, Nature and characteristics of Insurance, Functions of Insurance.

II Principles of Insurance-Utmost good faith, insurable interest, principle of 10

indemnity, principle of subrogation, contribution. Classification of Insurance-
from the point of risk, nature of business and business, Important aspects of
insurance business
III Life Insurance: Meaning, Significance, Difference-Insurance & Life 9
insurance, Types of life insurance- Term insurance, whole life insurance,
endowment insurance, annuities, unit linked policies, health insurance, LIC
IV Fire Insurance: Origin of fire insurance, Meaning, Its nature, Procedure of 8
taking fire insurance policy, types of policies, conditions of policy.

V Marine Insurance: Origin and growth of marine insurance, Meaning, 8

Procedure of taking marine insurance policy, types of policies, conditions of
policy, Marine loss.

Reference Books:

1. Mishra M.N.- Insurance- Principles & Practice, S.Chand & Co.Ltd,New Delhi

2. Vinayak, N.M.Radhasamy and S.V.Vasudevan: Insurance- Principles & Practice, S.Chand &
Co.Ltd,New Delhi

3. Singh S.P.:Investment Pattern of the LIC, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra.

51 | P a g e
Subject 6: Advance Statistics 6 or Project Report

Unit Content No of

I Demand & Supply 10

• Definition of demand of commodity and supply of commodity
• Demand law and supply law, demand curve and supply curve, assumption
underlying the law of demand and supply
• Demand and supply function, total revenue function and cost function
• Elasticity of a function, price elasticity of demand and supply. Elasticity of
cost function, method of determine the price elasticity of demand
• Average revenue, marginal revenue, average cost , marginal cost, condition
for total revenue , maximization and total cost minimization, total revenue
• Relation between price elasticity of the demand, average revenue and
marginal revenue, uses of price elasticity of demand
• Examples

II Monopoly problem 10
• Meaning of monopoly and characteristic of monopoly
• Profit function, problem of maximization of profit
• Monopoly and production of two commodities
• Effect of taxation on monopoly
• Examples

III Production Functions: 10

• Definition of production function and its properties
• Various production functions
• Maximization of the profit with illustrations
• Average production and marginal production
• Homogeneous production function and elasticity of productivity
• Euler’s theorem with proof
• Cobb-Douglas production function
• Maximization of production function subject to cost function
• Examples

IV Utility Functions: 05
• Concept of Utility, Utility index, marginal Utility
• Utility function and its properties
• Indifference curves, standard forms of utility function
• Maximization of Utility, compensated demand function, Utility function on
basis of income and Leisure
• Examples

52 | P a g e
V Input Output Analysis:
• Meaning input –output analysis and assumption of input output analysis
• Construction of input output analysis table for two or three industries
(Leontief’s open system)
• Matrix of technical coefficients
• Merits and Demerits of input output analysis
Examples of determining total production of each of the industries if the final
demand changes

Reference Books:
1. Business Mathematics D.C.Sancheti and .V.K. Kapoor

2. Economic Statistics M.C. Jayswal

3. Statistics Dr. A.V. Gajjar and Dr. S.R.Patel

4. Applied Statistics Kapoor and Gupta

53 | P a g e
Subject 7: Co operation 6 –or Project Report

Unit Content No of

I Growth of Co operative Movements in World : Germany, Japan, Denmark, 10

Italy , USSR
II Growth of Co operative Movements in India 05
III Structure of Co operative Institute : Agricultural and Non Agricultural Co 10
IV Marketing and Consumer Co operatives 10
V Industrial Co operative 10

Reference Books:
1. Dr. D. G. Karve -Co-operation Principles & Practice
2. Dr. B.S. Mathur Co-operation in India
3. Dr. R. D. Bedi - Theory History and Practice of Co-operation
4. The Gujarat Co-operative Socieities Act. 1961
5. H. Culvert - Law and Principles of Co-operation
6. S. K. Gupte Co-operative societies, Act and Rules of Gujarat

54 | P a g e
Subject 8: Transport 6 or Project Report

Unit Content No of

I Transport Policy for Railway and Roads 10

II Development of Aviation Industry and Privatization 05
III Airport Authority of India 10
IV Railway Budget Components 10
V GSRTC (Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation) Problems and Prospects. 10


55 | P a g e
Subject 9: Cotton 6 or Project Report

Unit Content No of

I International Cotton: Meaning and Definition. 10

Growth and Development of Cotton Industry
II Cotton Scenario in European countries : Growth, Problem and Prospects 05

III Cotton Scenario in USA: Growth, Problem and Prospects 10

IV Cotton Scenario in China: Growth, Problem and Prospects 10
V Impact of Globalization on Cotton Industry 10

56 | P a g e
Subject 10 Public Finance or Project Report

Unit Content No of

I Source of Public Finance: Long Term and Short Term and Types 10
II Direct Tax Code 2010 05
III Indirect Taxes – Challenges and Issues 10
IV Government Budgeting system 10
V Zero base budgeting and Performance Budget 10

57 | P a g e
58 | P a g e
Subject 11: Public Administration 6 – Project Report

Unit Content No of

I Panchayati Raj (PR) System: Objectives and organization 10

II Financial power to PR institutes – with amendments 05
III Various committee recommendations for PR 10
IV Rural Development Programme : Antyodaya, IRDP ( Integrated 10
Rural Development Programme) and Swarojgar Yojna
V Review of Area development Programme 10

Reference Books:
1. Rural Development and Co Operation By Mathur and others – R B S A Publishers

59 | P a g e

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