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Department of Accounting Education ACCBP 100 - Course Syllabus

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Department of Accounting Education

ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

1. Course Number : ACCBP 100
2. Course Name : Accounting Plus
3. Course Description : This course provides a reinforcement of basic accounting, within the context
of business and business decisions. Students obtain additional knowledge of the principles and concepts of
accounting as well as their application that will enable them to appreciate the production of accounting data.
Emphasis is placed on understanding the reasons underlying basic accounting concepts and providing students
with an adequate background on the recording of transactions, their classifications and reporting function of
accounting in a service and trading concerns through the preparation of Statement of Financial Position,
Income Statement, Statement of Changes in Equity, and Cash Flow Statement.

4. Pre-requisite : None
5. Co-requisite : None
6. Credit : 3.0 units
7. Class schedule : 6 hours per week

8. Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of Department of Accounting Education:

Three to five years after graduation, the Accounting Education graduates are expected to:

A. B. Engage in business undertakings and/or in the field of accounting that contribute to the
development of their community.
C. Pursue a successful career in accounting through relevant trainings and involvement in the
continuing professional development programs of the profession and/ or in advanced studies.
D. Involve actively as partners in the civic program of the community.

9. Student Outcomes (SO) of BSA/BSMA/BSAIS/BSIA graduates and their links to PEO

Upon completion of the program, BSA/BSMA/BSIA/BSAIS students will demonstrate: 1 2 3 4
A* Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice.    
B* Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino    
C* Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.    
D Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility    
E* Resolve business issues and problems, with a global and strategic perspective using knowledge and    
technical proficiency in the areas of financial accounting and reporting, cost accounting and
management, accounting and control, taxation, accounting information system.
F Conduct accountancy research through independent studies of relevant literature and appropriate    
use of accounting.
G* Employ technology as a business tool in capturing financial and non-financial information,    
preparing reports and making decisions.
H* Apply knowledge and skills to successfully respond to various types of assessments; and (including    
professional licensure and certifications)
I Confidently maintain a commitment to good corporate citizenship, social responsibility and ethical    
practice in performing functions as an accountant.
Note: * SO being addressed in this course

Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

10. Course Outcomes (CO) BSA/BSAT and their links to SO

Upon completion of the course, BSA/BSMA/BSIA/BSAIS SO

students are expected to: A B C E G H
CO1. Understand the nature of accounting and the practice O P O L L L
of accounting profession.
CO2. Understand the accounting cycle and the financial O P O L L L
reporting process (including the concept of interest and
taxation) in a merchandising concern business.
CO3. Record and classify business transactions for a O P O L L L
merchandising concern business.
CO4. Present financial statements for a merchandising O P O L L L
concern business.
Legend: Level

[L] = Facilitate Learning of the competence (input is provided and competency is evaluated).
[P] = Allow students to practice competencies (no input but competency is evaluated).
[O] = Provide opportunity for development (no input or evaluation, but there is opportunity to practice the

Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

Program Educational
Vision: By 2022, a globally recognized
institution providing quality, affordable
and open education.

Mission: Provide a dynamic and UMDC

A. Engage in business undertakings and/or in the
supportive academic environment Core
field of accounting that contribute to the
through the highest standard of
instruction, research and extension in a
development of their community.
B. Pursue a successful career in accounting
non-sectarian institution committed to through relevant trainings and involvement in
democratizing access to education. the continuing professional development
programs of the profession and/ or in
advanced studies.
C. Involve actively as partners in the civic
Students Outcomes (SO) program of the community.

A. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the

specific field of practice.
B. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both
English and Filipino
C. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary
and multi-cultural teams. 1. Understand the nature of accounting and the
D. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical practice of accounting profession.
2. Understand the accounting cycle and the
E. Resolve business issues and problems, with a global and
strategic perspective using knowledge and technical
financial reporting process (including the
proficiency in the areas of financial accounting and concept of interest and taxation) in a
reporting, cost accounting and management, merchandising concern business.
accounting and control, taxation, accounting 3. Record and classify business transactions for a
information system.Demonstrate self-confidence in merchandising concern business.
performing functions as a professional accountant.
4. Present financial statements for a
F. Conduct accountancy research through independent
studies of relevant literature and appropriate use of merchandising concern business.
G. Employ technology as a business tool in capturing
financial and non-financial information, preparing 3
reports and making decisions.
H. Apply knowledge and skills to successfully respond to
various types of assessments; and (including
professional licensure and certifications)
Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

CO and Assessment task alignment

Assessment Task

CO Assessment Coverage
Theory-based Practice-based

CO 1 & CO 2 Multiple Choice Examination First Accounting and its

Examination Environment

Accounting Equation, the

Double-entry System,
Analyses of Transactions
and Rules of Debit and

The Accounting Cycle (An


CO 2 & CO 3 Practice Problems Second The Bookkeeping Phase of

Examination the Accounting Cycle
(Practice Set:
Journalizing up to Trial

Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

CO 3 & CO 4 Practice Problems Third The Reporting Phase of

Examination the Accounting Cycle
(Practice Set: Adjusting
entries to Reversing

CO 1, CO 2, CO 3 & CO 4 Multiple Choice Examination Multiple choice Final Special Topics

(Comprehensive problems Examination

*Final assessment will be a comprehensive examination (from first topic to the last) in a Multiple-Choice Questions

Assessment Task Details (Theory-based)

Assessment Coverage Assessment Task Details


First Exam Accounting and its Multiple Choice At the end of this coverage, you should be able to:
Environment Examination (100% of
the examination) a. Familiarize the background of the accountancy profession, the career
Accounting opportunities of a CPA and salient points of the Philippine Accountancy Act
of 2004;
Equation, the
b. Understand the importance of accounting in business as well as the keeping
of records;
System, Analyses of
c. Learn and acquire familiarity in the format of the basic financial statements;
Transactions and d. Gain familiarity of account classifications and account titles as well;
Rules of Debit and e. Understand why accounting is considered the language of the business;

Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

Credit f. Understand the information needs of various users and the qualitative
objective of a financial report;
The Accounting g. Differentiate the various forms of business organization;
Cycle (An h. Explain how the double-entry system follows the rules of the accounting
Introduction) equation;
i. Summarize the rules of debit and credit as applied to balance sheet and
income statement accounts;
j. Analyze and state the effects of business transactions on an entity’s assets
liabilities and owner’s equity; and
k. Explain the various phases of the accounting cycle.

Second Exam The Bookkeeping At the end of this coverage, you should be able to:
Phase of the
a. Outline the steps in analyzing transactions on the elements and specific
Accounting Cycle accounts;
b. Apply the rules of debits and credits in analyzing business transactions;
c. Understand the flow of goods under period and perpetual systems;
d. Explain the use of a trial balance; and
e. Learn how to locate errors in the trial balance.
Third Exam

Fourth Exam Special Topics Multiple Choice (50% At the end of this coverage, you should be able to:
of the examination)
a. Outline the steps in analyzing transactions on the elements and specific
b. Apply the rules of debits and credits in analyzing business transactions;
c. Explain the difference between General Journal and Special Journals;
d. Explain the difference between General Ledger and Subsidiary Ledgers;

Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

Assessment Task Details (Practice/Performance-based)

Assessment Coverage Assessment Task Details

First Exam Accounting and its


Equation, the
System, Analyses of
Transactions and
Rules of Debit and

The Accounting
Cycle (An

Second Exam The Bookkeeping Practice Problems At the end of this coverage, you should be able to:
(100% of the

Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

Phase of the examination) a. Journalize transactions in proper form;

Accounting Cycle b. Develop a chart of accounts;
c. Post entries from the general and special journals to the general ledger;
d. Reconcile subsidiary ledger accounts with general ledger;
e. Prepare trial balance.
f. Perform steps in locating and correcting errors in the trial balance.

Third Exam The Reporting Practice Problems At the end of this coverage, you should be able to:
Phase of the (100% of the
examination) a. Prepare and explain the adjusting entries;
Accounting Cycle b. Prepare an adjusted trial balance;
c. Prepare accurately and in good form a ten-column worksheet; and
d. Prepare financial statements in good form.
e. Prepare and post closing entries.
f. Prepare a post-closing trial balance.
g. Prepare and post reversing entries.

Fourth Exam The Final Phase of the Practice Problems At the end of this coverage, you should be able to:
Accounting Cycle
(Multiple Choice a. Identify correct journal entries for a particular transaction.
Problems) b. Identify correct balance for a particular ledger account.
c. Identify correct adjusting entries, closing and reversing entries needed for a
particular transaction or period.

Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus


Week 1 to Week 3 1. Orientation
b. Classroom Policies
c. Requirements and Grading Valix, Condrado et al (2015).
Interactive Discussion Financial accounting volume 1.
2. Accounting and its Manila: GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc.
Environment Oral Recitation
a. Definition and Evolution of Ballada, Win Lu (2015). Basic
Real life examples
Accounting accounting - made easy. Manila:
b. The Accountancy Board Works DomDane Publishing and Made
Profession – its Practice and Easy Books.
Development Group / Team Learning
c. Branches of Accounting
c. Users of Accounting Quizzes
d. Forms of business Note: For the topic
organizations “The Accounting Cycle
(An Introduction), the
3. Accounting Equation, the instructor should only
Double-entry System, discuss the basics of
Analyses of Transactions accounting cycle.
and Rules of Debit and Actual practice shall be
Credit done during the second
a. Basic Accounting Equation to final examinations.
b. T-Account and the Double-
entry system
c. Elements of Financial
Statements and Normal
Balance of an Account
d. Rules of debit and credit
e. Analyzing business


Week 4 4. The Accounting Cycle (An

to a. Identifying and analyzing Valix, Condrado et al (2015).
business transactions and
Week 5 Interactive Discussions Financial accounting volume 1.
b. Journalizing business Manila: GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc.
Oral Recitations
c. Classifying business Team/Group Learning Ballada, Win Lu (2015). Basic
transactions (Posting to the accounting - made easy. Manila:

Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

general ledger) Board Computation DomDane Publishing and Made

d. Preparation of Trial Balance Easy Books.
e. Basic Adjusting entries – Practice Set – Manual
Prepayments, Accruals, (Individual)
f. Worksheet preparation Quizzes
g. Financial statements
h. Closing entries
i. Post-closing trial balance
j. Reversing entries

5. The Bookkeeping Phase

of the Accounting Cycle
a. Recording Business
Transactions – Journalizing
b. Sales and Cost of Sales
Transactions (Periodic Method
vs. Perpetual Method)
c. Freight entries
d. Posting to the General Ledger
e. Generating Trial Balance


Week 6 6. The Reporting Phase
of the Accounting Cycle
Valix, Condrado et al (2015).
a. Basic adjusting entries: Interactive Discussions
Week 7 Financial accounting volume 1.
Deferrals, Accruals, and
Prepayments Oral Recitations Manila: GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc.
b. Ending Inventory adjusting
entries (Perpetual Method vs. Team/Group Learning Ballada, Win Lu (2015). Basic
Periodic Method) accounting - made easy. Manila:
c. Other adjusting entries: Board Computation DomDane Publishing and Made
Uncollectible accounts and Easy Books.
depreciation Practice Set – Manual
e. Preparation of Worksheet (Individual)
f. Preparation of Statement of
Profit and Loss Quizzes
g. Preparation of Statement of
Financial Position
h. Preparation of Statement of
Changes in Equity
i. Preparation of Statement of
Cash Flows

Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

7. The Final Phase of the

Accounting Cycle
a. Preparation of closing
b. Preparation of Post-closing
Trial Balance
c. Preparation of Reversing


Week 8 Interactive Discussions Valix, Condrado et al (2015).
8. Special Topic Financial accounting volume 1.
to Oral Recitations
a. Special Journals – Cash Manila: GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc.
Week 9 Team/Group Learning
Disbursements; Cash Receipts;
Ballada, Win Lu (2015). Basic
Purchases and Sales Journals Board Computation accounting - made easy. Manila:
DomDane Publishing and Made
b. Subsidiary Ledgers and Practice Set – Manual Easy Books.
Controlling Ledger (Individual)



12. Textbox

Ballada, Win Lu (2015). Basic of accounting - made easy. Manila: DomDane Publishing and Made Easy Books.

Ballada, Win Lu (2016). Partnership and Corporation Accounting - made easy. Manila: DomDane Publishing and Made Easy

13. Suggested References

a. Lopez, R. (2016). Fundamentals of accounting - made easy. Manila: DomDane Publishing and Made Easy Books.

b. Valix, C. and Peralta, J. (2016). Financial accounting volume 1. Manila: GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc.

c. Valix, C. and Peralta, J. (2016). Financial accounting volume 2. Manila: GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc.

d. Punzalan, A (2014) Comprehensive and procedural approach in practical accounting. Manila: GIC Enterprises &
Co., Inc.

e. Jenkins, E. ( 2015). Tax practice. The allure of unclaimed property. Accounting today, pp 14.

Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

f. Robles, N ( 2014) Intermediate accounting volume 2. Manila. Mutual Books, Inc.

On line resources:

a. Leung, D. ( 2016). Inside accounting: The sociology of financial reporting and auditing. Routledge.

b. Wu, H & Patel, C. ( 2015).Studies in managerial and financial accounting, volume 29: adoption of Anglo-American
models of corporate governance and financial reporting in China. Emerald Group Publishing limited.

14. Course Evaluation

Assessment methods Weights

Exam 1 -3 ( 10% per exam) 30%
Exam 4 30%
Assignments 5%
Quizzes 10%
Oral Recitation 10%
Requirements 15%
TOTAL 100%

15. Policies and Guidelines

a. Attendance will always be checked.
b. Students exceeding the maximum allowed absences will be dropped.
c. Absence can be considered excused based on the reason of absence and presentation of excuse letter.
d. The student is responsible of coping up with the topics in case of his absence.
Classroom Policies
a. Students should wear proper uniform and ID.
b. Students should maintain the cleanliness of the classroom at all times.
c. Honesty should always be observed in all undertakings in the classroom.
d. Dishonesty or misconduct can be a ground for failing a student.
a. All requirements submitted beyond the deadline will not be accepted, unless there is a very valid reason.
a. Consultation hours shall be followed as scheduled by the department.
b. Proper time and place should always be observed in consultation.

Prepared by: References reviewed by:


Faculty Chief Librarian

Department of Accounting Education
ACCBP 100 – Course Syllabus

Reviewed by:


Program Chair

Recommending approval: Approved by:


AVP – UM Digos College SVP, Academic Planning and Services


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