GE4 - Task 1: Points Reflective Thinking and Analysis
GE4 - Task 1: Points Reflective Thinking and Analysis
GE4 - Task 1: Points Reflective Thinking and Analysis
Watch the video The Beauty and Power of Mathematics by William Tavernetti which can be
accessed from .
Email your output to on or before Aug 13 in doc/pdf file. For email subject,
use the format GE4-code-Fullname (ex. GE4-367-Earland Perito).
Your output will be graded (per question) based on the rubric below.
The reflection explains the student’s thinking about his/her own learning processes.
The reflection is an analysis of the learning experience and the value of the derived
learning to self or others.
Free of grammar and syntax errors.
The reflection attempts to demonstrate thinking about learning but is vague and/or unclear
about the personal learning process.
The reflection attempts to analyze the learning experience, but the value of the learning to
the student or others is vague and/or unclear.
There may be some grammar and syntax errors, but these do not compromise readability
The reflection does not address the student’s thinking and/or learning.
The reflection does not move beyond a description of the learning experience.
Grammar and/or syntax errors interfere with the reader’s ability to follow and/or
comprehend the assignment.