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Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

(IF:3.538, Q1, Cite: GS: 10, Sc: 10, RG: 13)

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Marine and Petroleum Geology

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Research paper

Integrated palynological, organic geochemical, and sequence stratigraphic T

analyses of the middle to upper Cenomanian hydrocarbon reservoir/source
Abu Roash “G” Member: A depositional model in northwestern Egypt
Amr S. Deafa,∗, Sameh S. Tahounb
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, 71516, Assiut, Egypt
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 12613, Giza, Egypt


Keywords: The current investigation provides further insight into the petroliferous characteristics of the Abu Roash “G”
Palynology Member, which is regarded as an important rock unit for the Egyptian oil industry. Forty-seven samples covering
Palaeoenvironments the “G” Member were selected from the BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 wells in the Abu Gharadig Basin and from the Abu
Organic geochemistry Tunis 1X well in the Matruh Basin, both of which are located in the north Western Desert. An independent dating
Sequence stratigraphy
of the “G” rocks of BED 2-4 by benthic foraminifera and ostracods, in addition to palynological dating, suggests a
Hydrocarbon potential
middle-late Cenomanian age and provides the biochronostratigraphic framework for the sequence stratigraphic
Abu Roash “G”
North Western Desert analysis.
Egypt Analysis of the vertical distribution of particulate organic matter defines three palynofacies types (PF). PF-1
represents the basal “G”, where shales of the BED wells and calcareous shale of Abu Tunis 1X were deposited
during a relative sea level rise in an outer middle shelf environment that experienced a notable high primary
productivity. Prevailing reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions supported preservation of very high amounts of
amorphous organic matter (AOM) in PF-1. PF-2 is equated to shales of the middle “G” of BED 14-1 and BED 2-4
and to calcareous shales and limestone of the upper “G” in Abu Tunis 1X. PF-2 was deposited during a relative
sea level fall in an inner middle shelf setting under better-developed suboxic-anoxic conditions. PF-3 corresponds
to the upper “G” of BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 and represents the shallowest setting, where sandy and silty shales
were deposited during a pronounced sea level fall in an inner shelf environment. The same suboxic-anoxic
conditions were prevailing during deposition of PF-3. Three bioevents were recorded, which could be of pa-
laeoecological and/or biostratigraphic significance. These are Senegalinium aenigmaticum-Dinopterygium cladoides
peak, Dinopterygium cladoides-Dinopterygium alatum peak, and an acme of Classopollis brasiliensis. Sequence
stratigraphy of a transect of the four studied sections was carried out to understand the response of the parti-
culate organic matter distribution and depositional system to the sea level changes. Three third-order, deposi-
tional genetic sequences were recognized and correlated with the global sea level curve (KCe 2, KCe 3, and KCe
4). The early highstand systems tract (eHST) of the genetically related KCe 3 in all wells is characterized by
relatively rich organic matter, where combined remarkably low water circulation and insignificant dilution of
organic matter with coarse terrigenous material probably supported good preservation of organic matter.
Spatial distribution of the “G” rocks shows lateral facies changes. This was inferred from sedimentation of an
organic-poor (avg. 0.8 TOC wt %), coarse clastic (sandy shales) facies in the studied area in Abu Gharadig Basin.
Sedimentation changes laterally into a northeast and northwest organic-rich, finer clastic (shale, calcareous
shales, and argillaceous limestone) facies in the western Matruh Basin. The robust anoxic conditions and very
low dilution of organic matter by terrigenous influx enhanced the organic richness (avg. 2.4 TOC wt %) of these
rocks, which resulted in the formation of promising hydrocarbon source rocks. Thus, for a successful hydro-
carbon exploration in the north Western Desert, the promising source section of the “G” Member would be
associated with shales, calcareous shales, and argillaceous limestone lithologies. Its depositional environment is
mainly confined to outer middle and inner middle shelf settings that have widespread suboxic-anoxic conditions
and show eHST pattern. In contrast, the regressive intervals that are denoted by the lowstand systems tract (LST)

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: amr.daif@science.au.edu.eg, asdeaf75@yahoo.com (A.S. Deaf).

Received 20 January 2017; Received in revised form 30 October 2017; Accepted 3 November 2017
Available online 21 November 2017
0264-8172/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

and/or the late HST (lHST) typify the relatively coarse clastics as good quality reservoir rocks that are char-
acterized by poor organic richness due to dilution with terrigenous influx.

1. Introduction Deaf, 2016; Mahmoud et al., 2017).

The current work presents a second study in a continuum of an earlier

one carried out by Tahoun and Deaf (2016) on the Abu Roash “G” 3. Materials and methods
Member in order to understand its hydrocarbon potential. This member
extends widely in the north Western Desert of Egypt with a considerable Twenty-six cutting samples of the Abu Roash “G” Member were
thickness of about 220 m and attains a maximum thickness of about palynologically investigated from BED 2-4 (15 samples, Lat. 29° 53′
1000 m in the depocentre of the Abu Gharadig Basin (e.g. Khaled, 1999; 20.40″ N; Long. 27° 43′ 10.35″ E) and BED 14-1 wells (11 samples, Lat.
Maky and Saad, 2009). Its alternating coarse- and fine-clastic dominated 29° 50′ 51.06″ N; Long. 27° 38′ 57.3″ E). Badr Petroleum Company
intervals show a dual importance as potential sources and/or reservoirs (BAPETCO) drilled these wells in the north Western Desert of Egypt
in several oil fields in the north Western Desert. This made the Abu Roash (Abu Gharadig Basin) in 1991 and 1988, respectively. Furthermore,
“G” one of the main targets of many national and international oil op- twenty-one samples of the same member were palynologically in-
erating companies. Recently, Tahoun and Deaf (2016) highlighted the vestigated from the Abu Tunis 1X well (8 samples, Lat. 31° 16′ 08″ N;
significant potential of the Abu Roash “G” Member as a source of hy- Long. 26° 50′ 41″ E) and from the Nest-1A well (13 samples, Lat. 31° 33′
drocarbons in the extreme northern part of the Western Desert. However, 18.22″ N; Long. 25° 47′ 21.73″ E) in the Matruh Basin. For additional
a complete picture of the hydrocarbon potential of this member across details on the last two wells, the readers are referred to Deaf (2009),
the north Western Desert is not clear yet. This raised an immense demand Deaf et al. (2014), and Tahoun and Deaf (2016). A standard HCl/HF
to better understand its vertical and lateral lithologic variations for a extracting technique was employed (Wood et al., 1996). The oxidation
practical delimiting of the coarsening and fining trends and their asso- step was avoided in order to keep the AOM intact for a detailed paly-
ciated depositional trends of the sedimentary organic matter. Moreover, nofacies analysis. Two palynological slides were prepared for each
the “G” Member exhibits an obvious diachroneity and has different de- sample. The particulate organic matter and the palynomorphs were
positional palaeoenvironmental settings across the north Western Desert. examined qualitatively and quantitatively using an Olympus (BX41)
This calls for a further assessment of its age and depositional setting in transmitted-light microscope (LM) equipped with an Infinity-1 digital
different areas of northwestern Egypt. camera for microphotographing, at the Geology Department, Faculty of
Therefore, integrated palaeoenvironmental, organic geochemical, Science, Assiut University. For a consistent approach in studying the
and sequence stratigraphic analyses of the “G” Member were carried out. Abu Roash “G” Member, the same 500 particles of organic matter and
In addition, results of work completed on equivalent sections of this 200 separate counts of palynomorphs (Tyson, 1995; Tahoun and Deaf,
member in the north Western Desert were compiled and integrated with 2016) were employed for each sample. Slides of BED 2-4, BED 14-1, and
our data to present a depositional model of the “G” Member and reveal Abu Tunis wells are stored in the Geological Museum of the Geology
its hydrocarbon potential in this vast area of northwestern Egypt (Fig. 1). Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University.
An independently calibrated palynostratigraphic framework of BED
2-4 well was carried out using the vertical stratigraphic distributions of
2. Lithostratigraphy the recovered palynomorphs next to the recorded foraminifera and
ostracodes assemblages (BAPETCO, 1991; M. Abdel-Kader, personal
The “G” rock unit represents the last member at the base of the Abu communication, May 2016). The palynomorphs of stratigraphic and/or
Roash Formation (Norton, 1967) and extends widely in the north palaeoenvironmental significance were photomicrographed.
Western Desert of Egypt (Hantar, 1990). Stratigraphically, the “G” For the current palynofacies analysis and subsequent palaeoenvir-
Member overlies conformably the Bahariya Formation and underlies onmental interpretations, the classification of the palynofacies con-
the “F” Member of the Abu Roash Formation. The “G” Member shows stituents used by Tahoun and Deaf (2016) was applied, by following the
subtle to notable vertical and lateral lithologic variations in different classifications of Whitaker (1984), Tyson (1993, 1995) and Pittet and
basins of the north Western Desert. These changes parallel the shal- Gorin (1997) with some modifications. Five palynofacies parameters
lowing and deepening trends from an area to another. In the deep (brown wood, black wood, terrestrial palynomorphs, marine palyno-
settings, shale and limestone are the dominant lithologies (e.g. Nest-1A morphs, and AOM) were used. Abundance and species diversity of di-
and Abu Tunis 1X wells in the extreme northwest). In the shallower noflagellate cysts (Simpson diversity index 1/DS) as well as cyst mor-
settings in the south, shale, siltstone and fine sandstone are the domi- photypes (cavate, proximate, and skolochorate) were also used.
nant lithologies (e.g. BED 2-4, BED 14-1 wells in the north Western Palynomorphs and particulate organic matter were categorized as very
Desert). In BED 2-4 and BED 14-1, the “G” Member attains a thickness abundant (> 50%), abundant (36–50%), frequent (16–35%), common
of about 126 m and 120 m, respectively. This rock unit shows a dia- (5–15%), and rare (< 5%). More details on these parameters can be
chronism, where several palaeontological studies dated the “G” unit as found in Tahoun and Deaf (2016). We followed Tyson (1984, 1995, p.
being of middle to late Cenomanian age in northern Egypt (e.g. Schrank 438–439) in quantifying the palynological and TOC percentage data in
and Ibrahim, 1995; Ibrahim, 1996; El Beialy et al., 2010), while others terms of minimum, maximum, and average.
(e.g. Ibrahim et al., 2009) dated the member as being of late Cen- Organic petrography analyses of the particulate organic matter of
omanian age. The recent palynological work of El Beialy et al. (2011), BED 2-4, BED 14-1, and Abu Tunis 1X wells were carried out using the
Tahoun (2012), and Tahoun and Deaf (2016) assigned this member to light microscope and the incident blue light fluorescence. For the UV
the late Cenomanian in the northern part of the Western Desert. In- fluorescence of the BED wells, a 450–490 (560) nm excitation filter
tegrated sedimentological and micropalaeontological analyses of the (green light) with a 510 nm reflector (dichroic mirror) and a
member suggested shallow marine depositional settings (e.g. Dominick, 520–529 nm long pass barrier filter at 200× magnification was carried
1985; Hantar, 1990; Kerdany and Cherif, 1990). On the other hand, out at the Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt. The UV ana-
palynology suggested shallow to deep marine depositional settings for lysis of the Abu Tunis 1X organic matter was carried out using the same
the “G” Member in different areas of the north Western Desert (e.g. light parameters and filters at the Faculty of Medicine, Assiut
Ibrahim, 1996; Ibrahim et al., 2009; El Beialy et al., 2010; Tahoun and University, Egypt.

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

When evaluating a potential hydrocarbon source rock, the Rock- samples from Abu Tunis 1X wells covering the Abu Roash “G” were
Eval pyrolysis is the routine technique used in determining type, selected for geochemical analysis. The pyrolysis of the BED 2-4 samples
amount, and thermal maturation of the organic matter (e.g. Peters, was carried out using the Rock-Eval 6 instrument and a Source-Rock
1986; Peters and Cassa, 1994). Six samples from BED 2-4 and eight Analyzer at StratoChem Services (SCS) in Cairo, Egypt. The pyrolysis of

Fig. 1. Location map showing direction of the cross-section, the studied wells and correlated wells (Map after Kerdany and Cherif, 1990) and the generalized geological cross-section
across the north Western Desert of Egypt (After Guiraud and Bosworth, 1999).

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

the Abu Tunis 1X samples was also carried out with the same instru- Whelan and Thompson-Rizer (1993). The oil saturation index (OSI) in
ment but at Core Lab Houston, Texas, USA. Different parameters ob- mg HC/g TOC of Jarvie (2012) was also used.
tained from the Rock-Eval analysis were calculated according to Visual analysis of the spore coloration with depth was carried out on

Fig. 2. Chart showing the lithostratigraphy of the stu-

died Abu Roash “G” section, position of the samples,
percentage vertical stratigraphic distributions of the
recorded palynomorphs in order of highest occurrences,
and independent biostratigraphic control from BED 2-4

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

the long-ranging, smooth spore Deltoidospora at a depth interval of 10 m of the “G” Member up to its uppermost sample (M. Abdel-Kader,
in order to detect any notable change in the spore coloration according personal communication, May 2016) confirms a middle to late Cen-
to the thermal alteration index (TAI) of Pearson (1990). As a precau- omanian age of the studied section.
tionary procedure, a careful scan of the spore associations of each Furthermore, the ostracods assemblage also contains taxa of
sample was performed to detect any caving or reworking in the spore biostratigraphic significance (Fig. 2). Dolocytheridea atlasica was
population that could lead to an incorrect identification of the color of documented to have an early to late Cenomanian range in Egypt
the indigenous spores. (Szczechura et al., 1991; Abd-Elshafy et al., 2002; Boukhary et al.,
In the current sequence stratigraphic analysis, four main palyno- 2009; Shahin and Elbaz, 2013b). In Morocco and Algeria, Dolo-
facies parameters were used to recognize the maximum flooding sur- cytheridea atlasica has a similar early to late Cenomanian range (e.g.
faces (MFS), sequence boundaries (SB), and different systems tracts Bassoullet and Damotte, 1969; Vivière, 1985; Andreu, 2002) but in
according to Pittet and Gorin (1997), Bombardiere and Gorin (1998), Jordan it appears later in the middle Cenomanian and disappears in
and Götz et al. (2008). These parameters are the following: index of the upper Cenomanian (e.g. Schulze et al., 2004; Morsi and Wendler,
continental to marine palynomorphs (Cont/Mar), relative abundance of 2010). Veeniacythereis streblolophata is another early-late Cen-
dinoflagellate cysts, relative abundance of MFTLs, and ratio of opaque omanian marker form in Egypt (Abd-Elshafy et al., 2002; Shahin and
to translucent phytoclasts (Op/Tr). The morphotypes and species di- Elbaz, 2013b) and was also recorded in the upper Cenomanian of
versity of the dinoflagellate cysts were not used in this analysis because Tunisia (Bismuth et al., 1981). This suggests an early to late Cen-
little is still known about their sequence stratigraphic indication. The omanian age for the “G” Member. However, the concurrent occur-
gamma ray logs and sedimentary facies data of the studied wells were rence of Ovocytheridea reniformis and Cytherella ovata throughout
also integrated with the palynofacies data. most of the investigated samples (Fig. 2) of the well-known middle
Cenomanian inception in Egypt and elsewhere, simply excludes an
4. Results and discussion early Cenomanian age and confirms a middle to late Cenomanian
age of the member. Ovocytheridea reniformis was recovered from
4.1. Biostratigraphic results and age dating of the “G” Member in BED 2-4 middle Cenomanian-Coniacian rocks of Egypt (Ismail and Soliman,
well 1997; Abd-Elshafy et al., 2002; Shahin and Elbaz, 2013a), from
middle Cenomanian-lower Turonian of Morocco (Andreu, 2002),
Assemblages of benthic foraminifera and ostracods were recovered and from upper Cenomanian-upper Turonian of Nigeria (Gebhardt,
from the “G” Member by BAPETCO (1991; M. Abdel-Kader, personal 1999; Ehinola, 2010). Cytherella ovata was also recorded from the
communication, May 2016) and were used in this study to provide an middle Cenomanian-Coniacian of Egypt (Ismail and Soliman, 1997).
independent age calibration to the proposed palynozonation. Moreover, Based on the discussion provided above, a middle to late Cen-
the productive samples yielded low to moderate palynomorphs of low omanian age is postulated for the Abu Roash “G” Member in BED 2-4
diversity and low to moderate abundances. However, they were still well (Fig. 2).
suitable for the current age assessment and subsequent palaeoenvir-
onmental interpretations. Sporomorphs showed good to very good 4.1.2. Palynozonation (PZ) and age assignment
preservation status in contrast to the dinoflagellate cysts, which showed Several palynostratigraphers in Egypt automatically assigned the
fair to good preservation. Occasional biodegradation of some dino- “G” Member to the late Cenomanian following composite logs provided
flagellate cysts was recorded in most samples. The vertical stratigraphic by the exploration companies and raised erratically the stratigraphic
distribution of the recovered palynomorphs, arranged by their highest range of the index sporomorphs (e.g. Afropollis kahramanensis) to the
occurrence (HO), is shown in Fig. 2. late Cenomanian. Companies basically identify the “G” Member based
Tahoun (2012) provided age dating of the “G” Member (late Cen- on the vertical change in the lithologic facies from the coarse clastics
omanian) in BED 14-1 using palynomorphs. For Nest-1A, the “G” unit (sandstone with occasional shale intercalations) of the Bahariya
was dated by micropalaeontology and palynology as being of late Formation to the finer clastics and carbonates (shale and limestone) of
Cenomanian age (Tahoun and Deaf, 2016). Deaf et al. (2014) provided the Abu Roash Formation. A noticeable lateral facies change in the Abu
a palynologically based late Cenomanian age for the “G” section in Abu Roash Formation from north to south is detected. During the middle
Tunis 1X. Cenomanian marine regression, deep marine conditions in the extreme
north Western Desert graded southward into shallower basins (Hantar,
4.1.1. Foraminifera and ostracods stratigraphy of the “G” Member in BED 1990; Said, 1990). According to the current age dating, the “G” Member
2-4 well was deposited in the Abu Gharadig Basin in shallow conditions during
Samples of the “G” Member of the Abu Roash Formation contain the middle-late Cenomanian and, later, during late Cenomanian in the
few benthic foraminifera Thomasinella punica, Thomasinella fragmen- northern basins when shallower conditions were developed. This re-
tari, and Daxia cenomana (Fig. 2), which are diagnostic for the Cen- sulted in the Abu Roash “G” Member to be dichronous in the north
omanian in Egypt and in different regions of the Tethyan Realm. Western Desert.
Thomasinella punica and Thomasinella fragmentari are widely accepted The current independent age control provided a better precise age of
to document the middle to late Cenomanian in northern Egypt in- the “G” Member and showed that the lower part of the member could
cluding the offshore Gulf of Suez and north and west central Sinai (e.g. be assigned to the middle Cenomanian. This, in turn, enabled us to
Shahin and Kora, 1991; El Ashwah and El Deeb, 2000; Orabi, 2000; divide the “G” Member into indisputably middle and late Cenomanian
Ismail et al., 2009; Samuel et al., 2009; Shahin and Elbaz, 2013a). palynozones, which were questionable in the past because of the lack of
Daxia cenomana ranges in Egypt from the lower Cenomanian and its independent age calibrations. The palynozonation and age assessment
upper most occurrence is confined to the upper Cenomanian (e.g. are based here on only age diagnostic sporomorphs, because the dino-
Shahin and Kora, 1991; Ismail et al., 2009; Samuel et al., 2009; Shahin flagellate cysts are facies-controlled (Thusu et al., 1988; Deaf et al.,
and Elbaz, 2013a, b). In the Tethyan Realm, Thomasinella punica and 2014) in the upper part of the “G” Member, thus their true HO data
Daxia cenomana were recorded, for example, from the middle-upper cannot be detected. Dating was based on two important Cenomanian
Cenomanian of north Libya (e.g. Gohrbandt, 1966; Thusu and Van der biostratigraphic events, namely Afropollis kahramanensis HO and Clas-
Eem, 1985), France (Bilotte, 1985; Schröder and Neumann, 1985), sopollis brasiliensis HO data, which terminate in Egypt and in other re-
Albania (Peza and Pirdeni, 1994), northern Spain (Gräfe, 2005), and gions of the Albian-Cenomanian Elaterate Phytogeographic Province of
Portugal (Cabral et al., 2014). Thus, the co-occurrence of Daxia cen- Herngreen et al. (1996) at the end of the middle and late Cenomanian,
omana with Thomasinella punica and Thomasinella fragmentari in most respectively.

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

(caption on next page)

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Plate 1. Each microphotographed taxon from BED 12-4 well is followed by the sample number/its corresponding depth, slide number, and the England finder coordinates. Scale
bar = 20 μm.

1, 2. Deltoidospora spp.; 5/2186 m, slide 2, England finder (E.F.): T35-1; 6/2180 m, slide 2, E.F.: Q40-2.
3. Cicatricosisporites sp.; 2/2210 m, slide 1, E.F.: S39-0.
4. Leptolepidites sp.; 9/2162 m, slide 1, E.F.: F30-2.
5. Crybelosporites pannuceus (Brenner) Srivastava, 1977; 8/2168 m, slide 2, E.F.: O27-1.
6, 9. Tricolporopollenites spp.; 9/2162 m, slide 2, E.F.: L48-1; 2/2210 m, slide 2, E.F.: F32-2.
7, 8. Dichastopollenites ghazalatensis Ibrahim, 1996; 5/2186 m, slide 1, E.F.: J48-4; 6/2180 m, slide 1, E.F.: Q34-3.
10. Retimonocolpites bueibensis Ibrahim, 2002; 9/2162 m, slide 2, E.F.: T39-4.
11. Rousea cf. brenneri Singh, 1983; 9/2162 m, slide 1, E.F.: T44-0.
12. Foveotricolpites gigantoreticulatus (Jardine and Magloire) Schrank, 1987; 7/2174 m, slide 1, E.F.: G42-0.
13. Ephedripites sp.; 2/2210 m, slide 2, E.F.: G35-1.
14, 15. Classopollis brasiliensis Herngreen, 1975; 3/2198 m, slide 2, E.F.: C36-0; 3/2198 m, slide 1, E.F.: M41-3.
16. Tricolpites sagax Norris, 1967; 9/2162 m, slide 2, E.F.: R38-3.
17. Tetracolpites sp.; 9/2162 m, slide 1, E.F.: N34-4.
18, 21. Afropollis kahramanensis Ibrahim and Schrank, 1995; 9/2162 m, slide 2, E.F. T46-2, E.F. P34-0.
19. Integritetradites foveollatus Ibrahim et al., 2009; 6/2180 m, slide 2, E.F. Q36-3.
20. Pediastrum sp.; 6/2180 m, slide 1, E.F.: O37-0.
22. Foveomonocolpites sp.; 2/2210 m, slide 2, E.F.: W33-0. PZ-I: Classopollis brasiliensis-Integritetraradites foveolatus Interval above the HO of Tricolporopollenites spp. to the end of the section.
Zone. Occurrence: From a depth 2216 to 2138 m, which corresponds to
Definition: From the HO of Classopollis brasiliensis and samples 1–12 (Fig. 2).
Integritetraradites foveolatus to the HO of Afropollis kahramanensis. Associated taxa: Crybelosporites pannuceus, Integritetraradites foveo-
Occurrence: From a depth 2138 to 2108 m, which corresponds to latus, Foveotricolpites gigantoreticulatus, Gnetaceaepollenites sp., Tricolpites
samples 12–14 (Fig. 2). sagax, Tricolpites vulgaris, Tetracolpites sp., and Dichastopollenites ghaza-
Associated taxa: Crybelosporites pannuceus, Foveotricolpites gigan- latensis. Few dinoflagellate cysts also occur in this zone. They are the
toreticulatus, Gnetaceaepollenites sp., and Tricolpites sagax. Dinoflagellate following: Dinopterygium cladoides, Dinopterygium alatum, Florentinia
cysts are extremely facies-controlled and represented here by mantellii, and Florentinia berran (Pls. 1 and 2).
Subtilisphaera spp. and Odontochitina operculata only (Pls. 1 and 2). Age discussion: Afropollis kahramanensis is a useful late Albian-
Age discussion: The gymnosperm pollen Classopollis brasiliensis is middle Cenomanian marker pollen grain and is known to terminate in
regarded as one of the important Cenomanian elements in the Albian- Egypt and West Africa by the end of the middle Cenomanian. In Egypt,
Cenomanian Elaterate Phytogeographic Province, which has its up- Afropollis kahramanensis was recorded from the foraminifera-dated
permost occurrence at the end of late Cenomanian. In Egypt, it was lower-middle Cenomanian (Schrank and Ibrahim, 1995; Ibrahim, 2002)
reported to be of middle to late Cenomanian age (e.g. Ibrahim, 1996, and from palynologically dated late Albian-middle Cenomanian rocks
2002; El Beialy et al., 2010; Tahoun and Deaf, 2016) based on micro- (e.g. Tahoun, 2012; Deaf et al., 2014). In NE Nigeria, it was recorded by
palaeontological dating. Similarly, Classopollis brasiliensis was docu- Lawal and Moullade (1986) as Pollen Po-304 from the palynologically
mented from middle to upper Cenomanian strata in NE Libya using dated Subzone Ia of late Albian-early Cenomanian age. It terminated in
foraminifera dating (Thusu and Van der Eem, 1985). In NE Nigeria, their Subzone Ib of the middle Cenomanian age. Doyle et al. (1982) and
Classopollis brasiliensis was also recorded from middle to upper Cen- Deaf et al. (2014) pointed out that Afropollis jardinus terminated by the
omanian strata that were dated using micropalaeontology (Lawal and end of the middle Cenomanian in West and North Africa. Analysis of the
Moullade, 1986). However in NE Brazil, an earlier inception of the stratigraphic range of Afropollis kahramanensis in Egypt indicates that
species was documented from micropalaeontologically dated late Al- the last occurrence of Afropollis kahramanensis is consistent with that of
bian-late Cenomanian rocks (Herngreen, 1973). In Cenomanian rocks in Afropollis jardinus (e.g. Schrank and Ibrahim, 1995; Ibrahim et al., 2009;
Egypt that are dated by palynology and foraminifera, another potential El Beialy et al., 2010; Tahoun, 2012; Deaf et al., 2014). Thus, the last
late Cenomanian taxon, Crybelosporites pannuceus, appeared. This spe- occurrence of Afropollis kahramanensis could be interpreted to indicate
cies was found to decline in the middle Cenomanian and to terminate in the end of the middle Cenomanian in Egypt. Consequently, the upper
the late Cenomanian (El Beialy et al., 2010; El Beialy et al., 2011; Deaf limit of the middle Cenomanian in BED 2-4 well could be delineated at
et al., 2014; Tahoun and Deaf, 2016). The same biostratigraphic event the HO datum of Afropollis kahramanensis in Sample 12 (depth of
was recorded in PZ-I and PZ-II. Integritetraradites foveolatus was first 2138 m). The index elaterates pollen grains that are known to have a
described by Ibrahim et al. (2009) from the upper middle to upper late Albian-early Cenomanian range in the Albian-Cenomanian Elate-
Cenomanian of Egypt and has a similar range in the “G” Member in the rate Phytogeographic Province (e.g. Jardine and Magloire, 1965;
BED 2-4 well. The presence of Afropollis kahramanensis in Sample 12, Jardine, 1967; Herngreen, 1973; Herngreen and Jimenez, 1990;
which coincides with the well-known middle Cenomanian HO datum in Schrank and Ibrahim, 1995; Tahoun et al., 2012; Deaf et al., 2014)
Egypt and elsewhere, excludes a middle Cenomanian age and suggests a terminate here. As a result, this rules out a late Albian-early Cen-
late Cenomanian age for the current zone. omanian age and, instead, confirms a middle Cenomanian age for the
Correlation: The current palynozone probably corresponds to the current zone. Appearing in the middle part of the palynozone is Di-
upper part of Zone VI (middle?-late Cenomanian) of Schrank and Ibrahim chastopollenites ghazalatensis, which is also reported in Egypt from the
(1995), to the PZ4 (middle-late Cenomanian) of Deaf et al. (2014), to middle-upper Cenomanian (e.g. Ibrahim, 1996; El Beialy et al., 2010).
Zones I and II (late Cenomanian) of Tahoun (2012), and possibly to the Consequently, it is suggested that the present zone is of middle Cen-
entire “G” sequence in the Nest-1A well of Tahoun and Deaf (2016), north omanian age.
Western Desert of Egypt. PZ-I is very similar to Zone II (late Cenomanian) Correlation: Our PZ-II correlates to the lower part of Zone VI
of Lawal and Moullade (1986) in the upper Benue Basin, NE Nigeria. (middle?-late Cenomanian) of Schrank and Ibrahim (1995) and PZ4
(middle-late Cenomanian) of Deaf et al. (2014), and to the upper part of
Zone III (latest early Cenomanian-middle Cenomanian) of Tahoun PZ-II: Afropollis kahramanensis-Tricolporopollenites spp. Interval (2012) in the north Western Desert of Egypt. The present zone greatly
Zone. resembles the Subzone Ib (middle Cenomanian) of Lawal and Moullade
Definition: From the HO of Afropollis kahramanensis and slightly

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

(caption on next page)

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Plate 2. Scale bar = 20 μm.

1. Subtilisphaera senegalensis Jain and Millepied, 1973; 6/2180 m, slide 2, E.F.: D35-0.
2. Senegalinium sp.; 2/2210 m, slide 2, E.F.: F32-2.
3. Cyclonephelium vannophorum Davey, 1969; 4/2192 m, slide 2, E.F.: U39-4.
4, 7. Dinopterygium cladoides Deflandre, 1935; 1/2216 m, slide 2, E.F.: W33-2; 3/2198 m, slide 1, E.F.: M26-2.
5. Leiosphaeridia sp.; 2/2210 m, slide 1, E.F.: H31-2.
6. Cribroperidinium sp.; 1/2216 m, slide 1, E.F.: H29-1.
8. Coronifera oceanica Cookson and Eisenak, 1958; 5/2186 m, slide 2, E.F.: O34-0.
9. Cleistosphaeridium sp.; 9/2162 m, slide 2, E.F.: S44-2.
10. Odontochitina operculata (Wetzel) Deflandre and Cookson, 1955; 13/2126 m, slide 1, E.F. U31-3.
11. Microforaminiferal test lining (uniserial type), 9/2162, slide 2, E.F.: S48-1.
12. Florentinia berran Below, 1982; 1/2216 m, slide 1, E.F.: S47-1.

(1986) in the upper Benue Basin, NE Nigeria. dinoflagellate cysts suggests an organic facies B, which corresponds to
kerogen type II according to Baskin (1997).
4.2. Palynofacies analysis and depositional environments of the “G” Palynofacies Association: PF-1A: AOM/dinoflagellate cysts-domi-
Member nated with minor terrestrial organic matter in the BED wells; and PF-1B:
AOM/dinoflagellate cysts-dominated with no terrestrial organic matter
Samples in all sections studied are largely dominated by AOM; thus, in Abu Tunis1X well (Figs. 3–5, Pl. 3, Fig. 1; Pl. 4, Fig. 1; Pl. 5, Fig. 1).
each palynofacies unit was recognized using significant vertical changes Proposed palaeoenvironment: Outer middle shelf.
in the percentage frequency of terrestrial and/or marine palynomorphs PF-1 is characterized by an abundant to very abundant dino-
and structured organic matter. The palaeoenvironmental interpretation flagellate cyst association. In PF-1A of BED 14-1, this association is
was based mainly on selected palynofacies parameters of known en- dominated (59–82% and avg. 71%) by the open marine (middle-outer
vironmental importance, which were integrated with sedimentological shelf) skolochorate cysts Dinopterygium cladoides, Dinopterygium alatum,
criteria according to Pittet and Gorin (1997), Bombardiere and Gorin and Cleistosphaeridium spp., along with minor occurrences of Florentinia
(2000), Deaf (2009), Tahoun and Deaf (2016), Mahmoud et al. (2017), spp. (Dale, 1983; Lister and Batten, 1988; Tahoun and Deaf, 2016). The
and Tahoun et al. (2017). inner-middle shelf, proximate dinoflagellate cysts Cyclonephelium van-
nophorum (Harding, 1986; Brinkhuis, 1994) occur in subordinate
abundances (14–35% and avg. 24%). The inner shelf cavate cysts of
4.2.1. PF-1A (BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 wells) and PF-1B (Abu Tunis 1X
Subtilisphaera sp. (Harding, 1986; Lister and Batten, 1988) have minor
occurrences (4–6% and avg. 5%) in PF-1A. Dominance of the open
Stratigraphic setting: This palynofacies represents the lower part
marine (middle-outer shelf) dinoflagellate cysts over the inner-middle
of the Abu Roash “G” Member (Figs. 3–5) in the three wells, where the
shelf forms, along with the high abundance and moderate diversity
BED wells share very similar palynological organic matter composition.
(Fig. 3), suggests an outer middle shelf depositional environment for
In the Abu Tunis 1X, the current palynofacies is similar to that recorded
PF-1A of BED 14-1 (e.g. Tahoun and Deaf, 2016). A low dominance and
in the BED wells, but it lacks any terrestrial organic matter. Thus, a sub-
a moderate species diversity were taken to characterize the deeper shelf
palynofacies (A) was designed for the BED wells, and a sub-palynofacies
settings of more normal marine conditions (Mutterlose and Harding,
(B) was designed for Abu Tunis 1X. PF-1A covers depths from 2272 to
1987; Steffen and Gorin, 1993a; Tyson, 1995). The high abundance of
2248 m (samples 1–3) in BED 14-1, and from 2216 to 2192 m (samples
the outer middle shelf Cleistosphaeridium spp. (Sluijs et al., 2005) in PF-
1–4) in BED 2-4. PF-1B covers depths from 1295 to 1265 m (samples
1A and the recent record of high abundance of the genus, along with
1–3) in Abu Tunis 1X.
Dinopterygium cladoides and Dinopterygium alatum from outer middle
Stratigraphic distribution: PF-1A is characterized by very abun-
shelf settings (Tahoun and Deaf, 2016), exclude an inner middle shelf
dant AOM in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 (93.4–99% and avg. 96%; 77–95%
and confirms an outer middle shelf setting for PF-1A. The occurrence of
and avg. 88% of total organic matter), respectively. The dinoflagellate
MFTLs generally indicates marine conditions (Lister and Batten, 1988;
cysts are abundant to very abundant (47–66% and avg. 59% of total
Stancliffe, 1989).
palynomorphs) in BED 14-1 and frequent to very abundant (30.5–81%
In PF-1A of BED 14-1, the moderate dominance of the sphaeroidal
and avg. 54% of total palynomorphs) in BED 2-4. In both wells, MFTLs
pollen (e.g. Araucariacites, Balmeiopsis, Inaperturopollenites, and
have similar rare to common frequencies (3–15.5% and avg. 9%;
Spheripollenites) grains (14–31.5% and avg. 21.6% of total palyno-
5–15%, and avg. 9% of total palynomorphs), whereas sporomorphs
morphs) over pteridophyte spores (4.5–30.5% and avg. 13.5% of total
show common to abundant frequencies (18.5–50% and avg. 35%;
palynomorphs) suggests a relatively far offshore, low-energy deposi-
5.5–45% and avg. 22% of total palynomorphs). Phytoclasts are rare to
tional setting (Tyson, 1989; Tahoun and Deaf, 2016). The minor dom-
common (1.4–6.6% and avg. 4.2%; 5–23% and avg. 12% of total or-
inance of the small, lath-opaque particles over the brown woody par-
ganic matter), where the small lath-opaque particles comprise nearly
ticles (1–4% and avg. 2.5% vs 0.4–2.6% and avg. 1.7% of total organic
two-fold of the brown woods (1–4% and avg. 2.5% vs 0.4–2.6% and
matter) also confirms the suggested far offshore, low-energy deposi-
avg. 1.7% of total organic matter) in BED 14-1 and five-fold in BED 2-4
tional setting. Thus, this outer middle shelf setting was situated distal
(4–19% and avg. 10% vs 0.8–4% and avg. 2% of total organic matter).
enough laterally to be removed from active deltaic systems. Moreover,
In Abu Tunis 1X, PF-1B is composed entirely of very abundant AOM
the absence of freshwater algae from rocks of PF-1A also verifies the
(92–97% and avg. 94% of total organic matter) and dinoflagellate cysts
distant location of BED 14-1 away from the vigorous deltaic influences,
(60–87.5% and avg. 74% of total palynomorphs), common to abundant
as remarkable signals of freshwater algae are indicative of near shore,
MFTLs (12.5–40% and avg. 26.3% of total palynomorphs), and lacks
high-energy, deltaic and shallow marine settings (e.g. Tyson, 1995).
any terrestrial organic matter.
Nevertheless, the single peak (30.5% of total palynomorphs) of pter-
Kerogen type: In PF-1A of BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, the extreme
idophyte spores in the basal “G” section (Sample 1) possibly points to a
dominance of the oil-prone materials (mainly AOM and dinoflagellate
temporal fluctuation in the depositional system, coupled with a strong
cysts), common to abundant sporomorphs, and rare to common oc-
terrestrial influx.
currences of gas-prone material (phytoclasts), suggest an organic facies
In PF-1A of BED 2-4, the association is dominated (34–66% and avg.
B-C, which corresponds to kerogen type II-III according to Baskin
50% of total palynomorphs) by Dinopterygium cladoides and Florentinia
(1997). In PF-1B of Abu Tunis 1X, the extreme abundance of AOM and

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Fig. 3. Vertical stratigraphic distributions of the significant palynofacies parameters, palynofacies types, suggested depositional environments, and hydrocarbon potential of the studied
Abu Roash “G” Member rocks of BED 14-1 well.

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Fig. 4. Vertical stratigraphic distributions

of the significant palynofacies parameters,
palynofacies types, suggested depositional
environments, and hydrocarbon potential
of the studied Abu Roash “G” Member
rocks of BED 2-4 well.

spp., and less commonly by other open marine (middle-outer shelf) (1.5–17.5% and avg. 8% of total palynomorphs). Yet in BED 2-4, the
cysts Spiniferites and Cleistosphaeridium (Marshall and Batten, 1988; open marine (middle shelf) dinoflagellate cyst Senegalinium sp.
Brinkhuis, 1994). Cyclonephelium shows common frequencies (Brinkhuis and Zachariasse, 1988; Slimani et al., 2010) appears and

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Fig. 5. Vertical stratigraphic distributions of the significant palynofacies parameters, palynofacies types, suggested depositional environments, and hydrocarbon potential of the studied
Abu Roash “G” Member rocks of Abu Tunis 1X.

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Plate 3. Palynofacies types of BED 14-1. Each microphotographed palynofacies type re- Plate 4. Palynofacies types of BED 2-4.
corded from the Abu Roash “G” Member rocks is followed by the sample number/its
corresponding depth, and slide number. Scale bar = 100 μm. Dc = dinocyst, 1. Palynofacies PF-1A (AOM/Dinoflagellate cysts-dominated); 3/2198 m, slide 2.
AOM = amorphous organic matter, BLW = black wood, Bit = bitumen, Py = pyrite, 2. Palynofacies PF-2A (AOM/MFTLs/Classopollis-dominated); 8/2168 m, slide 2.
MFTL = microforaminiferal test lining, BRW = brown wood, Sp = spore. 3. Palynofacies PF-3 (AOM/Spores-dominated); 13/2126 m, slide 2.

1. Palynofacies PF-1A (AOM/Dinoflagellate cysts-dominated); 2/2260 m, slide 2.

2. Palynofacies PF-2A (AOM/MFTLs/Classopollis-dominated); 5/2224 m, slide 2.
accounts for about (6.6–25% and avg. 13% of total palynomorphs) of
3. Palynofacies PF-3 (AOM/Spores-dominated); 7/2200 m, slide 2. the association. Relatively high abundance and dominance of the open
marine (middle-outer shelf) and the cavate middle shelf dinoflagellate
cysts that are accompanied with moderate species diversity suggest an
outer middle shelf setting for PF-1A in BED 2-4 (Fig. 4). The rare to

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

et al., 2016). However, a restricted epicontinental, deep-water pre-

ference of Leiosphaeridia is not excluded (Ottone et al., 1999). The oc-
currence of the freshwater algae Pediastrum (Singh et al., 1981; Hutton,
1988; Zippi, 1998) also reinforces the suggested occasional shallower
setting of the lower salinity intervals.
In PF-1A of BED 2-4, the moderate pteridophyte spores and common
black wood also confirm occasional shallowing of the depositional
basin and point to the noticeable terrestrial influence on PF-1A sedi-
ments. High frequencies of black woody fragments were widely re-
corded from high-energy sands and silts of proximal settings, where
they are commonly subjected to oxidation (Williams, 1992; Tyson,
1995 and references therein). Similarly, the dominance of pteridophyte
spores (9.5–21.2% and avg. 22.5% of total palynomorphs), when
compared to the lower frequencies of sphaeroidal pollen grains
(0.5–2.5% and avg. 1.5% of total palynomorphs) in samples 1–3, in-
dicate relative proximity to nearshore settings (Tyson, 1989; Tahoun
and Deaf, 2016). This evident terrestrial influence suggests that the
locus of deposition of BED 2-4 was close to the mouth of submerged
distributary channels of a deltaic system during occasional periods of
low sea level. These distributary channels are known to transport ter-
restrial organic and inorganic matter during regressive marine phases
(Habib, 1982; Summerhayes, 1987; Tyson, 1995) and high river
flooding into the inner shelf and inner middle shelf settings at water
depths of 5–30 m (Einsele, 1992). As mentioned above, the rare to
common occurrence of benthic foraminifera in PF-1A of BED 2-4 sug-
gests an outer middle shelf setting of a depth over 50 m. Thus, during
intervals of low sea level, the sediment load of these channels, its ac-
companying organic matter, and essential nutrients must have reached
the middle shelf settings.
In PF-1B of Abu Tunis 1X, the dinoflagellate cyst association
(60–87% and avg. 74% of total palynomorphs) is remarkably over-
whelmed with Senegalinium (82–90% and avg. 86% of total palyno-
morphs) and shows low to moderate frequencies of Florentinia,
Spiniferites, Coronifera, Cleistosphaeridium, and Dinopterygium alatum
(Fig. 5). Based on the current palynofacies, the nature of this assem-
blage suggests an outer middle shelf environment. This interpretation is
Plate 5. Palynofacies types of Abu Tunis 1X. STOM = structured organic matter. also confirmed by the absence of the inner-middle shelf proximate cysts
Trichodinium castanea (e.g. Ibrahim et al., 2009) in the overlying shal-
1. Palynofacies PF-1B (AOM/Dinoflagellate cysts-dominated); 3/2198 m, slide 2. lower palynofacies unit PF-2B. Ibrahim et al. (2009) recorded a Tri-
2. Palynofacies PF-2B (AOM/MFTLs-dominated); 8/2168 m, slide 2. chodinium castanea bloom from clastic rocks of suggested inner-middle
shelf settings. Similarly, Deaf (2009) recorded good absolute abun-
common occurrence of MFTLs that are mainly represented by the dances (39–523 grains/gram and avg. 117 grains/gram) of Trichodinium
benthic foraminifera Thomasinella punica, Thomasinella fragmentari, and castanea from clastic rocks of a suggested inner shelf setting and lower
Daxia cenomana also confirms the suggested outer middle shelf setting. abundances (9–49 grains/gram and avg. 23 grains/gram) from a deeper
In Egypt, these species were found to occur in the middle Cenomanian carbonate sequence of an outer shelf setting. The common to abundant
shales of the inner shelf settings (depths 10–30 m) and to flourish in the occurrences of MFTLs generally indicate open marine shelf conditions
late Cenomanian marls of the inner middle shelf settings (depths of normal salinity. The striking absence of terrestrial organic matter
30–50 m). They disappear in settings deeper than 50 m (El Ashwah and from PF-1B of Abu Tunis 1X indicates a carbonate-dominated deposi-
El Deeb, 2000; Gräfe, 2005; Shahin and Elbaz, 2013b). On the other tional system that lacked any terrigenous influxes. This suggests that
hand, the moderate frequency of Senegalinium points to eutrophication the location of the Abu Tunis 1X well was probably at the depocentre of
conditions, which promoted an abundant dinoflagellate cyst assem- the Matruh Basin during the middle-late Cenomanian. Thus, it was fully
blage with moderate species diversity (Brinkhuis and Zachariasse, inundated by the marine water and there were no exposed areas nearby
1988; Slimani et al., 2010). This eutrophication (peaked at samples 1 that would have provided detrital sediments to the depositional site of
and 4) is related to the continuous terrigenous influxes that are mostly Abu Tunis 1X. Here, the high dominance of the peridinioid dino-
intensified during short-lived, relative sea level falls as is recorded in flagellate Senegalinium in the calcareous shale of PF-1B in Abu Tunis 1X
Sample 2. During these sea level fall periods, more nutrient-rich, suggests high eutrophication levels, which are most likely related to
freshwater was brought to the deeper open marine shelf (Einsele, 1992; nutrient upwelling (Crouch, 2001; Crouch et al., 2003) because PF-1B
Schulz and Zabel, 2006). These strong terrigenous influxes are also almost lacks any noticeable terrigenous influx. The plot of PF-1A and
exemplified in PF-1A by the presence of the acritarch Leiosphaeridia sp. PF-1B from the studied samples in the SPM diagram of Tyson (1995)
in siltstone and sandstone horizons (samples 2–4). Tahoun and also verifies general offshore marine settings (Fig. 6).
Mohamed (2013) found that this genus correlates well with coarse In shales from BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, the high accumulations of
clastics (sands) of regressive sedimentation cycles, which are associated AOM and the dominant occurrences of diagenetic sphaeroidal pyrite
with temporal sea level falls. From an ecological viewpoint, Leio- particles into the autochthonous marine and allochthonous terrestrial
sphaeridia possibly characterizes nearshore marine settings of brackish palynomorphs (Pl. 3, Fig. 1; Pl. 4, Fig. 1) point to distal offshore, middle
conditions (e.g. Colbath, 1980; Jacobson et al., 1982; Sha, 2007; Xi to outer shelf settings (Tyson, 1987; Einsele, 1992; Tahoun and Deaf,
2016). These distal settings are located far from strong terrestrial input

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Lithologically, deposition of shale sediments of PF-1A indicates a rela-

tively tranquil regime (e.g. Boggs, 2006) whereby circulation of the
oxygen-rich surface seawater with the oxygen-depleted bottom sea-
water was inconspicuous (Einsele, 1992). Consequently, this tranquil
setting is believed to have sustained the reducing (suboxic-anoxic)
conditions and promoted the preservation of large quantities of AOM in
PF-1A sediments. Furthermore, traces of glauconite in the argillaceous
sandstone horizons and in the shale units of PF-1A also confirm the
development of a calm marine depositional environment of low sedi-
mentation rate (Einsele, 1992; Dooley, 2006). In BED 2-4, these redu-
cing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions are verified by the occurrence of the
benthic foraminifera Thomasinella punica and Thomasinella fragmentari.
These benthic foraminifera are known as good, low-oxygen (anoxic)
tolerant forms in organic-rich, grey to black siltstone and black shale
sediments (Koutsoukos et al., 1990; Gebhardt, 1997). The occurrence of
organic deposit-feeders, such as the platycopids ostracode species Cy-
therella ovata and Dolocytheridea atlasica in sediments of PF-1A of BED
2-4 also indicates oxygen-depleted (anoxic) conditions of the water
column (e.g. Brandão and Horne, 2009; Horne et al., 2011). In PF-1B of
Abu Tunis 1X, preservation of very high accumulations of AOM and the
common occurrence of sphaeroidal pyrite aggregates into cysts of the
dinoflagellate also signify prevailing suboxic-anoxic conditions. Plot-
ting of PF-1A and PF-1B of the studied wells in the kerogen diagram of
Tyson (1995) also indicates distal setting of major reducing (suboxic-
anoxic) conditions (Fig. 7).
The presence of abundant to very abundant dinoflagellate cysts in
PF-1A and PF-1B of the investigated wells indicates a relative high sea
level condition with a dominant high primary productivity (Tyson,
1993; AL-Ameri et al., 1999).

4.2.2. PF-2A (BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 wells) and PF-2B (Abu Tunis 1X
Stratigraphic setting: PF-2A is recovered from the middle part of
the “G” Member in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 at depths from 2247.9 to
2212 m (just above Sample 3 to Sample 6) and at depths from 2191.9 to
2144 m (just above Sample 4 to Samples 11), respectively. In Abu Tunis
1X, PF-2B represents the upper “G” Member and is recovered from a
depth 1264.9 to 1189 m (just above Samples 3 to Samples 8).
Stratigraphic distribution: PF-2A is distinguished from the un-
derlying PF-1A by showing noticeable decreases in abundance of di-
noflagellate cysts by 35.5% and 42% in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, re-
spectively. On the other hand, increases in abundances of MFTLs,
pteridophyte spores, and Classopollis pollen grains are recorded. Slight
increases in the sphaeroidal pollen grains by 13% and 11.5% in BED 14-
1 and BED 2-4, respectively, and in the cavate dinoflagellate cysts by
12% in BED 14-1 also occur. PF-2A of BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 is
dominated by very abundant AOM (87–90.4% and avg. 89%; 83–98%
and avg. 91.5% of total organic matter). The dinoflagellate cysts show
higher abundances in BED 14-1 in comparison to those depicted in BED
2-4, where frequent to very abundant (21–63% and avg. 23.5% of total
palynomorphs) and rare to very abundant (4–55.5% and avg. 12% of
total palynomorphs) frequencies were recorded, respectively. This was
accompanied with common to frequent MFTLs (17–25% and avg. 20%;
10.5–72.5 and avg. 29% of total palynomorphs) and common to very
Fig. 6. Microplanktons-Spores-Pollen (MSP) ternary plot demonstrating possible marine abundant sporomorphs (46–62% and avg. 55.5%; 13–60.5% and avg.
depositional palaeoenvironments of the studied Abu Roash “G” Member (After Federova, 32% of total palynomorphs). Phytoclasts show almost common fre-
1977; Duringer and Doubinger, 1985). (A) MSP plot of BED 14-1 samples, (B) MSP plot of quencies in BED 14-1 (9.6–13.4% and avg. 11% of total organic matter)
BED 2-4 samples, (C) MSP plot of Abu Tunis 1X samples. and BED 2-4 (2–18% and avg. 10% of total organic matter). The small
lath-opaque particles (3.6–5% and avg. 4.3%; 1–9 and avg. 4.2% of
(Tyson, 1995; Tahoun et al., 2013; El-Soughier et al., 2014; Tahoun and total organic matter) and the brown woody fragments (6–8.4% and avg.
Deaf, 2016) where prominent suboxic-anoxic conditions prevailed 7%; 0.8–10.3% and avg. 4.4% of total organic matter) show nearly
(Tyson, 1987; Einsele, 1992; Tahoun and Deaf, 2016). However, during equal frequencies in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4. In PF-2B of Abu Tunis 1X,
occasional brief regressive intervals, as those represented by samples 2 AOM still very abundant (93–97% and avg. 96% of total organic
and 3, less reducing (suboxic) conditions were prominent and had a matter). However, frequencies of MFTLs and dinoflagellate cysts show
negative impact on the preservation of high AOM frequencies. an inverse picture to that recorded in PF-1B, where MFTLs are very
abundant (70.5–92.5% and avg. 83% of total palynomorphs) and the

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Fig. 7. Phytoclasts-AOM-Palynomorphs (APP) ternary showing plot

of different palynofacies types and redoxic conditions for the studied
Abu Roash “G” Member (After Tyson, 1995). (A) APP plot of BED 14-1
samples, (B) APP plot of BED 2-4 samples, (C) APP plot of Abu Tunis
1X samples.

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

dinoflagellate cysts are only common to frequent (5.5–29.5% and avg. the inner middle shelf setting of PF-2A in both wells. This is based on
16% of total palynomorphs). the high abundances of benthic foraminifera, which flourish in the
Kerogen type: In PF-2A of BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, the dominance of inner middle shelf and decrease in both landward and basinward di-
AOM, abundance of marine palynomorphs, rare to frequent of spor- rections. The general increase of Classopollis and other sphaeroidal
omorphs occurrences, and the common phytoclasts percentages, all pollen grains also indicates a distal marine setting, deeper than the
suggest an organic facies B-C, which corresponds to kerogen type II to inner shelf. The sphaeroidal pollen grains were found to occur in very
III. Thus, an organic facies B (i.e. kerogen type II) is postulated for PF- low frequency in proximal (inner shelf) settings and to increase in a
2B of Abu Tunis 1X based on the dominance of AOM and MFTLs. shelfal direction with decreasing grain size of clastic sediments (Hughes
Palynofacies Association: PF-2A: AOM/MFTLs/Classopollis-domi- and Moody-Stuart, 1967; Tyson, 1984). Further discussion on the acme
nated in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4; and PF-2B: AOM/MFTLs-dominated in of Classopollis grains will be discussed in a section below. In BED 2-4,
Abu Tunis 1X (Figs. 3–5, Pl. 3, Fig. 2; Pl., 4, Fig. 2; Pl. 5, Fig. 2). the presence of Classopollis and the sphaeroidal pollen in frequencies
Proposed palaeoenvironment: Inner middle shelf. lower than those reported form BED 14-1 may be attributed to the di-
In PF2A of BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, the overall decline in abundances lution of allochthonous organic matter including Classopollis and other
of the dinoflagellate cysts along with minor increases in the terrestrial sphaeroidal pollen grains by MFTLs.
organic matter (pteridophyte spores, brown and black woods) indicate The persistent occurrence of very abundant AOM and the occasional
a slightly shallower depositional setting of PF-2A in comparison to that presence of pyrite in some palynomorphs of PF-2A of both wells in-
suggested for PF-1A (e.g. Lister and Batten, 1988; Tahoun and Deaf, dicate a distal offshore setting, where prevailing, favourable reducing
2016). The decrease in the abundance of the dinoflagellate cysts itself is (suboxic-anoxic) conditions maintained preservation of high amounts
indicative of shallowing conditions (e.g. Davey, 1970; Tyson, 1993; of AOM in the current palynofacies units. In BED 2-4, the continuous
Tahoun and Deaf, 2016) and is reflected on the composition of the occurrence of some benthic forams and ostracode also reinforces the
dinoflagellate cysts association. PF-2A of BED 14-1 witnesses moderate suggested reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions. These conditions are
increases in the percentages (14–19% and avg. 17% of total palyno- also inferred by Tyson's (1995) kerogen diagram.
morphs) of the inner shelf cavate cysts Subtilisphaera and Odontochitina In PF-2B of Abu Tunis 1X, a shallower open marine setting is de-
(Lister and Batten, 1988; Wilpshaar and Leereveld, 1994). This is ac- duced based on the marked decrease by 58% in the abundance of di-
companied in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 with minor decreases in the same noflagellate cysts, the minor appearance of terrestrial organic matter
proximate (5–24% and avg. 15%, 3.5–43% and avg. 16% of total pa- (pteridophyte spores) and proximate dinoflagellate cysts, and the slight
lynomorphs) and skolochorate (62–76% and avg. 68%, 43–79.4% and decline by 11% in the outer middle shelf dinoflagellate cyst
avg. 44% of total palynomorphs) cysts reported in PF-1A. Tahoun and Senegalinium. The continued occurrence of the skolochorate forms
Deaf (2016) also recorded a similar trend in the dinoflagellate cysts generally confirms the development of open marine conditions. The
morphotypes from a shallower clastic sequence in the north Western minor occurrences to nearly complete absence of terrestrial organic
Desert of Egypt. Thus, deposition of the major shale units intercalated matter in PF-2B clearly excludes the inner shelf setting, which is known
with minor sandstone horizons similar to those described from PF-1A, to be affected by strong terrestrial influence and, hence, is dominated
along with the persistent dominance of the skolochorate cysts over by sedimentation of terrestrial organic matter. Thus, an inner middle
proximate and cavate cysts but in slightly lower frequencies, point to a shelf setting is suggested for PF-2B. The higher frequencies
setting that is relatively shallower than the outer middle shelf and (70.5–92.5% and avg. 83% of total palynomorphs) of MFTLs in PF-2B in
deeper than the inner shelf setting. This is because the inner shelf en- comparison to those (12.5–40% and avg. 26.3% of total palynomorphs)
vironments are characterized mostly by coarse clastics, dominance of recorded in PF-1B probably point to the occurrence of mainly benthic
cavate cysts, and very low frequencies of skolochorate cysts (e.g. forams and indicate a shallower open marine setting than that proposed
Prauss, 1989; Tyson, 1993). Consequently, an inner middle shelf setting for PF-1B. The very abundant AOM and the concomitant frequent pyrite
is suggested for PF-2A of both wells. However, in PF-2A of BED 2-4, in most of the palynomorphs confirm the dominance of the reducing
fluctuations in the depositional system could be seen, where occasional (suboxic-anoxic) conditions. The kerogen diagram also reinforces these
short-lived shallowing periods are reflected in the deposition of sandy suggested reducing conditions.
facies and the occurrence of acritarchs and freshwater algae. At the
sandy facies of Sample 7, a possible reworking of older palynomorphs 4.2.3. PF-3 (BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 wells)
from the underlying Sample 6 is suggested to have taken place, where Stratigraphic setting: This is the last palynofacies unit and it is
the few recovered dinoflagellate cysts consist exclusively of open described from the uppermost part of the “G” Member. Its lower
marine (middle shelf) skolochorate forms with no traces of any cavate boundary in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 is defined just above Sample 6
and/or proximate cysts. This can be verified by the fairly poor pre- (depth 2211.9 m) and just above Sample 11 (depth 2143.9 m), re-
servation status of the dinoflagellate cysts and the high abundance of spectively. The upper boundary in both wells is delineated at Sample 11
Classopollis, criteria used by Tyson (1984) to refer to re-deposition. The (depth 2152) and Sample 15 (depth 2090 m), respectively.
non-fluorescence character of the organic matter and fluorescence of Stratigraphic distribution: In BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, this paly-
some of the dinoflagellate cysts confirm the optically observed poor nofacies is dominated respectively by very abundant AOM (79–98%
preservation status. The presence of glauconite, known to be formed in and avg. 90%; 77.5–98% and avg. 84% of total organic matter) and
marine sedimentary systems characterized by very low sedimentation sporomorphs (49–85% and avg. 72.5%; 58.5–86.5% and avg. 71% of
rate to nearly non-deposition (Einsele, 1992; Dooley, 2006), provides total palynomorphs). Rare to frequent dinoflagellate cysts (2–17% and
strong evidence to the suggested non-deposition and the deposition of avg. 8.5%; 5–12% and avg. 8.5% of total palynomorphs) and MFTLs
Sample 7 sediments at a later stage. These sediments were sourced from (4–18% and avg. 8.6%; 4–23% and avg. 15.3% of total palynomorphs)
older sediments when deeper marine sedimentation started to dom- occur in PF-3 of the two wells, respectively. Phytoclasts are also rare to
inate. frequent (2–21% and avg. 10.3%; 2–22.5% and avg. 16% of total or-
Peaking of MFTLs (25% of total palynomorphs) at the middle sec- ganic matter), where the brown woody particles show relatively higher
tion of PF-2A in BED 14-1 and their upward decrease that corresponds percentages than the small, lath-opaque particles.
to the shallowing upward sequence strongly suggests that these MFTLs Kerogen type: The high dominance of AOM and spores, along with
are derived mainly from benthic foraminifera (Tyson, 1995). In the the minor occurrence of the phytoclasts, suggest an organic facies B-C
same basin and at about 10 km from where BED 2-4 is located, a similar of Baskin (1997), which possesses a kerogen type II to III composition.
but magnified acme (72.5% of total palynomorphs) of the evident Palynofacies Association: AOM/spores-dominated (Figs. 3 and 4,
benthic MFTLs of PF-2A occurs. Consequently, this trend also points to Pl. 3, Fig. 3; Pl., 4, Fig. 3).

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Fig. 8. Chart showing percentage vertical stratigraphic distributions of the recorded palynomorphs in order of highest occurrences from BED 14-1 well (After Tahoun, 2012).

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Proposed palaeoenvironment: Inner shelf. 4.3. Palaeoecological significance of some palynomorphs

The very high abundances of the sporomorphs (mainly pteridophyte
spores), the decline in the marine palynomorphs by 15% and 16%, and 4.3.1. Senegalinium aenigmaticum-Dinopterygium cladoides peak
the sphaeroidal pollen grains (including Classopollis) by 12% and 14.5% Based on the current study, it seems that Senegalinium aenigmaticum
in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, respectively, indicate a strong regressive and Dinopterygium cladoides can tolerate fluctuations in water salinity. A
phase (Batten, 1999; Mahmoud and Deaf, 2007; Götz et al., 2008; Alaug peak of both Senegalinium aenigmaticum (23–50% and avg. 36 of total
et al., 2014). As a result, a very shallow marine (inner shelf) setting palynomorphs) and Dinopterygium cladoides (25–42% and avg. 29% of
close to a fluvio-deltiac system was developed during deposition of the total palynomorphs) occurs in the low salinity conditions of PF-1A of
current palynofacies (Tyson, 1995; Batten, 1999; Mahmoud and Deaf, BED 2-4. This palynofacies is characterized by the occurrence of the
2007; Götz et al., 2008; Alaug et al., 2014). The upward increase in the possible low-salinity acritarch Leiosphaeridia (16–44% and avg. 26% of
cavate dinoflagellate cysts in PF-3 also indicates a setting shallower total palynomorphs) and the freshwater algae Pediastrum (Fig. 2). An
than that described for the underlying PF-2A. The abundance of cavate the same time, Senegalinium aenigmaticum shows a bloom (66–90% and
cysts is taken to indicate low salinity, near shore to shallow marine avg. 86% of total palynomorphs) in the normal marine conditions of PF-
settings (Lister and Batten, 1988; Tyson, 1995; El-Soughier et al., 2014). 1B and PF-2B of Abu Tunis 1X well (Fig. 5). Similarly, Dinopterygium
The occurrence of the freshwater algae in PF-3 of both wells also con- cladoides exhibits a peak (13–20% and avg. 16% of total palynomorphs)
firms a very proximal setting of brackish water conditions (Hutton, adjacent to Dinopterygium alatum (11–15% and avg. 12% of total pa-
1988; Tyson, 1995; Batten, 1999). This shallow, near shore setting is lynomorphs) in PF-1A of BED 14-1 of the normal water salinity (Fig. 8).
also confirmed by the general increase in the abundance of the phyto- This contradicts the assertion of Brinkhuis (1994) and Sluijs et al.
clasts (Tyson, 1995; Batten, 1999; Götz et al., 2008; Tahoun et al., (2005) that Dinopterygium cladoides (as one of the allied species of He-
2013; Alaug et al., 2014). Moreover, the brown woody particles in both teraulacacysta, Polysphaeridium, and others of the Homotryblium com-
wells show slightly higher frequencies than the lath-shaped, black plex) is characteristic of increased salinity conditions.
woody particles. This, in turn, suggests that oxidation of fresh woody
particles was not significant during deposition of PF-3 and confirms the 4.3.2. Dinopterygium cladoides-Dinopterygium alatum peak
proximal setting of the present palynofacies. The concurrent peak of Dinopterygium alatum and Dinopterygium
The lower parts of PF-3 in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 probably represent cladoides in PF-1A of BED 14-1 (Fig. 8) could be of palaeoecological
the slightly deeper part of the inner shelf environment, where marine importance. The peak of these forms is suggested to characterize outer
phytoplanktons are mainly composed of cavate and skolochorate di- middle shelf environments as is shown from the outer middle shelf
noflagellate cysts. In BED 14-1, the proximate cysts also represent an settings of BED 14-1 and from a previously identified outer middle shelf
important fraction of the dinoflagellate association. On the other hand, setting of Nest-1A well at the extreme north Western Desert of Egypt
the upper part of PF-3 in BED 14-1 (just above Sample 10 to Sample 11) (Tahoun and Deaf, 2016). A similar high abundance of Dinopterygium
and in BED 2-4 (just above Sample 14 to Sample 15) represents the cladoides was also recorded from an association denoted by Goodman
shallowest, inner part of the inner shelf, because of the lack of any (1979) as “Cyst Community C”, which is characterized by open marine
marine palynomorphs (e.g. Tahoun et al., 2013). More interestingly in (middle shelf) forms, including the very abundant genus Areoligera
BED 2-4, the absence of any terrestrial palynomorphs from the last (Brinkhuis, 1994; Sluijs et al., 2005). Moreover, this peak could be of
sample (with the exception of phytoclasts) may be attributed to a biostratigraphic significance in Egypt, where it appears from the middle
combined effect of winnowing and oxidation of the palynomorphs. This to the upper Cenomanian and diminishes in the uppermost Cenomanian
was the result of the interaction between a severe regression and the of BED 14-1 and Nest-1A wells. Further investigations of the biostrati-
uplift that occurred during the latest Cenomanian. A fault is indicated graphic indication of these forms in other interbasinal areas in the north
in the well log of BED 2-4 (BAPETCO, 1991), where most of the younger Western Desert of Egypt are necessary.
“B to E” members of the Abu Roash are missing and the “A” Member
overrides the “G” Member. Moreover, the effect of the anaerobic de- 4.3.3. Acme of Classopollis brasiliensis
gradation of the palynomorphs that survived the harsh conditions (i.e. The acme of Classopollis brasiliensis in the BED wells (Figs. 3 and 4) is
winnowing and oxidation) cannot be ruled out. At the same time, it may suggested to possess both palaeoenvironmental and biostratigraphic
provide a plausible explanation of the high abundance of AOM in the importance to the regional Egyptian subsurface stratigraphy and the
last sample since palynomorphs are known to be less resistant to bio- hydrocarbon exploration in the north Western Desert. High abundances
degradation than lignin-rich phytoclast particles (Tyson, 1995; of Classopollis brasiliensis of 38.5% and up to 42.5% of total palyno-
Bombardiere and Gorin, 2000). In the same context, the negligible morphs were recorded from the inner middle shelf settings and were
occurrence of brown and black woody particles is most likely associated found to diminish in the outer middle shelf and the inner shelf settings
with the dilution effect of the very abundant AOM particles (Tyson, of BED 2-4 and BED 14-1, respectively. Similarly, at the extreme north
1993, 1995). Western Desert, moderate abundances of Classopollis brasiliensis and
The high dominance of AOM in PF-3 of the studied wells suggests a other sphaeroidal pollen grains (mainly Aruacaricaites and In-
prevalence of reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions. However, the fairly aperturopollenites) were documented to increase from the outer middle
reduced frequencies of AOM by ∼11% and ∼7.7% at the middle part of shelf from 44% to 57% (of total palynomorphs) in the inner middle
the palynofacies in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, respectively, point to a ra- shelf of the Nest-1A well (Tahoun and Deaf, 2016). This confirms the
ther energetic regime. Thus, some of the accumulated AOM was sub- general observation of Tyson (1995) that Classopollis and other
jected to less reducing conditions and as a result, an important fraction sphaeroidal pollen grains increase in a basinward direction and de-
of AOM was eliminated (Batten, 1981; Tyson, 1987, 1995). An unusual crease in more distal and proximal marine settings. Moreover, Tyson
phenomenon appears in BED 14-1, where percentages of Classopollis (1984) recorded a similar trend of increasing Classopollis frequency in
increase upward with increasing sediment grain size and decreasing the black shales (46% of total palynomorphs) and decreasing in the
water depth. This can be explained by the occurrence of a possible weak deeper graded claystone (12%) and in the shallower turbiditic marly
turbulent regime during deposition of the sandy facies, which resulted limestone (17%). He assumed that the distribution of Classopollis is not
in re-deposition of palynomorphs and in concentration of Classopollis largely controlled by lithology.
grains in sediments of PF-3 (Summerhayes, 1987; Tyson, 1995). The In order to assess these assertions, a careful review of the Egyptian
interpretation of this reworking and re-deposition is further reinforced and other related international palynological work was carried out. This
by the very poor preservation of palynomorphs and the presence of free revealed that this acme was also recorded from the “G” Member in
glauconite in sediments of the present palynofacies. different basins of the north Western Desert of Egypt. To the northeast

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

of Abu Gharadig Basin, in the Ghazalat Basin, an acme of Classopollis range is controlled by ecological/climatic factors rather than lithology.
brasiliensis (11 to > 30% of total palynomorphs) was recorded from Because in most of the reviewed sections, the same lithology continues
two calcareous shale core samples of the “G” Member of the middle-late upward and show no traces of the species, and this consequently veri-
Cenomanian age in Ghazalat-1 well (Ibrahim, 1996). An acme was also fies the implication made by Tyson (1984).
recorded in the eastern part of the Abu Gharadig Basin based on a
detailed distribution of the species in 10 cuttings samples that consisted 4.4. Hydrocarbon potential of the Abu Roash “G” Member in BED 2-4 and
of dark-grey calcareous mudstone to pale-grey shale of the middle- Abu Tunis 1X wells
upper Cenomanian “G” Member in the GPTSW-7 well (El Beialy et al.,
2010). At the base, the distribution is abundant (5–9% of total paly- The conventional Rock-Eval analysis (Tissot and Welte, 1984; Peters
nomorphs), changing upward into very abundant (grains > 20% of and Cassa, 1994) was used to assess the hydrocarbon potential of the
total palynomorphs), and ending at the top into common to rare. This member (Table 1). Organic petrography analyses of particulate organic
trend bears a striking similarity to the documented distribution of matter were carried out to confirm the pyrolysis-estimated data (i.e.
Classopollis brasiliensis in the middle-upper Cenomanian “G” Member of kerogen type and its maturation level) as was suggested by Peters and
BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 described in this study. The distributions show a Cassa (1994) and Tyson (1995).
rare to common frequency (avg. 11% and avg. 4% of total palyno-
morphs) at the base, an increase in the middle section to frequent (avg.
18% and avg. 16% of total palynomorphs), followed by an upward 4.4.1. Source rock potential
decrease to rare frequencies (avg. 5% and 1.3% of total palynomorphs), The organic richness parameters TOC and S2 indicate a fair source
respectively. In some areas of the Albian-Cenomanian Phytogeographic rock potential of the whole sedimentary sequences in BED 2-4 (TOC:
Province of Herngreen et al. (1996), Classopollis brasiliensis showed si- 0.57–0.78 wt % and avg. 0.69 wt %; S2: 0.55–0.87, and avg. 0.68 mg
milar high abundances. For example, in east Nigeria it had a high fre- HC/g rock) and Abu Tunis 1X (0.58–1.11 wt % and avg. 0.89 wt %; S2:
quency (> 30% of total palynomorphs) in a dark-grey to black shale 2.1–2.6 and avg. 2.3 mg HC/g rock) according to Baskin (1997). The
section of late Cenomanian age (Lawal, 1991). In NE Brazil, an acme plot of S2 versus TOC values also points to the fair source rock potential
(74.3% of total palynomorphs) of Classopollis brasiliensis (as Classo- of the studied rocks (Fig. 9, Table 2).
pollis > 30 mμ) was also recorded from a middle Cenomanian calcar-
eous mudstone unit (Herngreen, 1973). Several recent palynological 4.4.2. Kerogen type
studies showed a similar middle-late Cenomanian range of the Classo- Plot of the “G” Member HI versus OI data in the modified diagram of
pollis species; however, they were excluded in this study because they Van Krevelen (1961) indicates a kerogen type III in the shales of BED 2-
either lacked independent age dating (e.g. Ricard et al., 2014), and/or 4 and a kerogen type III-II in the calcareous shales and limestone of Abu
did not provide quantitative distributions of palynomorphs. Tunis 1X (Fig. 10). The low HI values in BED 2-4 (87–112 and avg.
Based on the above discussion, it is clear that the well-dated, short 99 mg HC/g TOC) suggests a humic organic facies, which is mainly gas-
total range (middle-late Cenomanian) of Classopollis brasiliensis makes prone and corresponds to kerogen type III (Table 3) according to Baskin
the species one of the important middle-late Cenomanian index fossils (1997). The kerogen quality diagram (Fig. 11) and the HI-Tmax plot
in the Albian-Cenomanian Phytogeographic Province, including Egypt. (Fig. 12) also indicate a gas-prone, kerogen type III for the “G” Member
However, the acme of the aforementioned species could be of a great of BED 2-4. However, the LM organic petrography indicates a mainly
regional biostratigraphic potential, as it characterizes the middle sapropelic facies comprised of dominant AOM and containing lower
Cenomanian time in Egypt. This acme could be used to correlate and frequencies of liptinitic-rich (i.e. spores, pollen grains, and phyto-
identify equivalent sections of the source/reservoir “G” Member rocks planktons) organic matter. Minor amounts of humic (vitrinite and in-
in newly studied exploration areas in the north Western Desert of Egypt. ertinite) components occur. Thus, the nature of the organic matter is
Moreover, this acme could become a powerful tool in palaeoceano- collectively prone to generate oil if it is thermally mature. The liptinite-
graphic studies, as it identifies the inner middle shelf settings that are vitrinite-inertinite (LVI) diagram of (Dow, 1982) also suggests an oil-
known to be rich in organic matter. Despite the fact the current prone organic matter of BED 2-4 and BED 14-1 (Fig. 13a and b). Several
Classopollis species was recovered regionally and intercontinentally authors (e.g. Espitalie et al., 1980; Katz, 1983) found out that pyrolysis
from mostly calcareous grey to black shale units, it is suggested that its of organic-lean, clastic rocks yields abnormal higher Oxygen index
values because of the hydrocarbon retention on the mineral matrix. The

Table 1
Organic geochemical logs of the analyzed samples of BED 2-4 and Abu Tunis 1X wells.

Depth (m) TOC S1 S2 S3 HI OI T max (°C) PI PP OSI Kerogen type Thermal maturity Petroleum Potential

BED 2-4 well

2108 0.71 0.06 0.55 0.45 78 64 432 0.10 0.61 8 III-II Mature Fair Oil
2144 0.78 0.12 0.87 2.03 111 260 434 0.12 0.99 15 (Oil window)
2168 0.71 0.08 0.80 2.20 112 309 437 0.09 0.88 11 Poor Oil
2180 0.63 0.05 0.55 1.46 87 232 434 0.08 0.60 8
2198 0.72 0.07 0.78 1.75 108 243 434 0.08 0.85 10
2210 0.57 0.06 0.55 1.77 96 309 432 0.10 0.61 10
Avg. 0.69 0.07 0.68 1.61 78 64 432 0.10 0.75 8

Abu Tunis 1X well

1189 0.95 1.3 2.1 1.46 223 154 430 0.38 3.40 1.34 II-I Early Mature Fair to good Oil
1204 0.94 1.6 2.4 1.39 257 148 432 0.39 3.97 1.65 (Early Oil window)
1219 1.11 1.6 2.5 1.4 224 126 431 0.39 4.09 1.44
1234 0.95 1.5 2.3 1.42 238 149 429 0.39 3.73 1.55
1250 1.02 1.5 2.3 1.54 225 151 429 0.39 3.79 1.46
1265 0.66 1.2 2.2 1.17 333 177 429 0.36 3.42 1.85 Fair Oil
1280 0.93 1.3 2.6 1.46 275 157 432 0.34 3.88 1.42
1295 0.58 1.3 2.1 1.22 369 210 435 0.37 3.40 2.17
Avg. 0.89 1.4 2.3 1.38 268 159 431 0.38 3.70 1.62

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Table 3
Geochemical parameters and organic facies (After Baskin, 1997).

Organic facies Product HI OI Atomic H/O Kerogen type

A (Lacustrine) Oil 700–1000 10–40 > 1.4 I

B (Marine) Oil 350–700 20–60 1.2–1.4 II
BC (Mixed) Oil and gas 200–350 40–80 1–1.2 II-III
C (Humic) Gas and oil 50–200 50–150 0.7–1 III
D (Inert) Some gas < 50 20–200 < 0.7 IV

UV analysis of the organic matter of BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 shows no
fluorescence except for few sporopollenin (spores and dinoflagellate
cysts) particles (Pl. 6, Figs. 1–4), which indicates a kerogen type III-II
according to Tyson (1995). Accordingly, the combined organic geo-
chemistry and petrography analyses suggest a kerogen type III-II for the
“G” Member in the BED 2-4 well.
In Abu Tunis 1X, the relatively high HI values (223–369 and avg.
268 g HC/g TOC) suggest an organic facies that is made up of mixed
sapropelic and humic materials, which corresponds to mainly kerogen
type III to lesser type II and is prone to produce mostly oil and less gas
(Baskin, 1997). The kerogen quality diagram also indicates mixed, oil-
Fig. 9. Hydrocarbon potential of the studied Abu Roash “G” Member of BED 2-4 and Abu
Tunis 1X wells.
and gas-prone, kerogen type III to II for the “G” Member of Abu Tunis
1X (Fig. 11). The plot of HI versus Tmax shows most of the samples are
composed of 60–70% of kerogen type III and few samples are composed
Table 2 of 50–60% of kerogen type II (Fig. 14). On the other hand, organic
Organic matter richness and hydrocarbon source rock potential (After Baskin, 1997).
petrography of the Abu Tunis 1X organic matter indicates a sapropelic
Quantity TOC wt% S2 facies comprised entirely of AOM and contains very little liptinitic-rich
material (i.e. phytoplankton and MFTLs), structured organic matter of a
Poor 0–0.5 0–1 possible chlorococcale and prasinophyte origin, and lacks any humic
Fair 0.5–1 1–5
Good 1–2 5–10
material. The liptinite-vitrinite-inertinite (LVI) diagram of (Dow, 1982)
Very good 2–4 10–20 also suggests an oil-prone organic matter in the Abu Tunis 1X well
Excellent >4 > 20 (Fig. 13c). In addition, strong fluorescence of the dinoflagellate cysts,
MFTLs, AOM, and structured organic matter (Pl. 6, Figs. 5 and 6)
suggests a highly oil-prone, kerogen type II to I according to Tyson
(1995) in contrast to the pyrolysis-estimated kerogen type III to II. This
mismatch between the Rock-Eval data and that of the organic petro-
graphy was noted by several organic geochemists. Experimental ana-
lyses of carbonate source rocks (e.g. Espitalie et al., 1980; Katz, 1983)
showed that pyrolysis of samples with TOC of about 4.5–1.3 wt %
yielded erroneously higher Oxygen index values because of the release
of mineral carbon. In Abu Tunis, lower Hydrogen index values can not
ruled out due to possible hydrocarbon retention on the argillaceous
mineral matrix. However, both LM and UV analyses (Tyson, 1995;
Dembicki, 2009) suggest a mainly kerogen type II to I.

4.4.3. Thermal maturation of organic matter

The Tmax values of BED 2-4 (432–437 °C and avg. 434 °C) and those
of Abu Tunis (429–435 °C and avg. 431 °C) show that the Abu Roash
“G” Member is currently in the early stage of maturation (e.g. Peters
and Cassa, 1994). As Tmax has certain limitations (Carvajal-Ortiz and
Gentzis, 2015; Tahoun and Deaf, 2016), a calibration with TAI values
(3- to 3) of smooth pteridophyte spores in BED 2-4 was done (Pl. 1,
Fig. 1). This also points to an early maturation level of organic matter.
Similarly, TAI (3- to 3) of similar smooth pteridophyte spores of BED
14-1 (Pl. 3, Fig. 3) indicates an early mature organic matter. The HI-
Tmax and the PI-Tmax plots also indicate the Abu Roash “G” Member in
BED 2-4 and Abu Tunis 1X wells has already entered the early window
zone (Figs. 12, 14 and 15). The occurrence of bituminous material in
BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 reinforces the suggested early maturation of
organic matter in these wells, where kerogen is known to be trans-
formed during the early maturation phase into bitumen (e.g. Lewan,
Fig. 10. Modified Van Kerevlan diagram showing kerogen types of the studied Abu Roash 1993).
“G” Member of BED 2-4 and Abu Tunis 1X wells (After Waples, 1985).

4.4.4. Petroleum generation potential

In BED 2-4, the fair organic richness and the low maturation status

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Fig. 11. Kerogen quality diagram showing possible types of

the studied Abu Roash “G” Member of BED 2-4 and Abu
Tunis 1X wells.

mature kerogen II to I suggest fair to marginally good potential to

generate oil.

4.5. Sequence stratigraphy of the “G” Member in BED 14-1, BED 2-4, Abu
Tunis 1X, Nest-1A wells

Sequence stratigraphy originally relied on seismic data as well as on

sedimentological characters and microfunal and/or macrofunal con-
tents of rock units to understand the interaction between changes in the
eustatic sea level, basin subsidence, and sediment supply (e.g. Vail
et al., 1977; Posamentier et al., 1988a, b; Zecchin and Catuneanu,
2013). Recently, there is a growing tendency to use integrated sedi-
mentological characteristics of rock successions with vertical and lat-
eral distributions of organic matter in studying sedimentary basins in
terms of sequence stratigraphy, which is proved to be successful (e.g. Li
and Habib, 1996; Bombardiere and Gorin, 1998; Prauss, 2001). In the
current study, the lithological characteristics of the fine clastics of the
Abu Roash “G” Member cannot be used alone to identify changes in the
relative sea level because these changes are limited in some horizons
and had less influence on the depositional environment. Thus, the se-
quence stratigraphic analysis of the “G” sections was mainly based on
palynofacies and lithologic as well as on electric gamma-ray data. The
sequences and their boundaries were described within the “classical”
sequence stratigraphic context (e.g. Van Wagoner et al., 1988;
Posamentier et al., 1988a, b; Sarg, 1988; García-Mondéjar and
Fernández-Mendiola, 1993). Detailed interpretation of different sys-
tems tracts from the base to the top (Fig. 19) is as follows:

4.5.1. Sequence stratigraphic interpretation Sequence No.1 (SQ. 1): BED 14-1 and BED 2-4. Transgressive
systems tract (part): This transgressive systems tract (TST) is
represented in BED 14-1 by samples 1–3 (2272–2248 m) and in BED
2-4 by samples 1–4 (2216–2192 m). The very low values of the Cont/
Fig. 12. Plot of HI versus Tmax showing kerogen types and thermal maturation levels for
Mar index (avg. 0.6 and 0.7) in BED 141-1 and BED 2-4 (Table 4)
the studied Abu Roash “G” Member of BED 2-4 and Abu Tunis 1X wells.
indicate a deepening condition that was connected to a transgressive
period (Pittet and Gorin, 1997; Prauss, 2000, 2001). The remarkable
of kerogen type III-II suggest very low potential to generate hydro- high values (1.8 and 5.7) of Op/Tr ratios also prove the occurrence of
carbons (Figs. 16 and 17). The very low OSI (8–15, avg and 11 mg HC/g this transgressive phase (e.g. Habib, 1982; Summerhayes, 1987; Tyson,
TOC) and the oil cross-over diagram (Fig. 18) also show that generation 1989). The general high abundance of dinoflagellate cysts (avg. 58.7%
of oil is not likely. In Abu Tunis, the relatively high organic richness and and avg. 53.6%) provides a further confirmation of the suggested TST
the fair to marginally good hydrocarbon source potential of the early (e.g. Pittet and Gorin, 1997; Prauss, 2001; Vallejo et al., 2002; Dybkjær,

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

of about 0.6 and 0.1 in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, respectively. In BED 2-4,
a fair TOC value (0.72%) is recorded at the late TST at Sample 3
(2198 m), which is the nearest analyzed sample to Sample 4 (2192 m).
This agrees fully with identifying the MFS at/or close to Sample 4
(Tyson, 1993, 1995, 1996).
Highstand systems tract: The HST is recognized in BED 14-1 from
just over Sample 3 to Sample 4 (2247.9–2236 m) and in BED 2-4 from
just over Sample 4 to Sample 7 (2191.9–2174 m). An upward increase
in the Cont/Mar index is observed (1.7 and avg. 1.5), which confirms
the progressive shallowing trend (Prauss, 1993, 2001). The noticeable
high values (17 and avg. 24) of MFTLs also point to the suggested HST
(e.g. Pittet and Gorin, 1997). In addition, the minimum values of the
dinoflagellates and opaques in such intervals confirm the occurrence of
shallowing conditions (i.e. highstand) just after the development of the
previously recorded middle Cenomanian transgressive sequence (e.g.
Blondel et al., 1993; Pittet and Gorin, 1997; Vallejo et al., 2002;
Dybkjær, 2004). Maximum values of the Cont/Mar (1.7 and 2.4) ratios
at samples 4 and 7 in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, respectively, were used to
locate the maximum regressive surfaces (MRS), which possibly re-
present the sequence boundary surfaces (e.g. Vallejo et al., 2002). These
SBs are placed at the lowest sample of the coarsening upward section,
which is made up of a sandstone unit (Fig. 19). The SB is drawn ten-
tatively just over Sample 4 at a depth of 2233 m in BED 14-1 and ex-
actly at Sample 7 (2174 m) in BED 2-4. Sequence no. 2 (SQ. 2): BED 14-1, BED 2-4, Abu Tunis 1X, and
Nest-1A. Transgressive systems tract: This tract t is recorded in all of
the sections studied. In BED 14-1, the TST is identified from just over
Sample 4 to Sample 5 (2235.9–2218 m), and in BED 2-4 from just over
Sample 7 to Sample 9 (2173.9–2157 m). The TST is also identified in
Abu Tunis 1X from Sample 1 to just over Sample 2 (1295–1282 m), and
in Nest-1A from Sample 1 to Sample 3 (1560–1520 m). The Cont/Mar
values show a remarkable decreasing trend in BED 14-1 (0.9), BED 2-4
(1.1), and Nest-1A (0.6). In Abu Tunis 1X, sediments show a lack of
terrestrial organic matter. Integration of lithological and palynological
data shows the shale units are capped by limestone horizons in BED 14-
1, BED 2-4, and Nest-1A. These limestone horizons illustrate relatively
high abundances of dinoflagellate cysts (29, 6, and 26), and inversely
lower Op/Tr ratios (0.7, 0.9, and 3.8), which indicate TSTs but of lower
amplitudes in comparison to the basal TSTs in the BED wells. In Abu
Tunis 1X, the high abundance of dinoflagellate cysts (74) and the null
value of Op/Tr suggest the development of a deeply-seated TST, and
indicate that the location of the Abu Tunis well was near/at the
depocentre of Matruh Basin. The traceable limestone horizons at
2218, 2157, 1282, and 1520 m indicate MFSs (Summerhayes, 1987;
Tyson, 1989; Steffen and Gorin, 1993b; Vallejo et al., 2002). Again, the
late TSTs are characterized by fair to relatively good TOC values in BED
2-4 (0.71%) and Abu Tunis 1X (0.93%).
Highstand systems tract: HST is depicted in BED 14-1 from just
over Sample 5 to just over Sample 9 (2218–2170 m) and in BED 2-4
from just over Sample 9 to Sample 14 (2157–2108 m). The current HST
is also defined in Abu Tunis 1X from just over Sample 2 to Sample 6
(1281.9–1219 m) and in Nest-1A from just over Sample 3 to Sample 10
(1519.9–1400 m). A pronounced increasing trend of Cont/Mar is ob-
Fig. 13. Liptinite-Vitrinite-Inertinite (LVI) ternary kerogen plot displays the possible the served in BED 14-1 (avg. 4.9) and BED 2-4 (avg. 5.2) and a less pro-
hydrocarbon source rock potential for the studied section of Abu Roash “G” Member minent but recognizable increase is also recorded in Abu Tunis 1X (avg.
(After Dow, 1982; Tyson, 1995). (A) LVI plot of BED 14-1 samples, (B) LVI plot of BED 2-4 0.02) and Nest-1A (avg. 1.0). This is combined with a general decrease
samples, (C) LVI plot of Abu Tunis 1X samples.
in Op/Tr ratios in BED 14-1 (avg. 0.7), BED 2-4 (avg. 0.7), and Nest-1A
(avg. 0.6). These two parameters indicate the accumulation of the HSTs
2004). The upper boundary (i.e. maximum flooding surfaces: MFS) of but in shallower depositional settings for the BED wells in comparison
the TST is drawn at the maximum abundance of dinoflagellate cysts (63 to their equivalent HSTs in Abu Tunis 1X and Nest-1A. The parameters
and 55.5%) at samples 3 and 4 in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, respectively point to a relative sea level of a lower amplitude in contrast to the one
(e.g. Blondel et al., 1993; Steffen and Gorin, 1993b; Pittet and Gorin, that occurred during the HSTs of SQ. 1 in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4. The
1997). Lithologically, this surface matches well with the deeper notable decreases in abundance of dinoflagellate cysts (10.8, 9.5, 8.5,
limestone facies overlying the clastic section (Fig. 19). At such and 21) and MFTLs (11.6, 19.5, 86.6, and 14) also confirm the recur-
limestone horizons, the Cont/Mar ratio decreases to its minimal value rence of the HST above the maximum flooding surfaces of the preceding

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Plate 6. The UV fluorescence of selected palynofacies types

of BED 14-1, BED 2-4, and Abu Tunis 1X.

1. Weak to no fluorescence of palynological organic

matter of PF-1 of BED 14-1, except for some dino-
flagellate cysts; 3/2248 m, slide 2.
2. Weak to no fluorescence of palynological organic
matter of PF-3 of BED 14-1, except for some spores and
dinoflagellate cysts; 9/2176 m, slide 2.
3. Weak to no fluorescence of palynological organic
matter of PF-1 of BED 2-4, except for some dino-
flagellate cysts; 3/2198 m, slide 2.
4. Weak to no fluorescence of palynological organic
matter of PF-3 of BED 2-4, except for some spores and
dinoflagellate cysts; 12/2138 m, slide 2.
5. Strong fluorescence of palynological organic matter
(mainly dinoflagellate cysts and AOM) of PF-1 of Abu
Tunis 1X; 2/1280 m, slide 1.
6. Strong fluorescence of palynological organic matter
(mainly dinoflagellate cysts and AOM) of PF-2 of Abu
Tunis 1X; 6/1219 m, slide 1.

transgressive phase (e.g. Steffen and Gorin, 1993b; Götz et al., 2008). based on the low Cont/Mar value (2.1), very low Op/Tr (0.2), moderate
The SBs are tentatively placed at the shallowing sandy facies at 2170 m abundance of dinoflagellate cysts (15.6%), and low MFTLs (5%). Con-
in BED 14-1 and at the silty facies at 2108 m in BED 2-4. Such an cordantly, in Nest-1A the TOC at a depth of 1340 m illustrates the
identified sequence boundary is more distinguishable in BED 14-1 and lowest value (1.8 wt %) among the measured samples (Tahoun and
BED 2-4 sections than in their northern equivalent sections. In the latter Deaf, 2016: 2.26 and 2.41 TOC wt %) because of the great sediment
sections, the correlative bounding (i.e. correlative conformity: C.C.) influx and dilution that characterize such type of systems tracts.
surfaces are suggested to be located at the argillaceous limestone at a In BED 2-4, a possible early LST can be defined based on the pre-
depth of 1219 m in Abu Tunis 1X, and at the sandy shale at a depth of sence of opaque woody particles (i.e. OP/Tr: 1.3) and the absence of
1400 m in Nest-1A. The early HSTs of BED 2-4 and Nest-1A show fair to terrestrial and marine palynomorphs, which is indicative of subaerial
relatively good organic richness (0.78 and 2.41 TOC wt %). oxidation of fresh brown woody particles (e.g. Tyson, 1995). This is
further verified by the development of unconformity surface near Sequence no. 3 (SQ. 3): BED 14-1, BED 2-4, Abu Tunis 1X, and Sample 5. The recurring deposition of a shale horizon over the un-
Nest-1A. Undifferentiated lowstand to ?early transgressive systems conformity surface possibly suggests the onset of an early TST, but this
tract: This sequence is incomplete and not fully differentiated in the cannot be confirmed without palynomorph information.
studied wells, where the proposed lowstand systems tracts and the In Abu Tunis, the moderate abundance (avg. 22.5%) of dino-
subsequent early TSTs are lumped together and could not be further flagellate cysts and the overwhelming abundances of MFTLs (avg.
divided on a lithological or palynological basis. These lumped systems 77.5%) possibly point to accumulation of an early TST or HST, since
tracts are recognized in BED 14-1 from just over Sample 9 to Sample 11 MFTLs are known to be very abundant in the transgressive and high-
(2169.9–2152 m), and in BED 2-4 from just over Sample 14 to Sample stand sequences (e.g. Pittet and Gorin, 1997). At samples 7 and 8, the
15 (2107.9–2090 m). In the northern wells, the lump of systems tracts TOC values show lower values (avg. 0.94%) than those (avg. 1.02%)
are identified in Abu Tunis 1X from just over Sample 6 to Sample 8 recorded in the underlying HST of SQ. 2. This probably confirms a TST
(1218.9–1189 m), and in Nest-1A from just over Sample 10 to Sample for the Abu Tunis 1X section.
13 (1399.9–1340 m).
In BED 14-1, a possible late LST can be defined based on very high 4.5.2. Correlation with eustatic sea level cycles
Cont/Mar value (12.3), very low Op/Tr (0.3), and MFTLs (4%), where In tectonically active continental margins, transgressive-regressive
signals of marine palynomorphs are known to occur and increase to- sedimentary successions and their relations to the global eustatic cycles
ward the MFS (Pittet and Gorin, 1997; Vallejo et al., 2002). A similar are usually overprinted by the tectonic activities (Vail et al., 1991;
but not identical late LST can be also postulated for the Nest-1A section Posamentier et al., 1988b). During the Cenomanian time, the north

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Egypt (e.g. Ismail and Soliman, 1997) are absent from BED 2-4 and
Nest-1A sections. This likely indicates that the uppermost Cenomanian
is not represented in the sections of these wells. Furthermore, palyno-
logical zonation of the upper section of BED 2-4 shows Zone I (late
Cenomanian) and Zone II (middle Cenomanian) that are similar to
those identified in BED 14-1 (Tahoun, 2012) and also points to the
possible missing of the uppermost Cenomanian in the last well. In Abu
Tunis 1X, the absence of Classopollis brasiliensis and Cretacaeiporites
polygonalis of the latest Cenomanian HO data from the uppermost part
of the section (see Deaf et al., 2014) may also point to a missing of that
part of the Cenomanian. Generally, the inferred sequences show fair
general correlation with the recent revised long- and short-term eustatic
cycles of Haq (2014). This suggests that eustasy rather than regional
tectonics controlled the present Cenomanian sequences. The proposed
sequences can be correlated to part of the long-term, 2nd order su-
percycle (from ca. 99 to 96.6 Ma) and partly to three 3rd order cycles.
The basal incomplete sequence SQ. 1 (middle Cenomanian) was re-
corded in the BED wells and corresponds to the short-term, 3rd order
cycle (KCe2) of Haq (2014), where its sequence boundary and max-
imum flooding surface are nearly dated as of 98.4 and 98.6 Ma, re-
spectively (Fig. 19). The SQ. 2 (middle-upper Cenomanian) was re-
corded in all wells and corresponds to the 3rd order cycle (KCe3). The
numerical ages of its upper sequence boundary and maximum flooding
surface are nearly 97.4 and 97 Ma (Fig. 19). The upper incomplete
sequence SQ. 3 (upper Cenomanian) is equated to the lower part of the
3rd order cycle (KCe4) at nearly 96.6 Ma.
Fig. 14. Plot of HI versus Tmax showing percentage composition of kerogen types for the
studied Abu Roash “G” Member of BED 2-4 and Abu Tunis 1X wells. 4.5.3. Sequence stratigraphy and recorded bioevents
Based on the current study, the integration of the low salinity
Senegalinium aenigmaticum-Dinopterygium cladoides peak with its se-
quence stratigraphic setting probably links the occurrence of this peak
with periods of active fluvial system, where reduced salinity conditions
were remarkable during sedimentation of the TST.
The concurrent peak of Dinopterygium alatum and Dinopterygium
cladoides is not suggested to be of palaeoecological and palaeoenvir-
onmental importance only, but also of a possible sequence stratigraphic
significance. The occurrence of this peak connects well with the re-
markable transgressive conditions, and hence can be used to identify
sedimentation of the TST.
The Classopollis brasiliensis species was found to be controlled by
ecological/climatic factors rather than lithology. However, this acme is
regarded as a powerful tool to be used in palaeoceanographic as well as
in sequence stratigraphic studies, where it identifies inner middle shelf
settings. By integrating the occurrence of the stratigraphically and pa-
laeoenvironmentally based acme of Classopollis with its sequence stra-
tigraphic context, the common occurrence of this acme can be corre-
lated with the HST.

4.5.4. Sequence stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of the “G” Member

From an economic point of view, spotting the promising source
Fig. 15. Plot of PI versus Tmax showing maturation level for the studied Abu Roash “G”
Member of BED 2-4 and Abu Tunis 1X wells.
rocks is very important to the national and international oil industries
in Egypt. Thus, employing the integrated sequence stratigraphy and
geochemical analyses enable us to fully understand the concentration
Western Desert formed a part of the relatively passive margin of trends of the kerogen and to trace perfectly the stratigraphic distribu-
northern Egypt (e.g. Said, 1990), and thus marine-dominated sedi- tion of the highly potential source rock sections of the “G” Member
mentary successions and their transgressive-regressive cycles were through time in the concerned basins. In our study, sections that are
mostly related to eustatic cycles. A well-established sea level curve was highly enriched in organic matter (i.e. TOC and AOM) were found to be
proposed on the basis of inferred sequences and biochronostratigraphic connected to the late transgressive and early highstand systems tracts
control according to Schiøler et al. (2002), Steffen and Gorin (1993b). (Fig. 19), where the reducing depositional conditions were widespread
As have been mentioned before, the biostratigraphic control showed the and the dilution of organic matter with terrigenous material was in-
studied sections could be dated as middle to late Cenomanian. This was significant. This conclusion is widely accepted and fully understood in
inferred from the occurrence of Thomasinella punica and Thomasinella many basins worldwide (e.g. Wignall and Maynard, 1993; Steffen and
fragmentari and other index forms throughout the section. However, Gorin, 1993b; Herbin et al., 1993; Chandra et al., 1993; Arthur et al.,
Rotalipora cushmani of the regional and worldwide latest Cenomanian 1988, 1990; Arthur and Sageman, 2004). In Egypt, Robison and Engel
range (e.g. Hardenbol et al., 1998; Obaidalla, 2002; Ogg and Hinnov, (1993) also connected the hydrocarbon source horizons within the
2012) and Nezzazata convexa of the latest Cenomanian inception in upper Cretaceous with the transgressive sequences. On the other hand,

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

markedly reflected at the basal TST of SQ. 1 in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4
by very high abundances of dinoflagellate cysts, which are coupled with
very low terrestrial (i.e. spores and woody particles) influences.
Dominant reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions sustained the pre-
servation of very high frequencies of AOM in the BED wells. This TST
has outer middle shelf depositional settings in both wells and shows a
mainly gas-prone organic facies of poor to fair richness in BED 2-4,
which increases from 0.57 TOC wt % in the early transgressive systems
tract (eTST) to 0.72 TOC wt % in the late transgressive systems tract
(lTST). However, this organic richness is lower than the 2.3 TOC wt %
recorded in the basal TST of SQ. 2 in Nest-1A and lTST of SQ. 2 in Abu
Tunis 1X (0.93 wt %). This may be attributed to the lower dilution
effect of coarse clastics and detrital minerals to the sedimentary organic
matter and to the absence of reworking and oxidation of organic matter
in Nest-1A in comparison to those noted in the BED wells. The HST of
SQ. 1 in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 has outer to inner middle shelf de-
positional settings and is characterized by a progressive diminishing in
marine palynomorphs and a slight increase in terrestrial palynomorphs.
It possesses a mainly gas-prone organic facies of low richness in BED 2-4
(0.63 TOC wt %). It is important to note that lTST is characterized by
organic richness higher than those recorded in the late highstand sys-
Fig. 16. TOC wt% and hydrocarbon generation potential of the Abu Roash “G” Member
tems tract (lHST) and the eTST. This can be explained by the devel-
of BED 2-4 and Abu Tunis 1X wells.
opment of a steady-state sea level after the termination of the maximum
flooding event in the late transgressive and early highstand, which
hindered water circulation and re-oxygenation of the water column and
caused remarkable water stratification. Consequently, huge amounts of
amorphous organic matter were preserved in these oxygen-depleted,
anoxic horizons (Davey and Rogers, 1975; Tyson, 1995, 1996; Li and
Habib, 1996).
The middle part of the “G” Member in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 is
genetically related to the basal and the middle sections of Abu Tunis 1X
and Nest-1A, and is represented by SQ. 2 (Fig. 19), which was deposited
in inner middle to outer inner shelf depositional settings. This sequence
shows marked upward decreases in dinoflagellate cysts, moderate to
high increases in MFTLs, and a gradual upward increase in abundances
of pteridophyte spores. SQ. 2 is generally characterized by organic-rich
eHSTs in BED 2-4 (0.78 TOC wt %) and Nest-1A (2.41 TOC wt %),
where better developed reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions enhanced
preservation of maximum AOM abundances in this part of the sequence.
However, a relatively lower organic richness is recorded in the eTSTs in
BED 2-4 (0.71 TOC wt %), Abu Tunis 1X (0.6 TOC wt %), and Nest-1A
(2.3 TOC wt %), and in the lHST in BED 2-4 (0.71 TOC wt %). An
exception to this is seen in the lHST and eTST of Abu Tunis, where these
Fig. 17. Plot of HI versus TOC wt% showing hydrocarbon generation potential of BED 2-4
systems tracts show upward increases in TOC. This could be explained
and Abu Tunis 1X.
by the negligible dilution of organic matter by clastics and the occur-
rence of less pronounced fluctuations in the relative sea level, which
the regressive intervals represented by the LST and the late HST show probably maintained the preservation of organic matter. The fairly
the relatively coarse clastics, and thus possess a reservoir rock quality organic-rich systems tracts of BED 2-4 and Abu Tunis 1X contain gas/
with poor organic richness due to dilution with terrigenous influx. oil-prone and oil-prone organic facies, respectively, while Nest-1A
contains a mainly organic-very rich, oil-prone facies.
4.6. Depositional model for the “G” Member and its hydrocarbon potential The upper “G” Member in all wells is also genetically related and is
in the north Western Desert of Egypt represented by the incomplete sequence SQ. 3 (Fig. 19), which has an
undifferentiated lowstand to ?early transgressive systems tract and is
In the present work, changes in the palynological parameters and characterized by a marked shallower setting. This is manifested by the
lithologic facies of the “G” Member indicate that sedimentation of the occurrence of strong terrestrial influences (i.e. very high abundances of
member took place in the Abu Gharadig Basin in a clastic-dominated pteridophyte spores) and the severe diminishing in the abundances of
system as is shown in BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 wells (Figs. 3 and 4). the dinoflagellate cysts and MFTLs in all marginal wells (i.e. BED 14-1,
However, toward the northwest sedimentation in the central Matruh BED 2-4, and Nest-1A). However, Abu Tunis 1X probably has an early
Basin at Abu Tunis 1X well changed into a clastic-starving system TST, because it shows very high percentages of MFTLs of the probably
(Fig. 5). In the western margin of the Matruh Basin at Nest-1A well, benthic foraminiferal origin and shows strong decreases in the dino-
sedimentation corresponded to a finer clastic-dominated system as in- flagellate cysts (Fig. 5). In this sequence, AOM shows a notable decrease
dicated by Tahoun and Deaf (2016). in frequency in all wells when compared with the underlying sequences
Integrated palynological, lithologic, and sequence stratigraphic due to the prevalence of relatively less reducing conditions. The LST of
analyses indicate that sedimentation of the “G” Member in BED 14-1, Nest-1A contains oil/gas-prone organic facies of good richness (1.8 TOC
BED 2-4, Abu Tunis 1X, and Nest-1A wells shows a shallowing upward wt %), while the eTST of Abu Tunis 1X contains oil-prone organic facies
facies (Figs. 3–5, and Fig. 3 in Tahoun and Deaf, 2016). This is of fair richness (avg. 0.95 TOC wt %).

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Fig. 18. Oil cross-over diagram showing a high probability

of Abu Tunis 1X to generate oil and very low probability of
BED 2-4 to generate oil.

By comparing the results of the present study with other work done the late Cenomanian age, and PZ-II: Afropollis kahramanensis-
on the hydrocarbon potential of the “G” Member, one could detect that Tricolporopollenites spp. Interval Zone of the middle Cenomanian
lithologic facies of the member changes laterally from a coarse, clastic- age.
dominated sedimentation in the Abu Gharadig Basin to a northeast and 2 Integrated palynofacies and lithofacies analyses of the rocks of BED
a northwest finer, clastic-dominated sedimentation (Fig. 1). This gen- 14-1, BED 2-4, and Abu Tunis 1X define three palynofacies types.
eral northward deepening in sedimentation is clearly accentuated at the PF-1A represents the basal “G” Member in the BED wells of the re-
depocentre of the Matruh Basin, where the “G” Member has a carbo- latively organic-lean shales. While PF-1B represents the organic-lean
nate-dominated setting. Careful reading of the various types of litho- calcareous shale of Abu Tunis 1X. Both PF-1A and PF-1B were de-
facies and their associated organic richness revealed that the coarse posited during a relative sea level rise in outer middle shelf en-
clastic lithologies denoted by the sandy shales of BED 14-1, BED 2-4, vironments that experienced a notable high primary productivity.
and GPTSW-7 (El Beialy et al., 2010) wells contain the least organic Prevailing reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions maintained pre-
richness and possess a mainly gas-prone organic matter. However, to- servation of very high AOM frequencies in the PF-1A and PF-1B. PF-
ward the northeast, the finer lithologies represented by calcareous 2A is equated to the rather organic-rich shales of the middle “G”
shales of AG-3 (Khaled, 1999), shales of BED 1-2 (Maky and Saad, section of BED 14-1 and BED 2-4, while PF-2B is equated to the
2009), and argillaceous limestone of Razzak-7 (Zobaa et al., 2011) wells organic-rich calcareous shales and limestone of the uppermost “G”
show higher organic richness of better kerogen quality (type III-II and in Abu Tunis 1X. PF-2A and PF-1B were deposited during a relative
type II), which are mainly oil-prone (Fig. 1). Similarly, at the far sea level fall in inner middle shelf settings, under better-developed
northwest at Nest-1A well, the shale lithology also exhibits good or- reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions. PF-3 corresponds to the up-
ganic richness of a mainly oil-prone organic matter. However, in the permost “G” of BED 14-1 and BED 2-4 and represents the shallowest
carbonate-dominated setting at Abu Tunis 1X well, the organic richness depositional setting with a notable terrestrial influence. Sandy and
downgrades again but it has a better kerogen quality. silty shales of the BED wells are fairly lean in organic matter and
From the above discussion, we can state that the promising hydro- were deposited during a pronounced sea level fall in an inner shelf
carbon source sections of the “G” Member are those associated with environment under the same prevailing suboxic-anoxic conditions.
shales, calcareous shales, and argillaceous limestone that were de- 3 Three bioevents were recorded. In BED 2-4, the Senegalinium ae-
posited in outer to inner middle shelf settings under widespread redu- nigmaticum-Dinopterygium cladoides peak was found to tolerate lower
cing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions during the late TST and the early HST salinity conditions and it was suggested to indicate the activation of
sedimentation phases. On the other hand, the regressive intervals re- the fluvial system during deposition of the TST. The Dinopterygium
presented by the LST and the late HST show the relatively coarse cladoides-Dinopterygium alatum peak was detected in BED 14-1 and it
clastics, and thus possess a good potential as reservoir rocks, since they was suggested to characterize the outer middle shelf environments
are poor in organic matter due to dilution with terrigenous influx. and to mark the development of TST. Finally, an acme of Classopollis
brasiliensis in the BED wells was suggested to have both pa-
5. Conclusions laeoenvironmental and biostratigraphic importance to the Egyptian
regional subsurface stratigraphy and the hydrocarbon exploration in
Several concluding remarks and a recommendation can be drawn the north Western Desert. This acme could be of an imminent re-
from the current investigation as follows: gional biostratigraphic significance, where it characterizes the
middle Cenomanian time and can be used to identify equivalent
1 An independent dating of the “G” Member rocks by means of sections in new hydrocarbon exploration areas. Furthermore, this
benthic foraminifera and ostracods suggests a middle-late acme was suggested in this study to characterize the inner middle
Cenomanian age for the member in BED 2-4 well. Palynological shelf setting and can be also used to recognize the HST.
dating of the “G” unit in BED 2-4 shows two palynological zones. PZ- 4 A sequence stratigraphic analysis of a transect of the four studied
1: Classopollis brasiliensis-Integritetraradites foveolatus Interval Zone of sections was carried out to understand the response of the

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

Table 4
Palynological parameters used in the current sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Abu
Roash “G” Member sections of the four wells.

BED 14-1 well

Sample no. Depth m Cont/Mar Op/Tr Dinoflagellate cysts% MFTLs %

11 2152 12.3 0.3 0 4.0

10 2164 12.1 0.8 2.0 5.0
9 2176 4.6 0.7 11.0 7.0
8 2188 3.8 1.0 3.0 18.0
7 2200 2.6 0.4 17.0 9.0
6 2212 1.5 0.6 21.0 19.0
5 2224 0.9 0.7 29.0 25.0
4 2236 1.7 0.6 20.5 17.0
3 2248 0.6 1.5 63.0 0.0
2 2260 0.2 1.3 66.0 15.5
1 2272 1.0 2.5 47.0 3.0

BED 2-4 well

15 2090 0 1.3 0.0 0.0
14 2108 19.0 0.7 0.0 4.0
13 2126 2.6 0.8 5.0 23.0
12 2138 1.7 0.8 12.0 19.0
11 2144 1.9 0.9 15.5 22.5
10 2150 0.6 0.2 15.0 29.0
9 2162 1.9 1.1 7.5 37.5
8 2168 0.3 0.7 4.0 72.5
7 2174 2.4 6.0 12.0 16.0
6 2180 1.7 2.3 11.0 10.5
5 2186 0.2 0.4 29.5 45.0
4 2192 0.1 5.0 55.5 15.0
3 2198 0.2 2.1 47.5 10.5
2 2210 2.3 5.0 30.5 5.0
1 2216 0.2 10.8 81.0 5.5

Abu Tunis 1X well

8 1189 0 0 15.5 84.5
7 1204 0 0 29.5 70.5
6 1219 0 0 11.5 88.5
5 1234 0.04 0 17 79
4 1250 0.02 0 5.5 92.5
3 1265 0 0 0 0
2 1280 0 0 87.5 12.5
1 1295 0 0 60 40

Nest-1A well
13 1340 2.3 0.2 15.6 3.2
12 1360 2.1 0.3 17.2 4.8
11 1380 1.8 0.2 14 8.4
10 1400 1.4 0.1 16.4 12
9 1410 1.2 0.3 19.2 12
8 1430 1.1 0.3 18.4 12.8
7 1450 0.8 0.5 20.8 15.2
6 1470 0.7 0.0 24.4 16.4
5 1490 0.8 1.7 25.6 13.6
4 1500 0.6 1.0 22.4 18
3 1520 0.6 9.0 26.8 12.8
2 1540 0.6 1.0 24.4 19.2
1 1560 0.5 1.5 26.4 18

Fig. 19. Sequence stratigraphic analysis of the studied BED 14-1, BED 2-4, Abu Tunis 1X,
and Nest-1A wells. For vertical and horizontal scales, refer to Fig. 1.
lithology deposited in outer to inner middle shelf settings under
common reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions. The spatial dis-
particulate organic matter distribution and depositional system to tribution of the “G” Member rocks shows lateral facies changes from
the sea level changes. Three third-order, depositional genetic se- an organic-poor, coarse, clastic-dominated (sandy shales) sedi-
quences (SQ. 1, SQ. 2, and SQ. 3) were recognized in all wells. These mentation in the studied area of the Abu Gharadig Basin to a
sequences were correlated with the recently revised global sea level northeast and a northwest, organic-rich, finer, clastic-dominated
curve (KCe 2, KCe 3, and KCe 4). The eHST of the genetically related (shale, calcareous shales, and argillaceous limestone) sedimentation
KCe 3 was found to be characterized by relatively rich organic at the western margin of the Matruh Basin. In the later area, the
matter, where remarkably low water circulation and insignificant robust anoxic conditions and very low dilution of organic matter by
dilution of organic matter with coarse terrigenous material probably lithoclasts and fine detrital minerals enhanced the organic richness
maintained good preservation of organic matter. of the eHST of these lithologies and resulted in promising hydro-
5 The integrated palynological, geochemical, and sequence strati- carbon source rocks.
graphic analyses suggest the eHST of the “G” Member in Nest-1A a 6 For a successful hydrocarbon exploration in the north Western
potential good source rock. This section is comprised of a shale Desert, we recommend detecting the promising section of the “G”

A.S. Deaf, S.S. Tahoun Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 372–402

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