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Anju Kumari2, Et Al

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Sci (2019) 8(9): 234-240

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 8 Number 09 (2019)
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Original Research Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2019.809.028

Effect of Biofertilizers Applications on Growth and Flowering of African

Marigold cv. ‘Pusa Narangi Gainda’ during Different Season of the Year
under Mid-Hills Conditions of Himachal Pradesh

Anju Kumari*, B.P. Sharma, Y.C. Gupta, Uday Sharma and Shweta Sharma

Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture

YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (HP)- 173230

*Corresponding author


The present investigation was carried out at the experimental farm of Department of
Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of
Azotobacter, PSB Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, HP in the year of 2016-2017 during different
(phosphorus season (rainy season and summer season) and pooled data of both the season experiment
solubilizing were taken. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design replicated thrice and
bacteria), PGPR with 10 treatments. The treatments comprised of N 2 fixer (Azotobacter), PSB (phosphorus
(plant growth solublizing bacteria) PGPR (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria) and AM (Arbuscular
promoting mycorrhiza) with the three levels of NPK 70%, 80% and 90% respectively. Pertaining data
rhizobacteria), AM exhibited growth and flowering parameters like highest plant height (72.48 cm), more leaf
mycorrhiza), NPK,
area (75.40 cm2), higher plant spread (41.53 cm), more number of flowers per plant
FYM and marigold (40.34) and longest flowering duration (47.44 days) in plants supplied with Azotobacter +
PSB + 70% RDF (T4). With regards to season, plant height, leaf area, plant spread, number
Article Info of flower per plant and flowering duration recorded to be more (70.76 cm, 78.91 cm2,
42.09 cm, 38.60 and 42.87 days, respectively) during summer season planting as compared
15 July 2019
to rainy season planting while minimum number of days taken to bud appearance (53.04
Available Online: days), minimum days taken to first flower opening (65.07 days) were observed with the
10 August 2019 application of same treatment (T 4) during rainy season. Whereas, maximum weight of
individual flower (6.12 g) and largest flower diameter (5.85 cm) were recorded with
Azotobacter + PSB + 80% RDF (T 4) during rainy season. Lowest values of growth and
flowering traits were recorded in (T 1) control treated plants.

Introduction Curtez after conquering Mexico got fascinated

by the beauty of marigold flowers and he
Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) is one of the carried it to Spain. It was then offered to the
most specially grown loose flower crop which ‘attar’ of Virgin Mary and thus got its name
belongs to family Asteraceae. Marigold has Mary’s gold which is now popularly known as
been named after ‘Virgin Mary’. The king marigold (Marshal, 1969). It is also known as

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(9): 234-240

friendship flower in United States and student 2005). Phosphate solublizing organism are not
lumen (student’s flower) in Germany. It only able to solubilize insoluble forms of
spreads to different regions of world during inorganic P but are also capable to mineralize
early parts of 16th century from Mexico organic forms of P, thus improving the
(Bailey,1963). It occupies prominent position availability of native soil P. Keeping the above
among the traditional loose flowers grown in facts in view, the present investigation was
India and ranks next only to jasmine in terms conducted with the objectives of to see the
of production. It is extensively being used in effect of biofertlizers and its combinations and
religious and social occasions viz. to decorate to find out appropriate dose of biofertilizers on
the marriage homes, restaurant, temples, growth and flowering parameters of African
receptions, farewells, birthday occasions, marigold respectively.
wedding ceremonies and various public and
social events. Its gaining popularity on Materials and Methods
aacount of its easy culture, wide adaptibilty,
and increasing demand in the Asian The present investigation was conducted at the
subcontinent. Sometimes, the whole plant is at the experimental farm of Department of
used for decorations. It can be planted in beds Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Dr.
for mass display, in mixed borders and can Yashwant Singh Parmar University of
also be grown in pots In India, about 278 Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, HP in
thousand hectares area is presently under the year of 2016-2017 to study the effect of
floriculture with a production of 1656 biofertilizers on growth and flowering of
thousand MT loose flowers annually. The total African marigold and data of both season were
area under marigold is 55.89 thousand taken during 2016-2017. African marigold cv.
hectares with a production of about 511.31 ‘Pusa Narangi Gainda’ was planted during
thousand MT (NHB 2016-2017). different season viz, rainy season and summer
season respectively with the spacing of 30 x30
The chemical fertilizers are important sources cm and with 1x 1 m2 plot size. The experiment
of nutrients but the indiscriminate use of was laid out in randomized block design
chemical fertilizers poses the threat of (Factorial) with three replication which
environmental pollution and soil health comprised 10 treatments viz, T1 100% NPK of
degradation. At present, we are not in a RDF), T2 Azotobacter+PSB+90% (RDF), T3
position to abandon the use of chemical Azotobacter+PSB+80% (RDF), T4
fertilizers completely, so the best option Azotobacter+PSB+70% (RDF), T5
available is to use the biofertilizers in lesser Azotobacter+AM+90% (RDF), T6
amounts. Thus, integrated nutrient Azotobacter+AM+80% (RDF), T7
management is a strategy for advocating Azotobacter+AM+70% (RDF), T8
judicious and efficient use of chemical with PGPR+90% (RDF), T9 PGPR+80% (RDF)
matching addition of organic manures and and T10 PGPR+70% (RDF). The data of both
biofertilizers. Therefore, emphasis is now seasons were analyzed statistically for
focused on the use of organic manures such as interpretation of results.
farm yard manure, and bio-fertilizers like
Azotobacter, Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria Results and Discussion
(PSB), AM fungi and PGPR (Plant Growth
Promoting Rhizobacteria). Azotobacter is a The data on growth parameters is presented in
non symbiotic bacterium which fixes Table 1 clearly indicated that highest plant
atmospheric nitrogen in to soil (Somani, height (72.48 cm) over T1 (control) observed
with T4 (Azotobacter + PSB + 70% RDF).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(9): 234-240

More leaf area (75.40 cm2) observed in plants while it was late (57.85 days) with (T1) 100%
supplied with T4 (Azotobacter + PSB + 70% NPK however, earliest days taken to first
RDF) which found to be statistically at par flower opening (65.07 days) recorded with the
(73.59, and 73.59 cm2, respectively) with T3 application of T4 (Azotobacter + PSB + 70%
(Azotobacter + PSB + 80%RDF) and T7 RDF) while it was maximum (71.95 days) in
(Azotobacter + AM + 80% RDF). Which plants receiving T1 (100% NPK). This may be
might be attributed to the fact that the conjoint ascribed to the easy uptake of nutrients and
application of Azotobacter and PSB along simultaneous transport of growth promoting
with reduced dose of chemical fertilizers substances like auxins, gibberellins, vitamins
would have increased the total beneficial and organic acids produced by biofertilizers to
microbial population in the rhizosphere of the the axillary buds resulting in earliness to reach
plant roots which in turn resulted in an harvesting stage. Sheergojri et al., (2013)
increased leaf area by increasing the observed minimum number of days taken for
availability of nutrients (P, K, Zn, Cu etc.) as full opening of flower with an application of
well as plant growth hormone production NPK along with Azotobacter inoculation in
(Kaushal, 2006 and Tilak, 1993). Maximum dahlia. Similar result is in line with the
plant spread (41.53 cm) to be recorded with findings of Vasanthi (1994) in Jasmine;
the application of T4 (Azotobacter + PSB + Narashima Raju and Haripriya (2001) in
70% RDF), whereas it was minimum (34.80 Crossandra obtained similar findings
cm) in plants being grown with T4 regarding days taken to bud appearance and
(Azotobacter + PSB + 70% RDF) Which may days taken to first flower opening.
be due to increased cell multiplication and
elongation due to enhanced nutrient uptake by Maximum number of flowers per plant (40.34)
plants following inoculated with Azotobacter to be recorded with the T4 (Azotobacter + PSB
and PSB probably caused the increased plant + 70% RDF) while it was minimum (29.12)
height. Similar result was found by Preethi et with T1 (100% NPK) The significant increase
al., (1999) in Edward rose; Ravindra et al., in number of flowers might be attributed to
(2013) in China aster; Renukaradhaya (2006) more leaf area which might have resulted in
in Carnation. In respect of seasons, more plant production and accumulation of maximum
height (70.76 cm), highest leaf area (78.91 photosynthates, resulting into production of
cm2) and maximum plant spread (42.09 cm) more number of flowers. Further, these results
were recorded during summer season planting got support from Mittal et al., (2010) in
over rainy season planting. This is might be African marigold; Meshram et al., (2008) in
due to the availability of congenial growing annual Chrysanthemum and Chougala et al.,
conditions for growth of African marigold (2014) in double daisy.
during summer season and subsequently the
plants could put up more vegetative growth. It is clear from Table 3, maximum individual
These results are in confirmation with These flower weight (6.12 g) was observed with T3
results are in close to agreement with the (Azotobacter + PSB + 80% RDF), however, it
earlier work of Mohanty et al., (1993) in was minimum (4.21 g) in plants grown with
African marigold; Dilta et al., (2007) in China T1 (100% NPK). Amongst these treatments,
aster. larger flower size (5.85 cm) observed with T3,
(Azotobacter + PSB + 80% RDF), while it
Perusal data from Table 2 indicates that earlier was smallest (4.35 cm) in plants supplied with
days for bud appearance (53.04 days) noticed 100% RDF of NPK (T1) which might be
with T4 (Azotobacter + PSB + 70% RDF), attributed to that biofertilizers enhance the

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(9): 234-240

level of auxins which divert the photo increasing the individual flower weight and
assimilates to the developing flower buds, flower diameter.
resulting in increased petal number thereby,

Table.1 Effect of biofertilizers on vegetative growth of African marigold during different

planting seasons

Treatments Plant height (cm) Leaf area (cm2) Plant spread (cm)
Rainy Summer Mean Rainy Summer Mean Rainy Summer Mean
Season Season Season Season Season Season
T1 100% NPK of RDF 50.60 65.18 57.89 59.61 69.51 64.56 30.00 39.59 34.80
T2 Azotobacter+PSB+90% (RDF) 60.80 70.65 65.73 61.82 80.43 71.13 34.87 42.36 38.62
T3 Azotobacter+PSB+80% (RDF) 64.50 72.71 68.61 64.96 82.21 73.59 35.44 42.50 38.97
T4 Azotobacter+PSB+70% (RDF) 67.10 77.86 72.48 66.89 83.91 75.40 38.14 44.92 41.53
T5 Azotobacter+AM+90% (RDF) 59.20 70.38 64.79 61.39 80.26 70.83 34.07 42.05 38.06
T6 Azotobacter+AM+80% (RDF) 64.00 71.94 67.97 62.43 83.04 72.74 34.87 42.43 38.65
T7 Azotobacter+AM+70% (RDF) 64.80 72.72 68.76 66.47 80.04 73.26 37.66 43.22 40.44
T8 PGPR+90% (RDF) 52.90 68.44 60.67 59.70 71.81 65.76 31.07 40.53 35.80
T9 PGPR+80% (RDF) 57.50 69.16 63.33 61.21 79.14 70.18 33.47 41.78 37.63
T10 PGPR+70% (RDF) 56.70 68.58 62.64 59.77 77.83 68.80 31.20 41.50 36.35
Mean 59.80 70.76 65.28 62.42 78.91 70.67 34.10 42.09 38.09
CD0.05 Season : 1.39 Season : 1.62 Season : 0.62
Treatments : 3.10 Treatments : 2.82 Treatments : 1.40
SeasonxTreatments : 4.39 SeasonxTreatments : 3.99 Season xTreatments : 1.99

Table.2 Effect of biofertilizers on flowering attributes of African marigold during different

planting seasons

Treatments Number of days taken to Days taken to first flower Number of flowers per plant
bud formation (days) opening (days)
Rainy Summer Mean Rainy Summer Mean Rainy Summer Mean
Season Season Season Season Season Season
T1 100% NPK of RDF 54.50 61.20 57.85 67.13 76.76 71.95 24.07 34.17 29.12
T2 Azotobacter+PSB+90% 51.60 56.53 54.07 63.20 70.20 66.70 26.67 39.35 33.01
T3 Azotobacter+PSB+80% 51.10 55.58 53.45 63.60 69.13 66.37 32.47 41.20 36.84
T4 Azotobacter+PSB+70% 49.80 55.87 53.04 62.13 68.00 65.07 37.20 43.47 40.34
T5 Azotobacter+AM+90% 51.70 56.80 54.25 64.73 70.67 67.70 25.27 37.76 31.52
T6 Azotobacter+AM+80% 50.20 56.47 53.14 63.07 68.20 65.64 27.80 40.79 34.30
T7 Azotobacter+AM+70% 51.20 56.47 53.84 63.20 69.95 66.58 35.07 42.97 39.02
T8 PGPR+90% (RDF) 53.00 58.53 55.77 66.07 74.13 70.10 24.54 36.05 30.30
T9 PGPR+80% (RDF) 51.90 58.13 55.02 65.13 71.33 68.23 24.27 34.83 29.55
T10 PGPR+70% (RDF) 52.40 58.47 55.44 65.80 74.00 69.90 24.47 35.40 29.94
Mean 51.74 57.43 54.59 64.41 71.24 67.83 28.18 38.60 33.39
CD0.05 Season : 0.23 Season : 0.33 Season : 0.96
Treatments : 0.51 Treatments : 0.74 Treatments : 2.14
Season x Treatments : 0.72 Season x Treatments : 1.05 Season x Treatments : 3.03

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(9): 234-240

Table.3 Effect of biofertilizers on flowering parameters of African marigold during different

planting seasons

Treatments Individual flower weight (g) Flower diameter (cm) Flower duration (days)

Rainy Summer Mean Rainy Summer Mean Rainy Summer Mean

Season Season Season Season Season Season

T1 100% NPK of RDF 4.26 4.16 4.21 4.45 4.25 4.35 34.59 41.50 38.05

T2 Azotobacter+PSB+90% 5.02 4.80 4.91 5.23 4.80 5.02 36.21 48.02 42.12
T3 Azotobacter+PSB+80% 7.10 5.13 6.12 6.55 5.14 5.85 40.73 49.50 45.12
T4 Azotobacter+PSB+70% 6.04 5.54 5.79 5.50 5.25 5.38 42.07 52.81 47.44
T5 Azotobacter+AM+90% 5.57 4.93 5.25 5.47 4.88 5.18 35.95 47.47 41.71
T6 Azotobacter+AM+80% 4.93 4.68 4.81 5.07 4.76 4.92 38.91 48.10 43.51
T7 Azotobacter+AM+70% 6.47 5.39 5.93 5.91 5.20 5.56 41.39 51.78 46.59
T8 PGPR+90% (RDF) 4.26 4.22 4.24 4.76 4.16 4.46 35.87 47.29 41.58

T9 PGPR+80% (RDF) 4.85 4.40 4.63 4.97 4.64 4.67 35.40 43.93 39.67
T10 PGPR+70% (RDF) 4.72 4.43 4.58 4.85 4.65 4.75 35.65 47.11 41.38
Mean 5.32 4.77 5.05 5.28 4.82 5.01 37.68 42.87 40.28

CD0.05 Season : 0.22 Season : 0.12 Season : 0.71

Treatments : 0.48 Treatments : 0.26 Treatments : 1.59
Season x Treatments : 0.68 Season x Treatments : 0.37 Season x Treatments : 2.26

The result are in agreement with the finding formation was hastened in marigold plants
of Dalawai and Naik (2014) in China aster. when planted after September and before
With regards to season, earlier days for bud March mainly due to short day conditions.
appearance (51.74 days), minimum days More individual flower weight and flower
taken to first flower opening (64.41 days), diameter were noticed during rainy season
highest individual flower weight (5.32 g) and which might be attributed to moderate
largest flower diameter (5.28 cm) recorded temperature prevailing during the crop period
during rainy season as compared to summer which is favorable for the production of
season. The reason might be that long day bigger size flowers in July planted crop.
conditions experienced by the summer season These results are in close agreement with the
planting produced more vegetative growth earlier findings of Dhawale et al., (2003) and
and hence, flowering was delayed, whereas, Kaushal et al., (2014) in China aster.
during August onwards, there were short day
conditions that resulted in the formation of It was the discovered that maximum duration
flower buds in lesser time period. These of flowering (47.44 days) during 2016-2017
results corroborate the findings of Singh and were recorded with T4 (Azotobacter + PSB +
Arora, (1988) and Samantaray et al., (1999) 70% RDF), however it was shortest (38.05)
who observed that apical flower- bud with T1 (100% NPK). This result got support
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(9): 234-240

from Airadevi (2012) in annual opening (62.13 days) were observed during
Chrysanthemum who recorded maximum rainy season planting when plants supplied
flowering duration with Azospirillum + PSB with T4 (Azotobacter + psb + 70% RDF).
+ 50% vermicompost equivalent to Maximum individual flower weight (7.10 g)
recommended dose of N + 50% NPK. and larger flower size (6.55 cm) were
Further, Palagani et al., (2013) observed that obtained with the application of T3
the plants receiving 75 per cent N + 75 per (Azotobacter + PSB + 80% RDF) during
cent P + 100 per cent K + vermicompost @ summer season planting.
1.25 t/ha + cocopeat @ 0.875t/ha +
Azotobacter @ 2kg/ha + PSB @ 2kg/ha References
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How to cite this article:

Anju Kumari, B.P. Sharma, Y.C. Gupta, Uday Sharma and Shweta Sharma. 2019. Effect of
Biofertilizers Applications on Growth and Flowering of African Marigold cv. ‘Pusa Narangi
Gainda’ during Different Season of the Year under Mid-Hills Conditions of Himachal Pradesh.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 8(09): 234-240. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2019.809.028


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