Cosmos bipinnatus
Family : Asteraceae
Origin : Mexico
The word Cosmos is derived from Greek word kosmos means a balanced universe or order.
The word bipinnatus derived from latin word meaning twice pinnate.
Used as cut flower
As border annual in the gardens
For summer bedding
It as pleasant aroma and attracts butterflies in the garden
Essential oil is extracted from leaves it contain 1517% beta-caryophyllene.
Flower morphology
• The flowers are 5-10cm in diameter. The flowers are produced in capitulum with ray and disc
• Ray florets are neutral and disc florets are hermaphrodite . Pollination by bees, lace wings ,
flower flies and butterflies.
• Anthesis of disc florets occurs centripetally and requires about a week for completion.
• Emasculation was unnecessary bcz of their self sterility and self incompatability.
Breeding objectives
Novelty in flower colour
Double whorled flower type
Large flower size
Long vase life
Dwarf and ultra dwarf plant type
Floriferous flowering
Resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses
Breeding methods
Selection and hybridization
Mutation breeding
It is irradiated with acute X-ray dose of 15kR. The variations were induced in flower forms.
Genetic analysis showed that the induced condition of doublness was determined by a dominant
Self incompatibility
• The progeny of 3 crosses with Cosmos bipinnatus all included 4 mating types.
• Some group within in a family were cross incompatible and thus were reciprocal
difference in this incompatibility.
• There was incompatibility b/w male and female parents and some of their progeny.