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Descending Pathways in Motor Control

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Descending Pathways

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

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in Motor Control
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

Annual Reviews content online,

• Other articles in this volume
• Top cited articles Roger N. Lemon
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• Our comprehensive search Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders, Institute of
Neurology, University College London, London, WC1N 3BG, United Kingdom;
email: rlemon@ion.ucl.ac.uk

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008. 31:195–218 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on spinal cord, motoneuron, corticospinal, reticulospinal, tract
April 4, 2008

The Annual Review of Neuroscience is online at Abstract

Each of the descending pathways involved in motor control has a num-
This article’s doi: ber of anatomical, molecular, pharmacological, and neuroinformatic
characteristics. They are differentially involved in motor control, a
Copyright  c 2008 by Annual Reviews. process that results from operations involving the entire motor net-
All rights reserved
work rather than from the brain commanding the spinal cord. A given
0147-006X/08/0721-0195$20.00 pathway can have many functional roles. This review explores to what
extent descending pathways are highly conserved across species and
concludes that there are actually rather widespread species differences,
for example, in the transmission of information from the corticospinal
tract to upper limb motoneurons. The significance of direct, cortico-
motoneuronal (CM) connections, which were discovered a little more
than 50 years ago, is reassessed. I conclude that although these connec-
tions operate in parallel with other less direct linkages to motoneurons,
CM influence is significant and may subserve some special functions
including adaptive motor behaviors involving the distal extremities.

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Variation across Species in the
Scope and Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Development of Propriospinal
HOW ARE THE DESCENDING Transmission to Motoneurons . . . 203
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org


Grouping Descending Pathways TARGET MOTONEURONS? . . . . 205
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

According to Their Spinal New Details on the Origin of the

Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 CM Input from Viral Retrograde
DOES A DESCENDING PATHWAY Tracer Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
CARRY OUT SINGLE OR CM Cell Activity during Voluntary
MULTIPLE FUNCTIONS? . . . . . . 201 Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
IS THE CORTICOSPINAL TRACT CM Projections from Secondary
A MOTOR PATHWAY? . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Cortical Motor Areas? . . . . . . . . . . 207
IS THE ORGANIZATION OF THE Estimating the Size of the
DESCENDING PATHWAYS CM Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
HIGHLY CONSERVED CM Effects from Small, Slowly
ACROSS DIFFERENT Conducting PTNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
MAMMALIAN SPECIES? . . . . . . . . 201 What Can We Learn from Lesion
The CM System is Developed to Studies? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Different Extents across PYRAMIDAL AND CST LESIONS . . 211
Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

INTRODUCTION or whether surviving systems can play compen-

satory roles and how these various processes
The time is ripe for a review in this area,
can be boosted by appropriate therapy (Case
not only because of important new knowledge,
& Tessier-Lavigne 2005, Deumens et al. 2005)
but also because of the clinical importance at-
(see Figure 6) are related clinical issues.
tached to a fuller understanding of the role of
descending pathways in motor control. There
are two main areas of topical interest. In hu-
Scope and Structure
man spinal cord injury, trials are in progress
in different parts of the world to test a vari- I focus very much on the comparative biology
ety of cell-based and drug-based therapeutic of the descending pathways and its relevance
approaches (Ramer et al. 2005, Adams et al. to the control of skilled hand movements. The
2006, Tator 2006, Courtine et al. 2007). In review is structured to address the following
stroke, the physiological consequences of dif- points and issues:
ferent types of therapy and rehabilitative ap-  How are the descending pathways orga-
proaches are being studied (Nudo 2007, Ward nized, and what are their defining charac-
& Cohen 2004). For progress in these areas to teristics?
continue, it is increasingly important to under-  Does a descending pathway carry out sin-
stand more fully the functional contribution of gle or multiple functions?
the different descending systems that have been  Is the corticospinal tract a motor path-
injured. Whether these systems can regenerate way?

196 Lemon
 Is the organization of the descending a pathway in a selective manner that allows ad-
pathways highly conserved across differ- ditional insight into function.
ent mammalian species? Unfortunately, a completed checklist of all
 What is the functional significance of di- these features is still not available for any of the
rect connections with target motoneu- major mammalian descending pathways. We
rons? now have advanced anatomical details for many
of them, but the functional roles of each path-
way and how they relate to these anatomical
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

HOW ARE THE DESCENDING features are still unresolved. In particular, we

PATHWAYS ORGANIZED, AND lack evidence in the awake animal or human
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

WHAT ARE THEIR DEFINING volunteer as to the nature of the information

CHARACTERISTICS? that these different pathways transmit to their
Mammalian motor pathways involve a number spinal targets. For the generation of purpose-
of different descending systems, some of which ful movements, target interneurons and mo-
are conserved from reptiles and other verte- toneurons must integrate this information with
brate species and others that have appeared that from other descending pathways and pro-
much later in evolution. Table 1 is a checklist priospinal and segmental inputs.
of ten properties that characterize a descend- Mechanisms controlling features such as
ing pathway. They include key neuroanatom- firing threshold, synaptic gain, and possible
ical features, including the origin, course, and bistable properties could all play a major part in
pattern of pathway termination and also fiber this integrative response (Hultborn et al. 2004).
number and size. We need to know much more We need to understand that the descending
about the molecular identity of each pathway pathways function as part of a large network
and how this guides the pathway to cross or rather than as separate controllers of the spinal
not to cross the midline, to find its target neu- cord. As Edgerton wrote, “the spinal cord func-
rons, and to avoid others. The neuropharma- tions as part of the brain, not as its servant.”
cological features include the neurotransmitter Descending pathways do not simply telegraph
and neuromodulators released at the pathway’s commands for movement to the spinal appara-
terminals. Finally, we need to add the neuroin- tus; hence we should abandon the use of terms
formatic features: the activity/information that such as “upper motoneuron” and “lower mo-
the pathway transmits to those targets. In some toneuron,” terms of undoubted convenience
cases one can inactivate or permanently lesion in the domain of clinical neurology but with

Table 1 Ten characteristics of a descending pathway

1 Origin Location of cells of origin of the pathway
2 Synaptic input Nature of the major inputs to these cells of origin
3 Fiber number and size Numbers of fibers making up the pathway, and distribution of fiber diameters within
the pathway
4 Course Trajectory followed by fibers belonging to the pathway
5 Target/termination Location and type of interneurons and motoneurons etc. receiving terminations from the
pathway: defined both by level within the spinal cord and lamina within the gray matter
6 Collaterals Other supraspinal targets innervated by axon collaterals from the same pathway
7 Molecular identity Characteristic surface and other molecules important for axon guidance, target finding
and synaptogenesis
8 Transmitter(s) and neuromodulators Transmitters employed at synaptic and presynaptic targets of the descending pathway
9 Activity/information transmission Timing, pattern and type of activity exhibited by neurons contributing to the pathway
10 Lesion/inactivation Effects on behavior

www.annualreviews.org • Descending Motor Pathways 197

no modern-day neuroanatomical or neurosci- Kuypers 1968b, Kuypers 1981). An important
entific justification. subdivision of this group includes those in-
volved in the control of respiration (Monteau &
IZ: intermediate zone
of the spinal cord gray Hilaire 1991, Boers et al. 2005, de Troyer et al.
matter Grouping Descending Pathways 2005).
According to Their Spinal Targets
Hans Kuypers’s (1925–1989) major contri- Group B: dorsolateral brainstem pathways.
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

butions to our understanding of the neu- These include the rubrospinal tract arising from
roanatomy of the descending pathways (see the magnocellular red nucleus (brainstem area
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

Kuypers 1981) have a continuing influence in and fibers colored red on the right side of
the field. He worked first with silver degenera- Figure 1) (Kennedy 1990, Muir & Whishaw
tion methods, then with retrograde and antero- 2000, Kuchler et al. 2002) and the pontospinal
grade labeling using radiolabeling, fluorescent, tract (arising from the ventrolateral pontine
and other tracers, and finally viral transneuronal tegmentum); they descend contralaterally in the
markers (Kuypers & Ugolini 1990). dorsolateral funiculus. They are characterized
Kuypers’ study of descending pathways con- by their pattern of termination in the dorsal and
vinced him that the key to understanding their lateral regions of the IZ (region colored red in
function was to examine their termination pat- the spinal cord, Figure 1); this region in turn
tern within the spinal gray matter: to define gives rise mostly to short propriospinal neurons
the address to which descending activity is and has more local, mainly unilateral projec-
sent (Kuypers & Brinkman 1970). Using this tions. Kuypers considered this group of path-
approach, Kuypers identified three groups of ways to provide additional capacity for flexion-
brainstem pathways. biased movements involving more distal limb
segments, the elbow and wrist.
Group A: ventromedial brainstem path-
ways. These include the interstitiospinal and Emotional motor system. A number of other
tectospinal tracts arising from the midbrain, pathways influence motor and other functions
the lateral and medial vestibulospinal tracts at the spinal level. Holstege (1998) grouped
(Sugiuchi et al. 2004), and the reticulospinal these together as the ‘emotional motor system’.
and bulbospinal projections arising from the A medial component comprises a diffuse sys-
pontine and medullary reticular formation tem of pathways originating from the lower
(Matsuyama et al. 1997, 1999; brainstem areas brainstem (raphespinal tract; Mason 1997), the
colored green on the right side of Figure 1). ventromedial medullary tegmentum, the lo-
These pathways descend in the ventral and cus coeruleus, and the subcoeruleus (Tanaka
ventrolateral funiculi of the spinal cord and et al. 1997). These fibers terminate widely at all
have characteristic terminations in Rexed spinal levels in the dorsal horn and among auto-
lamina VII and VIII, i.e., the ventromedial nomic and somatic motoneuronal cell groups.
part of the intermediate zone (IZ), with many Transmitters and neuromodulators in these
axons terminating bilaterally (region colored pathways include serotonin (5-HT) and nora-
green in the spinal cord, Figure 1). This drenaline; the 5-HT pathways exert a major
region of the IZ gives rise to long propriospinal level-setting influence on spinal reflexes and
neurons whose bilateral projections link widely motoneuronal membrane properties and ex-
separated parts of the spinal cord, including citability (Heckman & Lee 1999).
the cervical and lumbar enlargements. Kuypers A second, lateral component originates from
considered this group of pathways as a bilateral cell groups in the mid- and forebrain, which
postural control system for head, neck, trunk, are involved in a number of specific motor
and proximal limb movements (Lawrence & activities, including defensive reactions, pupil

198 Lemon
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Lateral CORTEX
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.


Superior colliculus BRAIN

Inferior colliculus Rubrospinal
Reticular B
IV ventricle complex Reticulospinal
Tectospinal A

Dorsal horn
intermediate zone
Motor nuclei
intermediate zone

Figure 1
Schematic representations of the distributions of the corticospinal fibers and the fibers belonging to group
A (ventromedial) and group B (dorsolateral) brainstem pathways, according to the scheme proposed by
Kuypers (1981). On the right, Group A fibers (reticulospinal, tectospinal, vestibulospinal) are shown in
green, arising from the brainstem reticular formation, superior colliculus, and vestibular complex. These
fibers terminate bilaterally in the ventromedial part of the intermediate zone (IZ) shown as a green area in
the spinal sections, with some direct projections to motoneurons supplying trunk and girdle muscles (dashed
green lines). Group B fibers (rubrospinal) are shown in red, arising from the red nucleus. These fibers
terminate contralaterally in the dorsolateral region of the IZ (shown in red in the spinal sections) with some
projections to the lateral group of motor nuclei innervating the arm and hand (dashed red lines). These
brainstem pathways receive significant cortical projections (black). On the left, corticospinal projections are
shown in blue: Some parallel the group A fibers and terminate bilaterally in the ventromedial IZ (green area),
whereas the majority parallel the group B system and terminate contralaterally in the dorsolateral IZ (red
area) and directly on motoneurons innervating the arm and hand (blue region with small black circles).

dilation, cardiovascular changes, vocalization, gers limbic vocalization during mating, fear, etc.
micturition, and sexual behaviors. This lateral (Vanderhorst et al. 2000).
system influences the relevant motoneuronal
groups through other brainstem pathways, The corticospinal and corticobular path-
such as the periaqueductal gray, which trig- ways. These pathways are present in all

www.annualreviews.org • Descending Motor Pathways 199

mammals but to very different extents. Kuypers and of the anticipatory postural changes needed
(1981) saw the corticospinal (CS; blue fibers, to support these movements (Drew et al. 2004).
left side of Figure 1) and corticobulbar (black However, the divisions are certainly not
CS: corticospinal
fibers, right side of Figure 1) projections as absolute. Kuypers himself noted that some
acting in parallel with brainstem systems. In tectospinal and medullary reticulospinal fibers
the more primitive forms (edentates, marsu- (group A pathways) also terminate in the lat-
CST: corticospinal
pials, and lagomorphs) any overlap in areas eral parts of the IZ (Alstermark et al. 1987,
of CS termination with brainstem pathways is Holstege & Kuypers 1982) and therefore over-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

largely restricted to group B (i.e., rubrospinal) lap with the terminations of both group B and
pathways. CS projections, an overlap that is further en-
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

In a second group of mammals, including ro- larged by the extensive dendritic trees of both
dents, carnivores, and primates, there is a much interneurons and motoneurons. New research
more extensive CS projection, reaching all lev- in the macaque shows that stimulation within
els of the spinal cord (cervical, thoracic, lum- the PMRF and spike-triggered averaging from
bar, and sacral) and innervating all regions of reticulospinal tract neurons show evidence of
the spinal gray matter, including, motoneurons facilitation or suppression of EMG in more
(shown as black circles, left side of Figure 1) distal muscles, although these effects are far
in the ventral horn in primates. In these forms, less common and weaker than for CS neurons
CS terminations overlap with those of both A (Baker & Riddle 2007).
and B brainstem pathways. Figure 1 (left) shows Again, although the classical view of the
that corticospinal projections (blue fibers) ter- corticospinal tract (CST) is that of a crossed
minate both bilaterally within the ventrome- pathway, a significant number of projections
dial IZ (zone colored green in the spinal cord ) and influence the ipsilateral spinal gray matter in
contralaterally within the dorsolateral IZ (red the cervical (Galea & Darian-Smith 1997) (see
zone); some of these crossed fibers also termi- Figure 1, left) and lumbosacral enlargement
nate in the motor nuclei (lamina IX; blue zone (Lacroix et al. 2004). These projections are
in Figure 1). of considerable potential significance for un-
derstanding the effect of cortical or spinal
How useful is this categorization of path-
ways? Overall, the Kuypers scheme still makes
an impact. For example, in the cat, stimulation The significance of collaterization. De-
within the medullary reticular formation evokes scending pathways give off axon collaterals all
responses in proximal limb extensors and flex- along their route of descent toward and within
ors bilaterally, responses that are strongly gated the spinal cord. Kuypers noted that some path-
by the locomotor cycle (Drew, 1991), whereas ways (e.g., group A) were more highly collater-
reticulospinal neurons originating from the alized than others (e.g., the CST). He suggested
ponto-medullary reticular formation (PMRF) that the latter exerted more focused actions and
facilitate or suppress electromyogram (EMG) could mediate the more fractionated type of
activity in proximal fore- and hind-limb mus- movements that characterize the use of the dis-
cles, again bilaterally. Similar observations have tal extremities, the hand and foot. The work of
been made in the monkey (Davidson & Buford Shinoda and colleagues has since accumulated
2004, 2006; Davidson et al. 2007). These find- much evidence to show that highly collateral-
ings of bilateral influences on trunk and prox- ized vestibulospinal tract axon systems can ac-
imal limb muscles generally agree with those tually subserve selective and coordinated head
described by Kuypers for the ventromedial and neck movements in response to sensory in-
pathways (group A). The reticulospinal system put from the vestibular system (Sugiuchi et al.
is involved both in the control of locomotion 2004).

200 Lemon
DOES A DESCENDING PATHWAY projection to the dorsal horn is found in all
CARRY OUT SINGLE OR mammals, and the early evolution of the CST
MULTIPLE FUNCTIONS? to control afferent input may reflect the earliest
M1: primary motor
evolved form of supraspinal control exerted by cortex
A single neuroanatomical pathway can mediate
the CST (Kuypers, 1981, Jones 1986, Canedo
many different functions (Lemon & Griffiths SMA: supplementary
1997, Lemon & Griffiths 2005). In monkeys, motor area
2005). The CST provides an excellent exam-
the projection to the dorsal horn is derived from
ple; its functions include (a) descending control CPG: central pattern
S1, not from M1 ( Jones 1986, Armand et al.
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

of afferent inputs, including these nociceptive generator

1997). CST projections to the dorsal horn are
inputs (Cheema et al. 1984, Wall & Lidierth
probably involved in the descending control of
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

1997); (b) selection, gating, and gain control

proprioceptive inputs generated by movement
of spinal reflexes (Pierrot-Deseilligny & Burke
or sensory reafference and the gating or filter-
2005); (c) excitation and inhibition of motoneu-
ing of such inputs to both local central pat-
rons (Alstermark & Lundberg 1992, Porter &
tern generators (CPGs) and supraspinal centers
Lemon 1993, Maier et al. 1998); (d ) autonomic
(Wolpert et al. 2001). CST projections to the
control (Bacon & Smith 1993); (e) long-term
dorsal horn are an important source of presy-
plasticity of spinal cord circuits (Wolpaw 1997);
naptic inhibition of primary sensory afferent
and 6) trophic functions (Martin et al. 1999).
fibers (Canedo 1997, Wall & Lidierth 1997),
and this mechanism could allow removal of
predictable sources of afferent input associated
IS THE CORTICOSPINAL TRACT with feedforward motor commands for volun-
A MOTOR PATHWAY? tary movement. Lesions of the CST cause a
The anatomical characteristics of the CST breakdown in fine sensorimotor control, imply-
support this multifunctional view. The CST ing a deterioration not only in motor function,
originates from a wide variety of cortical areas, but also in the capacity to interrogate correctly
each with different functions, including, in the sensory feedback from the hand (Lemon &
the monkey, the primary motor cortex (M1), Griffiths 2005).
the dorsal and ventral premotor cortices, sup-
plementary motor area (SMA), and cingulate
motor areas (see Dum & Strick 2005). CS IS THE ORGANIZATION OF
projections also extend from the parietal lobe THE DESCENDING PATHWAYS
(primary somatosensory cortex, S1), the poste- HIGHLY CONSERVED ACROSS
rior parietal cortex, and the parietal operculum. DIFFERENT MAMMALIAN
The origins of the CST from many different SPECIES?
functional areas make it unlikely that the CST Many basic motor activities (e.g., breathing,
projection subserves a single role. In addition, swallowing, locomotion) are common to all
the CST terminates widely within the spinal mammalian species, and some studies suggest
gray matter, presumably reflecting control of that the main function of the descending path-
nociceptive, somatosensory, reflex, autonomic, ways is to modulate the CPGs that control each
and somatic motor functions. Although CS of these activities (Dietz 2003, Drew et al. 2004,
projections from different frontal cortical areas Grillner & Wallen 2004, Yang & Gorassini
show a similar overall pattern (He et al. 1993), 2006). Because the basic neuronal mechanisms
studies show marked quantitative differences underpinning these activities are present in all
in the projections, for example, from SMA vs. species, one can argue that the descending path-
M1 (Maier et al. 2002; Boudrias et al. 2006). ways should exhibit a highly conserved organi-
The CST’s involvement in controlling more zation pattern across different species, and in-
than one function raises questions about its clas- deed, some CS and reticulospinal neurons are
sical role as a motor pathway. Indeed, the CST active during both locomotion and reaching

www.annualreviews.org • Descending Motor Pathways 201

(Drew et al. 2004), as originally suggested in an shrews, lemurs, and marmosets. It is well devel-
influential paper by Georgopoulos & Grillner oped in some New World monkeys, such as the
(1989). capuchin monkey, and in Old World monkeys,
CM: cortico-
motoneuronal1 However, Grillner & Wallen (2004) also including the macaque (Figure 2); CM connec-
note that the control of some movements, tions are generally most numerous in the great
such as independent fine movements of the apes (Kuypers 1981). Bortoff & Strick (1993)
fingers, are exceptions to this scheme. Indeed, made a direct comparison of the anterograde la-
an emerging view of the descending pathways beling in the cervical enlargement that resulted
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

is that although an overall pattern is recog- from injections into motor cortex of two New
nizable, considerable variations exist across World species: the capuchin monkey (Cebus ap-
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

species in the organization of the descending pella) and the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus).
pathways, and particularly of the CST. Two Whereas the labeling of CST terminations in
examples of such differences are considered the IZ was similar in the two species, the label-
here: first, wide variation in the extent of direct ing in the ventral horn was remarkably differ-
cortico-motoneuronal (CM) connections in ent. In Cebus, dense projections into lamina IX
different primates and absence of this system extended into the most lateral and dorsal motor
in non-primates, and second, species differ- nuclei that innervate the intrinsic hand muscles,
ences in the organization of motor effects whereas CST projections into the ventral horn
transmitted from the CST to motoneurons via in Saimiri were much more sparse.
propriospinal neurons. When assessed electrophysiologically, the
CM input to hand and forearm motoneurons in
the squirrel monkey, Saimiri, is weak compared
The CM System is Developed to
with that in the macaque (Nakajima et al. 2000),
Different Extents across Species
where there are strong functional CM connec-
The CM system, first discovered by Bernhard tions to hand and digit muscles (Figure 2) as
& Bohm (1954), represents a direct, monosy- well as somewhat weaker connections to mus-
naptic projection from some CS fibers to spinal cles acting more proximally (Porter & Lemon
motoneurons. 1993, McKiernan et al. 1998). Evidence also
Non-primates. Kuypers first showed that demonstrates CM connections to foot and tail
striking differences exist in the degree of CM motoneurons ( Jankowska et al. 1975; see Porter
system development across different species & Lemon 1993).
(Kuypers 1981). A number of studies have now
confirmed that the CM system is a uniquely pri- Humans. Anatomical evidence supports the
mate feature; there are no functional CM con- existence of CM projections in human material
nections in the cat (Illert et al. 1976), rat (Yang & (Kuypers, 1981) and monosynaptic effects on
Lemon 2003, Alstermark et al. 2004), raccoon hand-muscle motoneurons in awake volunteers
(Gugino et al. 1990), or mouse (Alstermark & (Figure 2) (Palmer & Ashby 1992, Baldissera
Ogawa 2004) (see Figure 2). & Cavallari 1993, de Noordhout et al. 1999)
as well as on many other upper limb muscles,
Non-human primates. The CM system is de- even those acting at proximal joints (Colebatch
veloped to a variable extent in different primates et al. 1990). CM effects on lower limb muscles
(Lemon & Griffiths 2005). It is absent in tree are also well defined (Brouwer & Ashby 1990,
Rothwell et al. 1991, Nielsen et al. 1995).

The term cortico-motoneuronal is quite specific to this par-
Functional significance. Investigators are
ticular monosynaptic connection and should not be used to
refer to more general cortical influences over motoneurons still debating the functional significance of
mediated by oligosynaptic pathways. these species differences for sensorimotor

202 Lemon
Rodents New world monkeys Old world monkeys Humans
(rat) (squirrel monkey) (macaque)

Index of
3 5 6 7
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Amplitude of
EPSPs 2 mV
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

Number of
per tract


137,000 Not known 400,000 1,101,000

Figure 2
Relationship between the development of the CST and the emergence of fine motor control abilities. In rodents, there are no direct
connections between CS neurons and the cervical motoneurons which innervate forelimb muscles—brainstem pathways and spinal
interneurons relay cortical input to motor neurons. Most of the CST fibers in rodents travel in the dorsal columns. In non-human
primates and humans, direct CS connections with motoneurons have evolved, together with an increase in the size and number of the
CS fibers. This is reflected in an increase in the size of the excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) elicited by cortical neurons in hand
motoneurons. The primate CST is located mostly in the lateral columns, and a significant proportion of CS fibers (∼10%) descend
ipsilaterally. Development of the CST correlates with the improvement in the index of dexterity, particularly in the ability to perform
finger-thumb precision grip (with permission from Courtine et al. 2007).

control of the hand (Lemon & Griffiths 2005, subserves evolutionarily new aspects of mo-
Iwaniuk et al. 1999) (see Figure 2). Heffner & tor behavior, including voluntary control of
Masterton (1983) already established the rela- relatively independent finger movements. Al-
tionship across species between the extent of though such movements are not exclusive to
CST projections among the motoneuron pools species with CM connections, they are far bet-
of the spinal gray matter and the index of dexter- ter developed in primates than in non-primates.
ity, a linear score of hand function that reflects
the use of digits for prehensile purposes and for
manipulation. For example, the capuchin mon- Variation across Species in the
key, Cebus, with many CM projections to hand Development of Propriospinal
motoneuron pools, is a very dexterous monkey Transmission to Motoneurons
and uses a pseudo-opposition between the tip Descending excitation from the cerebral cortex
of the thumb and the side of the index to grasp is also transmitted from the CST to forelimb
and manipulate small objects (Fragaszy 1998) motoneurons (C6-Th1) through two rather
and to use tools (Phillips 1998). In contrast, different interneuronal routes: one via seg-
the squirrel monkey, Saimiri, with much weaker mental interneurons (Figure 2) located in
CM projections, has no precision grip and lim- the same lower cervical segments (C6-T1) PN: propriospinal
ited manipulatory skills. as the forelimb motoneurons, and the other neuron
The available data suggest that the CM sys- via propriospinal neurons (PNs; i.e., interneu-
tem is a recently evolved feature and that it rons located outside the forelimb segments),

www.annualreviews.org • Descending Motor Pathways 203

including those located in upper cervical seg- studies have shown that in the intact macaque
ments (C3-C4). These are part of a pro- monkey, stimulation of the pyramidal tract (PT)
priospinal system that is present throughout the evokes feedforward and feedback inhibition of
PT: pyramidal tract
spinal cord (Molenaar & Kuypers 1978). After C3-C4 PNs, which may prevent onward trans-
spinal injury, PN mechanisms may provide a mission of excitation to upper limb motoneu-
means of reestablishing voluntary motor con- rons when the whole PT is stimulated (Isa et al.
trol without the need to regenerate long fiber 2006, 2007).
tracts over the full length of the spinal cord Thus several striking differences exist be-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

(Fouad et al. 2001). tween cat and macaque monkey: First, studies
show more CS inhibition of C3-C4 PNs in the
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

Cat. A large number of electrophysiological, monkey than in the cat. A strychnine study has
anatomical, and lesion studies showed that the not yet been published for the cat, so we do not
C3–C4 PNs are involved primarily in mediat- know how big the differences are. Second, al-
ing the descending command for forelimb tar- though 84% of C3-C4 PNs in the cat project an
get reaching, whereas the local segmental sys- ascending axon collateral to the lateral reticular
tem mediates the descending command for food nucleus (hypothesized to be an ascending read-
taking (grasping a morsel of food with the dig- out of PN activity; Alstermark & Lundberg
its) (Alstermark & Lundberg 1992; see Isa et al. 1992), this projection was found for only 30%
2007). of PNs in the macaque (Isa et al. 2006). Finally,
even after strychnine, it requires three or four
Non-human primates. Since the pioneering high-frequency shocks to the PT to discharge
studies were carried out in the cat, consider- the sampled PNs, which is not consistent with
able attention has been focused on whether this a powerful excitatory linkage between the CST
type of organization is seen in other species. and these PNs.
The overall conclusion at present indicates that
there are quite striking variations in the organi- Rodents. A recent study by Alstermark et al.
zation of propriospinal transmission of CS ex- (2004) found no evidence of C3-C4 transmis-
citation to motoneurons (Isa et al. 2007). Once sion of CS excitation to forelimb motoneurons
again, studies show differences between differ- in the rat; instead, they found that the cor-
ent primates: In the New World squirrel mon- tex influenced motoneurons through cortico-
key (Saimiri), effects in upper limb motoneu- reticulospinal pathways. In the mouse, few mo-
rons consistent with transmission through a tor effects on forelimb motoneurons are evoked
C3-C4 PN system were observed, although from the CST, and reticulospinal control seems
these effects are significantly weaker than in the to be more important in this species (Alstermark
cat (Nakajima et al. 2000). & Ogawa 2004).
In the intact macaque monkey, such effects
are rare (Maier et al. 1998, Alstermark et al. Conclusion: species differences in organi-
1999, Olivier et al. 2001). Maier et al. (1998) zation of descending pathways for motor
speculated that this was because transmission control. Differences in the organization of
through the C3-C4 system had been replaced CS projections across species may well re-
by excitation mediated by the CM system. flect differences in the functional contributions
Alstermark et al. (1999) subsequently demon- made by this system and may explain species-
strated that C3-C4 transmission can occur in dependent effects of CST lesions. Therefore,
the macaque monkey but only after the systemic one should exercise caution in selecting which
administration of strychnine (Alstermark et al. animal model should be adopted when inter-
1999), which is a glycinergic antagonist and preting the very considerable amount of indi-
which therefore produces widespread abolition rect evidence for C3-C4 transmission in hu-
of inhibition in the spinal cord. Since then, mans (Pierrot-Deseilligny and Burke 2005),

204 Lemon
and also in understanding changes that occur CEREBRAL CORTEX
after spinal cord injury, stroke, and other disor-
ders (Lemon & Griffiths 2005, Courtine et al.
2007). Layer III


Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

In addition to terminating in the IZ, several de- 2 Int 2
scending pathways produce monosynaptic ac-
tions on motoneurons, including fibers run-
ning in the rubro-, reticulo-, vestibulo-, and 1 Mn
corticospinal tracts. These monosynaptic con-
nections allow a direct contribution to mo- Midline virus
toneuron control, which operates in parallel
with that from more indirect connections, pos-
sibly by adding the final spatiotemporal excita- Muscle
tion patterns that would induce appropriate lev- Figure 3
els of motoneuronal recruitment and discharge Retrograde viral tracing method for labeling CM cells in the macaque monkey.
(Lemon et al. 2004). When the rabies virus is injected into a single digit muscle, it is transported in
Some reviewers have taken the view that the the retrograde direction to infect the motoneurons (i.e., first-order neurons, 1)
CM input is unimportant because its excita- that innervate the muscle. Then the virus is transported transneuronally in the
retrograde direction to label all the second-order neurons (2) that synapse on
tory input is rather small, rather like that of
the infected motoneurons. These include dorsal root ganglion cells that supply
other monosynaptic inputs from other descend- group Ia muscle spindle afferents, spinal cord interneurons, and cortical
ing pathways (Baldissera et al. 1981, Grillner neurons in layer V (CM cells). At longer survival times, the virus can undergo
& Wallen 2004). An informed answer to this another stage of retrograde transneuronal transport and label all the
question requires the following issues to be ad- third-order neurons (3) that synapse on the infected second-order neurons. For
example, the virus can move from second-order neurons in layer V to
dressed: (a) How extensive is the CM projec-
third-order neurons in layer III. Similarly, the virus can move from
tion? (b) How many CM cells project to a given second-order interneurons in the spinal cord to third-order cortical neurons in
motoneuron or to a given muscle? And (c) how layer V. DRG, dorsal root ganglion cell; Int, interneuron; Mn, motoneuron; 1,
large are the postsynaptic CM effects in a given first-order neuron; 2, second-order neuron; 3, third-order neuron (from
motoneuron? Rathelot & Strick 2006 with permission).

fects all the motoneurons of the injected muscle

New Details on the Origin of the (first-order labeling; see Figure 3). The virus
CM Input from Viral Retrograde is subsequently transferred trans-synaptically
Tracer Studies to all the neurons that project directly to the
Fresh insights have come from recent work by infected motoneurons. This second-order la-
Rathelot & Strick (2006) on the CM projec- beling therefore involves different classes of
tion in the macaque monkey, using transneural neurons in the spinal cord (e.g., segmen-
labeling with rabies virus. Their approach has, tal interneurons, primary afferents), brainstem
for the first time, made it possible to identify (e.g., cells of origin descending pathways),
anatomically the cells of origin of the CM pro- and cortex (CM cells). Subsequent third-order
jection to hand muscles in the macaque mon- transneuronal transfer labels all the neurons,
key. The rabies virus, when injected into the which project to these different classes of
test muscle, is transported retrogradely and in- second-order neurons. In a typical experiment,

www.annualreviews.org • Descending Motor Pathways 205

first-order labeling of motoneurons is seen Rathelot & Strick (2006) were able to ensure
three days after muscle injection, with second- that the transneuronal labeling process had not
order labeling 3.5–5 days after injection and gone beyond the second-order stage so that any
third order labeling after still longer survival labeled cortical neurons could be confidently
times. By carefully timing their experiments, identified as CM.

a ADP (JA25) 6
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

4 CS
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

4 30

Percent of total
3a 25 ADP
20 N=329

Spur 15
6 0
4 4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60
CS 4
3a 30

Percent of total
b ABPL (JA30) 6 ABPL
4 CS 20 N=248
SPcS 15
4 10
3a 5
4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60

Spur 30
Percent of total

20 N=428
6 15
4 5
c EDC (JA3) 4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60
4 CS Diameter (µm)



4 M
3a 2 mm

206 Lemon
The labeled CM cells were distributed over a larger muscle than AbPL. If a significant pro-
a broad territory located in the classical arm and portion of the CM cell colony converging on a
hand area of M1 (see Figure 4a–c). Most of the hand muscle was active, and the unitary excita-
EPSP: excitatory
labeled CM neurons were found in the caudal tory postsynaptic potential (EPSPs) from each postsynaptic potential
part of classical M1, in the rostral bank of the CM cell motoneuron contact were within the
STA: spike-triggered
central sulcus, and very few were found on the range of other descending systems, this would average
convexity of the precentral gyrus. The CM pro- produce a significant total excitatory drive (see
jection was therefore not coextensive with the below).
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

total CS projection from M1, in keeping with

older degeneration studies of the CM projec-
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

tion (Kuypers & Brinkman 1970). CM Cell Activity during

The area of M1 that contained the entire Voluntary Movement
population of CM cells innervating an individ-
I cannot review here the very extensive liter-
ual muscle was quite large and measured be-
ature that shows that CM cells in monkey M1
tween 42 and 54 square mm. It overlapped heav-
cortex are highly modulated during skilled hand
ily with representations of other hand muscles
and digit movements and the studies that show
(see Figure 4a–c). These findings finally rule
patterns of activity that are congruent with their
out the existence of a fine, nonoverlapping, so-
connectivity as established by spike-triggered
matatotopic mapping of hand muscles within
average (STA) (Bennett & Lemon 1996,
M1, thus concluding a long-running debate
Jackson et al. 2003, Schieber & Rivlis 2007).
(Asanuma 1975, Andersen et al. 1975, Phillips
Information on how this activity is transformed
1975, Lemon 1988, Schieber & Hibbard 1993).
into appropriate patterns of motoneuron activ-
The extensive representation of a single hand
ity is only just coming to light (Yanai et al. 2007).
muscle reaches into regions of M1 concerned
CM cells may also be involved in the generation
with elbow and shoulder movements (Kwan
of transcortical reflexes (Cheney & Fetz 1984),
et al. 1978, Park et al. 2001) and suggests that
which could underpin fast and powerful re-
this “could provide the neural substrate to cre-
sponses to peripheral perturbations ( Johansson
ate a broader range of functional synergies” in-
et al. 1994).
volving hand and digit muscles as well as those
acting at more proximal joints (see McKiernan
et al. 1998).
The number of CM cells labeled from the CM Projections from Secondary
three muscles, belonging to the cortical colony Cortical Motor Areas?
of that muscle (Andersen et al. 1975), varied Rathelot & Strick (2006) have not yet re-
between 248 (AbPL) and 428 (EDC); EDC is ported any labeled CM neurons in the

Figure 4
(a–c) Cortical surface maps of CM cells that innervate the motoneurons for digit muscles. Each panel (a–c)
displays a flattened or unfolded map of the central sulcus and precentral gyrus showing location of CM cells
(small round symbols) labeled after injections of the rabies virus into ADP (adductor pollicis), ABPL (abductor
pollicis longus) or EDC (extensor digitorum communis). Each muscle was injected in a different monkey
( JA25, JA30, and JA3, respectively). Small arrows are placed at the area 4–6 border and the area 4–3a border.
ArS, arcuate sulcus; CS, central sulcus; M, medial; R, rostral; SPcS, superior precentral sulcus. Note the
large area occupied by the CM representation or colony belonging to each muscle and the extensive overlap
between the three colonies. (d) Size distribution of the somata of CM cells. The graphs show the size of CM
cells in M1 labeled after virus transport from ADP (top), ABPL (middle), and EDC (bottom). Cell size in these
graphs represents the average of a cell’s maximum and minimum diameter. Note the large proportion of
small cells comprising the CM colony (from Rathelot & Strick 2006 with permission).

www.annualreviews.org • Descending Motor Pathways 207

secondary motor areas: SMA, cingulate motor of the central sulcus was stimulated, such EPSPs
areas, or dorsal and ventral premotor areas, were evoked in most motoneurons tested. Stim-
all of which give rise to CS projections (Dum ulation of ventral premotor cortex (PMv) also
& Strick 2005). In keeping with this, Maier failed to evoke CM-EPSPs in hand motoneu-
et al. (2002) were unable to find evidence of rons (Shimazu et al. 2004). However, PMv stim-
CM-EPSPs in hand motoneurons evoked from ulation could produce powerful modulation of
intracortical stimulation in the SMA. In con- M1 CS outputs (Figure 5), which may repre-
trast, when the M1 hand area in the rostral bank sent an important parallel route through which
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

a e
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

M1 F5
I1 I2 I3
M1 D Before Late I-wave pathway

After Cortico-cortical pathways

(40 min) 10 µV
inhibitory pathway
1 ms
M1 F5
I1-wave pathway CSN
b Before
F5 + M1
I1 I2
M1 M1 – F5
D D-wave

D- and I-waves

c 20 min


d 40 min

4 µV

2 ms

Figure 5
Facilitation of CS outputs from M1 from ventral premotor cortex (area F5). (a) Intracortical stimulation with a single pulse in the hand
area of M1 evokes a series of descending CS volleys: the D (direct) wave and a number of indirect (I) waves (blue trace). Forty minutes
after microinjection of the GABAa agonist, muscimol, close to the M1 stimulation site the late I waves (I2 , I3 ) are mostly abolished (red
trace); there is a small reduction in the I1 wave and no obvious effect on the D wave. Averages of 150 sweeps, volleys recorded from the
C3 spinal level. (b–d) Effects of muscimol injection in M1 on F5–M1 interaction. A single test (T) M1 shock was conditioned (C) by a
single shock to the F5 division of PMv (green). Responses to the F5 shock alone are orange and to the M1 shock alone are purple. With
the C–T interval of 0 ms, there was a marked facilitation of the I3 wave. Twenty minutes after muscimol injection (C), this facilitation
was considerably reduced, and it was abolished after 40 min (D), suggesting that F5-M1 interaction occurred within M1 itself. Averages
of 100 sweeps. (e) Possible mechanisms explaining facilitation of late I waves. The elements (in gray, on the left side of the diagram)
represent the three classes of excitatory inputs to CSNs: the D wave, the I1 wave, and the later (I2 and I3 ) waves. A low-threshold
inhibitory input pathway is also shown. These four inputs are all excited by stimulation within M1. The model proposes that the main
excitatory input from F5 to M1 converges on the late interneuronal pathways in M1 giving rise to the I2 and I3 waves, thereby allowing
F5 to influence I wave generation in M1 CS neurons. Note that although M1 CS neurons project directly to hand motoneurons, this is
not the case for those located in F5 (from Shimazu et al. 2004, with permission).

208 Lemon
a secondary motor area could exert its motor pools that is consistent with CM action (Fetz
effects (Cerri et al. 2003, Shimazu et al. 2004). & Cheney 1980, Lemon et al. 1986). Although
Reversible inactivation of M1 hand area can re- researchers now generally accept that the STA
duce or abolish motor responses evoked from method reveals a spectrum of postspike effects
PMv (Schmidlin et al. 2006). in EMG (Baker and Lemon 1998; Schieber and
Rivlis 2005), the strength of CM synapses is
Estimating the Size of the CM Input again underlined by STA findings. Even single
CM cells can produce detectable changes in the
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Estimates of the amplitude of the CM input to a discharge of both single motor units and mul-
motoneuron or muscle have been derived from tiunit EMGs recorded from hand and forelimb
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

their responses to electrical stimulation of the muscles, and the total CM input to motoneu-
CST or M1, or from spike-triggered averages rons could provide a significant proportion of
derived from single CM cells. Both approaches the facilitatory drive needed to maintain its
suggest that CM effects can be substantial, par- steady discharge (Cheney et al. 1991).
ticularly for motoneurons supplying muscles
acting on the hand and digits. In the anaes-
thetized macaque monkey, stimulation of the CM Effects from Small, Slowly
pyramidal tract evokes monosynaptic EPSPs Conducting PTNs
in most upper limb motoneurons, with a wide Rathelot & Strick (2006) reported that labeled
range in the size of these effects from a few CM neurons had soma diameters ranging from
hundred microvolts up to 5–7 mV; the largest 12 to 60 μM, the majority being small in size
effects occur in motoneurons supplying intrin- (see Figure 4d ). Thus the CM output is not
sic hand muscles (Porter & Lemon 1993). The restricted to the large pyramidal cells in layer V
mean value for the compound EPSP (represent- (the classical Betz cells). STA studies have also
ing the summed excitatory input from all fast- demonstrated CM effects from small, slower-
conducting CM axons terminating on a mo- conducting CST neurons (Fetz & Cheney
toneuron) was estimated at ∼2 mV. This figure 1980; see Porter & Lemon 1993). Recording
is probably an underestimate because disynaptic and stimulation approaches are both biased
inhibition often truncates the CM EPSP before toward larger neurons with fast-conducting
it reaches its maximum (Maier et al. 1998). In axons, so the contribution from the much more
the awake monkey, PT stimulation with single numerous smaller CM neurons has likely been
shocks is capable of discharging active motor seriously overlooked (Maier et al. 1998).
units at monosynaptic latency with high prob-
ability (Olivier et al. 2001). In awake human
volunteers, using transcranial electrical stimu- What Can We Learn
lation, the size of the compound CM-EPSP in from Lesion Studies?
hand muscle motoneurons has been estimated Implicit in modern concepts of a distributed
as at least 4–5 mV (de Noordhout et al. 1999). motor network is the acceptance that the be-
Investigators find some drawbacks in using havioral and other changes that result from
electrical stimulation of the cortex and PT, lesions to a descending pathway cannot be in-
not the least of which is the unnatural and terpreted any longer as simply being due to
synchronous activation of many fibers together, the removal of the lesioned pathway. There
which may well exert mixed excitatory and are fast, activity-dependent, plastic changes that
inhibitory effects on target neurons. The STA occur soon after a lesion is placed in a de-
represents a more natural approach to the prob- scending pathway (Steward et al. 2003, Bareyre
lem and, in addition, allows estimates of the et al. 2004, Deumens et al. 2005, Vavrek et al.
excitatory CM influence of single motor cortex 2006). The behavioral outcome is a conse-
cells. CM cells can be identified in the awake quence of compensatory changes of the mo-
animal and exert facilitation of motoneuron tor network as a whole, including the response
www.annualreviews.org • Descending Motor Pathways 209
Control: Anti-Nogo-A-
antibody-treated monkey treated monkey


Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

–50 0 50 –50 0 50 100
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

Pellets retrieved in 30 s
Figure 6
Effects of lesions to the CST at the cervical level on skilled independent finger movements in the macaque
monkey, and partial recovery following treatment with anti-NOGO antibody. Data are shown for
quantitative assessment of manual dexterity before and after lesion in a representative pair of monkeys
(Mk-CH and Mk-AM), with similar extent of lesion in the dorsolateral funiculus at the C7-C8 border in the
cervical spinal cord (the extent of the blue and red zones in the semicircular figures represents the extent of
the hemicord lesion for each monkey). Monkeys were assessed on a modified Brinkman board (right) using
the precision grip (opposition of thumb and index finger) to retrieve food pellets from the board. The
untreated monkey (blue, Mk-CH) showed some limited recovery in its performance (score represents
number of pellets retrieved in 30 s), but the monkey treated with the antibody to neutralize the neurite
growth inhibitor Nogo-A (red, Mk-AM) rapidly returned to control levels of dexterity (from Freund et al.
2006, with permission).

of uninjured fibers, rather than a consequence pontine, and other systems related to motor
of the removal of a single descending path- function. Indeed it is remarkable that clinically,
way or component. For example, lesions of the capsular lesions give rise to the classical
CST cause long-term changes in the influence pyramidal signs of contralateral weakness, and
of the rubrospinal tract (Belhaj-Saif & Cheney especially those affecting the distal musculature
2000). The exciting prospect is that this com- (Colebatch & Gandevia 1989), despite the
pensatory response can be boosted by appro- fact that CS fibers probably constitute only a
priate therapies (see Case & Tessier-Lavigne few percent of the total number of ascending
2005, Deumens et al. 2005, Buchli et al. 2007) and descending fibers within the capsule. The
(see Figure 6). Of course, spinal injury in hu- importance of the integrity of the CS tract
mans results in damage to multiple ascending has recently been reemphasized by studies of
and descending pathways, and selective lesions recovery of precision finger movements after
of individual tracts are a poor model for such subcortical stroke (Lang & Schieber 2003,
injury; however, they do provide important in- Ward et al. 2007); good recovery of function
sights into the regrowth and possible regener- and a normal pattern of brain activation were
ative capacities of different pathways. found in those patients in whom transcranial
magnetic stimulation demonstrated an intact
Cortical and capsular lesions. These proba- CS projection from the damaged hemisphere.
bly affect all the descending pathways because During human spinal surgery, continuous
the cortex provides a major input to the cells intraoperative monitoring, below the surgery
D-wave: of origin of the brainstem pathways (Kuypers level, of the CS D-wave evoked from the motor
Corticospinal activity 1981; see Matsuyama & Drew 1997, Mat- cortex can be very useful in preventing poor
reflecting direct suyama et al. 2004) (see Figure 1, right). Such outcomes in terms of locomotor and other func-
activation of CS
lesions affect not only the CS and corticobulbar tions; loss of the D-wave is a strong indicator for
projections, but also corticostriatal, cortico- paraplegia following surgery (Sala et al. 2006).

210 Lemon
PYRAMIDAL AND CST LESIONS seems to be related to the amount of CST fiber
sparing; however, there is usually a permanent
Lawrence & Kuypers (1968a) originally showed deficit of independent digit movements, and es-
that a complete pyramidotomy in the macaque pecially of the thumb. The subsequent recov-
monkey caused permanent deficits in skilled ery of grasping function (Sasaki et al. 2004,
hand function, but we do not know how much Freund et al. 2006) or of locomotor function
of the deficit was due to interruption of CM (Courtine et al. 2005, Nishimura et al. 2007) af-
projections (we must await a selective means of ter spinal CS lesions probably reflects the plastic
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

lesioning or inactivating the CM projection). changes induced elsewhere in the CNS, and we
Compared with the effects of complete pyra- now know that there is significant sprouting of
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

midotomy, a rather different picture emerges these fibers above the lesion (Fouad et al. 2001,
with subtotal lesions of the CST (Lawrence & Bareyre et al. 2004). Importantly, these changes
Kuypers 1968a; see Porter & Lemon 1993). can be further promoted by reducing the lev-
This applies to subtotal or unilateral lesions of els of inhibitory factors that suppress sprouting
the pyramidal tract and to funicular lesions or and regeneration, for example, by administra-
hemisections at the spinal level. Several recent tion of antibody to the myelin inhibitory factor,
studies have investigated the effect of unilat- NOGO (Figure 6) (Freund et al. 2007). The
eral surgical interruption of the fibers in the lat- molecular identity of a given pathway must de-
eral CST at the cervical (Galea & Darian-Smith termine the capacity for sprouting, growth, and
1997, Sasaki et al. 2004, Freund et al. 2006) and development of new synapses. It may also deter-
thoracic levels (Courtine et al. 2005). The ini- mine whether compensatory plasticity comes
tial effects are similar to a complete CST lesion, from uninjured fibers belonging to the same
with a striking deterioration in the speed, force, pathway or whether others can contribute, a
and accuracy of more distal hand (Figure 6) key factor that might explain the substantial dif-
and/or foot movements, especially those in- ferences in the outcomes produced by total vs.
volved in tasks demanding high levels of dexter- subtotal lesions of a particular pathway.
ity (e.g., catching with the hand or foot, remov- Stimulation of the PT after a subtotal CST
ing food from small wells; Figure 6). The initial lesion evokes EPSPs in hand motoneurons
deficits must reflect the loss of CS connections with latencies longer than those for normal
to the spinal segments controlling the hand (or monosynaptic CM responses. These EPSPs
foot), including CM connections (Nishimura could be disynaptic and originate from C3-
et al. 2007). The fast CM-EPSPs that are nor- C4 propriospinal projections (as suggested by
mally evoked in most hand motoneurons were Sasaki et al. 2004) but could also result from
absent after a C5 lesion by Sasaki et al. (2004). monosynaptic CM projections from slow unin-
However, such lesions also sever the CS projec- jured CS fibres (as shown by Maier et al. 1998;
tions to segmental interneurons below the le- see Lemon et al. 2004). This is potentially sig-
sion (Figure 2), including those mediating in- nificant because of the large numbers of slow-
hibition of motoneurons. vs. fast-conducting CS fibers and because fast
Thereafter, these deficits often show a sub- fibers may be more susceptible to injury (Blight
stantial degree of recovery, the extent of which 1983, 1991; Quencer et al. 1992).

1. Each descending pathway has specific characteristics that determine its neuronal targets
within the spinal cord and therefore its functional role.
2. Each descending pathway may carry out a number of functional roles; these are linked
together by the need for a coordinated set of operations underpinning performance of
basic functions such as balance, posture, locomotion, and reaching.

www.annualreviews.org • Descending Motor Pathways 211

3. Although some general principles underlie the organization of the descending pathways,
striking differences can be found between species, and research suggests that, in the
case of the corticospinal tract (CST), these differences reflect species-specific features of
sensorimotor behavior, including differences in skilled use of the hand and digits.
4. The cortico-motoneuronal (CM) system provides the capacity for fractionation of move-
ments and the control of small groups of muscles in a highly selective manner, an im-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

portant feature of skilled voluntary movements in the acquisition of new motor skills.
The CM system may provide an efferent pathway that is accessed by the extensive motor
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

network of the primate brain for development of adaptive motor programs.

5. The CM system works in parallel with other indirect corticospinal (CS) influences, trans-
mitted through segmental interneurons and propriospinal neurons; in some primates, the
contribution of the CM inputs can be considerable.

1. We need to understand the role of the CST in controlling or gating sensory afferent
input. How exactly does it function to remove unwanted reafference?
2. We also need to understand how the movement-related information generated by the
cells of origin of the descending pathways is integrated by spinal interneurons and mo-
3. We need a better understanding of the compensatory mechanisms that are triggered by
damage to different motor pathways.

The author is not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this

I acknowledge the help and cooperation of all my colleagues and students who collaborated on
much of the work cited in this article, which was funded by research grants from The Wellcome
Trust, MRC and Brain Research Trust. I particularly thank Peter Kirkwood for his comments on
an earlier draft.

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Annual Review of

Contents Volume 31, 2008

Cerebellum-Like Structures and Their Implications for Cerebellar

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Curtis C. Bell, Victor Han, and Nathaniel B. Sawtell p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

Spike Timing–Dependent Plasticity: A Hebbian Learning Rule

Natalia Caporale and Yang Dan p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p25
Balancing Structure and Function at Hippocampal Dendritic Spines
Jennifer N. Bourne and Kristen M. Harris p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p47
Place Cells, Grid Cells, and the Brain’s Spatial Representation System
Edvard I. Moser, Emilio Kropff, and May-Britt Moser p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p69
Mitochondrial Disorders in the Nervous System
Salvatore DiMauro and Eric A. Schon p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p91
Vestibular System: The Many Facets of a Multimodal Sense
Dora E. Angelaki and Kathleen E. Cullen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 125
Role of Axonal Transport in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Kurt J. De Vos, Andrew J. Grierson, Steven Ackerley, and Christopher C.J. Miller p p p 151
Active and Passive Immunotherapy for Neurodegenerative Disorders
David L. Brody and David M. Holtzman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 175
Descending Pathways in Motor Control
Roger N. Lemon p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 195
Task Set and Prefrontal Cortex
Katsuyuki Sakai p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 219
Multiple Sclerosis: An Immune or Neurodegenerative Disorder?
Bruce D. Trapp and Klaus-Armin Nave p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 247
Multifunctional Pattern-Generating Circuits
K.L. Briggman and W.B. Kristan, Jr. p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 271
Retinal Axon Growth at the Optic Chiasm: To Cross or Not to Cross
Timothy J. Petros, Alexandra Rebsam, and Carol A. Mason p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 295

AR346-FM ARI 20 May 2008 15:1

Brain Circuits for the Internal Monitoring of Movements

Marc A. Sommer and Robert H. Wurtz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 317
Wnt Signaling in Neural Circuit Assembly
Patricia C. Salinas and Yimin Zou p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 339
Habits, Rituals, and the Evaluative Brain
Ann M. Graybiel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 359
Mechanisms of Self-Motion Perception
Kenneth H. Britten p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 389
Mechanisms of Face Perception
Doris Y. Tsao and Margaret S. Livingstone p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 411
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2008.31:195-218. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

The Prion’s Elusive Reason for Being

by Pennsylvania State University on 05/27/12. For personal use only.

Adriano Aguzzi, Frank Baumann, and Juliane Bremer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 439

Mechanisms Underlying Development of Visual Maps and
Receptive Fields
Andrew D. Huberman, Marla B. Feller, and Barbara Chapman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 479
Neural Substrates of Language Acquisition
Patricia K. Kuhl and Maritza Rivera-Gaxiola p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 511
Axon-Glial Signaling and the Glial Support of Axon Function
Klaus-Armin Nave and Bruce D. Trapp p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 535
Signaling Mechanisms Linking Neuronal Activity to Gene Expression
and Plasticity of the Nervous System
Steven W. Flavell and Michael E. Greenberg p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 563


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 22–31 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 591

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 22–31 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 595


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