Cisek and Kalaska 2010 - Neural Mechanisms For Interacting With A World Full of Action Choices
Cisek and Kalaska 2010 - Neural Mechanisms For Interacting With A World Full of Action Choices
Cisek and Kalaska 2010 - Neural Mechanisms For Interacting With A World Full of Action Choices
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NE33CH13-Cisek ARI 22 May 2010 19:1
visual recognition of the letters displayed on the input to cognitive systems. These cogni-
the screen, parsing of the words and sentences,
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2010.33:269-298. Downloaded from
of attention (Broadbent 1958) and working stable at the level of single neurons or neural
memory (Miller 1956), as well as studies of populations.
motor control (Fitts 1954). The project of For example, Ungerleider & Mishkin (1982)
neuroscience: the explaining complex behavior in terms of neural reviewed data indicating that visual informa-
study of the neural mechanisms is often called cognitive neuro- tion in the cerebral cortex diverges into two
substrates of complex science (Albright et al. 2000, Gazzaniga 2000). partially distinct streams of processing: (a) an
behavior, usually based It is an approach that inherits specific concepts occipitotemporal ventral stream in which cells
on concepts from
from cognitive psychology and maps them onto are sensitive to information that pertains to the
cognitive psychology
particular regions of the brain. Today, even identity of objects and (b) an occipitoparietal
Ventral stream: a
those of us who study sensorimotor control dorsal stream in which cells are sensitive to spa-
visual processing
pathway from the have a tendency to phrase the problem as one of tial information. Within each of these, informa-
occipital cortex along transforming input representations to output tion diverges further. There are separate visual
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the temporal lobe representations through a series of intermediate streams for processing color, shape, and mo-
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Dorsal stream: a processing stages. tion (Felleman & Van Essen 1991); and there
visual processing However, attempts to interpret neural data are multiple representations of space within the
pathway from the from this perspective encounter several chal- posterior parietal cortex (Colby & Goldberg
occipital cortex and
lenges. For example, functions that should 1999, Stein 1992). From the traditional cog-
colliculi to posterior
parietal cortex be unified appear distributed throughout the nitive perspective, the ventral stream builds a
brain, whereas those that should be distinct ap- representation of what is in the environment,
pear to involve the same regions, or even the whereas the dorsal stream builds a represen-
same cells. Below, we discuss several examples tation of where things are. Presumably, all of
of such challenges, which lead us to question these visual substreams must be bound together
whether the basic structure of sensing, thinking, to form a unified representation of the world;
and acting is indeed the optimal blueprint for but whether and how this binding occurs re-
understanding how the brain implements much main unresolved, despite vibrant research ef-
of the real-time interactive behavior whose de- forts (Engel et al. 2001, Shadlen & Movshon
mands drove neural evolution. 1999, Singer 2001).
Furthermore, activity in much of the visual
system appears to be strongly influenced
Perceptual Processing by attentional modulation (Boynton 2005,
Psychological and computational theories Colby & Goldberg 1999, Moran & Desimone
often propose that our perception of the world 1985, Treue 2001), even when a quiescent
is the result of a reconstruction process that monkey spontaneously scans a familiar stable
uses sensory information to build and update environment (Bushnell et al. 1981, Gottlieb
an internal representation of the external world et al. 1998, Mountcastle et al. 1981). This is
(Marr 1982, Riesenhuber & Poggio 1999, usually exhibited as an enhancement of neural
Riesenhuber & Poggio 2002). We usually activity from the regions of space to which
assume that this internal representation must attention is directed and a suppression of activ-
be unified (linking diverse information into ity from unattended regions. Such attentional
a common form available to diverse systems) modulation is found in both the ventral and
and stable (reflecting the stable nature of the dorsal streams and increases as one ascends the
physical world) to be useful for building knowl- visual hierarchy (Treue 2001). Consequently,
edge and making decisions. To date, however, the neural representation of the visual world, at
neural data do not support the existence of least in higher visual areas, appears “dominated
such an internal representation. Indeed, the by the behavioral relevance of the information,
representation of the external world generated rather than designed to provide an accurate
by the most studied sensory modality, the and complete description of it” (Treue 2001,
visual system, appears to be neither unified nor p. 295). Furthermore, because the direction of
attention is frequently shifting from one place heterogeneity at the level of single neurons is
to another, the activity in visual regions is any- difficult to reconcile with the breakdown of be-
thing but stable. It is constantly changing, even havior into perception, cognition, and action.
FEF: frontal eye fields
if one is fixating a completely motionless scene. Instead of encoding the unique and detailed
PMd: dorsal
To summarize, the classical assumption of motor program predicted by classical models
premotor cortex
a unified and stable internal representation (an (Keele 1968, Miller et al. 1960), neural activ-
internal replica of the external world) does not ity in motor regions appears to initially encode
appear to be well supported by the divergence information about relevant stimuli and then
of the visual system and the widespread influ- changes to represent motor variables, such as
ence of attentional and contextual modulation. the direction of movement. For example, dur-
If something that resembles a perception mod- ing visual search tasks, cells in frontal eye fields
ule exists, it overlaps so strongly with cognitive (FEF) initially respond to all salient stimuli,
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processes that the distinction between them be- including multiple distracters, but later reflect
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comes blurred. only the final selected target (Schall & Bichot
1998). During reach/antireach tasks, neural ac-
tivities in the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) first
Motor Control appear to encode the location of a stimulus and
According to the information processing view later reflect the movement direction instructed
of voluntary behavior, the role of the motor sys- by that stimulus (Crammond & Kalaska 1994,
tem is to implement the course of action com- Gail et al. 2009). Such findings have often been
manded by the cognitive system. This has led to interpreted as early visual responses, which are
the common assumption that by the time mo- followed by motor activity, but it is unclear how
tor processing begins, cognitive processes have a traditional model could account for both of
decided what to do, and only a single motor these being encoded in the same region, some-
program is prepared before movement initi- times by the same neurons. Additionally, neural
ation (Keele 1968, Miller et al. 1960). How- activity in motor regions appears to be modu-
ever, neural data do not appear to support this lated by a variety of putatively cognitive vari-
assumption. First, many of the same regions ables, as described below. In summary, if an ac-
that appear to be involved in movement plan- tion module exists, then it appears to be closely
ning are also active during movement execution entwined with both perceptual and cognitive
(Alexander & Crutcher 1990b, Crammond & processes (Lebedev & Wise 2002).
Kalaska 2000, Hoshi & Tanji 2007, Kalaska
et al. 1998, Wise et al. 1997). Neural corre-
lates of both planning and execution processes Cognitive Functions
can be found even in the activity of individ- The search for the modules that lie be-
ual cells, whose association with motor out- tween perception and action has been even
put changes in time from abstract aspects of more problematic. According to classical views
the task to limb movement-related parameters (Fodor 1983, Pylyshyn 1984), cognition is sep-
(Cisek et al. 2003, Crammond & Kalaska 2000, arate from sensorimotor control. However, a
Shen & Alexander 1997). Furthermore, when- hallmark executive function, decision making
ever planning activity has been studied in tasks (Tversky & Kahneman 1981), does not appear
that present animals with choices, that same ac- to be localized within particular higher cog-
tivity also appears related to decision making nitive centers such as the primate prefrontal
processes that should have been completed by cortex. Instead, there is growing evidence that
the cognitive system (Cisek & Kalaska 2005, decisions, at least those reported through ac-
Gold & Shadlen 2007, Hoshi & Tanji 2007, tion, are found within the same sensorimo-
Platt & Glimcher 1999, Romo et al. 2004, tor circuits that are responsible for planning
Wallis & Miller 2003). Such functional and executing the associated actions (Cisek &
Kalaska 2005, Gold & Shadlen 2007, Pesaran spatial sensory information on the location of
et al. 2008, Romo et al. 2002, Romo et al. behaviorally salient objects in the environment
2004, Scherberger & Andersen 2007). For ex- (Colby & Duhamel 1996, Colby & Goldberg
LIP: lateral
intraparietal area ample, Romo and colleagues (Hernandez et al. 1999, Stein 1992), strongly modulated by atten-
2002, Romo et al. 2002, Romo et al. 2004) tion and behavioral context (Colby & Duhamel
PPC: posterior
parietal cortex found that during tasks in which a nominally 1996, Colby & Goldberg 1999, Kalaska 1996,
tactile perceptual decision is reported by an Mountcastle et al. 1975). This has led to the
Salience map: a
spatial representation arm movement, correlates of all of the pu- hypothesis that the parietal cortex is involved
of the most salient tative sensory encoding, memory, discrimina- in directing attention to different parts of space
features of the tion, and decision-making processes were much and in constructing a salience map of the en-
environment stronger within premotor regions than in classi- vironment (Constantinidis & Steinmetz 2001,
cal somatic sensory areas. Similarly, when mon- Kusunoki et al. 2000). Presumably, this forms
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keys were required to decide whether to hold part of the perceptual representation that serves
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some of our assumptions for interpreting neural organization was being laid down. Throughout
activity. Perhaps specific functions such as per- evolutionary history, organisms and their
ception are not implemented by particular cor- nervous systems have been preoccupied by
tical regions. Instead, they may be implemented almost constant interaction with a complex
by different layers or subnetworks of cells dis- and ever changing environment, which contin-
tributed within many parts of the nervous uously offers a potentially bewildering variety
system. Perhaps distinct roles such as percep- of opportunities and demands for action.
tual or motor representations can be performed Interaction with such an environment cannot
by the same neurons at different times. These be broken down into a sequence of distinct and
possibilities are worth considering and study- self-contained events that each start with a dis-
ing experimentally. Here, however, we explore crete stimulus and end with a specific response,
a different possibility. We consider whether similar to the isolated trials we typically use
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and motor systems may not reflect the natural experiments. Instead, it involves the continu-
categories of neural computations that underlie ous modification of ongoing actions through
sensory-guided behavior (Hendriks-Jansen feedback control, the continuous evaluation of
1996, Lebedev & Wise 2002). The framework alternative activities that may become available,
of serial information processing may not be and continuous tradeoffs between choosing
the optimal blueprint for the global functional to persist in a given activity and switching
architecture of the brain. Instead, we consider to a different one. The internal processes
whether alternative theoretical frameworks for that are most useful for such behavior may
the large-scale organization of behavior may not be those that first construct an accurate
facilitate interpretations of neural activity. internal description of objective and abstract
knowledge about the world and then reflect
upon it with some introspective, intelligent
AN ECOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE circuits. Instead, pragmatic processes that
One of the most important facts we know mediate sensorimotor interaction in the here
about the brain is that it evolved. This not and now, on the basis of continuous streams of
only motivates our theories to describe mecha- sensory inputs as well as prior knowledge and
nisms that confer selective advantage, but more experiences, are much more useful for guiding
importantly, it constrains theories to respect interactive behavior (Gibson 1979).
the brain’s phylogenetic history. Contrary to An emphasis on real-time, natural behavior
popular belief, brain evolution has been re- has been the foundation of ethological research
markably conservative. Since the development for a long time (Hinde 1966). In the early twen-
of the telencephalon, the basic outline of the tieth century, researchers such as Von Uexküll,
vertebrate nervous system has been strongly Tinbergen, and Lorenz focused their studies on
conserved (Butler & Hodos 2005, Holland & the observation of animals in the wild rather
Holland 1999, Katz & Harris-Warrick 1999). than in the laboratory. Consequently, instead
Even recently elaborated structures such as the of focusing on how knowledge is represented
mammalian neocortex have homologs among or what variables are included in the motor
nonmammals (Medina & Reiner 2000), and the program, they focused on how competition
topology of neural circuitry is analogous across between potential actions is resolved, how on-
diverse species (Karten 1969). going behavior is fine tuned by feedback mecha-
The conservative nature of brain evolution nisms that operate at multiple hierarchical lev-
motivates us to think about large-scale theories els, and how animals trade off activity against
of neural organization from the perspective of metabolic costs.
the kinds of behaviors that animals engaged in Some of the original founders of psycholog-
many millions of years ago, when that neural ical science also emphasized the importance of
interactions with the environment. For exam- interacts in the real world, such architectures
ple, John Dewey (1896) criticized the view of have simply proven to be more effective than
behavior as a process of receiving a stimulus and serial information processing through distinct
opportunities for producing a response, and wrote that “[w]hat perception, cognition, and action modules.
action defined by the we have is a circuit. . .the motor response deter- These concepts are also becoming increasingly
environment around mines the stimulus, just as truly as sensory stim- influential in a branch of cognitive science that
an animal ulus determines movement.” (p. 363). Similar is sometimes called embodied cognition (Clark
Embodied cognition: emphases on sensorimotor control were made 1997, Klatzky et al. 2008, Núñez & Freeman
a study of cognition by Hughlings Jackson (1884) and Merleau- 2000, Thelen et al. 2001).
that emphasizes its
Ponty (1945), among many others. Perhaps the Such concepts may also be useful for inter-
role in sensorimotor
control and action best known example is the work of the eminent preting neurophysiological data. For example,
psychologist Jean Piaget (1954), who suggested Graziano & Aflalo (2007) proposed that the
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that the abstract cognitive abilities of adult hu- multiple motor areas in the precentral gyrus
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mans are constructed upon the basis of the sen- may not be organized on the basis of a se-
sorimotor interactions experienced as a child. quential planning and execution architecture,
This is supported by a variety of neural studies, as commonly assumed. Instead, the precentral
which include the classic experiments of Held & gyrus may reflect the animal’s natural behav-
Hein (1963), who found that the visual behav- ioral repertoire, with different regions that are
ior of newborn kittens did not develop properly specialized for different actions such as bring-
unless they were allowed to exert their own ac- ing objects to the mouth, manipulating objects
tive control upon their visual input. in central vision, climbing, or defensive behav-
The perceptual psychologist James Gibson ior. Although controversial, this conjecture has
was another well-known proponent of an eco- intriguing similarities to theoretical proposals
logical view of behavior. Similar to ethologists, that evolution constructs complex behaviors by
Gibson viewed the constrained environment of using simpler ones as building blocks (Brooks
a typical psychological experiment as conceal- 1991, Hendriks-Jansen 1996). This has clear
ing the true interactive nature of behavior. He ecological advantages because it reflects the
argued that perception is not about passively need for animals to partially plan many different
constructing an internal representation of the classes of potential actions, such as grasping a
world, but rather it is about actively picking up piece of fruit while also being ready to scamper
information of interest to one’s behavior. In- away in case of danger.
spired by earlier work of Gestalt psychologists One particularly important and influential
such as Koffka, he emphasized that the envi- example of how a perspective of interactive be-
ronment contains information relevant for an havior may shed light on neurophysiology is
animal’s activity and that a large part of percep- the work of Melvyn Goodale and David Milner
tion is the accumulation of that information. (1992, Milner & Goodale 1995). As discussed
He defined the concept of affordances (Gibson above, visual processing diverges in the cerebral
1979) as the opportunities for action that the cortex into a ventral stream, where cells are sen-
environment presents to an animal. sitive to stimulus features, and a dorsal stream,
Ethological concepts have been very use- where cells are sensitive to spatial relationships
ful in research on autonomous robotics, which (Ungerleider & Mishkin 1982). Instead of de-
is increasingly abandoning classical serial ar- scribing these, respectively, as the what and
chitectures based on explicit representations where systems, Goodale & Milner suggested
of the environment in favor of hierarchical that the predominant role of the dorsal stream is
control systems in which the basic elements to mediate visually guided behavior. They pro-
are sensorimotor feedback loops (Ashby 1965, posed that the dorsal stream (now often called
Brooks 1991, Hendriks-Jansen 1996, Meyer the how system) is sensitive to spatial infor-
1995, Sahin et al. 2007). For a robot that mation, not to build a representation of the
objects in the external world but primarily with consider the possibility that, at least during
pragmatic representations of the opportunities natural interactive behavior, these processes
for action that those objects afford (Cisek 2007, operate simultaneously and in an integrated
Colby & Duhamel 1996, Fadiga et al. 2000, manner (Cisek 2007).
Kalaska et al. 1998, Rizzolatti & Luppino 2001). For the particular case of visually-guided
Indeed, parietal activity in both monkeys (Iriki movement, action specification (Figure 1,
et al. 1996, Mountcastle et al. 1975) and humans dark blue lines) may involve the dorsal visual
(Gallivan et al. 2009) is often stronger when ob- stream and a distributed and reciprocally in-
jects are within reach. terconnected network of areas in the posterior
Several groups have developed these ideas parietal and caudal frontal cortex (Andersen
further. For example, Fagg & Arbib (1998) have & Buneo 2003; Andersen et al. 1997; Goodale
suggested that the PPC represents a set of cur- & Milner 1992; Johnson et al. 1996; Kalaska
rently available potential actions, one of which 1996; Kalaska & Crammond 1995; Milner &
is ultimately selected for overt execution. Simi- Goodale 1995; Rizzolatti & Luppino 2001;
larly, we and others have suggested that the dor- Wise et al. 1996, 1997). These circuits perform
sal stream is involved in specifying the param- transformations that convert information about
eters of potential actions, whereas the ventral objects in sensory coordinates into the pa-
stream provides further information for their rameters of actions (Andersen & Buneo 2003,
selection (Andersen & Buneo 2003, Cisek 2007, Andersen et al. 1997, Wise et al. 1997). Along
Kalaska et al. 1998, Passingham & Toni 2001, the way, each area can represent information
Sakagami & Pan 2007). This has much in com- that is pertinent to several potential actions
mon with a long history of proposals, made on simultaneously as patterns of tuned activity
the basis of EEG studies (Coles et al. 1985) and within distributed populations of cells. This
stimulus-response compatibility effects (Korn- forms a representation of possible movements
blum et al. 1990), that neural processing is that is conceptually similar to a probability
continuous and not organized in distinct serial density function (Sanger 2003). Importantly,
stages. It is also similar to the proposal that the these same brain regions ultimately guide the
brain begins to prepare several actions in par- execution of those actions. Because multiple
allel while collecting evidence for selecting be- actions usually cannot be performed at the
tween them (Shadlen et al. 2008), a view that is same time, there is competition between
strongly supported by neurophysiological stud- options, perhaps through mutual inhibition
ies of decision making (Gold & Shadlen 2007, among cells with different tuning properties
Kim & Basso 2008, Ratcliff et al. 2007). (Cisek 2006) and/or through differential se-
Some of these ideas are summarized in lection in corticostriatal circuits (Leblois et al.
Figure 1, which shows what we call the 2006).
tex x
cor Potential actions
Attention Selection
al st
Predicted ganglia
feedback biasing Payoff
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Ventral st
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2010.33:269-298. Downloaded from
Temporal Selection
Visual feedback
Figure 1
Sketch of the affordance competition hypothesis in the context of visually-guided movement. The primate
brain is shown, emphasizing the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and basal ganglia. Dark blue arrows represent
processes of action specification, which begin in the visual cortex and proceed rightward across the parietal
lobe, and which transform visual information into representations of potential actions. Polygons represent
three neural populations along this route. Each population is depicted as a map where the lightest regions
correspond to peaks of tuned activity, which compete for further processing. This competition is biased by
input from the basal ganglia and prefrontal cortical regions that collect information for action selection (red
double-line arrows). These biases modulate the competition in several loci, and because of reciprocal
connectivity, their influences are reflected over a large portion of the cerebral cortex. The final selected
action is released into execution and causes overt feedback through the environment (dotted blue arrow) as
well as internal predictive feedback through the cerebellum. Modified with permission from Cisek (2007).
If a competition between representations Sakagami & Pan 2007, Tanji & Hoshi 2001,
of potential actions exists in frontoparietal Wise 2008). In turn, the prefrontal areas re-
circuits, then intelligent behavior requires a ceive information pertinent to action selection
way to influence that competition by factors that include object identity from the temporal
related to rewards, costs, risks, or any variable lobe (Pasupathy & Connor 2002, Tanaka
pertinent to making good choices. A variety of et al. 1991) and subjective value from the
brain systems can contribute their votes into orbitofrontal cortex (Padoa-Schioppa & Assad
this selection process simply by biasing activity 2008, Schultz et al. 2000, Wallis 2007). In sum-
within the ongoing frontoparietal competition mary, the hypothesis is that interaction with the
(Figure 1, red double-line arrows). This environment involves continuous and simul-
includes influences from subcortical structures taneous processes of sensorimotor control and
such as the basal ganglia (Mink 1996, Redgrave action selection from among the distributed
et al. 1999, Schultz 2004) and cortical regions representations of a limited number of response
such as the prefrontal cortex (Miller 2000, options. This perspective is consistent with a
eye movement is required, neurons begin to and veers away from regions of risk (Trommer-
discharge in both LIP and MIP (Calton et al. shauser et al. 2006). Patients with frontal lobe
2002, Cui & Andersen 2007). Later, if an arm damage often cannot suppress actions associ-
movement is instructed (Calton et al. 2002) or ated with distracters even while they are plan-
autonomously chosen (Cui & Andersen 2007), ning actions directed elsewhere (Humphreys &
the activity becomes stronger in MIP than LIP. Riddoch 2000), and such effects may be the
Conversely, if a saccade is instructed or cho- result of competition among parallel simul-
sen, activity becomes stronger in LIP than MIP. taneous representations of potential actions,
This is consistent with the proposal that before with a bias toward the actions with the high-
the effector is selected, reach and saccade plans est stimulus-response compatibility (Castiello
begin to be specified simultaneously by differ- 1999).
ent parts of the PPC. Indeed, during natural Neurophysiological studies support this in-
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activity, eye and hand movements are usually terpretation. For example, partial information
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2010.33:269-298. Downloaded from
executed in unison. Similar findings have been on possible upcoming movements engages the
reported for decisions regarding hand choice. activity of cells in reach-related regions be-
For example, Hoshi & Tanji (2007) showed that fore the animal selects the movement that will
when monkeys are first presented with a reach be made (Bastian et al. 1998, Kurata 1993,
target location in a bimanual response-choice Riehle & Requin 1989). In particular, when
task without specifying which arm to use, neu- a reach direction is initially specified ambigu-
ral activity in the premotor cortex reflects the ously by sensory information, neural activity
potential movements of both hands until the arises in the motor and premotor cortex that
monkey is instructed about which hand to use. spans the entire angular range of potential di-
Simultaneous specification of multiple rections. Later, when the direction is specified
potential actions can occur even within the more precisely, the directional spread of pop-
same effector system (Basso & Wurtz 1998, ulation activity narrows to reflect this choice
Bastian et al. 1998, Baumann et al. 2009, Cisek (Bastian et al. 1998). Neural correlates of mul-
& Kalaska 2005, McPeek & Keller 2002, tiple potential reaching actions have been re-
Platt & Glimcher 1997, Powell & Goldberg ported in the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd)
2000, Schall & Bichot 1998, Scherberger & even when the choices are distinct and mutually
Andersen 2007). For example, behavioral data exclusive (Cisek & Kalaska 2005). As shown in
(McPeek et al. 2000) and neurophysiological Figure 2, when a monkey was presented with
data (McPeek & Keller 2002) suggest that the two opposite potential reaching actions, only
preparation of multiple sequential saccades can one of which would later be indicated as the
overlap in time. When two or more potential correct choice by a nonspatial cue, neural ac-
saccade targets are presented simultaneously, tivity in the premotor cortex specified both di-
neural correlates for each are observed in rections simultaneously. When information for
area LIP (Platt & Glimcher 1997, Powell & selecting one action over the other became
Goldberg 2000) and even in the superior col- available, the representation of the chosen di-
liculus, where they are modulated by selection rection was strengthened while that of the un-
probability (Basso & Wurtz 1998, Kim & wanted direction was suppressed. The monkey
Basso 2008). used a strategy of preparing both movements si-
Likewise, behavioral studies of reaching multaneously during the initial period of uncer-
have suggested that the brain simultaneously tainty despite the fact that the task design per-
processes information about multiple poten- mitted the use of an alternative strategy (more
tial actions. For example, the trajectory of a consistent with traditional models of process-
reaching movement to a target is influenced by ing) in which target locations are stored in a
the presence of distracters (Song & Nakayama general-purpose working memory buffer that
2008, Tipper et al. 2000, Welsh et al. 1999) is distinct from motor representations and only
Go signal
Color cue
Spatial cues Tim
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Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2010.33:269-298. Downloaded from
–10 0 +10
Ce s
lls 0m Activity
50 with respect to
Figure 2
Population activity in the dorsal premotor cortex during a reach-selection task. The 3D colored surface
depicts neural activity with respect to baseline, with cells sorted by their preferred direction along the
bottom edge. Diagrams on the left show the stimuli presented to the monkey at different points during the
trial (cross indicates the cursor). Note that during the period of ambiguity, even after stimuli vanished, the
population encodes two potential directions. Data from Cisek & Kalaska (2005).
converted to a motor plan after the decision time-locked to stimulus appearance, does not
is made. In contrast, we propose that multiple encode the stimuli themselves but rather the set
movement options are specified within the same of potential actions that are most strongly asso-
system that is used to prepare and guide the ex- ciated with those stimuli (Wise et al. 1996), such
ecution of the movement that is ultimately se- as actions with high stimulus-response com-
lected. The simultaneous specification of mul- patibility (Crammond & Kalaska 1994). This
tiple actions can even occur when only a single would imply that the functional role of this ac-
object is viewed. For example, the multiple af- tivity does not change in time from sensory to
fordances offered by a single object can evoke motor encoding but simply reflects the arrival
neural activity in the grasp-related area AIP that of selection influences from slower but more
can represent several potential grasps until one sophisticated mechanisms for deciding which
is instructed (Baumann et al. 2009), in agree- action is most appropriate.
ment with the predictions of theoretical models Recent computational models have pro-
(Fagg & Arbib 1998). posed that whenever multiple potential targets
Evidence that the nervous system can si- are available, representations of potential ac-
multaneously represent multiple potential ac- tions emerge within several frontoparietal neu-
tions suggests a straightforward interpretation ral populations, each composed of a continuum
of the finding, described above, that early re- of cells with different preferences for the po-
sponses in many premotor and parietal re- tential parameters of movement (Cisek 2006,
gions first appear to encode information about Erlhagen & Schöner 2002, Tipper et al. 2000).
relevant stimuli and later change to encode In each population, cells with similar prefer-
motor variables. Perhaps the early activity, ences mutually excite each other (even if they
are not physically adjacent), which leads to the sensory, motor, and cognitive in nature (Wise
activation of groups of cells with similar tun- et al. 1996). The case of area LIP is particularly
ing. At the same time, cells with different pref- instructive. If LIP is involved in the specifica-
erences inhibit each other, thus implementing tion of potential saccades, then its activity must
a competition between representations of ac- correlate with the location of possible saccade
tions that are mutually exclusive. Unlike classi- targets (Mazzoni et al. 1996, Snyder et al. 2000),
cal models of decisions, in which the different even when multiple potential saccades are pro-
choices are abstract and clearly distinct (e.g., cessed simultaneously (Platt & Glimcher 1997,
choosing between gambles A or B), models Powell & Goldberg 2000). At the same time,
in which decisions emerge within tuned pop- however, the ongoing selection of potential ac-
ulations suggest that the same mechanism— tions will modulate the strength of activities in
lateral inhibition—is responsible for defining LIP. Such modulation is influenced by target
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the choices as well as for implementing the salience (Colby & Goldberg 1999, Kusunoki
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2010.33:269-298. Downloaded from
competition between them. Importantly, they et al. 2000), reward size and selection proba-
suggest that decisions about actions emerge bility (Platt & Glimcher 1999, Yang & Shadlen
within the same populations of cells that de- 2007), and other decision variables (Dorris &
fine the physical properties of those actions and Glimcher 2004, Sugrue et al. 2004), as well as
guide their execution. prior information on the type of action to be
This proposal can account for phenomena performed (Calton et al. 2002, Cui & Andersen
that cannot be explained using models in which 2007). The progressive elimination of potential
the decision process occurs in an abstract space saccade targets along the dorsal stream also ex-
that is separate from a representation of the plains why the representation of visual space in
metrics of motor options. For example, al- LIP is so sparse (Gottlieb et al. 1998): Only the
though it is well-known that reaction time (RT) most promising and salient targets make it to
generally increases with the number of choices LIP.
presented to a subject, it is less widely recog- If the presence of salient targets can engage
nized that RT is also dependent upon the spa- the simultaneous specification of several poten-
tial separation of the response options (Bock & tial actions in a variety of frontoparietal systems,
Eversheim 2000). As another example, Ghez then this process is closely related to the con-
et al. (1997) showed that forced rapid choices cept of a salience map (Kusunoki et al. 2000,
between precued options are dependent on tar- Powell & Goldberg 2000). In particular, the
get separation. If cues are close together, sub- front end of a system for action selection should
jects initially move in between them (continu- enhance the most behaviorally salient informa-
ous mode) before deviating toward one or the tion in the environment to bias sensorimotor
other in mid-reach. If the cues are far apart, they systems toward the most behaviorally relevant
choose one at random and move to it directly potential actions. Thus, it will be action depen-
(discrete mode). To explain such results, mod- dent (Snyder et al. 2000) but still influenced by
els of decisions must capture how the choices the salience of stimuli, even while actions are
themselves are defined in physical space and instructed elsewhere (Kusunoki et al. 2000). In
how the similarity of potential actions influ- short, attention and intention may be different
ences their interactions (Cisek 2006, Erlhagen aspects of a common process that progressively
& Schöner 2002). This is straightforward if the narrows the set of potential actions that will
representations of choices exist within neural be processed further downstream. This agrees
populations that encode the physical parame- with the proposal (Allport 1987, Neumann
ters of the movements used to report the choice. 1990) that attention is a mechanism for early
From this perspective, it is not surprising action selection and not a solution to the
that neural activity in the frontal and parietal purely internal problem of a computational
cortex encodes information that appears to be bottleneck for processing sensory information
(Broadbent 1958), as is often assumed. Indeed, neural correlates of cognitive processes can be
models of action selection compatible with the seen throughout the brain during sensorimotor
kind of framework shown on Figure 1 (Cisek and decision tasks. When we look for the neural
2006, Erlhagen & Schöner 2002) are func- correlates of cognition, it does not appear as an
tionally equivalent to the biased competition independent module (Fodor 1983) that receives
model used to explain data on visual attention input from perceptual modules and sends goal
(Boynton 2005, Desimone & Duncan 1995, signals to motor centers. Instead, it appears as a
Treue 2001). In both cases, parallel representa- process that is closely integrated with action se-
tions of targets/actions compete through lateral lection, evaluation, and motor execution (Cisek
inhibition; and in both cases, they are biased by 2007, Glimcher 2003, Gold & Shadlen 2007,
top-down and or bottom-up influences. Heekeren et al. 2008, Hoshi & Tanji 2007,
The idea that decisions emerge within a Pesaran et al. 2008, Rizzolatti & Luppino 2001,
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yond strictly action-related decisions (Song & The recent evolution of primates is distin-
Nakayama 2009) and may provide insights into guished by advances in the ability to select ac-
mechanisms that have traditionally been stud- tions based on increasingly abstract and arbi-
ied using tasks in which subjects report choices trary criteria. This kind of selection may have
by pressing distinct keys on a keyboard. For been made possible by the dramatic elabora-
example, when subjects are asked to report on tion of the prefrontal cortex (Hauser 1999), es-
seemingly binary yes/no questions (such as, is pecially the granular frontal cortex, which does
the sky ever green?) by moving a cursor instead not appear to have a homolog in rodents (Wise
of just pressing one key or another, their move- 2008). These frontal regions are strongly im-
ment trajectories reveal a wealth of phenomena plicated in decision making and action selec-
that suggest the decision is represented in a con- tion (Fuster et al. 2000, Kim & Shadlen 1999,
tinuous space that spills into overt movement Miller 2000, Romo et al. 2004, Rowe et al. 2000,
(McKinstry et al. 2008). For example, features Tanji & Hoshi 2001). For example, neurons
of the trajectory such as its endpoint and peak in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)
velocity correlate with the subject’s confidence are sensitive to various combinations of stim-
about their choice. Even linguistic decisions, ulus features, and this sensitivity is always re-
such as those made while parsing an ambigu- lated to the particular demands of the task at
ous sentence, appear to occur in a continuous hand (Barraclough et al. 2004, Hoshi et al. 1998,
parameter space that can influence movement Kim & Shadlen 1999, Quintana & Fuster 1999,
trajectories (Farmer et al. 2007). These find- Rainer et al. 1998). For example, an experiment
ings are difficult to reconcile with the idea that on reach target selection (Hoshi et al. 2000)
cognition is separate from sensorimotor control found that when arbitrary iconic stimuli were
(Fodor 1983) but make good sense if the con- presented, activity in the DLPFC was sensitive
tinuous nature of the representations that un- to potentially relevant stimulus features, such
derlie the selection of actions has been retained as shape and location. After the presentation of
as selection systems evolved to implement in- a signal that indicated the correct selection rule
creasingly abstract decisions. (shape-match or location-match), rule-sensitive
neurons briefly became active, selecting out the
relevant memorized stimulus features needed
Action Selection Signals from to make the response choice. After this process
Prefrontal and Subcortical Sources was complete, the remaining activity reflected
From the perspective of the parallel architec- the intended movement choice. Prefrontal de-
ture reviewed here, there may be no single cen- cisions appear to evolve through the collection
tral executive module that guides decisions. As of votes for categorically selecting one choice
shown by many of the studies reviewed above, over others. For example, when monkeys were
trained to report perceptual discriminations us- estimate of the behavioral relevance of potential
ing saccades (Kim & Shadlen 1999), DLPFC actions in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
activity initially reflected the quality of evi- (VLPFC), which then projects to the DLPFC
Key stimulus: a
particular feature of dence in favor of a given target and later simply and premotor regions to influence action
the environment reflected the monkey’s choice. Similar effects selection.
which, when detected, have been reported in PMv and prefrontal cor- Because action selection is a fundamental
elicits a specific action tex during tactile vibration frequency discrimi- problem faced by even the most primitive ver-
nation tasks (Romo et al. 2004). tebrates, it likely involves structures that were
The information for visually-based action prominently developed long ago and have been
selection can also come from the ventral vi- conserved in evolution. The basal ganglia are
sual stream (Cisek 2007, Kalaska et al. 1998, promising candidates (Kalivas & Nakamura
Passingham & Toni 2001, Sakagami & Pan 1999, Mink 1996, Redgrave et al. 1999). The
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2007), where cells are sensitive to object identity basal ganglia may form a central locus in which
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2010.33:269-298. Downloaded from
(Pasupathy & Connor 2002, Sugase et al. 1999, excitation that arrives from different motor sys-
Tanaka et al. 1991) and modulated by attention tems competes, and a winning behavior is se-
(Treue 2001). The detection of stimulus fea- lected while others are inhibited through pro-
tures relevant for action selection is reminiscent jections back to the motor systems (Brown et al.
of what ethologists referred to as the detection 2004, Leblois et al. 2006, Mink 1996, Redgrave
of a key stimulus that releases specific behaviors et al. 1999). Afferents to the input nuclei of
(Ewert 1997, Tinbergen 1950). The detection the basal ganglia (the striatum and subthalamic
of key stimuli need not require full-fledged ob- nucleus) arrive from nearly the entire cerebral
ject recognition (and indeed may be its precur- cortex and from the limbic system, converge
sor) because often a fragment or specific feature onto the output nuclei (substantia nigra and
that has consistent meaning within an animal’s globus pallidus), and project through the tha-
niche is all that is necessary to elicit behavior. lamus back to the cerebral cortex. This cortico-
Therefore, the properties of ventral stream pro- striatal-pallido-thalamo-cortical loop is orga-
cessing may not have originally evolved for a nized into multiple parallel channels, which
role in pure perception, but may instead reveal run through specific motor regions as well as
its earlier and more fundamental role in collect- through regions implicated in higher cogni-
ing information useful for action selection. In- tive functions (Alexander & Crutcher 1990a,
deed, the distinction between pure vision-for- Middleton & Strick 2000). In agreement with
perception versus vision-for-action systems is the hypothesis of basal ganglia selection, cell ac-
difficult to make at the neuroanatomical level tivity in the input nuclei is related to movement
(Lebedev & Wise 2002). parameters (Alexander & Crutcher 1990a) but
Wallis (2007) reviews evidence that the is also influenced by the expectation of reward
motivational value of potential actions is com- (Schultz et al. 2000, Takikawa et al. 2002). Dur-
puted by the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), which ing learning of arbitrary visuomotor mappings,
integrates sensory and affective information to striatal activity evolves in concert with PMd ac-
estimate the value of a reward outcome. Single- tivity to indicate the selected movement (Buch
neuron studies have shown that the OFC repre- et al. 2006). The inactivation of cells in out-
sents the value of goods in a manner that is not put nuclei disrupts movement speed in a man-
dependent on their relative value with respect ner consistent with the proposal that the inhibi-
to other available choices (Padoa-Schioppa & tion of competing motor programs is disrupted
Assad 2008) but scales with the range of values (Wenger et al. 1999). Furthermore, the finding
in a given context (Padoa-Schioppa 2009). that the basal ganglia connect with prefrontal
Sakagami & Pan (2007) suggest that this infor- regions, in a manner similar to their connec-
mation is further integrated with sensory signals tions with premotor cortex, suggests that basal
from the ventral visual stream to provide an ganglia innervation of prefrontal regions also
mediates selection but on a more abstract level in a given trial usually does not determine the
(Hazy et al. 2007). This is also consistent with stimulus in the next trial. Of course, animals
motor and cognitive aspects of basal ganglia dis- are capable of dealing with this artificial sce-
eases (Mink 1996, Sawamoto et al. 2002). nario and able to learn which responses yield
the best rewards. The question addressed here
is the following: What would a parallel architec-
Parallel Operation ture such as that of Figure 1 predict about the
Continuous interactive behavior often does not time course of processing in such a situation?
allow one to stop to think or to collect infor- When the stimulus is first presented, we
mation to build a complete knowledge of one’s should expect an initial fast feedforward sweep
surroundings. The demands of survival in an of activity along the dorsal stream, crudely
ever-changing environment drove evolution to representing the potential actions that are
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endow animals with an architecture that allows most directly specified by the stimulus. Indeed,
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2010.33:269-298. Downloaded from
them to partially prepare several courses of ac- Schmolesky et al. (1998) showed that neural re-
tion simultaneously, so that alternatives can be sponses to simple visual flashes appear quickly
ready for release at short notice. Such an eco- throughout the dorsal visual system and engage
logical view of behavior suggests that the pro- putatively motor-related areas such as FEF in as
cesses of action selection and specification nor- little as 50 ms. This is significantly earlier than
mally occur simultaneously and continue even some visual areas such as V2 and V4. In general,
during the overt performance of movements, even within the visual system neural activation
which allows animals to switch to another op- does not appear to follow a serial sequence from
tion if they change their mind (Resulaj et al. early to late areas (Paradiso 2002). In a reaching
2009). That is, sensory information that ar- task, population activity in PMd responds to a
rives from the world is continuously used to learned visual cue within 50 ms of its appearance
specify several currently available potential ac- (Cisek & Kalaska 2005). Such fast responses are
tions, in parallel, while other kinds of informa- not purely visual because they reflect the con-
tion are collected to select the one that will text within which the stimulus is presented. For
be released into execution at a given moment example, they reflect whether the monkey ex-
(Cisek & Kalaska 2005, Glimcher 2003, Gold pects to see one or two stimuli (Cisek & Kalaska
& Shadlen 2007, Kalaska et al. 1998, Kim & 2005), reflect anticipatory biases or priors (Coe
Shadlen 1999, Shadlen et al. 2008). From this et al. 2002, Takikawa et al. 2002), and can be
perspective, behavior is viewed as a constant entirely absent if the monkey already knows
competition between internal representations what action to take and can ignore the stim-
of conflicting demands and opportunities. ulus altogether (Crammond & Kalaska 2000)
Suppose that an animal is endowed with this (Figure 3). In short, these phenomena are com-
kind of parallel architecture, adapted for con- patible with the notion of a fast dorsal specifi-
tinuous real-time interaction with a natural en- cation system that quickly uses novel visual in-
vironment. What would happen if we remove formation to specify the potential actions most
that animal from its natural environment and consistently associated with a given stimulus
place it in a neurophysiological laboratory? In (Gibson 1979, Milner & Goodale 1995).
this highly controlled and impoverished setting, After the initial options are quickly spec-
time is broken into discrete trials, each starting ified, slower selection processes should begin
with the presentation of a stimulus and ending to sculpt the neural activity patterns by intro-
with the production of a response (and if the re- ducing a variety of task-relevant biasing factors.
sponse is correct, a reward). Furthermore, un- Indeed, extrastriate visual areas MT and 7a re-
like in natural behavior, most features of the spond to a stimulus in approximately 50 ms but
sensory input are deliberately made indepen- begin to reflect the influence of attention in
dent from the animal’s actions—the response 100–120 ms (Constantinidis & Steinmetz 2001,
Figure 4
a (a) Anatomical
location of electrodes
N L measuring local-field
potentials. (b) Time
M D course of average
normalized event-
C related potentials from
the electrodes shown
in (a). (Solid line)
H Potentials during Go
Monkey brain trials. (Dashed line)
electrode locations Potentials during
Go trials NoGo trials. Gray-
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1 1
0 0
−1 −1.0 −1
Stim 100 200 300 Stim 100 200 300 Stim 100 200 300
Time (ms)
dividing behavior into a sequence of discrete experiments must be conducted in a careful and
and independent trials. During natural activity, quantitative manner to allow the interpretation
all of these events presumably occur continu- of resulting data. But how can one quantita-
ously. tively study natural behavior, which is inher-
These results are consistent with the hy- ently variable and unconstrained?
pothesis that decisions emerge through a dis- One approach is to continue as before.
tributed consensus achieved among recipro- There is no reason why data obtained in a
cally connected frontoparietal regions, each of classical laboratory setting cannot still be
which may contain representations of several interpreted in the broader context of natural
potential actions. This makes a further predic- behavior. For example, the study of Ledberg
tion: The precise order in which decisions ap- et al. (2007) on the timing of cortical processes
pear across the cerebral cortex will be highly was done with head-fixed animals that were
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task dependent (Cisek 2006). For example, if observing an impoverished stimulus and mak-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2010.33:269-298. Downloaded from
the factors that lead to a decision are bottom- ing a single Go/Nogo response, but its results
up visual features such as stimulus salience, then can still be used to gain valuable insights into
neural correlates of that decision should appear the organization of a flexible parallel system for
first in the parietal cortex and then in frontal interactive behavior. In fact, all of the studies
regions. In contrast, if the biasing factors re- discussed above are still relevant and amenable
quire the kinds of complex stimulus-rule con- to interpretation in terms of interactive be-
junctions that engage neurons in the prefrontal havior. However, we should not mistake our
cortex, then the decision should emerge first in experimental method for the outline of a theory.
frontal regions before propagating back to the Controlled laboratory experiments can also
parietal cortex. Recent studies have supported be designed to be inspired by natural behavior.
that prediction. For example, when monkeys For example, visual-search tasks capture many
perform pop-out visual search tasks, neural ac- aspects of natural foraging activity, which re-
tivity in LIP reflects the choice before FEF, but quires animals to discriminate food (targets)
if the task involves conjunction search then FEF within a cluttered environment (distracters).
reflects the choice before LIP (Buschman & Recent studies by Michael Dorris and col-
Miller 2007). Interestingly, during a Go/NoGo leagues take the analogy further, by presenting
task in which monkeys made decisions on the monkeys with a visual foraging task in which
basis of cognitive rules, activity that predicted they can explore their environment through un-
the response appeared in PMd even before the constrained saccades, making tradeoffs between
prefrontal cortex (PFC) (Wallis & Miller 2003). harvesting rewards by looking at one stimulus
It is as if, at least in that kind of task, a decision versus searching for better payoffs among other
may be influenced by noisy neural votes arriving stimuli (Kan & Dorris 2009).
from the PFC but is determined by a consensus Finally, technical and mathematical ad-
that is reached in a frontoparietal network that vances are starting to make it possible to study
includes the PMd (Pesaran et al. 2008). truly unconstrained behavior while still yield-
ing solid and interpretable data. For exam-
ple, d’Avella & Bizzi (2005) studied motor
FUTURE DIRECTIONS control in frogs by allowing them to freely
We conclude this article by returning to sev- move around their environment—swimming,
eral practical issues. If we hypothesize that jumping, and walking without constraints—
the functional architecture of the brain con- while EMG activity was chronically recorded
sists of simultaneous competing sensorimo- from 13 hindlimb muscles. Through a care-
tor control systems and distributed selection ful analysis of muscular patterns, they extracted
mechanisms—how should we proceed to study the motor synergies that appear to underlie
these processes? Clearly, neurophysiological these natural behaviors. A still more ambitious
approach is to implant wireless multielectrode of the contributors to these views. Our purpose
arrays in the brains of rats (Sodagar et al. 2007) here is to draw attention to how recent neuro-
or monkeys (Chestek et al. 2009) and record physiological experiments lend strong support
ensemble activity during free behavior. How- to these alternative ways of thinking about the
ever, unconstrained behavior requires novel brain.
ways of analyzing and thinking about our data. The proposals we review above address in-
In particular, we need methods that move away teractive sensorimotor behavior and are not
from the standard approach of averaging over meant to constitute a general theory of all
similar trials and toward analyzing behavior brain function. Clearly, tasks such as writing
and the neural firing patterns of many neu- an email or playing chess involve processes
rons during each individual action (Yu et al. that are far removed from simple sensorimo-
2009). tor control. Nevertheless, theories of embod-
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1. Brains evolved for sensorimotor control and retained much of that architecture—even
the neocortex is still part of that old circuit.
2. Natural interactive behavior requires sensorimotor control and selection systems to op-
erate continuously and in parallel.
3. Distinctions between perceptual, cognitive, and motor processes, although descriptively
useful, might not reflect the natural categories of the brain’s functional organization.
4. Decisions appear to be made through a distributed consensus that emerges in competitive
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5. Neurophysiological data may be more readily interpreted from the perspective of inter-
active behavior than from the perspective of serial information processing.
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2010.33:269-298. Downloaded from
1. What are possible experimental approaches for studying behavior without constraining
its interactive nature? Although some behavioral abilities are already studied in a relatively
natural setting (e.g., locomotion), other systems demand new technologies for wireless
multi-unit recording and new methods for analyzing data.
2. For a deeper understanding of the evolution of modern behavioral abilities, we would
like to reconstruct the sequence of phylogenetic elaborations of a given system along a
particular branch of the evolutionary tree. This calls for comparative neurophysiological
studies of a diverse set of related species. However, this poses a significant challenge,
not only because homologies are difficult to establish but also because practical matters
motivate scientists to study particular species whose brains are already well mapped (e.g.,
rats, cats, and macaques).
3. From a theoretical standpoint, we need models that explain how sensorimotor control
systems could have become elaborated to implement more sophisticated behavior. For
example, if action selection takes place within a space defined by movement parameters
(e.g., reach direction), what are the parameter spaces in which high-level decisions are
made? Do these high-level spaces maintain topology, similar to the somatotopy and
spatial maps useful for action selection?
4. How can an advanced agent discover the high-level opportunities afforded within its
behavioral niche and link them with long-term goals?
The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
This article is dedicated to Steve Wise, a friend and colleague whose work has had a major
influence on our thinking about the brain. We thank Ignasi Cos, Trevor Drew, Andrea Green,
and Christopher Pack for their comments and their contributions to the development of the
ideas described in this paper. We apologize in advance to all of the investigators whose relevant
research could not be cited owing to space limitations. Our research is supported by grants from
the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec, the
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the National Institutes of Health,
the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, and the EJLB Foundation.
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