Prefrontal Contributions To Visual Selective Attention
Prefrontal Contributions To Visual Selective Attention
Prefrontal Contributions To Visual Selective Attention
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Visual Selective Attention
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• Top cited articles Ryan F. Squire,1 Behrad Noudoost,1
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NE36CH20-Moore ARI 12 June 2013 12:52
V2 MT 8r
new insights into what is likely a fundamental ps
contribution of PFC to visual attention. 45A
The PFC consists of a multitude of frontal
V1 lu
u as
cortical areas anterior to primary and asso-
ciation motor cortices, and it has long been st
t ls
implicated in high-level cognitive functions. ios
In humans, the PFC occupies a much larger TEO
proportion of the cerebral cortex than in other Posterior TE
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Wurtz & Goldberg (1972a,b) observed that et al. 1985). Subthreshold FEF stimulation, i.e.,
the neuronal responses elicited by visual stim- stimulation with currents below that required to
uli were enhanced when monkeys used those evoke a saccade, nonetheless increases the like-
stimuli as the targets of saccades. Similar effects lihood that an animal will subsequently initiate
were observed subsequently within the FEF the saccade represented by neurons at the stim-
(Goldberg & Bushnell 1981) and within ulation site. That is, subthreshold FEF stim-
the posterior parietal cortex (Mountcastle ulation can bias saccade planning (Schiller &
et al. 1975). Later studies demonstrated that Tehovnik 2001). The dynamics of FEF spiking
the presaccadic visual enhancement is also responses recorded during saccade tasks reveal
observed within the posterior visual cortex, a continuum of visual and movement functions
specifically in area V4 (Fischer & Boch 1981), among neurons within the FEF. Some neurons
and the inferior temporal cortex (Chelazzi et al. exhibit purely visual activity in response to
1993). These neurophysiological observations the onset of a stimulus (visual neurons), and
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appear consistent with the long-appreciated others respond exclusively before a saccade
relationship between visual spatial attention is initiated (movement neurons), although
and gaze control. Gaze shifts, which are most most FEF neurons (visuomovement neurons)
often achieved by saccades, appear to occur in exhibit a combination of visual and movement
conjunction with shifts of visual attention, as properties (Bruce & Goldberg 1985, Sommer
shown by the decrement in target-detection & Wurtz 2000). The aforementioned finding
thresholds observed near the end points of of attentional modulation among FEF neurons
upcoming saccades (Hoffman & Subramaniam includes the observation that only visual and
1995, Peterson et al. 2004). In the 1980s, visuomovement neurons, and not movement
Rizzolatti and colleagues proposed a “premo- neurons, are modulated during covert atten-
tor theory of attention,” which hypothesized tion (Thompson et al. 2005, Gregoriou et al.
that the mechanisms responsible for spatial 2012).
attention and the mechanisms involved in Prompted by the psychophysical evidence of
programming saccades are the same, but that a link between saccades and attention, Moore
in the covert case “the eyes are blocked at and Fallah (Moore & Fallah 2001, Moore &
a certain peripheral stage” (Rizzolatti et al. Fallah 2004) examined whether manipulating
1987, p. 37). Subsequent studies demonstrated neural activity within the FEF could affect the
that visual detection and discrimination are in deployment of spatial attention. The authors
fact facilitated at the end points of saccades, stimulated FEF sites using subthreshold cur-
even when subjects are instructed to attend rents while monkeys monitored a target stimu-
elsewhere (Shepherd et al. 1986, Hoffman lus among distracters for a small change in lu-
& Subramaniam 1995, Deubel & Schneider minance. On trials in which microstimulation
1996). These results led to the hypothesis that occurred, monkeys were able to detect smaller
the selection of objects for perceptual process- luminance changes than they could on control
ing and the preparation of appropriate motor trials. This effect was spatially and temporally
responses are controlled by a common mech- specific: An increase in sensitivity was observed
anism. Later neurophysiological experiments only if the target location matched the end
provided crucial tests of that hypothesis. point of saccades evoked from the microstimu-
The FEF provides an interface between lation site, and the effect was strongest when on-
the saccadic system, the representation of set of microstimulation immediately preceded,
visual stimuli within posterior cortices, and the and temporally overlapped, the luminance
executive control functions of PFC. The FEF change. Moreover, the magnitude of the change
is the region from which contraversive saccadic in sensitivity produced by microstimulation
eye movements can be elicited with electrical was comparable to removing the distracters
stimulation (Robinson & Fuchs 1969, Bruce altogether.
of the V4 neuron and end point of saccades et al. 2011 for review). Thus, the possibility
evoked from the microstimulation site. The remains that neurons antidromically activated
enhancement also depended on the placement by stimulation, for example those within pari-
of the visual stimulus precisely at the end point etal area LIP (lateral intraparietal) (Bisley &
of evoked saccades and not merely anywhere Goldberg 2010), are in fact those directly
within the larger V4 receptive field (Armstrong responsible for producing the observed
et al. 2006). In addition, the microstimulation- modulation. In addition, the more recent
driven enhancement was larger for the V4 observation of an increased coupling of spiking
neuron’s preferred stimulus than for a non- and gamma-band local field activity between
preferred stimulus, resulting in an increase in the FEF and V4 during attention (Gregoriou
the ability of a V4 cell to discriminate between et al. 2009) has been interpreted by some as
preferred and nonpreferred stimuli (Armstrong evidence of a direct effect of FEF neurons on
& Moore 2007). Placing both a preferred and V4 (e.g., Anderson et al. 2011). Moreover,
nonpreferred stimulus within a V4 neuron’s a Granger causality analysis of the direction
RF produces a response that is intermediate of gamma-band local field potential increases
in magnitude between its responses to either suggests an early causal influence of the FEF
stimulus alone (Reynolds et al. 1999). The on V4 and a later causal influence of the latter
responses of V4 neurons to such competing RF on the former (Gregoriou et al. 2009). Though
stimuli could be biased toward one stimulus elegant, these results, like the stimulation
or the other with FEF microstimulation, results, leave open the possibility that neurons
depending on which stimulus was aligned with within one or more other structures not being
the stimulated FEF vector. This effect mirrors studied are in fact the ones driving modulation
the known influence of voluntary attention within both V4 and the FEF. Resolving the
on the responses of visual cortical neurons to question of a direct influence of FEF neurons
competing RF stimuli (Moran & Desimone on visual cortical modulation instead requires
1985, Reynolds et al. 1999). A subsequent study testing whether changes in FEF neuronal
by Ekstrom et al. 2009 examined the influence activity are sufficient to bring about that
of FEF microstimulation on visual cortical modulation. Such a test was recently carried
activity using functional magnetic resonance out by Noudoost & Moore (2011a).
imaging (fMRI), thus allowing them to see Experimental and clinical evidence suggests
effects in all visual areas. They observed mod- that dopamine (DA) within the PFC plays an
ulations in visually driven BOLD responses important role in cognitive functions, includ-
throughout the visual cortex, including V1, ing attention (Ernst et al. 1998, Castellanos
and found that the impact of microstimulation & Tannock 2002, Robbins & Arnsten 2009).
depended on the presence of distracters. Noudoost & Moore (2011a) exploited this
evidence and hypothesized that perhaps neuron activity are rather complex, evidence
DAergic activity within the FEF mediates the from a variety of experimental approaches
apparent influence that FEF neurons have on suggests that when acting via D1Rs, DA can
signals within the visual cortex. They reasoned alter the strength and reliability of converging
that if DA plays a role in visual attention, then excitatory (glutamatergic) synapses (Gao et al.
changes in DAergic activity within the FEF 2001). This property suggests a means by
should in some way alter signals within the which D1Rs could mediate the selection and
visual cortex. DAergic innervation of the PFC maintenance of particular FEF signals and the
originates from neurons within the ventral influence of those signals on other areas.
midbrain, including those within the ventral To address the direct role of FEF neuronal
tegmental area (VTA) (Björklund & Dunnett activity in the modulation of visual cortical
2007). Compared with other subtypes, D1 signals as well as the role of DA in medi-
receptors (D1Rs) are more abundant in the ating that modulation, Noudoost & Moore
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PFC and are believed to play a more prominent (2011a) studied the impact of manipulating
role in regulating cognitive functions (Lidow D1R-mediated activity within the FEF on the
et al. 1991, Goldman-Rakic et al. 1992, Santana visual responses of extrastriate area V4 neurons
et al. 2009). Although the effects of DA on PFC (Figure 2a). Manipulation of D1R-mediated
a b Choice
c Fixation
onset Δt
Fixation V4 RF
Before After
Proportion of RF choices
D1R antagonist
0 0
–40 40 120 200 280 0 0.5 1.0
RF later RF earlier Time from stimulus onset (s)
Target onset asynchrony (ms)
Figure 2
Dopamine-mediated frontal eye field (FEF) control of saccadic target selection and visual cortical responses. (a) Local manipulation of
D1 receptor (D1R)-mediated activity within the FEF during single-neuron electrophysiology in area V4. Lateral view of the macaque
brain depicts the location of a recording microinjectrode within the FEF and of recording sites within area V4. (b) A free-choice saccade
task was used to measure the monkey’s tendency to make saccades to targets within the part of visual space represented by neurons at
the drug infusion site (FEF RF) versus targets at a location in the opposite hemifield. In the task, the two targets appeared at varying
temporal onset asynchronies (t). The receptive field (RF) target appeared either earlier or later than the target outside the RF. The
monkey’s bias toward either target was measured as the asynchrony at which targets were chosen with equal probability (dotted arrows in
bottom plot). Following a local infusion of a D1R antagonist into the FEF, there was a leftward shift in the psychometric curve ( gold ),
indicating an increase in the tendency to make saccades to targets within the FEF RF. (c) Visual responses of a V4 neuron with an RF
within the FEF RF; responses were measured during passive fixation. The plot shows mean visual responses over time to oriented bar
stimuli presented at the preferred (solid lines) or nonpreferred (dotted lines) orientation both before (blue) and after (red ) the FEF D1R
manipulation. Adapted from Noudoost & Moore 2011a.
FEF activity was achieved via small (a microliter In addition, the above effects show that DA,
or less) injections of the selective D1 antagonist acting via D1Rs, is involved in the FEF’s in-
SCH23390 into sites within the FEF. The fluence on visual cortical signals as well as its
authors then measured the spiking responses of influence on saccadic preparation. Because a
area V4 neurons that had RFs within the part of wealth of evidence implicates D1Rs in the neu-
space affected by the D1R manipulation. Thus, ral mechanisms of spatial working memory,
measurements of visually driven V4 activity specifically in regulating the persistent activ-
could be made before and after manipulating ity of neurons within the dlPFC (Williams &
the D1R-mediated activity of FEF neurons Goldman-Rakic 1995), the above results sug-
projecting to the recorded V4 neurons. In gest that D1Rs are part of a common mech-
addition, given the evidence mentioned above anism underlying spatial attention and spatial
that attentional deployment tends to coincide working memory (Noudoost & Moore 2011b).
with the preparation of saccades, the authors Like dlPFC neurons, FEF neurons also exhibit
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also measured the effects of the D1R manipula- persistent, delay-period activity, even in tasks
tion on the selection of visual stimuli as targets not involving saccades (Armstrong et al. 2009)
for saccades (Figure 2b). They observed that (Figure 3). Persistent activity within the PFC
visual stimuli presented within the part of is thought to be generated by recurrent gluta-
space affected by the D1R manipulation were matergic connections between prefrontal pyra-
consistently more likely to be selected as midal neurons (Gao et al. 2001, Seamans &
saccadic targets compared with control trials. Yang 2004). DAergic modulation of persistent
Thus, the manipulation increased saccadic activity within the PFC appears to be achieved
target selection. Most importantly, within area by the influence of D1Rs on these recurrent
V4, the authors observed that responses to connections. The above results suggest a model
visual stimuli were altered in three important in which D1Rs contribute to signatures of at-
ways. First, the manipulation produced an tention within the visual cortex by a mechanism
enhancement in the magnitude of responses to similar to their influence on persistent activity,
visual stimulation (Figure 2c). Second, visual namely by modulating long-range, recurrent
responses became more stimulus selective. connections between the FEF and the visual
Third, visual responses became less variable cortex (Figure 4). Consistent with this idea is
across trials. Notably, all three of the observed the finding that FEF neurons exhibiting persis-
changes in V4 visual activity are known effects tent activity tend to exhibit greater attentional
of visual attention (Motter 1993, McAdams & modulation than do those without (Armstrong
Maunsell 1999, Mitchell et al. 2007). Moreover, et al. 2009). In the model, attention (and/or sac-
the magnitude of the observed modulation was cadic preparation) is directed toward particu-
nearly equal to that seen in attention studies. lar locations according to the pattern of activity
Thus, manipulation of D1R-mediated FEF across the map of visual space within the FEF,
activity not only increased saccadic target similar to what Bisley & Goldberg (2010) pro-
selection within the corresponding part of posed for parietal area LIP. Cortical columns
space but also increased the magnitude, selec- with greater activity would then correspond
tivity, and reliability of V4 visual responses. In to locations of greater attentional deployment
essence, the manipulation effectively elicited (and/or saccadic preparation) and consequently
correlates of covert attention within the ex- higher gain of spatially overlapping visual corti-
trastriate cortex in the absence of a behavioral cal signals, compared with nonoverlapping sig-
task. nals. A possible role of DA would be to control
The effects of the FEF D1R manipulation the extent of the FEF gain modulation, effec-
on V4 neurons show that changes to FEF neu- tively setting the breadth of the so-called at-
ronal activity are sufficient to exert a long-range tentional window. Thus, optimum DA levels
influence on signals within the visual cortex. would translate into larger differences between
+ + D1Rs
+ +
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Figure 4
Possible influence of D1 receptors (D1Rs) on recurrent networks within the frontal eye field (FEF) and
between the FEF and V4. The diagram depicts two adjacent FEF or V4 columns representing different, but
adjacent, locations in saccadic or visual space, respectively. The columns are assumed to interact
competitively (black inhibitory neurons). Positive arrows between FEF neurons within the same column depict
the recurrent excitatory connections thought to underlie the persistence of spatial signals during
remembered saccades or locations. Recurrent activity between the FEF and V4 is proposed to underlie the
influence of FEF on the gain of visual inputs within V4. Diffuse dopaminergic input from the ventral
tegmental area (VTA) (input at right) to the FEF (all columns) may modulate recurrence both within the FEF
and between FEF and V4 through D1Rs and may influence competition between spatial representations. For
example, increases in recurrence in a particular column while remembering or attending to a corresponding
location (dotted rectangle, thicker arrows at left) may be modulated by dopamine levels. Biases in competitive
interactions between columns within the visual cortex can also be achieved by experimental manipulation of
D1R-mediated FEF activity. Also shown are the projections from infragranular FEF neurons to the superior
colliculus (SC). Red circles represent D1Rs, and blue circles indicate D2Rs. Note the localization of D2Rs
primarily in infragranular, SC-projecting, layers, which is consistent both with anatomical evidence and with
the observation that changes in D2R-mediated FEF activity affect only saccadic target selection and not
visual cortical activity. Adapted from Noudoost & Moore 2011b.
b 0m
1 ,50
400 ms
FEF response field
Number of experiments
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20 1.0 30
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2013.36:451-466. Downloaded from
% RF misses
Number of
15 10 0.5
10 0 0
5 10
5 −0.5
0 0 −1.0 30
−0.3 −0.1 0 0.1 0.3 Up Down −200 0 200 400 −1 0 1
Control index Voluntary control Time from array Regression
condition onset (ms) coefficients
Figure 5
Operant control of frontal eye field (FEF) neurons and its effects on selective attention measured behaviorally and
neurophysiologically. (a) In the operant control task, the monkey fixated a central spot on an otherwise blank video display and was
rewarded for increasing or decreasing the firing rate of FEF neurons. The dotted circle shows the FEF receptive field (RF). Speaker
icon and musical notes depict auditory feedback of FEF neuronal activity (spike train) during a sliding 500-ms window ( gray rectangle).
Bottom plot shows a histogram of operant control indices across a population of FEF neurons. The control index measures the change
in FEF firing rate in the rewarded direction (UP or DOWN); positive values denote correct control. The light gray histogram shows all
experiments, the purple histogram shows experiments with individually significant positive control, and the dark gray histogram shows
experiments with significant negative control. (b) Behavioral and neurophysiological consequences of operant FEF control. (Top)
Visual-search probe trials, in which a search array appeared, the auditory feedback ceased (red “X” on speaker icon), and the monkey was
rewarded (blue droplet) for directing a saccade toward an oriented bar target. (Bottom left) Mean proportion of target misses opposite the
RF was increased during DOWN operant control of FEF activity in both monkeys (square and triangle symbols). (Bottom middle) Target
discrimination by FEF neurons was increased during upward (red ) operant control relative to downward (blue). (Bottom right)
Correlation of spontaneous activity with FEF responses to the target array. The direction of operant control determined the sign of the
relationship between baseline and target-driven FEF activity. Adapted from Schafer & Moore (2011).
however, show that changes in endogenously techniques to examine the impact of voluntary
generated neuronal activity in the absence of control of FEF activity on visually driven be-
an explicit task are sufficient to bring about that havior. Monkeys were given real-time auditory
deployment. Schafer & Moore (2011) tested feedback based on the firing rate of FEF activity
the hypothesis that behaviorally conditioned, and rewarded for either increasing or decreas-
voluntary changes in FEF neuronal activity ing that activity (in alternating UP and DOWN
are sufficient to bring about the deployment of blocks of trials), while maintaining central fix-
visual attention. The authors took advantage ation on a blank visual display (Figure 5a). In
of the evidence from previous studies that each behavioral trial that lasted several seconds,
demonstrated humans’ and monkeys’ ability to monkeys were rewarded every time neuronal
manipulate activity voluntarily within motor- activity measured within a moving time
related brain structures, even in the absence of window exceeded (for UP trials) or dropped
movement (Fetz & Finocchio 1975). Schafer below (for DOWN trials) an arbitrary spike
& Moore (2011) used similar operant training rate threshold. Reward therefore depended
were just as likely to be operantly controlled a negative correlation during DOWN trials.
as neurons with little or no visual activity but Thus, the direction of operant control seemed
with a great amount of saccade-related activity. to determine the nature of the relationship
Third, the authors observed significantly between spontaneous and target-driven neural
greater power in the gamma band of FEF local activity. Taken together, the above results
field potentials (LFPs). Fourth, and perhaps show that endogenous, voluntary changes in
most importantly, the authors probed the be- FEF neural activity are sufficient to bring about
havioral and neurophysiological consequences both the behavioral and the neurophysiological
of operant control of FEF activity. They effects of visual attention and that explicit
introduced probe trials in which the monkey learning of an attention task is not required.
performed a visual search task while exerting
operant control over FEF activity. Partway
through randomly chosen trials, the auditory USING LOSS OF FUNCTION TO
feedback would cease and a search array IDENTIFY SOURCES OF
appeared on the screen consisting of different ATTENTIONAL CONTROL
shapes of equal area. The monkey was then Understanding what controls a particular
rewarded for making a saccade to the oriented behavior ultimately requires demonstrating a
bar (the target) or withholding a saccade if specific loss in that behavior when the suspected
the search target was absent from the array underlying mechanism is damaged. But what
(Figure 5b). Saccades to other shapes were constitutes a loss of attention? Researchers
counted as incorrect and were not rewarded. have proposed a number of recent models to
The authors reasoned that if the monkeys’ account for the effects of attention on visual
strategy for altering FEF firing rates was one of signals (Desimone & Duncan 1995, Reynolds
general vigilance or arousal, any effects of UP et al. 2000, Reynolds & Heeger 2009, Lee &
versus DOWN modulation on behavior should Maunsell 2010). These models provide a useful
generalize across target locations. Instead, they framework for understanding the interaction
found behavioral effects of operant control of attentional control with the encoding of
that were limited to trials in which the target visual information, thus potentially allowing
appeared in the RF. Specifically, when the one to distinguish between deficits in either
target appeared in the RF, monkeys were less process. Attention is generally thought to affect
likely to detect the target (i.e., they had more the competitive interactions inherent in visual
misses) on the DOWN trials than they were on processing. For example, although a represen-
the UP trials. Unlike the effects on search per- tation with larger stimulus drive will tend to
formance, however, neither saccade probability exert greater suppression on its competitors
nor saccade metrics were affected by operant than one with lower stimulus drive, attention
Figure 6
Distracter-dependent deficits from a loss of visual inputs in a normalization model of attention. (Top, left to
right) Schematic representations of a visual display with a target stimulus (Gabor grating) in isolation or with
one, two, or three distracters. In each display, the gray dot depicts the point of fixation during a covert
attention task. The dotted green line depicts the region of space affected by the lesion (the scotoma), the
attended location, and the receptive field of the simulated neuron. Both the location of attention and the
target stimulus are constant across the different distracter conditions, and the distracters have the same
contrast as the target. (Bottom) Responses of a simulated neuron as a function of the number of distracters in
the display. Without a lesion (blue and red solid lines), the responses remain nearly constant across the number
of distracters. With a visual lesion (dotted lines), which weakens the stimulus drive while leaving the attention
gain intact, responses become compromised as more distracters are added to the display. The distracter-
dependent deficits are less severe for high-contrast stimuli (red lines) than for near threshold, low-contrast
stimuli (blue lines). Model: The set of Matlab routines provided by the normalization model of attention
(NMA) (Reynolds & Heeger 2009) was used to implement the present simulation. In the NMA, stimulus-
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driven inputs (stimulus drive) are multiplied by an attention gain signal (attention field), after which
competitive interactions between all units reciprocally inhibit one another as a function of their activities
(normalization) to yield the responses of the neurons in the model. Here, four significant additions were
made. First, the script for figure3F.m (Reynolds & Heeger 2009) was augmented to simulate multiple
distracters. Second, for more control over the spread and magnitude of the inhibition underlying the
competitive interactions between neurons (i.e., normalization), an additional variable, IxKernelHeight, was
added. IxKernelHeight allowed the user, along with the preexisting variable IxWidth, to independently
control the height and width of the Gaussian inhibition kernel, respectively. Third, to simulate a lesion in
the stimulus drive, independent of the attention gain, the stimulus drive was multiplied by a lesion matrix
before any other computations were performed. This produced a lesioned stimulus drive matrix that the
model used in place of the original stimulus drive. The lesion matrix consisted of values ranging between 0
and 1, and it can be visualized as an inverted Gaussian (specified by the variables lesionWidth and lesionDepth)
centered on the spatial center of the lesion. Multiplying the lesion matrix with the stimulus drive to create
the lesioned stimulus drive is equivalent to a gain down-modulation of the original stimulus drive. Fourth, to
simulate model neurons with saturating responses, final responses in the present simulation were computed
by passing the output of the NMA through a simple sigmoidal function: Final Response = 1/(1 +
e(β (H−x)) ), where e is the natural number, β modifies the slope of the sigmoid, H is equal to the half-max
value of the sigmoid, and x is equal to the output of the NMA. Parameters: Apeak = 2; AxWidth = 7; β =
0.75; H = 7; IxKernelHeight = 0.0175; IxWidth = 100; lesionWidth = 7; lesionDepth = 0.5; stimWidth = 7.
and neural computations that confer a nervous separate from processing itself, appear to be
system with the unique capacity to distinguish what most specifically defines attention. We
a target from distracters will need to determine therefore suggest that the loss of function one
more definitively when a behavioral phenotype should expect when attentional mechanisms
reflects a loss in that capacity rather than a are absent is a loss of such benefits rather
loss in some other function. In this review of than a deficit in sensory processing per se. We
recent evidence for the PFC’s contribution to assume that independent of the absolute level
visual attention, we have highlighted studies of perceptual performance, or even the degree
that demonstrate experimentally produced of distracter dependency, a loss of attentional
benefits in visual processing, either by neurons control should result in performance that
(Noudoost & Moore 2011a, Schafer & Moore cannot be improved by attentional cues. Re-
2011) or in behavioral performance (Schafer markably, most, if not all, of the experimental
& Moore 2011). Such benefits in processing, literature is devoid of such results.
The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
This work was supported by NIH EY014924. The authors thank J.H. Reynolds, for discussion and
comments on our use of the normalization model, and members of the Moore lab, for insightful
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