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Memory Amnesia Squire Wixted AnnRevNeuro

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REVIEWS Further The Cognitive Neuroscience
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Since H.M.
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Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

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Larry R. Squire1,2,3,4 and John T. Wixted4
Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, San Diego, California 92161
Department of Psychiatry, 3 Department of Neurosciences, and 4 Department of
Psychology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093;
email: lsquire@ucsd.edu, jwixted@ucsd.edu

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011. 34:259–88 Keywords

First published online as a Review in Advance on medial temporal lobe, hippocampus, neocortex, anterograde amnesia,
March 29, 2011
retrograde amnesia
The Annual Review of Neuroscience is online at
This article’s doi:
Work with patient H.M., beginning in the 1950s, established key prin-
ciples about the organization of memory that inspired decades of experi-
Copyright  c 2011 by Annual Reviews.
All rights reserved
mental work. Since H.M., the study of human memory and its disorders
has continued to yield new insights and to improve understanding of
the structure and organization of memory. Here we review this work
with emphasis on the neuroanatomy of medial temporal lobe and dien-
cephalic structures important for memory, multiple memory systems,
visual perception, immediate memory, memory consolidation, the locus
of long-term memory storage, the concepts of recollection and famil-
iarity, and the question of how different medial temporal lobe structures
may contribute differently to memory functions.

NE34CH12-Squire ARI 13 May 2011 12:29

of memory are not fixed and were not easily es-

Contents tablished. Even the question of which cognitive
operations reflect memory and which depend
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
on other faculties has a long history of empiri-
ANATOMY OF MEMORY . . . . . . . . . . 261
cal work and discussion.
One needs only to sample nineteenth-
century writings to recognize how differently
FINDINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
memory was viewed then and now. For
example, in his classic treatment of memory
VISUAL PERCEPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
disorders, Ribot (1881) considered amnesias
due to neurological injury together with
WORKING MEMORY . . . . . . . . . . . 268
amnesias due to psychological trauma. And
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he viewed aphasia and agnosia as disorders

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

of memory, wherein (in aphasia, for example)

patients have lost their memory for words or
Achromatopsia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
memory for the movements needed to produce
Prosopagnosia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
words. Today, aphasia is considered a deficit
Amusia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
of language, and agnosia a deficit of visual
Knowledge Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
perception. Memory is affected but only as part
of a more fundamental defect in a specific kind
FAMILIARITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
of information processing.
Recall versus Recognition . . . . . . . . . . 278
The notion that the study of brain injury can
Remember/Know Procedure . . . . . . . 279
elucidate the organization of memory was itself
Analysis of the Receiver Operating
a matter for empirical inquiry. If brain regions
Characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
were highly interconnected, and the brain’s
Newer (Model-Free) Methods . . . . . . 281
functions distributed and integrated one with
another, then damage to any one area would
MULTIPLE METHODS . . . . . . . . . 281
produce a global impairment, blurred across
CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
multiple faculties and affecting all of mental life.
But the fact of the matter is different. The brain
is highly specialized and modular, with differ-
ent regions dedicated to specific operations. As
INTRODUCTION a result, localized damage can produce strik-
In the earliest systematic writings about human ingly specific effects, including a selective and
memory, it was already appreciated that the circumscribed impairment of memory.
study of memory impairment can provide valu- The idea that functions of the nervous sys-
able insights into the structure and organiza- tem can be localized was already well accepted
tion of normal function (Ribot 1881, Winslow by the end of the nineteenth century. This lo-
1861). This tradition of research has contin- calizationist view had its roots in the writings
ued to prove fruitful and has yielded a broad of Gall (1825) and was supported by the exper-
range of fundamental information about the imental work of Broca (1861), Ferrier (1876),
structure and organization of memory. What Fritsch & Hitzig (1870), and others (see Finger
is memory? Is it one thing or many? What are 1994). Yet, these ideas centered mainly around
the concepts and categories that guide our cur- sensory functions, motor control, and language
rent understanding of how memory works and and did not usefully address the topic of mem-
that underlie the classification of its disorders? ory. Then, in the early twentieth century, an
It is sometimes not appreciated that the con- influential program of experimental work in ro-
cepts and categories used in current discussions dents investigated directly the localization of

260 Squire · Wixted

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memory with the conclusion that memory is cent parahippocampal gyrus. Which structures
distributed throughout the cortex and that the within H.M.’s lesion are important for memory
contribution to memory is equivalent across re- became understood only gradually during the
gions (Lashley 1929). This idea was strongly 1980s following the successful development of
challenged (Hebb 1949, Hunter 1930) by the an animal model of human amnesia in the non-
alternative, and more modern, interpretation human primate (Mishkin 1978). Cumulative
that memory storage is indeed distributed but studies in the monkey (Murray 1992, Squire &
that different areas store different features of the Zola-Morgan 1991, Zola-Morgan et al. 1994)
whole. Still, as the midpoint of the twentieth considerably clarified this issue. The impor-
century approached, memory functions, while tant structures proved to be the hippocam-
distributed, were thought to be well integrated pus and the adjacent entorhinal, perirhinal,
with perceptual and intellectual functions, and and parahippocampal cortices, which make up
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no region of the brain was believed to be dis- much of the parahippocampal gyrus (Figure 2).
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

proportionately dedicated to memory. All that One particularly instructive case of human
was about to change. memory impairment became available during
In 1957, Brenda Milner reported the this same time period (Zola-Morgan et al.
profound effect on memory of bilateral medial 1986). R.B. developed a moderately severe,
temporal lobe resection, carried out to relieve enduring impairment following an ischemic
epilepsy in a patient who became known as episode in 1978. During the five years until his
H.M. (1926–2008) (Scoville & Milner 1957, death, his memory deficit was well documented
Squire 2009) (Figure 1). Remarkably, H.M. with formal tests. Detailed histological exami-
exhibited profound forgetfulness but in the nation of his brain revealed a circumscribed bi-
absence of any general intellectual loss or lateral lesion involving the entire CA1 field of
perceptual disorders. He could not form new the hippocampus. Note that a lesion confined
memories (anterograde amnesia) and also to the CA1 field must substantially disrupt hip-
could not access some memories acquired pocampal function because the CA1 field is a
before his surgery (retrograde amnesia). His bottleneck in the unidirectional chain of pro-
impairment extended to both verbal and non- cessing that begins at the dentate gyrus and ends
verbal material, and it involved information in the subiculum and entorhinal cortex. R.B.
acquired through all sensory modalities. These was the first case of memory impairment fol-
findings established the fundamental principle lowing a lesion limited to the hippocampus that
that memory is a distinct cerebral function, was supported by extensive neuropsychological
separable from other perceptual and cognitive testing as well as neuropathological analysis.
abilities, and also identified the medial aspect The findings from R.B., considered together
of the temporal lobe as important for memory. with the much more severe impairment in
The early descriptions of H.M. can be said to H.M., made two useful points. First, damage to
have inaugurated the modern era of memory re- the hippocampus itself is sufficient to produce
search, and the findings from H.M. enormously a clinically significant and readily detectable
influenced the direction of subsequent work. memory impairment. Second, additional dam-
age to the adjacent cortical regions along the
parahippocampal gyrus (as in H.M.) greatly ex-
ANATOMY OF MEMORY acerbates the memory impairment. These same
The work with H.M. is sometimes cited incor- conclusions about the neuroanatomy of mod-
rectly as evidence of the importance of the hip- est and severe memory impairment were also
pocampus for memory, but this particular point established in the monkey (Zola-Morgan et al.
could not of course be established by a large le- 1994).
sion that included not only the hippocampus Another case was subsequently described
but also the amygdala together with the adja- (patient G.D.) with a histologically confirmed

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bilateral lesion confined to the CA1 field and somewhat more severe memory impairment
with a memory impairment very similar to R.B. than did R.B. and G.D., but the impairment was
(Rempel-Clower et al. 1996). Two other pa- still moderate in comparison to H.M. (Rempel-
tients were also of interest. L.M. and W.H. had Clower et al. 1996). Histological examination

Patient H.M. Healthy 66-year-old male

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PR Perirhinal cortex MMN Medial mammillary nuclei A Amygdaloid complex

EC Entorhinal cortex V Lateral ventricle H Hippocampal region
cs Collateral sulcus

262 Squire · Wixted

NE34CH12-Squire ARI 13 May 2011 12:29

revealed extensive bilateral lesions of the hip- who have sustained an anoxic episode. Across
pocampal region, involving all the CA fields and a number of reports, hippocampal volume (or
the dentate gyrus. There was also some cell loss area in the coronal plane) is typically reduced by
in entorhinal cortex and, for W.H., cell loss in ∼40% [41%, n = 10 (Isaacs et al. 2003); 44%,
the subiculum, as well. The more severe mem- n = 5 (Shrager et al. 2008); 43%, n = 4 (Squire
ory impairment in these two cases, in compar- et al. 1990); 45%, n = 1 (Cipolotti et al. 2001);
ison to R.B. and G.D., could be due to the ad- 46%, n = 1 (Mayes et al. 2002)]. Neurohis-
ditional damage within the hippocampus or to tological data from two of these patients (L.M.
the cell loss in entorhinal cortex. and W.H.) suggest an explanation for this strik-
There are only a small number of cases ing consistency. As described above, these two
where detailed neuropsychological testing patients had extensive cell loss in the hippocam-
and thorough neurohistological analysis have pus as well as in the dentate gyrus. Accordingly,
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combined to demonstrate memory impairment a reduction in hippocampal volume of 40%, as

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

after limited hippocampal damage or larger estimated by MRI, may indicate a nearly com-
medial temporal lobe lesions (see also Victor plete loss of hippocampal neurons. The tissue
& Agamanolis 1990). Yet, neuroanatomical collapses, but it does not disappear entirely. A
information is essential because it lays the volume loss in the hippocampus of ∼40% may
groundwork for classifying memory disorders, represent a maximum value for some etiologies
for understanding qualitative and quantitative of memory impairment.
differences between patients, and for address- While medial temporal lobe structures have
ing questions about how specific structures may received the most attention in studies of mem-
contribute differently to memory functions. ory and memory impairment, it is notable that
Nonetheless, in the absence of histological damage to the diencephalic midline also impairs
data, valuable information can be obtained memory. The deficit has essentially the same
from structural imaging. Methods for high- features as in medial temporal lobe amnesia.
resolution imaging of hippocampal damage The best-known cause of diencephalic amnesia
were developed some time ago (Press et al. is alcoholic Korsakoff ’s syndrome. Here,
1989), and quantitative data can now be ob- damage to the medial dorsal thalamic nucleus
tained that provide reliable estimates of tissue (alone or perhaps in combination with damage
volume (Gold & Squire 2005). These estimates to the mammillary nuclei) has been associated
are based on guidelines defined histologically with memory impairment (Victor et al. 1989).
and use landmarks in the medial temporal Another survey of Korsakoff ’s syndrome docu-
lobe that are visible on MRI (Insausti et al. mented damage to these two structures and, in
1998a,b). addition, identified a role for the anterior thala-
An interesting observation has emerged mic nuclei (Harding et al. 2000). Six cases that
from calculations of hippocampal volume in were studied both neuropsychologically and
memory-impaired patients, usually patients neurohistologically (Gold & Squire 2006, Mair

Figure 1
Left column. Magnetic resonance images arranged from rostral (a) to caudal (c) through the temporal lobe of patient H.M. (in 1993 at
age 67) and a 66-year-old healthy male (right). The comparison brain illustrates the structures that appear to have been removed during
H.M.’s surgery in 1953. The lesion was bilaterally symmetrical, extending caudally 5.4 cm on the left side and 5.1 cm on the right. The
full caudal extent of abnormal tissue is not illustrated. The damage included medial temporal polar cortex, most of the amygdaloid
complex, virtually all the entorhinal cortex, and approximately the rostral half of the hippocampal region (dentate gyrus, hippocampus,
and subicular complex). The perirhinal cortex was substantially damaged except for its ventrocaudal aspect. The more posterior
parahippocampal cortex (areas TF and TH, not shown here) was largely intact. Adapted from Corkin et al. (1997) with permission from
the Society for Neuroscience.

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a Subicular




Other direct Entorhinal cortex

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projections (EC)
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Perirhinal cortex Parahippocampal

(PR) cortex (PH)

Unimodal and polymodal association areas

(frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes)



Human Monkey

Por Postrhinal



264 Squire · Wixted

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et al. 1979, Mayes et al. 1988) consistently iden- thought not to be involved in intellectual and
tified damage in the medial thalamus (as well as perceptual functions. Third, H.M. had a con-
in the mammillary nuclei for the five cases with siderable capacity for sustained attention, in-
Korsakoff ’s syndrome). Two regions of thala- cluding the ability to retain information for a
mus were implicated by these cases and by two period of time after it was first encountered.
neuroimaging studies of diencephalic amnesia This finding suggested that medial temporal
(Squire et al. 1989, von Cramon et al. 1985): lobe structures are not needed for immediate
first, the medial dorsal nucleus and the adjacent memory or for the rehearsal and maintenance of
internal medullary lamina; and second, the material in what would now be termed working
mammillothalamic tract and its target, the ante- memory. Fourth, H.M. appeared to have good
rior thalamic nuclei. Damage to either of these access to facts and events from time periods re-
regions can cause memory impairment. These mote to his surgery. This observation suggested
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diencephalic nuclei and tracts are anatomically that the medial temporal lobe cannot be the ul-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

related to the medial temporal lobe. The timate storage site for long-term memory. Per-
perirhinal cortex originates projections to manent memory must be stored elsewhere, pre-
the medial dorsal nucleus that enter through sumably in neocortex. In the years since H.M.
the internal medullary lamina, and the hip- was described, each of these ideas has been the
pocampal formation projects both to the topic of extensive experimental work.
rostrally adjacent anterior nuclei and to the During the 1960s and 1970s, when human
mammillary nuclei. These anatomical connec- memory impairment began to be systematically
tions likely explain why patients with medial studied, there was considerable debate about
temporal or diencephalic lesions exhibit the whether medial temporal and diencephalic
same core deficit. structures were concerned more with storage
or with retrieval. The findings from H.M. led
to the view that these structures are needed for
memory storage, that is, for the establishment
PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION of new representations in long-term memory.
SUGGESTED BY H.M.’S FINDINGS If these structures are unable to participate in
The early descriptions of H.M suggested four forming long-term memory, then represen-
principles about how memory is organized in tations established in immediate memory are
the brain. First, despite his debilitating and per- presumably lost or perhaps achieve some dis-
vasive memory impairment, H.M. successfully organized state. Consider the case of transient
acquired a motor skill. This finding raised the amnesic episodes (transient global amnesia
possibility that memory is not a single thing. or the memory impairment associated with
Second, because his memory impairment ap- electroconvulsive therapy). Here, the events
peared to be well circumscribed, the structures that occur during the period of anterograde
damaged in memory-impaired patients were amnesia are not subsequently remembered

Figure 2
(a) Schematic view of the medial temporal lobe memory system for declarative memory, which is composed of the hippocampus and the
perirhinal, entorhinal, and parahippocampal cortices. In addition to the connections shown here, there are also weak projections from
the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices to the CA1-subiculum border. (b) Ventral view of a human brain (upper left), monkey brain
(upper right), and a lateral view of a rat brain (lower center). The major cortical components of the medial temporal lobe are highlighted
and outlined. The hippocampus is not visible from the surface and in the human lies beneath the cortex of the medial temporal lobe. Its
anterior extent lies below the posterior entorhinal (red ) and perirhinal ( purple) cortices, and the main body of the hippocampus lies
beneath the parahippocampal cortex. In the rat, the parahippocampal cortex is termed postrhinal cortex. Abbreviations: EC, entorhinal
cortex; PH, parahippocampal cortex (dark yellow); Por, postrhinal cortex; PR, perirhinal cortex.

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after recovery from the amnesic condition. two major forms of memory, which afford
New learning again becomes possible, but either declarative or procedural knowledge.
events from the amnesic episode do not return Declarative knowledge referred to knowledge
to memory. Thus, if medial temporal lobe or available as conscious recollections about facts
diencephalic structures are not functional at the and events. Procedural knowledge referred pri-
time of learning, memory is not established in marily to skill-based information, where what
a usable way and does not become available at has been learned is embedded in acquired
a later time. More direct investigations of this procedures.
issue using single-cell recording in monkeys Subsequently, memory-impaired patients
have reached similar conclusions (Higuchi were found to exhibit intact priming effects (see
& Miyashita 1996; see Squire 2006). The Tulving & Schacter 1990). For example, pa-
idea is that the synaptic changes that would tients (like healthy volunteers) could name pic-
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ordinarily represent acquired information in tures of objects 100 ms faster when the pictures
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

long-term memory either are lost altogether had been presented previously than when they
or fail to develop into a stable, coherent were presented for the first time and indepen-
ensemble. dently of whether patients could recognize the
pictures as familiar (Cave & Squire 1992).
Another important insight was the idea that
MULTIPLE MEMORY SYSTEMS the neostriatum (not the medial temporal lobe)
The memory impairment in H.M. and other is important for the sort of gradual, feedback-
patients is narrower than once thought in that guided learning that results in habit memory
not all kinds of learning and memory are af- (Mishkin et al. 1984). Thus, memory-impaired
fected. The first hint of this idea came when patients learned at a normal rate when ex-
H.M. was found capable of learning a hand- plicit memorization was not useful (for ex-
eye coordination skill (mirror drawing) over a ample, when the outcome of each trial was
period of days, despite having no recollection determined probabilistically and performance
of practicing the task before (Milner 1962). Al- needed to be based on a gut feeling) (Knowlton
though this finding showed that memory was et al. 1996). Furthermore, tasks that healthy
not unitary, for some time it was thought that volunteers could learn rapidly by memorization
motor skill learning was a special case and that (such as the concurrent learning of eight differ-
all the rest of memory is of one piece and is ent, two-choice object discriminations) could
impaired in amnesia. Subsequently, it was dis- also be learned successfully by profoundly am-
covered that motor-skill learning is but one ex- nesic patients, albeit very gradually (healthy
ample of a large domain of learning and mem- volunteers required fewer than 80 trials; pa-
ory abilities, all of which are intact in H.M. tients required more than 1000 trials). Although
and other patients. H.M.’s motor skill learning memory became robust in the patients after ex-
marked the beginning of a body of experimen- tended training (>90% accuracy), it differed
tal work that would eventually establish the bi- from the memory acquired by healthy vol-
ological reality of two major forms of memory. unteers in that what was learned was outside
An early insight was that perceptual skills of awareness and was rigidly organized (per-
and cognitive skills, not just motor skills, are formance collapsed when the task format was
preserved in amnesia. Specifically, amnesic pa- modified) (Bayley et al. 2005a).
tients acquired at a normal rate the percep- Given the wide variety of learning and mem-
tual skill of reading mirror-reversed words, de- ory phenomena that could be demonstrated in
spite poor memory for the task itself and for patients (for example, priming and habit learn-
the words that were read (Cohen & Squire ing), the perspective eventually shifted to a
1980). This finding was the basis for the for- framework that accommodated multiple mem-
mulation of a brain-based distinction between ory systems, not just two kinds of memory.

266 Squire · Wixted

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Indeed, one could ask what the various kinds participants to find a face in a chaotic black
of memory that were preserved in patients had and white pattern with incomplete contour
in common aside from the fact that they were (Milner et al. 1968). This perspective, that vi-
not declarative. Accordingly, the term non- sual perception is intact after large medial tem-
declarative was introduced with the idea that poral lobe lesions, was eventually challenged,
declarative memory refers to one kind of mem- first by work in monkeys (Eacott et al. 1994) and
ory system and that nondeclarative memory later by studies in humans (Lee et al. 2005a,b).
is an umbrella term referring to several addi- These studies proposed that the perirhinal cor-
tional memory systems (Squire & Zola-Morgan tex, one of the structures damaged in H.M., is
1988). Nondeclarative memory includes skills important for complex visual perceptual tasks
and habits, simple forms of conditioning, emo- involving stimuli with substantial feature over-
tional learning, priming, and perceptual learn- lap. It was also proposed that the hippocampus
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ing, as well as phylogenetically early forms of is needed when spatial processing is required,
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

behavioral plasticity such as habituation and as in visual discriminations involving scenes.

sensitization. Although some subsequent studies appeared
Declarative memory is the kind of memory to provide additional support for this perspec-
that is referred to when the term memory is used tive (Barense et al. 2007, Lee & Rudebeck
in everyday language. Declarative memory al- 2010), attempts to replicate some of the key
lows remembered material to be compared and early work and to find impairments with new
contrasted. The stored representations are flex- tests were unsuccessful (Shrager et al. 2006).
ible, accessible to awareness, and can guide per- Comprehensive reviews of this topic (Suzuki
formance in a variety of contexts. Declarative 2009, 2010) raised three important issues. First,
memory is representational. It provides a way a consideration of neuroanatomic and neuro-
of modeling the external world, and it is either physiological data emphasizes that the perirhi-
true or false. Nondeclarative memory is neither nal cortex has unique characteristics that distin-
true nor false. It is dispositional and is expressed guish it from the laterally adjacent, unimodal
through performance rather than recollection. visual area TE. The perirhinal cortex is a poly-
These forms of memory provide for myriad un- modal association area with strong connections
conscious ways of responding to the world. In to the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, and
no small part, by virtue of the unconscious sta- it is difficult to view the perirhinal cortex as a
tus of the nondeclarative forms of memory, they visual area and as a continuation of the ventral
create some of the mystery of human experi- visual pathway (Suzuki 2010).
ence. Here arise the dispositions, habits, and Second, many of the studies designed to
preferences that are inaccessible to conscious test visual perception, particularly studies in
recollection but that nevertheless are shaped by monkeys, involve a significant memory require-
past events, influence our behavior and mental ment. Thus, impaired associative learning or
life, and are an important part of who we are. impaired long-term memory for the stimulus
material could have contributed to many of the
deficits reported after perirhinal lesions in mon-
VISUAL PERCEPTION keys. Even in studies of humans, impaired as-
Formal testing of patient H.M. over the years sociative learning could result in deficient per-
documented his good performance on intel- formance when different test stimuli need to be
ligence tests and on other tests of percep- judged against the same two comparison stim-
tual function and lexical knowledge (Kensinger uli on every trial (Graham et al. 2006). Indeed,
et al. 2001, Milner et al. 1968). He could de- in a new study that explored this issue, pa-
tect the anomalous features of cartoon draw- tients with hippocampal lesions were impaired
ings, and he performed above the control mean when the same comparison stimuli were used on
on the Mooney “Closure” task, which requires every trial but were fully intact when the

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NE34CH12-Squire ARI 13 May 2011 12:29

stimuli were unique to every trial (Kim et al. IMMEDIATE MEMORY AND
2011). Using fixed comparison stimuli gives an WORKING MEMORY
advantage to those who can remember because
one can learn what to look for in the test stim- The early descriptions of H.M. emphasized
uli to decide which comparison stimulus it most how capable he was at focusing his attention
closely resembles. and at retaining information for short periods
Third, patients who exhibit impaired of time (Milner et al. 1968). For example, he
performance on tasks of visual perception may could retain a three-digit number for 15 min-
have significant damage to lateral temporal utes by continuous rehearsal, using what would
cortex in addition to medial temporal lobe now be termed working memory (Baddeley
damage. This idea merits consideration, given 2003). Yet when his attention was diverted,
that two of the three patients with medial tem- he forgot the whole event. In one dramatic
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poral lobe damage who were impaired were demonstration, participants heard digit strings
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

reported to have damage lateral to the medial of increasing length (Drachman & Arbit 1966)
lobe (Barense et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2005a,b; (Figure 3a). Each string was presented as many
Lee & Rudebeck 2010). Also, estimates of times as needed until it was reported back cor-
damage in most of the patients who were im- rectly. Then, a new digit string was presented
paired were based on ratings of single sections that was one digit longer than the previous one.
through the lateral temporal cortex, not on Controls made their first errors with strings of
quantitative measures of the entire region, thus eight digits and were eventually able to repeat
leaving large amounts of tissue unexamined. strings as long as 20 digits (with no more than
The importance of thorough neuroanatom- 25 repetitions at any one string length). In con-
ical measurement in neuropsychological trast, H.M. exhibited a marked discontinuity in
studies of memory cannot be overstated. Many performance as the string length increased. He
current disagreements about the facts and ideas repeated up to six digits correctly on his first
emerging from neuropsychological research try (six was his preoperative digit span), but he
on human memory can be traced to concerns never succeeded at seven digits, even though he
about the locus and extent of lesions. If a deficit was given 25 repetitions of the same string. The
is expected but not found, perhaps the damage interpretation was that at short string lengths
is less extensive than believed. If a deficit is not H.M. could rely on his intact immediate
expected but is found, perhaps the damage is memory and that he failed when the material
more extensive than has been detected. There to be remembered was more than could be held
is no substitute for thorough, quantitative in mind. That is, he failed when the material
descriptions of damage based on magnetic exceeded his immediate memory capacity.
resonance imaging, as well as (where possible) Time is not the key factor that determines
detailed neurohistological description of the how long information can be retained by
postmortem brain. patients like H.M. The relevant factors are
The possible role of perirhinal cortex in cer- immediate memory capacity and how success-
tain kinds of visual perception remains a topic of fully material can be maintained in working
discussion and will benefit from detailed anal- memory through rehearsal. Maintenance of
ysis of the lesions in the cases under study. At information is difficult when material is difficult
the present time, the weight of evidence from to rehearse (e.g., faces and designs). Moreover,
experimental lesion studies in monkeys, neu- working memory capacity can be quite limited,
rophysiological studies, and human neuropsy- and typically only three or four simple visual
chological studies continues to support the view objects can be maintained (Cowan 2001,
that medial temporal lobe structures are impor- Fukuda et al. 2010). With these considerations
tant for declarative memory and not for percep- in mind, it is perhaps not surprising that im-
tual functions (see also Clark et al. 2011). paired performance after medial temporal lobe

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lesions has sometimes been reported at short depended minimally on working memory (as
retention intervals, usually when the task indicated by the ineffectiveness of distraction
requires learning complex material or learning on control performance), and they performed
the relations between items (e.g., object- well when the task depended substantially
location associations) (Finke et al. 2008, on working memory (as indicated by the
Hannula et al. 2006, Kan et al. 2007, Olson disruptive effect of distraction on controls).
et al. 2006). In these cases, the important Thus, for the kinds of material studied here,
question is whether working memory capacity including relational information for objects
has been exceeded and performance must rely and locations, working memory appears to be
on long-term memory, or whether working intact after medial temporal lobe damage.
memory sometimes depends on the medial A possible approach in cases where the re-
temporal lobe. Methods that are independent tention interval is very short (1–3 seconds) is
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of the particular task that is used are needed to based on the early study of digit span, described
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

decide this question. above. Participants saw different numbers of

One approach to this issue seems promis- objects (1 to 7) arranged on a tabletop and then
ing in cases where the retention interval is immediately tried to reproduce the array on an
long enough (about 8 seconds) to allow a adjacent table ( Jeneson et al. 2010) (Figure 3b).
manipulation to be introduced during the The same study-test sequence was repeated (up
interval (Shrager et al. 2008). Controls (but to a maximum of ten times) until participants
not patients) were given either distraction or correctly placed each object within a specified
no distraction between study and test. Across distance of its original location. The finding
experiments involving names, faces, or object- was that performance was intact when only a
location associations, patient performance was few object locations needed to be remembered.
related to how distraction affected controls. However, just as was found for digit strings,
The patients were impaired when distraction there was an abrupt discontinuity in perfor-
had no effect on control performance, and the mance with larger numbers of object locations.
patients were intact when distraction disrupted For example, patient G.P. (who has large medial
control performance. These results suggested temporal lobe lesions similar to H.M.’s lesions)
that the patients were impaired when the task learned 1, 2, or 3 object locations as quickly as

a Patient H.M. 10 b Patient G.P.
Mean trials to criterion




Control (n = 20)
5 2
Control (n = 9)
0 0
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of digits Number of objects

Figure 3
Intact working memory and impaired long-term memory. (a) The number of trials needed to succeed at each string length for patient
H.M. and controls. H.M. could not succeed at repeating back 7 digits even after 25 attempts with the same string. (b) The number of
trials needed to learn the locations of different numbers of objects for patient G.P. and controls. G.P. could not reproduce the locations
of four objects, even after 10 attempts with the same display (panel a adapted from Drachman & Arbit 1966, with permission from the
American Medical Association, and panel b adapted from Jeneson et al. 2010).

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did controls, needing no more than one or two of hippocampus and entorhinal cortex so
tries at each stage. However, when four object long as the task can be managed within 30–
locations needed to be remembered, he could 40 seconds (presumably supported by working
not succeed even in 10 attempts with the same memory) (Shrager et al. 2008). In the case of
array. These findings suggest that the main- spatial imagining, patients with severe memory
tenance of relational information (in this case, impairment can describe routes around their
object-location associations) can proceed nor- childhood neighborhoods, including when
mally, even in patients with large medial tempo- main routes are blocked and alternative routes
ral lobe lesions. An impairment is evident only must be found (Rosenbaum et al. 2000, Teng
when a capacity limit is reached, at which point & Squire 1999). Furthermore, in one study,
performance must depend, at least in part, on patients with hippocampal damage successfully
long-term memory. imagined future events and provided a normal
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These observations support the view that number of spatial referents (Squire et al. 2010;
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

patients with medial temporal lobe lesions can see Hassabis et al. 2007 for a deficit on a
succeed at remembering whatever they have en- similar task). These demonstrations appear
countered, so long as the material to be remem- straightforward and would seem to raise
bered can be supported by a limited-capacity, doubts about the idea that the hippocampus
short-term memory system (see also Jeneson performs online computations. Yet there is
et al. 2011). This formulation touches on a large an alternate perspective. Specifically, it has
and fundamental issue: whether there is any been suggested that spatial representations can
ability at all that depends on the hippocampus be established outside the hippocampus, and
and related structures, even when a task can be in parallel with hippocampal representations,
managed within working memory. That is, do but using somewhat different computations
these structures perform any online computa- (Bird & Burgess 2008, Whitlock et al. 2008).
tions for which the distinction between working By this account, some spatial tasks that are
memory and long-term memory is irrelevant? accomplished successfully after hippocampal
This is a question of considerable current in- damage are in fact being accomplished using
terest. It runs through discussions of perceptual different structures and different computations
functions and discussions of relational memory than are used by healthy individuals.
(as considered in this section and the preced- The idea is that, despite intact performance
ing section). The issue is especially prominent in patients, some tasks are still hippocampus-
in discussions of spatial cognition. For example, dependent and could be shown to be so if one
the ability to path integrate (i.e., the ability to could devise tasks that can only be done with
use self-motion cues to keep track of a reference computations unique to the hippocampus. This
location as one moves though space) has been is an interesting perspective and one that, in
proposed to have a fundamental dependency on principle, could be applied to any example of
the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. That intact performance in patients. It will be dif-
is, these structures are proposed to carry out ficult to resolve issues like these without un-
computations essential for path integration, re- derstanding which strategies are used in any
gardless of the memory load or the retention in- particular case and without gaining experimen-
terval (Whitlock et al. 2008). Furthermore, the tal control over them. In addition, tasks that
hippocampus is proposed to be necessary for can be solved by different structures and using
constructing a spatially correct mental image different strategies may be associated with in-
of either a remembered scene or an imagined consistent deficits after hippocampal lesions. In
scene (Bird et al. 2010, Bird & Burgess 2008), contrast, there are some tasks that depend on
a task that need not involve recollection at all. the medial temporal lobe, where performance
In the case of path integration, humans deficits are invariably pronounced, and where
can succeed at simple paths in the absence performance cannot be made to appear normal

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by recruiting other brain structures or by using retrograde amnesia for past news events that
different strategies. These are tasks that assess extended only a few years into the premorbid
the ability to form conscious long-term mem- period (Manns et al. 2003b). By contrast, pa-
ory of facts and events, and the inability to carry tients with large medial temporal lobe lesions
out this function appears to be the central deficit (damage to hippocampus plus parahippocampal
in H.M. and other patients with medial tempo- gyrus) exhibited extended retrograde amnesia
ral lobe lesions. that covered several decades, albeit sparing
memories acquired in early life (patients E.P.
and G.P.; Bayley et al. 2006, Bright et al. 2006).
REMOTE MEMORY AND The possibility that some amount of more
MEMORY CONSOLIDATION lateral damage (e.g., in the fusiform gyrus) con-
A key insight about the organization of memory tributed to the extended retrograde impairment
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came with early observations of H.M.’s capac- in E.P. and G.P. cannot be excluded.
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

ity to remember information that he acquired There has been particular interest in the sta-
before his surgery in 1953. Initially, he was de- tus of autobiographical memories for unique
scribed as having a loss of memory (retrograde events following medial temporal lobe dam-
amnesia) covering the three years immediately age, and in recent years methods have been
preceding surgery and with earlier memories developed to assess the detail with which such
“seemingly normal” (Scoville & Milner 1957, recollections can be reproduced. In the earli-
p. 17). About ten years later, the impression est formal assessments of H.M. (Sagar et al.
was similar as there did not appear to have been 1985), he produced well-formed autobiograph-
any change in H.M.’s capacity to recall remote ical memories from age 16 and younger (his
events antedating his operation, such as inci- surgery occurred at age 27). However, the situ-
dents from his early school years, a high school ation seemed to change as H.M. aged. In a later
attachment, or jobs he had held in his late teens update (Corkin 2002), H.M. (now 76 years old)
and early twenties (Milner et al. 1968, p. 216). was reported to have memories of childhood,
The first study of this issue with formal tests but the memories appeared fact-like and lacked
asked H.M. to recognize faces of persons who detail. It was stated that he could not repro-
had become famous in the decades 1920–1970 duce a single event that was specific to time and
(Marslen-Wilson & Teuber 1975). As expected, place. In a formal study reported a few years
he performed poorly in the postmorbid period later (Steinvorth et al. 2005), he was also im-
(the 1950s and 1960s) but did as well as or better paired in recollecting events from his early life.
than age-matched controls at recognizing faces It was concluded that autobiographical memo-
from the premorbid period (the 1920s–1940s). ries remain dependent on the medial temporal
This important finding implied that medial lobe so long as the memories persist.
temporal lobe structures are not the ultimate This conclusion about H.M. is complicated
storage sites for acquired memories. Memo- by the findings from MRI scans obtained in
ries that initially require the integrity of medial 2002 and 2003 (Salat et al. 2006). These scans
temporal lobe structures must be reorganized documented a number of significant changes
as time passes after learning so as to gradually since his first MRI scans from 1992–1993
become independent of these structures. The (Corkin et al. 1997) (Figure 1). Specifically,
extent of retrograde amnesia provides an indi- the scans showed cortical thinning, subcorti-
cation of how long this process takes. cal atrophy, large amounts of abnormal white
Retrograde amnesia can be either tem- matter, and subcortical infarcts. All these fea-
porally limited, covering a few years, or tures were thought to have developed during
prolonged, depending on the locus and extent the past decade, and they complicate the inter-
of the damage. Patients with damage thought pretation of neuropsychological data collected
to be restricted to the hippocampus had during and after this period. Considering the

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earlier reports that he could successfully re- The same finding of intact early memories
trieve past autobiographical memories (Milner was reported in 10 patients with medial
et al. 1968, Scoville & Milner 1957), it is pos- temporal lobe lesions in a study of emotional
sible that remote autobiographical memories (and remote) autobiographical memories
were in fact intact during the early years after (Buchanan et al. 2005), and in two other
surgery but were later compromised by neuro- patients (M.R. and P.D.), using a simpler
logical change. It is also possible that the avail- assessment device (Eslinger 1998). In another
able memories faded with time because they study of four patients with medial temporal
could not be strengthened through rehearsal lobe damage and variable damage to anterior
and relearning. and posterior temporal neocortex (Rosenbaum
Other work has supported the earlier de- et al. 2008), one patient (S.J.) was reported to
scriptions of H.M. For example, methods sim- have extended retrograde amnesia for autobi-
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ilar to those used to assess H.M. have also ographical memory. The other three patients
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

been used to evaluate autobiographical mem- were less impaired, performing poorly in time
ory in other patients with hippocampal damage periods closer to the onset of their amnesia.
or larger medial temporal lobe lesions (Bright The impairment in S.J. was attributed to hip-
et al. 2006, Kirwan et al. 2008). These patients pocampal damage. Alternatively, it is difficult
had intact autobiographical memory from their to rule out a substantial contribution from the
early lives. The following example illustrates damage that was identified in neocortex.
a well-formed autobiographical memory pro- It is noteworthy that, not infrequently, pa-
duced by E.P. about his early life, one of 18 tients have been described as having exten-
that he produced. In this case, he was asked for sive and ungraded retrograde amnesia (i.e.,
a specific recollection in response to the cue unrelated to how long ago the memory was
word “fire.” Like most recollections, his narra- formed) (for examples, see Bright et al. 2006,
tive contains both fact-based and event-specific Cipolotti et al. 2001, Noulhiane et al. 2007,
information. Note the several repetitions in the Rosenbaum et al. 2008, Sanders & Warrington
narrative, which reflect his severe anterograde 1971). This pattern of impairment has some-
amnesia. times been taken to mean that the hippocam-
pus (or related structures) is required as long
Dad had 31/2 acres of property in Castro as a memory persists. Yet, in many cases test-
Valley and the back property would just grow ing did not cover early adulthood and adoles-
and would be dry and for some reason, I didn’t cence, so it is possible that the amnesia was not
do it, but somehow or other the next thing as ungraded as it appeared to be. In other cases,
we knew is that it was starting to burn. I told the damage was known to extend substantially
dad and he called the Castro Valley fire de- into lateral temporal neocortex (see Bright et al.
partment. They came up and they got it out 2006 and Squire & Bayley 2007 for considera-
real quick. However it started I don’t know. tion of several cases). In one report of patients
He had 31/2 acres of property and he just let with unilateral temporal lobe resections, auto-
it grow. It would be grass or whatever. Who biographical memory was impaired across all
knows how it started, but it started to burn. past time periods (Noulhiane et al. 2007). In
Dad called the Castro Valley fire department these patients, damage was recorded in the me-
and they came up and all the volunteers came dial temporal lobe as well as in the temporal
in and they got it out in a matter of 10–15 min- pole and in the anterior aspect of the superior,
utes. They stamped it out. They don’t know middle, and inferior temporal gyri. It is difficult
how it started. I was 16–17, in that bracket. to know to what extent this damage outside the
Dad had 31/2 acres of property. It was summer medial temporal lobe might have contributed
time, 1938. Those sort of things I think you to the impairment. Significant damage to lateral
remember. (Bayley et al. 2003, p. 139) temporal or frontal cortex can severely impair

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performance on tests of remote memory, in- the impairment specifically to hippocampal

cluding tests of autobiographical memory about damage.
early life [7 cases, Bright et al. (2006); patients Some studies in experimental animals have
H.C., P.H., and G.T., Bayley et al. (2005b); directly tracked neural activity and structural
patient E.K., Eslinger (1998)]. If lateral tem- changes in the hippocampus and neocortex
poral cortex, for example, is a site of long- after learning. Expression patterns of c-Fos
term memory storage (Mishkin 1982, Miyashita described gradually decreasing activity in the
1993), then lateral temporal damage would be mouse hippocampus after learning and paral-
expected to cause severe and extended retro- lel increases in a number of cortical regions
grade amnesia. The difficulty is knowing in any (Frankland & Bontempi 2005). These findings
particular case to what extent such damage is and others (Restivo et al. 2009) reflect the in-
responsible for impaired remote memory. creasing importance of distributed cortical re-
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Among several single-case studies reporting gions for the representation of memory as time
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

impaired memory for early-life events (see passes. The idea is not that memory is literally
Squire & Bayley 2007 for discussion), patient transferred from the hippocampus to neocor-
V.C. has been the most carefully documented. tex but that gradual changes in the neocortex
The volume of his lateral temporal lobes was increase the complexity, distribution, and con-
reported as normal. Yet, it is striking that V.C.’s nectivity among multiple cortical regions. The
1/9 score on the childhood portion of the auto- next section considers what the study of patients
biographical memory interview differs sharply has contributed to understanding the organiza-
from the good scores (and sometimes maximum tion and storage of long-term memory.
scores of 9) obtained on the same test by as
many as 12 patients with MRI documentation
of limited medial temporal lobe damage [n = 8,
Bayley et al. (2006); n = 2, Eslinger (1998); MEMORY IN THE NEOCORTEX
n = 1, Kapur & Brooks (1999); n = 1, The view that emerged from the study of H.M.
Schnider et al. (1995). With the possible and other patients is that medial temporal lobe
exception of V.C., we are unaware of memory- structures are uniquely specialized to estab-
impaired patients who have damage limited lish and maintain declarative memories. Other
to the medial temporal lobe (as documented structures support the initial perception and
by neurohistology or thorough MRI) and processing of an experience, and these other
who do so poorly at recollecting remote structures are also critical for the long-term
autobiographical memories (Figure 4). storage of the experience. A long-standing view
The finding that retrograde amnesia is tem- is that the cortical processing of a multisensory
porally limited after damage to the medial tem- experience leaves a distributed record in the
poral lobe implies a process of reorganization same multiple regions that initially performed
whereby over time memories become less de- the processing. For example, neurons in visual
pendent on medial temporal lobe structures. areas store the visual aspect of a multisensory
As time passes after learning, the role of me- experience, neurons in auditory areas store the
dial temporal lobe structures diminishes and a auditory aspect of the experience, other areas
more permanent memory gradually develops, store the spatial aspects, and so on. According to
presumably in neocortex. According to a differ- this view, any act of remembering consists of the
ent perspective, only fact-based memories (not coordinated reactivation of the distributed neo-
autobiographical memories) make this transi- cortical regions that were engaged at the time
tion (Winocur et al. 2010). This view discounts of encoding (Damasio 1989, De Renzi 1982,
the possible importance of neocortical dam- Mishkin 1982, Squire 1987). When a memory
age in patients with impaired autobiographical is first formed, this reactivation depends on the
remembering of remote events and attributes hippocampus and related structures, but once

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Rey-Osterrieth A.B. L .J.


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Control G.W.
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EP J.S. J.R.W.

Personal Autobiographical
semantic memory incidents
21 (max) 9 (max)
b c

Mean score



0 0
H Control H Control
(n = 7) (n = 13) (n = 7) (n = 13)

Figure 4
(a) Participants copied the Rey-Osterrieth figure illustrated in the small box in the upper left and 10–15 min
later, without forewarning, tried to reproduce it from memory. The reproduction by a representative control
is shown below the target figure. The left panel also shows the reproduction by patient R.B., who had
histologically identified lesions of the CA1 field of the hippocampus (Zola-Morgan et al. 1986). Patient E.P.,
who had large medial temporal lobe lesions, did not recall copying a figure and declined to guess. The right
section shows reproductions by seven patients with circumscribed damage to the hippocampus. Panels b and
c show scores for the same seven patients (H) and 13 controls on the autobiographical memory interview,
childhood portion (Kopelman et al. 1989). These findings suggest that patients who fail to produce any of
the complex figure (like E.P.) or who are deficient at producing either remote semantic memories (A,
maximum score, 21) or remote autobiographical events (B, maximum score, 9) will prove to have damage
beyond the hippocampus. Indeed, even E.P. with his large lesions limited mainly to the medial temporal
lobes, obtained maximal scores on these two tests (21/21 and 9/9).

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memory is fully consolidated, reactivation can idea is illustrated by “The Case of the Color-
occur independently in neocortex. blind Painter” (Sacks 1995). An accomplished
A considerable body of evidence support- painter was involved in an automobile accident
ing the reactivation view has come from stud- at the age of 65, which rendered him completely
ies using fMRI (see Buckner & Wheeler 2001, color blind. Although the anatomical basis of
Danker & Anderson 2010 for reviews). For his disability was not identified, it was thought
example, several studies have found that the to have been caused by damage to regions ded-
modality-specific or category-specific processes icated to the perception of color (possibly in-
engaged at encoding tend to be re-engaged cluding area V4). The disability itself was strik-
at retrieval (e.g., Polyn et al. 2005, Wheeler ing. The patient could discriminate between
et al. 2000, Woodruff et al. 2005). This per- wavelengths of light, even though the different
spective of remembering implies that the dedi- wavelengths no longer gave rise to the percep-
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cated processing areas of the neocortex can also tion of different colors. Instead, different wave-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

be viewed as memory areas. However, rather lengths gave rise to the perception of differ-
than broadly encoding and consolidating mem- ent shades of gray. Because this was a case of
ories, like the structures of the medial temporal acquired cerebral achromatopsia (i.e., cortical
lobe, each neocortical region operates within color blindness), it was possible to ask about the
a very specific domain, and each region stores status of previously established memories that
only specific features of an experience. It fol- had once included the subjective experience of
lows then that the same neocortical lesions that color. If color in early memories depends on the
selectively impair processing in one particular same cortical structures that support the per-
domain should also cause correspondingly spe- ception of color, then previously intact mem-
cific anterograde and retrograde memory im- ories that were once retrieved in color should
pairments within the same domain. Although now be retrieved in black and white. Indeed,
an extensive literature documents the selective the case description leaves little doubt that the
information-processing deficits that are associ- patient’s experience—both going forward and
ated with different cortical lesions, the effects looking back—was now completely (and selec-
of those lesions on new learning and past re- tively) devoid of color. Although he retained
membering are only rarely considered. Here, abstract semantic knowledge of color, he could
we consider the cognitive effects of selective neither perceive nor later remember the color
processing deficits with a view toward also iden- of objects presented to him (anterograde im-
tifying the effects on memory. pairment). In addition, he could not subjectively
experience color in his earlier (and once chro-
matic) memories (retrograde impairment). For
Achromatopsia example, he knew that his lawn was green, but
Finding selective anterograde memory impair- he reported that he could no longer visualize
ment in association with a selective percep- it in green when he tried to remember what it
tual processing deficit would not be surprising. once looked like.
That is, if a perceptual deficit is present in one
modality (e.g., visual perception), it should also
be difficult to learn new material presented in Prosopagnosia
the same modality. In addition, there should Similar effects have been documented by for-
be consequences for remembering the past. mal testing in cases of acquired prosopag-
Specifically, a selective deficit in processing par- nosia (impaired recognition of faces, or face
ticular features of visual material should selec- blindness). The cardinal complaint of patients
tively compromise the ability to recollect the diagnosed with prosopagnosia is that they have
same features in a previous memory, while leav- a selective retrograde memory deficit. That
ing other aspects of the memory intact. This is, once-recognizable faces no longer yield a

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memory signal, even though other aspects of findings from acquired prosopagnosia—a mod-
one’s memory for the same individuals are pre- ular perceptual processing deficit associated
served. For example, a patient who could not with selective anterograde and retrograde
recognize his mother’s face might continue to amnesia—suggest that the same areas that sup-
recognize the sound of her voice and still be port the perception of faces also support the
able to recall his prior experiences with her. long-term memory of faces.
Patient L.H., a 37-year-old man, sustained a
severe closed-head injury in an automobile ac-
cident at the age of 18 (Farah et al. 1995a,b). Amusia
His brain damage involved bilateral inferior This same set of findings, whereby an acquired
temporo-occipital regions, as well as the right and relatively modular processing deficit is as-
inferior frontal lobe and right anterior temporal sociated with corresponding memory deficits
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lobe. Although general intellectual and elemen- (both anterograde and retrograde), has also
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

tary visual capabilities were preserved following been reported in a patient who lost the ability to
the accident, L.H. became profoundly impaired recognize familiar music while retaining other
at recognizing previously familiar faces. Along perceptual and intellectual functions (amusia).
with this retrograde memory deficit, L.H. also Patient I.R. suffered bilateral brain damage at
exhibited a perceptual processing deficit that the age of 28 after undergoing a series of oper-
was selective for upright faces. For example, on ations to clip aneurysms on the left and right
a same/different face discrimination task, L.H. middle cerebral arteries (Peretz et al. 1998,
performed worse than controls at discriminat- Peretz & Gagnon 1999). At the time she was
ing upright faces (consistent with a face per- tested (in her early 40s), CT scans indicated that
ception deficit), but he performed unexpectedly the superior temporal gyrus was severely dam-
better than controls at discriminating inverted aged bilaterally, and the lesion also extended
faces (indicating that general perceptual abili- to involve structures in the frontal cortex and
ties were preserved). Patient L.H. also exhib- anterior inferior parietal lobule.
ited anterograde amnesia for new faces. For ex- I.R. was of normal intelligence, and her
ample, L.H. and controls were presented with overall memory ability was normal as well. In
black and white photographs of both faces and addition, she exhibited no evidence of a hear-
common objects and asked to memorize them ing impairment according to standard audio-
(Farah et al. 1995a). On a later recognition test, metric tests, and except for music she had no
control subjects performed at the same level for difficulty recognizing familiar environmental
faces and nonface objects. L.H’s ability to re- sounds. However, tunes that were once familiar
member faces was selectively impaired. to her were now unrecognizable, and she could
The retrograde memory deficit associated no longer sing music from memory (which she
with acquired prosopagnosia is not confined had previously been able to do). Her selective
to recognition memory but applies as well to retrograde amnesia for previously familiar mu-
recalling and imaging the past. In one study, sic was also accompanied by a selective percep-
(Barton & Cherkasova 2003), seven patients tual deficit for music. Musical perception was
with adult-onset prosopagnosia performed tested using a same/different format in which
comparative judgments about the configuration two short excerpts were presented in succession
of famous faces that they tried to retrieve from (e.g., Mozart’s piano concerto #27 followed by
memory (e.g., “Who has the more angular face: Mozart’s piano concerto #23). Controls found
George Washington or Abraham Lincoln?”). this task so easy that they made no errors even
The famous faces used in this test were pre- when the interstimulus interval was long (20 s)
sumably familiar before the onset of prosopag- and filled with conversation, but I.R.’s perfor-
nosia. Even so, the patients were severely im- mance was no better than 80% correct even
paired on the face imagery task. Together, the when the interstimulus interval was short (4 s).

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She also exhibited anterograde amnesia for previously familiar to the patients, the findings
new music. A list of 15 briefly presented describe a category-specific retrograde memory
melodies was presented for study. On a sub- impairment.
sequent old/new recognition test involving the Other patients exhibited the opposite im-
15 old melodies intermixed with 15 new ones, pairment. For example, patient Y.O.T., who
her memory performance was no better than had damage to the left temporoparietal region
chance (whereas control performance exceeded (thought to have resulted from a thromboem-
85% correct). Thus, as with the cases of ac- bolism), showed relatively preserved knowl-
quired achromatopsia and acquired prosopag- edge of living things and poor knowledge of
nosia discussed earlier, impairments associated inanimate objects (Warrington & McCarthy
with acquired amusia imply a close connection 1987). However, her comprehension of body
between information processing and storage. parts and fabrics was anomalous in that she
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The specificity of her anterograde and retro- exhibited knowledge about fabric names (non-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

grade memory deficits corresponded directly to living things) and poor knowledge about body
the specificity of her perceptual deficit. parts (living things). In addition, Warrington
& McCarthy (1987) noted that patient J.B.R.
[one of the four patients previously described
Knowledge Systems by Warrington & Shallice (1984)], who had ex-
The findings considered here are consistent hibited a selective loss of knowledge about liv-
with the idea that memory storage in the neo- ing things, nevertheless had preserved knowl-
cortex reflects the outcome of the perceptual edge about body parts (living things) and poor
processing and analysis that occurred at the knowledge about fabrics (nonliving things).
time of learning. A related literature concerns These findings suggested that the principle by
the status of stored semantic knowledge and which knowledge is organized in the brain con-
its relation to information processing. These cerns whether objects are identified mainly by
studies do not document a deficit in specific their physical features (form, color, texture,
perceptual processing modules. Instead, they etc.) or by their function and how they are used.
document the effects of cortical lesions (e.g., Generally, the animate/inanimate distinction
to posterior temporal cortex) on previously fits this principle, but the exceptions are telling.
acquired knowledge within specific semantic Most animals are identified by their physical at-
categories, and they relate these deficits to tributes, not by what can be done with them.
the kinds of processing involved when the By contrast, small inanimate objects are usually
knowledge was first acquired. identified by their functions and how they are
The idea that knowledge systems may be or- used (e.g., sweep with a broom, write with a
ganized by semantic categories was discussed by pencil). However, some living things (such as
Warrington & Shallice (1984). They described body parts) are identified largely by their func-
four patients with widespread bilateral lesions tion, and some nonliving things (such as fabrics)
(following herpes simplex encephalitis) that in- are identified largely by their texture and shape.
cluded the medial and lateral temporal lobes. A recent comprehensive review of neuroimag-
In addition to having global amnesia, all four ing evidence strongly supports this account of
patients exhibited an asymmetry in their ability stored semantic knowledge (Martin 2007).
to identify animate and inanimate objects. They If these category-specific retrograde mem-
had a selective impairment in the ability to name ory deficits reflect the loss of knowledge that
or describe pictures of animate objects (e.g., an- was initially acquired through category-specific
imals and plants). By contrast, their ability to processing, then a corresponding anterograde
name or describe pictures of inanimate objects memory deficit would be expected, as well.
(e.g., broom, pencil, umbrella) appeared to be Thus, for example, a patient who exhibits a se-
preserved. Assuming that all the objects were lective deficit in naming or describing objects

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that are defined by how they are used should Mandler 1980). Recollection involves remem-
also exhibit a selective deficit in learning novel bering specific contextual details about a prior
objects that are defined by how they are used. learning episode; familiarity involves simply
To our knowledge, this prediction has not been knowing that an item was presented with-
tested. out having available any additional information
about the learning episode. According to one
view, both the hippocampus and the perirhinal
RECOLLECTION AND cortex contribute to recollection and familiar-
FAMILIARITY ity (Squire et al. 2007, Wixted & Squire 2010).
In recent years, there has been extended investi- According to a different view, the hippocampus
gation of the idea that the different medial tem- and perirhinal cortex selectively support recol-
poral lobe structures (hippocampus, entorhinal lection and familiarity, respectively (Brown &
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cortex, perirhinal cortex, and parahippocampal Aggleton 2001, Eichenbaum et al. 2007).
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

cortex) may support different memory func-

tions. The study of H.M. could not address this
issue because his bilateral lesions included most Recall versus Recognition
of these structures. However, other patients, es- One approach to investigating this issue has
pecially patients with limited hippocampal le- been to compare performance on an old/new
sions, have been useful in this regard. recognition task, which is widely thought to be
One issue that has commanded consider- supported by both recollection and familiarity,
able attention concerns the roles played by the with performance on a task of free recall, which
hippocampus and perirhinal cortex in recogni- is thought to depend mainly on recollection. (In
tion memory. Recognition memory is thought a free recall task, subjects are presented with a
to be supported by two processes, recollec- list of items to memorize and are later asked
tion and familiarity (Atkinson & Juola 1974, to recall those items in any order they wish.)
Because old/new recognition can be partially
4 supported by familiarity, the question of inter-
a b est is whether the performance of patients with
hippocampal lesions is disproportionately bet-
0.8 ter on an old/new recognition task in compari-
son to free recall.
Proportion recalled

Several case studies and group studies have

asked this question of patients with adult-onset
d' 2
bilateral lesions that, according to quantitative
0.4 MRI, are limited to the hippocampus. The case
studies differ in their findings about the status
1 of old/new recognition memory (Aggleton
0.2 et al. 2005, Cipolotti et al. 2006, Mayes et al.
2002). Because the differing results may reflect
individual differences, group studies are more
0 0
Hippocampal Healthy Hippocampal Healthy informative. Two group studies have shown
patients controls patients controls
that the degree of impairment is similar
Figure 5 when old/new recognition and free recall
Individual recognition (a) and recall scores (b) for hippocampal patients (n = 7) are compared (Kopelman et al. 2007, Manns
and healthy controls (n = 8) from Manns et al. (2003a). When the patient
et al. 2003a) (Figure 5). Another group study
scores for recognition and recall are converted to z-scores based on the mean
and standard deviation of the corresponding control scores, the recognition involved 56 hypoxic patients with damage
deficit (−1.59) is statistically indistinguishable from the recall deficit (−1.81), believed to be limited to the hippocampus
p > 0.60. d = discriminability. (no radiological information was available)

278 Squire · Wixted

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(Yonelinas et al. 2002). The patients were Remember/Know judgments is that the as-
less impaired on old/new recognition than on sumptions of the model that is used to derive
free recall. However, this conclusion was later estimates have generally not been supported by
shown to result from the remarkably aberrant empirical test (e.g., Heathcote 2003, Rotello
recognition performance of a single 1 of the 55 et al. 2005, Slotnick 2010, Slotnick & Dodson
control subjects (Wixted & Squire 2004). With 2005). In particular, Know judgments reflect
that one outlier removed from the analysis, weaker memory than do Remember judgments,
the patients and controls exhibited similar as measured by both confidence and accuracy
levels of impairment on recall and recognition. (e.g., Dunn 2004, Squire et al. 2007). Thus,
The recognition z-score for the patients was a supposed impairment in recollection (Re-
−0.59 (before removal of the outlier, z = membering) after hippocampal lesions could
−0.39), and the recall z-score was a statistically simply mean that the patients have few strong
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indistinguishable −0.68. Thus, the available memories (and that what would have been
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

group studies are consistent in showing that the strong memories are now weak memories), not
degree of memory impairment in patients with that recollection is selectively affected. The
lesions limited to the hippocampus is similar Remember/Know procedure could be used to
for old/new recognition (which is substantially study recollection and familiarity effectively
supported by familiarity) and for free recall if Remember and Know judgments were first
(which is fully dependent on recollection). equated for confidence and accuracy, but this
These findings suggest that the hippocampus is approach has not been used in patient studies
important for both recollection and familiarity. to date.

Analysis of the Receiver

Remember/Know Procedure Operating Characteristic
Another method that has been used to inves- Still another method that has been used to es-
tigate the role of the medial temporal lobe in timate recollection and familiarity has been to
recollection and familiarity is the Remember/ fit the Yonelinas (1994) dual-process model to
Know procedure, which is based on subjective receiver operating characteristic (ROC) data.
reports of whether recollection is available This is the same model that has often been
when an item is declared old. Participants re- used to estimate recollection and familiarity us-
port Remember when they can recollect some- ing the Remember/Know procedure. An ROC
thing about the original encounter with the is a plot of the hit rate versus the false alarm
item (e.g., its context, what thoughts they had), rate across different decision criteria. Typically,
and they report Know when they judge the item multiple pairs of hit and false alarm rates are
to be familiar but cannot recollect anything obtained by asking subjects to provide confi-
about its presentation. The Remember/Know dence ratings for their old/new recognition de-
judgments made by patients and controls are cisions. A pair of hit and false alarm rates is
often converted into quantitative estimates of then computed for each level of confidence, and
recollection and familiarity based on a widely the paired values are plotted across the confi-
used but controversial model of recognition dence levels. The points of an ROC typically
memory (Yonelinas 1994). Using this method, trace out a curvilinear path that can be charac-
some studies have reported that recollection is terized in terms of its symmetry relative to the
selectively impaired in patients with hippocam- negative diagonal (Figure 6). The dual-process
pal lesions (Yonelinas et al. 2002), whereas model proposed by Yonelinas (1994) holds that
other studies have found impairments in both the degree of asymmetry in an ROC directly
recollection and familiarity (Manns et al. reflects the degree to which the recollection
2003a). A difficulty with deriving quantitative process is involved in recognition decisions.
estimates of recollection and familiarity from Accordingly, a symmetrical ROC indicates that

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Hypothetical symmetrical ROC plot Hypothetical asymmetrical ROC plot

a b

Hit rate

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
False alarm rate

Figure 6
Symmetrical (a) and asymmetrical (b) receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plots with hypothetical data shown as filled red circles.
The axis of symmetry is the negative diagonal (dashed gray line), and chance performance is indicated by the positive diagonal (solid blue
line). The symmetrical ROC (a) reflects relatively weak memory (the data fall close to the positive diagonal), and the asymmetrical ROC
(b) reflects stronger memory (the data fall farther from the positive diagonal).

recognition decisions were based solely on fa- the strength of memory is equated. In one
miliarity, and an asymmetrical ROC indicates study, patients with lesions limited to the hip-
that recollection occurred for some of the items, pocampus were studied under two conditions
as well. (weak and strong memory) (Wais et al. 2006).
The finding that memory-impaired patients In the weak condition, patients studied 50-item
produce symmetrically curvilinear ROCs, word lists, as did matched controls. As expected,
whereas controls produce asymmetrical curvi- the controls performed better than the patients
linear ROCs, has been interpreted to mean did. In addition (again as expected), the control
that the recollection process is selectively im- ROC was asymmetrical, and the patient ROC
paired by hippocampal lesions (Yonelinas et al. was symmetrical. To equate for overall memory
1998, 2000). However, once again, this is a strength, patients also studied lists of 10 items,
model-dependent interpretation, and much ev- which improved their memory performance to
idence that has accumulated against this model a level similar to that of the controls who had
in recent years instead supports an alternative studied 50-item lists. In this condition, the pa-
signal-detection model (e.g., Dunn 2004, 2008; tient ROC and the control ROC were similarly
Wixted 2007; Wixted & Mickes 2010). Accord- asymmetrical. These results show that patients
ing to the signal-detection model, a symmet- can exhibit asymmetric ROCs, which have been
rical ROC does not indicate familiarity-based taken to denote performance based on recollec-
responding but simply reflects weaker memory. tion. The results further suggest that the typical
Because patients have weaker memory than do finding of asymmetrical ROCs for controls and
controls, the fact that patients tend to exhibit symmetrical ROCs for patients does not neces-
symmetrical ROCs is not surprising. sarily indicate a selective deficit in recollection
The question is whether patients can ex- but can reflect a difference in overall memory
hibit asymmetrical ROCs (like controls) once strength.

280 Squire · Wixted

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Newer (Model-Free) Methods this model, the results suggest that hippocampal
The effects of hippocampal lesions on recol- lesions impair both recollection and familiarity
lection and familiarity can also be studied in (Kirwan et al. 2010, Wais et al. 2006).
a way that does not depend on the assump- The fact that a memory strength confound
tions of any specific psychological model. If can explain why earlier studies have failed to
hippocampal lesions selectively impair recol- detect impaired familiarity in hippocampal pa-
lection, and preserve familiarity, then patients tients should not be taken to mean that “mem-
with hippocampal lesions should commonly ex- ory strength” is a concept that usefully informs
perience strong, familiarity-based recognition the functional organization of medial tempo-
that is unaccompanied by recollection. Further- ral lobe structures. Consideration of how these
more, this experience should occur even more structures contribute differently to memory
frequently in patients than controls because or- properly begins with neuroanatomy. Informa-
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dinarily when strong, familiarity-based recog- tion from neocortex enters the medial temporal
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

nition occurs (e.g., seeing a familiar face), de- lobe at different points (Suzuki & Amaral 1994).
tails about prior encounters are remembered, Perirhinal cortex receives strong input from
as well. unimodal visual areas, and the parahippocam-
In a formal test of this prediction, five pa- pal cortex receives prominent projections from
tients with circumscribed hippocampal dam- areas important for spatial cognition, including
age studied 25 words in one of two contexts posterior parietal cortex. This anatomical spe-
(source A or source B) (Kirwan et al. 2010). cialization suggests that perirhinal cortex may
Old/new recognition memory for the words be especially important for visual memory (re-
was then tested using a six-point confidence gardless whether a task requires recollection),
scale (1 = sure new, 6 = sure old). For items and the parahippocampal cortex may be im-
endorsed as old, participants were also asked portant for spatial memory. The finding of se-
to make a source recollection decision (was the vere impairment in monkeys in visual associa-
item learned in context A or B?). Old decisions tive tasks after perirhinal lesions (Murray et al.
made with high confidence but in the absence of 1993) and in spatial tasks after parahippocampal
successful source recollection would thus cor- cortex lesions (Malkova & Mishkin 2003) con-
respond to strong, familiarity-based recogni- forms to this suggestion. The hippocampus it-
tion without recollection. The results were that self receives input from the adjacent cortex and
there was no increased tendency for this expe- is thus in a position to combine the operations of
rience to occur in patients relative to controls. memory formation that are carried out by the
If anything, the experience was less frequent in more specialized structures that project to it.
the patients. The simplest explanation for this As expected, hippocampal lesions impair both
result is that hippocampal damage impairs fa- visual memories and spatial memories. The im-
miliarity as well as recollection. pairment in memory formation is only modestly
In summary, a large body of evidence based severe because many memory functions can be
on the Remember/Know procedure and ROC carried out by the adjacent cortex [for additional
analysis has been interpreted to mean that the discussion of differences in the function of me-
hippocampus subserves recollection and plays dial temporal lobe structures, see Squire et al.
no role in familiarity. It is often not appreciated (2007), Wixted & Squire (2011)].
that this interpretation is based on a specific
model that equates weak memory with famil-
iarity and strong memory with recollection [the
model proposed by Yonelinas (1994)]. How-
ever, familiarity can sometimes be strong, and The study of patients with medial temporal
recollection can sometimes be weak (Wixted & lobe lesions (especially the severely impaired
Mickes 2010). In studies that do not depend on patient H.M.) has led to dramatic advances in

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understanding the structure and organization CONCLUSIONS

of memory. As work progressed, many studies
came to focus on smaller lesions and less severe The early descriptions of H.M. changed how
impairments. Furthermore, many of these stud- human memory was understood. What became
ies were based on single cases and investigated clear as a result of work with H.M.—and what
specific questions about particular aspects of the remains clear today—is that the structures of
impairment (for example, recall versus recog- the medial temporal lobe are essential for nor-
nition or recollection versus familiarity). Such mal memory function. Specifically, these struc-
questions are difficult to settle from individual tures are thought to be important for the for-
case studies because the expected effects are rel- mation of memory and for the maintenance of
atively small. Under such conditions, a deficit memory for a period of time after learning. Al-
may reflect (unmeasured) premorbid individual though active lines of research investigate the
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differences rather than the effect of a focal brain possibility that these structures also contribute
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2011.34:259-288. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

lesion. Accordingly, for many questions single to other domains of cognitive function (e.g., vi-
case studies are more suggestive than conclu- sual perception, working memory, and online
sive, and group studies are needed to answer computations supporting spatial cognition), the
experimental questions in a compelling way. half-century of research that began with H.M.
The advantage of group studies is that in- has shown that profound impairment after me-
dividual variability tends to be averaged out. dial temporal lobe damage occurs in only one
However, group studies are useful only to the domain, specifically, in what is now termed
extent that the lesions can be documented and declarative memory.
quantified with MRI. Some group studies have The elements of long-term memory are
studied patients with assumed lesions, such as stored in the neocortex (not in the medial
patients with modest memory impairments due temporal lobe) as products of the distributed,
to hypoxia who are studied on the untested domain-specific processing that occurred in dif-
assumption that their lesions are limited to ferent regions of neocortex at the time of learn-
the hippocampus. Given techniques currently ing. Thus, long-term memory for whole events
available for quantifying the locus and extent is widely represented, but the multiple areas
of lesions, the use of such techniques in both that are involved each store distinct compo-
single-case and group studies should become nents of information. In addition, acts of re-
standard practice. membering involve the reactivation of the same
It is important to emphasize that studies of neocortical regions that initially processed and
patients with lesions provide only one of many stored what was learned. The role of the medial
experimental approaches to investigating the temporal lobe is to consolidate the distributed
organization of memory. The same issues have elements of memory into a coherent and stable
been usefully investigated in experimental an- ensemble (a process that can take years). Many
imals with lesions (e.g., rats and monkeys), in questions remain about how consolidation oc-
single-unit recording studies of animals and hu- curs, as well as about memory storage, mem-
mans, in studies using functional neuroimaging ory retrieval, and the specific functions of the
or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), different medial temporal lobe structures and
and in studies of genetically modified mice. the different areas of neocortex. These topics
Each approach has its own advantages and dis- encompass what has become a substantial and
advantages, such that one can expect that their fruitful tradition of research within systems and
combined application will provide the best op- cognitive neuroscience—a tradition that began
portunity for further discovery. with the study of H.M.

282 Squire · Wixted

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The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

This work was supported by the Medical Research Service of the Department of Veterans Affairs,
NIMH grant MH24600 to L.R.S., and NIMH grant MH082892 to J.T.W.

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Contents Volume 34, 2011

Collision Detection as a Model for Sensory-Motor Integration

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Neural Representations for Object Perception: Structure, Category,
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Gender Development and the Human Brain
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Too Many Cooks? Intrinsic and Synaptic Homeostatic Mechanisms in
Cortical Circuit Refinement
Gina Turrigiano p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p89
Reward, Addiction, Withdrawal to Nicotine
Mariella De Biasi and John A. Dani p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 105
Neuronal Intrinsic Mechanisms of Axon Regeneration
Kai Liu, Andrea Tedeschi, Kevin Kyungsuk Park, and Zhigang He p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 131
Transcriptional Control of the Terminal Fate
of Monoaminergic Neurons
Nuria Flames and Oliver Hobert p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 153
Amyloid Precursor Protein Processing and Alzheimer’s Disease
Richard J. O’Brien and Philip C. Wong p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 185
Motor Functions of the Superior Colliculus
Neeraj J. Gandhi and Husam A. Katnani p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 205
Olfactory Maps in the Brain
Venkatesh N. Murthy p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 233
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Memory Since H.M.
Larry R. Squire and John T. Wixted p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 259
Deep Brain Stimulation for Psychiatric Disorders
Paul E. Holtzheimer and Helen S. Mayberg p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 289

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Three-Dimensional Transformations for Goal-Directed Action

J. Douglas Crawford, Denise Y.P. Henriques, and W. Pieter Medendorp p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 309
Neurobiology of Economic Choice: A Good-Based Model
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and Nonhuman Primates
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Recovery of Locomotion After Spinal Cord Injury: Some Facts
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Emery N. Brown, Patrick L. Purdon, and Christa J. Van Dort p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 601


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