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Diffraction Definition: When waves encounter obstacles (or openings) they bend round the edges
of the obstacles, if the dimensions of the obstacles are comparable to the wave lengths of the
light waves. The bending of light waves around an obstacle(or a opening) is called diffraction.
Fresnel's diffraction: In this class of diffraction, the
source of light and the screen are at finite distances from
the aperture as shown in the fig.1. In this case no lenses
are used for making the rays parallel. The incident wave
front is either spherical or cylindrical. The treatment for
the diffraction pattern is mathematically complex. The
phase of the secondary wavelets is not the same at all
points in the plane of the aperture.
Fraunhofer Diffraction: In this class of diffraction the
source of light and the screen are effectively placed at
infinite distances from the aperture. This may be achieved
by using two convex lenses. The incident wave front is
plane, as a result, the secondary are in the same phase at every point in the plane of the
aperture. Fraunhofer's diffraction is a special case of the more general Fresnel diffraction and
easier to handle mathematically.
Differences between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction.
No Fresnel's diffraction Fraunhofer's diffraction
1 The source and the screen are placed The source and the screen are placed at infinite
at finite distances from the aperture. distances from the aperture.
2 No lenses are used. Two converging lenses are used. The first of these
converges the diverging waves from the source in
to a plane wave. The second lens causes plane
waves leaving the diffracting aperture to converge
to a point on the screen.
3 The wave front undergoing diffraction The wave front undergoing diffraction is a plane
is either spherical or cylindrical. wave front.
4 Mathematical treatment is complex. Mathematical treatment is easy to handle.

Differences between Interference and Diffraction.

1 Interference is the result of interaction of Diffraction is the result of interaction of light
light coming from two different wave coming from different parts of the same wave
fronts originating from the source. front.
2 Interference fringes may or may not of the Diffraction fringes are not of the same width.
same width.
3 Points of minimum intensity are perfectly Points of minimum intensity are not perfectly
dark. dark.
4 All bright bands are of the same intensity. All bright bands are not of the same intensity.

Diffraction at a single slit

The fig.2 shows a plane wave falling at normal incidence on a long narrow slit of width 𝑎. The
rays extending from the slit to the central point P0 of
the screen all have the same optical path lengths.
Since they are in phase at the plane of the slit, they
will still be in phase at P0 and the central point of the
diffraction pattern that appears on screen C has a
maximum intensity.
Let us consider another point P1 on the screen shown
in the fig.3. Light rays which reach point P1 leave the
slit at angle θ as shown. Ray r1 originates at the top of the slit and ray r2 at its center. If θ is
chosen so that the distance bb′ in the figure is one half a wave length, r1 and r2 will be out
phase and will produce no effect at P1 . In fact every ray from the upper half of the slit will be

cancelled by a ray from the lower half, originating at a point below the first ray. The point P1

is the first minimum of the diffraction pattern.

The condition described in the fig. 3 requires bb' = λ/2
bb ′ a a
But From the fig.3 sin θ = a So bb′ = 2 sin θ i.e 2 sin θ = λ/2 Hence a sin θ = λ

In the fig.4 the slit is divided in to

four equal zones, with a ray leaving
the top of each zone. Let θ be
chosen so that the distance bb′ is
one half wavelength, ray 1 and ray
2 will then cancel at P2 . Rays r3 and
r4 will also be half a wave length
out of phase and will also cancel at
P2 . Consider four other rays emerging from the slit a given distance below the four rays above.
The two rays below r1 and r2 will cancel uniquely as will the two rays below r3 and r4. We can
proceed across the entire slit and conclude again that no light reaches P2 which is the second
The condition described in the fig.4 requires bb'=
bb ′ a
From fig.4 sin θ = a so b𝑏 ′ =4 sin θ
∴ sin θ = λ/2

and hence a sin θ = 2 λ

By extension the general formula for the
minima in the diffraction on screen C is
a sin θ = m λ m=1,2,3....... (minima)
There is maximum half way between each
adjacent pair of minima.

Single slit qualitative
The Fig.5 shows a slit of width ′𝑎' divided in to N parallel strips of width Δx. Each strip acts as a
radiator of Huygen's wavelets and produces a characteristic wave disturbance at point P, whose
position on the screen for a particular
arrangement of apparatus can be
described by the angle θ. The amplitude
ΔE0 of the wave disturbances at P from
the various strips may be taken as equal
if θ is not too large. The wave
disturbances from adjacent strips have a
constant phase difference Δϕ =

Δxsinθ where Δxsinθ is the path

difference for rays originating at the top

edges of adjacent strips.
The wave disturbances from adjacent
strips have a constant phase

differenceΔϕ = Δxsinθ where

Δxsinθ is the path difference for rays originating at the top edges of adjacent strips.
[A path difference of λ corresponds to a phase difference of 2 π, so the path difference of

Δxsin θ corresponds to a phase difference of Δxsinθ which is denoted as Δϕ].

Thus at P, N vectors with same amplitude ΔE0 , same frequency and same phase

difference Δϕ between adjacent members combine to produce a resultant disturbance. We

represent the individual wave disturbances ΔE0 by phasors and calculate the resultant phasor
amplitude. At the centre of the diffraction pattern θ equals zero and the phase shift between
adjacent strips is also zero. The phasor arrows in this case are laid end to end and the amplitude
of the resultant has its maximum value Em as shown in Fig.6a. As we move to a value of θ other
than zero, Δϕ assumes a non zero value and the array of arrows is now shown in the fig.6b. The
resultant amplitude Eθ is less than before. As θ increases further, a situation is reached in which
the chain of arrows curls around through 3600 , the tip of the last arrow touching the foot of the
first arrow. This corresponds to Eθ = 0 that is to the first minimum as shown in Fig.6c. As 𝜃
increases further, the phase shift continues to increase and the chain of arrows coils around
through an angular distance greater than 3600 as in the fig.6D, which corresponds to the first
maximum beyond the central maximum.

Single slit quantitative

The arc of small arrows in fig.7 shows the phasors representing, in amplitude and phase, the
wave disturbances that reach an arbitrary point P on the screen of fig.5 corresponding to a
particular angle θ. The resultant amplitude at P is Eθ . If we divide the slit of fig.5 in to
infinitesimal strips of width 𝑑𝑥, the arc of arrows in fig.7 approaches the arc of a circle, its radius
R being indicated in that fig.7. The length of the arc is Em , the amplitude at the center of the
diffraction pattern, for at the center of the pattern the wave disturbances are all in phase and this
'arc' becomes a straight line as in Fig.7.
The angle ϕ in the lower part of Fig.7 is revealed as the difference in phase between the
infinitesimal vectors at the left and right ends of the arc Em . This means that ϕ is the phase
difference between rays from the top and bottom of the slit of Fig.5. From geometry we see that
ϕ is also the angle between the two radii marked R in the Fig.7. From this figure we can write

ϕ ( θ 2) ϕ E ϕ
sin(2 ) = sin 2 = 2Rθ So Eθ = 2R sin 2
From the fig.7, R= ( Since Em = Rϕ )
Em ϕ E ϕ
Hence Eθ = 2 sin 2 = ϕ m sin
ϕ 2
sin α ϕ
Eθ = Em where α = 2

ϕ is the phase difference between rays from the top and the bottom of the slit and the path
difference for these rays is a sin θ

So ϕ = a sin θ

[A path difference of λ corresponds to a phase difference of 2π, so path difference of (a sin θ)

corresponds to a phase difference of (a sin θ) which is denoted as ϕ]

ϕ π(a sin θ)
α= =
2 λ
sin 2 α sin 2 πa sin θ/λ
Iθ = (Eθ )2 = Em
----------->(1) or Iθ = Im -------------->(2)
α2 πa sin θ/λ 2
πa sin θ
Minimum occurs in equan (1) when α = mπ i.e., = mπ

i.e., a sin θ = mλ is the condition for minimum in single slit diffraction.

sin α sin 2 α ϕ πa sin θ
So Eθ = Em Iθ = Im where α=2=
α α2 λ

Diffraction Grating
A diffraction grating consists of a very large number of extremely narrow identical equi-
spaced slits. Rowland produced transmission grating by ruling fine lines extremely close together
on the surface of the glass with a fine sharp diamond point. The scratches act as opaque spaces
and the transparent portions in between the scratches act as slits. A diffraction grating is
characterized by the total no of slits N and the distance (a+d) between the centres of the adjacent
slits which is known as grating element or grating period, 'a' being the width of each slit and 'd'
being the width of each opaque space.
Plane diffraction grating (Fraunhofer diffraction due to N slits )
Consider ABCDEFGHIJ to represent the section of the grating normal to the plane of the
paper, having the width of each slit uniform and it is 'a' as shown in the fig.8. The slits AB,

CD,EF,GH,IJ are separated by distance 'd'. The grating element (a+d) is also the distance
between any two successive slits. Let plane waves of monochromatic light of wave length λ be
incident normally on the grating. By Huygen's principle each of the infinite points in the slit
sends secondary wavelets in all directions. The secondary wavelets travelling in the same
direction of the incident light will come to focus at P0 on the screen 'MN' which is placed at the
focal plane of the convex lens as shown in Fig.8. The point P0 will be central maximum
(Principal maximum of zero order). Now let us consider the secondary diffracted wave
proceeding in a direction which makes an angle θ with respect to the normal to the grating as
shown in the Fig.9.
The wavelets proceeding from all points in a slit along the direction θ are equivalent to a single
sin α πa sin θ
wave of amplitude Eθ = Em starting from the middle point of the slit where α = .
α λ

If there are N slits then we have N diffracted waves, one each from the middle points of
the slits. The path difference between two consecutive slits is (a+d)sin θ. The corresponding
phase difference δ would be


δ= a + d sin θ = 2γ say.------------------------------>(1)


These N diffracted waves may be represented as
E1 = Eθ eiωt , E2 = Eθ ei ωt+δ
, E 3 = E θ ei ωt+2δ
........ EN = Eθ ei ωt+ N−1 δ

The resultant of these N waves is given by

E= Ek = Eθ e ei k−1 δ

k=1 k=1

The above sum is the sum of N terms of a geometrical progression with its first term equal to 1
and common ratio eiδ
N i k−1 δ 1−e iN δ
k=1 e = 1 + eiδ + ei2δ + ⋯ ei N−1 δ
= 1−e iδ
1−e iN δ
E = Eθ eiωt which can be written as
1−e iδ

1−e iN δ
E = Aeiωt where A = Eθ -------------------------------->(2)
1−e iδ

Here the amplitude A is a complex quantity and to find the intensity Iθ , it should be multiplied by
its complex conjugate.
1−e iN δ 1−e −iN δ 2− e iN δ +e −iN δ
Iθ = A2 = AA∗ = Eθ 2 ; Iθ = Eθ 2
1−e iδ 1−e −iδ 2− e iδ +e −iδ

eiN δ + e−iN δ eiN δ + e−iN δ

2− 2 1 −
2 2
Iθ = Eθ 2 iδ −iδ
= Eθ2
e +e e + e−iδ

2− 2 1 −
2 2
(1−cos 𝑁𝛿 ) 2𝑠𝑖𝑛 2 ( )
𝐼𝜃 = 𝐸𝜃2 (1−cos 𝛿) i.e., 𝐼𝜃 = 𝐸𝜃2 2
2𝑠𝑖𝑛 2 ( )

sin 2 Nγ δ
Iθ = Eθ 2 ------------------>(3) Since δ = 2γ ; =γ
sin 2 γ 2
2π δ
δ= a + d sin θ ∴ 2 = γ = π(a + d) sin θ/λ
sin 2 Nπ a+d sin θ/λ
Iθ = Eθ 2 ----------------->(4)
sin 2 π(a+d) sin θ/λ
sin α
But Eθ = Em α
sin 2 α sin 2 α ϕ π
Eθ 2 = Em 2 = Im ----------->(5) where α = = a sin θ
α2 α2 2 λ

From equations (3) and (5)

sin 2 α sin 2 Nγ
Iθ = Im --------------->(6 )
α2 sin 2 γ

sin2 πa sin θ/λ sin2 Nπ a + d sin θ/λ
Iθ = Im
πa sin θ/λ 2 sin2 π(a + d) sin θ/λ
sin 2 α
In the above equation (6), the factor Im gives the intensity distribution pattern (diffraction
sin 2 Nγ
term) due to a single slit, while the factor yields the intensity distribution pattern
sin 2 γ

(Interference term) due to N slits.

[If derivation is not written the following matter should be written after equation (1)]

δ= a + d sin θ = 2γ say.------------------------------>(1)

These N diffracted waves may be represented as

E1 = Eθ eiωt , E2 = Eθ ei ωt+δ
, E 3 = E θ ei ωt+2δ
........ EN = Eθ ei ωt+ N−1 δ

It is clear from the above equation that the phase difference between two successive waves is
constant and is equal to δ = 2γ. Thus the resultant amplitude and intensity at a point P, due to N
slits in the direction θ can be obtained by using the method of vector addition and are given by
sin α sin Nγ
the amplitude A = Em α γ

2 sin 2 α sin 2 Nγ
and the intensity Iθ = Em α2 sin 2 γ

sin 2 α sin 2 Nγ sin 2 ( πa sin θ/λ) sin 2 Nπ a+d sin θ/λ

Iθ = Im Iθ = Im
α2 sin 2 γ (πa sin θ/λ)2 sin 2 π(a+d) sin θ/λ

sin 2 α
In the above equation, the factor Im gives the intensity distribution pattern (diffraction term)
sin 2 Nγ
due to a single slit, while the factor yields the intensity distribution pattern (Interference
sin 2 γ

term ) due to N slits.

Condition for Principal maxima ( in the case of diffraction grating)

sin 2 α sin 2 Nγ
In the expression for intensity Iθ = Im the intensity becomes maximum when
α2 sin 2 γ

sin γ = 0 or γ = ±nπ where n=0,1,2,3...... but at the same time (sin Nγ) will be zero and the
sin Nγ
factor becomes indeterminate.
sin γ

So it has to be evaluated by applying L' Hospital's rule.

sin Nγ sin Nγ N cos Nγ

limγ→±nπ = limγ→±nπ d = lim = ±N
sin γ sin γ γ→±nπ cos γ

sin Nγ 2 sin 2 Nγ
Hence lim = lim = N2
γ→±nπ sin γ γ→±nπ sin 2 γ

sin 2 α sin 2 Nγ
That is the resultant intensity of the principal maxima is given by Iθ = Im α2 sin 2 γ

sin 2 α
When γ = ±nπ , Iθ = Im N2

i.e., the brightness of the principal maxima increases with the increase of the number of slits. As
these maxima are more intense they are called as Principal maxima.
π a+d sin θ a+d sin θ
When γ = ±nπ, = ±nπ i.e = ±n
λ λ

or a + d sin θ = ±nλ Where n=0,1,2,3......

This is known as the grating equation. n=0 corresponds to zero order principal maximum.
n=1,2,3..... etc corresponds to first, second, third .. orders principal maxima respectively.
± sign shows that there are two principal maxima of the same order lying on either side of zero
order principal maximum.

Condition for minima (in the case of Diffraction grating)

sin 2 α sin 2 Nγ
In the expression for intensity Iθ = Im , the intensity becomes minimum when
α2 sin 2 γ

sin Nγ = 0 and at the same time sin γ should not become zero
If sin Nγ = 0 ; Nγ = ±mπ
Nπ a+d sin θ
i.e., = ±mπ

i.e N a + d sin θ = mλ
where m can take all integral values except 0,N,2N,.....nN because for these values of m,
sin γ becomes zero and we get principal maximum. Thus m=1,2,3......N-1.
We see that m=0, gives principal maximum of zero order , m=1,2,3,.......(N-1) give minima and
m=N gives again principal maximum of First order .
Thus there are (N-1) equally spaced minima between two adjacent principal maxima.
The equation N a + d sin θ = mλ can be written for all integer values of n as
N a + d sin θ = (nN + 1) λ for n=0,1,2,3,..... which is the condition for diffraction minima.

Secondary maxima
Between two principal maxima, we have
(N-1) minima. Between two consecutive
minima, the intensity has to have
maximum. These maxima are known as
secondary maxima. There will be (N-2)
such secondary maxima. The Principal
maxima, secondary maxima and secondary
minima will be as shown in the Fig.10

Grating spectrum
The positions of the principal maxima are given by the equation a + d sin θn = nλ where
n=0,1,2,3..... This equation is called grating equation, where a + d is the grating element, n is
the order of maxima and λ is the wave length of the incident light. The angle of diffraction
depends up on the wave length λ. The corresponding spectrum is called grating spectrum. The
zero order principal maximum occurs for n=0, at
θ = 0 and is independent of the wavelength.
The first order maximum is obtained for n=1 then
a + d sin θ1 = λ
The second order maximum is obtained for n=2
a + d sin θ2 = 2λ
Thus different order bright images are obtained on both sides of the zero order principal
maximum as shown in the Fig.11. If we use white light then the central maximum will be also
white. However for n ≠ 0, in each order different colours are diffracted at different angles. The
angles of diffraction are different for different wavelengths and therefore various spectral
components appear at different positions as shown in Fig.12. Thus by measuring the angles of
diffraction for various colours, we can determine the values of the wavelengths.

Measurement of wavelengths of light for various colours.
The condition for maximum is 𝑎 + 𝑑 sin 𝜃 = 𝑛𝜆
𝑎+𝑑 sin 𝜃 sin 𝜃 sin 𝜃
∴ 𝜆= = 1 ∴ 𝜆= where n
𝑛 𝑛 𝑛𝑁
𝑎 +𝑑

is the order of the spectrum

and N (= ) is the number of lines per cm on
𝑎 +𝑑

the grating.
Initially the grating will be kept in the normal
incidence position. Then by measuring the angle of
diffraction 𝜃 for any colour in an order using the
spectra meter, we can calculate the wavelength for
sin 𝜃
that colour using the above equation 𝜆 = 𝑛𝑁

Maximum number of orders available with a grating

Condition for the principal maxima in a grating is 𝑎 + 𝑑 sin 𝜃 = 𝑛𝜆
𝑎 + 𝑑 sin 𝜃
So wave length 𝜆 will decide the maximum number of orders of diffraction
for a given grating with grating element 𝑎 + 𝑑
For the maximum diffraction order 𝑛𝑚𝑎𝑥 , the diffraction angle 𝜃𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 900
𝑎+𝑑 sin 𝜃 𝑎 +𝑑
𝑛𝑚𝑎𝑥 = so 𝑛𝑚𝑎𝑥 =
𝜆 𝜆

If 𝑎 + 𝑑 < 3 𝜆 ,
𝑛𝑚𝑎𝑥 < ∴ 𝑛𝑚𝑎𝑥 < 3

∴ Only the first two diffraction orders will be observed

Missing order of diffraction or absent spectra with a diffraction grating

In the case of grating the principal maxima are obtained in the directions
given by 𝑎 + 𝑑 sin 𝜃 = 𝑛𝜆 -----------------------> 1
In the case of a single slit the minima are obtained in directions
given by 𝑎 sin 𝜃 = 𝑚 𝜆 -------------------------------> 2

If both the conditions are satisfied simultaneously, a particular maximum order n will be missing
in the grating spectrum.
Taking the ratio of the above two equations we get
𝑎+𝑑 sin 𝜃 𝑛𝜆
𝑎 sin 𝜃
𝑎+𝑑 𝑛
= 𝑚 This is the condition for missing order

To suppress the second order maximum we have to take n=2

For the first order minima for a slit we have to take m=1
𝑎+𝑑 2
∴ =1 i.e., 𝑎 + 𝑑 = 2𝑎 or 𝑎 = 𝑑

i.e., the width of the ruling is equal to the width of the slit.

Resolving power of a grating

Resolving power: When two objects are very near to each other they may appear as one and it
may be impossible for the eye to see them separately. If we want to see them as separate objects,
we make use of optical instruments such as telescopes, microscopes, prisms or gratings etc.,. The
separation of the images of such close objects is termed as resolution. The ability of an optical
instrument to form distinctly separate images of two objects which are very close together is
called as resolving power.

Rayleigh's criterion of resolution

According to Rayleigh two spectral lines of equal intensity should be regarded as
separate i.e., just resolved, if the central maximum of the diffraction pattern due to one coincides
with the first minimum of the other and vice versa. This is known as Rayleigh's criterion of
resolution. To understand the criterion, consider the diffraction patterns due to two spectral lines
of wavelengths λ1 and λ2 . If the difference in wavelengths of these two spectral lines is very
small, the central maxima corresponding to these two wavelengths come close. Then the
intensity curves show a sufficient overlapping and the two images cannot be distinguished as
separate and are not resolved as shown in Fig.13a.

In this case the resultant curve shows only maximum intensity and it is higher than the
individual intensities of both. If the difference in wavelengths is smaller such that the central
maximum of one coincides with the first minimum of the other, the resultant intensity curve
shows a distinct dip in the middle of the two central maxima, and the two images are just

resolved as shown in Fig.13b. If the difference in wavelengths is not small such that the central
maxima of the two wavelengths are quite separate and there is distinct point of zero intensity in
the middle of the resultant intensity curve, then the two spectral lines appear to be well resolved,
and they will appear as distinctly separate as shown in Fig.13c.
Expression for the resolving power of a grating
The important property of a diffraction
grating is its ability to separate spectral lines
which have close wavelengths. The capacity to
form separate diffraction maxima of two
wavelengths which are very close to each other
is called the resolving power of a grating. If dλ
is the smallest difference in two wavelengths
which are just resolvable by a grating and λ is the wavelength of either of them or mean
wavelength, then the resolving power of a grating is defined as λ dλ.
Consider AB which represents the surface of a plane transmission grating having the
grating element 𝑎 + 𝑑 and let N be the total number of slits. Let a beam of light having two
wavelengths λ and λ + dλ be incident normally on the grating as shown in the Fig.14. XY is the
field of view of the telescope. P1 is the nth principal maximum of a spectral line of wavelength λ,
at an angle of diffraction θn and P2 is nth principal maximum of a spectral line of wavelength
λ + dλ at an angle of diffraction θn + dθ

According to Raleigh's criterion, the two wavelengths will be resolved if the principal maximum
of λ + dλ in a direction θn + dθ falls over the first minimum of λ in the same direction θn + dθ.
The principal maximum of λ in the direction θn is given by a + d sin θn = nλ ------------>(1)
The equation for minimum of λ in the direction θn is given by N a + d sin θn = mλ-------->(2)
where m can have all the integer values except 0, N, 2N, 3N and so on, because for these values
of m, the condition for maximum is satisfied and different maxima will be obtained. Thus the
first minimum of λ adjacent to nth principal maximum in the direction θn + dθ can be obtained
by substituting the value of m as (nN+1) and the value of θ as θn + dθ in the above equation 2.
Therefore the first minimum of λ in the direction (θn + dθ) is given by the equation
N a + d sin θn + dθ = (nN + 1)λ for all integer values of n --------------------->(3)
The nth principal maximum of λ + dλ in the direction (θn + dθ) from the equation 1 is given by
a + d sin θn + dθ = n λ + dλ ------------------------>(4)
Multiplying equation (4) by N we get
N a + d sin θn + dθ = Nn λ + dλ ------------------------>(5)
From (3) and (5) we get nN + 1 λ = Nn λ + dλ i.e nN λ + λ = nN λ + nNdλ
So λ = nNdλ or = nN So the resolving power of a grating is (i) directly proportional

to n, the order of the spectrum and (ii) to N, the total number of lines on the grating surface.

Note: The following double starred questions have the probability of more than 90% of being
asked in the examinations. The single starred questions have the probability of more than 70%
being asked in the examinations. The remaining questions (without any star) may be also asked in
the examinations but the probability is less
1 What is meant by diffraction and what are the different types of diffraction.
**2 Describe, in detail, the Single slit diffraction experiment with a monochromatic light.
*3 Discuss the diffraction of light in a grating and obtain the grating equation.
4 Define Resolution of light waves and explain the Rayleigh's Criterion for the resolution of
**5 Derive an expression for the Resolving power of grating.

Adding wave disturbances: Consider two sinusoidal wave disturbances
E1 = E0 sin ωt ---------------------->(1) and E2 = E0 sin ωt + ϕ ---------------> (2)
A sinusoidal wave disturbance like E1 = E0 sin ωt can be represented graphically using a

rotating vector called as phasor. The alternating wave disturbance E1 can be represented by the
projection of this phasor on the vertical axis as shown in Fig(a). A second wave disturbance E2
which has the same amplitude E0 but a phase difference ϕ w.r.t E1 , E2 = E0 sin ωt + ϕ can be
represented graphically as the projection on the vertical axis of a second phasor of magnitude E0
which makes an angle ϕ with the first phasor as in Fig(b). The sum E of E1 and E2 is the sum of
the projections of the two phasors on the vertical axis as shown in Fig(c). This can be shown by
putting foot of the second arrow at the head of the first arrow maintaining the proper phase
difference and letting the whole assembly rotate counter clock wise about the origin. Then E can
be regarded as the projection on the vertical axis of phasor of magnitude Eθ which is the vector
sum of the two phasors of magnitude E0 .
The resultant of a number of wave disturbances can be found by constructing a series of
phasors representing the wave disturbances to be added as shown in Fig.(D). Draw them end to
end maintaining the proper phase relationship between the adjacent phasors. Construct the vector
sum of this array. Its length gives the amplitude of the resultant. The angle between it and the
first phasor is the phase of the resultant with respect to this first phasor. The projection of this
phasor on the vertical axis gives the time variation of the resultant wave disturbance.


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