Hardness Testing
Microindentation hardness testing is a very valuable tool for the materials
engineer, but it must be used with care and full understanding of
potential problems.
This article describes the two most common microindentation tests -- the Vickers
and the Knoop tests, which are currently being updated as ASTM Standard E
In the Vickers test, the load is applied smoothly, without impact, and held in
place for 10 or 15 seconds. The physical quality of the indenter and the accuracy
of the applied load (defined in E 384) must be controlled to get the correct
results. After the load is removed, the two impression diagonals are measured,
usually with a filar micrometer, to the nearest 0.1 µm, and then averaged. The
Vickers hardness (HV) is calculated by:
HV = 1854.4L / d2
The original Vickers testers were developed for test loads of 1 to 120 kgf, which
produce rather large indents. Recognizing the need for lower test loads, the
National Physical Laboratory (U.K.) experimented with lower test loads in 1932.
The first low-load Vickers tester was described by Lips and Sack in 1936.
Because the shape of the Vickers indentation is geometrically similar at all test
loads, the HV value is constant, within statistical precision, over a very wide test
load range, as long as the test specimen is reasonably homogeneous.
Since the 1960s, the standard symbol for Vickers hardness per ASTM E 92 and E
384, has been HV. This nomenclature is preferred to the older, obsolete symbols
DPN or VPN. The hardness is expressed in a standard format. For example, if a
300 gf load reveals a hardness of 375 HV, the hardness is expressed as 375
HV300. Note that ASTM recommends a "soft" metric approach in this case,
because rigorous application of the SI system would result in hardness units
expressed not in the standard, understandable kgf / mm2 values, but in GPa units,
which are entirely meaningless to engineers and technicians.
Fig. 2 - Example of Properly formed As with the Brinell test, the Vickers hardness
indents with excellent image contrast number is calculated based on the surface area of
(400X) the indent rather than the projected area. However,
if the impression shape is distorted by elastic
recovery, a very common result in anisotropic
materials (Fig. 3), should the hardness be based on
the average of the two diagonals? It is possible to
calculate the Vickers hardness based on the
projected area of the impression, which can be
measured by image analysis. Although rigorous
Fig. 3 - Example of a distorted Vickers
studies of this problem are seldom found in the
indent in an austenitic stainless steel literature, it appears that the diagonal measurement
specimen (400X) is the preferred approach even for distorted indents.
The Knoop test
As an alternative to the Vickers test,
particularly for very thin layers, Fredrick
Knoop and his associates at the former
National Bureau of Standards (now NIST)
developed a low-load test with a
rhombohedral-shaped diamond indenter, Fig.
4. The long diagonal is seven times (7.114
actually) as long as the short diagonal. With
this indenter shape, elastic recovery can be
held to a minimum. Some investigators claim
no elastic recovery with the Knoop indent, but
this cannot be true, because measurements of
the ratio of long-to-short diagonal often Fig. 4 - Schematic showing the shape of the
reveal results substantially different than the Knoop indenter and impression.
ideal 7.114 value.
The Knoop test is conducted in the same manner, and with the same tester, as the
Vickers test. However, only the long diagonal is measured, except for the
projected area hardness (PAH) test recommended by Blau. This, of course, saves
some time. The Knoop hardness is calculated from
HK = 14229L / d2
where the load L is in gf and the long diagonal d is in µm. Again, the symbol HK
was adopt in the early 1960s while other terms, such as HKN or KHN, are
obsolete. The Knoop hardnness is expressed in the same manner as the Vickers
hardness: 375 HK300 means that a 300 gf load produced a Knoop hardness of 375
kgf / mm2.
Aside from a minor savings of time, one chief merit of the Knoop test is the
ability to test thin layers more easily. For surfaces with varying hardness, such as
case hardened parts, Knoop indents can be spaced closer together than Vickers
indents. Thus, a single Knoop traverse can define a hardness gradient more
simply than a series of two or three parallel Vickers traverses in which each
indent is made at different depths. Furthermore, if the hardness varies strongly
with the depth, the Vickers indent is distorted by this change; that is, the diagonal
parallel to the hardness change is affected by the hardness gradient, while the
diagonal perpendicular to the hardness gradient remains unaffected (both halves
of this diagonal are of the same approximate length).
The shortcoming of the Knoop indent is that the three-dimensional indent shape
changes with test load and, consequently, HK varies with load. In fact, HK
values may be reliably converted to other test scales only for HK values
produced at the standard load, generally 500 gf, that was used to develop the
correlations. However, at high loads the variation is not substantial. Note that all
hardness scale conversions are based on empirical data; consequently,
conversions are not precise but are estimates.
In the early days of low-load (<100 gf) hardness testing, it was quickly
recognized that improper specimen preparation can influence hardness test
results. Most texts state that improper preparation yields higher test results
because the surface contains excessive preparation-induced deformation. While
this is certainly true, improper preparation may also create excessive heat, which
reduces the hardness and strength of many metals and alloys. Either problem may
be encountered due to faulty preparation.
If a specimen is simply placed on the stage surface, its back surface must be
parallel to its polished surface. Tilting the surface more than one degree from
perpendicular results in nonsymmetrical impressions, and can produce lateral
movement between specimen and indenter.
However, in most cases, indenting procedures are not the major source of error.
For example, the writer has encountered units that were not applying the correct
load, as shown in Fig. 5. Tester A produced nearly constant results over the full
load range, while tester B produced the correct results only at 1000 gf. As the
applied load decreased, the hardness decreased to less than 25% of the correct
value! Apparently, the load being applied, for loads under 1000gf, must have
been substantially greater than specified. After such an evaluation, it is easy to
decide which tester to purchase!
Specimen preparation quality becomes more important as the load decreases, and
it must be at an acceptable level. Specimen thickness must be at least 2.5 times
the Vickers diagonal length. Because the Knoop indent is shallower than the
Vickers at the same load, somewhat thinner specimens can be tested.
For the Knoop test, in which the long diagonals are parallel, the spacing is 2.5
times the short diagonal. The minimum recommended spacing between the edge
of the specimen and the center of the indent should be 2.5 times. Again, Knoop
indents can be placed closer to the surface than Vickers indents.