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SME1306 - THEORY OF VIBRATIONS - 2015 Batch: Unit 1 Fundamentals of Vibration

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SME1306 - THEORY OF VIBRATIONS – 2015 batch


Simple Harmonic Motion, Free, Damped, Forced vibration of single degree freedom system. Derivation
of SDOF equations using Newton’s Laws, Modal analysis, Natural frequency, equivalent systems,
Critical speed, Force transmissibility to foundation, Forced response to ground motion, Energy
Method. Introduction to measuring instrument


Free vibration of spring coupled systems, Two degrees of freedom mass coupled systems, Bending
vibrations of two degrees of freedom systems, Forced vibration of an undamped two degrees of
freedom system, Undamped vibration absorbers, Vibration isolation. Lagrangian’s and Hamilton
Equations. Signal processing, Mode shapes.


Close coupled systems, Far coupled systems, Orthogonality of mode shapes, Modal analysis of
damped systems), Forced vibration (modal analysis, forced vibration by matrix inversion). Repeated
frequency case mode shapes, Dunkerley’s Method, Rayleigh Ritz method, Holzer method


Transverse, flexural, torsional vibration of beams, Timoshenko beam, Hamilton principle, vibration of
plates, collocation method, Myklested - prohl method.


Transient vibrations:Method of step input, phase plane -method, method of Laplace transformation,
drop test spectra by Laplace transformations. Non linear vibrations :Non linear vibrations and
superposition principle, examples of non linear vibrations, method of dealing with non linear vibrations,
phase plane trajectories, method of direct integration, iteration method, Fourier series.

1. William T Thomson, “Theory of Vibration With Applications, Taylor & Francis, 1993
2. Singiresu Rao S, Mechanical Vibrations, 5th edition, Pearson Education, Canada, 2010
3. Ramamurti, V., Mechanical Vibration Practice with Basic Theory, 1st edition, Narosa Publishing House,
Chennai, 2000
4. Theory and Practice of mechanical vibrations : J S Rao & K Gupta, New age International (Pvt) Ltd., N.
Delhi, 2006, Ed.1 .
5. Mechanical Vibrations ,Singh V P, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi, 3rd edition, 2006.
6. Francis Sing Tse, Ivan .E. Morse and Rolland Theodore Hinkle, “Mechanical Vibrations”, Prentice Hall of
India, 1984.
7. Fung, Y.C., “An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1985.
8. Timoshenko,S., “Vibration Problems in Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1987
9. Graham Kelly S, Mechanical Vibrations, Schuam’s Outlines, Tata Mc GRaw Hill, 2007

SME 1306 -THEORY OF VIBRATIONS, by Elphej Churchil S J, Aero Dept - Sathyabama University Page 1


Vibration is the study of repetitive motion of objects relative to a stationery frame of

reference or equilibrium position. The system tends to return to its original equilibrium
position under the action of restoring forces.

Concept of Vibration

All bodies having mass and elasticity are capable to vibrate. The mass is inherent in the
body and elasticity cause relative motion among its parts. When body particles are displaced
application of external force, the internal forces in the form of elastic energy present in
the body, try to bring it to its original position. At equilibrium position, the whole of the elastic
energy is converted into kinetic energy and the body continuous to move in the opposite
direction because of it. The whole of the kinetic energy is again converted into elastic due to
which the body returns to the equilibrium position.
Types of Structural Vibration
The following are the different types of vibrations in a structural dynamic problem. a.
a. Free and Forced Vibration
Free vibration is a vibration in which energy is neither added to nor removed from the
vibrating system. It will just keep vibrating forever at the same amplitude. Except from some
superconducting electronic oscillators, or possibly the motion of an electron in its orbit about
an atomic nucleus, there are no free vibrations in nature. They are all damped to some extent.
Forced vibration is one in which energy is added to the vibrating system, as for
example in a clockwork mechanism where the energy stored in a spring is transferred a bit at a
time to the vibrating element. The amplitude of a forced, undamped vibration would increase
over time until the mechanism was destroyed. The amplitude of a forced, damped vibration
will settle to some value where the energy loss per cycle is exactly balanced by the energy
b. Damped and Undamped Vibration
Damped vibration is one in which there is an energy loss from the vibrating system.
This loss may be in the form of mechanical friction, as at the pivot of a pendulum for example,

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or in the form of turbulence as the vibrating system disturbs its surroundings. The amplitude of
a damped vibration will eventually decay to zero.
Undamped vibration suffers no energy loss. Lightly damped vibrations have slight
energy loss which may or may not be negligible, depending on the nature of the observation of
the vibrator. The inertial forces in these systems are large compared to the drag or friction
forces. Heavily damped vibrations suffer high energy losses. They are characterized by drag or
friction forces large compared to the inertial forces of the system. A critically damped system
is one which moves from an initial displacement to the equilibrium state without overshoot, in
minimum time. For example a simple pendulum suspended in a container of light oil might just
drop from an elevated starting point to hang straight down without ever swinging up on the
opposite side. An over damped system behaves like a critically damped system except that it
takes longer to reach equilibrium. For example a simple pendulum suspended in a container of
honey would probably be over damped.

 Damping: Damping is the resistance to the motion of a vibrating body. The vibrations
associated with this resistance are known as damped vibration.
 Resonance: When the frequency of external force is equal to or matches with one of the
natural frequencies of the vibrating system, the amplitude of vibration becomes
excessively large. This phenomenon is called resonance.
 Free vibration: The vibration which persists in a structure after the force causing the motion
has been removed is known as free vibration.
 Forced vibration: The vibration which is maintained in a structure by steady periodic force
acting on the structure is known as forced vibration.
 Damped vibration: When a damper or damping element is attached to the vibratory system,
the motion of the system will be opposed by it and the energy of the system will be
dissipated in friction is known as damped vibration.
 Un-damped vibration: The vibration generated by the system having no damping element is
known as un damped vibration.
 Free response: The motion due to initial condition is generally known as free response.
 Forced response: When the motion is due to applied forces is known as forced response.

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The simplest vibratory system can be described by a single mass connected to a spring (and
possibly a dashpot). The mass is allowed to travel only along the spring elongation direction.
Such systems are called Single Degree-of-Freedom (SDOF) systems and are shown in the
following figure,

Fig 2.1 Single degree of freedom with damper

SDOF vibration can be analyzed by Newton's second law of motion, F = m*a. The analysis
can be easily visualized with the aid of a free body diagram,

Fig 2.2 Free body Diagram

The resulting equation of motion is a second order, non-homogeneous, ordinary differential

with the initial conditions,

The solution to the general SDOF equation of motion is shown in the damped SDOF discussion.
Free vibration (no external force) of a single degree-of-freedom system with viscous
damping can be illustrated as,

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Fig 2.3 Free Vibration

Damping that produces a damping force proportional to the mass's velocity is commonly
referred to as "viscous damping", and is denoted graphically by a dashpot.
For an unforced damped SDOF system, the general equation of motion becomes,

with the initial conditions,

This equation of motion is a second order, homogeneous, ordinary differential equation (ODE).
If all parameters (mass, spring stiffness and viscous damping) are constants, the ODE becomes
a linear ODE with constant coefficients and can be solved by the Characteristic Equation
The characteristic equation for this problem is,

which determines the 2 independent roots for the damped vibration problem. The roots to the
characteristic equation fall into one of the following 3 cases:

If < 0, the system is termed under damped. The roots of the characteristic
equation are complex conjugates, corresponding to oscillatory motion with an
exponential decay in amplitude.

If = 0, the system is termed critically-damped. The roots of the characteristic
equation are repeated, corresponding to simple decaying motion with at most
one overshoot of the system's resting position.

If > 0, the system is termed over damped. The roots of the characteristic
equation are purely real and distinct, corresponding to simple exponentially decaying

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To simplify the solutions coming up, we define the critical damping Cc, the damping ratio ζ,
and the damped vibration frequency ωd as,

where the natural frequency of the system ωn is given by,

Note that ωd will equal ωn when the damping of the system is zero (i.e. undamped). The
time solutions for the free SDOF system are presented below for each of the three case
Under damped Systems

When < 0 (equivalent to < 1 or < ), the characteristic equation has a pair
of complex conjugate roots. The displacement solution for this kind of system is,

An alternate but equivalent solution is given by,

The displacement plot of an under damped system would appear as,

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Fig 2.4 Time Period Acceleration

Note that the displacement amplitude decays exponentially (i.e. the natural logarithm of
the amplitude ratio for any two displacements separated in time by a constant ratio is a
constant; long-winded!),

Where is the period of the damped vibration.

Critically-Damped Systems

When = 0 (equivalent to = 1 or = ), the characteristic equation has

repeated real roots. The displacement solution for this kind of system is,

The critical damping factor cc can be interpreted as the minimum damping those results in
non- periodic motion (i.e. simple decay).
The displacement plot of a critically-damped system with positive initial displacement
and velocity would appear as,

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Fig 2.5 Time Period acceleration of critically damped system

The displacement decays to a negligible level after one natural period, Tn. Note that if the
initial velocity v0 is negative while the initial displacement x0 is positive, there will exist one
overshoot of the resting position in the displacement plot.

Overdamped Systems

When > 0 (equivalent to > 1 or > ), the characteristic equation has two
distinct real roots. The displacement solution for this kind of system is,

The displacement plot of an overdamped system would appear as,

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Fig 2.6 Displacement plot for Over damped system

The motion of an over damped system is non-periodic, regardless of the initial conditions.
The larger the damping, the longer the time to decay from an initial disturbance.
If the system is heavily damped, , the displacement solution takes the approximate form,


Any motion that repeats itself after an interval of time is called vibration or oscillation. The
swinging of a pendulum and the motion of a plucked string are typical examples of
vibration. The theory of vibration deals with the study of oscillatory motion of bodies and
forces associated with them.

Fig 2.7 Simple Pendulum

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Elementary Parts of Vibrating system
o A means of storing potential energy (spring or elasticity)
o A means of storing kinetic energy (Mass or inertia)
o A means by which energy is gradually lost (damper)
The forces acting on the systems are
 Disturbing forces
 Restoring force
 Inertia force
 Damping force

Simple Harmonic Motion

In the diagram a simple harmonic oscillator, comprising a mass attached to one end of a spring, is
shown. The other end of the spring is connected to a rigid support such as a wall. If the system is
left at rest at the equilibrium position then there is no net force acting on the mass. However, if
the mass is displaced from the equilibrium position, a restoring elastic force which obeys
Hooke's law is exerted by the spring.
Mathematically, the restoring force F is given by

where F is the restoring elastic force exerted by the spring (in SI units: N), k is the spring
constant (N· m−1), and x is the displacement from the equilibrium position (in m).

For any simple harmonic oscillator:

 When the system is displaced from its equilibrium position, a restoring force which
resembles Hooke's law tends to restore the system to equilibrium.
 Once the mass is displaced from its equilibrium position, it experiences a net restoring
force. As a result, it accelerates and starts going back to the equilibrium position. When the
mass moves closer to the equilibrium position, the restoring force decreases. At the
equilibrium position, the net restoring force vanishes. However, at x = 0, the mass has
momentum because of the impulse that the restoring force has imparted. Therefore, the
mass continues past the equilibrium position, compressing the spring. A net restoring force
then tends to slow it down, until its velocity vanishes, whereby it will attempt to reach
equilibrium position again.
 As long as the system has no energy loss, the mass will continue to oscillate. Thus, simple
harmonic motion is a type of periodic motion.

Dynamics of simple harmonic motion

For one-dimensional simple harmonic motion, the equation of motion, which is a second-order
linear ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients, could be obtained by means of
Newton's second law and Hooke's law.

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where m is the inertial mass of the oscillating body, x is its displacement from the equilibrium (or
mean) position, and k is the spring constant.

Solving the differential equation above, a solution which is a sinusoidal function is obtained.


In the solution, c1 and c2 are two constants determined by the initial conditions, and the origin is
set to be the equilibrium position.
[A] Each of these constants carries a physical meaning of the motion:
A is the amplitude (maximum displacement from the equilibrium position), ω = 2πf is the
angular frequency, and φ is the phase.
[B]Using the techniques of differential calculus, the velocity and acceleration as a function
of time can be found:

Acceleration can also be expressed as a function of displacement:

Then since ω = 2πf,

and since T = 1/f where T is the time period,

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These equations demonstrate that the simple harmonic motion is isochronous (the period and
frequency are independent of the amplitude and the initial phase of the motion).

Energy of simple harmonic motion

The kinetic energy K of the system at time t is

And the potential energy is

The total mechanical energy of the system therefore has the constant value

Derivation of Time Period through Energy Method Total Energy of SHM = constant

The natural frequency of vibration is ω =√ (k/m) in radians per second
The time period is the time taken for one cycle is T = 2Π/ω
The frequency of vibration f = 1/ T = ω/2Π


When the system is made to vibrate in a surrounding viscous medium that is under the control of
highly viscous fluid, the damping is called viscous damping. This type of damping is achieved
by means of hydraulic dashpot

Fig 2.7 Viscous Dampers

If such force is also proportional to the velocity, as for a simple mechanical viscous damper
(dashpot), the force may be related to the velocity by

where c is the damping coefficient, given in units of Newton-seconds per meter.

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Equation of motion for Viscous Damping

Fig 2.8 Forced Vibrations with

An ideal mass–spring–damper system with mass m, spring constant k and viscous damper of
damping coefficient c is subject to an oscillatory force

and a damping force

The values can be in any consistent system of units; for example, in SI units, m in kilograms, k in
Newton’s per meter, and c in Newton-seconds per meter or kilograms per second.

Treating the mass as a free body and applying Newton's second law, the total force Ftot on the
body is

Where a is the acceleration of the mass and x is the displacement of the mass relative to a fixed
point of reference.

Since Ftot = Fs + Fd,

This differential equation may be rearranged into

The following parameters are then defined:

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The first parameter, ω0, is called the (undamped) natural frequency of the system. The second
parameter, ζ, is called the damping ratio. The natural frequency represents an angular frequency,
expressed in radians per second. The damping ratio is a dimensionless quantity.
The differential equation now becomes

Continuing, we can solve the equation by assuming a solution x such that:

Where the parameter γ (gamma) is, in general, a complex number. Substituting this assumed
solution back into the differential equation gives

which is the characteristic equation.

Solving the characteristic equation will give two roots, γ+ and γ−. The solution to the differential
equation is thus [1]

Where A and B is determined by the initial conditions of the system:

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Free Vibration of undamped structures

We will examine the case when there is no damping on the SDOF system

Respectively, where i = -1. Using these roots and by using Euler’s equation we get the general

Where A and B are constants to be obtained from the initial conditions of the system and so:

Where U0 and U0 are the initial displacement and velocity of the system respectively.

The natural frequency of the system is got from

Free Vibration of damped Structures

Figure shows a single degree-of-freedom system with a viscous damper. The differential
equation of motion of mass m, corresponding to Equation for the undamped system, is

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Fig 2.9 Free Vibration with Dampers

mx¨ + cx˙ + kx = 0

The form of the solution of this equation depends upon whether the damping coefficient is equal
to, greater than, or less than the critical damping coefficient Cc:
Cc = 2√km = 2mωn

The ratio ζ = c/cc is defined as the fraction of critical damping.

If the damping of the system is less than critical, ζ < 1; then the solution

When ζ 1, the solution


An accelerometer is a device that measures proper acceleration. The proper acceleration
measured by an accelerometer is not necessarily the coordinate acceleration (rate of change of
velocity). For example, an accelerometer at rest of the surface of the earth will measure an
acceleration g= 9.81 m/s2 straight upwards, due to its weight. By contrast, accelerometers in free
fall or at rest in outer space will measure zero. Another term for the type of acceleration that
accelerometers can measure is g-force acceleration.
Accelerometers have multiple applications in industry and science. Highly sensitive
accelerometers are components of inertial navigation systems for aircraft and missiles.
Accelerometers are used to detect and monitor vibration in rotating machinery. Accelerometers
are used in tablet computers and digital cameras so that images on screens are always displayed
Single- and multi-axis models of accelerometer are available to detect magnitude and direction of
the proper acceleration (or g-force), as a vector quantity, and can be used to sense orientation

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(because direction of weight changes), coordinate acceleration (so long as it produces g-force or a
change in g-force), vibration, shock, and falling in a resistive medium (a case where the proper
acceleration changes, since it starts at zero, then increases). Micro machined accelerometers are
increasingly present in portable electronic devices and video game controllers, to detect the
position of the device or provide for game input.
Pairs of accelerometers extended over a region of space can be used to detect differences
(gradients) in the proper accelerations of frames of references associated with those points. These
devices are called gravity gradiometers, as they measure gradients in the gravitational field. Such
pairs of accelerometers in theory may also be able to detect gravitational waves.

Fig 2.10 Accelerometers

An accelerometer measures proper acceleration, which is the acceleration it experiences relative

to free-fall and is the acceleration felt by people and objects. Put another way, at any point in
space time the equivalence principle guarantees the existence of a local inertial frame, and an
accelerometer measures the acceleration relative to that frame.[1] Such accelerations are
popularly measured in terms of g-force.
An accelerometer at rest relative to the Earth's surface will indicate approximately 1 g upwards,
because any point on the Earth's surface is accelerating upwards relative to the local inertial
frame (the frame of a freely falling object near the surface). To obtain the acceleration due to
motion with respect to the Earth, this "gravity offset" must be subtracted and corrections for
effects caused by the Earth's rotation relative to the inertial frame.
The reason for the appearance of a gravitational offset is Einstein's equivalence principle, [2]
which states that the effects of gravity on an object are indistinguishable from acceleration. When
held fixed in a gravitational field by, for example, applying a ground reaction force or an
equivalent upward thrust, the reference frame for an accelerometer (its own casing) accelerates
upwards with respect to a free-falling reference frame. The effects of this acceleration are
indistinguishable from any other acceleration experienced by the instrument, so that an
accelerometer cannot detect the difference between sitting in a rocket on the launch pad, and
being in the same rocket in deep space while it uses its engines to accelerate at 1 g. For similar
reasons, an accelerometer will read zero during any type of free fall. This includes use in a
coasting spaceship in deep space far from any mass, a spaceship orbiting the Earth, an airplane in
a parabolic "zero-g" arc, or any free-fall in vacuum. Another example is free-fall at a sufficiently
high altitude that atmospheric effects can be neglected.

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However this does not include a (non-free) fall in which air resistance produces drag forces that
reduce the acceleration, until constant terminal velocity is reached. At terminal velocity the
accelerometer will indicate 1 g acceleration upwards. For the same reason a skydiver, upon
reaching terminal velocity, does not feel as though he or she were in "free-fall", but rather
experiences a feeling similar to being supported (at 1 g) on a "bed" of up rushing air.
Acceleration is quantified in the SI unit metres per second per second (m/s2), in the kgs unit gal
(Gal), or popularly in terms of g-force (g).
For the practical purpose of finding the acceleration of objects with respect to the Earth, such as
for use in an inertial navigation system, knowledge of local gravity is required. This can be
obtained either by calibrating the device at rest, [3] or from a known model of gravity at the
approximate current position.

Modal analysis is the study of the dynamic properties of structures under vibrational excitation.
Modal analysis is the field of measuring and analysing the dynamic response of structures and or
fluids when excited by an input. Examples would include measuring the vibration of a car's body
when it is attached to an electromagnetic shaker, or the noise pattern in a room when excited by a
Modern day modal testing systems are composed of transducers (typically accelerometers and
load cells), or non-contact via a Laser vibrometer, an analog-to-digital converter frontend (to
digitize analog instrumentation signals) and a host PC (personal computer) to view the data and
analyze it.
Classically this was done with a SIMO (single-input, multiple-output) approach, that is, one
excitation point, and then the response is measured at many other points. In the past a hammer
survey, using a fixed accelerometer and a roving hammer as excitation, gave a MISO (multiple-
input, single-output) analysis, which is mathematically identical to SIMO, due to the principle of
reciprocity. In recent years MIMO (multi-input, multiple-output) has become more practical,
where partial coherence analysis identifies which part of the response comes from which
excitation source.
Typical excitation signals can be classed as impulse, broadband, swept sine, chirp, and possibly
others. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The analysis of the signals typically relies on Fourier analysis. The resulting transfer function
will show one or more resonances, whose characteristic mass, frequency and damping can be
estimated from the measurements.
The animated display of the mode shape is very useful to NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness)
The results can also be used to correlate with finite element analysis normal mode solutions. The
free vibration response of an MDOF system consists of coupled differential equations with
respect to mass, stiffness and damping. Solution of the coupled equations is a complicated
problem because it has dependent variables. To simply the response of system
The coupled differential equations must be transformed to independent or uncoupled equations
which contain only one dependent variable. This process of uncoupling the coupled differential
equations is called decoupling of equation. Thus the modal superposition is used to uncouple the
coupled differential equations by means of transformation of coordinates which incorporates the
orthogonally principles of mode shapes.

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Deflected shape Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3

Fig 2.14 Mode shapes

--End of Unit I-

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Introduction to two degree of freedom systems:

 The vibrating systems, which require two coordinates to describe its motion, are called two-
degrees-of –freedom systems.
 These coordinates are called generalized coordinates when they are independent of each other
and equal in number to the degrees of freedom of the system.
 Unlike single degree of freedom system, where only one co-ordinate and hence one equation of
motion is required to express the vibration of the system, in two-dof systems minimum two co-
ordinates and hence two equations of motion are required to represent the motion of the
system. For a conservative natural system, these equations can be written by using mass and
stiffness matrices.
 One may find a number of generalized co-ordinate systems to represent the motion of the same
system. While using these co-ordinates the mass and stiffness matrices may be coupled or
uncoupled. When the mass matrix is coupled, the system is said to be dynamically coupled and
when the stiffness matrix is coupled, the system is known to be statically coupled.
 The set of co-ordinates for which both the mass and stiffness matrix are uncoupled, are known
as principal co-ordinates. In this case both the system equations are independent and
individually they can be solved as that of a single-dof system.
 A two-dof system differs from the single dof system in that it has two natural frequencies, and
for each of the natural frequencies there corresponds a natural state of vibration with a
displacement configuration known as the normal mode. Mathematical terms associated with
these quantities are eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
 Normal mode vibrations are free vibrations that depend only on the mass and stiffness of the
system and how they are distributed. A normal mode oscillation is defined as one in which
each mass of the system undergoes harmonic motion of same frequency and passes the
equilibrium position simultaneously.
The study of two-dof- systems is important because one may extend the same concepts used in
these cases to more than 2-dof- systems. Also in these cases one can easily obtain analytical or
closed-form solutions. But for more degrees of freedom systems numerical analysis using
computer is required to find natural frequencies (eigenvalues) and mode shapes (eigenvectors).

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Example 2

Consider a lathe machine, which can be modeled as a rigid bar with its center of mass not
coinciding with its geometric center and supported by two springs k1, k2.

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Now depending on the position of point C, few cases can are studied below.

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Damped-free vibration of two-dof systems

Consider a two degrees of freedom system with damping as shown in figure

Now the equation of motion of this system can be given by

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The systems with have one of their natural frequencies equal to zero are known as semi-definite or
degenerate systems. One can show that the following two systems are degenerate systems.

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So for non-zero values of A1, A2

Forced harmonic vibration, Vibration Absorber

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Tuned Vibration Absorber

Consider a vibrating system of mass m1, stiffness k1, subjected to a force F sinωt. As studied in
case of forced vibration of single-degree of freedom system, the system will

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To determine the equation of motion basically one may use either the vector approach with the
Newtonian approach or d’Alembert principle based on free body diagram or one may go for scalar
approach using the energy concept. In scalar approach one may use Lagrange method, which is a
differential procedure or extended Hamilton’s principle based on integral procedure. Different
methods/laws/principle used to determine the equations of motion of the vibrating systems are
summarized below.

 d’Alembert Principle
The vectorial sum of the external forces and the inertia forces acting on a moving system is zero

 Generalized Principle of d’Alembert

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 Extended Hamilton’s Principle

SME 1306 -THEORY OF VIBRATIONS, by Elphej Churchil S J, Aero Dept - Sathyabama University Page 34
 Lagrange Principle


--End of Unit II-

SME 1306 -THEORY OF VIBRATIONS, by Elphej Churchil S J, Aero Dept - Sathyabama University Page 35

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