What Is A Molar Solution
What Is A Molar Solution
What Is A Molar Solution
And Preparation
Molarity is another standard expression of solution concentration. Molar solutions use the gram molecular weight of a solute in
calculating molar concentration in a liter (L) of solution.
The gram molecular weight (GMW) of a substance (sometimes called the "formula weight") is the sum of the combined atomic
weights of all atoms in the molecule expressed in grams. For example, the GMW of NaCl is equal to the atomic weight (these
atomic weights may be found on a periodic table or as a formula weight on the bottle of substance) of Na (22.99) and the atomic
weight of Cl (35.45) for a total of 58.44 g.
A 1 molar (M) solution will contain 1.0 GMW of a substance dissolved in water to make 1 liter of final solution. Hence, a 1M
solution of NaCl contains 58.44 g.
Example: HCl is frequently used in enzyme histochemistry. The GMW of HCl would be the atomic weight of H
added to the atomic weight of Cl: H = 1 + Cl = 35.45 = 36.45 g. A liter of 1M solution of HCl would contain 36.45 g.
Monosodium di-hydrogen phosphate (NaH2PO4) buffer is also used in enzyme histochemistry. A liter of 1M solution of
NaH2PO4 would contain Na (22.99) + 2 H (1x2=2) + P (30.97) + 4 O (16x4=64) for a total GMW of 119.98 g.
To simply calculate the amount or weight of a substance needed for a desired molar solution, the following formula may be used:
Weight in grams = desired molarity x volume needed in liters x GMW
-- OR --
(W = M x V x GMW)
Example: 500 mL of a 0.1M solution of NaOH is needed for a procedure. Calculate the amount of solute (NaOH) needed
to prepare the solution. (Atomic weights: Na = 22.99; O = 16; H = 1)
X g = 0.1M x 500 mL x GMW 39.99
X = 0.1 x 0.5 x 39.99
X = 1.9995 or 2
2.0 g of NaOH must be diluted to 500 mL to prepare a 0.1M solution. (1L= 1000mL)
Molarity (M) = 𝒏⁄𝑽
Here M is molarity in Mole per Liter 𝒎𝒐𝒍⁄𝑳
n is number of moles of solute in moles
And the V is the volume in Liter
1) How many grams of NaOH (GMW = 40) are needed to prepare 750 mL of a 0.5M
So, in short, while there is a relationship between the normality of a solution and the molarity of a solution, the normality can only
be determined by examining reaction, determining the proton exchange and multiplying molarity by that number.
Normality is particularly useful in titrations calculations.
Where N = normality, V = volume, a = the substance on the left of the equation involved in proton exchange, and b=substance on
the right of the equation involved in proton exchange:
NaVa = NbVb
Percentages are easy to calculate because they do not require information about the chemical nature of the substance. Percentages
can be determined as percent by weight or percent by volume.
Percent by weight: To make up a solution based on percentage by weight, one would simply determine what percentage was
desired (for example, a 20% by weight aqueous solution of sodium chloride) and the total quantity to be prepared.
If the total quantity needed is 1 kg, then it would simply be a matter of calculating 20% of 1 kg which, of course is:
0.20 NaCl * 1000 g/kg = 200 g NaCl/kg.
In order to bring the total quantity to 1 kg, it would be necessary to add 800g water.
Percent by volume: Solutions based on percent by volume are calculated the same as for percent by weight, except that
calculations are based on volume. Thus one would simply determine what percentage was desired (for example, a 20% by volume
aqueous solution of sodium chloride) and the total quantity to be prepared.
If the total quantity needed is 1 liter, then it would simply be a matter of calculating 20% of 1 liter which, of course is:
0.20 NaCl * 1000 ml/l = 200 ml NaCl/l.
Percentages are used more in the technological fields of chemistry (such as environmental technologies) than they are in pure