Vascular Complications After Facial Filler Injection:: A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
Vascular Complications After Facial Filler Injection:: A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
Vascular Complications After Facial Filler Injection:: A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
of vascular complications during filler injections.
Methods: This was a meta-analysis that included
case reports and case series published during Nonsurgical cosmetic procedures are a hypopigmentation, infection, abscess formation,
the years 2004 to 2016 describing patients who growing trend worldwide. Included among these herpetic outbreaks, nodular masses, and
experienced any type of vascular complication minimally invasive techniques are botulinum paresthesia (if a nerve has been pinched during
after an aesthetic procedure. In addition to the
toxin and soft-tissue augmentation with fillers, the procedure).While these adverse reactions are
descriptive analysis of the variables retrieved,
a logistic regression for predicting the outcome
which are used restore tissue loss and correct usually transient, the common use of three-
of the vascular event was performed. Results: aging-related rhytides and folds. In 2011, dermal dimensional facial volume restoration techniques,
The analysis included 93 cases described in 30 fillers were used in nearly 1.6 million aesthetic where the filler material can be injected at any
articles. Blindness was the main consequence procedures, increasing to 2.3 million in 2013 and depth, has brought about infrequent but serious
of the vascular complications (n=57; 61%). The 5.5 million in 2014.1–3 and often irreversible vascular complications
reported outcome was partial or total recovery in Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are the most caused by symptomatic arterial occlusion.6,11–13
24 cases (28%) and no improvement in 61 cases commonly used injectable fillers, followed by These vascular complications can result in
(72%). Hyaluronic acid (HA) and autologous fat autologous fat. According to the American Society persistent skin necrosis, ophthalmoplegia,
were the two fillers most frequently involved in
for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, nearly 900,000 soft- permanent unilateral or bilateral vision loss, and
vascular occlusions, with autologous fat showing
a stronger trend toward no improvement than
tissue augmentation procedures were performed stroke.11–13 Ocular and cerebral embolism occurs
HA. Involvement of the ophthalmic and retinal with HA in 2004.4,5 Other commonly used filler when the injected material travels from the distal
arteries was most frequently associated with no materials include bovine and human collagen to proximal retinal and ophthalmic arteries,
improvement.Conclusion: Injury to ophthalmic (active for 1–3 months before degradation); causing sudden, excruciating pain, persistent
and retinal arteries during the injection of facial poly-L-lactic acid, which stimulates endogenous blindness, and further tissue necrosis.11–13 In
fillers can result in irreversible serious adverse collagen production for up to 15 months; and addition to fillers accessing the vessel lumen,
events. Physicians performing facial filler injections calcium hydroxylapatite, which offers up to 2 vascular occlusion can occur by external
should have a proficient knowledge of anatomy. years of activity.3 These fillers can all be used for compression of the stiff gel bolus deposited in
KEYWORDS: Dermal fillers, vascular
volume replacement and enhancement, such as direct contact with the vessel wall.14–16
complications, hyaluronic acid, autologous fat,
collagen, adverse events
cheek and chin augmentation, tear trough valley Based on the available literature, some authors
correction, nose reshaping (rhinoplasty), midface have suggested that the injection technique,
volumization, and lip enhancement.1,5–7 Although site,and substance can have significant influence
these procedures are generally considered on the level of risk for an adverse vascular
safe, some local adverse events, aside from the event.2,5,7,11,12,17 However, most of these reviews
relatively common site-injection reactions (e.g., were not systematic, and the potential influence
swelling, tenderness, pain, bruising), have been of other variables on the incidence of adverse
observed.8–10 These include edema, erythema, events has not been addressed. Therefore,
scarring, granuloma formation, hyper- and we reviewed the literature regarding vascular
complications and performed a meta-analysis of TABLE 1. Characteristics of cases included in the meta-analysis
the variables that potentially affect the frequency
and severity of adverse events.
Female 84 90.3
Sex (n=93)
METHODS Male 9 9.7
Literature search and article selection. Hyaluronic acid 40 43.5
This meta-analysis included data from case Autologous fat 38 41.3
reports and case series of patients experiencing
any type of vascular complication after an Injected substance (n=92) Collagen 7 7.6
aesthetic procedure published during the years Calcium hydroxylapatite 4 4.3
2004 to 2016. The main source for article retrieval Poly-(L)-lactic acid 3 3.3
was the PubMed. Additional sources included Glabella 44 48.9
Google Scholar, where the search was restricted
Nose 41 45.6
to the article title, and a case series by Park et al,18 Injection site** (n=90)
which provided details from 19 cases previously Periocular 9 9.7
published as case reports. The database search, Frontal/temple area 11 12.2
performed on December 2016, combined the Ophthalmic artery 36 43.9
term filler with the following terms: injection (or
Central retinal artery 29 35.4
injected), blindness, visual loss, ophthalmoplegia, Affected blood vessel (n=82)
artery occlusion, embolism, ischemia (or ischemic), Nasociliary artery 8 9.8
necrosis, and complication. Only full-text articles Other 9 11.0
written in English were considered for eligibility. Blindness 57 61.3
To be included in the analysis, cases had to report Main consequence** (n=93) Visual loss 21 22.6
a vascular event occurring after an aesthetic
Skin necrosis 11 11.8
procedure on the human face.
Data extraction and management. Pain 32 47.1
Data for the meta-analysis were extracted Erythema 3 4.4
from each case and transferred to a predefined Concomitant symptoms** (n=68)
Ptosis 31 45.6
form containing the following variables: case
Edema 11 16.2
reference, age, sex, injected product, aesthetic
procedure, needle diameter, injected volume, Angiography 31 38.8
person who injected the product, injection site, OCT 4 5.0
blood vessel affected, main consequence(s) of Imaging diagnostic tests** (n=80) MRI 52 65.0
the vascular event, concomitant symptoms, Fundus imaging 15 18.8
time to symptom onset, intervention performed
to treat the vascular complication, and outcome. Ultrasonography 1 1.3
Additionally, diagnostic tests performed to < 1 hour 13 17.8
confirm the occurrence of vascular complications Time to symptoms onset (n=73) 1–24 hours 47 64.4
were recorded to address the quality of the > 24 hours 12 16.4
articles included in our review. The main
Total or partial recovery 24 28.2
consequences of a vascular complication were Outcome (n=85)
blindness, visual loss, necrosis, and other. No improvement 61 71.8
Blindness was only considered when explicitly * Percentages are shown based on available cases
stated in the text, whereas visual loss included a ** More than one category can apply to each case
reduction in visual acuity, the perception of light
only, and the perception of hand movement Statistical analysis. Categorical variables significant differences, a post-hoc analysis was
only. Time-to-onset values were grouped were described as frequency and percentage, performed by computing the chi-squared values
into three categories: less than one hour whereas quantitative variables were described as of the adjusted residuals and applying the
postprocedure, 1 to 24 hours postprocedure, and means and standard deviations (SDs). To assess Bonferroni correction, as described by Beasley et
more than 24 hours postprocedure. The final the factors possibly influencing the outcome of al.19 A prediction model (multivariate analysis)
outcome was categorized as no change, partial vascular complications, the percentages of cases for the vascular event outcomes was built using
recovery, or full recovery based on the progress with no improvement and those showing partial logistic regression. The multivariate analysis
of the main consequence of the vascular or full recovery were compared using the chi- included all variables regarding events occurring
complication. squared test. For variables showing statistically prior to any vascular complication, which showed
of the ophthalmic artery, and part of the filler technique, which was identified as the main of the facial artery, particularly the retinal
embolus can access the internal carotid artery and cause of iatrogenic vascular occlusion.Other artery, almost invariably leads to unilateral, and
subsequently reach cerebral circulation (Figure variables that could not be analyzed because of occasionally bilateral, blindness. The incidental
2).6,12 The use of motorized devices, which enable data omission, despite their potential interest, occlusion of the retinal artery most frequently
accurate pressure control, has been proposed to include the specialty of the person performing occurs when treating the nose, but this artery
minimize this risk.50,51 We found no differences the injection, the characteristics of the device can also be reached from the glabella. Thus, to
in the outcome when the occlusion occurred in (e.g., needle, cannula), and the concentration of prevent vascular adverse effects, it is essential
other blood vessels, particularly the nasociliary hyaluronidase used in the rescue procedure. In that the physician performing the filler injections
and facial arteries. Although this observation addition to a few poor-quality case reports, some has a proficient knowledge of anatomy.
is consistent with the larger diameter of these of the cases analyzed were not reported by the
vessels, due to the limited number of cases in physician injecting the filler but rather by the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
which there was occlusion in blood vessels other ophthalmologist who treated the complication, The authors gratefully acknowledge the time
than the ophthalmic and retinal arteries, no firm thus omitting details of the initial aesthetic and effort of Dr. Patrice Delobel, Dr. Kévin Legent,
conclusions could be reached. procedure. The variables most affected by this and Dr. Luana Consolini, who provided scientific
Finally, we addressed the influence of the lack of data were time-to-onset, initial rescue advice and helped with laying the groundwork
injection site on the outcome of the vascular treatment, and concomitant symptoms, which, of this research. The authors also thank the i2e3
event. Previous studies reported the glabella and in most cases, were retrospectively reported by Biomedical Research Institute team for providing
the forehead as areas more frequently associated the physician treating the complication. Another statistical and medical writing assistance.
with blindness and visual loss than the nose.5,7,11 potential source of inaccuracy was the ad-hoc
However, in our analysis, injections in the nose data transformation. The heterogeneity in the REFERENCES
accounted for nearly half of the cases of vascular way the various case reports reported the data 1. Funt D, Pavicic T. Dermal fillers in aesthetics:
complications and had a similar frequency to that prevented the use of pure, raw data for the an overview of adverse events and treatment
of injections in the glabella. These observations analysis, which would have been a factor adding approaches. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol.
indicated that the nose might not be a safer simplicity and clarity to our conclusion. 2013;6(1):295–316.
injection site than the glabella. Lazzeri et al11 In addition to presenting an updated and 2. Grunebaum LD, Allemann IB, Dayan S, et al. The risk
suggested that the dorsal nasal artery (i.e., the quantitative perspective of vascular complications of alar necrosis associated with dermal filler injection.
second terminal branch of the ophthalmic artery) associated with filler injections, the results Dermatologic Surg. 2009;35(Suppl 2):1635–1640.
might be responsible for the transmission of obtained in our analysis might serve to support 3. Bailey SH, Cohen JL, Kenkel JM. Etiology, prevention,
emboli following injections in either the glabella a few recommendations to help clinicians who and treatment of dermal filler complications. Aesthet
or the area proximal to the nasal root.Other perform filler augmentation procedures avoid Surg J. 2011;31(1):110–121.
injection sites did not yield significant results vascular adverse events or minimize their 4. Matarasso SL, Carruthers JD, Jewell ML. Consensus
upon comparing the outcomes of the vascular consequences. Table 4 provides a list of key recommendations for soft-tissue augmentation with
procedures. However, it is worth mentioning recommendations for preventing and minimizing nonanimal stabilized hyaluronic acid (Restylane).
that our analysis was compromised by the fact vascular adverse events when performing filler Plast Reconstr Surg. 2006;117(Suppl 3):3S–34S;
that a single patient could be injected at various injections. However, as mentioned before, our discussion 35S–43S.
sites, which precludes the identification of the analysis has important limitations associated with 5. Glogau RG, Kane MAC. Effect of injection techniques
precise injection responsible for the vascular the accuracy and diversity of data presentation in on the rate of local adverse events in patients
complication. the source articles. Hence, the recommendations implanted with nonanimal hyaluronic acid gel
Limitations. The fact that our meta-analysis we present in Table 4 should not be interpreted dermal fillers. Dermatologic Surg. 2008;34(Suppl
was based mostly on case reports implies some as being strictly supported by the results of our 1):S105–S109.
limitations that should not be dismissed. Case meta-analysis; our recommendations are also 6. Carruthers A, Carruthers J. Non-animal-
reports do not always provide all details of the based on our own insights gained from our based hyaluronic acid fillers: scientific and
procedures performed. This was particularly extensive experience as plastic surgeons. technical considerations. Plast Reconstr Surg.
notable for some variables identified as risk 2007;120(6):33S–40S.
factors for vascular complications, such as CONCLUSION 7. Weinberg MJ, Solish N. Complications of hyaluronic
injection technique, injected volume, pressure This meta-analysis provides an up-to-date acid fillers. Facial Plast Surg. 2009;25(5):324–328.
applied, and needle diameter, which were overview of vascular complications associated 8. Bachmann F, Erdmann R, Hartmann V, et al. The
omitted in most cases. Some of these factors were with the injection of facial fillers. Our results spectrum of adverse reactions after treatment with
investigated by Glogau et al,5 who concluded support the hypothesis that autologous fat is injectable fillers in the glabellar region: results from
that low injection pressures (i.e., flow rates of more likely to cause serious vascular events than the injectable filler safety study. Dermatologic Surg.
less than 0.3mL/minute) and small volume HA, irrespective of the use of hyaluronidase 2009;35(Suppl 2):1629–1634.
injections (i.e., less than 0.5mL) might prevent to treat the vascular occlusion. In light of the 9. McCracken MS, Khan JA, Wulc AE, et al. Hyaluronic
retrograde embolization of the filler; the authors information published in the literature, it seems acid gel (Restylane) filler for facial rhytids: lessons
also recommended avoiding the fan-like that accidental injection in the terminal branches learned from American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery member treatment occlusion: a cautionary tale and emphasis for of collagenous material. Dermatologic Surg.
of 286 patients. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. early intervention. J Drugs Dermatol. 2013;12(10): 2010;36(7):1196–1199.
2006;22(3):188–191. 1181–1183. 38. Kim YJ, Kim SS, Song WK, et al. Ocular ischemia
10. Zielke H, Wölber L, Wiest L, Rzany B. Risk profiles of 24. Kim EG, Eom TK, Kang SJ. Severe visual loss and with hypotony after injection of hyaluronic acid gel.
different injectable fillers: results from the Injectable cerebral infarction after injection of hyaluronic acid Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;27(6):E152–E155.
Filler Safety Study (IFS Study). Dermatologic Surg. gel. J Craniofac Surg. 2014;25(2):684–686. 39. Tracy L, Ridgway J, Nelson JS, et al. Calcium
2008;34(3):326–335. 25. Hu XZ, Hu JY, Wu PS, et al. Posterior ciliary artery hydroxylapatite associated soft tissue necrosis: a
11. Lazzeri D, Agostini T, Figus M, et al. Blindness occlusion caused by hyaluronic acid injections into case report and treatment guideline. J Plast Reconstr
following cosmetic injections of the face. Plast the forehead: a case report. Medicine (Baltimore). Aesthetic Surg. 2014;67(4):564–568.
Reconstr Surg. 2012;129(4):995–1012. 2016;95(11):e3124. 40. Park SW, Woo SJ, Park KH, et al. Iatrogenic retinal
12. Beleznay K, Carruthers JDA, Humphrey S, Jones 26. Sung MS, Kim HG, Woo KI, Kim YD. Ocular ischemia artery occlusion caused by cosmetic facial filler
D. Avoiding and treating blindness from fillers: a and ischemic oculomotor nerve palsy after vascular injections. Am J Ophthalmol. 2012;154(4):653–662.
review of the world literature. Dermatologic Surg. embolization of injectable calcium hydroxylapatite 41. Park TH, Seo SW, Kim JK, Chang CH. Clinical
2015;41(10):1097–1117. filler. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;26(4): experience with Hyaluronic acid-filler complications. J
13. Chen YY, Wang WY, Li JP, et al. Fundus artery occlusion 289–291. Plast Reconstr Aesthetic Surg. 2011;64(7):892–897.
caused by cosmetic facial injections. Chin Med J (Engl). 27. Kim DY, Eom JS, Kim JY. Temporary blindness after an 42. Kim YK, Jung C, Woo SJ, Park KH. Cerebral
2014;127(8):1434–1437. anterior chamber cosmetic filler injection. Aesthetic angiographic findings of cosmetic facial filler-related
14. Loh KTD, Chua JJ, Lee HM, et al. Prevention and Plast Surg. 2015;39(3):428–430. ophthalmic and retinal artery occlusion. J Korean Med
management of vision loss relating to facial filler 28. Roberts SAI, Arthurs BP. Severe visual loss and orbital Sci. 2015;30(12):1847–1855.
injections. Singapore Med J. 2016;57(8):438–443. infarction following periorbital aesthetic poly-(L)- 43. Hong JH, Ahn SJ, Woo SJ, et al. Central retinal artery
15. Walker L, King M. This month’s guideline: visual loss lactic acid (PLLA) injection. Ophthal Plast Reconstr occlusion with concomitant ipsilateral cerebral
secondary to cosmetic filler injection. J Clin Aesthet Surg. 2012;28(3):e68–e70. infarction after cosmetic facial injections. J Neurol Sci.
Dermatol. 2018;11(5):E53–E55. 29. Kim YJ, Choi KS. Bilateral blindness after filler 2014;346(1–2):310–314.
16. Urdiales-Gálvez F, Delgado NE, Figueiredo V, injection. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013;131:298e–299e. 44. Lee SK, Kim SM, Cho SH, et al. Adverse reactions to
Lajo-Plaza J V, et al. Treatment of soft tissue filler 30. Kwon SG, Hong JW, Roh TS, et al. Ischemic oculomotor injectable soft tissue fillers: memorable cases and
complications: expert consensus recommendations. nerve palsy and skin necrosis caused by vascular their clinicopathological overview. J Cosmet Laser Ther.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2018;42(2):498–510. embolization after hyaluronic acid filler injection: a 2015;17(2):102–108.
17. Feinendegen DL, Baumgartner RW, Vuadens P, et al. case report. Ann Plast Surg. 2013;71(4):333–334. 45. Kim DW, Yoon ES, Ji YH, et al. Vascular complications
Autologous fat injection for soft tissue augmentation 31. Kim SN, Byun DS, Park JH, et al. Panophthalmoplegia of hyaluronic acid fillers and the role of hyaluronidase
in the face: a safe procedure?. Aesthetic Plast Surg. and vision loss after cosmetic nasal dorsum injection. in management. J Plast Reconstr Aesthetic Surg.
1998;22(3):163–167. J Clin Neurosci. 2014;21(4):678–680. 2011;64(12):1590–1595.
18. Park KH, Kim YK, Woo SJ, et al. Iatrogenic occlusion 32. Kassir R, Kolluru A, Kassir M. Extensive necrosis 46. Rzany B, DeLorenzi C. Understanding, avoiding, and
of the ophthalmic artery after cosmetic facial filler after injection of hyaluronic acid filler: case report managing severe filler complications. Plast Reconstr
injections: a national survey by the Korean Retina and review of the literature. J Cosmet Dermatol. Surg. 2015;136(5S):196S–203S.
Society. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2014;132(6):714–723. 2011;10(3):224–231. 47. Cavallini M, Gazzola R, Metalla M, Vaienti L. The role
19. Beasley TM, Schumacker RE. Multiple regression 33. Carle M V, Roe R, Novack R, Boyer DS. Cosmetic facial of hyaluronidase in the treatment of complications
approach to analyzing contingency tables: post hoc fillers and severe vision loss. JAMA Ophthalmol. from hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. Aesthet Surg J.
and planned comparison procedures. J Exp Educ. 2014;132(5):637–639. 2013;33(8):1167–1174.
1995;64(1):79–93. 34. Kim SG, Lee CJ, Kim YJ, Lee S Il. Salvage of nasal skin 48. Buhren BA, Schrumpf H, Hoff NP, et al. Hyaluronidase:
20. Kim SK, Kim JH, Hwang K. Skin necrosis of the in a case of venous compromise after hyaluronic acid from clinical applications to molecular and cellular
nose after injection of ribose cross-linked porcine filler injection using prostaglandin E. Dermatol Surg. mechanisms. Eur J Med Res. 2016;21(1):5.
atelocollagen. J Craniofac Surg. 2015;26(7): 2011;37(12):1817–1819. 49. Vartanian AJ, Frankel AS, Rubin MG. Injected
2211–2212. 35. Lee CM, Hong IH, Park SP. Ophthalmic artery hyaluronidase reduces restylane-mediated cutaneous
21. Chou CC, Chen HH, Tsai YY, et al. Choroid vascular obstruction and cerebral infarction following augmentation. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2005;7(4):
occlusion and ischemic optic neuropathy after facial periocular injection of autologous fat. Korean J 231–237.
calcium hydroxyapatite injection—a case report. Ophthalmol. 2011;25(5):358. 50. Carey W, Weinkle S. Retraction of the plunger on a
BMC Surg. 2015;15(1):21. 36. Park SH, Sun HJ, Choi KS. Sudden unilateral visual loss syringe of hyaluronic acid before injection: are we
22. Lin YC, Chen WC, Liao WC, Hsia TC. Central retinal after autologous fat injection into the glabellar area. safe?. Dermatologic Surg. 2015;41(c):S340–S346.
artery occlusion and brain infarctions after nasal filler Clin Ophthalmol. 2008;2(3):679–683. 51. Cassuto D, Papagni M. Anteis injection system:
injection. QJM. 2015;108(9):731–732. 37. Kwon DY, Park MH, Koh SB, et al. Multiple positive results of a preliminary clinical evaluation.
23. McGuire LK, Hale EK, Godwin LS. Post-filler vascular arterial embolism after illicit intranasal injection Updat Plast Surg. 2010;3:5–8. JCAD
and Reconstructive Surgery member treatment occlusion: a cautionary tale and emphasis for of collagenous material. Dermatologic Surg.
of 286 patients. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. early intervention. J Drugs Dermatol. 2013;12(10): 2010;36(7):1196–1199.
2006;22(3):188–191. 1181–1183. 38. Kim YJ, Kim SS, Song WK, et al. Ocular ischemia
10. Zielke H, Wölber L, Wiest L, Rzany B. Risk profiles of 24. Kim EG, Eom TK, Kang SJ. Severe visual loss and with hypotony after injection of hyaluronic acid gel.
different injectable fillers: results from the Injectable cerebral infarction after injection of hyaluronic acid Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;27(6):E152–E155.
Filler Safety Study (IFS Study). Dermatologic Surg. gel. J Craniofac Surg. 2014;25(2):684–686. 39. Tracy L, Ridgway J, Nelson JS, et al. Calcium
2008;34(3):326–335. 25. Hu XZ, Hu JY, Wu PS, et al. Posterior ciliary artery hydroxylapatite associated soft tissue necrosis: a
11. Lazzeri D, Agostini T, Figus M, et al. Blindness occlusion caused by hyaluronic acid injections into case report and treatment guideline. J Plast Reconstr
following cosmetic injections of the face. Plast the forehead: a case report. Medicine (Baltimore). Aesthetic Surg. 2014;67(4):564–568.
Reconstr Surg. 2012;129(4):995–1012. 2016;95(11):e3124. 40. Park SW, Woo SJ, Park KH, et al. Iatrogenic retinal
12. Beleznay K, Carruthers JDA, Humphrey S, Jones 26. Sung MS, Kim HG, Woo KI, Kim YD. Ocular ischemia artery occlusion caused by cosmetic facial filler
D. Avoiding and treating blindness from fillers: a and ischemic oculomotor nerve palsy after vascular injections. Am J Ophthalmol. 2012;154(4):653–662.
review of the world literature. Dermatologic Surg. embolization of injectable calcium hydroxylapatite 41. Park TH, Seo SW, Kim JK, Chang CH. Clinical
2015;41(10):1097–1117. filler. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;26(4): experience with Hyaluronic acid-filler complications. J
13. Chen YY, Wang WY, Li JP, et al. Fundus artery occlusion 289–291. Plast Reconstr Aesthetic Surg. 2011;64(7):892–897.
caused by cosmetic facial injections. Chin Med J (Engl). 27. Kim DY, Eom JS, Kim JY. Temporary blindness after an 42. Kim YK, Jung C, Woo SJ, Park KH. Cerebral
2014;127(8):1434–1437. anterior chamber cosmetic filler injection. Aesthetic angiographic findings of cosmetic facial filler-related
14. Loh KTD, Chua JJ, Lee HM, et al. Prevention and Plast Surg. 2015;39(3):428–430. ophthalmic and retinal artery occlusion. J Korean Med
management of vision loss relating to facial filler 28. Roberts SAI, Arthurs BP. Severe visual loss and orbital Sci. 2015;30(12):1847–1855.
injections. Singapore Med J. 2016;57(8):438–443. infarction following periorbital aesthetic poly-(L)- 43. Hong JH, Ahn SJ, Woo SJ, et al. Central retinal artery
15. Walker L, King M. This month’s guideline: visual loss lactic acid (PLLA) injection. Ophthal Plast Reconstr occlusion with concomitant ipsilateral cerebral
secondary to cosmetic filler injection. J Clin Aesthet Surg. 2012;28(3):e68–e70. infarction after cosmetic facial injections. J Neurol Sci.
Dermatol. 2018;11(5):E53–E55. 29. Kim YJ, Choi KS. Bilateral blindness after filler 2014;346(1–2):310–314.
16. Urdiales-Gálvez F, Delgado NE, Figueiredo V, injection. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013;131:298e–299e. 44. Lee SK, Kim SM, Cho SH, et al. Adverse reactions to
Lajo-Plaza J V, et al. Treatment of soft tissue filler 30. Kwon SG, Hong JW, Roh TS, et al. Ischemic oculomotor injectable soft tissue fillers: memorable cases and
complications: expert consensus recommendations. nerve palsy and skin necrosis caused by vascular their clinicopathological overview. J Cosmet Laser Ther.
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2018;42(2):498–510. embolization after hyaluronic acid filler injection: a 2015;17(2):102–108.
17. Feinendegen DL, Baumgartner RW, Vuadens P, et al. case report. Ann Plast Surg. 2013;71(4):333–334. 45. Kim DW, Yoon ES, Ji YH, et al. Vascular complications
Autologous fat injection for soft tissue augmentation 31. Kim SN, Byun DS, Park JH, et al. Panophthalmoplegia of hyaluronic acid fillers and the role of hyaluronidase
in the face: a safe procedure?. Aesthetic Plast Surg. and vision loss after cosmetic nasal dorsum injection. in management. J Plast Reconstr Aesthetic Surg.
1998;22(3):163–167. J Clin Neurosci. 2014;21(4):678–680. 2011;64(12):1590–1595.
18. Park KH, Kim YK, Woo SJ, et al. Iatrogenic occlusion 32. Kassir R, Kolluru A, Kassir M. Extensive necrosis 46. Rzany B, DeLorenzi C. Understanding, avoiding, and
of the ophthalmic artery after cosmetic facial filler after injection of hyaluronic acid filler: case report managing severe filler complications. Plast Reconstr
injections: a national survey by the Korean Retina and review of the literature. J Cosmet Dermatol. Surg. 2015;136(5S):196S–203S.
Society. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2014;132(6):714–723. 2011;10(3):224–231. 47. Cavallini M, Gazzola R, Metalla M, Vaienti L. The role
19. Beasley TM, Schumacker RE. Multiple regression 33. Carle M V, Roe R, Novack R, Boyer DS. Cosmetic facial of hyaluronidase in the treatment of complications
approach to analyzing contingency tables: post hoc fillers and severe vision loss. JAMA Ophthalmol. from hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. Aesthet Surg J.
and planned comparison procedures. J Exp Educ. 2014;132(5):637–639. 2013;33(8):1167–1174.
1995;64(1):79–93. 34. Kim SG, Lee CJ, Kim YJ, Lee S Il. Salvage of nasal skin 48. Buhren BA, Schrumpf H, Hoff NP, et al. Hyaluronidase:
20. Kim SK, Kim JH, Hwang K. Skin necrosis of the in a case of venous compromise after hyaluronic acid from clinical applications to molecular and cellular
nose after injection of ribose cross-linked porcine filler injection using prostaglandin E. Dermatol Surg. mechanisms. Eur J Med Res. 2016;21(1):5.
atelocollagen. J Craniofac Surg. 2015;26(7): 2011;37(12):1817–1819. 49. Vartanian AJ, Frankel AS, Rubin MG. Injected
2211–2212. 35. Lee CM, Hong IH, Park SP. Ophthalmic artery hyaluronidase reduces restylane-mediated cutaneous
21. Chou CC, Chen HH, Tsai YY, et al. Choroid vascular obstruction and cerebral infarction following augmentation. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2005;7(4):
occlusion and ischemic optic neuropathy after facial periocular injection of autologous fat. Korean J 231–237.
calcium hydroxyapatite injection—a case report. Ophthalmol. 2011;25(5):358. 50. Carey W, Weinkle S. Retraction of the plunger on a
BMC Surg. 2015;15(1):21. 36. Park SH, Sun HJ, Choi KS. Sudden unilateral visual loss syringe of hyaluronic acid before injection: are we
22. Lin YC, Chen WC, Liao WC, Hsia TC. Central retinal after autologous fat injection into the glabellar area. safe?. Dermatologic Surg. 2015;41(c):S340–S346.
artery occlusion and brain infarctions after nasal filler Clin Ophthalmol. 2008;2(3):679–683. 51. Cassuto D, Papagni M. Anteis injection system:
injection. QJM. 2015;108(9):731–732. 37. Kwon DY, Park MH, Koh SB, et al. Multiple positive results of a preliminary clinical evaluation.
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