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(EARTH SCIENCE) - Assessment Portfolio

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Name: Chelsea Jeane Regalia Date: October 4, 2020

Grade Level/Group: 11 STEM - CG1 Score: _______________
Part A. Insights and Reflection in Performance Task (20 points)
Direction: Fill in the table below. In our midterm, we had three performance tasks.
Choose only two performance tasks for your reflection below. Fill one performance task
in table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Reflection on Performance Tasks
Topics/Lesson Name of Enduring Insights/Reflection
Performance Understanding
1. Earth’s 1. Presentation What significant What have I learned
Subsystems of points you during the process of
Diagram/Co learned from this doing the
ncept Map lesson/topic? performance task? /
I have learned What new skills and
that the Earth knowledge you have
sustains itself by acquired in this
having the activity?
different During the process, I
subsystems was able to develop
work together. my skills in working in
Though they a group. Though it
may be wasn’t bad, there will
differences in the always be room for
Biosphere, improvement and so I
Geosphere, did. I was also able to
Hydrosphere, improve my
and Atmosphere, leadership skills. Not
they still go hand that I intended it to, it
in hand and was just that my
continue their group mates lack
cycles which initiative so I
interlap with one challenged myself to
another. take on the leader
role to help them.
How will you
apply this lesson What steps or events
to your life as a in the activity had an
student? In your impact on me,
home? And in personally?
the community Personally, it had to
be coming up with
Honestly, I can’t ideas. No one in the
really put it into group had the
action but as a initiative to make a
student, I will try diagram. I was
my best to retain dismayed and a little
this knowledge unhappy but I
so whenever brushed it off when I
someone has a finally made a
query about it, I diagram and told
can answer them them the things they
based on what I had to do in which
have learned. they followed
Same goes for
using this What are the
knowledge to challenges you
contribute to my encounter? How did
community. you manage to
overcome the
Like I said, it was my
members’ lack of
initiative, but I was
able to persevere by
being the bigger
person and act as
their leader.

What are the PSBian

Core Values that I
was able to observe
and demonstrate
while doing the task?
Commitment. I was
committed to finishing
the task at hand.
Creativity. I creatively
tried my best to come
up with a diagram in a
way that’s simple to
understand. And
lastly, Competence.
My group and I
presented the
performance task
Direction: Fill in the table below. In our midterm, we had three performance tasks.
Choose only two performance tasks for your reflection below. Fill one performance task
in table 1.2.
Table 1.2 Reflection on Performance Tasks
Topics/Lesson Name of Enduring Insights/Reflection
Performance Understanding
2. Minerals 2. Creating What significant What have I learned
Infographics on points you during the process of
Minerals Important learned from this doing the
to our Society lesson/topic? performance task? /
Upon doing the What new skills and
performance knowledge you have
task, my mind acquired in this
was able to activity?
memorize I have learned about
unconsciously using my time wisely
the general and never settle for
characteristics an “okay” output.
and physical Since I tend to be
properties of very productive during
minerals weekends, I had a lot
because of the of time for this
amount of times performance task.
I had to type it.
And I also was What steps or events
able to recognize in the activity had an
how much impact on me,
minerals personally?
contribute to our The biggest impact it
daily lives left on me has to be
without us even the feeling of relief
knowing that after finishing the
fact. infographic and the
rewarding sentiment
How will you after settling for an
apply this lesson output that pleases
to your life as a my taste.
student? In your
home? And in What are the
the community challenges you
In my encounter? How did
perspective, the you manage to
only way I can overcome the
apply the challenges?
lessons I've
learned as a The challenges I
student and for faced had to be
the community is redoing the
to be wary of the infographic all over
things I do and again because I had a
think whether or lot of errors and a lot
not it may of things I want to
contain any redo. It was tedious
minerals. but I knew for a fact
that I had a lot of time
until the due date and
so I put a lot of effort
into making it nice.
Lastly, one of the
problems I faced was
fitting a lot of
important information
in a small space. I
was able to come
through by altering
the font sizes and
wisely using the
space I have.

What are the PSBian

Core Values that I
was able to observe
and demonstrate
doing the task?
Competence. I was
able to do it efficiently
and successfully.
Creativity. Of course,
that needed to be
demonstrated since
the main point of the
performance task was
coming up with the
design. And lastly,
commitment. I was
very committed in
completing the task
as early as possible.
PART B. Insights and Reflection in Summative Test (10 points)
Direction: Fill in the table below. In our midterm, we had three quizzes. Choose only
one quiz for your reflection below.
Topic/Lesson No. & Type of Insights/Reflection
Summative Test
1. Minerals 1. 20-point Multiple 1. What items/lesson of the test have
and choice and you missed?
Classificat essay The only item I got wrong in this quiz
ion of was in the Multiple Choice part. The
Rocks questioned asked us to choose
which of the choices wasn't the
reason why color is a unreliable
identification when it comes to
minerals. The answer was “because
the habit can change the color of the
mineral” but I chose “because
mineral can have similar color”
which happens to be the incorrect

2. Why did you miss it? If given a

chance, how will you answer it? How
will you give or explain the correct
It was a multiple choice part which
means explaining it is not necessary.
I guess I just have to read it properly
and study more so I can lessen the
mistakes I commit in the future.

Criteria 5 4 3 2
Content Descriptions for Descriptions for Descriptions for No description
all areas are most areas are few areas are in any of the
relevant, relevant, relevant, areas is given.
consistent and consistent and consistent and
comprehensive. comprehensive. comprehensive.
Organization All points Most points Few points All points
presented are presented are presented are presented are
organized and organized and organized and confusing.
easy to follow. easy to follow. easy to follow.

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