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Bhava Sphuta..narsimha Rao

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Namaste friends,

Parasara indicated in one place in BPHS that bhavas (houses) could extend across two
signs. He never really defined how to find bhavas, but said in the chapter on special
ascendants that a "bhava chakra" (house chart), or a "bhava koshtha" as he called it, can be
prepared from these references by placing various planets in various houses, just like we do
from lagna. When discussing ashtakavarga and planetary significations, he said that bhavas
can be seen from Sun, Moon, Mars etc.

So, we can find bhavas from various references, including lagna, planets and special lagnas,
and place various planets in various houses from the reference.

But the key question is: Exactly how do we find bhavas from a given reference?

Do we take the entire sign as a house? If we do that, then Parasara's statement on possibly
houses extending across two signs becomes illogical.

Do we take 15 deg before the reference and 15 deg after the reference as the first house
and take other houses accordingly?

Do we use unequal division methods like Sripathi houses, Krishnamoorthy houses, Koch
houses etc?

I believe the answer exists within BPHS!

*        *        *

Parasara declared in "graha sphuta drishti kathanaadhyaaya" (planetary longitudinal aspect

evaluation chapter): "I have previously explained the planetary aspects based on the *signs*
occupied by planets. Now I will explain another kind of planetary aspects based on the
*houses* from planets, which are dependent on their longitudes."

Then Parasara went on to state that Mars has an aspect on the 4th and 8th houses from
him, Jupiter has an aspect on the 5th and 9th houses from him and Saturn has an aspect on
the 3rd and 10th houses from him.

Of course, one may say "we all know this. What is new in this". But, what *follows* is truly
significant, for it clarifies what these "houses" from Mars, Jupiter and Saturn truly are. After
all, Parasara went on further and *quantified* houses based on longitudes!!!

Parasara gave a way to evaluate planetary aspects based on the planet's longitude. In the
case of Mars, 90-120 deg and 210-240 deg from Mars get a higher score compared to other
planets. In the case of Jupiter, 120-150 deg and 240-270 deg from Jupiter get a higher score
compared to other planets. So these are the definitions of the corresponding houses from
corresponding planets!!! The 4th house from Mars is 90-120 deg from him. The 5th house
from Jupiter is 120-150 deg from him. And so on.

Of course, these values are used in shadbala and programmed by me into Jagannatha Hora
long back. But it was only a few months back that it dawned on me that here is a clear
teaching from Parasara on how to find bhavas (houses) from reference points! Then I started
experimenting with it and satisfied myself over time.
It was a radical departure from what I was used to, but I had to accept the words of a
maharshi. Moreover, I was intellectually satisfied in the end, after trying out on many charts -
natal and annual.

*        *        *

The following is the definition of houses from a reference:

1st house: 0-30 deg from the reference

2nd house: 30-60 deg from the reference
3rd house: 60-90 deg from the reference
4th house: 90-120 deg from the reference
5th house: 120-150 deg from the reference
6th house: 150-180 deg from the reference
7th house: 180-210 deg from the reference
8th house: 210-240 deg from the reference
9th house: 240-270 deg from the reference
10th house: 270-300 deg from the reference
11th house: 300-330 deg from the reference
12th house: 330-360 deg from the reference

If you use the above table, the longitude ranges Parasara mentioned for the 3rd, 4th, 5th,
8th, 9th and 10th houses regarding the special aspects of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will come
out correctly.

I recommend using the above table for finding houses with respect to lagna, special lagnas,
planets etc. It is very simple to check manually.

*        *        *

We say that the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses from lagna form the visible half.
With the above method, those houses will consist of 180-360 deg from lagna and that half is
indeed visible. If we define houses as entire signs or as "15 deg before/after", then a part of
7th house is visible and the remaining part of 7th house is invisible. Similarly, a part of the
1st house is visible and the remaining part of 1st house is invisible. But, using the above
method, the entire 1st house is invisible and the entire 7th house is visible (which should be
the case in the first place).

*        *        *

The above will make a difference in many charts with regard to which planets are in which
houses from lagna, from GL, from Moon, from Jupiter etc. If you are interested, you can
experiment with this in many charts and see if it gives better results. It is more logical and it
is based on Parasara's teachings. I have been experimenting with this for several months
and I am satisfied.

I will not give too many examples at this time, but let me illustrate the differences with a
couple of examples.

Example 1: 1971 April 27, 6:30 am (IST), Bombay, India

The native got married in June 2007 in Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa as per regular Vimsottari
dasa. Though Jupiter occupies the 8th sign from the sign containing lagna, he is actually in
the 7th house from lagna. Being the 9th lord in 7th, he can give marriage.

Example 2 (John Denver): 1943 December 31, 2:55 pm (PDT), 105w00, 33n20

He died in October 1997 in Ketu-Rahu antardasa. Though Ketu and Rahu occupy the 9th
and 3rd signs from the sign occupied by lagna, they are actually in the 8th and 2nd houses
from lagna. Being the 7th lord in the 8th house, Ketu is a maaraka. Being a malefic in the
2nd house, Rahu is a maaraka.

Example 3 (Swami Vivekananda): 1863 January 12, 6:33 am (5:54 hrs east of GMT), 88e30,

He became a renowned world teacher with the Chicago parliament of religions in 1893.
Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa was running as per regular Vimsottari dasa. Though Jupiter is in
the 11th sign from the sign occupied by lagna and GL, he is in the 10th house from lagna
and from GL. That is why Jupiter played an important role in the karma (work) and made him
a world teacher.

*        *        *

This being a radical change from the norm, I want to go slow with this one. For now, I will
sign off and let interested scholars and students process and digest this information. I may
try to write more later. For example, the impact of this on ashtakavarga is tricky and

Best regards,

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