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l e m o n

c a k e
re cip e a nd ingredie nts


Total weight: 502 g 100%
Mix water and lemon juice together. Gradually keep adding the
210 g of water 42% mixture of sugar B and pectin X58. Bring the mixture to boil, while
5 g of lemon juice 1% periodically stirring it. Then, add the sugar A in portions, bit-by-bit
and bring the nappage to boil once more. Take it off the stove,
230 g of sugar A 46%
remove the foam and quickly cool it down till 3°C. Store it at 1-3°C.
50 g of sugar B 10% Before using it, warm it up to 50-60°C.
7 g of pectin X58 1,3%

SPONGE CAKE WITH POPPY AND LEMON (for 2 rings which are 14 cm in diameter)

Total weight: 370 g 100%

Prepare the baking tray with the silicone mat and the rings which
87 g of eggs 23,5% are 14 cm in diameter.
42 g of inverted sugar 11,3% Mix eggs, sugar powder, inverted sugar, lemon zest and salt, while
87 g of flour 23,5% not whipping it. Add the sifted and mixed together flour, baking
42 g of sugar powder 11,3% powder and poppy. Mix them with a whisk until they combine. Next,
3.5 g of baking powder 0,9% gradually add the butter, which has been melted to 45-50°C and
mixed with the olive oil. Stir them till they obtain the homogeneous
0.8 g of salt 0,2%
texture. Distribute them into baking forms, 170 gram each. Bake
35 g of butter (82% of fats) 9,5%
them for about 10-12 minutes. The ready sponge cake will bounce
35 g of olive oil 9,5% from being pressed on. Cool the sponge cake down at room
28 g of milk 7,6% temperature and do not take it out of the rings.
10 g of poppy 2,7%
Zest of 1 lemon

LEMON GEL (for 2 rings which are 14 cm in diameter)

Total weight: 306 g 100%

Mix the pectin with the portion of sugar and add it to the lemon
200 g of lemon juice 65,4% juice, while constantly stirring them. Bring the mass to boil. Rub the
100 g of sugar 32,3% remaining sugar together with the lemon zest and gradually add it
to the boiled juice and the pectin. Keep boiling it till 103°C. Filter
3 g of lemon zest 1%
them and then, pour 80 g of it onto the surface of the cooled-down
3 g of pectin NH 1% sponge cake inside the ring. Freeze it.
re cip e a nd ingredie nts
LEMON-FLAVOURED CREAM (for 2 rings which are 14 cm in diameter)

Total weight: 720 g 100%

Rub the sugar together with the lemon zest. Add the eggs to them
105 g of water 14,6% and mix them with a whisk. Heat the water together with the lemon
105 g of lemon juice 14,6% juice up to 80°C and gradually pour it out onto the egg mixture. Mix
them together, return them onto the stove and keep boiling them,
6 g of lemon zest 0,8%
while constantly stirring, till the mass hardens and its temperature
50 g of sugar 6,9% becomes 83°C. Take it off the stove, add the gelatine mass and mix
241 g of eggs 33,5% them. Filter them onto the white chocolate and the cocoa butter.
166 g of white chocolate 23% Process them with the hand blender till their texture is smooth.
15 g of cocoa butter 2% Pour them over the lemon gel by 100 gram and freeze it. Cover the
remaining cream tightly with a cling film and quickly cool it down till
32 g of gelatine mass 4,4%
3°C. Then, use it for cooking the mousse.

LEMON MOUSSE (for 2 rings which are 16 cm in diameter)

Total weight: 660 g 100%

Whip the cream till it forms a soft foam. Heat the lemon cream up
440 g of lemon cream 67% to 30-35°C and add the whipped cream to it in portions. Use it
220 g of cream (35% of fats) 33% immediately (in ration of 315 gram to one cake).


Total weight: 200 g 100%
Melt all the ingredients till 45°C. Mix them, add the food colouring
100 g of white chocolate 50% to them and process them with the blender. Filter before using it.
100 g of cocoa butter 50% Use it at a temperature of 40-45°C.
Yellow fat-soluble food

ASSEMBLY (for 2 cakes which are 16 cm in diameter)

Prepare the rings which are 16 cm in diameter and 4.5 cm in height. Wrap them in a cling film from one side and
put a border tape inside each ring.

Pipe 315 gram of mousse into each baking form. Put the frozen centre out of the sponge cake, gel and cream,
keeping the sponge cake on top, and slightly press on it, so that the mousse and the sponge cake are at the same
level. Even them out with the spatula if it is necessary and freeze them. Cover the frozen cakes with the mixture for
the velour, which has been heated up to 40°C, by using a food spray gun. Put it back into the freezer for a couple of

Add the water, which is 20-30% from the nappage's weight, to the nappage and heat it up to 60°C. Filter it into the
food spray gun and coat the frozen cake with it in a thin layer over the velour, in order to create the impression of
the lemon peel. Decorating it is optional.

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