F 1511 - 03 Rje1mtetukve
F 1511 - 03 Rje1mtetukve
F 1511 - 03 Rje1mtetukve
1. Scope
1.1 This specification covers mechanical end-face seals for centrifugal and positive displacement pumps for shipboard use.
1.2 The following types of seals are not included in this specification: lip seals, oil seals, circumferential seals, or labyrinth seals.
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for
information only. A companion hard metric standard is in the process of preparation.
1.4 Special requirements for U.S. Navy Shipboard Pump Applications are included in Supplement S1.
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F25 on Ships and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.11 on
Machinery and Piping Systems.
Current edition approved May 10, 20034. Published June 2003. May 2004. Originally approved in 1994. Last previous edition approved in 20023 as F 1511 – 023.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 1511 – 034
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
A 108 Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold-Finished, Standard Quality
A 182/A182M Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for
High-Temperature Service
A 240/A 240M Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels
and for General Applications
A 276 Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
A 313/A 313M Specification for Stainless Steel Spring Wire
A 351/A351M Specification for Castings, Austenitic, Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplex), for Pressure-Containing Parts
A 436 Specification for Austenitic Gray Iron Castings
A 494/A494M Specification for Castings, Nickel and Nickel Alloy
A 564/A564M Specification for Hot-Rolled and Cold-Finished Age-Hardening Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
A 579 Specification for Superstrength Alloy Steel Forgings
A 693 Specification for Precipitation-Hardening Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip
A 705/A705M Specification for Age-Hardening Stainless and Steel Forgings
A 744/A744M Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for Severe Service
B 62 Specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings
B 127 Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
B 164 Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy Rod, Bar, and Wire
B 166 Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (UNS N06600, N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025, and
N06045) and Nickel-Chromium-Cobalt-Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617) Rod, Bar, and Wire
B 168 Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (UNS N06600, N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025, and
N06045) and Nickel-Chromium-Cobalt-Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
B 271 Specification for Copper-Base Alloy Centrifugal Castings
B 333 Specification for Nickel-Molybdenum Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip
B 335 Specification for Nickel-Molybdenum Alloy Rod
B 338 Specification for Seamless and Welded Titanium and Titanium Alloy Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers
B 348 Specification for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Bars and Billets
B 367 Specification for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Castings
B 443 Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy (UNS N06625) and Nickel-Chromium-
Molybdenum-Silicon Alloy (UNS N06219) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
B 446 Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy (UNS N06625), Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-
Silicon Alloy (UNS N06219) and Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Tungsten Alloy (UNS N06650) Rod and Bar
B 472 Specification for Nickel Alloy UNS N06030, UNS N06022, UNS N06200, UNS N08020, UNS N08026, UNS N08024,
UNS N08926, UNS N08367, UNS N10276, UNS N10665, UNS N10675 and UNS R20033 Nickel Alloy Billets and Bars for
B 473 Specification for UNS N08020, UNS N08024, and UNS N08026 Nickel Alloy Bar and Wire
B 505 Specification for Copper-Base Alloy Continuous Castings
B 574 Specification for Low-Carbon Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum, Low-
Carbon Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium-Tantalum, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Copper, and Low-Carbon
Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Tungsten Alloy Rod
B 575 Specification for Low-Carbon Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper,
Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Tantalum, and Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Tungsten, and
Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip
B 584 Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications
B 637 Specification for Precipitation-Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High-Temperature Service
B 670 Specification for Precipitation-Hardening Nickel Alloy (UNS N07718) Plate, Sheet, and Strip for High-Temperature
D 1141 Specification for Preparation of Substitute Ocean Water
D 1418 Practice for Rubber and Rubber Latices Nomenclature
D 3294 Specification for Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Resin Molded Basic Shapes
D 3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging
2.2 ASQC Standards:3
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards,
Vol 01.05. volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01.
F 1511 – 034
Z1.4 American Society of Quality Control, Quality, Quality Conformance Inspection
2.3 ANSI Standards:4
Y14.1 Drawing Sheet Size and Format
Y14.2 Line Convention and Lettering
Y14.3 Multi and Sectional View Drawings
Y14.5 Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Engineering Drawings
Y14.6 Screw Thread Representation
Y14.26.3 Computer-Aided Preparation of Production Definition Data, Terms and Definitions
2.4 Military Standards:5
MIL-S-901 Shock Tests, H.I. (High Impact); Shipboard Machinery, Equipment & Systems, Requirements for
MIL-P-16789 Packaging of Pumps, Including Prime Movers and Associated Repair Parts
MIL-R-83248 Rubber Fluorocarbon Elastomer, High Temperature, Fluid, and Compression Set Resistant
MIL-STD-167-1 Environmental Vibration Testing
2.5 ISO Standard:4
ISO 9001 Quality Systems—Model for Quality Assurance in Design/Development, Production, Installation, and Service
2.6 Other Document:5
Metals and Alloys —Unified Numbering System-DS-56f
3. Terminology
3.1 Refer to Annex A1 for terminology relating to mechanical seals.
5. Ordering Information
5.1 The purchaser (buyer) shall provide the manufacturer with all of the pertinent application data shown in Figs. 7-9. If special
operating conditions exist that are not shown in the checklist, they shall also be described.
6. Material
6.1 Mechanical seals shall be constructed of materials selected from Tables 1-3 after reviewing temperature, pressure/velocity
(PV), and corrosion resistance requirements for all parts for each application.
6.2 Metal Components:
6.2.1 Mechanical seal metal parts in contact with the pumped liquid shall be compatible with their environment.
6.2.2 Table 1 identifies metal component compatibility.
6.2.3 Material specifications:
Available from American Society for Quality (ASQ), 600 N. Plankinton Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53203.
Annual Book of ASTM
Available from American National Standards, Vol 01.03. Institute, 25 W. 43rd St., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.02.
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4, Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, Attn: NPODS.
F 1511 – 034
FIG. 2 Single Seal—Inside Mou O-Rintg Secondary Seal, Classification Type A Grade 1
F 1511 – 034
F 1511 – 034
F 1511 – 034
Material ASTM
F 1511 – 034
F 1511 – 034
NOTE 1—For fluids or materials not covered here, seal selection to be mutually agreed upon by seal manufacturer, pump supplier, and end user.
NOTE 2— X = Suitable for use as seal components.
Fluid 316 Stainless Highly Alloyed Ni-Cr-Mo-Cb Ni-
Ni-Cu Alloy 20 Ni-Mo
Steel Stainless Steel Cr-Fe
Fresh Water
Demineralized water X X X X X
Boiler feed X X X X X
Potable X X X X X X X
Salt Water
Seawater X X X X X
Distiller brine X X X X
Fuel Oil
Navy distillate X X X X X X
JP-5 X X X X X X
Diesel X X X X X X
Kerosene X X X X X X
Crude oil X X X X X X
Lube oil X X X X X X
Sewage X X X X X
See Section 6 for material specifications.
Inconel X750Y or equivalent has been found satisfactory for this purpose.
Inconel 625Y or equivalent has been found satisfactory for this purpose.
6.3 Face Materials— Mechanical seal-wearing faces shall be selected to provide the desired performance and corrosion
resistance for the specified design life of the seal.
6.3.1 Performance ranges for face combinations are listed in Table 2.
6.3.2 Face materials shall be of solid construction only; no overlays, deposited coatings, or sprayed on coatings are permitted.
6.3.3 Carbon is preferred for one of the faces unless the service is abrasive, dirty, or chemically active.
6.3.4 For special service requirements, hard on hard seal face combinations may be required. Face material combinations, such
as silicon carbide versus silicon carbide, silicon carbide versus tungsten carbide, and tungsten carbide versus tungsten carbide, may
be used as similar or dissimilar contacting face materials when recommended by the supplier and approved by the user.
6.4 Face Material Specifications :
6.4.1 Carbon—Suitable for service as recommended by the manufacturer. A carbon seal grade is a material having carbonaceous
filler system comprised of pitch and resins, compacted and baked to a final temperature. These grades are subsequently
impregnated with resin until they become impervious. All available carbons may not be suitable for a particular application.
Carbons considered for use in a particular application shall be checked for suitability in accordance with the requirements of this
F 1511 – 034
TABLE 2 Seal Face Materials
F 1511 – 034 Fluorocarbon—Practice D 1418, Class Designation FKM. Ethylene Propylene (EP)—Practice D 1418, Class Designation EPM/EPDM. Perfluoroelastomer—Practice D 1418, Class Designation FFKM. Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE)—Specification D 3294. Corrugated graphite ribbon packing.
6.5.3 Ethylene propylene (EP) rubber shall not be lubricated with any petroleum base substances. Check Section 11 and
Appendix X1 or manufacturer’s recommendations before using any lubricant.
7. Performance Requirements
7.1 Seal life shall be defined in terms of the time period in which the mechanical seal functions properly under its specified
7.1.1 The minimum operational life of a mechanical seal shall be 16 000 statistical hours provided that the equipment is
maintained and operated in accordance with the requirements of Section 8.
7.1.2 During any portion of the service life, the dynamic leakage shall not exceed five drops per minute for Class 0 seals. After
initial installation, hydrostatic leakage shall be zero for a 5-min period, when the equipment is subjected to system pressure.
7.1.3 All split mechanical seals, Classes 1 through 4, may experience higher leakage rates than Class 0, solid mechanical seals.
A leakage rate of five drops per minute shall be acceptable after completion of the manufacturer’s recommended break-in period.
7.1.4 In special applications of extreme environmental parameters, such as high temperature with limited cooling, high
pressure/velocity, extreme abrasion, unusual equipment vibration, shaft end-play, or run-out, the pump and seal manufacturers shall
agree upon the best achievable minimum operating life requirements and leakage performance.
7.1.5 Double or special seal arrangements may be required in applications in which zero product leakage to the environment
is required such as hazardous fluids, fuel oil, acids, chemicals, and sewage. Consult the seal manufacturer for recommendations.
8. Design Requirements
8.1 Installation Arrangements:
8.1.1 Type A mechanical seals shall be provided unless otherwise specified.
8.1.2 Tandem or double mechanical seals may be installed in special applications in which it is determined that a buffer fluid
system is required for lubrication, containment, or safety.
8.2 Finish and tolerance requirements for primary seal ring and mating ring surface flatness of Class 0 mechanicals seals shall
be three light bands or better as measured under a monochromatic, helium light source.
8.3 Requirements for Installation of Classes 1 Through 4 Split Mechanical Seals:
8.3.1 Classes 1 through 4, split mechanical seals, may be furnished for shaft/sleeve diameters of 11⁄2 in. (38.1 mm) and above.
8.3.2 For split mechanical seal installations, a minimum of 3 in. (76.2 mm) of axial space, measured from the stuffing box face
to the first obstruction, shall be provided for Classes 2 and 4 seals. Additional space, at least equal to the gland thickness, may be
required for Classes 1 and 3 seals.
8.3.3 Classes 1 through 4, split mechanical seals, shall be designed to operate under a minimum reverse differential pressure
condition of 15-in. Hg (50.8 kPa).
8.4 The requirement for a balanced or unbalanced seal will vary dependent upon the combination of various design and
performance factors. Balanced seals shall normally be supplied for pressures greater than 150 psi (1.03 MPa) unless the seal
manufacturer provides alternative recommendations for specific applications. Selection of a balanced or unbalanced seal design
must satisfy the performance requirements of Section 7.
8.5 The mechanical seal shall be designed to operate satisfactorily under the following:
8.5.1 Shaft sleeve surface finish for pusher-type seals shall be 32 rms (0.80 µm) maximum. Shaft sleeve surface finish for
nonpusher seals shall be 64 rms (1.60 µm) maximum.
8.5.2 Shaft radial run-out 0.010 in. (0.25 mm) TIR maximum.
8.5.3 Shaft end-play maximum 60.015 in. (0.38 mm).
8.5.4 Concentricity of stuffing box bore to shaft axis 0.005 in. (0.13 mm) TIR maximum. Gland plate design must accommodate
eccentricity stated herein.
8.5.5 Perpendicularity of stuffing box face to shaft axis 0.003 in. (0.08 mm) TIR maximum.
8.6 Environmental Controls—Environmental control considerations, such as flushing, cooling, heating, and quenching shall be
specified by the seal manufacturer.
9. Quality Assurance Provisions
9.1 Quality Systems—Mechanical seals shall be supplied in accordance with ISO 9001.
9.2 Responsibility for Inspection— Unless otherwise specified, the manufacturer is responsible for the performance of all
inspection requirements. The manufacturer may use his own or any other facilities suitable for inspection. The purchaser (buyer)
reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to
assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.
9.3 Material Inspection—The manufacturer shall be responsible for ensuring that materials used are manufactured, examined,
F 1511 – 034
and tested in accordance with the specifications and standards as applicable.
9.4 Classification of Inspections— The inspection requirements specified herein shall be classified as follows:
9.4.1 Quality Conformance Inspection .
9.4.2 Inspection of Packaging.
9.5 Quality Conformance Inspection— All seal components shall be inspected in accordance with ASQC Z1.4 listing critical,
major, and minor characteristics and type of inspection equipment used to determine said characteristics.
9.5.1 Acceptable Quality Level for Characteristics —The acceptable quality levels for characteristics, as per ASQC Z1.4, shall
be as follows: Critical—1.5 AQL Major—2.5 AQL Minor—4.0 AQL
9.5.2 Tests—All tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM, ASME, or manufacturer’s standards as specified.
9.5.3 Test Data—All test data shall remain on file at the contractor’s manufacturer’s facility for review by buyer upon request.
It shall be retained in the manufacturer’s files for at least three years.
9.6 Inspection of Packaging:
9.6.1 Unit of Product—For the purpose of inspection, a completed package prepared for shipment shall be considered as a unit
of product.
9.6.2 Sampling—Sampling for examination shall be in accordance with ASQC Z1.4. The AQL shall be 4.0 % defective.
9.6.3 Examination—Samples selected in accordance with 9.5.2 shall be examined for the following defects: Materials, methods, container. Strapping. Consolidated seals not of like description. Marking illegible, incorrect, incomplete, or missing.
9.7 Warranty:
9.7.1 Responsibility for Warranty—Unless otherwise specified, the manufacturer is responsible for the following: All materials used to produce a unit. Workmanship. Manufacturer will warrant his product to be free from defect of workmanship.
9.8 Certification—When specified in the purchase order or contract, the purchaser (buyer) shall be furnished certification that
samples representing each lot have been either tested or inspected as directed in this specification and the requirements have been
met. When specified in the purchase order or contract, a report of the test results shall be furnished.
10. Packing and Preparation for Delivery
10.1 Unit of Product—For the purpose of inspection, a completed package prepared for shipment shall be considered as a unit
of product.
10.2 Packaging of Product for Delivery— Product should be packaged for shipment in accordance with standard industry
10.3 Instructions—Instructions and manufacturer’s special provisions for handling should shall be included in complete
10.3.1 Each of Classes 1 through 4, split mechanical seals, shall be supplied with detailed assembly and installation instructions.
10.3.2 All special or nonstandard tools and fixtures required to assemble and install the seal in the pump shall be identified and
supplied with each seal package.
10.4 Any special packaging requirements for shipment or storage shall be identified in the ordering data. See Section 5.
10.5 Marking and Coding—When specified, a mechanical seal marking and coding system shall be used in accordance with
Appendix X2.
11. Installation of the Seal Assembly
11.1 Seal suppliers shall provide instructions for each mechanical seal installation to include the applicable information required
herein as a minimum.
11.2 Because of the variety of seal types and designs, Appendix X1 is provided for general guidance.
11.3 For specific detailed instructions, consult the seal supplier’s installation procedures. For reference to component
identification terms, see Section 3 and Annex A1.
F 1511 – 034
The following supplementary requirements established by the U.S. Navy, Commander Naval Sea
Systems Command (NAVSEA), shall apply when specified in the contract or purchase order. When
there is a conflict between the specifications and this Supplement S1, the requirements of Supplement
S1 shall take precedence.
S1. Scope
S1.1 This specification supplementary requirement applies to mechanical end face seals for use in U.S. Navy shipboard pumps.
S1.2 Magnetic seals shall not be used.
S3. Terminology:
S3.1 See Annex A1.
F 1511 – 034
TABLE S1 Standard Long Mechanical Seal
NOTE 1—Standard (long) mechanical seal dimensions for Navy shipboard pump applications (low pressure, 150 psi (1.03 MPa) max, for new or
replacement applications).
A6 (A8) 6 B6 (B8) 6 C (C8) D (D8) E (E8) L6 (L8) 6 (M) 6 (M8) 6 (N) 6 (N8) 6
0.002 0.05 0.002 −0.05 REF REF min min max max 0.020 −0.5 0.005 0.12 0.15 0.38
0.375 9.52 0.875 22.23 0.438 11.13 1.062 26.98 0.937 23.80 1.188 30.2 0.250 6.35 0.312 7.92
0.500 12.70 1.000 25.40 0.563 14.30 1.187 30.15 1.062 26.97 1.188 30.2 0.250 6.35 0.312 7.92
0.625 15.87 1.250 31.75 0.688 17.48 1.343 34.12 1.218 30.93 1.312 33.3 0.344 8.74 0.406 10.31
0.750 19.05 1.375 34.93 0.813 20.65 1.468 37.29 1.343 34.11 1.312 33.3 0.344 8.74 0.406 10.31
0.875 22.22 1.500 38.10 0.938 23.83 1.656 42.07 1.531 38.88 1.375 34.9 0.344 8.74 0.406 10.31
1.000 25.40 1.625 41.28 1.063 27.00 1.750 44.45 1.625 41.27 1.562 39.7 0.375 9.53 0.438 11.13
1.125 28.57 1.750 44.45 1.188 30.18 1.870 47.50 1.745 44.32 1.625 41.3 0.375 9.53 0.438 11.13
1.250 31.75 1.875 47.63 1.313 33.35 2.000 50.80 1.875 47.62 1.625 41.3 0.375 9.53 0.438 11.13
1.375 34.92 2.000 50.80 1.438 36.53 2.125 53.98 2.000 50.80 1.687 42.9 0.375 9.53 0.438 11.13
1.500 38.10 2.125 53.98 1.563 39.70 2.250 57.15 2.125 53.97 1.687 42.9 0.375 9.53 0.438 11.13
1.625 41.27 2.375 60.33 1.688 42.88 2.500 63.50 2.375 60.32 2.000 50.8 0.438 11.13 0.500 12.70
1.750 44.45 2.500 63.50 1.813 46.05 2.625 66.68 2.500 63.50 2.000 50.8 0.438 11.13 0.500 12.70
1.875 47.62 2.625 66.68 1.938 49.23 2.750 69.85 2.625 66.67 2.125 54.0 0.438 11.13 0.500 12.70
2.000 50.80 2.750 69.85 2.063 52.40 2.937 74.60 2.812 71.42 2.125 54.0 0.438 11.13 0.500 12.70
2.125 53.97 3.000 76.20 2.188 55.58 3.125 79.38 3.000 76.20 2.375 60.3 0.500 12.70 0.562 14.27
2.250 57.15 3.125 79.38 2.313 58.75 3.250 82.55 3.125 79.37 2.375 60.3 0.500 12.70 0.562 14.27
2.375 60.32 3.250 82.55 2.438 61.93 3.375 85.73 3.250 82.55 2.500 63.5 0.500 12.70 0.562 14.27
2.500 63.50 3.375 85.73 2.563 65.10 3.500 88.90 3.375 85.72 2.500 63.5 0.500 12.70 0.562 14.27
2.625 66.67 3.375 85.73 2.688 68.28 3.750 95.25 3.625 92.07 2.750 69.8 0.562 14.30 0.625 15.87
2.750 69.85 3.500 88.90 2.813 71.45 3.875 98.43 3.750 95.25 2.750 69.8 0.562 14.30 0.625 15.87
2.875 73.02 3.750 95.25 2.938 74.63 4.000 101.60 3.875 98.42 2.875 73.0 0.562 14.30 0.625 15.87
3.000 76.20 3.875 98.43 3.125 79.38 4.187 106.35 4.062 103.17 2.875 73.0 0.562 14.30 0.625 15.87
3.125 79.37 4.000 101.60 3.250 82.55 4.437 112.70 4.250 107.95 3.125 79.4 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.250 82.55 4.125 104.78 3.375 85.73 4.562 115.88 4.375 111.12 3.125 79.4 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.375 85.72 4.250 107.95 3.500 88.90 4.687 119.05 4.500 114.30 3.125 79.4 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.500 88.90 4.375 111.13 3.625 92.08 4.812 122.23 4.625 117.47 3.125 79.4 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.625 92.07 4.500 114.30 3.750 95.25 4.937 125.40 4.750 120.65 3.250 82.6 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.750 95.25 4.625 117.48 3.875 98.43 5.062 128.58 4.875 123.82 3.250 82.6 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.875 98.42 4.750 120.65 4.000 101.60 5.187 131.75 5.000 127.00 3.375 85.7 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
4.000 101.60 4.875 123.83 4.125 104.78 5.312 134.93 5.125 130.17 3.375 85.7 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
A to N = English units. A8 to N8 = SI (metric) units.
I) For mating ring antirotation slot detail see Fig. S1
II) B—Gland counterbore
C—Min shaft clearance bore recommended tolerance + 0.030 (0.076)/-0.000
D—Min stuffing box bore
E—Max seal O.D. (within stuffing box)
F 1511 – 034
TABLE S2 Standard Short Mechanical Seal
NOTE 1—Standard (short length), mechanical seal dimensions for Navy shipboard pump applications (low pressure, 150 psi (1.03 MPa) max, for new
or replacement applications).
A6 (A8) 6 B6 (B8) 6 C (C8) D (D8) E (E8) L6 (L8) 6 (M) 6 (M8) 6 (N) 6 (N8) 6
0.002 0.05 0.002 −0.05 REF REF min min max max 0.020 −0.5 0.005 0.12 0.15 0.38
0.375 9.52 0.875 22.23 0.438 11.13 1.218 30.94 1.031 26.18 0.812 20.7 0.250 6.35 0.312 7.92
0.500 12.70 1.000 25.40 0.563 14.30 1.375 34.93 1.187 30.15 0.812 20.7 0.250 6.35 0.312 7.92
0.625 15.87 1.250 31.75 0.688 17.48 1.562 39.68 1.375 34.92 0.875 22.7 0.344 8.74 0.406 10.31
0.750 19.05 1.375 34.93 0.813 20.65 1.687 42.85 1.500 38.10 0.875 22.7 0.344 8.74 0.406 10.31
0.875 22.22 1.500 38.10 0.938 23.83 1.812 46.03 1.625 41.27 0.937 23.8 0.344 8.74 0.406 10.31
1.000 25.40 1.625 41.28 1.063 27.00 2.000 50.80 1.812 46.02 1.000 25.4 0.375 9.53 0.438 11.13
1.125 28.57 1.750 44.45 1.188 30.18 2.125 53.98 1.937 49.20 1.062 27.0 0.375 9.53 0.438 11.13
1.250 31.75 1.875 47.63 1.313 33.35 2.250 57.15 2.062 52.37 1.062 27.0 0.375 9.53 0.438 11.13
1.375 34.92 2.000 50.80 1.438 36.53 2.437 61.90 2.250 57.15 1.125 28.6 0.375 9.53 0.438 11.13
1.500 38.10 2.125 53.98 1.563 39.70 2.562 65.08 2.375 60.32 1.125 28.6 0.375 9.53 0.438 11.13
1.625 41.27 2.375 60.33 1.688 42.88 2.937 74.60 2.718 69.03 1.375 34.9 0.438 11.13 0.500 12.70
1.750 44.45 2.500 63.50 1.813 46.05 3.062 77.78 2.750 69.85 1.375 34.9 0.438 11.13 0.500 12.70
1.875 47.62 2.625 66.68 1.938 49.23 3.187 80.95 2.875 73.02 1.500 38.1 0.438 11.13 0.500 12.70
2.000 50.80 2.750 69.85 2.063 52.40 3.312 84.13 3.000 76.20 1.500 38.1 0.438 11.13 0.500 12.70
2.125 53.97 3.000 76.20 2.188 55.58 3.625 92.08 3.250 82.55 1.687 42.9 0.500 12.70 0.562 14.27
2.250 57.15 3.125 79.38 2.313 58.75 3.750 95.25 3.375 85.72 1.687 42.9 0.500 12.70 0.562 14.27
2.375 60.32 3.250 82.55 2.438 61.93 3.875 98.43 3.500 88.90 1.812 46.0 0.500 12.70 0.562 14.27
2.500 63.50 3.375 85.73 2.563 65.10 4.000 101.60 3.625 92.07 1.812 46.0 0.500 12.70 0.562 14.27
2.625 66.67 3.375 85.73 2.688 68.28 4.312 109.53 3.875 98.42 1.937 49.2 0.562 14.30 0.625 15.87
2.750 69.85 3.500 88.90 2.813 71.45 4.437 112.70 4.000 101.60 1.937 49.2 0.562 14.30 0.625 15.87
2.875 73.02 3.750 95.25 2.938 74.63 4.562 115.88 4.125 104.77 2.062 52.4 0.562 14.30 0.625 15.87
3.000 76.20 3.875 98.43 3.125 79.38 4.687 119.05 4.250 107.95 2.062 52.4 0.562 14.30 0.625 15.87
3.125 79.37 4.000 101.60 3.250 82.55 5.000 127.00 4.562 115.87 2.187 55.6 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.250 82.55 4.125 104.78 3.375 85.73 5.125 130.18 4.687 119.05 2.187 55.6 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.375 85.72 4.250 107.95 3.500 88.90 5.250 133.35 4.812 122.22 2.187 55.6 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.500 88.90 4.375 111.13 3.625 92.08 5.500 139.70 4.937 125.40 2.187 55.6 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.625 92.07 4.500 114.30 3.750 95.25 5.687 144.45 5.125 130.17 2.312 58.8 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.750 95.25 4.625 117.48 3.875 98.43 5.812 147.63 5.250 133.35 2.312 58.8 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
3.875 98.42 4.750 120.65 4.000 101.60 6.000 152.40 5.437 138.10 2.437 61.9 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
4.000 101.60 4.875 123.83 4.125 104.78 6.125 155.58 5.562 141.27 2.437 61.9 0.656 16.66 0.781 19.84
A to N = English units. A8 to N8 = SI (metric) units.
I) For mating ring antirotation slot detail see Fig. S1
II) B—Gland counterbore
C—Min shaft clearance bore recommended tolerance + 0.030 (0.076)/-0.000
D—Min stuffing box bore
E—Max seal O.D. (within stuffing box)
F 1511 – 034
TABLE S3 Special Cartridge Seals Grade 2
A to R = English units. A8 to R8 = SI (metric) units.
B—Gland counterbore
C—Seal support shoulder tolerance + 0.030 (0.76)/−0.000
D—Minimum stuffing box bore
E—Maximum seal O.D. (within stuffing box)
F—Positive drive recess for seal assembly drive lug. 2 each 180° apart
G—Positive drive recess for seal assembly drive lug. 2 each 180° apart
H—Maximum pin length shown, max pin diameter 0.125
J—Positive drive recess for stationary seal ring
K—Clearance required between seal and seal locating shoulder
R—Four lugs equally spaced at 90°
F 1511 – 034
TABLE S4 Special Cartridge Seals Grade 1
A to S = English units. A8 to S8 = SI (metric) units.
B—Gland counterbore
C—Seal support shoulder tolerance + 0.030 (0.76)/−0.000
D—Minimum stuffing box bore
E—Maximum seal O.D. (within stuffing box)
F—Positive drive recess for seal assembly drive lug. 2 each 180° apart
G—Positive drive recess for seal assembly drive lug. 2 each 180° apart
H—Maximum pin length shown, max pin diameter 0.125
J—Positive drive recess for stationary seal ring
K—Clearance required between seal and seal locating shoulder 2 each 180° apart
R—One recess only
N/A—Not applicable
F 1511 – 034
TABLE S5 Cartridge Seal
1.000 4.11 1.63 1.88 0.91 2.11 2.88 N/A N/A N/A
1.125 4.13 1.75 2.01 0.66 2.13 2.88 N/A N/A N/A
1.250 4.25 1.88 2.27 0.78 2.13 3.14 3.25 N/A N/A
1.375 4.38 2.00 2.33 0.69 2.13 3.26 3.34 N/A N/A
1.500 4.88 2.21 2.44 0.96 2.19 3.48 3.60 N/A N/A
1.625 5.00 2.34 2.69 1.02 2.19 N/A 3.77 N/A N/A
1.750 5.49 2.50 2.81 1.04 2.19 N/A 3.88 N/A N/A
1.875 5.49 2.63 2.91 1.04 2.19 N/A 3.91 N/A N/A
2.000 5.50 2.75 3.01 1.27 2.38 N/A 4.16 N/A N/A
2.125 5.86 2.88 3.44 1.27 2.38 N/A 4.41 4.50 N/A
2.250 6.50 3.00 3.48 1.39 2.38 N/A 4.53 4.62 N/A
2.375 6.50 3.13 3.59 1.13 2.53 N/A 4.60 4.72 N/A
2.500 6.75 3.37 3.81 1.39 2.63 N/A 4.88 5.00 N/A
2.625 6.75 3.63 4.04 1.60 2.56 N/A N/A 5.17 N/A
2.750 7.70 3.75 4.06 1.60 2.56 N/A N/A 5.55 N/A
2.875 7.83 3.88 4.18 1.60 2.56 N/A N/A 5.62 N/A
3.000 7.94 4.00 4.46 1.74 2.63 N/A N/A 5.77 N/A
3.125 7.99 4.13 4.60 1.75 2.69 N/A N/A 5.92 N/A
3.250 8.19 4.25 4.60 1.80 2.64 N/A N/A 6.05 N/A
3.375 8.30 4.38 4.85 1.94 2.69 N/A N/A 6.14 6.27
3.500 8.44 4.50 4.97 1.91 2.69 N/A N/A 6.31 6.43
3.625 8.49 4.63 5.10 2.19 2.69 N/A N/A 6.44 N/A
3.750 8.75 4.78 5.19 2.00 2.69 N/A N/A 6.77 N/A
3.875 8.84 4.96 5.37 2.06 2.69 N/A N/A 6.64 6.77
4.000 9.00 5.11 5.50 2.38 2.69 N/A N/A 6.78 6.91
F 1511 – 034
TABLE S6 Split Mechanical Seals
1.250 1.86 2.10 2.35 N/A 1.78 3.00 4.91 3.17 3.29 3.42
1.375 1.94 2.38 2.63 N/A 1.78 3.00 5.01 3.25 3.38 3.50
1.500 2.50 2.50 2.94 0.407 1.88 3.00 5.28 3.68 3.81 3.93
1.625 2.50 2.62 2.94 0.407 1.88 3.00 5.28 3.68 3.81 3.93
1.750 2.50 2.68 3.00 0.407 1.87 3.00 5.28 3.68 3.81 3.93
1.875 2.63 2.87 3.12 0.423 2.00 3.06 5.50 3.78 3.91 4.03
2.000 2.75 3.00 3.31 0.438 2.00 3.06 5.63 3.88 4.00 4.12
2.125 2.87 3.12 3.62 0.313 2.19 3.50 6.13 4.37 4.50 4.62
2.250 3.06 3.25 4.00 0.375 2.25 3.50 6.50 4.56 4.68 4.81
2.375 3.18 3.37 4.12 0.375 2.15 3.50 6.50 4.56 4.68 4.81
2.500 3.18 3.62 4.00 0.375 2.15 3.50 6.50 4.63 4.68 4.87
2.625 3.62 3.87 4.75 0.281 2.38 3.62 7.76 5.38 5.50 5.63
2.750 3.62 4.25 4.75 0.375 2.38 3.62 7.76 5.38 5.50 5.63
2.875 3.93 4.12 5.00 0.375 2.50 3.75 8.01 5.73 5.86 5.98
3.000 3.93 4.12 5.00 0.375 2.50 3.75 8.01 5.74 5.87 5.99
3.125 4.31 4.75 5.25 0.375 2.50 3.75 8.26 5.88 5.86 6.13
3.250 4.31 4.75 5.25 0.375 2.50 3.75 8.50 5.88 5.87 6.13
3.375 4.43 5.00 5.50 0.501 2.50 4.02 8.51 6.18 6.31 6.43
3.500 4.43 5.00 5.50 0.501 2.50 4.02 8.51 6.18 6.31 6.43
3.625 4.75 5.12 5.75 0.407 2.53 4.02 9.00 6.56 6.68 6.81
3.750 4.75 5.12 5.75 0.407 2.53 4.02 9.00 6.56 6.68 6.81
3.875 4.93 5.50 6.00 0.482 2.63 4.02 9.02 6.63 6.75 6.88
4.000 5.00 5.50 6.00 0.407 2.50 4.02 9.02 6.63 6.75 6.88
4.125 5.12 5.71 6.25 0.407 2.50 4.02 9.27 6.86 7.00 7.13
4.250 5.25 5.75 6.25 0.407 2.50 4.02 9.27 6.86 7.00 7.13
4.375 5.42 6.00 6.50 0.457 2.50 4.02 9.55 7.13 7.25 7.38
4.500 5.42 6.12 6.50 0.457 2.50 4.02 9.55 7.13 7.25 7.38
4.625 5.35 6.12 6.75 0.457 2.50 4.02 9.77 7.38 7.50 7.63
4.750 5.62 6.12 6.75 0.432 2.50 4.02 9.77 7.38 7.50 7.63
F 1511 – 034
indicators shall be visible from the outside of the box. GSSS shall be used to support the Type E seal during Section S7 testing.
The GSSS shall undergo shock testing in accordance with MIL-S-901 and environmental vibration testing in accordance with
S5.9 Unless otherwise specified, the seal manufacturer shall prepare drawings in accordance with ANSI Standards Y14.1,
Y14.2, Y14.3, Y14.5, Y14.6, and Y14.26.3.
S5.9.1 Drawings shall be furnished under each contract or order unless the complete equipment covered by the drawings are
identical in all respects to those previously submitted.
S5.9.2 Information intended for manufacturer’s use only shall be so designated.
S5.10 Drawings for each mechanical seal shall include a sectional assembly drawing and component detail drawings.
S5.10.1 Sectional assembly drawings shall include a sectional assembly with references to a parts list identifying materials for
all individual parts.
S5.10.1.1 All running clearances shall be shown and shall be dimensioned and labeled as diametral clearances.
S5.10.1.2 Tightening torques with tolerances and thread lubrication requirements for threaded fasteners shall be shown on the
S5.10.1.3 Assembly drawings shall show, as a minimum, the dimensions shown on the applicable Tables S1-S4.
S5.10.1.4 Drawings shall specify the type, amount, and required use of lubricant.
S5.10.1.5 Drawings shall specify where there is an adhesive or other setting compound factory installed on the elastomer
bellows or O-ring that seals between the mechanical seal and the impeller hub, shaft, or shaft sleeve.
S5.10.1.6 Drawings shall provide a description of any adhesive or setting compound identified in S5.510.1.5 including any time
limits associated with the compound when present on a mechanical seal in storage and between initial wetting of that compound
and the final positioning of the mechanical seal in the pump.
S5.10.2 When requesting qualification testing to satisfy Tables S1—S6, component drawings shall be submitted to NAVSEA
for review and approval. Drawings to include dimensional details, manufacturing tolerances, and material specifications. Seal
drawings to be used for NAVSEA verification only.
S5.10.3 Shock requirements are specified under Section S7.8 Shock Test.
S5.11 “J-seat” stationary ring designs shall be allowed for lube oil and fuel oil services.
F 1511 – 034
TABLE S7 Material Requirements and Service Limits for Standard SealsA
Fluid Fuels and Fresh Fuels/
Design Detail Lubricants Water Seawater
bronzeC bronzeC
S6. Materials
S6.1 The mechanical seal metal parts shall be supplied in accordance with Table S5.
S6.2 The primary seal ring shall be carbon-graphite,6 silicon carbide, or 6 to 10 % nickel-bound tungsten carbide. The mating
ring face shall be 6 to 10 % nickel-bound tungsten carbide or silicon carbide and suitable for the liquid being pumped.
Cobalt-bound tungsten carbide shall not be used. Nodular or graphitic ductile nickel cast iron,7 may be supplied for lubricants and
fuel oil service.
S6.3 Elastomers such as bellows, O-rings, friction rings, and so forth, furnished with seals supplied to the requirements of this
Supplement S1 shall be made of fluorocarbon elastomer in accordance with MIL-R-83248, CL 1 or Cl 2, or Practice D 1418 Class
FKM, unless otherwise specified in the contract. Refer to Table 3 for general service applications and for alternative elastomers
suitable for special requirements.
S6.4 On seawater pumps, the mechanical seal O-rings and other elastomers shall not be mounted on or come in contact with
the impeller.
Carbon graphite material shall be a manufacturer’s grade that has been tested and qualified for mechanical seal face service under the qualification tests required by this
specification and has been documented as being in regular shipboard service under equivalent operating conditions.
S6 Split Seals shall use carbon graphite grades CTI–6 or P8412.
Alternative carbon graphite materials will be conditionally approved by NAVSEA for specific mechanical seal service. Approval for general service will be granted after
seal qual Bification testing under this specificatiokn and after evidence of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.01. satisfactory shipboard service under equivalent operating conditions,
is provided.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.04.
Ni-Resisty or equivalent has been found satisfactory for this purpose.
F 1511 – 034
TABLE S8 Qualification Test Parameters
Axial Radial Test
Mechanical Test
OffsetA Offset Sequence
Seal Type Sequence
60.003 in. (0.08 mm) 60.003 in (0.08 mm) Duration
Tables S1 and Run-in 0 0 8h
S2 0 0 20 min
Performance +(0.035 in. (0.89 mm) + SNE)B 0 20 h
20 h
tests 20 h
20 h
20 h
400 h
Tables S3 and Run-in 0 0 8h
S4 0 0 20 min
+(0.030 in. (0.76 0 20 h
mm) + SNE)B
0 20 h
0.010 in. (0.25 mm) 20 h
0.010 in. (0.25 mm) 20 h
0.010 in. (0.25mm) 20 h
0 400 h
0 = neutral position.
SNE = seal nose extension—Ref. Fig. S2.
S6.5 All mechanical seals under this specification shall be certified to be free of functional mercury.
S7.2.1 Testing, including qualification testing, of Classes 1 through 4 split mechanical seals shall be application specific,
conducted under test conditions, which include the proposed operating conditions, and under a test schedule and performance
requirements that have been agreed upon by the purchaser (buyer) and the manufacturer.
S7.2.2 Type E seals shall be tested with 0.035 in. of axial misalignment endplay towards the driver end of the pump.
S7.2.2.1 Test to be accomplished using a fluid with a viscosity of 100-500 SSU at start-up. Air shall be used as the barrier fluid.
S7.2.2.2 Run-In Test:
(a) Run-in test shall be accomplished for 8 h at a speed of 800 fpm with a fluid pressure of 5 psig and a barrier pressure of 125
psig. Zero fluid leakage is required during this test. Air consumption rate shall be less than or equal to 0.47 nl/min or 1.0 scfh.
(b) Seal shall be operated for 20 min with conditions as above except the speed shall be 300 fpm. Fluid leakage and air
consumption shall meet requirements of S7.2.2.2.
S7.2.2.3 The 500 h endurance test for Type E seals shall be accomplished by performing 125 h of testing at each of the following
800 fpm, 65 psig fluid pressure, 80 psig barrier pressure
300 fpm, 65 psig fluid pressure, 80 psig barrier pressure
800 fpm, 5 psig fuild pressure, 125 psig barrier pressure
300 fpm, 5 psig fluid pressure, 125 psig barrier pressure
Annual Book
Department of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.02. the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, NAVSEA, Arlington, VA 22242–5160.
F 1511 – 034
(a) A total minimum of 25 starts and stops must be performed during the endurance testing. Each start cycle must include a
minimum of 5 min of operating time. A minimum of three 8-h rest periods must be taken during the endurance test.
(b) During endurance testing, there shall be no visible fluid leakage. Maximum barrier consumption rate shall be 0.47 nl/min
or 1.0 scfh.
S7.2.2.4 Type E seals shall undergo a seal recovery test. Test shall be performed in the following order:
(1) 15 min at 300 fpm, 65 psig fluid pressure, 125 psig barrier
(2) 15 min at 300 fpm, 65 psig fluid pressure, disconnect air
source, vent to atmosphere
(3) 15 min at 800 fpm, 100 psig fluid pressure, 125 psig barrier
(4) 15 min at 800 fpm, 100 psig fluid pressure, disconnect air
source, vent to atmosphere
(5) 15 min at 300 fpm, 65 psig fluid pressure, 125 psig barrier
At the end of the recovery test. there shall be no visible fluid leakage. Maximum barrier consumption rate shall be 0.47 nl/min
or 1.0 scfh.
S7.2.3 Any changes to a qualified mechanical seal shall be presented to the government buying activity for technical evaluation.
S7.3 General Comments:
S7.3.1 Data will be collected and entered on data sheets similar to those in Fig. S1 and Fig. S2.
S7.3.2 Any problems encountered with the seals, installation, operation of the test fixture, or breakdowns of any kind, shall be
recorded. This record shall include a statement of the problem, cause, running time meter reading at occurrence, and any other
pertinent information.
S7.3.3 All tests shall be performed in sea water using the same seal.
S7.3.4 The test conditions shall be:
Speed: 3600 rpm 65 % Tables S1 and S2
1800 rpm 65 % Tables S3 and S4
Temperature: 170°F (77°C), monitored at seal cavity. The flowrate shall be var-
ied as necessary to maintain the seal cavity at the specified temperature.
Pressure: 150 psig (1.03 MPa) 65 psi (0.03 MPa)
Fluid media: ocean water per Specification D 1141
S7.3.5 Any seal shown in Table S1 and Table S2 successfully passing all tests will qualify any smaller seal of the same design
up to but not including 1 in. (25.4 mm) smaller.9
S7.3.6 Test Facility—The test facility must be approved by NAVSEA8 before conducting the tests. Approval criteria will be
based on information submitted by the facility demonstrating the capability to perform all tests indicated herein.
S7.4 Pretest Inspection:
S7.4.1 The seal shall be photographed as received from the manufacturer and examined for compliance. The mating surfaces
shall be photographed to document the original unworn condition. All critical dimensions shall be measured and recorded. The
width of the stationary mating ring and the height of the rotating primary seal nose shall be measured at 60° intervals. A reference
point for these measurements shall be established to ensure that the posttest measurements are taken at identical locations. If a seal
face is not measurable as an individual component, the manufacturer must provide the information with photographs and certify
the critical dimensions to 0.0001 in. (2.5 mm). Acceptance criteria: seal face wear rate must allow for an extrapolated service life
of 16 000 h.
S7.4.2 The seal shall be examined for the following defects:
S7.4.2.1 Components missing or not as specified.
S7.4.2.2 Dimensions not as specified.
S7.4.2.3 Materials not as specified.
S7.4.2.4 Assembly incorrect.
S7.4.2.5 Workmanship not as specified.
S7.4.2.6 Configuration not in conformance with drawing.
S7.5 Run-In Test—After completion of the pretest inspection and seal installation, the test fixture shall be stabilized at the
temperature, pressure, and speed specified for the test which shall be conducted immediately after the run-in test. The seal shall
be operated for a period of 8 h continuously at test conditions and stopped. All the area on the test fixture that would collect fluid
escaping past the seal shall be wiped clean and dry. The seal shall then be operated at the same test conditions for 20 min after
which the leakage will be checked. Acceptance criteria: there shall be no apparent leakage.
S7.6 Hydrostatic Test—After successful completion of the prerequisites specified in the previous sections, the seal shall be
subjected to 1.5 times the operational test pressure for a period of 5 min. During this test, the motor shall not be operated.
Acceptance criteria: there shall be no measurable leakage.
F 1511 – 034
F 1511 – 034
S7.8.1 The governing document for the shock test shall be MIL-S-901. The seal test fixture, mounted on the anvil plate of a
shock testing machine for lightweight equipment, shall be tested with water and shall be stabilized at room temperature, 30 psig
(207 kPa) and 1800 or 3600 rpm. General requirements for the shock test are as follows:
All mounting and testing shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of MIL-S-901 pertaining to lightweight shock.
Shock tests shall be conducted in the dynamic mode of operation. Seal leakage rate shall be monitored and recorded. Acceptance
criteria: mechanical seal leakage rate shall not exceed five drops/min.
S7.8.2 A mechanical seal may also be qualified by testing in a pump unit as per MIL-S-901.
S7.9 Posttest Inspection —After completion of tests specified in S7.1 to S7.6, the seal shall be removed and all seal components
closely examined. Record any unusual details. After removal, the seal shall be disassembled and an internal examination of the
seal conducted as specified in S7.2.1. Wear shall be measured at 60° intervals relative to the reference point established during the
pretest inspection. Photographs shall be used to document the worn condition of the seal. Average wear rate for the operational
test shall be extrapolated to 16 000 h to determine the service life wear requirement. Examine and analyze the data obtained above
and compare it to the data collected during the pretest inspection.
S8. Packaging and Marking
S8.1 The packaging and marking requirements specified herein apply only for direct U.S. Government acquisitions.
S8.2 Mechanical seals shall be preserved-packaged level A or C, packed level A, B, or C as specified, and marked in accordance
with MIL-P-16789. Unless otherwise specified, package in accordance with Practice D 3951.
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 balanced seal—a mechanical seal designed to accommodate high stuffing box pressure with a decrease in seal face
closing forces.
A1.2 barrier fluid—see buffer fluid.
A1.3 bellows—flexing seal elements:
A1.3.1 An elastomeric seal element with a full or half convolution that acts as a flexible secondary seal.
A1.3.2 Formed or welded metal seal element that provides spring load and a flexible secondary seal. See Fig. 1 and Fig. 4.
A1.4 buffer fluid—a lubricating liquid which is introduced between two seal assemblies to provide protection to the seal and/or
the environment.
A1.5 bushing—a device used to restrict flow. See Fig. 1.
A1.6 cartridge seal—a completely self-contained assembly including seal, gland, sleeve, and drive collar or seal assembly &
which can be assembled on to a pump as one unit.
A1.7 centrifugal separator—a device using centrifugal force to remove solids in a seal flushing liquid.
A1.8 diametral clearance—the difference between the diameters of two parts.
A1.9 double seal—two mechanical seals mounted back to back, or face to face, designed to contain a buffer fluid between the
two seals. See Figs. 4-6.
A1.10 elastomer drive seal—a mechanical seal in which rotation of the seal assembly is accomplished through an elastomeric
secondary seal.
A1.11 end play—movement along the axis or parallel to the center line of a shaft.
A1.12 end face seal—a mechanical seal that prevents leakage of fluids. Sealing is accomplished by means of a stationary seal
ring bearing against the face of a rotating ring mounted on a shaft. Primary sealing is accomplished in a plane perpendicular to
the shaft axis.
F 1511 – 034
A1.13 flush—liquid that is introduced into the seal chamber in close proximity to the sealing faces.
A1.14 gland gasket—a static seal used between the gland plate and the pump casing.
A1.15 gland plate—a pressure-containing housing that is attached to the pump casing and holds the stationary part of the seal.
A1.16 gland plate, solid—a gland plate, according to A1.15, whose pressure retaining member is not radially split.
A1.17 gland plate, split—a gland plate that is split on a plane parallel to the axis of the shaft, with the result that the gland
can be assembled around the shaft without requiring access over the end of the shaft.
A1.18 inside mounted seal—a mechanical seal assembly mounted inside the cavity which holds the fluid to be sealed.
A1.19 light bands—the horizontal distance between corresponding dark fringes on a reflective objective reference when viewed
through an optical flat exposed to a monochromatic light source. For flatness measurement, the distance from one dark fringe to
the next is 11.566 µin. for a helium gas light.
A1.20 mating ring—a precision lapped seal face normally mounted in a gland plate.
A1.21 noncontacting seal—a seal where the mating faces are designed to intentionally create an aerodynamic or hydrodynamic
separating force to sustain a separation gap.
A1.22 nonpusher seal—a mechanical seal in which seal wear and end-play are compensated for by flexing a secondary seal
A1.223 operating length—the axial distance from the seal face to a reference plane. Also referred to as seal working height.
A1.234 outside mounted seal—a mechanical seal assembly mounted outside the cavity which holds the fluid to be sealed.
A1.245 packing—materials fitted into a stuffing box and compressed to form a seal between the shaft and the stuffing box bore.
A1.256 positive drive—mechanical means of providing rotational torque in a rotating seal element or preventing rotation in a
stationary seal element by use of pins, tabs, keys, or set screws.
A1.267 primary seal ring—a precision lapped seal face which is held in the seal assembly.
A1.278 pumping ring—a simplified impeller within the seal cavity which circulates liquid for cooling.
A1.289 pusher seal—a mechanical seal with a dynamic secondary seal element.
A1.30 quench—a fluid that is introduced on the atmospheric side of the seal. Quench fluid is introduced through ports in the
gland plate.
A1.301 rotating seal—a seal assembly in which the primary spring mechanism is rotated with the shaft.
A1.312 seal cavity—the space within a pump housing or gland between a stuffing box bore and a shaft in which a seal is
A1.323 seal nose—the axial projection on the primary seal ring of an end face seal which forms the sealing surface.
A1.334 secondary seal—a device which provides dynamic sealing between the rotating element of a mechanical seal assembly
and the shaft or sleeve. See Figs. 1 and 6.
A1.345 shaft run-out—twice the distance by which the center of the shaft is displaced from the axis of rotation.
A1.356 shaft sleeve—a cylinder placed over a shaft to provide protection of the shaft from wear and corrosion. It may be used
to provide spacing for the impeller and as a device to provide a step in the shaft to achieve seal balance and/or positioning.
A1.367 sleeve gasket—a static seal used to prevent leakage between the shaft and the sleeve.
A1.378 split seal—a mechanical seal that has its elements split in a plane parallel to the axis of the shaft, with the result that
instead of being continuous rings, they are essentially two semicircles.
A1.389 split seal, partial—a split mechanical seal in which only the rotating and stationary sealing face components and
packing elements are split and replaceable by assembly around the shaft.
F 1511 – 034
A1.40 split seal, fully—a split mechanical seal in which all of the rotating and stationary seal components are split, allowing
the entire seal to be assembled around the shaft without requiring access over the end of the shaft.
A1.401 static seal—a seal between surfaces which have no relative motion.
A1.412 stationary seal—a seal assembly in which the primary spring mechanism does not rotate.
A1.42 stuffıng box pressure—operating pressure for the mechanical seal.
A1.43 stuffıng box pressure—operating pressure for the mechanical seal.
A1.44 tandem seal—a multiple seal arrangement consisting of two seals mounted one after the other, with the faces of the seal
assemblies oriented in the same direction. See Fig. 6.
A1.445 throat bushing—a bushing mounted at the bottom of the stuffing box that restricts flow into or out of the seal cavity.
(See bushing.)
A1.456 throttle bushing—a bushing mounted in the gland to restrict flow of seal leakage or quench fluid to atmosphere. (See
A1.467 unbalanced seal—a seal in which the total hydraulic pressure in the seal cavity acts on the faces of the mechanical seal.
(Nonmandatory Information)
F 1511 – 034
could result in distortion and damage to the gland or the seal faces, or both.)
X1.5 Reassemble the Pump.
X2.1 Part numbers for mechanical seals shall include the number of this specification followed by a letter for the seal type and
nine numerals to signify the grade, class, dimensions, metal component material, spring material, primary seal ring and mating ring
material combinations, and elastomer component material. An example of this system is:
F1511 A 1 0 122 2 2 2 1
F 1511 – 034
X2.1.7.9 9—Special materials
X2.1.8 Elastomer Component Material (Table 3 and Table S5):
X2.1.8.1 1—Fluorocarbon
X2.1.8.2 2—Ethylene propylene
X2.1.8.3 3—Nitrile
X2.1.8.4 4—PTFE
X2.1.8.5 5—Corrugated graphite ribbon
X2.1.8.6 6—Chloroprene
X2.1.8.7 7—Special material
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website