Note: All 3 Sections Are Compulsory. Student Should Not Write Anything On Question Paper
Note: All 3 Sections Are Compulsory. Student Should Not Write Anything On Question Paper
Note: All 3 Sections Are Compulsory. Student Should Not Write Anything On Question Paper
Part-A ( )
This section contains objective type questions. Each question carry 1 marks.
Part-B ( )
Short Answer type questions. Each question carries 2 marks (any 5) [2×5=10]
Part-C ( )
Long Answer type question. Each question carries 5 marks (any six) [5×6=30]
Q.1 Write the meaning of packing and packaging and write their advantage in marketing.
iSfdax ,oa iSdsftax dks le>kb, ,oa foi.ku esa muds ykHkksa dks fyf[k,A
Q.2 Define marketing channels and discuss the different marketing channels of food
foi.ku Ja`[kyk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk vuktks dh fofHkUu foi.ku J`a[kykvksa dks fyf[k,A
Q.5 What is the difference between marketed surplus and marketable surplus.
foØ; vf/k’ks"k ,oa foØhr vf/k’ks"k ds chp esa D;k varj gSA
Q.8 Write the grading and standardization and write their advantage in market. p;u ,oa ekudhdj.k dks le>kb, ,oa foi.ku esa muds ykHkksas dks fyf[k,A
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