University of Engineering and Technology LHR, (NWL Campus) Lab Manual Subject: Plain Reinforcement Concrete
University of Engineering and Technology LHR, (NWL Campus) Lab Manual Subject: Plain Reinforcement Concrete
University of Engineering and Technology LHR, (NWL Campus) Lab Manual Subject: Plain Reinforcement Concrete
Plain Reinforcement Concrete
Submitted To:
Sir Shoaib
Submitted By:
Registration #:
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JOB # 01
Concrete is a mixture of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate/fillers, cement and water.
Concrete is a transient material comprised of coarse aggregates, matrix and ITZ (Interfacial transition
Components of Concrete
1.Coarse Aggregates:
Coarse aggregates constitute the largest portion of the concrete. The main purpose of coarse aggregates
is to provide strength. In normal strength concrete compressive strength is mainly contributed by the
coarse aggregates.
These are the particles retained on sieve # 4 (with an opening of 5mm). There is no set upper limit on
the size of particles but usually an upper limit of 50mm (2in) is considered.
In simple words we can say that matrix is a mixture of all constituents of concrete other than the coarse
aggregates. This contains the binding material, fillers, water, admixtures and additives etc. Each of these
have been explained below.
3.Binding Material:
This is the component that holds primarily the coarse aggregate particles together. All the particles in
concrete are held together by this component. The function of binding material can be defined as it
provides confinement to coarse and fine aggregate particles.
The most commonly used binding material in concrete is Portland cement (ordinary cement) and the resulting concrete is
called, ordinary Portland cement (OPC)
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Fillers are mainly used to fill the gaps between the coarse aggregate particles. These provide better
packing and economize the concrete production by reducing the amount of cement required.
Water is a very important constituent of concrete. It is provided for two main reasons, first one is the
hydration process and second one is the workability of concrete.
Admixtures are the ingredients that are used to change properties like workability, flow, setting time
These are mostly mixed with water and added to concrete at a later stage of mixing (in high strength
concrete these are usually added in the second step to form a paste with powdered substances)
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Some common types of admixtures are,
These are used for increasing workability with constant amount of water. The excessive amount of
water can render the concrete weak as after the evaporation of extra water voids are left behind that
cause serious reduction in strength by two main processes. First one is the direct effect on compressive
strength due to reduction in area of concrete available at a section. Secondly the voids allow the
entrance of harmful chemicals that can either affect the cement or aggregates or cause corrosion of steel
present in form of tensile reinforcement.
Retarding admixtures:
Retarding admixtures are used to delay the setting time of cement. This provides extra time to use
concrete especially in those construction projects where concrete batching plants are installed at a large
distance from the site. In such projects transportation takes a lot of time
Accelerating Admixtures:
Accelerators are used to reduce the setting time of cement. This type of admixtures is usually used while concreting in
cold regions where the setting of cement occurs at a slow rate. This may also be used to speed up the construction
process in order to use the same formwork on upper stories or to open a project earlier for public (e.g. repair or new
construction of a bridge)
Corrosion inhibiting admixtures are added to avoid the corrosion of steel. Corrosion of steel affects the
strength of reinforced cement concrete in two ways. By reducing the area of steel required to resist the
applied tensile stresses and by reducing the grip of concrete over steel that ensures the transfer of
tensile stresses from concrete to steel.
These are the substances used to increase the strength of concrete. These can be
pozzolanic materials like silica fumes, fly ash or other materials like matakaolin or
even powdered fillers like quartz powder that fill in the gaps between binder particles.
These are usually added in dry state along with the other binding materials like
This is the boundary zone between the matrix and coarse aggregates. The study of this boundary is very
important especially in high strength concrete where the function of matrix is equally important as that
of coarse aggregates.
Proportioning of different materials is very important to achieve a material with desired strength and
properties. For example a concrete with less amount of coarse aggregate particles will provide less
strength. Similarly a concrete with less amount of matrix will not be able to move in the form work and
settle properly.
Hydration of cement:
Hydration process is the one in which cement reacts with water to form a paste known as calcium
hydrate silicate gel responsible for providing the binding property.
The hydration process begins as soon as the water is added to cement. The main components of cement
and their role in hydration has been briefly explained below
. C3S : 4.07(CaO)-7.6(SiO2)-6.72(Al2O3)-1.43(Fe2O3)-2.85(SO3)
. C2S : 2.87(SiO2)-0.754(3CaO.SiO2)
. C3A : 2.65(Al2O3)-1.69(Fe2O3)
. C4AF : 3.04 (Fe2O3)
Workability of concrete:
That property of freshly mixed concrete or mortar which determines the ease and homogeneity with
which it can be mixed, placed, consolidated and finished.
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That property determining the effort required to manipulate a freshly mixed quantity of concrete with
minimum loss of homogeneity.
a. Measurement of Workability:
i. Slump Test.
ii. Compacting Factor Test.
iii. VB Test.
iv. Flow Table Test.
v. Slump Flow Test.
vi. Degree of compactability test.
Slump test.
Concrete is filled in a cone with proper compaction. The cone is removed and the drop
in height of concrete is noted down.
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VB test.
In this test the concrete is place in a mold with a plate at the top. Vibrations are provided until the
concrete gets fully settled. The time is noted down.
Curing of concrete:
As we know that water is added for workability and hydration. So if water is not available for
hydration, strength will be compromised. We also studied that water is lost (loss of workability)
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is due to water absorption and evaporation. This loss of water is to be compensated by either
adding extra amount of water or preventing the already present amount of water from
evaporating. This process is called curing.
▪ Adding extra water by spraying and covering the concrete by gunny bags etc.
▪ By allowing water to stand on the roofs
▪ By covering concrete by polythene sheets in order to prevent water from escaping by
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JOB NO. 02
Standard Test Method for The Determination of the Normal
Consistency of the Hydraulic Cement.
Weighing Balance.
VICAT Apparatus (contains).
Plunger with end of 10mm diameter and 50mm length.
Conical ring with lower diameter of 70mm, upper diameter of 60mm and 40mm height.
Glass graduates (200mL or 250mL capacity).
Glass plate trowel.
Related theory:
a. Consistency
b. Cement paste
The viscous mass obtained by mixing cement with water is known as cement paste.
c. Standard paste
It is the cement paste for which the 10mm diameter plunger in a standard VICAT test
penetrates by around 10mm.
d. Standard/Normal consistency
It is the thickness or the viscosity of the standard paste and is expressed as the percentage of
weight of water.
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Test specifications:
The temperature of the air in the vicinity should be between 20-27.5 °C. The temperature of
the mixing water should be 23±2 °C.
The relative humidity of the laboratory should not be less than 50%.
b. Amount of cement
Amount of cement required for the test according to various specifications are mentioned below.
ASTM = 650gm
c. Mixing time
The cement paste must be properly mixed and placed in the test specimen within a maximum
time of 4±1/4 min from the instant when cement and water were initially brought in contact.
Mix 650gm of cement with a measured quantity of water and make a cement paste as per the
standard procedure. Put the cement paste in the ring of the vicat apparatus and remove the
excess paste with the help of a trowel. Center the paste confined in the ring, resting on the plate,
under the rod B and bring the plunger end C of in contact with the surface of the paste, and
tighten the set-screw E. Then set the movable indicator F to the upper zero mark of the scale, or
take an initial reading, and release the rod immediately. This must not exceed 30 seconds after
completion of mixing. The apparatus shall be free of all vibrations during the test.
The paste of normal consistency is achieved when the rod settles to a point such that it is 10mm
from the top surface in 30 seconds after being released. Make trial pastes with varying
percentages of water until the normal consistency is obtained. Make each trial with fresh
Observations & Calculations:
Observation No 1 2 3 4
130 125 115 135
Weight of water added (W2) gm
26 21 03 10
Penetration of plunger (mm)
26 25 23 27
% water by weight = W2/W1 × 100
Standard Test Method for The Determination of the Initial and Final Setting
Time of the Hydraulic Cement By VICAT Needle Apparatus.
▪ Vicat apparatus
▪ Needle of 1mm2 cross-section and 50mm length
(for initial setting time)
▪ Flat trowel
▪ Reference Masses and Devices for Determining Mass
▪ Spatula
▪ Graduated cylinders
Related theory:
a. Setting
In the setting process very little chemical reaction takes place. It only includes the shape
acquisition due to evaporation of water. During the setting process the cement remains in the fluid
or the semi-fluid state and there is very little or no gain in strength. Finer the cement particles
more will be the hydration and therefore it will lead to quick settlement.
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b. Hardening
Hardening is the rate of gain of strength due to the chemical reaction. It also refers to the
strength of the concrete after a specified interval of time.
The time elapsed between the initial contact of cement and water and the time when a 1mm 2
cross-section needle gives a penetration of 25mm in a standard Vicat apparatus is known as initial
setting time of that particular cement paste.
It is the time elapsed between the initial contact of cement and water and the time when the
needle does not show considerable penetration.
According to specifications;
Minimum final setting time = [90 + 1.2 (initial setting time)] min
Test specifications:
a. Needle sizes
b. Mixing water
The temperature of the air in the vicinity should be between 23±3 °C. The temperature of the
mixing water should be 23±2 °C.
The relative humidity of the laboratory should not be less than 50%.
d. Amount of cement
Amount of cement required for the test according to various specifications are mentioned
Determine the penetration of the 1-mm needle at the start. If a penetration reading of 10mm is
obtained then note down the time as the initial setting time otherwise keep checking the
penetration reading after every 15min thereafter until a penetration reading of 25 mm is obtained
which will be the initial setting time of the cement.
Make each penetration test at least ¼ inches away from any previous penetration and at
least 25 mm away from the inner side of the mold.
2- Final Setting Time
Preparation of Mortar:
Weigh (300) gm of cement and Prepare the corresponding weights of standard sand and water.
Place the dry paddle and the dry bowl in the mixing position in the mixer. Then introduce the
materials for a batch into the bowl and mix in the following manner:
Place all the mixing water in the bowl.
Add the cement to the water, then start the mixer and mix at the low speed (140 ± 5 r/ min)
for (30 s).
Add the entire quantity of sand slowly over a (30 s) period, while mixing at slow speed.
Stop the mixer, change to medium speed (285 +10 r/min) and mix for 30 s.Stop the mixer and let the mortar
stand for 1.5 min. During the first (15 s) of this interval, quickly scrape down into the batch any mortar that
may have collected on the side of the bowl.
Thinly cover the interior faces of the specimen molds with oil.
Start molding the specimens within a total time of not more than 2.5 min after
completion of mixing.
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Place a layer of mortar about 25 mm (half the depth of the mold) in all the cube
Tamp the mortar in each cube 32 times (4x8), about 4 rounds, each round to be at right angles
to the other.
The tamping pressure shall be just sufficient to insure uniform filling of the molds.
The 4 rounds of taming shall be completed in one cube before going to the next.
When the tamping of the first layer in all cubes is completed, fill the molds with the
remaining mortar and tamp as specified for the first layer.
Cut off the mortar to a plane surface with a straight edge.
Observations & Calculations:
1 60 24
2 68 27
3 75 30
4 80 32
5 85 34
6 90 36
Fineness modulus
It is the cumulative percentage retained on standard sieve 150µm and above divided by 100.
It is a single factor or an empirical number which we get from the results of sieve analysis. The
value of FM will not change if we add sieves above.
Fineness modulus tells directly whether the aggregate is well gradded or poor graded.
Fineness modulus give us the idea either the aggregate is fine or course
Lower the surface area of the aggregate, the required amount of fresh cement paste to cover the
aggregate particles will be less and thus less water is required.
Larger value of FM is preferred for fine aggregates. For a good fine aggregate, the FM
should be between 2.3 and 3.1 (ASTM Range for fine aggregates).
a. Sieve analysis
It is the operation of determining the particle size distribution of the given specimen.
The standard approach is to designate the sieve sizes by nominal aperture sizes in mm or µm (micron).
1 mm = 1000 µm (micron)
Sieve analysis is performed on coarse and fine aggregates in order to check their gradation. This
gradation gives an indirect measure if the workability and average particle size.
c. Set of sieves
The set of sieves used for the process of sieve analysis can be categorized as;
A. Coarse Aggregates:
Standard Non-Standard
75mm (3 ”)
37.5mm (1½ ”)
19mm (3/4 ”)
9.5mm (3/8 ”)
4.75mm (3/16 ”)
2.36mm (3/32 ”)
Note: For sieves with openings 4.75mm & larger, the quantity retained in kg
shall not exceed the product of
2.5 x sieve opening (mm) x effective sieving area (mm2)
B. Fine Aggregates:
Percentage Passing
Sieve Size
Minimum Maximum
9.5mm 100 100
4.75mm 95 100
2.36mm 80 100
1.18mm 50 85
600µm 25 60
300µm 10 30
150µm 2 10
Percentage Passing
Sieve Size 37.5mm Down 19.0mm Down 12.5mm Down
(mm) Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
50 100 100 - - - -
37.5 95 100 - - - -
25 - - 100 100 - -
19 35 70 90 100 100 100
12.5 - - - - 90 100
9.5 10 30 20 55 40 70
4.75 0 5 0 10 0 15
2.38 - - 0 5 0 5
Take 2 kg of the oven-dried sample. The sample should be perfectly dry because if there is some
moisture content present then the particles will stick together and will not
pass through the sieves.
Place the set of standard and non-standard sieves one above another with the
smallest aperture opening at the bottom. The pan is placed at the bottom-most
position. This experiment can be performed manually or with the aid of a
machine called “sieve shaker”.
Fine Aggregate
Coarse Aggregate
Standard Test Method for The Determination of Bulk Density (i.e. Unit
Weight and the Voids in Aggregates)
▪ Balance
▪ Temping rod
▪ Measuring Cylinder
▪ Shovel or Scoop
Related theory:
a. Bulk density
It is the mass of the unit volume of bulk aggregate material.The term volume includes the volume of the
individual particles and the volume of the voids between the particles.
Bulk density is used in weight and volume batching.
b. Voids
It is the space between the individual particles in a unit volume of the aggregate mass and is not occupied by
the solid mineral matter
Voids within the particles, either permeable or impermeable are not included in the voids for the
determination of bulk density by this method.
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c. Absolute density
Bulk density depends upon how densely the aggregate is packed. It also depends upon the size,
distribution and shape of the particles. If the particles are of the same size, then it can be packed to a
limited extent but when the smaller particles are added, the voids get filled with them and thus the bulk
density increases.
For a coarse aggregate, a higher bulk density means that there are few voids which are to be filled by
the fine aggregate and cement. Thus bulk density also depends upon the degree of packing.
1. Condition of Specimen:- For the determination of the voids the dry material may normally be
used, but when bulking tests are required, then the material with a given percentage of moisture may be
2. Take the appropriate container and weight it (M₁).
3. Then fill the cylindrical metal container about one-third full with thoroughly mixed aggregate and
tamped with 25 strokes of the rounded end of the tamping rod.
4. Add further similar quantity (one-third of measure) of aggregate and tamped with 25 strokes of the
rounded end of the tamping rod again.
5. Finally fill the measure to over-flowing, tamped with 25 times of the rounded end of the tamping rod
again and struck off the surplus aggregate using the tamping rod as a straightedge.
6. Then weight the container with sample (M₂) and determine the net weight of the aggregate in the
measure (M₂−M₁), which is called rodded or compacted weight.
7. Calculate the bulk density of sample aggregate in kilograms per litre (the formula is given below in
8. Now fill the measure to over-flowing by means of a shovel or scoop, discharge the aggregate from a
height not exceeding 5 cm above the top of the measure.
9. Care shall be taken to prevent, as far as possible, segregation of the particle sizes of which the sample is
10. Level the surface of the aggregate using the tamping rod as a straightedge.
11. Then weight the container with sample (M₃) and determine the net weight of the aggregate in the
measure (M₃−M₁), which is called loose weight.
12. Calculate the bulk density of sample aggregate in kilograms per litre (the formula is given below in
Observations & Calculations:
Wt. of
Wt. of Wt. of Volume of Bulk
Sample State cylinder +
cylinder aggregate cylinder Density
(kg) (kg) (kg) (m3) (kg/m3)
Coarse Compacted 7.5 30.7 23.2 0.01432 1620.11
Aggregate Loose 7.5 28.5 21 0.01432 1466.46
Fine Compacted 2.6 7.64 5.04 0.00272 1852.94
Aggregate Loose 2.6 7.00 4.40 0.00272 1617.5
▪ Balance
▪ Sample container
▪ Water tank
▪ Sieves
▪ Oven
The limitation of the test is that, it cannot be used for the light weight aggregates.
▪ Balance
▪ Sample container
▪ Water tank
▪ Sieves
▪ Oven
Related theory:
a. Aggregates
Coarse Aggregates
ii- Fine Aggregates
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b. Coarse aggregates
Any material which is retained on ASTM sieve 4.75mm is known as coarse aggregate.
c. Fine aggregates
Any material which is passing ASTM sieve 4.75mm is known as fine aggregate.
A. Coarse Aggregate
i. Select by quartering or use of a sample splitter approximately 5 kg of aggregate. Reject all
material passing a 4.75mm sieve.
ii. Thoroughly wash the sample to remove all dust or other coatings from the particles.
iii. Dry the sample to a constant weight at a temperature of 100 to 110°C (212 to 230°F).
Cool at room temperature for about 15 min. and then immerse in water at room
temperature for approximately 30 min.
iv. Remove sample from water and wipe the particles until all surface films are removed.
Weigh the sample in this saturated surface dry condition to the nearest 0.5 g.
v. Immediately after weighing, place the sample in a wire basket, suspend in water, and
obtain the buoyant weight.
vi. Dry the sample to a constant weight at a temperature of 100 to 110°C (212° to 230°F),
cool in room temperature for at least 30 min. and weigh.
vii. Computations;
B. Fine Aggregate
i. Obtain by sample splitting or quartering 3000 grams of aggregate, including equal
quantities of all fractions.
ii. Dry to a constant weight at a temperature of 100 to 110°C (212 to 230°F).
iii. Allow to cool and cover with water for about 30 min.
iv. Remove excess water and spread on a flat surface. Expose to a gentle moving flame until
test sample approaches a free-flowing condition.
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v. Place a portion of the fine aggregate sample loosely into the mold. Tamp lightly 25 times
and lift the mold vertically. If surface moisture is present, the fine aggregate will maintain
its molded shape. Continue drying and testing until upon removal of the mold, the
aggregate slumps slightly. This indicates that the saturated, surface-dry condition has been
vi. Immediately introduce into the pycnometer 500.0 g of the fine aggregate. Fill the
pycnometer almost to capacity and eliminate the air bubbles by agitation. Add water until
the bottom of the meniscus is at the 500 cc line, etched on the pycnometer. Determine the
total weight of the flask, including the sample, and the water.
vii. Carefully remove the fine aggregate and dry to a constant weight of 100 to 110°C (212 to
230°F) and cool for at least 30 min. and weigh.
Observations & Calculations:
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1. Sieve the material through 12.5mm and 10.0 mm IS sieves. The aggregates passing through 12.5
mm sieve comprises the test material.
2. Then, just 1/3 rd depth of measuring cylinder is filled by aggregate by pouring.
3. Compact the material by giving 25 gentle blows with the rounded end of the tamping rod in the
4. Two more layers are added in a similar manner, to make cylinder full.
5. Strike off the surplus aggregates.
6. Determine the net weight of the aggregates to the nearest gram (W1).
7. Bring the impact machine to rest without wedging or packing upon the level plate, block or floor, so
that it is rigid and hammer guide columns are vertical.
8. 25 gentle strokes with tamping rod are used to compact the test sample by fixing the cup firmly in
position on the base of the machine with placing the whole of the test sample in it.
9. After that raise the hammer until its lower face is 380 mm above the surface of the aggregate in
the cup and allow it to fall freely on the aggregate sample. 15 such blows at an interval of not less than
one second between successive falls are acted on it.
10. Remove the crushed aggregate from the cup and sieve it through 2.36 mm IS sieves until no
further significant amount passes in one minute. Weight the fraction passing the sieve to an accuracy of
1 gm (W2). The fraction retained in the sieve is weighted.
11. Note down the obversations in the proforma and compute the aggregate impact value.
The ‘Aggregate Impact Value’ is the mean of two observations, rounded to a nearest whole number.
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The ratio of the weight of fines formed to the total sample weight in each test shall be
expressed as a percentage, the result being recorded to the first decimal place.
Aggregate Impact Value 100.
= A
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JOB # 09
Preparing A Concrete-Mix And Casting Various Samples Required For
Different Tests.
▪ Concrete Mixer
▪ Materials
o Cement
o Sand/Fine Aggregate
o Crush/Coarse Aggregate
o Water
▪ Molds for samples to be prepared
o Cylinders 300mm x 150mm Ø(10+2), compressive strength & split cylinder test
o Cylinders 150mm x 150mm Ø (2), double punch test
o Cubes 150mm (10), compressive strength
o Beams 76mm x 153mm x 1370mm (4), study of flexure behavior
a. Objectives
Controlled Shrinkage Cracking
Skid Resistance
Work Ability
i. Aggregate selection. No matter the specific method, the overall mix design procedure
begins with evaluation and selection of aggregate and asphalt binder sources. Different
authorities specify different methods of aggregate acceptance. Typically, a battery of
aggregate physical tests is run periodically on each particular aggregate source. Then, for
each mix design, gradation and size requirements are checked. Normally, aggregate from
more than one source is required to meet gradation requirements.
ii. Portland cement selection. Typically, a type and amount of portland cement is selected
based on past experience and empirical relationships with such factors as compressive
strength (at a given age), water-cement ratio and chemical susceptibility.
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete – 1 Job No. 9
iii. Mix proportioning. A PCC mixture can be proportioned using experience or a generic
procedure (such as ACI 211.1).
iv. Testing. Run laboratory tests on properly prepared samples to determine key mixture
characteristics. It is important to understand that these tests are not comprehensive nor are
they exact reproductions of actual field conditions.
The selected PCC mixture should be the one that, based on test results, best satisfies the mix
design objectives.
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Observations & Calculations:
1- Metal mould, thickness is 1.15mm, it is in cone form with the base 200mm diameter and
300mm height with the top diameter 100mm. the top and base of cylindrical mould is open
and parallel to each other. The mould is provided with foot pieces and handles.
2- Temping rod, 16mm diameter and 600mm in length having temping ends.
Related theory:
a. Slump
The decrease in the height of concrete when the mould of standard dimensions is lifted.
b. Types of slump
True Slump
2- Shear Slump
3- Collapse slump
We discard the collapse slump due to the very high value of slump
Shear slump occurs due to the lack of cohesion in mix.
We often use the term 100% compaction but actually in 100% compaction we
have percentage of air voids less than 3% by volume of concrete.
1. The mold for the concrete slump test is a frustum of a cone, 300 mm (12 in) of height. The
base is 200 mm (8in) in diameter and it has a smaller opening at the top of 100 mm (4 in).
2. The base is placed on a smooth surface and the container is filled with concrete in three
layers, whose workability is to be tested .
3. Each layer is temped 25 times with a standard 16 mm (5/8 in) diameter steel rod, rounded at
the end.
4. When the mold is completely filled with concrete, the top surface is struck off (leveled with
mould top opening) by means of screening and rolling motion of the temping rod.
5. The mould must be firmly held against its base during the entire operation so that it could not
move due to the pouring of concrete and this can be done by means of handles or foot - rests
brazed to the mold.
6. Immediately after filling is completed and the concrete is leveled, the cone is slowly and
carefully lifted vertically, an unsupported concrete will now slump.
7. The decrease in the height of the center of the slumped concrete is called slump.
8. The slump is measured by placing the cone just besides the slump concrete and the temping
rod is placed over the cone so that it should also come over the area of slumped concrete.
9. The decrease in height of concrete to that of mold is noted with scale. (usually measured to
the nearest 5 mm (1/4 in).
Observations & Calculations:
JOB NO. 11
Apparatus consists of two
hoppers each in the shape of
frustum of a cone and one Upper 275
The hoppers have hinge door at Same
the bottom and all the surfaces Lower dimensions
Related theory:
a. Compacting factor
The degree of compaction is also called the compacting factor and is measured with the help
of density ratio that is the ratio of density actually achieved in the test to the density of same
concrete when it is fully compacted.
1. By using the hand scoop, place the concrete sample gently in the upper hopper to its brim and level it and
then cover the cylinder.
2. At the bottom of the upper hopper, open the trapdoor so that concrete falls into the lower hopper and with
the rod, push the concrete sticking on its sides gently.
3. To fall into the cylinder below, open the trapdoor of the lower hopper and allow the concrete to fall.
4. By using trowels, cut off the excess of concrete above the top level of the cylinder and level it, then clean
the outside of the cylinder.
5. To the nearest 10g weight the cylinder with concrete and this weight is called the weight of partially
compacted concrete as W1.
6. Empty the cylinder and then with the same concrete mix in layers approximately 5 cm deep refill it and to
obtain full compaction, each layer has to be heavily rammed.
7. Level the top surface and then weigh the cylinder with fully compacted which is known as the weight of fully
compacted concrete as W2.
8. Then as W, find the weight of the empty cylinder.
JOB NO. 12
Test Method for The Compressive Strength of Cylindrical & Cubical
Concrete Specimens.
w/c Ratio
Mix Proportion
Date of Casting
Sample Weight
No. (kg) (ton) (lb.) (in2) (psi) (psi) (Mpa)
1 55 121220 36 3367.22 3244.78 22.38
2 51 112404 36 3122.33
1 27 59508 28.27 2104.99 2104.99 14.52
1 38 83752 28.27 2962.58 3021.58 20.84
2 39.5 87058 28.27 3079.52
JOB NO. 13
i. Preparation: Make the specimens in accordance with the concrete batch procedure. Test the
concrete for slump and air content. Fill the beam forms with three lifts of concrete, tamping
each lift 25 times with the 16 mm (5/8 in.) tamping rod or fill the form in one lift and
consolidate the concrete with a mechanical vibrating table. Be careful not to over vibrate since
that would cause segregation.
ii. Curing: Allow the specimens to remain in the steel forms with the top properly covered for
about 24 hours at normal room temperature. Strip the forms and place the specimens in the
curing facility until ready for testing.
iii. Testing: Remove the specimens from the curing facility and mark the beam where it will be in
contact with the supports and at the opposite side where it will be in contact with the third-
point loading. Remember that none of these contact points should be on the top or hand-
finished surface of the specimen. In other words, the beam should be tested 90° to its casting
iv. Record the ultimate load, the exact location of fracture, and the type of failure.
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Beams Cross Sections:
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JOB NO. 14
Testing Machine
Supplementary Bearing Bar Or
Bearing Strips
Related Theory:
Test specifications:
Determine the diameter to the nearest 0.25mm by averaging the three diameters. Determine the length to
the nearest 2mm by averaging at least two lengths.
According to ASTM specifications, the bearing strips should be 3.2mm thick and 25mm wide.
There is no restriction on their length.
c. Rate of loading
The rate of loading should be such that a stress of 0.7 – 1.4 MPa/min is produced.
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Observations & Calculations:
JOB NO. 15
Testing Machine
Testing Samples
Punches (2 in number, to be placed at the top and bottom of the sample)
Test specifications:
It is an indirect method in which we determine the tensile strength of concrete based on the theory of
perfect plasticity.
In this test a concrete cylinder is placed vertically between the loading platens of the machine and is
compressed by two steel punches placed parallel to the top and bottom end surfaces.The sample splits
across many vertical diametrical planes radiating from central axis.
Samples should be placed under wet conditions for 24 hours and later on in a curing tank for 28 days.
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