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Dragon Dice Full RUles

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Dragon Dice™ Rules V4.01

Welcome to Dragon Dice™, where you ROLL TO VICTORY using the dice in your armies to conquer
your foes! This rule book provides you with the complete rules and reference lists for the game.

Table of Contents
Rules Advanced Rules
Object of the Game   2 Dragonkin 54
Get to Know Your Dice 2 Dragonkin Champions 55
Basic Terms 3 Advanced Terrains 56
Playing the Game 7 Minor Terrains 57
Setting up the Game 8 Deadlands 58
The Turn Sequence 11 Items 59
Terrain - Eighth Face 15 Equipment 59
Dragons 16 Artifacts 60
Dragon Attacks 17 Medallions 60
Dragon Breath 19 Relics 61
Dragon Icons 20 Eldarim Champions 62
Species Abilities 21
Rules References 27
Player Aids
Die Roll Resolution 27 Dragonkin Reference 66
Roll Modifiers 28 Equipment and Artifact Reference 67
Army Modifiers 28 Species Reference Sheets 68
Combination Rolls 28
Damage 29 Credits 94
Monsters 29
Promotion 30
Special Action Icons (SAIs) 31
Spells 44
Multiplayer Games 52


In the game of Dragon Dice, you use dice to represent armies of different fantasy species and monsters
which battle to control essential pieces of terrain. Any number of players can share in this struggle. The
first player to capture two terrains immediately wins the game. A player also wins if they have the last
surviving unit(s) in play.


The best way to learn Dragon Dice is to play it. Rather than trying to learn the rules by just
reading them, get out your dice and follow the instructions step by step. In no time at all, you’ll be
commanding armies like a pro.

The dice are the building blocks of the Dragon Dice game. Units, items, dragons, and terrains are all
represented by dice of various shapes and colors. You can tell what a die is by how many sides it has,
and what colors it contains. Here is a summary of the various dice of Dragon Dice:

These dice represent equipment and medallions.
Equipment comes in three sizes: Small, Medium,
Large die. Each equipment produces only one type
of result. Medallions are items of immense power
and the largest of the four-siders.

These dice represent the soldiers in your army.
They come in four sizes and can produce many
different types of results. All six-sided dice belong
to a species, except for relics (see Items in the
'Advanced Rules' section, page 59).

These represent objectives that each player’s
armies are attempting to capture. They come in
two sizes. The larger dice are called terrains. The
smaller dice are called minor terrains and are
discussed in the ‘Advanced Rules’ section.

The ten-sided dice represent either monsters or
artifacts. Monsters are always part of a species
and artifacts are a type of item.

The twelve-sided dice represent dragons. They
come in two forms: drakes, which have wings,
and wyrms, which have a treasure chest.


There are a few things you should know before you start your first game. Once you’ve got these
concepts mastered, they will help you understand the rules as you play through your games. The
following terms are used throughout this rulebook:

The fantastical entities represented by units in the game. Coral Elves, Goblins, and Scalders are
examples of species. Eldarim of all colors are a single species. Dragonkin of all colors are also a single

Any six-sided or ten-sided die of a species is a unit. The six-sided units come in four sizes: Small
(16mm), Medium (18mm), Large (20mm), and Champion (22mm). A ten-sided unit is called a monster.

Equipment (non-metallic four-sided dice), medallions (metallic four-sided dice), artifacts (the ten-sided
dice not of a species) and relics (metallic six-sided dice) are collectively known as items.

Units and dragons have a specific amount of health which determines how much damage it takes to
kill them. Small units have one health (one point of damage kills a small unit). Medium units have two
health. Large units have three health. Champions and monsters have four health. Dragons have five
health. White Dragons have ten health.

A player’s force is all of his or her armies, items and units combined. At the start of a game players
agree to a point value for their total force size and use that to select their forces. Any dice in your
summoning pool are not part of your total force size.

Point Value (Army Construction)

Units and items both have point values based on their die size, as follows:

Die Points
Six-sided & ten-sided units Equal to their health
Small Equipment One
Medium Equipment Three for each pair (two points for the first and
one point for the second - while the Medium dice
do not need to be brought as a pair, the first is
always two points)
Large Equipment Two
Artifact Three
Medallion Four
Relic Four

The symbols on the faces of each die are called icons. There are two types of icons on units and items:
Action and ID.

Action icons
There are two types of action icons: normal action icons and Special Action Icons (hereafter called
SAIs). These tell what actions a unit or item can perform in the game. For example, if a unit has an
icon of a bow on one face, it generates one missile result when that face is rolled.

ID icons
These serve to identify the units. For example, an icon of a Dwarf wearing a feathered
cap on a small die identifies it as a “Crossbowman”. An ID icon always generates
whatever results you are rolling for. If you are rolling for saves, ID icons generate save
results; if you are rolling for maneuvers, they generate maneuver results; and so forth.
Furthermore, each unit’s ID icon generates a number of results equal to its health. Artifacts also
have an ID icon, which generates four results.

The faces on each terrain die are numbered from 1 to 8, and also feature an icon. The numbers
represent the distance between armies whereas the icons represent which action may be used to
engage an opposing army at that distance. A low number showing on a face means the armies are very
far apart, while a large number means the armies are very close.

Capture (Terrain)
When an army maneuvers a terrain to its eighth face it captures that terrain. If you capture two
terrains, you win the game. A terrain is only considered captured when it is on its eighth face.

Color and Elements:

The colors of the units represent the magical elements that make up each species. The colors of the
items, terrains, and dragons represent the magical elements that make up each item, terrain, or dragon.

The Elements
The five elements are represented as follows:

Element Color Symbol

Death Black

Air Blue

Water Green

Fire Red

Earth Yellow

These two colors are used in addition to the elements:

Color Represents
Ivory The lack of any elements
White The presence of all elements

In addition to the magical elements which make up all of Esfah, the world of Dragon Dice, there is
a powerful and mysterious metal called Eldrymetallum (also known as "star metal"), which is not
native to Esfah. This rare metal is primarily found in meteors. Relics are made of a pure form of this
metal. It has also been alloyed with native metals and alloys such as bronze, silver, and gold. Items
or units made with star metal or its alloys are called metallic or non-elemental.

Colors and elements of the terrains

The following table shows the different terrain types and which elements each of those terrains

Terrain Type Elements (Colors)

Coastland Air & Water (blue & green)
Deadland Death only (black)
Flatland Air & Earth (blue & yellow)
Highland Fire & Earth (red & yellow)
Swampland Water & Earth (green & yellow)
Feyland Water & Fire (green & red)
Wasteland Air & Fire (blue & red)

Elements and colors of the species

The following table shows the different species and which elements each of those species contain:

Species Elements (Colors)

Amazons No Elements (ivory)
Coral Elves Air & Water (blue & green)
Dwarves Fire & Earth (red & yellow)
Eldarim Each comprised of only one element (Air, Death,
Earth, Fire, or Water)
Feral Air & Earth (blue & yellow)
Firewalkers Air & Fire (blue & red)
Frostwings Death & Air (black & blue)
Goblins Death & Earth (black & yellow)
Lava Elves Death & Fire (black & red)
Scalders Water & Fire (green & red)
Swamp Stalkers Death & Water (black & green)
Treefolk Water & Earth (green & yellow)
Undead Death only (black)
Dragoncrusaders, All Elements (white)
Dragonlords, & Dragonslayers
Dragonkin, Dragonmasters, Each comprised of only one element (Air, Death,
Dragonhunter, & Earth, Fire, or Water)

All of your units and items at a single terrain or the Reserve Area form an army:
Home Army: This army is at your Home Terrain.
Horde Army: This army is at another player’s Home Terrain.
Campaign Army: This army is at the Frontier Terrain
Reserve Army: This army is in your Reserve Area.

Reserve Area
At times, units need to pull back and regroup, or move to another terrain. They must first retreat to
your Reserve Area. The units in your Reserve Area form your Reserve Army.

Dead / Dead Unit Area (DUA)

Units that take damage equal to or exceeding their health are dead. They are removed from their army
and placed in your Dead Unit Area (or DUA).

Buried / Buried Unit Area (BUA)

Dead units may be buried. Buried units are removed from the Dead Unit Area and placed in your
Buried Unit Area (or BUA).

Some effects allow you to promote your units to other units which have more health. Promotion is
detailed later in these rules on page 30.

Some effects allow you to recruit a unit to an army. To recruit a unit, simply move a small (one-health)
unit from your DUA to the recruiting army.

Summoning Pool
This is where dragons, Dragonkin, and minor terrains are put at the start of the game. The Summoning
Pool is kept separate from the DUA and BUA.


In each game of Dragon Dice, two or more players pit their armies against each other to capture two
terrains and win the game. While Dragon Dice can be played by any number of players, the following
rules describe a game being played by two players. The additional rules for multi-player games can be
found on page 52.

Note: If this is your first game of Dragon Dice, we suggest instead using the ‘Starter Rules’ set which
can be downloaded from www.sfr-inc.com.

Important: These rules should be considered exclusive. That is to say that you may only do something
if the rules say you can. Any effects that indicate an army or unit can’t do something always take
precedence over any effects that indicate they can do something.


STEP 1: Decide The Total Force Size

Players determine the size of their forces by choosing a total point value. They bring units and/or items
totaling that point value to the game. Suggested total force sizes are 15, 24, 30, 36 or 60 points. Players
are free to use only one species, or mix multiple species in the same force.
Regardless of the total force size, each player must bring two terrains - one Home Terrain and one
proposed Frontier Terrain:

Home Terrain: The terrain die placed in front of you at the start of the game. You select this die. Each
Home Terrain is adjacent to the Frontier Terrain, but not adjacent to any other Home Terrain.
Frontier Terrain: The terrain die placed in the center of the table at the start of the game. Each player
proposes a terrain die to be the Frontier Terrain. The Frontier Terrain for the game is selected from
these proposed terrains. The Frontier Terrain is adjacent to every Home Terrain.

Each player is also required to bring exactly one dragon for each 24 points of total force size, or part
thereof. The dragons can be any color(s). Your dragons are placed in your Summoning Pool.

STEP 2: Assemble Forces

Players divide their units and items into three armies:

Home Army: The army at a player’s own Home Terrain

Horde Army: The army at their opponent’s Home Terrain. This army is used to determine the order of
play at the beginning of the game
Campaign Army: The army at the Frontier Terrain

When assembling armies, players may have no more than half of the points (rounded down) of their
total forces placed in a single army. There must be at least one unit in each army. After initial army
placement, this army size restriction is no longer in effect. Armies should be assembled in secret and
are revealed in step 4 below. Players may find it useful to assemble their armies behind a screen.

STEP 3: Set the Battlefield

Players choose one of the terrain dice they brought to be their Home Terrain and place it in front of
them to the left, placing the other terrain die in the center of the playing area as their proposed Frontier

1) Home Army 6) Summoning Pool

2) Campaign Army 7) Reserve Army / Area
3) Horde Army 8) Home Terrain
4) Dead Unit Area (DUA) 9) Proposed Frontier Terrains
5) Buried Unit Area (BUA)

STEP 4: Determine Order of Play

Both players reveal their forces at the same time and place them at the relevant terrains (as explained
in step 2). All players then make a maneuver roll with their Horde Armies: roll the army and count
maneuver results (for this roll, ignore all effects of SAIs, other than maneuver results they generate).

The player who rolls the most maneuver results may choose to either take the first turn or select which
proposed Frontier Terrain will be used during the game. If the player chooses to play first, then their
opponent selects the Frontier Terrain. If the player who rolled the most maneuver results decides to
select the Frontier Terrain, then their opponent takes the first turn.

Either of the proposed Frontier Terrain dice may be selected. The other proposed Frontier Terrain is
removed from the game and not used. In the event of a tie, players re-roll until there is a winner.

STEP 5: Determine Starting Distance

Each player rolls their Home Terrain die to determine the initial battle distances. The player that
selected the Frontier Terrain rolls that die. If you roll an eight, roll again. If you roll a seven, turn the die
down to six. All terrains will therefore start the game showing a number between one and six.

You are now set up and ready to do battle!



A turn consists of up to six phases, which must be conducted in this order: Expire Effects Phase,
Eighth Face Phase, Dragon Attack Phase, First March. Second March and Reserves Phase. When a
player is taking their turn they are the marching player. Each phase may have multiple steps, which
must occur in the order listed. If multiple things happen in a single step, the marching player chooses
the order in which they occur.


All spells and effects that last “until the beginning of your next turn” expire.


City & Temple terrains on their 8th face apply their effects (see page 15).


If there are dragons at any terrain where the marching player has an army, those dragons will attack
that army or other dragons at the same terrain. See the Dragon section (page 16) for details on
resolving these attacks. Otherwise, skip this phase and go to the First March.

During this phase you may march with an army. Each march is split into two steps: Maneuver & Action.
Both steps are optional, but must be performed in this order:

This step is optional. If the army is in the Reserve Area, skip this step.

Maneuvering affects the terrain where your marching army is located and is the process of adjusting
the number shown on that terrain. If you wish to maneuver you must announce it, but are not
required to reveal whether you intend to turn the terrain die up or down. If your opponent has an
army at the same terrain, they may oppose the maneuver. This is called a counter-maneuver.

Both armies make a maneuver roll simultaneously: you and your opponent roll your armies and count
maneuver results. If the total number of maneuver results generated by your marching army equals or
exceeds that of the counter-maneuvering army, your maneuver succeeds. If your opponent does not
oppose, a maneuver is automatically successful and no dice are rolled.

If the maneuver is successful, you must adjust the terrain die up or down by one step (for example, if
the terrain was showing a 4, it must be changed to either a 3 or a 5). If your maneuver roll does not
equal or exceed your opponent’s counter-maneuver roll, then the maneuver fails and the terrain die is
not adjusted.

If you capture your 2nd terrain during this step, you win and the game ends immediately.

This step is optional. An army at a terrain may only take the action shown on the terrain die: melee,
missile, or magic. If the terrain die is at the 8th face, the controlling army may choose to take any
one of the three actions, while an opposing army at that terrain may only take a melee action.

An army in the Reserve Area may only take a magic action.

The actions are described below:

If the melee icon (a sword) shows on the terrain die, then only a melee attack may occur.
A melee attack may only target an opposing army at the same terrain.

Make a melee roll: Roll your army and count the melee results. Resolve any applicable
SAIs first (page 31). If there are any melee results, the opposing army makes a save roll. The
opposing army resolves any SAIs rolled, then subtracts their save results from your melee results
to determine how much damage is inflicted. The opposing player then moves that health-worth of
units from the targeted army to their DUA.

The opposing army may then counter-attack, by following the same process above, with you
making saves and suffering damage as required. Unless an effect specifically says "counter-attack",
all effects for a melee attack apply to the counter-attack.

For more information on Damage see page 29.

After this exchange, the action ends.

Go to the next phase of the turn sequence (Second March or Reserves Phase).

If the missile icon (an arrow) shows on the terrain die, then only a missile attack may

A missile attack may target any of your opponent’s armies, with the following
- If your army is at any Home Terrain, you cannot target an army at another Home Terrain.
- You cannot target an army in your opponent’s Reserve Area.

Make a missile roll: Roll your army and count the missile results. Resolve any applicable SAIs first.
If there are any missile results, the target army makes a save roll. The opposing army resolves any
SAIs rolled, then subtracts their save results from your missile results to determine how much
damage is inflicted. The opposing player then moves that health-worth of units from the targeted
army to their DUA.

Unlike a melee action, no counter-attack is possible against a missile action. After your missile
attack is complete, the action ends.

Go to the next phase of the turn sequence (Second March or Reserves Phase).

If the magic icon (a starburst) shows on the terrain die, or the marching army is in the
Reserve Area, then only a magic action may occur.

Make a magic roll: Roll your army and count the magic results. Resolve any applicable SAIs
first. The number of magic results represent how many points may be spent on casting spells. You
may only cast basic spells that match the color of the units that generate those magic results. If a
unit has more than one color, choose which color of magic is generated by their results. If a unit
generates more than one magic result, the results may be divided between that unit’s colors (for
example, a Scalder that is red and green generates 4 points of magic. These may be considered all
red, all green or split into any combination of both).

Some spells are species-specific as noted on the spell lists (page 46). A species spell may only
be cast with results generated by units from that species. An army in the Reserve Area may only
cast certain spells (see ’Targeting of Spells’ on page 44).

To resolve a magic action, follow these steps:

1. Total your magic results

Total your rolled magic results, taking note of how many results are in each color (element).

2. Target your spells

The Spells section (page 44) gives a complete listing of all the spells and any limitations that
apply to them. The target of a spell, or the conditions for a spell’s effect to occur, must exist at the
time the target is selected. Once you have decided which spells to cast, announce all of the spells
you are casting and each of their targets.

3. Cast your spells

Once all spells and their targets are announced, cast and resolve the spells one at a time in any
order you wish. If for any reason the announced target of a spell is no longer present (for example,
it was killed by another spell), then you may not select a new target.
After all spells have been resolved, the action ends.

Go to the next phase of the turn sequence (Second March or Reserves Phase).

You may choose another army that has not yet marched to take a Maneuver and Action, following the
rules detailed above for the First March. The Second March is optional.

There are two steps taken before ending a turn which must be taken in this order:

Reinforce Step
If you have any units in the Reserve Area, you may move any or all of them to any terrains. You may
split the reserve units up, sending some to one terrain and some to another. If you already have an
army at the terrain, the reserve units join that army. If you don’t have an army at the terrain, the
reserve units form a new army.

Retreat Step
After reinforcing, you may move any or all of your units from any terrains to the Reserve Area.

Your turn is now over. The next player begins their turn at the beginning of the Turn Sequence. Turns
continue in this manner until a player is crowned the winner by capturing two terrains or by being the
only player with any unit(s) remaining.

Terrain - Eighth Face

If you maneuver a terrain to its eighth face (the number 8 is showing), then your marching army
captures that terrain. When you capture a terrain, orient the terrain die so the icon faces your army.
The army that has captured a terrain receives several advantages for as long as it retains control of that
terrain die:

- When rolling the army, all ID results are doubled.

- The army may take a melee, missile, or magic action, but opposing armies at the terrain are
restricted to a melee action.
- The army may make use of the Eighth Face Icon as shown in the table below.

Eighth face advantages are cumulative with any species abilities.

A terrain at its eighth face turns back to its seventh face (the number 7 is showing) whenever the
controlling army abandons the terrain, is out-maneuvered by an opposing army, or all its units are
killed or removed. When the terrain is moved from the eighth face, all advantages gained by your
controlling army cease.

Eighth Face Icons

The Eighth Face Icons are used as follows:

Icon Terrain Eighth Face Effect

City During the Eighth Face Phase you may recruit a
small (1 health) unit to, or promote one unit in, the
controlling army.
Standing Stones All units in your controlling army may convert any
or all of their magic results to a color this terrain
Temple Your controlling army and all units in it cannot be
affected by any opponent’s death (black) magic.
During the Eighth Face Phase you may force
another player to bury one unit of their choice in
their DUA.
Tower Your controlling army may use a missile action to
attack any opponent’s army. If attacking a Reserve
Army, only count non-ID missile results.


Dragons can be summoned using magic to wage war against armies on the battlefield. They are tough
adversaries and even the most battle-hardened army has been known to fall to a dragon.

There are many different types of dragon that may be brought to a game of Dragon Dice, each with
a different combination of elemental colors. Each type of dragon also has unique characteristics and
interacts with other dragons and armies in different ways.
Each dragon has 5 health and 5 automatic saves. A White Dragon has 10 health and 5 automatic saves.

Elemental Dragon
The standard dragon is an Elemental Dragon. It is made up of
one of the five elements.

Hybrid Dragons
Hybrid Dragons are composed of two elemental colors.
When a breath result is rolled, apply both colored breath effects.
Hybrid Dragons are affected by any spell or effect that can affect
either of its colors.

Ivory Dragons
Ivory Dragons may be summoned by using any one single color of magic
or by any effect of a single color (such as a Dragon's Lair or Dragon Staff).
Ivory Dragons may only be summoned from the Summoning Pool. They
may not be summoned from another terrain.

Ivory Hybrid Dragons

Ivory Hybrid Dragons are composed of one elemental color and ivory.
When a breath result is rolled, apply the elemental colored breath effect.
Ivory Hybrid Dragons are affected by any spell or effect that can affect its elemental color or ivory.
Ivory Hybrid Dragons can only be summoned from a terrain by magic or an effect that matches their
elemental color.

White Dragons
White Dragons have ten health instead of five.
All damage inflicted from a White Dragon’s claws, jaws, tail and wing results are doubled.
In addition, treasure results are also doubled, allowing two units to be promoted instead of one.
White Dragons count as two normal dragons when assembling forces.
White Dragons can only be summoned by the Summon White Dragon spell.

During the Dragon Attack Phase, at every terrain where there is an army belonging to the marching
player, every dragon present will attack, regardless of who owns or summoned the dragon. Dragon
attacks only occur at terrains that contain an army belonging to the marching player.

Where possible, a dragon will always target another dragon instead of the marching player’s army.
Dragons determine which other dragons they will attack based on their elemental colors. If a dragon
cannot attack another dragon present at the terrain, or if no other dragons are present, then the dragon
will always attack the marching player’s army. The table below describes which target a dragon will
Will Attack?
Elemental Hybrid Ivory Ivory Hybrid White Army
Yes, unless Yes No Yes, unless Yes Yes, if no
same the element valid dragon
element color matches target
Yes Yes, unless No Yes, unless Yes Yes, if no
matching matching one valid dragon
both element element color target
Ivory No No No No No Yes
Ivory Hybrid No No No No No Yes
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes, if no
White valid dragon
It is important to note that some dragons may attack a type of dragon that will not attack them. As
such, dragons do not always ‘fight back’. For example, an Elemental Dragon could attack an Ivory
Hybrid Dragon, while that Ivory Hybrid Dragon attacks the army.

Dragons attacking the marching player’s army will all attack at the same time. The owner of an
attacking dragon rolls that dragon’s die. If the marching player has armies located at multiple terrains,
each containing one or more dragons, that player decides the order in which each of the dragon attacks
take place.

Performing the Dragon Attack:

To perform a dragon attack, players should follow these steps:

1. Determine target of dragon attacks

Consult the table above to determine whether dragons will attack the army or another dragon.

2. Designate dragon vs dragon targets

The owner of each dragon attacking another dragon designates in secret which dragon their dragon
will attack. Once each player has designated their dragon’s target, players reveal their choices. If there
are no dragon vs dragon attacks, skip this step.

3. Roll dragons
The owners of the attacking dragons roll them, taking note of the results (damage is not applied until
step 7, with the exception of breath results when a dragon is attacking an army).

4. Resolve all breath results

Against an army, breath results are resolved immediately. Each dragon breath is resolved one at a
time, by killing the required health-worth of units. After units have been killed, apply all colored
breath effects to the targeted army or units.

5. Resolve all treasures

Skip this step if no army is being attacked. If a dragon rolled a treasure icon while attacking an army,
that army may promote any one unit.

6. Roll the army’s response to the dragon attack

Skip this step if no army is being attacked. The army makes a combination roll, counting any melee,
missile, or save results generated by normal icons and SAIs. Any SAI that generates melee, missile,
or save results or states it has an effect during a dragon attack is applied.
The damage to slay a dragon must come from either melee or missile results - they may not be
combined, though when fighting multiple dragons, you may allocate melee results to one and missile
results to another, etc. Multiple dragons may be killed in one attack as long there are enough missile
and/or melee results to kill them. Any units or artifacts that roll their IDs may each allocate them as
save, missile, or melee results and may split those results between types (for example a 3 health unit
rolls an ID. The results may be considered 3 melee, 3 missile, 3 saves or any combination of them).

7. Resolve damage
Dragons and armies inflict damage simultaneously, so even if a unit is killed, its results may still be
applied to the army attack (only breath results are resolved before this step). When a dragon is
killed it is returned to the Summoning Pool.

8. Promotion
If an army kills one or more dragons, it may promote as many units as possible (see Promotion on
page 30).

9. Resolve wings
Any surviving dragons that rolled wings are returned to their Summoning Pool.

After all dragon attacks are resolved, play continues on to the First March.

Against another dragon, dragon breath inflicts five (ten for a White Dragon) points of damage; roll the
dragon again and apply the new result as well.
If breath is rolled in an attack against an army:

- Five health-worth of units in the army are killed.

- The colored breath effect from the table below is applied, according to the color(s) of the dragon.

The owner of the army being attacked chooses which units are killed. Halving modifiers from colored
breath effects are not cumulative, though multiple different colored breath effects may apply at the
same time (for example: an army affected by black and green breath would ignore ID results and halve
its missile results).

Color Type Effect

Black Dragon Plague The army ignores all of its ID results until the beginning of its
next turn
Blue Lightning Bolt The army’s melee results are halved until the beginning of its
next turn. Results are rounded down
Yellow Petrify The army’s maneuver results are halved until the beginning of its
next turn. Results are rounded down
Green Poisonous Cloud The army’s missile results are halved until the beginning of its
next turn. Results are rounded down
Red Dragon Fire Roll the units killed by this dragon’s breath attack. Those that do
not generate a save result are buried
Ivory Life Drain No additional effect

White Terrain Empathy An additional five health-worth of units in the army are killed.
The army suffers the colored breath effects of both colors of the

This section shows each of the symbols on the dragon’s die and explains their effects.

Icon Result Effect

Belly (dragon) The dragon’s automatic saves do not count during
this attack.

Dragon Breath See the section on ‘Dragon Breath’ above.

Claws A dragon’s claws inflict six points of damage.

Jaws A dragon’s jaws inflict twelve points of damage.

Tail (dragon) The dragon’s tail inflicts three points of damage;

roll the dragon again and apply the new result as

Treasure If the dragon is attacking an army, one unit in that

army may be promoted (page 30).

Wing A dragon’s wings inflict five points of damage.

After the attack, if the dragon is still alive, it flies
away. Return the dragon to its owner’s Summoning


Each species in Dragon Dice has its own special abilities, generally tied to the elements of that species’
dice. Utilizing these abilities is often key to creating a powerful and balanced army. This section
details those species abilities. Species abilities are applied to both army rolls and when a unit is rolling

The symbol s has the following meaning: Some species have abilities which are connected to the
number of units in their DUA. These abilities each state a maximum limit for the ability, followed by
s. The limit stated is per 24 points of total force size, or part thereof. For example, an ability which
states, “…up to a maximum of five s”, would have a limit of 5 in games up to 24 points, a limit of 10
in games from 25 to 48 points, and so on.

Ability Effect
During a march, instead of taking the maneuver step, you may bury a minor
terrain the marching army controls. Amazons in that army may then count
Javelin Charge
maneuver results as if they were missile results during a missile action this
During a march, instead of taking the maneuver step, you may bury a minor
Kukri Charge terrain the marching army controls. Amazons in that army may then count
maneuver results as if they were melee results during a melee action this turn.
Amazon units generate magic results matching the colors of the terrain where
Terrain Harmony they are located. Amazon units in the Reserves Area generate Ivory magic,
which may only be used to cast Elemental spells.

Ability Effect
When at a terrain that contains green (water), Coral Elves may count maneuver
Coastal Dodge results as if they were save results.

When at a terrain that contains blue (air), Coral Elves units may counter-attack
Defensive Volley against a missile action. Follow the same process used for a regular melee
counter-attack, using missile results instead of melee results.

Ability Effect
When at a terrain that contains yellow (earth), Dwarves may count melee
Mountain Mastery results as if they were maneuver results.

When at a terrain that contains red (fire), Dwarves may count save results as if
Dwarven Might
they were melee results when rolling for a counter-attack.

Ability Effect
Dragonkin units up to the total health of Eldarim in their army ignore any
Resist Fear restrictions that prevent them from rolling during a dragon attack.

Immediately before taking your first march, after dragon attacks have been
resolved, select an army that contains at least one Eldarim unit at a terrain.
Recruit a small (1 health) Dragonkin unit to, or promote one Dragonkin unit
Dragonkin Handlers
in, the army. Recruited or promoted units must match a color of the terrain.
This ability may only be used if the total health-worth of Dragonkin after the
exchange is not greater than the total health-worth of Eldarim in that army.
Note that the rules concerning Dragonkin can be found in the ‘Advanced Rules’ section of this
rulebook. See Dragonkin on page 54.

Ability Effect
Immediately before taking your first march, after dragon attacks have been
resolved, each of your armies containing at least one Feral unit at a terrain that
contains yellow (earth) or blue (air) may recruit a small (1 health) Feral unit to,
or promote one Feral unit in, the army.
When at a terrain that contains both yellow (earth) and blue (air), Feral
Stampede units may count maneuver results as if they were melee results during a

Ability Effect
During the Retreat Step of the Reserves Phase, Firewalker units may move
Air Flight from any terrain that contains blue (air) to any other terrain that contains blue
(air) and where you have at least one Firewalker unit.
When at a terrain that contains red (fire), Firewalkers may count save results
Flaming Shields as if they were melee results. Flaming Shields does not apply when making a

Ability Effect
Immediately before taking your first march, after dragon attacks have been
resolved, if you have at least one Frostwing unit at a terrain that contains blue
Winter’s Fortitude
(air), you may move one Frostwing unit of your choice from your BUA to your
When an opponent takes a magic action at a terrain containing Frostwings,
the Frostwing units may make a magic negation roll. Roll the Frostwing units
before the opponent totals their magic results. Subtract the magic results
Magic Negation generated by the Frostwing units from the opponent’s results.
The number of magic results that may be subtracted is equal to the number
of Frostwing units in the Frostwing player’s DUA, up to a maximum of
five s (see page 21).

Ability Effect
When at a terrain that contains yellow (earth), Goblins may count melee
Swamp Mastery results as if they were maneuver results.
When an army containing Goblins takes a melee action, the opposing player
must select a number of their units after they have resolved their save roll. The
selected units cannot perform a counter-attack during this melee action.
Foul Stench
The number of units that must be selected in this way is equal to the
number of Goblin units in the Goblin player’s DUA, up to a maximum of
three s (see page 21).

Ability Effect
When at a terrain that contains red (fire), Lava Elves may count maneuver
Volcanic Adaptation
results as if they were save results.
When targeting an army at the same terrain with a missile attack, Lava
Elves missile results inflict damage that may only be reduced by save results
generated by spells.
Cursed Bullets
The number of missile results that may be effected in this way is equal to
the number of Lava Elves units in the Lava Elves player’s DUA, up to a
maximum of three s (see page 21).

Ability Effect
When at a terrain that contains red (fire), Scalders making a save roll against
a melee attack inflict one point of damage on the attacking army for each save
Scorching Touch
result rolled. Only save results generated by spells may reduce this damage.
Scorching Touch does not apply when saving against a counter-attack.
When at a terrain that contains green (water), Scalders may count maneuver
Intangibility results as if they were save results against missile damage.

Ability Effect
When at a terrain that contains green (water), Swamp Stalkers may count
Born of the Swamp
maneuver results as if they were save results.
Immediately before taking your first march, after dragon attacks have been
resolved, you may attempt to Mutate providing the following criteria are met:
- An opposing player must have at least one unit in their Reserves Area.
- You must have at least one army containing a Swamp Stalker at a terrain.
- You must have at least one Swamp Stalker unit in your DUA (or a
Deadlands minor terrain in play).
Mutate Target units in an opponent’s Reserve Area to make a save roll. Units that
do not generate a save result are killed. One of your armies at a terrain that
contains at least one Swamp Stalker unit can then recruit or promote Swamp
Stalker units up to the health-worth that were killed this way.
The number of units that may be targeted in this way is equal to the
number of Swamp Stalker units in the Swamp Stalker player’s DUA, up to a
maximum of one s (see page 21).

Ability Effect
When at a terrain that contains yellow (earth), Treefolk units that do not roll
an SAI result may be re-rolled once when making a counter-maneuver. The
Rapid Growth
previous results are ignored. Any units you wish to re-roll in this way must be
selected and re-rolled together.
When at a terrain that contains green (water), Treefolk units that are killed
Replanting should be rolled before being moved to the DUA. Any units that roll an ID
icon are instead moved to your Reserve Area.

Ability Effect
When an Undead unit is killed you may instead exchange it with an Undead
Stepped Damage unit of lesser health from your DUA.

When an army containing Undead takes a magic action, each Undead unit that
rolls at least one non-ID magic result may add one additional magic result.
Bone Magic The number of magic results that may be added in this way is equal to the
number of Undead units in the Undead player’s DUA, up to a maximum of
four s (see page 21).

The following section provides clarification on some of the mechanics of Dragon Dice. Note that some
clarifications refer to mechanics discussed in the ‘Advanced Rules’ section (page 54).


Players do not roll dice simultaneously unless a specific rule says so. During a march, the marching
player always rolls their army first, followed by any opposing players. Once the marching player has
finished resolving their roll, the opposing players resolve their rolls in turn order. Each player follows
this process one by one:
1 Roll the dice.
2 Check to see if any existing effects will force or allow a die to be re‑rolled. This
includes SAIs that have a re‑rolling effect (for example, Bullseye). Apply these
effects one at a time until all re-rolls have been made. Attackers apply their
re‑roll effects before defenders.
3 Identify any applicable SAIs that have not already been applied and apply their
effects one by one* in whatever order you choose. Any normal action results or
roll modifiers that those SAIs generate are applied during the following steps.
4 Count up all non‑SAI generated action results to obtain a subtotal.
5 Apply modifiers that subtract (results can never be reduced to below 0).
6 Apply modifiers that divide (results are rounded down).
7 Add SAI generated action results to obtain a new subtotal.
8 Apply modifiers that multiply.
9 Apply modifiers that add (any ‘counts as’ results are also added now) to obtain
a final total.
*Multiples of the same SAI may be combined to create a single larger effect. See ‘SAIs’ on page 31
for more details.

A die’s effect will resolve at its assigned time. If a die’s results are used and it then leaves the army, its
results still stand. If a die leaves the army before its results are used, or a die enters the army after the
roll, that die has no effect on that roll.

‘Counts As’ Results

A number of species abilities, and a few spells and SAIs, allow a unit to count one type of result they
have rolled as another. For example, the species ability Coastal Dodge states: ‘When at a terrain that
contains green (water), Coral Elves may count maneuver results as if they were save results.’
Such an ability is called a ‘Counts As’ effect. Only rolled results may be counted in this way. Results
generated by spells may never be counted as another type of result. Any results that are counted as a
different type of result are considered a modifier that adds, and as such are applied during step 9 of
Die Roll Resolution.

When a roll is made, it is not unusual for a number of game effects to modify that roll. To ensure
the correct balance of the game, it is important to apply these modifiers in the correct order, as
represented in the table on page 27.

There are also a number of important rules that must be obeyed with regards to applying modifiers:
- Modifiers that affect an army do not affect the roll of an individual unit from that army.
- Modifiers that affect an individual unit do not affect the roll of an army.
- ID icons generate the type of result the roll is for. When results are subtracted or divided, ID results are the
last results to be removed by those modifiers. If the roll is a combination roll the owner of the army may
choose what result type the ID generates.
- There may never be more than one modifier that divides applied to each type of result.
- There may never be more than one modifier that multiplies applied to each type of result.

Examples of this process are provided in the FAQ for Dragon Dice, which can be downloaded from

Some effects have a stated duration (such as, “until the beginning of your next turn”). If an effect with
duration targets an army, it applies to that army at a particular terrain or reserves. The effect ends if
there are no units remaining in the army. This is checked at the end of each action. If all the units from
the army are replaced with other units as a single action, the army is still considered to be present and
so the effect remains active.

Effects that apply to an army apply to all units in the army regardless when they joined the army.

Certain actions call for a ‘combination roll’. A combination roll involves making a single roll for an
army, but counting multiple types of result. For example, following a dragon attack, an army makes a
single combination roll counting any melee, missile and save results.
Results are counted and applied as per the rules for resolving a dragon attack.

The following rules apply:

- During a combination roll, any modifiers to that roll which could be applied to different results are applied as
the army’s owner desires. All modifiers must be applied if possible.
- If any ID icons are rolled, the owner of the army may choose what type of results they generate.
- If an SAI generates a choice of different results (for example, Create Fireminions) then the player may split
those results between those required by the roll.
- If an SAI generates different results for each type of roll counted by the combination roll, then the player who
rolled that SAI may choose which result to apply. For example, if a unit is targeted by a Coil SAI they make
a combination roll counting melee and saves. The targeted unit rolls a Counter SAI – in a melee roll this
generates melee results, in a save roll this generates save results. That player may choose to count the SAI as
applying to either the melee, or to the save part of the roll, but not to both.

When armies meet in combat - melee, missile, or magic - units may take damage. If a unit takes
damage equal to or greater than its health it is killed and put in its owner’s DUA.
The following points should be observed when inflicting damage:
- If a unit takes less damage than its health, the damage goes away at the end of the action. The unit is
considered healed.
- If possible, enough units must be killed to cover all remaining damage, but never in excess of it.
- Attacks or spells that target an army allow the entire army to make a save roll.
- Attacks, SAIs, and spells that target a unit only allow that unit to make a save roll. An individual unit that is
targeted does not receive any benefits given to its army.
- Each point of save results generated, from icons, spells or any other source, negates one point of damage.

Damage VS Killed
When a unit takes damage it is permitted to make a save roll unless an effect states otherwise. As
stated above, if a unit takes damage equal to or greater than its health it is killed and put in its
owner’s DUA.

If an effect states that a unit is killed then the unit is immediately put in its owner’s DUA, unless the
effect provides an opportunity to roll a specific result to avoid it.

If some effect prevents a killed unit from entering the DUA (such as an Open Grave), any effects that
take effect when the unit is killed, do not function.

Monsters are worth four health each. The ID icon (marked with a triangle, circle or diamond for easy
recognition) generates four of whatever results you are rolling for.

Unlike other units, normal action icons only ever appear singularly on the face of a monster. Any
normal action icon rolled generates four results, so if a monster rolls a melee icon, that monster
generates four melee results.

Many effects in the game allow a player to promote a unit. To promote a unit, exchange it with a unit in
your DUA (or Summoning Pool, if promoting Dragonkin) of the same species and one health larger. If a
player has no units in their DUA (or Summoning Pool), then promotion cannot occur.

The following rules apply to promotion:

- A promotion affects only a single unit.
- If a rule indicates to promote or recruit as many units as possible, all promotions and recruitments happen
at once. Identify all units that can be promoted, match each of them with a unit in the DUA (or Summoning
Pool), then promote each of them simultaneously.
- Promoted Eldarim and Dragonkin are not required to be the same color.
- If the promotion affects an entire army, such as after killing a dragon, all units in the army, even those that
did not roll, may be promoted.
- If an ability allows you to promote multiple health-worth at once you may choose to promote multiple units
by one health each, or you may combine the health to promote to a larger unit, or any combination you

Notes on exchanging units with the DUA

In addition to Promotion, a number of other effects cause an army to exchange units with those in a
player’s DUA.

The following points must be observed:

- Multiple exchanges with the DUA happen all at once. Identify any units that need to be exchanged, then
choose which units in the DUA they will be exchanged with before performing the exchange.
- Even if all the units in the army are exchanged, at no time is the entire army considered gone. As such all
army-targeting spells remain in effect and all Dragonkin, minor terrains and items (providing enough units
capable of carrying them are still present) remain in play. Only check to see if an army is still in place at the
end of the exchange.
- If a unit is targeted by or subject to an individual effect (for example, is affected by the Hypnotic Glare SAI),
exchanging the unit for another causes that effect to end.
- Units that are exchanged are never considered killed.


In addition to normal action and ID icons, certain units and items in Dragon Dice also have Special
Action Icons (SAIs). What differentiates SAIs from the other icons is that SAIs can have effects other
than simply generating save, maneuver, melee, missile, or magic results.

Many SAIs generate a number of results based on the type of die or number of icons. To simplify this,
SAIs use ‘X’ in their descriptions. Whenever X appears in the description of an SAI it refers to the
number of results. This is how to determine the value of X:
- On a six-sided die, X is equal to the number of icons rolled (three icons equals three results).
- On a large equipment or large Dragonkin unit, X is equal to three results (one icon equals three results).
- On a monster, artifact, medallion, relic, or Dragonkin Champion, X is equal to four results (one icon equals
four results).

If an SAI does not have X in the description it only does what is described.
If a specific SAI description conflicts with the general rules for SAIs, the specific SAI description takes

SAIs only apply during certain rolls. Each SAI in the table below states which rolls it applies to in the
‘Applies’ column. If a type of roll is not listed in the ‘Applies’ column description, that SAI has no effect
in that type of roll.

The types are:

- Dragon Attack – When the army rolls in response to a dragon attack (page 17).
- Magic – Any time the army or unit is rolling for magic results.
- Maneuver – Any time the army or unit is rolling for maneuver results.
- Melee – Any time the army or unit is rolling for melee results.
- Missile – Any time the army or unit is rolling for missile results.
- Save – Any time the army or unit is rolling for save results against damage. Some SAIs only apply during
save rolls against a specific type of damage and are noted as ‘Save*’ (for example, “save against melee”).
- Non-Maneuver – Any roll that does not include maneuver results.
- Individual – Any roll to avoid a spell or effect that targets a unit or X health worth of units.
- Special – Check the SAI details for more information.

There are a number of rules which must be observed with relation to SAIs:
- Unless the word “may” appears in the SAI description, the effect is mandatory.
- In the DUA, the only SAIs that will function are SAIs that generate save results, unless the SAI specifically
states otherwise.
- See ‘Combination Rolls’ on page 28 for applying SAI results during a combination roll.

The following rules apply to the targeting of all SAIs:
- The same army or unit may not be targeted or affected by multiple SAI effects that multiply or divide the
same type of result.
- Multiples of the same SAI that do not multiply or divide any army or unit’s results, or target an individual
unit, may be combined by adding their effects together to count as one larger effect SAI. Alternatively, they
may be resolved one by one.
- SAIs that target ‘one unit’ (such as Coil & Hug) may not be combined and are always resolved one by one.
- When an SAI targets an opponent’s army or units you must apply the SAI’s effect to the fullest extent possible
by selecting the maximum number of targets (units and/or health-worth) allowed.
- When an SAI targets a friendly army or unit, any number of health or units may be selected, from 0 up to the
maximum allowed by the SAI.
- Any SAI that targets an individual unit will continue to affect that unit even if they move to another army.

Name Icon Applies Effect

Attune Magic •During a magic action, Attune generates X magic
results of any color. Attune may also count the normal
(non-ID, non-SAI) magic results of one unit in the
marching army as the same color.
Bash Dragon Attack •During a save roll against a melee attack, target
Save* one unit from the attacking army. The targeted unit
takes damage equal to the melee results it generated.
The targeted unit must make a save roll against this
damage. Bash also generates save results equal to the
targeted unit’s melee results.
•During other save rolls, Bash generates X save results.
•During a dragon attack choose an attacking dragon
that has inflicted damage. That dragon takes damage
equal to the amount of damage it inflicted. Bash also
generates save results equal to the damage the chosen
dragon did.
Belly Any •During any roll, the unit loses its automatic save

Breath Melee •During a melee attack, target X health-worth of units

in the defending army. The targets are killed.

Bullseye Dragon Attack •During a missile attack, target X health-worth of units

Missile in the defending army. The targets make a save roll.
Those that do not generate a save result are killed. Roll
this unit again and apply the new result as well.
•During a dragon attack, Bullseye generates X missile

Name Icon Applies Effect

Cantrip Magic •During a magic action or Magic Negation (Frostwings -
Non-Maneuver page 23) roll, Cantrip generates X magic results.
•During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list.

Charge Melee* •During a melee attack, the attacking army counts all
Maneuver results as if they were Melee results. Instead
of making a regular save roll or a counter-attack, the
defending army makes a combination save and melee
roll. The attacking army takes damage equal to these
melee results. Only save results generated by spells
may reduce this damage. Charge has no effect during a
Charm Melee •During a melee attack, target up to X health-worth of
units in the defending army; those units don’t roll to
save during this march. Instead, the owner rolls these
units and adds their results to the attacking army’s
results. Those units may take damage from the melee
attack as normal.
Choke Melee •During a melee attack, when the defending army rolls
for saves, target up to X health-worth of units in the
that army that rolled an ID icon. The targets are killed.
None of their results are counted towards the army’s
save results.
Note: Choke works outside of the normal sequence of
die roll resolution, applying its effect immediately after
the defending army makes its save roll but before they
resolve any re-roll effects or SAIs.
Cloak Dragon Attack •During a save roll or dragon attack, add X non-magical
Individual save results to the army containing this unit until the
Magic beginning of your next turn.
Save •During a magic action, Cloak generates X magic
•During a roll for an individual-targeting effect, Cloak
generates X magic, maneuver, melee, missile, or save
Coil Dragon Attack •During a melee attack, target one unit in the defending
Melee army. The target takes X damage and makes a
combination roll, counting save and melee results. Any
melee results that the target generates inflict damage on
the Coiling unit with no save possible.
•During a dragon attack, Coil generates X melee results.

Name Icon Applies Effect

Confuse Melee •During a melee or missile attack, target up to X
Missile health-worth of units in the defending army after
they have rolled for saves. Re-roll the targeted units,
ignoring all previous results.
Note: Confuse works outside of the normal sequence
of die roll resolution, applying its effect immediately
after the defending army makes its save roll but
before they resolve any re-roll effects or SAIs.
Convert Melee •During a melee attack, target up to X health-worth
of units in the defending army. The targets make a
save roll. Those that do not generate a save result
are killed. The attacking player may return up to the
amount of heath-worth killed this way from their
DUA to the attacking army.
Counter Dragon Attack •During a save roll against a melee attack, Counter
Melee generates X save results and inflicts X damage upon
Save* the attacking army. Only save results generated by
spells may reduce this damage.
•During any other save roll, Counter generates X save
•During a melee attack, Counter generates X melee
•During a dragon attack, Counter generates X save and
X melee results.

Create Any Non- •During any army roll, Create Fireminions generates X
Fireminions Individual magic, maneuver, melee, missile or save results.

Crush Dragon Attack •During a missile attack, target up to X health-worth

Missile of units in the defending army. The targets make a
maneuver roll. Those that do not generate a maneuver
result are killed. Each unit killed must make a save
roll. Those that do not generate a save result on this
second roll are buried.
•During a dragon attack, Crush generates X missile

Name Icon Applies Effect

Decapitate Dragon Attack •During a melee attack, when the defending army
Melee makes its save roll, target one unit that rolled an ID
icon. The target is killed. None of their results are
counted towards the army’s save results.
Note: Decapitate works outside of the normal
sequence of die roll resolution, applying its effect
immediately after the defending army makes its save
roll but before they resolve any re-roll effects or SAIs.
•During a dragon attack, kill one dragon that rolled
Jaws. If no dragon rolled Jaws, Decapitate generates
three melee results.
Dispel Special •Whenever any magic targets this unit, the army
Magic containing this unit or the terrain this unit occupies,
you may roll this unit after all spells are announced
but before any are resolved. If the Dispel Magic icon
is rolled, negate all unresolved magic that targets or
effects this unit, its army or the terrain it occupies.
No other icons have any effect during this special
roll. Magic targeting other units, armies, or terrains is
unaffected by this SAI.
Double Dragon Attack •During a melee attack, target four health-worth of
Strike Melee units in the defending army. The targets make a save
roll. Those that do not generate a save result are killed.
Roll this unit again and apply the new result as well.
•During a dragon attack, Double Strike generates four
melee results.
Elemental Non-Maneuver •During any non-maneuver roll, X health-worth of
Relic matching units in the army carrying this relic may be
re-rolled once, ignoring the previous result, or you may
recruit X small (1 health) matching units to, or promote
X health-worth of matching units in, the army carrying
this relic. Results may be split between recruiting,
promoting, and re-rolling in any way you choose. Any
promotions and recruitments happen all at once.
Elevate Dragon Attack •During a maneuver roll, Elevate generates X maneuver
Maneuver results.
Missile •During a missile attack, double one unit’s missile
Save* results.
•During a save roll against a melee attack, double one
unit’s save results.
•During a dragon attack, double one unit’s missile or
save results.

Name Icon Applies Effect

Entangle Melee •During a melee attack, target up to X health-worth
of units in the defending army. The targets are killed.

Ferry Non-Maneuver •During any non-maneuver roll, the Ferrying unit

may move itself and up to four health-worth of units
in its army to any terrain.
Firebreath Melee •During a melee attack, inflict X points of damage on
the defending army with no save possible. Each unit
killed makes a save roll. Those that do not generate a
save result are buried.
Firecloud Melee •During a melee or missile attack, target up to X
Missile health-worth of units in the defending army. The
targets make a maneuver roll. Those that do not
generate a maneuver result are killed.
Fire- Maneuver •During a maneuver roll, Firewalking generates X
walking Non-Maneuver maneuver results.
•During any non-maneuver roll, this unit may move
itself and up to three health-worth of units in its
army to any terrain.
Flame Melee •During a melee attack, target up to two health-
worth of units in the defending army. The targets are
killed and buried.
Flaming Dragon Attack •During a missile attack, target X health-worth of
Arrow Missile units in the defending army. The targets make a
save roll. Those that do not generate a save result
are killed. Each unit killed must make another save
roll. Those that do not generate a save result on this
second roll are buried.
•During a dragon attack, Flaming Arrow generates X
missile results.
Flurry Dragon Attack •During a melee attack, Flurry generates X melee
Melee results. Roll the item again and apply the new result
Save* as well.
•During a save roll against a melee attack, Flurry
generates X save results.
•During a dragon attack, Flurry generates either X
save results, or X melee results. If it generates melee
results, roll the item again and apply the new result
as well.

Name Icon Applies Effect

Fly Any •During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or X save

Frost Melee •During a melee or missile attack, target an opposing

Breath Missile army at the same terrain. Until the beginning of your
next turn, the target army halves all results they roll.
Galeforce Magic* •During a melee or missile attack, or a magic action
Melee at a terrain, target an opposing army at any terrain.
Missile Until the beginning of your next turn, the target army
subtracts four save and four maneuver results from all
Gore Dragon Attack •During a melee attack, target one unit in the
Melee defending army. The target takes two points of
damage. If the unit is killed by Gore, it is then buried.
•During a dragon attack, Gore generates four melee
Hoof Dragon Attack •During a maneuver roll, Hoof generates X maneuver
Maneuver results.
Save •During a save roll, Hoof generates X save results.
•During a dragon attack, Hoof generates X save
Howl Melee •During a melee or missile attack, the defending army
Missile subtracts X save results.

Hug Dragon Attack •During a melee attack, target one unit in the
Melee defending army. The target unit takes X points of
damage with no save possible. The targeted unit
makes a melee roll. Melee results generated by this
roll inflict damage on the Hugging unit with no save
•During a dragon attack, Hug generates X melee

Name Icon Applies Effect

Hypnotic Melee •During a melee attack, when the defending army
Glare rolls for saves, all units that roll an ID icon are
hypnotized and may not be rolled until the beginning
of your next turn. None of their results are counted
towards the army’s save results.
The effect ends if the glaring unit leaves the terrain, is
killed, or is rolled. The glaring unit may be excluded
from any roll until the effect expires.
Note: Hypnotic Glare works outside of the normal
sequence of die roll resolution, applying its effect
immediately after the defending army makes its save
roll but before they resolve any re-roll effects or SAIs.
Illusion Magic •During a magic, melee or missile attack, target any
Melee of your armies. Until the beginning of your next turn,
Missile the target army cannot be targeted by any missile
attacks or spells cast by opposing players.
Impale Dragon Attack •During a missile attack, when the defending army
Missile makes their save roll, target one unit that rolled an
ID icon. The target is killed. None of their results are
counted towards the army’s save results.
Note: Impale works outside of the normal sequence
of die roll resolution, applying its effect immediately
after the defending army makes its save roll but
before they resolve any re-roll effects or SAIs.
•During a dragon attack, kill one dragon that rolled
Jaws. If no dragon rolled Jaws, Impale generates three
missile results.
Kick Dragon Attack •During a melee attack, target one unit in the
Melee defending army. The target takes X points of damage.
Save •During a save roll, Kick generates X save results.
•During a dragon attack, Kick generates X melee and
X save results.
Net Individual •During a melee or missile attack, target up to X
Melee health-worth of units in the defending army. Each
Missile targeted unit makes a maneuver roll. Those that
do not generate a maneuver result are netted and
may not be rolled or leave the terrain they currently
occupy until the beginning of your next turn. Net
does nothing during a missile attack targeting an
opponent’s Reserve Army from a Tower on its eighth
•When saving against an individual targeting effect,
Net generates X save results.

Name Icon Applies Effect

Plague Melee •During a melee attack, target one unit in the
defending army. The target makes a save roll. If the
target fails to generate a save result it is killed. That
unit's owner then targets another unit in the same
army to save or be killed. Continue to target units in
this way until a targeted unit generates a save result.
Poison Melee •During a melee attack, target X health-worth of
units in the defending army. Each targeted unit
makes a save roll. Those that do not generate a save
result are killed and must make another save roll.
Those that do not generate a save result on this
second roll are buried.
Regenerate Non-Maneuver •During any non-maneuver roll, choose one:
Regenerate generates X save results, OR, you may
return up to X health-worth of units from your DUA
to the army containing this unit.
Rend Dragon Attack •During a melee or dragon attack, Rend generates X
Maneuver melee results. Roll this unit again and apply the new
Melee result as well.
•During a maneuver roll, Rend generates X maneuver

Rise from Save •During a save roll, Rise from the Ashes generates X
the Ashes Special save results.
•Whenever a unit with this SAI is killed or buried,
roll the unit. If Rise from the Ashes is rolled, the unit
is moved to your Reserve Area. If an effect both kills
and buries this unit, it may roll once when killed and
again when buried. If the first roll is successful, the
unit is not buried.
Roar Melee •During a melee attack, target up to X health-worth
of units in the defending army. The targets are
immediately moved to their Reserve Area before the
defending army rolls for saves.

Scare Melee •During a melee attack, target up to X health-worth

of units in the defending army. The targets make a
save roll. Those that do not generate a save result are
immediately moved to their Reserve Area before the
defending army rolls for saves. Those that roll their
ID icon are killed.

Name Icon Applies Effect

Screech Melee •During a melee attack, the defending army
subtracts X save results.

Seize Melee •During a melee or missile attack, target up to

Missile X health-worth of units in the defending army.
Roll the targets. If they roll an ID icon, they are
immediately moved to their Reserve Area. Any that
do not roll an ID are killed.
SFR / TSR Special Eldarim Champion: During a dragon attack, the
Logo champion uses its special ability - Control, Slay
(Eldarim & or Tame a Dragon. In addition, during any other
Dragonkin roll, this SAI is considered to be an ID icon
Champion) which generates two results (only certain Eldarim
Champions). See description of Eldarim Champions
(page 62).
Dragonkin Champion: See description of Dragonkin
Champions (page 55).
SFR / TSR Special Medallions have different special abilities for this
Logo icon, depending on the medallion’s color. See
(Medallion) description of Medallions (page 60).
Slay Melee •During a melee attack, target one unit in the
defending army. Roll the target. If it does not roll its
ID icon, it is killed.
Sleep Melee •During a melee attack, target one unit in an
opponent’s army at this terrain. The target unit is
asleep and cannot be rolled or leave the terrain they
currently occupy until the beginning of your next
Smite Dragon Attack •During a melee attack, Smite inflicts X points
Melee of damage to the defending army with no save
•During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee

Name Icon Applies Effect

Smother Melee •During a melee attack, target up to X health-worth
of units in the defending army. The targets make a
maneuver roll. Those that do not generate a maneuver
result are killed.
Sneak Dragon Attack •During a missile attack or magic action, Sneak
Attack Magic Attack inflicts X damage on an opposing army at this
Melee terrain with no save possible. Dragonkin killed by this
Missile damage are buried.
•During a melee or dragon attack, Sneak Attack
generates X melee results.
Sortie Dragon Attack •During a melee attack, Sortie generates X melee
Melee results.
Save •During a save roll, Sortie generates X save results.
•During a dragon attack, Sortie generates X save and
X melee results.
Stomp Dragon Attack •During a melee attack, target up to X health-worth
Melee of units in the defending army. The targets make a
maneuver roll. Those that do not generate a maneuver
result are killed and must make a save roll. Those that
do not generate a save result are buried.
•During a dragon attack, Stomp generates X melee
Stone Dragon Attack •During a melee or missile attack, Stone does X
Melee damage to the defending army with no save possible.
Missile •During a dragon attack, Stone generates X missile
Stun Melee •During a melee attack, target up to X health-worth
of units in the defending army. The targets make a
maneuver roll. Those that do not generate a maneuver
result are stunned and cannot be rolled until the
beginning of your turn, unless they are the target
of an individual-targeting effect which forces them
to. Stunned units that leave the terrain through any
means are no longer stunned. Roll this unit again and
apply the new result as well.

Name Icon Applies Effect

Summon Magic* •During a magic action at a terrain, target any
Dragon dragon (Elemental, Hybrid, or Ivory Hybrid) that
contains the color of this item, or an Ivory Dragon,
and summon it to any terrain. Summon Dragon may
not be used to summon a White Dragon. Roll this
die again and apply the new result as well.
•During a magic action in reserves, Summon Dragon
generates X magic results.
Surprise Melee •During a melee attack, the defending army cannot
counter-attack. The defending army may still make a
save roll as normal. Surprise has no effect during a
Swallow Melee •During a melee attack, target one unit in the
defending army. Roll the target. If it does not roll its
ID icon, it is killed and buried.
Tail Dragon Attack •During a dragon or melee attack, Tail generates two
Melee melee results. Roll this unit again and apply the new
result as well.
Teleport Maneuver •During a maneuver roll, Teleport generates X
Non-Maneuver maneuver results.
•During any non-maneuver roll, this unit may move
itself and up to three health-worth of units in its
army to any terrain.
Trample Any •During any roll, Trample generates X maneuver and
X melee results.

Trumpet Dragon Attack •During a dragon attack, melee attack or save roll,
Melee each Feral unit in this army doubles its melee and
Save save results.
Vanish Save •During a save roll, Vanish generates X save results.
The unit may then move to any terrain or its Reserve
Area. If the unit moves, the save results still apply to
the army that the Vanishing unit left.

Name Icon Applies Effect

Volley Dragon Attack •During a save roll against a missile attack, Volley
Missile generates X save results and inflicts X damage upon
Save* the attacking army. Only save results generated by
spells may reduce this damage.
•During any other save roll, Volley generates X save
•During a missile attack, Volley generates X missile
•During a dragon attack, Volley generates X save and
X missile results.
Wave Melee •During a melee attack, the defending army subtracts
Maneuver* X save results.
•During a maneuver roll while marching, subtract X
from each counter-maneuvering army’s maneuver
results. Wave does nothing if rolled during a
Wayfare Dragon Attack •During a maneuver roll, Wayfare generates X
Maneuver maneuver results. Instead of generating maneuver
results, the item and one unit able to carry it may
move to any other terrain or your Reserve Area.
•During a dragon attack, Wayfare allows the item and
a unit able to carry it to move to any terrain or your
Reserve Area.
Web Melee •During a melee or missile attack, target up to X
Missile health-worth of units in the defending army. The
targets make a melee roll. Those that do not generate
a melee result are webbed and cannot be rolled
or leave the terrain they currently occupy until the
beginning of your next turn. Web does nothing during
a missile action targeting an opponent’s Reserve Army
from a Tower on its eighth-face.
Wild Non-Maneuver •During any non-maneuver roll, Wild Growth
Growth generates X save results or allows you to promote X
health-worth of units in this army. Results may be
split between saves and promotions in any way you
choose. Any promotions happen all at once.
Wither Melee •During a melee attack, target any opposing army at
the same terrain. Until the beginning of your next
turn, the targeted army subtracts X results from all
rolls it makes.


Spells are cast using magic results during a magic action and can affect the game in different ways,
from increasing roll results, to inflicting damage, to summoning dragons!

Each spell has a number of attributes which are detailed below. Spells are resolved one at a time in the
order cast.

There are six spell colors; Black, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow and Elemental. The following rules apply to
the colors of magic:
- Spells of a single color (Black, Blue, Green, Red and Yellow) may only be cast using magic results of that
- Elemental Spells may only be cast using magic results of any single color.
- Ivory magic results may only be used to cast Elemental spells.

Casting Cost
This is the number of magic results required to cast a spell. Any number of spells can be cast up to the
number of magic results generated by the army. Unused magic results are lost at the end of the army’s

Some spells may be cast via the ‘Cantrip’ SAI as well as during a normal magic action. When this SAI
is rolled, its results may be spent as magic results only on spells marked with an X in the ‘C’ (Cantrip)
column in the spell lists below. Normal restrictions for element and species still apply to casting these

This indicates the species requirement of the spells. Some spells may only be cast using magic results
generated by units from a specific species. Spells marked ‘any’ may be cast using magic from any
species that can cast elemental spells.

Targeting of Spells
Every spell has a specified target: army, unit(s), terrain, DUA or BUA.
Spells that target a terrain affect all armies at that terrain.
Spells that target an army are fixed at that army location. If the army moves, the spells do not move
with the army.
Individual units that are targeted by a spell will be affected by that spell even if they move to another

Most spells require the casting army to be located at a terrain, however a limited number of spells may
be cast from the Reserve Area. Those spells are marked with an X in the ‘R’ (Reserves) column in the
spell lists.

Some spells have instantaneous effects. Most have effects which last until the beginning of your next

If an army is destroyed (all of its units are killed) or otherwise no longer exists at a terrain or Reserves
Area at the end of any turn step, any spells affecting that army end. If a unit is killed any spells
affecting it end.

Each spell has a different effect on the game state. Effects that modify a particular type of roll follow
the usual process explained under ‘Die Roll Resolution’ (page 27).

Many spell effects are cumulative; this means that multiple castings of that spell may be combined to
create a single spell with a stronger effect. To make understanding this easier, any aspects of a spell
that have a cumulative effect are highlighted in the text for that spell, like this – one
one. When a spell is
cast in this way, multiply the highlighted effect(s) by the number of combined castings. For example, if
you were to combine three castings of Wind Walk, then the spell would add twelve results, rather than

Any spell that has a cumulative effect may instead be cast multiple separate times (unless otherwise
stated), with a different target each time. For example, if you were to cast Palsy three times (costing a
total of six magic results), you may subtract three results from any one target, one result from each of
three targets, or two from one target and one from another.


Name Species Cost R C Effect
Palsy Any 2 X Target any opposing army. Subtract one result from the
target’s non-maneuver rolls until the beginning of your
next turn.
Decay Goblins 3 Target any opposing army. Subtract two melee results
from the target’s rolls until the beginning of your next
Evil Eye Undead 3 Target any opposing army. Subtract two save results
from the target’s rolls until the beginning of your next
Magic Drain Frostwings 3 Target any terrain. Subtract two magic results from all
army rolls at that terrain until the beginning of your next
Restless Dead Undead 3 X X Target any army. Add three maneuver results to the
target’s rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

Swamp Fever Swamp Stalkers 3 Target three health-worth of unit(s) in an opposing army.
Roll the targets. If they roll an ID result, they are killed.
Any units killed by Swamp Fever make a second roll. If
they roll an ID result they are buried.
Finger of Any 4 Target any opposing unit. Inflict one point of damage on
Death the target with no save possible.
Necromantic Lava Elves 5 X Target any army. All units in the target army may count
Wave magic results as if they were melee or missile results
until the beginning of your next turn.

Exhume Undead 5 Target three health-worth of units in an opposing

player’s DUA. The targets make a save roll. If the targets
do not generate a save result they are buried. You may
return units up to the health-worth of units buried in
this way, to the casting army from your DUA.
Open Grave Undead 5 X Target any army. Until the beginning of your next turn,
units in the target army that are killed following a save
roll by any army-targeting effects (including melee
and missile damage) go to their owner’s Reserve Area
instead of the DUA. If no save roll was possible when
units are killed, Open Grave does nothing.
Soiled Ground Any 6 Target any terrain. Until the beginning of your next turn,
any unit killed at that terrain that goes into the DUA
must make a save roll. Those that do not generate a save
result are buried.


Name Species Cost R C Effect
Hailstorm Any 2 X Target any opposing army. Inflict one point of
damage on the target.
Blizzard Coral Elves 3 Target any terrain. Subtract three melee results from
all army results at that terrain until the beginning of
your next turn.
Wilding Feral 3 X Target any army. The target army may double the
melee and save results of any one unit until the
beginning of your next turn. Select a unit to double
their results after the army makes each roll.
Wind Walk Any 4 X Target any army. Add four maneuver results to the
target’s rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
Fields of Ice Frostwings 5 Target any terrain. Subtract four maneuver results
from all army results at that terrain until the
beginning of your next turn. Ties in maneuver rolls
at that terrain are won by the counter-maneuvering
army while the terrain is under the effect of Fields
of Ice.
Mirage Firewalkers 5 Target five health-worth of units at any terrain. The
targets make a save roll. Those that do not generate
a save result are moved to their Reserve Area.
Lightning Any 6 Target any opposing unit. The target makes a save
Strike roll. If it does not generate a save result, it is killed.
A unit may not be targeted by more than one
Lightning Strike per magic action.


Name Species Cost R C Effect
Watery Any 2 X X Target any army. Add one save result to the target’s
Double rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
Accelerated Treefolk 3 X X Target your DUA. When a two (or greater) health-
Growth worth Treefolk unit is killed, you may instead
exchange it with a one health-worth Treefolk unit
from your DUA. This effect lasts until the beginning
of your next turn.
Flash Flood Any 4 Target any terrain. Reduce that terrain one step
unless an opposing army at that terrain generates
at least six maneuver results. A terrain may never
be reduced by more than one step during a player's
turn from the effects of Flash Flood.
Deluge Coral Elves 5 Target any terrain. Subtract three maneuver and
three missile results from all army rolls at that
terrain until the beginning of your next turn.
Mire Swamp 5 Target any terrain. Until the beginning of your next
Stalkers turn, any army marching at that terrain must first
make a maneuver roll. The marching player then
selects health-worth of units equal to the maneuver
results generated by this first roll. The army uses
only those units, and items they carry, for any rolls
in the march for both the maneuver step and the
action step.
Tidal Wave Scalders 5 Target any terrain. Each army at that terrain takes
four points of damage, and makes a combination
save and maneuver roll. The terrain is reduced
one step unless an army generates at least four
maneuver results. A terrain may never be reduced
by more than one step during a player's turn from
the effects of Tidal Wave.
Wall of Fog Any 6 Target any terrain. Subtract six missile results from
any missile attack targeting an army at that terrain
until the beginning of your next turn.


Name Species Cost R C Effect
Ash Storm Any 2 X Target any terrain. Subtract one result from all army
rolls at that terrain until the beginning of your next
Fearful Lava Elves 3 Target any opposing unit. Inflict one point of
Flames damage on the target. If the target is killed by
Fearful Flames it makes a save roll. If no save result
is generated, that unit is buried.
Firebolt Dwarves 3 Target any opposing unit. Inflict one point of
damage on the target.
Firestorm Scalders 3 Target any terrain. Inflict two points of damage on
each army at that terrain.
Flashfire Firewalkers 3 X X Target any army. During any non-maneuver army
roll, any one unit in the target army may be
re-rolled once, ignoring the previous result. This
effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
Fiery Weapon Any 4 X Target any army. Add two melee or missile results
to any roll the target makes until the beginning of
your next turn.
Dancing Any 6 Target any opposing army. Subtract six melee
Lights results from the target’s rolls until the beginning of
your next turn.


Name Species Cost R C Effect
Stone Skin Any 2 X X Target any army. Add one save result to the target’s
rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
Path Any 4 X Target one of your units at a terrain. Move the target
to any other terrain where you have an army.

Berserker Feral 5 X Target an army containing at least one Feral unit.

Rage All Feral units in the target army may count save
results as if they were melee results during all
counter-attacks, until the beginning of your next
Higher Dwarves 5 Target any opposing army. The target subtracts five
Ground melee results from their rolls until the beginning of
your next turn.
Scent of Fear Goblins 5 Target up to three health-worth of opposing units
at any terrain. The target units are moved to their
Reserve Area.
Wall of Treefolk 5 Target any terrain not at its eighth face. Any army
Thorns that successfully maneuvers that terrain takes six
damage. The army makes a melee roll. Reduce
the damage taken by the number of melee results
generated. This effect lasts until the beginning of
your next turn.
Transmute Any 6 Target any opposing army. Subtract six maneuver
Rock to Mud results from the target’s rolls until the beginning of
your next turn.

Name Species Cost R C Effect
Evolve Eldarim 3 X Target one of your Dragonkin units that matches the
Dragonkin color of magic used to cast this spell. The target is
promoted one health-worth.
Resurrect Any 3 X Target one health-worth of units in your DUA that
Dead contains the color of magic used to cast this spell.
Return the target(s) to the casting army. Magic of
any one color (or Ivory) may be used to resurrect
Esfah’s Gift Amazons 3 X X Target a minor terrain in your BUA. Move that
terrain to your summoning pool.
Summon Any 3 Target one health-worth of Dragonkin units in your
Dragonkin Summoning Pool that match the color of magic used
to cast this spell. The target(s) join the casting army.
Rally Amazons 5 X Target up to three of your Amazon units at a terrain.
Move those units to any other terrain where you
have at least one Amazon unit.
Rise of the Eldarim 5 X Target any Eldarim unit that matches the color of
Eldarim magic used to cast this spell. The target is promoted
one health-worth.
Summon Any 7 Target any terrain. Summon one dragon from any
Dragon Summoning Pool or terrain that contains the color
used to cast this spell to the target terrain. Magic of
any one color may be used to summon an Ivory or
Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
Summon Any 14 Target any terrain. Summon one White Dragon from
White Dragon any Summoning Pool or terrain to the target terrain.
Any combination of magic colors may be used to
cast this spell.


While Dragon Dice is an excellent 2-player game, it can be played with any number of players, offering
a new level of depth and strategy. We recommend limiting games to six players, though larger games
are possible. To play a multiplayer game, players assemble forces and select terrains as normal.

The following exceptions and changes occur when playing a multiplayer game:

- When rolling to determine the order of play, the usual process described in step 4 of ‘Setting Up
the Game’ is replaced with the following process:

STEP 4: Determine Order of Play

All players reveal their forces at the same time. All players then make a maneuver roll with their
Horde Armies to determine the turn order: roll the armies and count maneuver results (for this
roll, ignore all effects of SAIs, other than maneuver results they generate). Players will take turns
in order of their maneuver totals, with the lowest total going last. The player who rolls the most
maneuver results may choose to either take the first turn, or to select which proposed Frontier
Terrain will be used during the game, as follows:
- If the player chooses to take the first turn, the player with the next highest total selects which
Frontier Terrain will be used.
- If the player selects the Frontier Terrain, they will go second. The player with the next highest total
takes the first turn.

Any one of the proposed Frontier Terrain dice may be selected. All other proposed Frontier
Terrains are removed from the game and are not used. In the event of a tie for any turn order
position, the tied players re-roll until a clear order is determined. We suggest players sit in turn
order, and in such a way that play proceeds clockwise.

The first player now places their armies as follows:

1. Their Home Army is placed at their Home Terrain.
2. Their Horde Amy is placed at any other player’s Home Terrain.
3. Their Campaign Army is placed at any terrain where the player has not already placed
an army.
The second player then places their armies in the same manner, followed by other players, one
by one until all players have placed their armies.

• After initial game set up, a player may have multiple Horde Armies if they wish – one at each
opposing player’s Home Terrain. We suggest that each player puts their dice on a card so it is clear
which dice belong to which army and player at all times.

• When performing a melee or missile attack, a player may target any eligible army. The target of the
attack must be declared before the dice are rolled.
• Any effect that targets an ‘opposing’ unit or army may target the unit or army of any opponent.
• During a maneuver, all opposing armies at the terrain may attempt to counter-maneuver.
• Counter-maneuvering armies do not combine their maneuver results. Each compares their total with
the maneuvering army individually.
• Regardless of how many terrains are in play, a player still wins once they capture their second
• If a player is eliminated, all spells cast by that player expire when they would otherwise take their
next turn. Simply skip their turn from then on.


The following section introduces a number of advanced dice and rules for Dragon Dice. All items in
this section should be considered optional and all players involved in a game should agree on their
inclusion before adding any of them to their force.


Dragonkin are the distant relatives of full-sized dragons. Like dragons, they can be summoned into play
during a game, but unlike their less-predicable forerunners, Dragonkin will join your armies and fight
for you! For every full three points of a player’s force size, that player may bring one health-worth of
Dragonkin to the game. For example, in a 36 point game, a player may bring up to 12 health of
Dragonkin units.

The following rules apply to Dragonkin:

- Dragonkin are six-sided units. While Dragonkin units consist of different elements, they are all considered
one species.
- Like dragons, Dragonkin start the game in the Summoning Pool.
- Dragonkin cannot leave the terrain where they were summoned.
- If an army is made up solely of Dragonkin, the Dragonkin are immediately returned to the Summoning Pool
and the army disappears.
- Dragonkin may never enter a player’s DUA. When a Dragonkin unit is killed it is returned to its owner’s
Summoning Pool. Dragonkin may still be buried by a single effect that both kills and buries a unit, even
though they do not pass into the DUA.
- Dragonkin cannot carry items.

- Dragonkin units cannot roll for magic or missile actions.
- Dragonkin units cannot roll during a dragon attack that includes a dragon matching their color, an Ivory
Dragon, Ivory Hybrid Dragon, or White Dragon, but may take damage during the attack. Dragonkin may
take part in dragon attacks with other dragons as normal.

Automatic Saves
All Dragonkin have armored skin, which grants them automatic save results equal to their health.
These save results are added to their individual and army’s save rolls. For the purpose of ‘Die Roll
Resolution’, Dragonkin automatic saves are added during step 9, along with other modifiers that add.
Their automatic save results are only applied if the Dragonkin are rolled.

The Dragonkin Champion is a special Dragonkin unit that has four health and four automatic saves. It
is a six-sided die and is a part of the Dragonkin species. Any rules that apply to Dragonkin also apply
to the Dragonkin Champion.

Dragonkin Champion SAI

Dragonkin Champions have an SAI Icon which has the following effect:

Name Icon Applies Effect

SFR/TSR Melee When saving against an individual targeting effect, the
Logo Individual SFR/TSR logo generates four save results.
(Dragonkin During a melee attack, you may move a summoned
Champion) dragon that contains the same color as this Dragonkin
Champion from one terrain to another.

Advanced terrains are special terrains that offer new objectives for armies to capture. Advanced
terrains follow all the usual rules for terrains, with one exception: an advanced terrain may only be
placed at the frontier.

Like other terrains, each advanced terrain has a unique Eighth Face effect. These are described below:

Icon Terrain Eighth Face Effect

Castle When you capture this terrain, choose one of the following
four terrain types: City, Standing Stones, Temple, or Tower.
The Castle becomes that terrain until its face is moved.
Dragon’s Lair During the Eighth Face Phase, you may summon a dragon
that matches at least one color of this terrain, an Ivory
Dragon or any Ivory Hybrid Dragon, and place it at any
terrain. The Dragon's Lair may not summon a White Dragon.
Grove During the Eighth Face Phase move one non‑Dragonkin unit
from any player’s BUA to their DUA, a Dragonkin unit or
minor terrain from your BUA to your Summoning Pool, or
an Item from your BUA to your army controlling this eighth
face. This is not optional and must be performed if possible.
Vortex During any non-maneuver army roll at this terrain, before
resolving SAIs (see step 2 of ‘Die Roll Resolution’), you may
re-roll one unit, ignoring the previous result.

The smaller (18mm) eight-sided dice are minor terrain dice. These dice represent lesser objectives for an
army to capture at a particular terrain while trying to secure the terrain itself. These dice do not count
toward victory, but they can help achieve it.

A player may bring a total of minor terrain dice to a game equal to the number of terrains in the game
plus one (for example in a 2-player game, you may bring up to four minor terrains). Minor terrains are
placed in a player’s Summoning Pool at the start of the game.


When an army marches, the army’s owner may bring a minor terrain into play from their Summoning
Pool instead of taking a maneuver step. The minor terrain’s colors must match at least one color of the
terrain where the army is located. Deadlands may be brought into play at any terrain, regardless of that
terrain’s colors.

Roll the minor terrain when it enters play and immediately apply its result - alternate action, modify
results, or disaster (See Minor Terrain Icons below). The rolled result will remain in effect as the active
bonus for the army who owns the minor terrain until it is rolled again (see below). Place the die beside
the army to show the bonus.

On all future turns, when an army that controls a minor terrain marches, they must either:
- Forfeit the maneuver step in order to keep the result showing on the minor terrain, OR,
- Roll the minor terrain and apply its new result. The rolled result will remain in effect as the active bonus for
the army who owns the minor terrain until is rolled again as above.

The following rules apply to minor terrains:

- Each army may only have one minor terrain in play.
- An army that has captured an Eighth Face may not bring a minor terrain into play. If an army controlling a
minor terrain captures the terrain’s Eighth Face, then the minor terrain is buried.
- If an army controlling a minor terrain leaves the terrain (all the units in the army are moved or killed), then
the minor terrain is buried.
- When an army controlling a minor terrain takes a march, they may choose to bury it instead of taking the
maneuver step. A new minor terrain may not be brought into play by that army this turn.
- A minor terrain’s colors are available to the controlling army as if they were part of the terrain for the
purposes of Species Abilities. It does not add to the number or type of colored dragon breath attacks that a
White Dragon inflicts.
- Any rules that refer to or target a terrain do not apply to minor terrains.

In addition to other minor terrain rules, each Deadlands (black) minor
terrain a player controls counts as s units (of any species) in their DUA
for use with species abilities. (See page 21. In a 24 point game, a
Deadlands counts as one unit, in a 25-48 point game it counts as two,
and so on). Deadlands may be brought into play at any terrain.

Icon Name Effect

ID Pick any action face on the minor terrain (magic,
(Bridge, Knoll, melee, or missile). Turn the die to the selected face.
Village, Woods)

Magic The controlling army may conduct a Magic action or

the action shown on the terrain.

Melee The controlling army may conduct a Melee action or

the action shown on the terrain.

Missile The controlling army may conduct a Missile action or

the action shown on the terrain.

Double The controlling army doubles its ID results when

Maneuvers rolling for maneuvers.

Double Saves The controlling army doubles its ID results when

rolling for saves.

Dust Storm The controlling army’s missile results are halved. The
minor terrain is buried at the beginning of the army's
next march.
Flanked The controlling army’s save results are halved. The
minor terrain is buried at the beginning of the army's
next march.
Flood The controlling army’s maneuver results are halved.
The minor terrain is buried at the beginning of the
army's next march.
Revolt The controlling army’s melee results are halved. The
minor terrain is buried it at the beginning of the
army's next march.


There are many powerful objects in Esfah. Some are magical tools used by the armies of Esfah to gain
an advantage in their endless wars, and are called “items.” There are four varieties of items: equipment,
artifacts, medallions, and relics. Like units, items have a point cost for including them in your force:
Die Points
Small Four-sided Equipment One
Medium Four-sided Three for each pair (two points for the first and one
Equipment point for the second - while the Medium dice do not
need to be brought as a pair, the first is always two
points). The two Medium dice do not need to match.
Large Four-sided Equipment Two
Artifact Three
Medallion Four
Relic Four
The following rules apply to all items:
- Item results are not modified by species abilities.
- Items do not have health and may not take damage.
- Magic from items may be used to cast species spells if at least one unit of that species is in the casting army.
- Items are not assigned to a specific unit.
- An item may only move from a terrain or reserves, to another terrain or reserves by a unit carrying it.
- If there are ever more items in an army than there are units able to carry them, the owner of the army must
bury the excess items.
- Items are rolled during all army rolls. However, an item may only be rolled if a unit capable of carrying it is
also rolled.
- Items may never be rolled during, or be targeted by, an individual targeting effect.

Equipment are four-sided dice that have only one type of normal action icon: Maneuver, Melee, Missile,
Magic, and Save. Equipment dice come in three different sizes: Small (18mm), Medium (20mm), and
Large (22mm). Like large six-sided units, large equipment also have an SAI on one face. Equipment does
not have an ID icon. Equipment follows these rules in addition to the rules for all items:
- Equipment items are made up of a single elemental color.
- Magic results generated by equipment are always generated in the color
of the equipment.
- Each unit may carry and use up to two equipment items (or artifacts, or
one of each).
- Only a unit that contains the color of the equipment may carry or use it.
Amazon units may use equipment of any color. Undead units may only
use black equipment.

Artifacts are ten-sided item dice. Unlike four-sided equipment, artifacts have multiple types of normal
action icons, but favor one type over the others. Artifacts also have an ID icon and SAIs. Artifacts
adhere to the same rules as equipment, described above.

Like ten-sided monster dice, Artifacts have a single icon

on each face. Each icon generates four results and the ID
icon generates four of whatever results you are rolling for.


Medallions and relics are very large, metallic, non-elemental items.

Both medallions and relics follow these rules in addition to the rules for all items:
• Medallions and relics lack an elemental color, so any unit may carry and use a medallion or relic.
• Because medallions and relics are so powerful, a unit that carries one may not carry a second item.

Medallion SAI
Medallions are four-sided items that come in three alloys: bronze, silver,
or gold. Medallions have a unique SAI, which has the following effect:

Name Icon Applies Effect

Bronze Magic •During a magic action, this SAI generates X magic
Medallion Non-Maneuver results of any elemental color.
•During any non-maneuver roll, this SAI works like
the Cantrip SAI, which generates X magic results
that only allow you to cast spells marked as ‘Cantrip’
from the spell list, ignoring the normal species or
color requirements.
Silver Non-Maneuver •During any non-maneuver roll, choose one of the
Medallion following:
- Return one item from your BUA to the army carrying
this medallion.
- Return one Dragonkin unit or minor terrain from
your BUA to your Summoning Pool.
- If at a terrain, you may summon or promote one
health-worth of Dragonkin to the army carrying the
Gold Non-Maneuver •During any non-maneuver roll, you may return up
Medallion to four health-worth of units from your DUA to the
army carrying this medallion.

Relics are large six-sided items. These ancient items are created
from Eldrymetallum (also known as "star metal"), a metal not
native to Esfah, the world of Dragon Dice.

Elemental Relic
- When rolled with an army, the Elemental Relic icon indicates
which element units must contain to be affected by the relic. The
SFR Logo contains all elements and ivory.
- Multiple Elemental Relics in an army may cancel each other.
Elemental Relics that roll the same element have no effect on that
roll. Note that the SFR logo matches all elements.
- During any non-maneuver roll, X health-worth of matching units in the army carrying this relic may be
re‑rolled once, ignoring the previous result, or you may recruit X small (1 health) matching units to, or
promote X health-worth of matching units in, the army carrying this relic. Results may be split between
recruiting, promoting, and re‑rolling in any way you choose. Any promotions and recruitments happen all at

Eldarim Champions are the heroes of the Eldarim Species. They are represented in the game by very
large six-sided dice. Each Eldarim Champion has four health, the same as a monster (Eldarim have
champions instead of monsters).


There are six different types of Eldarim Champion, though only three different ID icons are used. Each
type of champion has access to a different special ability.
All Eldarim Champions are part of the Eldarim species.

Dragonlord Dragonslayer Dragoncrusader

Dragonmaster Dragonhunter Dragonzealot

Dragonlords, Dragonslayers and Dragoncrusaders are all white in color.

Dragonmasters, Dragonhunters and Dragonzealots come in the five elemental colors.

Eldarim Champion SAI

Eldarim Champions have an SAI with the following rules:

Champion Icon Applies Effect

All Eldarim Individual During a save roll against an individual-targeting
Champions effect, the SFR/TSR logo generates four save results.

In addition, each type of champion has a special ability connected to this SAI. Those abilities are
detailed below.

Note: Only white Eldarim Champions may affect a White Dragon with these abilities.

Champion Icon Applies Effect

Dragonlord Dragon Attack A Dragonlord may tame ANY type of dragon.
(Tame a
Dragon) During the dragon attack phase, when rolling an
army’s response to a dragon attack (step 6), a unit that
rolls this SAI may tame a single dragon that attacked
their army this turn. Any non-breath damage that
dragon rolled during this dragon attack is ignored.

On future turns, a tamed dragon will not attack an

army containing the unit that tamed it. Tamed dragons
still attack other dragons as normal. During the
Retreat Step of the Reserves Phase, the taming unit
may ride the dragon, moving itself and the tamed
dragon to any other terrain. The dragon remains
tamed when they move in this way.

A White Dragon becomes untamed during the Effects

Expire step of the taming player’s turn. Any other
dragon remains tamed by this unit unless any of the
following occur:
- If the taming unit tames another dragon. A unit may
only ever tame one dragon at a time.
- The dragon leaves the terrain without the taming unit
(e.g. is summoned away or killed).
- The taming unit leaves the terrain without the dragon
(e.g. moves or is killed).
- The dragon is tamed or controlled by another unit.
Dragon- Dragon Attack A Dragonmaster may tame any dragon that contains
master Any its color.
(Tame a
Dragon) See entry for ‘Dragonlord’ above.

In addition, during any other roll, this SAI is

considered to be an ID icon which generates two

Champion Icon Applies Effect

Dragonslayer Dragon Attack A Dragonslayer may slay ANY dragon.
(Slay a
Dragon) During the dragon attack phase, when rolling an
army’s response to a dragon attack (step 6), a unit
that rolls this SAI may slay a single dragon that
attacked their army this turn. Any non-breath
damage that dragon rolled during this dragon attack
is ignored.

A slain dragon is not returned to its owner’s

Summoning Pool, but is instead removed from the
game entirely. If a White Dragon is slain, roll the
dragon. If it rolls a jaws result, the slaying unit is
buried. No units are promoted when a dragon is slain.
Dragonhunter Dragon Attack A Dragonhunter may slay any dragon that contains
(Slay a Any its color.
See entry for ‘Dragonslayer’ above.

In addition, during any other roll, this SAI is

considered to be an ID icon which generates two

Champion Icon Applies Effect

Dragoncrusader Dragon Attack A Dragoncrusader may control ANY dragon.
(Control a
Dragon) During the dragon attack phase, when rolling an
army’s response to a dragon attack (step 6), a unit that
rolls this SAI may control a single dragon that attacked
their army this turn. Any non-breath damage that
dragon rolled during this dragon attack is ignored.

On future turns, during the dragon attack phase, the

controller may have the controlled dragon not roll,
or may have it attack any other dragon, even a type
of dragon that it would not usually attack. If another
dragon attacks the controller’s army, roll the controlled
dragon and add any damage it inflicts to the melee
results of the army, ignoring any Wings results. The
dragon is not considered to be a part of the army
and may not take damage when a dragon attacks the
controller’s army in this way.

A White Dragon becomes uncontrolled during the

Effects Expire step of the controlling player’s turn. Any
other dragon remains controlled by this unit unless
any of the following occur:
- The controlling unit controls another dragon. A unit
may only ever control one dragon at any time.
- The dragon leaves the terrain (e.g. is summoned away
or killed).
- The controlling unit leaves the terrain (e.g. moves or is
- The dragon is controlled or tamed by another unit.
Dragonzealot Dragon Attack A Dragonzealot may control any dragon that
(Control a Any contains its color.
See entry for ‘Dragoncrusader’ above.

In addition, during any other roll, this SAI is

considered to be an ID icon which generates two


The following section provides players with a set of species reference sheets, allowing
quick access to all the essential information related to each species.


Dragontroop Dragonhero Dragonchamp

Dragonscout Dragonsentry Dragonspy

Dragonfoal Dragonmount Dragonsteed


Maneuver Melee Belly Breath

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Belly (any): During any roll, the unit loses its automatic Breath (Melee): During a melee attack, target X health-
save results. worth of units in the defending army. The targets are



Speed Slippers Winged SandalsSeven League Boots Wayfare Flying Carpet Elevate

Flicker Foil Dawn Blade Vorpal Sword Decapitate Blade Golem Flurry

Trueflyer Eyebiter Heartseeker Impale Trebuchet Crush

Sight Stone Ring of Stars Magi's Crown Attune Dragon Staff Summon Dragon

Wooden Targe Steel Buckler Mithril Shield Bash Mantlet Sortie

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Attune (Magic): During a magic action, Attune generates X Flurry (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save*): During a melee attack,
magic results of any color. Attune may also count the normal Flurry generates X melee results. Roll the item again and
(non-ID, non-SAI) magic results of one unit in the marching apply the new result as well.
army as the same color. During a save roll against a melee attack, Flurry generates X
save results.
Bash (Dragon Attack, Save): During a save roll against a During a dragon attack, Flurry generates either X save
melee attack, target one unit from the attacking army. The results, or X melee results. If it generates melee results, roll
targeted unit takes damage equal to the melee results it the item again and apply the new result as well.
generated. The targeted unit must make a save roll against
this damage. Bash also generates save results equal to the Impale (Dragon Attack, Missile):During a missile attack,
targeted unit’s melee results. when the defending army makes their save roll, target one
During other save rolls, Bash generates X save results. unit that rolled an ID icon. The target is killed. None of their
During a dragon attack choose an attacking dragon that has results are counted towards the army’s save results.
inflicted damage. That dragon takes damage equal to the Note: Impale works outside of the normal sequence of die
amount of damage it inflicted. Bash also generates save roll resolution, applying its effect immediately after the
results equal to the damage the chosen dragon did. defending army makes its save roll but before they resolve
any re-roll effects or SAIs.
Crush (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a missile attack, During a dragon attack, kill one dragon that rolled Jaws. If no
target up to X health-worth of units in the defending dragon rolled Jaws, Impale generates three missile results.
army. The targets make a maneuver roll. Those that do not
generate a maneuver result are killed. Each unit killed must Sortie (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save): During a melee attack,
make a save roll. Those that do not generate a save result on Sortie generates X melee results.
this second roll are buried. During a save roll, Sortie generates X save results.
During a dragon attack, Crush generates X missile results. During a dragon attack, Sortie generates X save and X melee
Decapitate (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
when the defending army makes its save roll, target one Summon Dragon (Magic): During a magic action at a terrain,
unit that rolled an ID icon. The target is killed. None of target any dragon (Elemental, Hybrid, or Ivory Hybrid) that
their results are counted towards the army’s save results. contains the color of this item, or an Ivory Dragon, and
Note: Decapitate works outside of the normal sequence of summon it to any terrain. Summon Dragon may not be used
die roll resolution, applying its effect immediately after the to summon a White Dragon. Roll this die again and apply
defending army makes its save roll but before they resolve the new result as well.
any re-roll effects or SAIs. During a magic action in reserves, Summon Dragon
During a dragon attack, kill one dragon that rolled Jaws. If generates X magic results.
no dragon rolled Jaws, Decapitate generates three melee
Wayfare (Dragon Attack, Maneuver): During a maneuver roll,
Wayfare generates X maneuver results. Instead of generating
Elevate (Dragon Attack, Maneuver, Missile, Save*): During a maneuver results, the item and one unit able to carry it may
maneuver roll, Elevate generates X maneuver results. move to any other terrain or your Reserve Area.
During a missile attack, double one unit’s missile results. During a dragon attack, Wayfare allows the item and a unit
During a save roll against a melee attack, double one unit’s able to carry it to move to any terrain or your Reserve Area.
save results.
During a dragon attack, double one unit’s missile or save
Javelin Charge
HEAVY During a march, instead of taking the maneuver
MELEE step, you may bury a minor terrain the marching
Soldier Warrior War Chief Centaur
army controls. Amazons in that army may then
LIGHT count maneuver results as if they were missile
MELEE results during a missile action this turn.
Runner Envoy Harbinger Chimera
Kukri Charge
CAVALRY During a march, instead of taking the maneuver
Charioteer Battle Rider War Driver Hydra step, you may bury a minor terrain the marching
army controls. Amazons in that army may then
MISSILE count maneuver results as if they were melee
Darter Javelineer Spearer Medusa results during a melee action this turn.

MAGIC Terrain Harmony

Amazon units generate magic results matching
Seer Visionary Oracle Nightmare
the colors of the terrain where they are located.
NORMAL ACTION ICONS Amazon units in the Reserves Area generate
Ivory magic, which may only be used to cast
Elemental spells.
Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Palsy (Any): Target any opposing army. Subtract one 2 X Hailstorm (Any): Target any opposing army. Inflict one
result from the target’s non-maneuver rolls until the point of damage on the target,
beginning of your next turn.
4 Wind Walk (Any): Target any army. Add four
4 Finger of Death (Any): Target any opposing unit. maneuver results to the target’s rolls until the
Inflict one point of damage on the target with no save beginning of your next turn.
6 Soiled Ground (Any): Target any terrain. Until the 6 Lightning Strike (Any): Target any opposing unit. The
beginning of your next turn, any unit killed at that target makes a save roll. If it does not generate a save
terrain that goes into the DUA must make a save roll. result, it is killed. A unit may not be targeted by more
Those that do not generate a save result are buried. than one Lightning Strike per magic action.


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Watery Double (Any): Target any army. Add one save 2 X Ash Storm (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract one
result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your result from all army rolls at that terrain until the
next turn. beginning of your next turn.
4 Flash Flood (Any): Target any terrain. Reduce that 4 Fiery Weapon (Any): Target any army. Add two melee
terrain one step unless an opposing army at that or missile results to any roll the target makes until the
terrain generates at least six maneuver results. A beginning of your next turn.
terrain may never be reduced by more than one step
during a player's turn from the effects of Flash Flood. 6 Dancing Lights (Any): Target any opposing army.
Subtract six melee results from the target’s rolls until
6 Wall of Fog (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract six
the beginning of your next turn.
missile results from any missile attack targeting an
army at that terrain until the beginning of your next


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Stone Skin (Any): Target any army. Add one save 3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of
result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your units in your DUA that contains the color of magic
next turn. used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be
4 Path (Any): Target one of your units at a terrain. Move used to resurrect Amazons.
the target to any other terrain where you have an
army. 3 X X Esfah’s Gift (Amazon): Target a minor terrain in your
BUA. Move that terrain to your summoning pool.
6 Transmute Rock to Mud (Any): Target any opposing
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of
army. Subtract six maneuver results from the target’s
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match
rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s)
join the casting army.
5 X Rally (Amazon): Target up to three of your Amazon
units at a terrain. Move those units to any other
terrain where you have at least one Amazon unit.
7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
Icon Name and Effect target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
Bullseye (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a missile
14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
attack, target X health-worth of units in the defending
Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not
Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and
of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.
apply the new result as well.
During a dragon attack, Bullseye generates X missile
Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action,
Cantrip generates X magic results.
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X Icon Name and Effect
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked
Flame (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to two
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list.
health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets
Counter (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save*):During a save roll are killed and buried.
against a melee attack, Counter generates X save results
Fly (Any): During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or
and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army. Only
X save results.
save results generated by spells may reduce this damage.
During any other save roll, Counter generates X save
results. Kick (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save): During a melee
During a melee attack, Counter generates X melee attack, target one unit in the defending army. The target
results. takes X points of damage.
During a dragon attack, Counter generates X save and X During a save roll, Kick generates X save results.
melee results. During a dragon attack, Kick generates X melee and X
save results.
Double Strike (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee
attack, target four health-worth of units in the defending Rend (Dragon Attack, Maneuver, Melee): During a melee
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not or dragon attack, Rend generates X melee results. Roll
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and this unit again and apply the new result as well.
apply the new result as well. During a maneuver roll, Rend generates X maneuver
During a dragon attack, Double Strike generates four results.
melee results. Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
Firebreath (Melee): During a melee attack, inflict X Smite inflicts X points of damage to the defending army
points of damage on the defending army with no save with no save possible.
possible. Each unit killed makes a save roll. Those that During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
do not generate a save result are buried.
Stone (Dragon Attack, Melee, Missile): During a melee
Firewalking (Maneuver, Non-Maneuver): During a or missile attack, Stone does X damage to the defending
maneuver roll, Firewalking generates X maneuver results. army with no save possible.
During any non-maneuver roll, this unit may move itself During a dragon attack, Stone generates X missile
and up to three health-worth of units in its army to any results.
Trample (Any): During any roll, Trample generates X
maneuver and X melee results.
air & water
Coastal Dodge
When at a terrain that contains green
Fighter Trooper Protector Coral Giant (water), Coral Elves may count maneuver
results as if they were save results.
Guard Courier Herald Gryphon
Defensive Volley
When at a terrain that contains blue (air),
CAVALRY Coral Elves may counter-attack against a
Horseman Knight Eagle Knight Leviathan
missile action. Follow the same process
used for a regular melee counter-attack,
MISSILE using missile results instead of melee
Bowman Archer Sharpshooter Sprite Swarm

Evoker Conjurer Enchanter Tako


Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Hailstorm (Any): Target any opposing army. Inflict one 2 X X Watery Double (Any): Target any army. Add one save
point of damage on the target, result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your
next turn.
3 Blizzard (Coral Elves): Target any terrain. Subtract
three melee results from all army results at that 4 Flash Flood (Any): Target any terrain. Reduce that
terrain until the beginning of your next turn. terrain one step unless an opposing army at that
terrain generates at least six maneuver results. A
4 X Wind Walk (Any): Target any army. Add four terrain may never be reduced by more than one step
maneuver results to the target’s rolls until the during a player's turn from the effects of Flash Flood.
beginning of your next turn.
5 Deluge (Coral Elves): Target any terrain. Subtract three
6 Lightning Strike (Any): Target any opposing unit. The maneuver and three missile results from all army rolls
target makes a save roll. If it does not generate a save at that terrain until the beginning of your next turn.
result, it is killed. A unit may not be targeted by more
6 Wall of Fog (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract six
than one Lightning Strike per magic action.
missile results from any missile attack targeting an
army at that terrain until the beginning of your next

water & air


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of 7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
units in your DUA that contains the color of magic one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
used to resurrect Amazons. summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of 14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s) Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
join the casting army. of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Bullseye (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a missile Hypnotic Glare (Melee): During a melee attack, when
attack, target X health-worth of units in the defending the defending army rolls for saves, all units that roll an
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not ID icon are hypnotized and may not be rolled until the
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and beginning of your next turn. None of their results are
apply the new result as well. counted towards the army’s save results.
During a dragon attack, Bullseye generates X missile The effect ends if the glaring unit leaves the terrain, is
results. killed, or is rolled. The glaring unit may be excluded
Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action, from any roll until the effect expires.
Cantrip generates X magic results. Note: Hypnotic Glare works outside of the normal
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X sequence of die roll resolution, applying its effect
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked immediately after the defending army makes its save roll
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list. but before they resolve any re-roll effects or SAIs.

Counter (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save*):During a save roll Rend (Dragon Attack, Maneuver, Melee): During a melee
against a melee attack, Counter generates X save results or dragon attack, Rend generates X melee results. Roll
and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army. Only this unit again and apply the new result as well.
save results generated by spells may reduce this damage. During a maneuver roll, Rend generates X maneuver
During any other save roll, Counter generates X save results.
results. Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
During a melee attack, Counter generates X melee Smite inflicts X points of damage to the defending army
results. with no save possible.
During a dragon attack, Counter generates X save and X During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
melee results.
Entangle (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to X Swallow (Melee): During a melee attack, target one unit
health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets in the defending army. Roll the target. If it does not roll
are killed. its ID icon, it is killed and buried.

Ferry (Non-Maneuver): During any non-maneuver roll,

the Ferrying unit may move itself and up to four health- Tail (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a dragon or melee
worth of units in its army to any terrain. attack, Tail generates two melee results. Roll this unit
again and apply the new result as well.
Fly (Any): During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or
X save results. Trample (Any): During any roll, Trample generates X
maneuver and X melee results.

Wave (Melee, Maneuver): During a melee attack, the

defending army subtracts X save results.
During a maneuver roll while marching, subtract X from
each counter-maneuvering army’s maneuver results.
Wave does nothing if rolled during a counter‑maneuver.
fire & earth
HEAVY Mountain Mastery
MELEE When at a terrain that contains yellow
Footman Sergeant Warlord Androsphinx
(earth), Dwarves may count melee results
LIGHT as if they were maneuver results.
Sentry Patroller Skirmisher Behemoth

Dwarven Might
When at a terrain that contains red (fire),
Pony Rider Lizard Rider Mammoth Rider Gargoyle Dwarves may count save results as if they
were melee results when rolling for a
Crossbowman Marksman Crack-Shot Roc

Theurgist Thaumaturgist Wizard Umber Hulk


Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Ash Storm (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract one 2 X X Stone Skin (Any): Target any army. Add one save
result from all army rolls at that terrain until the result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your
beginning of your next turn. next turn.
3 Firebolt (Dwarves): Target any opposing unit. Inflict 4 X Path (Any): Target one of your units at a terrain. Move
one point of damage on the target. the target to any other terrain where you have an
4 X Fiery Weapon (Any): Target any army. Add two melee
or missile results to any roll the target makes until the
5 Higher Ground (Dwarves): Target any opposing army.
beginning of your next turn.
The target subtracts five melee results from their rolls
until the beginning of your next turn.
6 Dancing Lights (Any): Target any opposing army.
Subtract six melee results from the target’s rolls until
6 Transmute Rock to Mud (Any): Target any opposing
the beginning of your next turn.
army. Subtract six maneuver results from the target’s
rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

earth & fire


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of 7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
units in your DUA that contains the color of magic one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
used to resurrect Amazons. summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of 14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s) Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
join the casting army. of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Bash (Dragon Attack, Save*): During a save roll against Dispel Magic (Special): Whenever any magic targets this
a melee attack, target one unit from the attacking army. unit, the army containing this unit or the terrain this
The targeted unit takes damage equal to the melee unit occupies, you may roll this unit after all spells are
results it generated. The targeted unit must make a save announced but before any are resolved. If the Dispel
roll against this damage. Bash also generates save results Magic icon is rolled, negate all unresolved magic that
equal to the targeted unit’s melee results. targets or effects this unit, its army or the terrain it
During other save rolls, Bash generates X save results. occupies. No other icons have any effect during this
During a dragon attack choose an attacking dragon that special roll. Magic targeting other units, armies, or
has inflicted damage. That dragon takes damage equal terrains is unaffected by this SAI.
to the amount of damage it inflicted. Bash also generates
save results equal to the damage the chosen dragon did. Fly (Any): During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or
X save results.
Bullseye (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a missile
attack, target X health-worth of units in the defending Rend (Dragon Attack, Maneuver, Melee): During a melee
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not or dragon attack, Rend generates X melee results. Roll
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and this unit again and apply the new result as well.
apply the new result as well. During a dragon attack, During a maneuver roll, Rend generates X maneuver
Bullseye generates X missile results. results.
Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action, Roar (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to X
Cantrip generates X magic results. health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X are immediately moved to their Reserve Area before the
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked defending army rolls for saves.
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list.
Seize (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile attack,
Charge (Melee): During a melee attack, the attacking
target up to X health-worth of units in the defending
army counts all Maneuver results as if they were Melee
army. Roll the targets. If they roll an ID icon, they are
results. Instead of making a regular save roll or a
immediately moved to their Reserve Area. Any that do
counter-attack, the defending army makes a combination
not roll an ID are killed.
save and melee roll. The attacking army takes damage
equal to these melee results. Only save results generated Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
by spells may reduce this damage. Charge has no effect Smite inflicts X points of damage to the defending army
during a counter-attack. with no save possible.
During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
Confuse (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile
attack, target up to X health-worth of units in the Stomp (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
defending army after they have rolled for saves. Re-roll target up to X health-worth of units in the defending
the targeted units, ignoring all previous results. army. The targets make a maneuver roll. Those that do
Note: Confuse works outside of the normal sequence of not generate a maneuver result are killed and must make
die roll resolution, applying its effect immediately after a save roll. Those that do not generate a save result are
the defending army makes its save roll but before they buried.
resolve any re-roll effects or SAIs. During a dragon attack, Stomp generates X melee results.
Counter (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save*):During a save roll Trample (Any): During any roll, Trample generates X
against a melee attack, Counter generates X save results maneuver and X melee results.
and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army. Only
save results generated by spells may reduce this damage.
During any other save roll, Counter generates X save
During a melee attack, Counter generates X melee
During a dragon attack, Counter generates X save and X
melee results.
death, earth, air, water & fire
HEAVY Resist Fear
MELEE Dragonkin units up to the total health
Follower Devotee Disciple
of Eldarim in their army ignore any
SHIELD restrictions that prevent them from rolling
BEARER during a dragon attack.
Warder Escort Bodyguard

Dragonkin Handlers
MAGIC Immediately before taking your first
Spellbinder Enthraller Sorcerer march, after dragon attacks have been
resolved, select an army that contains at
CAVALRY least one Eldarim unit at a terrain.
Sprinter Racer Recruit a small (1 health) Dragonkin unit
to, or promote one Dragonkin unit in, the
MISSILE army. Recruited or promoted units must
Toxophilite match a color of the terrain.
This ability may only be used if the total
health-worth of Dragonkin after the
exchange is not greater than the total
Magic Maneuver
health-worth of Eldarim in that army.
Missile Melee Save


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Palsy (Any): Target any opposing army. Subtract one 2 X Hailstorm (Any): Target any opposing army. Inflict one
result from the target’s non-maneuver rolls until the point of damage on the target,
beginning of your next turn.
4 X Wind Walk (Any): Target any army. Add four
4 Finger of Death (Any): Target any opposing unit. maneuver results to the target’s rolls until the
Inflict one point of damage on the target with no save beginning of your next turn.
6 Lightning Strike (Any): Target any opposing unit. The
6 Soiled Ground (Any): Target any terrain. Until the target makes a save roll. If it does not generate a save
beginning of your next turn, any unit killed at that result, it is killed. A unit may not be targeted by more
terrain that goes into the DUA must make a save roll. than one Lightning Strike per magic action.
Those that do not generate a save result are buried.


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Ash Storm (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract one 2 X X Watery Double (Any): Target any army. Add one save
result from all army rolls at that terrain until the result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your
beginning of your next turn. next turn.
4 X Fiery Weapon (Any): Target any army. Add two melee 4 Flash Flood (Any): Target any terrain. Reduce that
or missile results to any roll the target makes until the terrain one step unless an opposing army at that
beginning of your next turn. terrain generates at least six maneuver results. A
terrain may never be reduced by more than one step
6 Dancing Lights (Any): Target any opposing army. during a player's turn from the effects of Flash Flood.
Subtract six melee results from the target’s rolls until
6 Wall of Fog (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract six
the beginning of your next turn.
missile results from any missile attack targeting an
army at that terrain until the beginning of your next

fire, water, air, earth & death


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect

2 X X Stone Skin (Any): Target any army. Add one save 3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of
result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your units in your DUA that contains the color of magic
next turn. used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be
4 X Path (Any): Target one of your units at a terrain. Move used to resurrect Amazons.
the target to any other terrain where you have an
army. 3 X Evolve Dragonkin (Eldarim): Target one of your
Dragonkin units that matches the color of magic used
6 Transmute Rock to Mud (Any): Target any opposing to cast this spell. The target is promoted one health-
army. Subtract six maneuver results from the target’s worth.
rolls until the beginning of your next turn. 3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s)
join the casting army.
5 X Rise of the Eldarim (Eldarim): Target any Eldarim unit
that matches the color of magic used to cast this spell.
The target is promoted one health-worth.
7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Bash (Dragon Attack Save): During a save roll against a Fly (Any): During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or
melee attack, target one unit from the attacking army. X save results.
The targeted unit takes damage equal to the melee
results it generated. The targeted unit must make a save
roll against this damage. Bash also generates save results
equal to the targeted unit’s melee results.
During other save rolls, Bash generates X save results. Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
During a dragon attack choose an attacking dragon that Smite inflicts X points of damage to the defending army
has inflicted damage. That dragon takes damage equal with no save possible.
to the amount of damage it inflicted. Bash also generates During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
save results equal to the damage the chosen dragon did.
Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action,
Cantrip generates X magic results.
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list. Sneak Attack (Dragon Attack, Magic, Melee, Missile):
During a missile attack or magic action, Sneak
Counter (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save*):During a save roll Attack inflicts X damage on an opposing army at this
against a melee attack, Counter generates X save results terrain with no save possible. Dragonkin killed by this
and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army. Only damage are buried.
save results generated by spells may reduce this damage. During a melee or dragon attack, Sneak Attack generates
During any other save roll, Counter generates X save X melee results.
During a melee attack, Counter generates X melee
During a dragon attack, Counter generates X save and X
melee results.
earth & air


HEAVY Immediately before taking your first
MELEE march, after dragon attacks have been
Lynx-Folk Leopard-Folk Tiger-Folk Bear-Folk
resolved, each of your armies containing
LIGHT at least one Feral unit at a terrain that
MELEE contains yellow (earth) or blue (air) may
Hound-Folk Fox-Folk Wolf-Folk Elephant-Folk
recruit a small (1 health) Feral unit to, or
CAVALRY promote one Feral unit in, the army.
Antelope-Folk Horse-Folk Buffalo-Folk Lion-Folk
MISSILE When at a terrain that contains both yellow
(earth) and blue (air), Feral units may count
Falcon-Folk Hawk-Folk Vulture-Folk Owl-Folk
maneuver results as if they were melee
MAGIC results during a counter‑attack.
Weasel-Folk Badger-Folk Wolverine-Folk Rhino-Folk


Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Hailstorm (Any): Target any opposing army. Inflict one 2 X X Stone Skin (Any): Target any army. Add one save
point of damage on the target, result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your
next turn.
3 X Wilding (Feral): Target any army. The target army may
double the melee and save results of any one unit 4 X Path (Any): Target one of your units at a terrain. Move
until the beginning of your next turn. Select a unit to the target to any other terrain where you have an
double their results after the army makes each roll. army.
4 X Wind Walk (Any): Target any army. Add four
5 X Berserker Rage (Feral): Target an army containing at
maneuver results to the target’s rolls until the
least one Feral unit. All Feral units in the target army
beginning of your next turn.
may count save results as if they were melee results
during all counter-attacks, until the beginning of your
6 Lightning Strike (Any): Target any opposing unit. The next turn.
target makes a save roll. If it does not generate a save
result, it is killed. A unit may not be targeted by more 6 Transmute Rock to Mud (Any): Target any opposing
than one Lightning Strike per magic action. army. Subtract six maneuver results from the target’s
rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

air & earth


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of 7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
units in your DUA that contains the color of magic one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
used to resurrect Amazons. summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of 14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s) Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
join the casting army. of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Bullseye (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a missile Gore (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
attack, target X health-worth of units in the defending target one unit in the defending army. The target takes
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not two points of damage. If the unit is killed by Gore, it is
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and then buried.
apply the new result as well. During a dragon attack, Gore generates four melee
During a dragon attack, Bullseye generates X missile results.
Hug (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action, target one unit in the defending army. The target unit
Cantrip generates X magic results. takes X points of damage with no save possible. The
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X targeted unit makes a melee roll. Melee results generated
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked by this roll inflict damage on the Hugging unit with no
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list. save possible.
Counter (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save*):During a save roll During a dragon attack, Hug generates X melee results.
against a melee attack, Counter generates X save results Rend (Dragon Attack, Maneuver, Melee): During a melee
and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army. Only or dragon attack, Rend generates X melee results. Roll
save results generated by spells may reduce this damage. this unit again and apply the new result as well.
During any other save roll, Counter generates X save During a maneuver roll, Rend generates X maneuver
results. results.
During a melee attack, Counter generates X melee
results. Roar (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to X
During a dragon attack, Counter generates X save and X health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets
melee results. are immediately moved to their Reserve Area before the
defending army rolls for saves.
Dispel Magic (Special): Whenever any magic targets this
unit, the army containing this unit or the terrain this Screech (Melee): During a melee attack, the defending
unit occupies, you may roll this unit after all spells are army subtracts X save results.
announced but before any are resolved. If the Dispel
Magic icon is rolled, negate all unresolved magic that
targets or effects this unit, its army or the terrain it Seize (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile attack,
occupies. No other icons have any effect during this target up to X health-worth of units in the defending
special roll. Magic targeting other units, armies, or army. Roll the targets. If they roll an ID icon, they are
terrains is unaffected by this SAI. immediately moved to their Reserve Area. Any that do
not roll an ID are killed.
Double Strike (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee
attack, target four health-worth of units in the defending Trample (Any): During any roll, Trample generates X
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not maneuver and X melee results.
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and
apply the new result as well.
During a dragon attack, Double Strike generates four Trumpet (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save): During a dragon
melee results. attack, melee attack or save roll, each Feral unit in this
army doubles its melee and save results.
Fly (Any): During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or
X save results.
air & fire
HEAVY Air Flight
MELEE During the Retreat Step of the Reserves
Guardian Watcher Sentinel Fireshadow Phase, Firewalker units may move from any
LIGHT terrain that contains blue (air) to any other
MELEE terrain that contains blue (air) and where
Explorer Adventurer Expeditioner Genie you have at least one Firewalker unit.

CAVALRY Flaming Shields

Shadowchaser Nightsbane Daybringer Gorgon When at a terrain that contains red
(fire), Firewalkers may count save results
MISSILE as if they were melee results. Flaming
Firestarter Firemaster Firestormer Phoenix Shields does not apply when making a
Sunburst Sunflare Ashbringer Salamander


Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Hailstorm (Any): Target any opposing army. Inflict one 2 X Ash Storm (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract one
point of damage on the target, result from all army rolls at that terrain until the
beginning of your next turn.
4 X Wind Walk (Any): Target any army. Add four
maneuver results to the target’s rolls until the 3 X X Flashfire (Firewalkers): Target any army. During any
beginning of your next turn. non-maneuver army roll, any one unit in the target
army may be re-rolled once, ignoring the previous
5 Mirage (Firewalkers): Target five health-worth of units result. This effect lasts until the beginning of your
at any terrain. The targets make a save roll. Those next turn.
that do not generate a save result are moved to their
4 X Fiery Weapon (Any): Target any army. Add two melee
Reserve Area.
or missile results to any roll the target makes until the
6 Lightning Strike (Any): Target any opposing unit. The beginning of your next turn.
target makes a save roll. If it does not generate a save
result, it is killed. A unit may not be targeted by more 6 Dancing Lights (Any): Target any opposing army.
than one Lightning Strike per magic action. Subtract six melee results from the target’s rolls until
the beginning of your next turn.

fire & air


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of 7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
units in your DUA that contains the color of magic one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
used to resurrect Amazons. summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of 14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s) Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
join the casting army. of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Bullseye (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a missile Flame (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to two
attack, target X health-worth of units in the defending health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not are killed and buried.
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and
apply the new result as well. Fly (Any): During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or
During a dragon attack, Bullseye generates X missile X save results.
Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action, Galeforce (Magic, Melee, Missile): During a melee or
Cantrip generates X magic results. missile attack, a magic action at a terrain, target an
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X opposing army at that terrain. Until the beginning of
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked your next turn, the target subtracts four save and four
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list. maneuver results from all rolls.

Counter (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save*):During a save roll Rise from the Ashes (Save Special): During a save roll,
against a melee attack, Counter generates X save results Rise from the Ashes generates X save results. Whenever
and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army. Only a unit with this SAI is killed or buried, roll the unit. If
save results generated by spells may reduce this damage. Rise from the Ashes is rolled, the unit is moved to your
During any other save roll, Counter generates X save Reserve Area. If an effect both kills and buries this unit,
results. it may roll once when killed and again when buried. If
During a melee attack, Counter generates X melee the first roll is successful, the unit is not buried.
results. Seize (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile attack,
During a dragon attack, Counter generates X save and X target up to X health-worth of units in the defending
melee results. army. Roll the targets. If they roll an ID icon, they are
Create Fireminions (Any Non-Individual): During immediately moved to their Reserve Area. Any that do
any army roll, Create Fireminions generates X magic, not roll an ID are killed.
maneuver, melee, missile or save results. Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
Firecloud (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile Smite inflicts X points of damage to the defending army
attack, target up to X health-worth of units in the with no save possible.
defending army. The targets make a maneuver roll. During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
Those that do not generate a maneuver result are killed.
Firewalking (Maneuver, Non-Maneuver): During a
maneuver roll, Firewalking generates X maneuver results.
During any non-maneuver roll, this unit may move itself
and up to three health-worth of units in its army to any
death & air
Winter’s Fortitude
MELEE Immediately before taking your first march,
after dragon attacks have been resolved, if you
Advocate Defender Vindicator Cryohydra
have at least one Frostwing unit at a terrain
that contains blue (air), you may move one
CAVALRY Frostwing unit of your choice from your BUA
Hound Master Wolf Master Bear Master Frost Ogre to your DUA.
MISSILE Magic Negation
Attacker Assaulter Assailer Remorhaz When an opponent takes a magic action at a
terrain containing Frostwings, the Frostwing
HEAVY units may make a magic negation roll. Roll the
MISSILE Frostwing units before the opponent totals
Destroyer Dispatcher Devastator Wolf Pack
their magic results. Subtract the magic results
MAGIC generated by the Frostwing units from the
opponent’s results.
Apprentice Magus Magi Yeti
The number of magic results that may
be subtracted is equal to the number of
Frostwing units in the Frostwing player’s
DUA, up to a maximum of five s (see page
Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save 21).


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Palsy (Any): Target any opposing army. Subtract one 2 X Hailstorm (Any): Target any opposing army. Inflict one
result from the target’s non-maneuver rolls until the point of damage on the target,
beginning of your next turn.
4 X Wind Walk (Any): Target any army. Add four
3 Magic Drain (Frostwings): Target any terrain. Subtract maneuver results to the target’s rolls until the
two magic results from all army rolls at that terrain beginning of your next turn.
until the beginning of your next turn.
5 Fields of Ice (Frostwings): Target any terrain. Subtract
4 Finger of Death (Any): Target any opposing unit. four maneuver results from all army results at that
Inflict one point of damage on the target with no save terrain until the beginning of your next turn. Ties in
possible. maneuver rolls at that terrain are won by the counter-
maneuvering army while the terrain is under the effect
6 Soiled Ground (Any): Target any terrain. Until the of Fields of Ice.
beginning of your next turn, any unit killed at that
6 Lightning Strike (Any): Target any opposing unit. The
terrain that goes into the DUA must make a save roll.
target makes a save roll. If it does not generate a save
Those that do not generate a save result are buried.
result, it is killed. A unit may not be targeted by more
than one Lightning Strike per magic action.
air & death


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of 7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
units in your DUA that contains the color of magic one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
used to resurrect Amazons. summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of 14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s) Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
join the casting army. of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Bullseye (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a missile Rend (Dragon Attack, Maneuver, Melee): During a melee
attack, target X health-worth of units in the defending or dragon attack, Rend generates X melee results. Roll
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not this unit again and apply the new result as well.
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and During a maneuver roll, Rend generates X maneuver
apply the new result as well. results.
During a dragon attack, Bullseye generates X missile
results. Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
Smite inflicts X points of damage to the defending army
Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action with no save possible.
or Magic Negation roll, Cantrip generates X magic During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X Surprise (Melee): During a melee attack, the defending
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked army cannot counter-attack. The defending army may
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list. still make a save roll as normal. Surprise has no effect
Double Strike (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee during a counter-attack.
attack, target four health-worth of units in the defending Swallow (Melee): During a melee attack, target one unit
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not in the defending army. Roll the target. If it does not roll
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and its ID icon, it is killed and buried.
apply the new result as well.
During a dragon attack, Double Strike generates four Volley (Dragon Attack, Missile, Save*): During a save roll
melee results. against a missile attack, Volley generates X save results
and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army. Only
Fly (Any): During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or save results generated by spells may reduce this damage.
X save results. During any other save roll, Volley generates X save
Frost Breath (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile During a missile attack, Volley generates X missile
attack, target an opposing army at the same terrain. Until results.
the beginning of your next turn, the target halves all During a dragon attack, Volley generates X save and X
results they roll until the beginning of your next turn. missile results.

Howl (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile attack,

the defending army subtracts X save results.
death & earth
HEAVY Swamp Mastery
MELEE When at a terrain that contains yellow
Thug Cutthroat Marauder Cannibal
(earth), Goblins may count melee results as
LIGHT if they were maneuver results.
Mugger Ambusher Filcher Death Naga
Foul Stench
When an army containing Goblins takes
a melee action, the opposing player must
Wardog Rider Wolf Rider Leopard Rider Harpy
select a number of their units after they
have resolved their save roll. The selected
units cannot perform a counter-attack
Pelter Slingman Deadeye Shambler
during this melee action.
The number of units that must be
selected in this way is equal to the
Trickster Hedge Wizard Death Mage Troll
number of Goblin units in the Goblin
player’s DUA, up to a maximum of
three s (see page 21).

Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Palsy (Any): Target any opposing army. Subtract one 2 X X Stone Skin (Any): Target any army. Add one save
result from the target’s non-maneuver rolls until the result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your
beginning of your next turn. next turn.
3 Decay (Goblin): Target any opposing army. Subtract 4 X Path (Any): Target one of your units at a terrain. Move
two melee results from the target’s rolls until the the target to any other terrain where you have an
beginning of your next turn. army.

4 Finger of Death (Any): Target any opposing unit. 5 Scent of Fear (Goblin): Target up to three health-
Inflict one point of damage on the target with no save worth of opposing units at any terrain. The target
possible. units are moved to their Reserve Area.

6 Soiled Ground (Any): Target any terrain. Until the 6 Transmute Rock to Mud (Any): Target any opposing
beginning of your next turn, any unit killed at that army. Subtract six maneuver results from the target’s
terrain that goes into the DUA must make a save roll. rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
Those that do not generate a save result are buried.

earth & death


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of 7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
units in your DUA that contains the color of magic one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
used to resurrect Amazons. summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of 14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s) Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
join the casting army. of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Bullseye (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a missile Regenerate (Non-Maneuver): During any non-maneuver
attack, target X health-worth of units in the defending roll, choose one: Regenerate generates X save results,
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not OR, you may return up to X health-worth of units from
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and your DUA to the army containing this unit.
apply the new result as well.
During a dragon attack, Bullseye generates X missile Rend (Dragon Attack, Maneuver, Melee): During a melee
results. or dragon attack, Rend generates X melee results. Roll
Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action, this unit again and apply the new result as well.
Cantrip generates X magic results. During a maneuver roll, Rend generates X maneuver
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X results.
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked Screech (Melee): During a melee attack, the defending
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list. army subtracts X save results.
Counter (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save*):During a save roll
against a melee attack, Counter generates X save results Sleep (Melee): During a melee attack, target one unit
and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army. Only in an opponent’s army at this terrain. The target unit
save results generated by spells may reduce this damage. is asleep and cannot be rolled or leave the terrain they
During any other save roll, Counter generates X save currently occupy until the beginning of your next turn.
During a melee attack, Counter generates X melee Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
results. Smite inflicts X points of damage to the defending army
During a dragon attack, Counter generates X save and X with no save possible.
melee results. During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
Fly (Any): During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or
Smother (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to X
X save results.
health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets
make a maneuver roll. Those that do not generate a
Net (Individual, Melee, Missile): During a melee or maneuver result are killed.
missile attack, target up to X health-worth of units in the
defending army. Each targeted unit makes a maneuver Stun (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to X
roll. Those that do not generate a maneuver result are health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets
netted and may not be rolled or leave the terrain they make a maneuver roll. Those that do not generate a
currently occupy until the beginning of your next turn. maneuver result are stunned and cannot be rolled until
Net does nothing during a missile attack targeting an the beginning of your turn, unless they are the target
opponent’s Reserve Army from a Tower on its eighth of an individual-targeting effect which forces them to.
face. Stunned units that leave the terrain through any means
When saving against an individual targeting effect, Net are no longer stunned. Roll this unit again and apply the
generates X save results. new result as well.

Poison (Melee): During a melee attack, target X health- Surprise (Melee): During a melee attack, the defending
worth of units in the defending army. Each targeted army cannot counter-attack. The defending army may
unit makes a save roll. Those that do not generate a save still make a save roll as normal. Surprise has no effect
result are killed and must make another save roll. Those during a counter-attack.
that do not generate a save result on this second roll are Swallow (Melee): During a melee attack, target one unit
buried. in the defending army. Roll the target. If it does not roll
its ID icon, it is killed and buried.
fire & death
HEAVY Volcanic Adaptation
MELEE When at a terrain that contains red (fire),
Bladesman Duelist Conqueror Beholder Lava Elves may count maneuver results as
LIGHT if they were save results.
Scout Spy Infiltrator Drider Cursed Bullets
When targeting an army at the same
CAVALRY terrain with a missile attack, Lava
Spider Rider Scorpion Knight Wyvern Rider Hell Hound Elves missile results inflict damage that
may only be reduced by save results
MISSILE generated by spells.
Fusilier Dead-Shot Assassin Lurker in the Deep The number of missile results that may
be effected in this way is equal to the
MAGIC number of Lava Elves units in the Lava
Adept Warlock Necromancer Rakshasa Elves player’s DUA, up to a maximum of
three s (see page 21).

Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Palsy (Any): Target any opposing army. Subtract one 2 X Ash Storm (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract one
result from the target’s non-maneuver rolls until the result from all army rolls at that terrain until the
beginning of your next turn. beginning of your next turn.
4 Finger of Death (Any): Target any opposing unit. 3 Fearful Flames (Lava Elves): Target any opposing unit.
Inflict one point of damage on the target with no save Inflict one point of damage on the target. If the target
possible. is killed by Fearful Flames it makes a save roll. If no
save result is generated, that unit is buried.
5 X Necromantic Wave (Lava Elves): Target any army. All
4 X Fiery Weapon (Any): Target any army. Add two melee
units in the target army may count magic results as if
or missile results to any roll the target makes until the
they were melee or missile results until the beginning
beginning of your next turn.
of your next turn.
6 Soiled Ground (Any): Target any terrain. Until the 6 Dancing Lights (Any): Target any opposing army.
beginning of your next turn, any unit killed at that Subtract six melee results from the target’s rolls until
terrain that goes into the DUA must make a save roll. the beginning of your next turn.
Those that do not generate a save result are buried.

death & fire


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of 7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
units in your DUA that contains the color of magic one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
used to resurrect Amazons. summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of 14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s) Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
join the casting army. of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Bullseye (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a missile Flame (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to two
attack, target X health-worth of units in the defending health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not are killed and buried.
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and
apply the new result as well.
During a dragon attack, Bullseye generates X missile Fly (Any): During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or
results. X save results.
Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action,
Cantrip generates X magic results. Illusion (Melee, Magic, Missile): During a magic, melee
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X or missile attack, target any of your armies. Until the
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked beginning of your next turn, the target army cannot be
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list. targeted by any missile attacks or spells cast by opposing
Charm (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to X
health-worth of units in the defending army; those units Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
don’t roll to save during this march. Instead, the owner Smite inflicts X points of damage to the defending army
rolls these units and adds their results to the attacking with no save possible.
army’s results. Those units may take damage from the During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
melee attack as normal.
Stone (Dragon Attack, Melee, Missile): During a melee
Cloak (Dragon Attack, Individual, Magic, Save): During
or missile attack, Stone does X damage to the defending
a save roll or dragon attack, add X non-magical save
army with no save possible.
results to the army containing this unit until the
During a dragon attack, Stone generates X missile
beginning of your next turn.
During a magic action, Cloak generates X magic results.
During a roll for an individual-targeting effect, Cloak Volley (Dragon Attack, Missile, Save*): During a save roll
generates X magic, maneuver, melee, missile, or save against a missile attack, Volley generates X save results
results. and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army. Only
save results generated by spells may reduce this damage.
Confuse (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile
During any other save roll, Volley generates X save
attack, target up to X health-worth of units in the
defending army after they have rolled for saves. Re-roll
During a missile attack, Volley generates X missile
the targeted units, ignoring all previous results.
Note: Confuse works outside of the normal sequence of
During a dragon attack, Volley generates X save and X
die roll resolution, applying its effect immediately after
missile results.
the opponent’s roll for saves is made, but before they
resolve any SAIs. Web (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile attack,
target up to X health-worth of units in the defending
Counter (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save*):During a save
army. The targets make a melee roll. Those that do
roll against a melee attack, Counter generates X save
not generate a melee result are webbed and cannot be
results and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army.
rolled or leave the terrain they currently occupy until the
Only save results generated by spells may reduce this
beginning of your next turn. Web does nothing during
a missile action targeting an opponent’s Reserve Army
During any other save roll, Counter generates X save
from a Tower on its eighth-face.
During a melee attack, Counter generates X melee
During a dragon attack, Counter generates X save and X
melee results.
water & fire


Scorching Touch
MELEE When at a terrain that contains red (fire),
Singeman Scorcher Searer Ettercap Scalders making a save roll against a melee
attack inflict one point of damage on the
MELEE attacking army for each save result rolled.
Kindler Igniter Charkin Quickling Only save results generated by spells may
reduce this damage. Scorching Touch
CAVALRY does not apply when saving against a
Dragonne Tender Dragonne Rider Dragonne Knight Unseelie Faerie counter‑attack.

MISSILE Intangibility
Glower Burner Blazer Web Bird When at a terrain that contains green
(water), Scalders may count maneuver
MAGIC results as if they were save results against
Sparker Smolderer Inferno Will o' Wisp missile damage.


Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X X Watery Double (Any): Target any army. Add one save 2 X Ash Storm (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract one
result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your result from all army rolls at that terrain until the
next turn. beginning of your next turn.
4 Flash Flood (Any): Target any terrain. Reduce that 3 Firestorm (Scalders): Target any terrain. Inflict two
terrain one step unless an opposing army at that points of damage on each army at that terrain.
terrain generates at least six maneuver results. A
terrain may never be reduced by more than one step 4 X Fiery Weapon (Any): Target any army. Add two melee
during a player's turn from the effects of Flash Flood. or missile results to any roll the target makes until the
beginning of your next turn.
5 Tidal Wave (Scalders): Target any terrain. Each army
at that terrain takes four points of damage, and 6 Dancing Lights (Any): Target any opposing army.
makes a combination save and maneuver roll. The Subtract six melee results from the target’s rolls until
terrain is reduced one step unless an army generates the beginning of your next turn.
at least four maneuver results. A terrain may never be
reduced by more than one step during a player's turn
from the effects of Tidal Wave.
6 Wall of Fog (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract six
missile results from any missile attack targeting an
army at that terrain until the beginning of your next

fire & water


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of 7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
units in your DUA that contains the color of magic one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
used to resurrect Amazons. summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of 14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s) Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
join the casting army. of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Bullseye (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a missile Flaming Arrow (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a
attack, target X health-worth of units in the defending missile attack, target X health-worth of units in the
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not defending army. The targets make a save roll. Those that
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and do not generate a save result are killed. Each unit killed
apply the new result as well. must make another save roll. Those that do not generate
During a dragon attack, Bullseye generates X missile a save result on this second roll are buried.
results. During a dragon attack, Flaming Arrow generates X
Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver):During a magic action, missile results.
Cantrip generates X magic results. Fly (Any): During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X X save results.
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list.
Poison (Melee): During a melee attack, target X health-
Confuse (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile worth of units in the defending army. Each targeted
attack, target up to X health-worth of units in the unit makes a save roll. Those that do not generate a save
defending army after they have rolled for saves. Re-roll result are killed and must make another save roll. Those
the targeted units, ignoring all previous results. that do not generate a save result on this second roll are
Note: Confuse works outside of the normal sequence of buried.
die roll resolution, applying its effect immediately after
the defending army makes its save roll but before they Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
resolve any re-roll effects or SAIs. Smite inflicts X points of damage to the defending army
with no save possible.
Counter (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save*):During a save During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
roll against a melee attack, Counter generates X save
results and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army. Web (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile attack,
Only save results generated by spells may reduce this target up to X health-worth of units in the defending
damage. army. The targets make a melee roll. Those that do
During any other save roll, Counter generates X save not generate a melee result are webbed and cannot be
results. rolled or leave the terrain they currently occupy until the
During a melee attack, Counter generates X melee beginning of your next turn. Web does nothing during
results. a missile action targeting an opponent’s Reserve Army
During a dragon attack, Counter generates X save and X from a Tower on its eighth-face.
melee results.
Dispel Magic (Special): Whenever any magic targets this
unit, the army containing this unit or the terrain this
unit occupies, you may roll this unit after all spells are
announced but before any are resolved. If the Dispel
Magic icon is rolled, negate all unresolved magic that
targets or effects this unit, its army or the terrain it
occupies. No other icons have any effect during this
special roll. Magic targeting other units, armies, or
terrains is unaffected by this SAI.
& water


1-HEALTH 2-HEALTH 3-HEALTH 4-HEALTH Born of the Swamp
When at a terrain that contains green (water), Swamp
HEAVY Stalkers may count maneuver results as if they were
MELEE save results.
Warmonger Ravager Annihilator Crocosaur

LIGHT Mutate
Immediately before taking your first march, after
Striker Raider Invader Mudman dragon attacks have been resolved, you may attempt to
Mutate providing the following criteria are met:
CAVALRY - An opposing player must have at least one unit in their
Reserves Area.
Bog Runner Marsh Swimmer Wave Rider Ormyrr
- You must have at least one army containing a Swamp
Stalker at a terrain.
- You must have at least one Swamp Stalker unit in your
Sprayer Stormer Deluger Swamp Beast
DUA (or a Deadlands minor terrain in play).
Target units in an opponent’s Reserve Area to make a
MAGIC save roll. Units that do not generate a save result are
Bog Adept Marsh Mage Swamp Wizard Swamp Giant killed. One of your armies at a terrain that contains
at least one Swamp Stalker unit can then recruit or
NORMAL ACTION ICONS promote Swamp Stalker units up to the health-worth
that were killed this way.
Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save The number of units that may be targeted in this way
is equal to the number of Swamp Stalker units in the
Swamp Stalker player’s DUA, up to a maximum of
one s (see page 21).

Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Palsy (Any): Target any opposing army. Subtract one 2 X X Watery Double (Any): Target any army. Add one save
result from the target’s non-maneuver rolls until the result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your
beginning of your next turn. next turn.
3 Swamp Fever (Swamp Stalkers): Target three health- 4 Flash Flood (Any): Target any terrain. Reduce that
worth of unit(s) in an opposing army. Roll the targets. terrain one step unless an opposing army at that
If they roll an ID result, they are killed. Any units terrain generates at least six maneuver results. A
killed by Swamp Fever make a second roll. If they roll terrain may never be reduced by more than one step
an ID result they are buried. during a player's turn from the effects of Flash Flood.
4 Finger of Death (Any): Target any opposing unit. 5 Mire (Swamp Stalkers): Target a terrain. Until the
Inflict one point of damage on the target with no save beginning of your next turn, any army marching at
possible. that terrain must first make a maneuver roll. The
marching player then selects health-worth of units
6 Soiled Ground (Any): Target any terrain. Until the equal to the maneuver results generated by this first
beginning of your next turn, any unit killed at that roll. The army uses only those units, and items they
terrain that goes into the DUA must make a save roll. carry, for any rolls in the march for both the maneuver
Those that do not generate a save result are buried. step and the action step.
6 Wall of Fog (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract six
missile results from any missile attack targeting an
army at that terrain until the beginning of your next
& death


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of 7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
units in your DUA that contains the color of magic one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
used to resurrect Amazons. summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of 14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s) Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
join the casting army. of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Bullseye (Dragon Attack, Missile): During a missile Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack,
attack, target X health-worth of units in the defending Smite inflicts X points of damage to the defending army
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not with no save possible.
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
apply the new result as well.
During a dragon attack, Bullseye generates X missile Smother (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to X
results. health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets
Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action, make a maneuver roll. Those that do not generate a
Cantrip generates X magic results. maneuver result are killed.
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked Surprise (Melee): During a melee attack, the defending
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list. army cannot counter-attack. The defending army may
still make a save roll as normal. Surprise has no effect
Coil (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack, during a counter-attack.
target one unit in the defending army. The target takes X
damage and makes a combination roll, counting save and Tail (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a dragon or melee
melee results. Any melee results that the target generates attack, Tail generates two melee results. Roll this unit
inflict damage on the Coiling unit with no save possible. again and apply the new result as well.
During a dragon attack, Coil generates X melee results.
Trample (Any): During any roll, Trample generates X
Poison (Melee): During a melee attack, target X health- maneuver and X melee results.
worth of units in the defending army. Each targeted
unit makes a save roll. Those that do not generate a save
Wave (Melee, Maneuver): During a melee attack, the
result are killed and must make another save roll. Those
defending army subtracts X from their save results.
that do not generate a save result on this second roll are
During a maneuver roll while marching, subtract X from
each counter-maneuvering army’s maneuver results.
Rend (Dragon Attack, Maneuver, Melee): During a melee Wave does nothing if rolled when counter-maneuvering.
or dragon attack, Rend generates X melee results. Roll
this unit again and apply the new result as well.
During a maneuver roll, Rend generates X maneuver
earth & water
HEAVY Rapid Growth
MELEE When at a terrain that contains yellow
Oakling Oak Oak Lord Darktree (earth), Treefolk units that do not roll an
LIGHT SAI result may be re-rolled once when
MELEE making a counter-maneuver. The previous
Willowling Willow Noble Willow Redwood results are ignored. Any units you wish to
re-roll in this way must be selected and
CAVALRY re‑rolled together.
Nymph Naiad Lady Nereid Satyr
MISSILE When at a terrain that contains green
Pineling Pine Pine Prince Strangle Vine (water), Treefolk units that are killed should
be rolled before being moved to the DUA.
MAGIC Any units that roll an ID icon are instead
Hamadryad Dryad Eldar Dryad Unicorn moved to your Reserve Area.


Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X X Watery Double (Any): Target any army. Add one save 2 X X Stone Skin (Any): Target any army. Add one save
result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your
next turn. next turn.
3 X X Accelerated Growth (Treefolk): Target your DUA. 4 X Path (Any): Target one of your units at a terrain. Move
When a two (or greater) health-worth Treefolk unit is the target to any other terrain where you have an
killed, you may instead exchange it with a one health- army.
worth Treefolk unit from your DUA. This effect lasts
until the beginning of your next turn. 5 Wall of Thorns (Treefolk): Target any terrain not at its
eighth face. Any army that successfully maneuvers
4 Flash Flood (Any): Target any terrain. Reduce that
that terrain takes six damage. The army makes a
terrain one step unless an opposing army at that
melee roll. Reduce the damage taken by the number
terrain generates at least six maneuver results. A
of melee results generated. This effect lasts until the
terrain may never be reduced by more than one step
beginning of your next turn.
during a player's turn from the effects of Flash Flood.
6 Transmute Rock to Mud (Any): Target any opposing
6 Wall of Fog (Any): Target any terrain. Subtract six
army. Subtract six maneuver results from the target’s
missile results from any missile attack targeting an
rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
army at that terrain until the beginning of your next
water & earth


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of 7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
units in your DUA that contains the color of magic one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
used to resurrect Amazons. summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of 14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s) Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
join the casting army. of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action, Hoof (Dragon Attack, Maneuver, Save): During a
Cantrip generates X magic results. maneuver roll, Hoof generates X maneuver results.
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X During a save roll, Hoof generates X save results.
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked During a dragon attack, Hoof generates X save results.
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list.
Rend (Dragon Attack, Maneuver, Melee): During a melee or
Choke (Melee): During a melee attack, when the dragon attack, Rend generates X melee results. Roll this unit
defending army rolls for saves, target up to X health- again and apply the new result as well.
worth of units in the that army that rolled an ID icon. During a maneuver roll, Rend generates X maneuver results.
The targets are killed. None of their results are counted Sleep (Melee): During a melee attack, target one unit in an
towards the army’s save results. opponent’s army at this terrain. The target unit is asleep and
Note: Choke works outside of the normal sequence of cannot be rolled or leave the terrain they currently occupy
die roll resolution, applying its effect immediately after until the beginning of your next turn.
the defending army makes its save roll but before they
resolve any re-roll effects or SAIs. Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack, Smite
inflicts X points of damage to the defending army with no
Confuse (Melee, Missile): During a melee or missile save possible.
attack, target up to X health-worth of units in the During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
defending army after they have rolled for saves. Re-roll
Smother (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to X
the targeted units, ignoring all previous results.
health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets
Note: Confuse works outside of the normal sequence of make a maneuver roll. Those that do not generate a
die roll resolution, applying its effect immediately after maneuver result are killed.
the defending army makes its save roll but before they
resolve any re-roll effects or SAIs. Surprise (Melee): During a melee attack, the defending army
cannot counter-attack. The defending army may still make a
Counter (Dragon Attack, Melee, Save*):During a save save roll as normal. Surprise has no effect during a counter-
roll against a melee attack, Counter generates X save attack.
results and inflicts X damage upon the attacking army.
Only save results generated by spells may reduce this Teleport (Maneuver, Non-Maneuver): During a maneuver
damage. roll, Teleport generates X maneuver results.
During any non-maneuver roll, this unit may move itself and
During any other save roll, Counter generates X save
up to three health-worth of units in its army to any terrain.
During a melee attack, Counter generates X melee Trample (Any): During any roll, Trample generates X
results. maneuver and X melee results.
During a dragon attack, Counter generates X save and X
melee results. Volley (Dragon Attack, Missile, Save*): During a save roll
against a missile attack, Volley generates X save results and
Dispel Magic (Special): Whenever any magic targets this
inflicts X damage upon the attacking army. Only save results
unit, the army containing this unit or the terrain this generated by spells may reduce this damage.
unit occupies, you may roll this unit after all spells are During any other save roll, Volley generates X save results.
announced but before any are resolved. If the Dispel During a missile attack, Volley generates X missile results.
Magic icon is rolled, negate all unresolved magic that During a dragon attack, Volley generates X save and X
targets or effects this unit, its army or the terrain it missile results.
occupies. No other icons have any effect during this
special roll. Magic targeting other units, armies, or Wild Growth (Non-Maneuver):During any non-maneuver
terrains is unaffected by this SAI. roll, Wild Growth generates X save results or allows you
to promote X health-worth of units in this army. Results
Double Strike (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee may be split between saves and promotions in any way you
attack, target four health-worth of units in the defending choose. Any promotions happen all at once.
army. The targets make a save roll. Those that do not
generate a save result are killed. Roll this unit again and
apply the new result as well.
During a dragon attack, Double Strike generates four
melee results.


HEAVY Stepped Damage
MELEE When an Undead unit is killed you may
Zombie Wight Mummy Carrion Crawler instead exchange it with an Undead unit of
LIGHT lesser health from your DUA.
Skeleton Revenant Death Knight Dracolich Bone Magic
When an army containing Undead takes a
CAVALRY magic action, each Undead unit that rolls at
Wraith Spectre Ghost Fenhound least one non-ID magic result may add one
additional magic result.
MAGIC The number of magic results that may be
Ghoul Ghast Vampire Minor Death added in this way is equal to the number
of Undead units in the Undead player’s
MAGIC DUA, up to a maximum of four s (see
Apparition Heucuva Lich Skeletal Steed page 21).



Magic Maneuver Melee Missile Save


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
2 X Palsy (Any): Target any opposing army. Subtract one 5 Exhume (Undead): Target three health-worth of units
result from the target’s non-maneuver rolls until the in an opposing player’s DUA. The targets make a save
beginning of your next turn. roll. If the targets do not generate a save result they
are buried. You may return units up to the health-
3 Evil Eye (Undead): Target any opposing army. Subtract worth of units buried in this way, to the casting army
two save results from the target’s rolls until the from your DUA.
beginning of your next turn.
5 X Open Grave (Undead): Target any army. Until the
3 X X Restless Dead (Undead): Target any army. Add beginning of your next turn, units in the target army
three maneuver results to the target’s rolls until the that are killed following a save roll by any army-
beginning of your next turn. targeting effects (including melee and missile damage)
go to their owner’s Reserve Area instead of the DUA.
4 Finger of Death (Any): Target any opposing unit. If no save roll was possible when units are killed,
Inflict one point of damage on the target with no save Open Grave does nothing.
6 Soiled Ground (Any): Target any terrain. Until the
beginning of your next turn, any unit killed at that
terrain that goes into the DUA must make a save roll.
Those that do not generate a save result are buried.


Cost R C Name, Species and Effect Cost R C Name, Species and Effect
3 X Resurrect Dead (Any): Target one health-worth of 7 Summon Dragon (Any): Target any terrain. Summon
units in your DUA that contains the color of magic one dragon from any Summoning Pool or terrain
used to cast this spell. Return the target(s) to the that contains the color used to cast this spell to the
casting army. Magic of any one color (or Ivory) may be target terrain. Magic of any one color may be used to
used to resurrect Amazons. summon an Ivory or Ivory Hybrid Dragon.
3 Summon Dragonkin (Any): Target one health-worth of 14 Summon White Dragon (Any): Target any terrain.
Dragonkin units in your Summoning Pool that match Summon one White Dragon from any Summoning
the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target(s) Pool or terrain to the target terrain. Any combination
join the casting army. of magic colors may be used to cast this spell.

Icon Name and Effect Icon Name and Effect

Cantrip (Magic, Non-Maneuver): During a magic action, Scare (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to X
Cantrip generates X magic results. health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets
During other non-maneuver rolls, Cantrip generates X make a save roll. Those that do not generate a save result
magic results that only allow you to cast spells marked are immediately moved to their Reserve Area before the
as ‘Cantrip’ from the spell list. defending army rolls for saves. Those that roll their ID
icon are killed.
Convert (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to X
health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets Slay (Melee): During a melee attack, target one unit in the
make a save roll. Those that do not generate a save result defending army. Roll the target. If it does not roll its ID
are killed. The attacking player may return up to the icon, it is killed.
amount of heath-worth killed this way from their DUA to
the attacking army. Smite (Dragon Attack, Melee): During a melee attack, Smite
inflicts X points of damage to the defending army with no
Dispel Magic (Special): Whenever any magic targets this save possible.
unit, the army containing this unit or the terrain this During a dragon attack, Smite generates X melee results.
unit occupies, you may roll this unit after all spells are
announced but before any are resolved. If the Dispel Stun (Melee): During a melee attack, target up to X
Magic icon is rolled, negate all unresolved magic that health-worth of units in the defending army. The targets
targets or effects this unit, its army or the terrain it make a maneuver roll. Those that do not generate a
occupies. No other icons have any effect during this maneuver result are stunned and cannot be rolled until
special roll. Magic targeting other units, armies, or the beginning of your turn, unless they are the target
terrains is unaffected by this SAI. of an individual-targeting effect which forces them to.
Stunned units that leave the terrain through any means
Fly (Any): During any roll, Fly generates X maneuver or are no longer stunned. Roll this unit again and apply the
X save results. new result as well.
Trample (Any): During any roll, Trample generates X
Plague (Melee): During a melee attack, target one unit maneuver and X melee results.
in the defending army. The target makes a save roll. If
the target fails to generate a save result, it is killed and
your opponent targets another unit with Plague in the Vanish (Save): During a save roll, Vanish generates X save
same army. Continue to target units with Plague until a results. The unit may then move to any terrain or its
targeted unit generates a save result. Reserve Area. If the unit moves, the save results still
apply to the army that the Vanishing unit left.
Rend (Dragon Attack, Maneuver, Melee): During a melee or
dragon attack, Rend generates X melee results. Roll this unit Wither (Melee): During a melee attack, target any
again and apply the new result as well. opposing army at the same terrain. Until the beginning
During a maneuver roll, Rend generates X maneuver results. of your next turn, the targeted army subtracts X results
from all rolls it makes.

Original Design: Lester Smith
Original Design Revised by: David Eckelberry, Dori Hein, Bill Olmesdahl
Dragon Dice V4.0 Rules™: Chuck Pint, Cliff Wiggs, Chris ‘Shep’ Shepperson, Joshua Kaine Cavalchini,
Jacqueline Mitchell
Dragon Dice V4.01 Rules™: Chuck Pint, Cliff Wiggs, D Scott O'Brien.
Editing: John Monnett, Chris ‘Shep’ Shepperson, Joshua Kaine Cavalchini, Chuck Pint, Tom Alsteen,
Patrick Kurrat, Jeff Denmon, Paul Pint, Steve Allen, Travis Dean.
Dice Art: Chris Adams, Renee Ciske, Stephen A. Daniele, Jennell Jaquays, Rob Lazzaretti, Jim Rayborn,
Cliff Wiggs
Rulebook Graphics and Layout: Paul David Allen, Chris ‘Shep’ Shepperson, Chuck Pint
Artwork: Jeremy Mchugh
Back Story: Christopher Schmitz
Thanks to: Michael Bell, Tim Brown, Robert Harland, Sean K. Reynolds, Bill Slavicsek, Jim Ward
This rules edition is the culmination of years of work. SFR, Inc. would like to thank all the people who
have helped to design, develop, and playtest Dragon Dice. There are too many to list everyone, but we
would like to especially thank the groups below that worked on the previous editions:
Dragon Dice Rules™: Joshua Kaine Cavalchini, Mike DeZearn, Kevin Jones, Jacqueline Mitchell, Chuck
Pint, Günter Sellmann, Ryan Stapleton, Cliff Wiggs
Dragon Dice II: Gamer’s Edition™: Scott Cobbs, John Koslow, Will Lutz, Scott Ostrander, David Papay,
Chuck Pint, Bradley Swanson, Robert Tomilowitz, Cliff Wiggs, Mark A. Wiker
For more information of Dragon Dice™, including the latest rules, new releases, and Dragon Dice™
events, visit us on the web at http://www.sfr-inc.com
Dragon Dice, Esfah, Coral Elf (Selumari), Dwarf (Vagha), Lava Elf (Morehl), Goblin (Trogs), Amazon,
Firewalker (Empyrea), Undead (Bloodless), Feral (Ghwereste), Swamp Stalker (Sarslayan), Frostwing
(Areosa), Scalder (Faeli), Treefolk (Efflorah), Dragonkin, Eldarim, Eldrymetallum, Magestorm! and
Dragon Dice II: Gamer’s Edition are trademarks owned by SFR, Inc.
© 2000-2020 SFR, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. SFR, Inc. grants permission for the printing of this document for personal
use only. Any other unauthorized use of the material or artwork printed herein is prohibited without
the express written permission of SFR, Inc. Dice made in China and UK.
Updated: March 11, 2021 to version 4.01

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